{1}{1}23.976 {1}{56}{Y:i}Previously on Stargate Atlantis {73}{101}It's headed for the city ! {108}{160}- What's it doing ?|- Scanning us .. {194}{251}Now the dart sent a transmission deep into space, {252}{297}and then it self destructed before we could get to it. {298}{368}- We scanned the area with our deep-space sensors and..|- What are those ? {368}{418}Wraith hives ship. Three of them. {419}{438}Where are they headed ? {439}{520}If they maintain direction and speed,|they'll be over our planet within two weeks. {721}{776}We knew they were comming,|at least now we know when. {778}{822}- That's something.|- That's something ? {823}{901}There's still time, Rodney.|There's no reason to panic... {931}{981}- yet.|- Where there is time, there is hope. {990}{1027}Agreed. So recommandations ? {1031}{1104}- Other than panic ?|- Other than panic, yes! {1118}{1224}I realize this might not be cool,|but we should consider M7G-677. {1233}{1290}- As a possible evacuation site ?|- No ma'am. {1296}{1355}I'm suggesting we take their ZPM. {1365}{1406}Their only means of protection from the Wraith ? {1427}{1484}A planet populated mostly by children. {1494}{1634}He raises a valid point. We've already|established the ZPM is nearly depleted,|but it could be of some limited use to us. {1638}{1705}You asked for suggestions. It's a matter of survival. {1714}{1740}I see. {1763}{1872}We're not quite there yet.|And as long as I'm in charge, we will never be there. {1876}{1908}I agree doctor Weir. {1909}{2005}If this is to be our end, it is best|we face it with both dignity and honor. {2007}{2089}- To that end I actually have an idea, in addition, to panic.|- Let's hear it. {2095}{2217}It's really a long shot, but I think it's most likely|worth the effort, of course the most to be my efforts... {2218}{2247}What is it ? {2253}{2335}I think we can send a message|back to Earth through the Stargate. {2338}{2393}- Excuse me ?|- I thought we didn't have enough power. {2397}{2478}Not to send a person, no. We'd never be|able to maintain the wormhole long enough. {2484}{2558}But I think if we would be able to tie together|all of our power generating capabilities, {2560}{2673}we might - and I emphasise might - be able to establish|a wormhole long enough to send a message. {2673}{2710}How much time are we talking about ? {2726}{2791}Aproximatly, 1.3 seconds, give or take. {2796}{2873}- That's not much time.|- Time enough to say S.O.S. {2874}{3014}Don't be so analogue. 1.3 seconds is|more than enough time to send the message|if it's in the form of a high compression data burst. {3015}{3085}Now, I helped refine the encoding|for the US Air Force a few years back. {3093}{3194}- Colonel Carter should be able to decipher it on the other side.|- You're suggesting this now ? {3195}{3295}Because it probably won't work, and there's|a very good chance it could overload|our naquadah generators in the process. {3295}{3348}Well then we can't take the risk ! {3354}{3415}No power, we won't have a chance in hell. {3416}{3544}There are three Wraith hives ship on the way, Major.|Desperate times call for desperate measures. {3551}{3623}Besides, I spent the last few days|working of ways of minimizing the risk. {3656}{3755}Assuming it's possible, how much information can we send ? {3760}{3907}Everything. I mean, mission reports from all|the senior staff, a ton of stuff on Atlantis,|things we've learned in Pegasus. {3915}{3984}- All that ? One second ?|- One point three. {3988}{4094}You jest, but if I could finesse the compression|ratios, you'll be looking for things to add. {4213}{4268}- Do it.|- Doing it. {4628}{4731}Elizabeth, you realize that if|Stargate Command was able to send help.. {4735}{4850}I know. They would have. But still we've the|responsability to report what we've learned here. {4855}{4922}- About Atlantis, about the Ancients..