{1}{1}23.976 {45}{77}They call themselves the Genii. {78}{165}They are a simple people,|but good farmers and fair traders. {168}{206}We're still months away {208}{266}from producing successful crops on the mainland, {288}{331}and we're heading towards a food shortage. {333}{367}It's getting desperate. {369}{400}We're almost out of coffee. {402}{488}Well, maybe you should stop drinking 11 cups a day. {489}{550}I'm just making sure I get|my fair share before it's all gone. {565}{599}Sounds fair. {647}{704}I'm all for trade, but don't you think we should find {705}{748}a way to help defend ourselves? {749}{797}How can a bunch of farmers do that? {799}{867}Well, maybe they can introduce us|to people who can help. {875}{927}In the meantime, let's take care of the basics. {929}{986}I guess it's always good to get to know your neighbors. {992}{1055}The Genii's stargate is|a short distance from their village. {1057}{1100}I suggest we walk. {1101}{1149}The puddle jumper may alarm them. {1150}{1203}As I said, they are very simple. {1205}{1247}Sounds like a mission. {1623}{1650}All right. {1655}{1695}Where to, Teyla? {1709}{1762}We should allow them to come to us. {1762}{1796}Well, if you know where the village is... {1798}{1884}They are simple people and they trust me,|but that trust was hard earned. {1886}{1906}Okay. {1915}{1957}What is it you said they grow here, anyway? {1966}{2070}Many things, but they are best|known for a bean known as tava. {2073}{2095}What, java? {2105}{2130}Tava. {2180}{2235}How will they even know we're here, anyway? {2240}{2275}They already do. {2323}{2357}They look friendly enough. {2360}{2398}The eldest one is called Tyrus. {2399}{2452}I've traded with him on many occasions. {2546}{2576}Teyla emmagan. {2586}{2616}Tyrus. {2622}{2659}It has been many days. {2661}{2685}Too many. {2687}{2710}Teyla. {2727}{2756}This is... {2766}{2794}Major Sheppard, {2796}{2818}Dr. Mckay, {2819}{2859}and lieutenant Ford. {2865}{2895}My daughter, Sora. {2919}{2960}You must be very proud. {3002}{3045}She is betrothed. {3075}{3130}Well, I wasn't hitting on your daughter.|I just... {3134}{3202}They have come to trade for a share of your crops. {3206}{3248}Yet you bring weapons. {3255}{3299}Only to defend ourselves. {3333}{3377}Do you dress as they do of your own accord? {3385}{3417}Of course. Why? {3420}{3495}He wants to know if you work with us or for us. {3535}{3594}These are my friends, Tyrus. {3599}{3684}I would not have brought them if I did not|think them worthy to become yours. {3729}{3772}We'll take you to see Cowen. {3787}{3813}Follow me. {4040}{4099}Maybe we should offer a sense of humor in trade. {4101}{4156}Sure. They can have yours. {4200}{4256}Oh, please, my side.|You slayed me. {4260}{4289}I'm thinking about it. {4290}{4360}I'm bringing them in.|All operations to silent mode. {4550}{4650}Team24 and SG-66|for seriestele.net and Forom.com|Transcript: Raceman {4680}{4745}Season 1 : Episode 8|Underground {6126}{6170}And these medicines are potent? {6173}{6235}They are capable of stopping|bacterial infections entirely. {6244}{6289}It would help us through a harsh winter. {6361}{6410}We will need more than you offer. {6413}{6435}More? {6444}{6496}I don't think you understand how cool this medicine is. {6498}{6539}Well, leave if you wish. {6542}{6571}Leave? {6600}{6680}I thought you said the Genii were fair traders. {6711}{6817}We have always been able|to achieve a reasonable bargain. {6820}{6889}You ask for much of our harvest. {6894}{6961}New crops will have to be|planted in sufficient quantities {6963}{7034}to replenish our stores,|or it is the Genii who will starve. {7054}{7114}That amount of planting will|require new land to be cleared. {7117}{7201}Clearing more land is slow, hard work,|and it will lose us a great amount {7203}{7261}of growing time between now and|the next harvest season. {7263}{7285}Okay. {7288}{7347}What if clearing land was fast and easy? {7424}{7521}You know a simple way of uprooting|the stump of a 300 year-old tree? {7525}{7610}As