{1}{1}23.976 {20}{64}Previously on Stargate Atlantis. {65}{94}It can't be a storm. {95}{141}It stretches across the whole horizon. {142}{189}This must cover 20 percent of the planet. {190}{237}If you want everyone to live,|you gate them off world. {239}{310}Within the next hour, there will be|less than 10 people on atlantis. {311}{378}We cannot afford to pass up this opportunity. {384}{463}What is the one thing keeping us from having a shield? {477}{499}Electricity. {500}{566}Atlantis is designed|to withstand substantial lightning strikes. {567}{602}There are lightning rods all over the city. {604}{642}If we disable the grounding stations, {644}{691}that energy could conceivably be used {691}{743}to charge up the shield generators. {743}{797}We decided to wait out the storm in the jumper. {930}{1006}From what I can ascertain,|a small Genii strike force has gated in. {1007}{1036}Why are you doing this? {1037}{1087}You are in possession of supplies we vitally need... {1088}{1159}the C-4 explosive, all of your medical supplies. {1160}{1271}As of right now, we are in control of atlantis. {1275}{1321}Say goodbye to Dr. Weir. {1341}{1383}And now the conclusion... {1440}{1479}Kolya! {1515}{1561}Kolya, don't do this! {1596}{1648}How is this going to help you get what you want? {1650}{1700}Sheppard put you in this position, not me. {1715}{1755}You can't do this. This is crazy. You need her. {1756}{1785}She's right, commander. {1786}{1831}There are codes required to activate the shield, {1833}{1890}codes that only she knows.|You can't do it without her. {1960}{1995}You can't do this without me either. {2001}{2035}I mean, we're a package deal. {2036}{2071}You take us out of the equation, {2073}{2126}and you don't have an end-game. {2186}{2214}Granted, that's a chess term. {2216}{2305}My point is we're the only ones|who can fix the grounding station. {2306}{2336}We're the only ones who can activate the shield. {2338}{2386}We're the only ones that can|solve problems I can't even think of yet. {2388}{2418}You kill either one of us, {2419}{2450}and you don't get what you want. {2451}{2481}That's how important we are. {2482}{2504}Rodney. {2530}{2567}Rodney, he gets it. {2740}{2769}I appreciate your... {2770}{2837}You're an asset we need to complete this mission. {2967}{3011}You stepped in front of a gun for me. {3014}{3046}Don't thank me just yet. {3047}{3127}We've got two and a half hours till the storm hits,|and unless our luck changes drastically, {3128}{3173}this city is going to be obliterated. {3579}{3645}Major Sheppard, how's this for credibility? {3674}{3714}Weir is dead. {3749}{3812}I'm going to kill you. {3819}{3852}Maybe. {3858}{3914}Stay out of my way, or McKay will join her. {4472}{4679}Season 1 : Episode 11 The Eye {5500}{5635}Team24 and SG-66 for seriestele.net|and Forom.com Transcript: Raceman {6278}{6319}This is amazing. {6470}{6512}There you are. {6564}{6594}We're here. {6598}{6646}Take two men, head there. {6649}{6684}Four levels down. {6711}{6746}That's Sheppard. {6750}{6777}Yes, sir. {6801}{6829}Let's go. {6840}{6869}You're with me. {6873}{6913}He's heading out of the hallways. {7480}{7527}- Holy Grail|- That's it! {7571}{7602}What are you doing, man? {7603}{7678}Adding weight to the puddle jumper|by resetting its inertial dampeners. {7679}{7729}You shouldn't screw with those controls.