|- The Wraith ? {4926}{4982}Exactly. We have to warn Earth. {4983}{5030}Even if it's the last thing we do ? {5033}{5085}Especially if it's the last thing we do. {5200}{5299}Season 1 : Episode 17|Letters from Pegasus {5405}{5509}Team24 and SG-66 for seriestele.net and Forom.com|Transcript: stargatedanielfriendly.net {6680}{6748}They don't seem threatening,|those dots on the screen, do they? {6753}{6820}Which is why we need to do recon and|see what we're up against firsthand. {6832}{6855}How ? {6855}{6978}I've been tracking their progress. The Wraith ships|apparently go in and out of hyperspace periodically. {6988}{7118}- Either because their hyperspace technology is limited....|- Or they're stopping to feed along the way. {7127}{7181}The point is, the pattern is predictable. {7187}{7332}I can guess with some certainty, that|they'll be making stops, here, here and here. {7347}{7437}Even so, those ships are light years away. How|do you expect to reach them in a puddle jumper? {7442}{7572}We fly to a Stargate en route that Zelenka thinks they're|gonna drop out of hyperspace, and we watch them pass by. {7591}{7651}- That's good.|- You know I have my moments. {7658}{7716}Teyla and I were just deciding which planet to go to. {7733}{7789}I am familiar with the people of this world. {7802}{7889}Their Stargate is in the open,|and so, accessible by ship. {7898}{7978}And you think you can remain undetected|by the Wraith as they go by your position? {7980}{8031}Stealth mode. They won't even know we're there. {8034}{8184}OK, go. Get what intel you can and get back before|Rodney sends his message. I need the both of you here. {8184}{8225}Won't even stop at the duty free. {8811}{8952}On the offchance that you get the idea to take the Wraith|ships on yourself Major. I am hereby ordering you not to. {8957}{8986}Believe me you don't have to. {8993}{9005}{Y:i}Still. {9007}{9136}"Don't take on alien armada's single handedly."|I understand. {9530}{9586}Father! Teyla's here! {9841}{9875}Teyla! {9879}{10029}- Oren! It has been many days.|- Too many. Look at you, you're so different. {10034}{10094}Much has changed since my last visit. {10142}{10248}- This is Major John Sheppard. And Oren.|- Pleased to meet you. {10287}{10371}- The harvest is still months away.|- Yes, I know. {10393}{10458}We have not come to trade, but to deliver a warning. {10484}{10543}We have reason to believe|the Wraith may be on their way. {10562}{10623}We don't know that for a fact,|but we're about to go and find out. {10630}{10716}Yes, it seems they're awakening everywhere. {10719}{10789}You should tell your people|to take precautions in case they do come. {10796}{10817}I will. {10837}{10997}But you know as well as I do Teyla, that the Wraith will|track us down wherever we go. There will be no escape. {10997}{11034}What about through the Stargate? {11044}{11126}The cullings are taking place|on many worlds. None are safe. {11150}{11198}Even we have taken in refugees. {11218}{11398}If they do come, stay far from the Stargate. Take|your family to the far treeline, there, and wait for us. {11398}{11484}- Teyla.|- One family Major, that is all I ask. {11586}{11678}I'm sorry Oren, I can't make that promise. {11680}{11725}It will be the very least we can do. {11810}{11876}- If there's time.|- Then we must hurry. {12089}{12150}Children, we must prepare. {12181}{12289}Alright, we have our city' specs, mission reports|and tactical assessments all ready to go. {12307}{12336}What else ? {12342}{12431}Well I've included a ton of data that we've been|able to decipher from the Ancient database. {12433}{12508}Really? That is incredible. {12516}{12594}Well the algorithm I've devised|is extraordinarily efficient, yes. {12594}{12624}Oh please! {12625}{12714}Well it must be,|in order to fit all that data into 1.3 seconds. {12715}{12769}.3 seconds actually. {12772}{12820}We have a whole extra second to fill? {12821}{12884}A whole extra one, yes. {12993}{13057}Is it enough to include personal messages? {13123}{13203}Sure, I mean several hours of video.