a matter of fact... I do. {7839}{7873}Cover your ears. {7919}{7947}I don't understand. {7948}{7974}It can be quite loud. {7975}{8010}Come on. You're going to wish you did. {8038}{8058}Lieutenant? {8126}{8160}Fire in the hole. {8450}{8485}It's called C-4. {8583}{8659}If you can supply us with a sufficient quantity of C-4, {8667}{8724}we will supply you with the crop you require. {8737}{8771}So, this instead of the medicine? {8775}{8825}As well as the medicine. {8828}{8859}Really? {8888}{8933}That wasn't impressive enough? {8940}{8988}It is you who are in need. {9076}{9156}Well, I'll have to discuss this with my people. {9160}{9205}I'm sure we can come to terms. {9224}{9305}Teyla, thank you for bringing us|these new trading partners. {9316}{9359}Please stay as our guests. {9373}{9438}There will be a harvest ceremony later. {9500}{9535}Wonderful. {9560}{9581}Ford? {9582}{9607}Sir? {9621}{9662}We're talking harvest ceremony. {9722}{9762}Sounds like fun, sir. {9769}{9814}I'll be back soon. {9848}{9887}I should go back with the major. {10259}{10296}Explosives? {10299}{10345}This is a scientific expedition, Major. {10352}{10376}I know that. {10382}{10424}But you want us to become arms dealers. {10427}{10470}Have you ever tried to clear a stump by hand? {10473}{10512}Yes. It's a hobby. {10533}{10628}They are taking a chance by giving us|so much of their crop this year. {10648}{10715}Plus the medicines I already agreed to? {10791}{10862}I think in the future, major,|I should do the negotiating. {10863}{10910}I did say I had to ask you first. {10913}{10970}Uh-huh, to terms you already agreed to. {10990}{11009}Yes. {11010}{11047}Do you see why I have a problem with this? {11049}{11080}Do we need food or not? {11085}{11138}We are on the verge of rationing, and as much {11142}{11218}as I'd like to devote every off-world mission|to the pursuit of tava beans... {11219}{11253}I get your point. {11267}{11302}Tell them we agree. {11542}{11624}We give thanks for a plentiful harvest. {11631}{11659}We give thanks. {11683}{11729}May next season be as fruitful. {11763}{11843}And to our new friends. {11858}{11893}To new friends. {12051}{12080}Moonshine? {12179}{12224}I thought you were man enough. {12453}{12488}You have no idea which way to go, do you? {12490}{12519}Just trying to get my bearings. {12520}{12558}Translation, "I'm lost." {12562}{12619}They were very clear which route to take. {12620}{12653}I prefer a straight line. {12654}{12715}Yes, of course, because everything's|a shortcut in Sheppard's world. {12718}{12760}Okay, there it is again. {12761}{12785}What? {12829}{12894}I'm picking up a strange reading|from right over there. {12943}{12979}Define strange. {12997}{13031}You don't know what strange means? {13036}{13066}I know what strange means, Rodney... {13067}{13097}Weird, freakish, odd... {13098}{13170}I'm just trying to determine whether it's worth|getting off the route back to the village. {13171}{13218}Radioactive readings on amish world. You call. {13219}{13275}- We're lost anyway. What difference is it?|- I am not... {13276}{13300}lost. {13325}{13405}All right, let's check it out. {14306}{14342}Oh, now, that is definitely {14343}{14366}Strange. {14367}{14401}Yeah, not that amish, really. {14402}{14440}No, not so much. {14447}{14487}Maybe they don't even know it's here. {14561}{14606}This hatch has been oiled recently. {14624}{14655}We have to check it out. {14656}{14682}Really? {14690}{14722}Of course we do. {15063}{15088}All right. {15089}{15114}Great. {15285}{15336}The construction's architecturally advanced. {15337}{15397}I don't think the Genii could've made this. {15423}{15458}We need to tell Ford where we are. {15494}{15524}Lieutenant, come in. {15565}{15594}Ford? {15614}{15654}This place is built like a bunker. {15658}{15700}It must be shielded for R-F. {15710}{15748}The reading's stronger this way. {15809}{15846}What kind of readings? {15850}{15901}- Palm readings. Is that good...