|We're heavy enough. {7730}{7756}Can't be too careful. {7757}{7804}Yes, you can. You can be way too careful. {7824}{7870}There's no chance we're going to blow away here. {7871}{7897}Let it go. {7902}{7936}That should be enough. {7939}{7985}How much longer until the storm passes? {8003}{8044}I guess we're barely halfway through, {8045}{8082}but there's no way to tell. {8259}{8304}You know, I hope they're okay, too. {9511}{9550}What's this then? {9585}{9625}We're through it? {9639}{9672}We can't be. {9676}{9709}It's not possible. {10407}{10438}He's moving. {10641}{10686}Are you sure we're on the right level? {11010}{11036}Where did he go? {11054}{11106}He can probably hear your stupid questions. {11594}{11634}Oh, will you look at this? {11667}{11706}Now, that is just... {11713}{11770}That is never going to be useful again. {12055}{12133}I should be able to bypass|the switching station entirely. {12140}{12172}Good. How long? {12198}{12233}It's not half as bad as it looks. {12234}{12280}I'd say 15, 20 minutes tops. {12284}{12309}Do it. {12329}{12359}Dr. Weir, I need you to... {12360}{12390}Right, of course. {12434}{12470}Keep that there. {13473}{13513}We're in the eye. {13522}{13543}Right. {13546}{13577}Has to be. {13581}{13607}The eye? {13608}{13642}Dead center of the storm. {13657}{13734}The storm swirls around|a 20- to 40- kilometer-wide area. {13738}{13776}Then this calm will not last? {13777}{13833}No, in fact, in about 10 minutes, {13834}{13872}it's going to get very ugly again. {13873}{13917}Well, come on. We have to help the major. {13920}{13978}We can take off, but landing is twice as hard,|believe me. {13979}{14009}What if the storm's reached atlantis? {14010}{14027}Has it? {14028}{14061}Not just yet, but it will anytime now. {14062}{14112}Stop wasting time. Let's go. Let's go. {14130}{14202}We would still have to fly straight|through the storm, lieutenant. It's insanity. {14203}{14244}This is not insanity. This is a spaceship. {14245}{14269}We can fly up and over. {14270}{14293}Straight up and down? {14294}{14315}Straight up and down. {14316}{14367}I'm a bloody medical doctor, not a magician. {14368}{14389}You can do it. {14390}{14408}Teyla? {14411}{14456}If we can help, we must. {14537}{14566}Oh, crap. {14613}{14644}20 feet away. {14913}{14948}Five feet. {14955}{14989}There's so much smoke. {14993}{15025}Which way? {15087}{15120}You're right on top of him. {15121}{15182}Yeah? I think I would see him if I was. {15203}{15228}Stand by. {15501}{15531}Do you see him? {15597}{15633}Did you get him? {15663}{15697}Report. {15944}{15975}Commander. {15988}{16016}Yes, Sora. {16021}{16095}Ladon had been leading three of our men|on a reconnaissance mission. {16111}{16195}It seems major Sheppard has killed|three more of our strike team. {16198}{16252}Tell everyone to move back to the control room. {16253}{16279}Right away, sir. {16351}{16430}Why did you tell him you could have|this fixed in 15 to 20 minutes? {16433}{16462}Oh, I don't know. {16465}{16521}Maybe so he wouldn't kill us. {16528}{16596}I understand that, but once the shield is operational, {16599}{16651}we won't be very useful, now, will we? {16655}{16710}Why did you let me tell him I could fix it in 15 or 20? {16713}{16754}You just have to stall him some more. {16755}{16795}Well, I just told him how long it'll take. {16796}{16838}Find another problem with it. {16855}{16913}Tell them that the power loop interface {16916}{16964}isn't jiving with your walkabout, something. {16965}{16988}"Isn't jiving"? {16993}{17031}Rodney, you get my point. {17046}{17079}Though from the sounds of it, {17080}{17117}if we give major Sheppard enough time, {17118}{17185}it seems like he can take care|of the rest of them on his own. {17234}{17264}Radio chief Cowen. {17267}{17340}Tell him to send reinforcements, a full company. {17380}{17411}If you 're hoping major Sheppard {17415}{17480}can diminish our numbers, you are mistaken. {17779}{17839}Okay. What would McKay do? {18100}{18135}You're coming in a little steep, doc. {18139}{18183}- Thank you, Lieutenant.