|Much more if we restrict the audio. {13206}{13285}I think it'll do wonders for moral. Especially now. {13288}{13350}I could tell my Grandma|what I've been up to all this time. {13360}{13423}Well if your grandmother had security clearance,|yes you could. {13434}{13526}But for now, you can tell her|that you're well and that you miss her. {13534}{13614}This is all very charming, but um,|I have work to do. Shouldn't I... {13617}{13701}Lieutenant, maybe you'd like to handle this. {13704}{13796}Give everybody a few minutes on camera send|a personal message to their loved ones. {13797}{13830}I'd love to ma'am. {13831}{13861}Off you go! {13956}{14030}As soon as Zelenka and I can get|Jumper 4's engines tied into the grid, {14031}{14080}we should be able to do a low power dry run. {14082}{14100}Good. {14112}{14135}Rodney? {14168}{14214}You don't want to send a message to anyone? {14215}{14337}You know what? I think with all my spare time,|I'll just record a message to myself. {14349}{14375}You? {14389}{14414}Yes. {14430}{14460}Good, good. {14663}{14722}This wasn't supposed to be a rescue mission. {14730}{14781}Oren was a good friend of my father. {14782}{14835}I agreed to warn him. {14842}{14890}If someone close to your family, {14890}{14996}a dear friend, was in danger of being taken by|the Wraith, would you have not done the same? {14997}{15049}Not if it jeopardised the mission. {15087}{15172}So in fighting the Wraith, we are to give up|that which makes us different from them? {15174}{15302}I agreed to stop and pick him up|if there was time, but only if there was time. {15344}{15410}I'll be saving everyone|in the damn galaxy, if we could. {15411}{15471}One man and his children are not every person. {15474}{15530}I agreed to help, if there was time. {15570}{15630}You only fight the battles you can win. {16609}{16660}Let's get this thing turn around. {16833}{16885}They're heading for the planet. {17015}{17085}OK, recording, plenty of battery. {17086}{17140}So why am I not seeing anything. {17143}{17165}Stupid! {17493}{17585}OK. Hi Grandma, Grandpa! {17610}{17675}It's me Aiden, obviously. {17684}{17784}Talking to you from a place, far, far, from home. {17803}{17873}I'm good though. You don't have to worry. {17892}{17968}Life here is pretty routine. {18220}{18347}I'm hoping to get home sometime soon.|But you know, if {18351}{18472}I'm stuck here a while,|I want you to know that I'm good. {18494}{18590}I'm doing things, seeing things|I never thought I'd see. {18952}{19081}Wish I could tell you all about it.|Who knows, one day, maybe I'll be able to. {19101}{19150}But I want you both to know, {19151}{19320}that you're right here, always, all the time. {19436}{19522}Sorry Teyla. Even flying full out,|we're just ahead of the armada. {19523}{19583}I can't risk putting down for Oren or his family. {19584}{19617}I see. {19653}{19727}I'm gonna take us out of stealth mode for the pass.|Dial the gate. {19833}{19879}Hang on! Incoming wormhole! {20063}{20110}I have heard stories of the Wraith dialling in, {20111}{20185}to prevent their victims from|using the Stargate as a means of escape. {20186}{20229}So we're stuck here. {20241}{20327}Once the ship is rendered invisible again,|we will be perfectly safe. {20328}{20402}I'm more worried about getting the intel|about the Wraith fleet back to Atlantis. {20405}{20474}Then we'll keep dialling in through|the night at the very least. {20498}{20586}But if we wait in the location|I told Oren and his family to meet us... {20587}{20642}That's where I'm headed. {20862}{20911}I must warn you,|I'm not very good at this sort of thing. {20914}{20971}Well don't worry. The only people|that's gonna see it, is you and your family. {20974}{21030}Aye, and you and the US military. {21039}{21073}Give it a shot? {21081}{21114}What shall I say? {21190}{21237}I miss you? I wish you were here? {21238}{21278}I wish who was here? {21279}{21313}I don't know. Who do you wish was here? {21314}{21363}Nobody! I wish I wasn't bloody here! {21364}{21409}Doc, I got a lotta people I gotta get through. {21440}{21554}Alright, uh, I suppose|I could say hello to my Mother. {21556}{21634}Good. There you go. Alright, you ready? {21641}{21659}Yeah. {21680}{21710}OK, go. {21719}{21805}Hello Mum! I hope this message finds you well. {21806}{21900}I trust your petunia's are in full bloom by now. {21903}{21984}Oh, and I do hope you're keeping up|with the ointment I gave you. {21987}{22073}If you've adhered to the regime,|the fungus should have cleared up by now. {22113}{22153}- What's wrong?