|- McKay. {15906}{15935}It's neutron radiation. {15937}{16003}It's definitely a... a powerful energy source. {16013}{16040}Okay. {16054}{16091}Let's check it out. {16134}{16184}I really think we should get out of here. {16900}{16957}Now, this is strange. {17637}{17700}If you'll excuse me, I must go tend to a dispute. {17707}{17740}Is everything all right, Cowen? {17743}{17777}I will return shortly. {17986}{18034}Maybe they exist as two separate cultures. {18060}{18088}Maybe. {18127}{18162}Who cares? {18204}{18265}How long are you boys planning on keeping us here? {18321}{18368}You know, if people could just learn to keep their {18373}{18421}secret underground hatches locked... {18568}{18626}So much for two separate cultures. {18853}{18906}What am I going to do? {19100}{19147}I'm getting a weird vibe all of a sudden. {19148}{19169}I agree. {19172}{19223}I have never seen the Genii behave this way. {19359}{19439}Listen, we're just going to step outside {19457}{19507}and see if Major Sheppard and Dr. Mckay are back. {19508}{19544}No one must leave. It's not safe. {19545}{19586}There's a wraith ship in the area. {19589}{19616}Wraith? {19646}{19676}Are you serious? {19761}{19794}We need to warn our friends. {19797}{19827}You will draw them to us. {19830}{19877}Everyone must stay indoors. {20216}{20247}Oh. Can we be careful with that? {20250}{20300}It's just, it's rather fragile, and if it, uh... {20363}{20400}We have a problem. {20434}{20475}Then we have something in common. {20478}{20551}Normally, you would already have been|shot for discovering our secret. {20552}{20623}In which case, more of our people would|show up and question our disappearance. {20624}{20674}We would simply tell them the Wraith took you. {20675}{20726}With no evidence to the contrary, {20729}{20762}they would believe us. {20810}{20847}You were saying? {20874}{20956}You have technology, knowledge new to us. {20975}{21008}This C-4 of yours... {21011}{21056}It's not for blowing up stumps. {21101}{21175}We have a more sophisticated application for it. {21178}{21232}Look, what you people do with your c4 {21235}{21262}is none of our business. {21265}{21299}We just need food. {21324}{21374}As far as your little secret down here goes, well... {21411}{21466}we say, "what giant, underground bunker?" {21520}{21560}I want more than that. {21576}{21644}Well, maybe we can give you... more. {21648}{21705}You have weapons more powerful than your C-4? {21708}{21753}Are you kidding me? Weapons are us. We... {21798}{21832}We might. {21876}{21940}What if I wanted more than weapons? {21944}{22020}Uh, did I mention that I know almost|everything about almost everything? {22047}{22097}For Teyla Emmagan to have joined with you, {22108}{22149}you must have something much more... {22152}{22183}Look, I'm going to go out on a limb here {22186}{22265}and just say that we're looking|for allies against the Wraith. {22286}{22323}How about you guys? {22430}{22471}Listen, we just want to take a look outside. {22472}{22500}We can't let you. {22505}{22535}It's not safe. {22555}{22600}We can take care of ourselves. {22636}{22683}Tyrus, please respond. {22686}{22711}Receiving. {22733}{22762}Bring them. {22776}{22802}Understood. {22819}{22855}Relinquish your weapons. {22946}{22985}You will not be harmed. {23038}{23088}You guys are full of surprises. {23500}{23545}You missed a hell of a harvest ceremony, Sir. {23549}{23579}I can imagine. {23605}{23624}Oh. Teyla. {23627}{23679}I am as surprised as you are by all of this, Major. {23682}{23721}I don't know. I'm pretty surprised. {23724}{23817}Teyla and her people know us only|as the simple farmers we show outsiders. {23822}{23927}The secrecy of who and what we are|is the only defense we have against the Wraith. {23975}{24055}One day, all that will change. {24100}{24155}You think you can do that with an atomic bomb? {24235}{24278}Now it's you who surprise me. {24282}{24347}Well, radioactive readings,|your fascination with our C-4... {24351}{24385}You're just mentioning this now? {24388}{24440}It just came to me when he said,|"one day, all that will change." {24444}{24546}I assume you're hoping our C-4|will solve your supercriticality problem. {24548}{24571}Will it? {24572}{24593}It might. {24594}{24649}Depends on your design.