|- I'm very aware of that. {18184}{18239}I told you not to play with the inertial dampeners. {18240}{18279}I'm pretty sure I got them back where they were. {18280}{18325}Why don't you try to contact the major? {18338}{18383}First, you got to get us in there. {18879}{18914}What are you up to? {19097}{19137}What's he done now? {19222}{19264}I should have seen this coming. {19398}{19428}Commander. {19432}{19489}Major Sheppard has cut power to the control room. {19499}{19529}How? {19583}{19653}Atlantis is being powered by five small generators, {19656}{19707}each responsible for a separate area of the city. {19711}{19750}Major Sheppard has just disabled {19753}{19830}the one generator that powers|stargate operations in this tower. {19845}{19920}Now, we still have most primary operations. {19993}{20049}We have definitely lost all secondary systems. {20107}{20145}Can you still track Sheppard? {20196}{20224}No. {20263}{20314}Then we have no idea where he is now. {20317}{20347}No, sir. {20438}{20476}Is the control room secure? {20488}{20518}Yes, commander. {20532}{20605}I suggest we send some men to guard|the remaining generators. {20607}{20623}No! {20627}{20680}He's trying to divide us into manageable numbers. {20687}{20730}Just hold stargate operations {20731}{20783}until the reinforcements arrive. {20784}{20809}Understood. {21082}{21113}If he asks what's taking so long, {21114}{21149}you have to do all the talking, okay? {21150}{21174}You'll be fine. {21175}{21201}No, no, I won't. {21202}{21270}I'm a terrible bluffer.|I've lost small fortunes at poker. {21271}{21348}My eye twitches. I laugh inappropriately.|It's not pretty. {21353}{21383}What's our progress? {21423}{21463}We've hit a small snag. {21487}{21520}We're just running a diagnostic {21524}{21581}to make sure we can interface our codes properly. {21646}{21681}It's a small snag, small snag. {21685}{21727}It's, like, half an hour at the most. {21803}{21858}Commander Sheppard has just disabled another generator. {21864}{21906}Yes, Ladon, I am aware of that. {21909}{21966}He's cut the power to grounding station three. {21987}{22027}Can it still be repaired? {22120}{22175}Without power? No. {22221}{22272}Can the plan be completed without it? {22279}{22340}The other three grounding stations|have been disabled. {22343}{22403}No. No, it's just not good enough. {22404}{22466}Look, by uncoupling the grounding stations, {22468}{22512}it means that when lightning strikes the city, {22516}{22565}the electricity will have nowhere to go. {22572}{22622}If I could channel the electricity properly {22625}{22691}through the conduits that line the city corridors, {22694}{22737}we should be able to power the shield... {22740}{22776}Temporarily. {22779}{22832}If any of these grounding stations are left active, {22835}{22885}a sizable amount of electricity {22888}{22948}will find its way to ground and no shield. {23048}{23105}Commander, the storm has not slowed its pace. {23108}{23148}We have little time to get the shields activated. {23150}{23190}We should re-evaluate our goal. Perhaps. {23204}{23275}We still have more than enough time|to complete our objectives. {23276}{23306}Then I must strongly advise {23309}{23373}that we send men down to repair|the deactivated generators {23374}{23415}and to guard the remaining active ones. {23418}{23451}Agreed, teams of two, {23453}{23512}but I want you to watch over the control room. {23515}{23554}As soon as the reinforcements arrive, {23556}{23625}have them take Sheppard with overwhelming force. {23635}{23662}Understood. {23728}{23775}Perhaps we can be under shelter while we wait. {23778}{23826}I'm liable to catch a cold like that... {23918}{23954}I take it that's a "no." {24327}{24360}Remain here and be still. {24361}{24392}I will return for you. {24431}{24455}Where are we going? {24459}{24483}Armory. {24484}{24503}Are you sure... {24506}{24543}You know you're always saying you're not military, {24544}{24577}- you don't have to take orders?