|- Dude, fungus? {22154}{22243}On her toenails. I thought you said no-one|would watch this except my family? {22246}{22286}Yeah, but fungus? {22289}{22327}What then shall I talk about? {22331}{22370}I don't know, it's your Mother.|Tell her you love her. {22371}{22417}No, no, I can't do that. I'll get all emotional. {22418}{22443}So? {22457}{22556}She's very delicate, my mother.|As sweet a soul as you'll ever meet. {22560}{22679}As pure as the driven snow. If I get upset|then she'll get upset, and I can't have that. {22681}{22723}It's not like we're live Doc. {22726}{22794}I mean, you don't like what we put on tape|the first time,we can always do it again. {22795}{22850}- We can?|- Sure. {22857}{22950}Oh. I suppose I could do that then. {22971}{23050}Alright, here we go. {23142}{23177}Mum... {23275}{23325}I miss you terribly. {23427}{23466}I can't do this! {23788}{23838}Come on Oren, show up! {23939}{23970}What? {23975}{24043}Not long ago you would have blithely left them behind. {24046}{24100}Well the situation has changed. {24177}{24263}Earlier today Lt Ford suggested|we steal from a community of children. {24267}{24329}That's because they have a ZPM|and we can bring them back. {24333}{24391}Only to face death in Atlantis? {24420}{24524}Look, Ford and I are military. We've spent|a lot of our lives learning how to survive. {24526}{24578}I've spent my life surviving the Wraith. {24579}{24677}Part of that training is knowing who|you can save and who you can't. {24680}{24733}And that decision is yours alone? {24740}{24818}I said that I'd wait for your friend if there was time. {24821}{24910}Now there's time. What else do you want from me? {24952}{25000}Too much I fear. {25052}{25103}It's gonna be a long night. {26792}{26896}You didn't say anything that would|require security clearance did you? {26897}{26958}Security clearance? {27183}{27236}This is hard, to sit and watch. {27249}{27279}There's nothing you can do. {27279}{27327}We can do a lot. {27328}{27382}It'll just be the last thing we ever do. {27383}{27460}We are far outnumbered and|the Gate is still inaccessible. {27496}{27646}But if we save Oren and his family,|we will have done something. {27653}{27710}Something. {27809}{27846}I'm gonna miss you kiddo. {27847}{27924}I can't wait to get back home and|take you to a basketball game. {27924}{28062}Watch Kobe and Shaq take|another title home for the Lakers. {28136}{28187}That's it. {28196}{28238}That's it? {28250}{28283}What else am I gonna say to the kid. {28283}{28311}It's your little brother SGT. {28312}{28389}And I'm probably never gonna see him again,|why make it worse than it has to be. {28390}{28486}- That's not what this is about man!|- That's exactly what this is about. {28545}{28580}Don't sweat it Lt. {28581}{28625}I'm happy I got the chance to say goodbye. {28626}{28673}Yeah, but you didn't say it. {28677}{28753}Not in so many words. {28898}{28919}Lt Ford! {28920}{28965}Ah, you ready to record your message? {28966}{28997}Already done. {28997}{29062}Actually I took the liberty of doing mine in private. {29063}{29112}Now it may require some editing. {29113}{29127}Editing. {29128}{29195}Yeah, I went on a bit.