|There's a host of other considerations. {24652}{24687}You know how to make an a-bomb? {24688}{24752}Major, most of my high school chess team|could design an a-bomb. {24755}{24860}The actual hard part is having|sufficient fissionable materials of appropriate grade. {24861}{24899}And we do. {24907}{24935}You do? {24951}{25031}The Genii were once a great confederation of planets. {25049}{25175}Millennia ago, the Wraith had driven us|to the brink of total annihilation. {25184}{25264}Our forefathers sought the protection|of bunkers such as these, {25267}{25335}originally created for wars long forgotten, {25348}{25428}and it was here that a small number of our people {25434}{25494}managed to survive undetected. {25566}{25654}Over the course of many, many years,|generation after generation {25664}{25758}we have made technological developments here in secret. {25792}{25872}So the whole farmer thing is just a front. {25874}{25912}So the Wraith do not suspect. {25915}{25943}More than that. {25963}{26032}We do have many mouths to feed below. {26048}{26078}I want to show you something. {26081}{26106}Come with me. {26107}{26151}Oh, that thing you so carelessly threw on the table... {26153}{26196}Can I take that along? {26279}{26306}Come. {26353}{26380}Stay as you are. {26628}{26727}Down below, our military trains|as our scientists create weapons for them. {26746}{26796}With our atomic weapon, we believe {26798}{26866}we finally have what we need to defeat|the Wraith once and for all. {26868}{26946}You do realize that long-term exposure|to these levels of radiation is extremely dangerous. {26947}{27007}Our scientists tell me otherwise. {27011}{27047}Well, they're wrong. {27048}{27081}Are we in danger now? {27085}{27127}It would take days or weeks|at these levels of radiation, {27130}{27196}but I assume the Genii spend days or weeks down here. {27197}{27262}Many of our people have spent their entire lives here. {27281}{27317}Their entire, short lives. {27322}{27397}We'll be fine, just as long as you weren't|planning on having children. {27475}{27533}Well, you're on the right track. {27536}{27567}We're about 60 years ahead of you. {27571}{27600}That is, if you survive. {27601}{27669}This shielding is woefully inadequate. {27672}{27707}Now, uranium... {27731}{27765}How much do you have? {27770}{27798}Much more. {27803}{27841}It's nowhere near weapons grade. {27846}{27908}We have had problems in our purifying efforts. {27915}{28027}The molecular structure of the unwanted material|is very similar to that of the desired material. {28030}{28088}Diffusion... You need to separate the 235 from the 238. {28089}{28162}When you remove the barrier between two substances,|the slight difference in their mass {28163}{28211}causes them to separate at different rates. {28213}{28247}You could do this? {28248}{28267}Well, of course. I just... {28269}{28324}I think the real question is, right now. {28325}{28355}Are we allies... {28381}{28418}Or are we still prisoners? {28566}{28627}We give thanks to our new friends. {28636}{28666}We give thanks. {28782}{28813}Please, eat. {29000}{29035}You don't think there's lemon in this, do you? {29040}{29072}I'm sure it's delicious. {29080}{29125}Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock? {29128}{29148}Eat. {29152}{29276}I hope that by sharing this meal|we can make up in some small way for past offenses. {29285}{29330}I'm sure we'll get along just fine. {29408}{29472}What method did your people use {29475}{29526}to initiate fission reaction {29529}{29569}in your prototype devices? {29572}{29606}Well, there's two different approaches, actually... {29610}{29665}Implosion and a gun-type bomb. {29667}{29718}Both were designed to create|a supercritical mass, obviously. {29719}{29737}Obviously. {29738}{29821}Either way you go, you need an