|- Hi. {24603}{24635}Now you do. {24657}{24699}So long as it's temporary. {24903}{24945}Should we try to contact the major now? {24946}{24986}The Genii may be monitoring our frequencies. {24989}{25035}We do not want to alert them of our presence. {25044}{25083}Life-signs detector. {25108}{25156}These wee dots don't tell us much about who's who. {25159}{25198}How do we know which one's the major? {25213}{25259}He'll be the dot getting rid of the other dots. {25270}{25295}Great. {25862}{25892}How many should we expect? {25895}{25938}A full company, 60 or more. {25980}{26013}I don't know how we were expected {26014}{26055}to take a facility this size with any less. {26059}{26128}It was supposed to be a raid|to retrieve what was rightfully ours. {26182}{26209}With me. {26222}{26244}Come on. {26415}{26459}Reinforcements are arriving now, Commander. {26485}{26534}Have them secure stargate operations {26535}{26573}and report back to me. {26574}{26594}Yes, Commander. {26740}{26768}Secure the area. {26769}{26799}Then I want you to... {26845}{26885}Shut it off. Ladon! {26898}{26923}Stop him! {27085}{27105}This is Sora. {27106}{27130}Stop sending the reinforcements. {27131}{27171}The stargate shield has been raised. {27212}{27257}Sheppard has raised the gate shield. {27257}{27292}Shut it down. {27325}{27348}Turn it off. {27351}{27374}I don't know how. {27375}{27412}Ladon is unconscious. {27416}{27439}Tell her the procedure. {27440}{27467}I can't. I don't know what he's done! {27468}{27487}Tell her. {27491}{27538}Well, he must have entered|his personal command code. {27539}{27559}What is it? {27560}{27578}I don't know! {27579}{27620}Only Sheppard would know it. {27624}{27660}Trust me, I'm not that brave. {27661}{27698}I would help you if I could. {27712}{27741}You have the command codes. {27887}{27910}It's no use. {27944}{27981}It's over. {28095}{28119}The gate has shut down. {28123}{28166}There are no more men coming. {28199}{28234}How many men made it? {28275}{28300}Five. {28313}{28361}Five of 60. {28590}{28659}You still need me if you want the city. {28750}{28795}You still need both of us. {29542}{29610}He's entered some sort of security code|to lock down the gate. {29628}{29657}Just give me some time. {29660}{29693}I should be able to crack it. {29694}{29718}Do it. {29742}{29764}Commander? {29779}{29832}He thinks he can have the gate fixed. {29863}{29915}Did Athor's son make it through the gate? {29923}{29953}I'm sorry? {29969}{30002}His name is Idos. {30010}{30038}Did he make it? {30066}{30095}No, sir. {30246}{30292}Over 60 men killed. {30303}{30397}Defending his home and his people,|Commander, as we would. {30438}{30488}When can more reinforcements be sent? {30495}{30535}It will take time, perhaps an hour. {30536}{30565}Unacceptable! {30566}{30620}Yes, Commander, it is unacceptable, {30623}{30689}because by then, we will be|in the full force of the storm. {30702}{30737}Probably sooner. {31375}{31438}Major Sheppard, I have a proposition for you. {31526}{31560}Do you recognize that voice? {31561}{31578}No. {31607}{31688}Kolya, I'm having a hard time keeping up.