|Actually I used the entire tape. {29196}{29221}You talked for an hour. {29222}{29275}See, I found it rather therapeutic actually. {29276}{29379}Now I'm fairly confident I've come up|with several valuable insights. In fact I'm sure of it, {29380}{29450}but I've only slept six hours in the last few days. {29451}{29482}Who's it for? {29482}{29531}Humanity in general, my sister. Look, {29532}{29627}I don't expect you to cut it down to just a few minutes.|I mean, there is gold in here. {29628}{29789}So just make sure mine's last and that way, if it gets|cut off, fine, but if the gate holds the connection a few extra|milliseconds then we won't have wasted the time. {29790}{29818}I look forward to it. {29818}{29879}Well, enjoy. {29899}{29942}Gold. {30153}{30256}And in, 5,4,3.... {30307}{30425}This is Doctor Rodney McKay speaking to you|from my base of operations in the lost city of Atlantis, {30426}{30514}located deep within the Pegasus Galaxy. {30525}{30636}I record this message on the eve of our darkest hour. {30637}{30803}As I speak, an alien armada of biblical proportions|is on it's way, bent, dare I say hellbent, {30804}{30886}in keeping with the metaphor, on our destruction. {30887}{31009}We will do our best to stave off their attack,|but I'm afraid that defeat is all but inevitable. {31010}{31095}I and the other members of my team, {31096}{31178}face the most horrific deaths imaginable. {31179}{31374}As our very lives are sucked|from our chests in a horrific.... {31375}{31457}OK, OK. Starting again. Starting again. {31458}{31540}Ford, just cut that alright? {31741}{31774}What is that? {31780}{31841}I've never seen such a thing. {31911}{31951}I'm gonna check it out. {31952}{31988}You may be discovered. {31989}{32032}- I'll make a point not to.|- Major {32033}{32116}I just want to see whatever that is. {32117}{32216}Just stay here until Oren and his family show up. {32620}{32663}In 5, 4,3... {32704}{32798}My friends. I am Doctor Rodney McKay|of the Atlantis expedition, {32798}{32869}and as the facts of|our heroic struggle against the Wraith {32869}{33093}and our untimely demise are already known to you,|in that light I'd like to pass along some final thoughts. {33094}{33218}Now my extensive educational training and|first hand experience in the field of astrophysics, {33219}{33411}has given me a unique perspective that few on Earth or|on any other planet for that matter, can match. {33412}{33531}I'd like to take a few moments now|to pass along that perspective to you. {33531}{33730}I'll begin with a few observations on a subject|that is both near and dear to my heart. {33739}{33783}Leadership... {33800}{33845}Mr and Mrs Markham, {33846}{33901}my name is Dr Elizabeth Weir {33902}{33982}and your son was a member of my expedition team. {34021}{34130}It is with a deep regret that I have to inform you|that he was killed in the line of duty, {34131}{34182}just a few days ago. {34195}{34254}He died in the defence of others {34254}{34304}and his sacrifice may have saved many. {34305}{34433}Her keen curiosity are just some of the qualities|that your daughter displayed during her duties {34434}{34512}as a scientist on my team. {34512}{34629}She and several of her colleagues,|died suddenly, just a few weeks ago. {34630}{34721}I am not at liberty to reveal|the cause of her death, but I can tell you... {34722}{34769}that during her time here, {34770}{34866}Dr Dumais was a part of something very profound. {34867}{34931}She saw and lived things|she never would have dreamed of before. {34932}{35021}You can be very proud of your son,|knowing that he died bravely while defending others. {35022}{35097}I confess that I didn't know him as I could have... {35098}{35206}But I do know that he was well liked and|very well respected among his peers... {35220}{35307}and I was told of how often he spoke of his family. {35346}{35418}I do wish I could tell you more. {35462}{35564}I'm sure you understand as a military family... {35737}{35786}Are you done ma'am? {35848}{35923}Just give me a moment please Lieutenant. {35941}{35995}I am keeping busy with my job. {35996}{36125}I work hard, like everyone else|to ensure the success of this expedition, {36128}{36196}and also to please the leader of our science team. {36197}{36236}No, no, no, no, no. {36237}{36270}This sequence first {36271}{36289}and then the secondary code. {36290}{36354}Unless you're intentionally trying to blow us up.