amount of refined 235 {29823}{29913}roughly equivalent to the size of my fist... {29916}{29963}Or his fist, actually. {29966}{30036}Well, our dreams may soon be a reality. {30101}{30173}With your help, before the next culling, {30176}{30252}we plan to vaporize the Wraith as they sleep. {30357}{30411}What exactly is your plan? {30427}{30501}We intend to take advantage of their overconfidence. {30508}{30550}That is their weakness. {30566}{30599}Overconfidence. {30603}{30670}They hibernate between cullings aboard their great ships, {30672}{30727}sometimes for centuries at a time. {30732}{30805}There are always Wraith who watch over the sleepers,|but they're small in number. {30806}{30850}Small enough to be overpowered. {30851}{30899}We intend to sneak aboard|their ships with our new weapons. {30901}{30938}That may no longer be possible. {30939}{30963}- Teyla...|- Major? {30964}{31041}Don't you think we should listen to their whole plan|before we start poking holes in it? {31042}{31170}If we are to work together, then they need|to trust us and we need to trust them. {31180}{31212}Please explain. {31255}{31345}I and several of my people|had been captured by the Wraith. {31361}{31431}You must understand,|it was a rescue mission to save us. {31434}{31491}I am only alive today thanks to them. {31563}{31604}As a result of that rescue... {31607}{31639}You awakened the others. {31642}{31719}They found out that there were|more people where we came from. {31722}{31759}Father, they will all awaken. {31760}{31814}Look, we took one of them prisoner. {31816}{31856}The next culling was supposed to be decades away. {31858}{31932}He said they were in no hurry,|that they would take their time to come after us. {31935}{32036}We had hoped to test our first|atomic weapon five years from now. {32078}{32133}Do we have that much time, Sheppard? {32197}{32228}Do we? {32265}{32296}No. {32771}{32787}Cowen... {32790}{32820}They may detect the radiation. {32822}{32901}We have to shut down the reactors,|survive this culling, and somehow plan for the next. {32902}{32928}You're forgetting something... {32930}{32985}- We can hide from them...|- We're both on the same side... {33034}{33113}Once we have extracted all|the information we can from you, {33114}{33158}you will be left on the surface. {33183}{33220}You'll be the first the Wraith feed upon, {33222}{33244}I promise you. {33245}{33294}I've gone up against Wraith ships and I won. {33295}{33330}I've seen your weapons... {33331}{33391}I'm talking about a ship,|one that flies through space, {33394}{33453}with weapons beyond anything you've ever seen. {33472}{33527}Do you really want to turn down that kind of help? {33545}{33587}I think you're trying to save yourself. {33590}{33634}Well, you're damn right I am. {33651}{33722}I say we work together,|then maybe help save each other. {33751}{33821}We both want the same thing. {33921}{33995}We started our experiments confident the Wraith|would not appear for many years. {33996}{34045}They will detect us the same way you did. {34046}{34100}- But if we work together...|- Haven't you done enough? {34101}{34132}We haven't even started yet. {34135}{34178}I can get your program right back on schedule. {34179}{34201}How? {34206}{34287}I built an atomic bomb for|my grade six science fair exhibit. {34296}{34325}They let you do that up in Canada? {34328}{34403}It wasn't a working model.|Still, I was questioned for six hours by the CIA, {34406}{34457}who believed I was part of|a secret preteen organization. {34459}{34495}Actually, it led to my first job... {34626}{34706}Major Sheppard has convinced me|that we may yet prevail... {34709}{34739}He has? {34766}{34811}If we work together. {34976}{35036}Many generations ago, during a culling, {35051}{35116}the Genii were able to shoot down a wraith dart. {35132}{35183}Although many lives were lost that day, {35198}{35284}the ability to resist, even in some small way, {35293}{35364}gave the Genii the seeds of hope. {35425}{35507}This data storage device was