|What's the score again? {31689}{31767}My men have informed me that not only have you disabled {31770}{31856}some crucial generators,|but you've stolen key components {31858}{31919}which make it impossible for them to be restored. {31920}{31955}Yeah, I did that. {31955}{32039}There are two flaws in your plan. {32048}{32098}I'm always open to constructive criticism. {32125}{32181}One, the assumption I would believe {32184}{32278}you'd rather destroy the city|than let it fall to us is childish. {32279}{32317}Doesn't sound like me. {32324}{32432}Second, if and when I determine atlantis unsalvageable, {32433}{32503}doctors Weir and McKay become obsolete. {32541}{32577}Weir is alive? {32588}{32674}Dr. McKay was able to make|a strong case for keeping her alive. {32680}{32713}Let me talk to her. {32882}{32905}Sheppard. {32911}{32945}We're both here. {32961}{33000}It's good to hear your voice. {33001}{33041}Yeah, it's good to hear. {33080}{33159}We have less than one hour|before the storm hits full-force. {33165}{33350}If the power is not returned to grounding station three|within the next 10 minutes, Dr. Weir dies. {33400}{33430}Again, you mean. {33441}{33501}Her death will buy you another 10 minutes, {33502}{33598}after which, should the power still be out,|Dr. McKay dies. {33601}{33690}We will then leave with what we can,|and the city will be destroyed. {33694}{33733}Well, that's not enough time. {33734}{33785}If you don't mind destroying atlantis, {33786}{33861}stay where you are for the next 20 minutes. {33866}{33907}Starting now. {34106}{34150}Don't load up so much.|It'll slow you down. {34151}{34191}Two extra magazines each. {34400}{34426}All right. {34432}{34460}What do you need that for? {34461}{34514}Anything I see moving is going to get shot. {34516}{34547}So, what if it's the major? {34548}{34602}Then he'll get hit with a wraith|stunner instead of a p-90. {34618}{34650}What if he sees us first? {34651}{34690}He'll probably hear you first. {34694}{34726}Are you telling me to shut up again? {34729}{34757}Again. {34877}{34897}Right. {35157}{35182}Let's go. {35367}{35425}Which naquadah generator would power|the third grounding station? {35426}{35452}You're asking me? {35453}{35490}Whichever one it is, it's going to be an ambush. {35491}{35517}We've got to be there. {35519}{35543}There's one here. {35544}{35600}- Is that a guess?|- Aye, but it makes sense. {35601}{35628}It's the closest. {35631}{35654}All right, I'll take point. {35655}{35680}Teyla, you're on our six.|You... {35682}{35726}Don't open your mouth until I say so. {35728}{35771}Only shoot at what I tell you to shoot at. {35772}{35804}You don't have to be so bloody pushy. {35805}{35835}That's an order. {36655}{36677}Stop. {36758}{36824}Look, your boss wanted me to turn this thing back on, {36825}{36866}so I think we should do what he says. {36872}{36897}Be quiet. {36950}{36973}Sora. {36974}{36999}We have him. {37000}{37026}Keep him alive. {37061}{37098}I'm on my way. {37661}{37696}Is it the wrong one? {37698}{37735}Yeah, I'd say so. {37739}{37783}Oh, don't you blame me for this. {37785}{37811}I'm not an engineer. {37813}{37867}I really only have a basic understanding|of how Rodney {37868}{37910}and his team configured the power,|so don't expect me... {37911}{37945}You just can't stop talking, can you? {37946}{37996}You just can't help yourself.|No matter what I say... {37997}{38040}And you're such a nice young lad {38042}{38088}until you're put in charge, you cheeky little bugger. {38089}{38103}Wait... {38104}{38177}What if this is the right station,|and the major has not made it back yet? {38218}{38248}Oh, she's right. {38296}{38362}No. No, this one's working. {38386}{38416}How much time? {38426}{38450}Two minutes. {38456}{38485}There's five generators. {38486}{38512}It's not this one. {38513}{38556}It can't be the one that powers the control tower. {38557}{38583}That leaves three. {38601}{38648}We've got a one in three chance|of guessing the right one. {38649}{38698}We may just be walking into the very ambush {38701}{38733}we're trying to save him from. {38734}{38762}We're not far from a transporter. {38763}{38820}Are any of the generators near a transport station? {38823}{38860}Aye. There's two. {38876}{38906}Well, let's go. {39177}{39217}Okay, if I remember correctly... {39220}{39248}Remember correctly. {39251}{39299}I think they are here and here. {39303}{39348}Which one are you sure is next to a power generator? {39349}{39401}- Okay, just give me a moment.