|In which case, excellent work. {36355}{36415}He does not always remember my name, {36416}{36486}but I have enjoyed working for him very much. {36495}{36580}What is this? Who made this? You made this? {36581}{36646}He is a very honourable and brave man. {36647}{36756}Oh! Ow! OK, cramp, cramp, cramp! Ow! Ow! Ow! {36757}{36849}Until then, I will continue to serve at his pleasure. {36863}{36942}I almost caught mono, kissing a girl during algebra club. {36943}{37001}I missed an entire month of school. {37002}{37142}Still, the kiss was something,|so it was probably worth it. {37142}{37208}April Bingham. Cute blonde. {37209}{37335}God, I love blondes,|especially with the... the short hair. {37413}{37500}Samantha Carter, if you're watching, {37501}{37640}the torch is still burning.|Sadly, soon to be extinguished. {37641}{37781}You know, you should know. I think you are just so... {37785}{37895}Well, you're great. Really, really great. {37898}{37972}I would go so far to say you're the hottest scientist|I've ever worked with. In fact there's {37973}{38052}probably not a night goes by I don't find myself, uh. {38052}{38092}OK, Ford? {38093}{38193}Let's lose that and let's get back to ... {38242}{38271}... leadership. {39749}{39786}Who will be watching this? {39789}{39826}Anyone you're sending it to. {39827}{39877}Family, friends, loved ones. {39885}{39937}Will anyone from Atlantis be viewing this? {39938}{39990}No. Messages are private. {39991}{40048}You can get as mushy as you want. {40093}{40231}Uh, this is a message for|General Jack O'Neill of Stargate Command. {40232}{40391}I feel it is my duty to inform you of what|I consider to be serious errors in judgement|among the leaders of this expedition. {40392}{40464}Most notably, Dr Elizabeth Weir. {40465}{40605}Her actions have repeatedly and recklessly exposed|the people of this expedition to extreme danger. {40606}{40728}Leading us directly to the grave situation|we currently find ourselves in. {40728}{40760}You know what? {40760}{40850}How about I leave the room and let|you record your whining in private. {40852}{40900}Fine! {40970}{41099}I've been keeping a record of Dr Weir's questionable|activities, which I would like to detail for you now. {41938}{41977}I never cared for dogs. {41977}{42034}Too much work, too needy, too unpredictable. {42035}{42104}I mean, you leave one door open,|the tiniest little cracks, and they're gone. {42106}{42223}You look for them, you put up fliers, it's no use.|And since your father refused to pay for a license, {42223}{42303}the animal shelter has no way of tracking them. {42304}{42368}God knows what happened to that little guy. {42368}{42432}Now cats, now that's a whole different story. {42433}{42530}Cats are self sufficient, they're dependable,|you shake the box they come running. {42531}{42587}Some people say it's the food, but my cat... See, {42588}{42640}I truly believe he enjoys my company. {42641}{42779}There's something very comforting about coming|home from work at the end of the day and having|a familiar face waiting for you, you know? {42780}{42922}Still, I digress. Where was I. Right, {42946}{42978}leadership! {43856}{43886}Over here! {43909}{43953}It's alright, I'm a friend! {43954}{44010}Please, hurry! This way! {44014}{44079}Hurry! This way. {44453}{44486}How many of you remain? {44487}{44540}I don't know, the Wraith are everywhere. {44541}{44619}Here, drink this. It is water. {44626}{44697}Oren, have you seen him? {44707}{44791}Not since before the Wraith arrived. Thank you. {44837}{44877}We must go now, the Wraith will find us. {44878}{44910}No they will not. {44911}{44987}Our ship has a shield which makes it invisible to