recovered|from that downed Wraith dart. {35510}{35545}It's like flash memory in a jump drive. {35548}{35613}It contains information about|the hive ship it was deployed from. {35617}{35695}Tyrus and his daughter have been able|to successfully access that information. {35696}{35716}How? {35717}{35752}Through this interface. {35812}{35840}Well, really? {35844}{35884}We believe... {35917}{35967}This is where a Wraith ship still sleeps. {35977}{36028}The Wraith tend to self-destruct. {36031}{36070}It's probably pretty rare to get ahold|of something like this. {36071}{36110}Have you been able to access any other data? {36111}{36218}With this interface device, we believe|we can access the Wraith ship's data core. {36260}{36307}So this is what your whole plan is based on? {36310}{36370}Well, how does getting access|to a Wraith ship's computer help you? {36373}{36465}With this interface device, we can learn|the locations of all the Wraith ships. {36471}{36534}So you know where to deliver your new bombs. {36536}{36561}Makes sense. {36564}{36623}Assuming, of course, the ship|we're looking at is still there. {36624}{36724}Well, if the Wraith are in no hurry|to rally their forces, as you claim, it will be. {36734}{36792}This ship is nowhere near the Stargate. {36795}{36865}Approaching it undetected by foot is impossible. {36868}{36948}That is where your ship comes in, Major Sheppard. {37083}{37146}I always wondered where my ship would come in. {37157}{37177}No. {37180}{37214}How's that for an answer? {37215}{37266}It's pithy, I'll give you that. {37267}{37303}I'm sure you already agreed to this. {37306}{37353}Only because we'll get something out of it. {37355}{37386}And we do need allies, ma'am. {37387}{37409}Allies? {37412}{37457}You just said these people were ready to string you up. {37458}{37490}How can you trust them? {37493}{37560}Hey, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. {37564}{37622}There's a reason they insisted|that McKay and Teyla stay there, {37624}{37663}and it's not just to help them with their bomb, {37673}{37734}but we have something they need and|they have something we need. {37735}{37780}I thought that's what negotiating was all about. {37781}{37812}Ioh, well, it is. {37814}{37869}Personally, I stop short of offering nuclear weapons. {37887}{37923}They were building them anyway. {37926}{37988}Oh, if they were building them anyway,|why didn't you just say so? {38026}{38100}You realize I originally sent you out for food? {38122}{38159}I think we can still get that. {38169}{38194}I don't see why not. {38195}{38265}We kind of moved past it|with the whole atomic bomb thing. {38326}{38382}All right, bottom line, can you pull this off? {38398}{38459}We'll have to watch our backs, but... {38485}{38557}I wouldn't put my team at risk if I didn't think so. {38637}{38783}Okay, go, and then maybe we'll talk|about making nuclear bombs. {38879}{38939}The spherical encasement directs|the explosive forces inward, {38941}{39019}and the resulting implosion|creates extreme compression. {39021}{39092}The subcritical mass becomes supercritical. {39116}{39138}Ingenious. {39141}{39207}I know, and can you believe|I didn't even win the science fair? {39218}{39315}So, the practical adaptation of available equipment|and resources will be the real challenge. {39368}{39444}You're destined to become a hero|among our people, Dr. Mckay. {39451}{39477}Right. {39511}{39607}As long as major Sheppard returns with the C-4. {39696}{39736}I'm a dead man. {39783}{39825}We have surprised each other. {39834}{39882}The Genii are not the people I thought they were. {39885}{39914}And look at you. {39917}{39982}I would never have thought|that you'd leave your people. {39987}{40048}No. I do this for them. {40055}{40138}John sheppard and his people have brought|new hope to our stars, Sora. {40141}{40214}They have the spirit of explorers|and the hearts of warriors. {40218}{40256}They have accepted me. {40265}{40300}But look at you. {40304}{40366}How many "harvest ceremonies" did