|- No moments. Pick one. {39402}{39433}I'm the one you're going to blame if it's wrong. {39433}{39463}We have to go now. {39535}{39560}Here. {39645}{39690}I don't mean to be a bad prisoner or anything, {39692}{39727}but Kolya is going to kill one of my people {39729}{39780}if I don't get this thing back on in time, so... {39781}{39815}Turn around. {40082}{40113}You turn around. {40124}{40146}What? {40163}{40222}Well, if I have to turn around, you should turn around. {40320}{40350}What the hell took you so long? {40351}{40415}- Well, there's this storm...|- Just hold that thought. {40634}{40690}It seems major Sheppard wants you to live. {40706}{40739}Let's get back to work. {41019}{41042}You okay, sir? {41043}{41084}I've been better. Been worse. {41095}{41125}My shoulder's a little sore. {41128}{41159}Do you want me to take a look at that? {41160}{41193}I'll take a recheck when that'll be out. {41194}{41245}We should leave this area.|More Genii will be on their way. {41246}{41280}I couldn't agree more. {41717}{41752}If this doesn't work... {41770}{41791}It will. {41792}{41823}I'm just saying, if it doesn't work... {41824}{41850}It will. {41851}{41921}I'm sure it will,|but in the unlikely event that it doesn't... {41922}{41953}Rodney... {42001}{42031}Please. {42821}{42849}Fantastic. {42858}{42891}Oh, thank god. {43031}{43100}Mckay figures he can harness|the storm's lightning to fire up the shield. {43102}{43132}Just lightning? {43133}{43183}SG teams have done it before to power a stargate. {43185}{43217}There's a big difference between a stargate... {43218}{43252}I didn't say you could talk. {43411}{43431}Now... {43462}{43519}I need to run the subroutine that will convince {43520}{43572}the input buffers in the shield generator {43573}{43629}to attenuate the raw electricity into usable power. {43638}{43684}I can only do that from the control room. {43687}{43737}That's where Dr. Weir's codes come in. {43745}{43770}Yes. {43787}{43835}Only primary systems are operating. {43837}{43883}Sheppard has to repair the other generator. {43884}{43949}The shield's considered a primary system. {43962}{44050}We're good to go, but we have to go now, I mean now. {44053}{44093}I mean everybody, all your men. {44113}{44153}What does that have to do with my men? {44160}{44225}Now that the grounding station's been deactivated, {44227}{44279}electricity will be free to flow through the conduits {44281}{44342}that line every corridor in the city. {44348}{44380}What kind of a plan is that? {44381}{44418}A Rodney McKay kind of plan. {44419}{44446}It's all we've got. {44447}{44486}And it leaves us only one place to go. {44487}{44537}Where the Genii will also be. {44565}{44636}Now, the control room and|stargate operations are shielded, {44639}{44682}but the rest of the city... {44709}{44755}Once the lightning starts to hit... {44765}{44825}Anybody left in the hallways is as good as dead. {45240}{45270}Why haven't you responded? {45273}{45303}She's here, Commander. {45306}{45321}Who? {45324}{45382}Teyla. She and two others have joined Sheppard. {45385}{45423}Why wasn't this reported sooner? {45446}{45487}Fall back to the control room immediately. {45494}{45529}She's just out of my reach. {45534}{45562}If I am patient... {45563}{45594}I gave you an order. {45600}{45646}She left my father for dead. {45649}{45705}The storm is upon us. The city is no longer safe. {45707}{45733}I don't care. {45734}{45757}Fall back. {45763}{45811}You have my word. Your father will be avenged. {45816}{45876}- By me.