them. {44988}{45026}You are safe here. {45026}{45147}Just rest, we will leave soon. {45373}{45521}Finally I would like say something|to the families of every member of this expedition. {45524}{45620}I wish I could tell you more|about what your loved ones are doing, {45620}{45688}and some day I hope you find out, {45692}{45764}because you will be amazed. {45779}{45924}But I will tell you that I could not be|more proud of each and every one of them. {45936}{46019}Their heroism has amazed me. {46612}{46667}Their resourcefulness has staggered me. {46870}{46890}Rodney go! {46910}{46920}Going! {47025}{47040}Now! {47198}{47292}We face a terrible enemy, and an uncertain future. {47300}{47360}But if we are never heard from again, {47360}{47495}know that your loved ones|did not face that uncertainty alone. {47503}{47572}We are facing our future together. {48059}{48095}Major! {48191}{48240}It's pretty ugly out there. {48255}{48301}Is this Oren's family? {48305}{48338}No. {48389}{48448}They have not seen Oren since the culling began. {48448}{48528}The village is pretty much wiped out. {48773}{48830}The gate just shut off. {48834}{48939}We should be able to dial up and get out of here|before the Wraith can do anything about it. {48940}{49004}Please Major, give Oren more time. {49004}{49073}If he was able to get here, he would be here by now. {49074}{49116}We've gotta get back. {49138}{49172}Then go. {49178}{49234}I will stay and search until day light,|you can return for me later. {49235}{49254}I can't do that. {49255}{49340}I consider Oren as family Major,|I am sorry if you cannot understand without... {49340}{49394}I understand it Teyla,|but that's not the point I am trying to... {49395}{49486}With or without you, I am staying. {49543}{49598}You won't make it. {49615}{49736}Then I ask that you stay as well,|just a little longer. {49747}{49854}Allow something good to come of this. {49896}{50015}Alright, we'll give him a little more time. {50150}{50205}I know you worry about me Mum, {50206}{50285}but somehow we've found a way|to arise to each challenge, {50286}{50336}so I wouldn't fret about my safety. {50337}{50468}It's the people here, from dozens of countries,|all connected by a single bond. {50469}{50524}We represent the people of Earth, {50525}{50591}and if there's one thing|I've discovered about we Earthlings, {50592}{50648}we're a scrappy bunch.|I wouldn't be surprised if I bring back... {50649}{50683}Doc, you can't say Earthlings. {50684}{50728}Your Mother doesn't have enough security clearance. {50728}{50803}She knows I'm from Earth son, it's not a bloody secret. {50804}{50820}Oh, right. {50827}{50879}Sorry mum... anyhow. {50880}{50954}Authorized using a prisoner|to test an experimental drug, {50955}{51016}in clear violation of the Geneva convention. {51017}{51059}Authorized lowering the Stargate shield {51060}{51152}when the authenticity of|incoming travellers was clearly in question. {51156}{51217}That's another sight I'll die without having seen. {51217}{51315}See, to be fair - when you've travelled|as much as I've travelled, you'd think that|missing Niagra Falls would be no big deal. {51316}{51358}But you know what? It gnaws at you. {51359}{51431}Alot of movies I wish I'd seen, that I won't see now. {51432}{51500}Never saw Grease even though I had a thing|for Olivia Newton John when I was a kid. {51501}{51660}I always wanted to see Ghandi, only saw the first half|of the Sixth Sense, always wondered how that ended. {51661}{51720}My sister... {51730}{51858}Ford if you cut everything else,|just keep this part okay? {51871}{52000}Jenny, it's your brother Rodney. Obviously. {52010}{52100}I wanna say, umm... {52101}{52174}I wanna say something. {52202}{52270}Family is important. {52276}{52423}I've come to realize that because the people here|have become a sort of surrogate family to me. {52424}{52533}Now I know what you're thinking, I've never been|the poster child for that kind of sentiment