I make you endure? {40371}{40419}Never again, I promise you. {40661}{40704}You respected us for who we were. {40705}{40743}That gave us reason to trust you. {40754}{40831}I am saddened that you could not|trust me enough to share in your secret. {40845}{40876}That is our way. {40899}{40969}Our deception was and is a matter of survival. {40983}{41064}It is a secret we are born into that|we willingly take to our graves. {41067}{41092}Still... {41093}{41163}Have we not always traded fairly with you? {41174}{41247}You should know we have not dealt|with others so graciously. {41273}{41350}Perhaps this new alliance|will help to open your eyes... {41364}{41443}That we can only stand against|the Wraith if we do so together. {41497}{41580}We'll have to see if your friends|will live up to their promises. {42009}{42035}Well? {42060}{42100}Do you see? {42210}{42265}We've got to get in and out as fast as possible. {42271}{42321}I've been studying these plans all my life. {42322}{42351}Good. {42352}{42392}Then we'll follow your lead. {42397}{42448}We'll keep you covered during the breach and download. {42451}{42474}Exit plan? {42475}{42515}Same as we came in. You'll stay with the jumper. {42516}{42536}Yes, sir. {42537}{42573}I should be going with you. {42575}{42620}There's a good chance we could end up in a firefight. {42628}{42737}Sora is a skilled fighter and|expert marksman, lieutenant Ford. {42751}{42884}Still, she must stay here|to carry on if we don't come back. {43294}{43400}We need you to deliver the C-4 you've promised us,|Major, before we proceed. {43401}{43456}We need to get the proper intel first. {43458}{43548}There's no use in building a bunch of nukes|if we can't put them to use. {43552}{43583}Those are your terms? {43591}{43623}I'm sure you understand. {43631}{43661}I do. {43680}{43760}It seems we have no choice but to trust each other. {44263}{44313}How many of these ships do you have? {44356}{44401}Just the one. {44632}{44657}There. {44736}{44769}Have they awoken? {44771}{44816}I don't see any activity. {44832}{44875}Same as last time. {44922}{44976}All right, here we go. {44977}{45016}Right through the front door. {45523}{45555}Hey, hold the fort. {45561}{45586}Yes, sir. {45593}{45618}Good luck. {46590}{46625}Oh, god. {46803}{46853}These people were cocooned for later feeding. {46885}{46935}Some of them may still be alive. {46967}{47003}We don't have time for this. {47004}{47060}They could be your people, for all you know. {47169}{47222}Teyla, take care of this.|We'll meet you back at the ship. {47225}{47258}McKay, you're with me. {47446}{47476}I'll stay with her. {47500}{47547}Go.|We'll meet you back at the ship. {48630}{48658}This is it. {48699}{48801}But the ship's plans I memorized did not|include the details on how to operate this door. {48864}{48924}If we try to blow this door,|it's going to make too much noise. {48943}{49019}So find another way.|Okay. {49280}{49315}Can I get some light here? {49825}{49864}Beautiful. {50169}{50224}Please... help me. {50225}{50260}We're going to get you out. {50288}{50319}What are you doing? {50320}{50366}- We cannot free him. We can save none of them.|- What? {50370}{50402}Please help... {50412}{50442}You would leave him here to die? {50443}{50500}Listen, the Wraith must not know we were ever here. {50518}{50548}I said no. {50771}{50812}McKay, we don't have.. {50813}{50872}Look, I don't even know if this is going to... {50974}{50999}Work. {51183}{51209}Bingo. {51261}{51289}All right. {51325}{51360}I'll cover your six. Go. {51559}{51599}If you free him, they will know he was taken. {51600}{51643}You are not the man I believed you to be. {51644}{51677}This ship is closest to our world. {51678}{51730}The Genii will be the first to die if they awaken. {51731}{51754}Help me! {51757}{51787}I said leave him. {51794}{51811}No! {51815}{51845}Be silent! {52230}{52265}Major, we have been discovered. {52298}{52329}We've got to get out of here. {52554}{52584}We've got it. {53010}{53045}Wraith guards. {53059}{53094}Hurry. More are coming. {53405}{53435}Where's Tyrus? {53440}{53481}He was struck by a Wraith weapon. {53482}{53517}He may have only been stunned. {53520}{53568}By now, the Wraith will be upon him. {53676}{53728}Go. Go! {53732}{53772}All right, hang on. {54890}{54925}Where is my father? {55014}{55054}He did not survive. {55073}{55104}How? {55117}{55150}What happened? {55155}{55194}I think we should find out. {55248}{55278}Take aim. {55635}{55722}Cowen...