|- Sora {45991}{46033}Will the young hunters in the jumper be safe? {46034}{46078}The jumper bay's part of stargate operations. {46082}{46107}They'll be protected. {46108}{46141}Then maybe that's where we should be headed. {46145}{46210}If the shield goes up over the city,|Weir and McKay are expendable to Kolya. {46211}{46255}We got to take the control room first. {46257}{46313}Would he really kill them just because|they are of no further use to him? {46314}{46354}No, he'd kill them to punish me. {46367}{46397}Now, here's the deal... {46402}{46464}Ford and I get into position,|just below the control room stairs. {46465}{46502}Teyla and Beckett head to the jumper bay. {46503}{46537}I intend to fight alongside you... {46538}{46578}and I intend you to fight with us. {46580}{46605}Once you get in position, {46608}{46639}lower the ship into the gate room, {46640}{46666}open the weapons pods. {46667}{46733}That should create enough distraction|for Ford and me to go in. {46734}{46781}We take back the control room, get the shield up. {46783}{46804}City's saved. {46807}{46838}Weir and McKay saved. {46858}{46898}We take the rest of the day off. {46906}{46938}Sounds like a plan, sir. {46940}{46990}Stay on channel two. Let's move out. {46998}{47034}You're not going to need that thing. {47046}{47075}Shoot to kill. {47270}{47298}The winds are getting stronger {47299}{47340}and the wave heights are growing. {47360}{47388}We need to keep stalling. {47391}{47414}What for? {47419}{47464}Major Sheppard is still out there. {47465}{47484}If you activate... {47485}{47506}Now, McKay. {47509}{47531}It's done. {47532}{47572}Dr. Weir, I need you to enter your code now. {47611}{47644}Yes, of course. {47687}{47785}Seven, nine... Four, two, one. {47805}{47825}Yes? {47874}{47930}Zero, three, two, four, five. {47939}{47971}And the second sequence? {48114}{48165}I'll be glad when|this following-orders business is over... {48240}{48265}Drop it! {48310}{48334}I'll kill him. {48558}{48607}I would hate to kill you so quickly. {48655}{48707}I have known you for almost all your life. {48709}{48738}Why are you doing this? {48741}{48771}You left him to die... {48772}{48804}Your father killed an innocent. {48807}{48848}He alerted the wraith to our presence. {48850}{48883}And you escaped. {48888}{48944}If I am to die by your hand, Sora... {48946}{48985}I die knowing there was nothing {48988}{49038}I could have done to have saved Tyrus. {49206}{49234}We're in position. {49314}{49340}This isn't right. {49366}{49392}What? {49400}{49470}Teyla and Beckett should have|easily made it to the jumper bay first. {49474}{49510}They should have been waiting for us. {49526}{49566}Teyla, what's your position? {49621}{49644}Teyla? {49715}{49755}This was my father's. {49769}{49829}It was handed down from his father. {49884}{49953}If you want to fight this way, Sora, I will win. {49958}{50000}You will have avenged no one. {50040}{50071}We'll see. {50355}{50384}Engage the shield. {50385}{50415}I'm almost finished. {50424}{50475}A massive wave is approaching from the west. {50483}{50504}Without the shield... {50505}{50526}McKay! {50641}{50675}We're starting to get hits on the northern pier. {50676}{50730}Routing power to the corridor... Now. {50809}{50832}Now. {50893}{50915}Now. {50986}{51018}Okay, this is a problem. {51038}{51063}What? {51086}{51133}Look, I told you this was|a long shot from the beginning. {51142}{51208}We already have serious flooding|on the north and west piers. {51209}{51285}It's no use. The city conduits|can't handle this kind of raw power. {51286}{51334}Is any power getting to the shield generator? {51335}{51374}Nominal amounts. Nowhere near enough. {51375}{51402}You said this would work. {51404}{51465}I don't know if you noticed or not,|but I am extremely arrogant man {51467}{51527}who tends to