but... {52534}{52718}when one's contemplating their own demise,|one sees things more clearly. {52722}{52786}I really do wish you the best, you know. {52787}{52842}And I'm sorry we weren't closer. {52843}{52887}Perhaps, ... {52936}{53020}if by chance I make it out of this,|perhaps one day we can be. {53021}{53081}And I would like that. {53091}{53250}Now, if there's time, I'd like to go|back to the subject of leadership. {53282}{53343}Someone's coming. {53683}{53736}Oren! {53756}{53765}Oren! {53766}{53801}How big is his family? {53802}{53843}They must have met up with others along the way. {53844}{53882}That's gonna be a problem. {53883}{53926}I didn't think you'd still be here. {53926}{53956}We would not have gone without you. {53957}{54036}We found others on the way,|and even more further behind. {54036}{54069}How many more? {54070}{54129}Twelve, perhaps more. {54130}{54172}In here, {54178}{54265}this way! Quickly! {54266}{54341}Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! {54472}{54512}Alright, we'll fit as many people as we can! {54513}{54575}Hurry, come on! {54594}{54657}Straight ahead! Straight ahead! {54739}{54779}Hurry! {54886}{54906}It's alright. {54911}{54938}It's alright. {56597}{56660}Are our guests comfortably settled in? {56665}{56688}Yes. {56689}{56722}Good. {56763}{56799}So tell me, {56815}{56855}how bad is it? {56863}{56893}Bad. {56946}{57042}Each hive ship acts like a carrier group with {57043}{57129}cruisers and hundreds of darts escorting it. {57130}{57221}Groden's downloading the sensor readings right now. {57222}{57292}I've never witnessed a culling that took so many. {57294}{57399}We saved a few, that's worth something. {57414}{57466}Rodney, are we ready to send our message? {57467}{57494}When you are. {57495}{57545}OK. {57705}{57812}Lieutenant Ford is just finishing recording|personal messages from all the team members, {57813}{57828}if you'd like? {57829}{57883}I'm good. {57897}{57921}Okay. {57922}{57968}Well along with a short note of my own, {57968}{58056}I took the liberty of recording messages|for the families of the people we've lost. {58056}{58075}That's a good idea. {58075}{58122}But there's one in particular, {58123}{58239}I thought maybe you'd might like to do for yourself. {58345}{58422}Okay, whenever you're ready Sir. Go ahead. {58434}{58546}I'm not sure if Colonel Sumner's|parents are still alive. {58547}{58649}I'm not even sure he has|a family back there, not all of us do. {58650}{58709}But if he does have a family, {58709}{58777}they should know that he died with ... {58778}{58897}honour and courage in the perfomance of his duty. {58899}{59037}He carried the burden of a leader,|and he carried it well. {59039}{59129}I didn't get the chance to know him well, but ... {59129}{59189}I know this, {59190}{59318}considering the type of man|he was and what we're up against, {59319}{59427}yeah I wish he was still here. {59427}{59524}Not a day goes by that I don't think of you Simon. {59525}{59587}There's so much I want to tell you {59588}{59646}and share with you. {59650}{59712}But I can't. {59739}{59802}I know this is unfair, {59803}{59857}so much you don't know, {59858}{59950}and putting your life on hold for me. {59989}{60058}So don't, {60059}{60148}all I ask is that you take care of yourself. {60149}{60223}And know that wherever you are, {60224}{60303}my heart is looking after you. {60314}{60357}So take care of yourself, {60358}{60391}lots of sleep {60392}{60439}and remember your daily walks, {60439}{60505}and keep up with your prescription. {60506}{60557}Well that's about it, {60558}{60610}I'll say goodbye now. {60640}{60686}And mum, {60692}{60727}I do love you. {60733}{60797}Bye Grandma, Grandpa - I miss you! {60804}{60833}Goodbye bro! {60920}{60940}Goodbye. {60957}{61004}Goodbye Simon. {61035}{61061}Goodbye. {61274}{61364}We have unscheduled offworld activation! {61448}{61490}Receiving transmission. {61592}{61632}Who's it from? {61683}{61720}Atlantis.