|I thought we were just learning how to get along. {55728}{55765}She killed tyrus. {55775}{55805}No. {55816}{55885}By leaving him to die, you may just|as well have killed him yourself. {55891}{55933}He shot the man we tried to save. {55936}{56000}It was a mistake to try and save anyone. {56017}{56062}It jeopardized the mission. {56136}{56222}We will keep this intelligence information... {56230}{56274}You're the one making a mistake. {56279}{56372}And your ship, and whatever quantities of C-4|you have in your possession. {56376}{56431}That is all you ever intended, to use us. {56467}{56541}And for your efforts, I will spare your lives. {56555}{56590}How generous of you. {56600}{56652}I guess the tava beans are off the table. {56658}{56692}Your weapons. {56706}{56731}No. {56738}{56774}I don't think so. {56808}{56863}We have the advantage, Major. {56919}{56944}Yeah. {56985}{57030}This is what your father died for? {57079}{57174}In the name of people who would lie and|steal from those they would call friends? {57254}{57294}Well, I lied too. {57296}{57341}Jumpers two and three, execute. {57596}{57658}You didn't really think we had one ship, did you? {57689}{57759}Tell your people to get back and nobody gets hurt. {57835}{57913}Jumper two, prepare to fire on my mark. {57918}{57951}Wait. {58047}{58088}Do you promise to leave? {58118}{58183}Well, that's the plan. {58216}{58316}I guess we'll have to go somewhere else|to find our tava beans, but... {58355}{58420}I think it's only fair we end up with something. {58506}{58580}You do not want to make an enemy of the Genii. {58594}{58641}Well, you know what? {58666}{58710}Same here. {59327}{59387}Major, I thought you might like to see this. {59438}{59518}A lot of the information we downloaded|from the data storage device was encrypted, {59520}{59555}so we're still working on that. {59556}{59587}Yeah, I didn't think it would be easy. {59588}{59652}But we were able to ascertain|the existence of 21 Wraith hive ships {59655}{59704}just in our quadrant of the Pegasus galaxy alone. {59707}{59735}21? {59736}{59790}And there are indications of|far more elsewhere in Pegasus. {59793}{59825}Well, how many more? {59829}{59869}Well, there's no way of knowing for sure. {59878}{59938}Perhaps 60... Or more. {59967}{60007}That's a lot of ships. {60008}{60052}Some of them already appear to be on the move. {60055}{60086}Toward us? {60096}{60129}That's the part we're still working on. {60132}{60198}So even if were to have helped|the Genii build nuclear warheads... {60201}{60267}We only could have nuked|a handful of them simultaneously. {60268}{60288}Exactly. {60289}{60360}There's far too many Wraith ships|for a coordinated attack. {60364}{60443}The Genii plan never would have worked,|with or without our help. {60459}{60497}I'll see what else I can find. {60498}{60533}Thank you, Peter. {60642}{60772}You might be happy to know sergeant Bates was able to|broker a small trade agreement for food while you were gone. {60776}{60804}Oh, he did, did he? {60805}{60852}Yes, he did, but it's not a competition. {60890}{60923}So who are these people? {60927}{60944}They're traders. {60947}{60994}They call themselves Manarians. {61073}{61148}I'm sorry you weren't able to find|the allies you're looking for, John. {61180}{61240}Well, we gathered some valuable intel.|That's something. {61246}{61308}You're trying to convince me this is good news? {61332}{61397}I much prefer to know what|we're up against than not. {61410}{61488}60 ships...|Or more. {61580}{61640}I just hope they don't all come at once.