think all of his plans will work. {51580}{51609}Idiot! {51614}{51662}Hey, this was a long shot at best. {51686}{51743}Why else would we evacuate the city? {51751}{51805}It was always our intention to dial out {51806}{51845}in case this didn't work. {51877}{51935}Within minutes, Atlantis will fail. {51969}{52005}You can leave and survive, {52007}{52054}or you can go down with the city. {52156}{52201}You choose. {53241}{53297}We're just not getting enough power|to the shield generators. {53298}{53338}Are you really going to sacrifice the lives {53340}{53407}of all of your men on the off-chance that this city {53408}{53455}won't be completely destroyed? {53567}{53600}Open the stargate. {53606}{53650}Start evacuating the remaining men. {53693}{53735}You're making the right decision. {53738}{53770}You're coming with us. {53771}{53797}What? {53802}{53857}You'll both serve the Genii|as payment for what you've done. {53860}{53886}Oh, for what we've done? {54572}{54602}Change of plan. {54760}{54786}You got McKay. {54787}{54820}Seriously, this is a bad idea. {54825}{54869}You saw what happened to my last plan. {54870}{54895}This is not what... {55070}{55100}You're not going anywhere. {55190}{55245}I will shoot you if you don't let her go. {55284}{55329}And risk hurting Dr. Weir? {55398}{55444}I'm not aiming at her. {55609}{55664}Find Teyla and Beckett. Make sure that's all of them. {55665}{55700}Sorry about that. I had to... {55723}{55748}You okay? {55765}{55790}No. {55795}{55825}You will be. Come on. {56000}{56027}Wait! What are you doing? {56028}{56072}I thought I'd activate the shield and save the day. {56073}{56100}You got something else in mind? {56101}{56140}Teyla and Beckett are still out there. {56143}{56168}Tracking system's down. {56169}{56213}There's a tsunami headed towards the city, lieutenant. {56214}{56260}In two and a half minutes, they're dead. {56264}{56296}Then we give them two minutes. {56796}{56844}This is not what your father would have wanted. {56847}{56908}Our people were destined to be allies... {56911}{56960}Teyla and Beckett, fall back to the control room. {56989}{57060}This must end... now! {57069}{57105}Then end it. {57568}{57600}There's no more time. {57602}{57652}We either lose them or we lose the city. {57737}{57764}Rodney, go! {57775}{57794}Going! {58217}{58243}What's happening? {58244}{58307}It's working, It just needs to build up|enough power for the shield to activate. {58310}{58340}Wait for it. {58528}{58557}Carson. {58561}{58585}Rodney. {58588}{58633}You're just in time to see how this ends, huh? {58824}{58849}Now. {59131}{59166}Nice work, Rodney. {59182}{59211}Did you ever doubt me? {59214}{59266}Yes, several times. {59281}{59328}I see you've made a new friend, Teyla. {59670}{59702}What do you want to do with her? {59711}{59746}I don't know yet. {59747}{59792}We'll keep her locked up for the time being. {59819}{59900}Maybe releasing her back to the Genii|would help ease tension between us. {59901}{59950}You're extremely optimistic. You know that? {59956}{59981}You think so? {59990}{60020}Everyone getting back okay? {60029}{60055}Looks like it. {60065}{60097}How fares our city? {60105}{60154}Well, we've begun pumping out the lower levels {60156}{60196}of the east pier, which was flooded. {60199}{60240}There is structural damage, nothing too serious. {60250}{60295}Beckett's suffered from a minor concussion. {60297}{60345}I mean, look at this. I had to do this myself. {60354}{60440}Still, on the bright side,|I've had my first decent meal in 24 hours, {60441}{60508}so all things considered, I would say we are just fine. {60537}{60586}You say these things happen every 20 years, right? {60588}{60621}That's what they tell us. {60647}{60705}How far in advance can we book days off?