{1}{1}23.976 {25}{75}{Y:i}Previously on Stargate Atlantis. {80}{125}I'd like to report for duty, ma'am. {135}{150}{Y:i}Lieutenant! {160}{185}What do you think you're doing here? {186}{225}- Just give me something to do.|- I don't think so. {226}{250}Don't push me around! {255}{285}Where's the rest of the enzyme? {315}{355}Lt Ford might have been your friend, {356}{385}but he's not anymore. {435}{480}We are only here searching for a friend. {485}{519}You guys all think I'm crazy or something. {520}{540}No, no-one thinks that. {541}{572}{Y:i}We think we can help him, {573}{600}if we can find him. {601}{644}This drug is messing with your head! {645}{665}I'm not just fine. {675}{700}I'm better than fine. {785}{805}Lieutenant! {830}{850}Don't! {935}{955}Ford! {1010}{1039}{Y:i}This is ridiculous. {1040}{1105}{Y:i}Well, keep complaining about it|and we may get there faster. {1106}{1235}{Y:i}Well, couldn't we have met these people on a tropical|beach planet, populated by tall, blonde women? {1236}{1309}Whoever wants to speak with us,|obviously values their privacy. {1310}{1360}Yes, well I value my time and this is a waste of it. {1361}{1429}What's a waste of time, is listening to you, Rodney.|This is a mission. {1430}{1535}Yeah well, it strikes me that this is a mission better|suited to one of the... lower echelon teams. {1536}{1560}Lower echelon? {1561}{1600}He means to say, less important. {1601}{1670}Got a tip from one of Teyla's contacts.|We're following it up. {1671}{1755}And this is like what? The umpteenth tip|we've followed up in search of a ZedPM? {1756}{1773}- Rodney? {1774}{1830}Look, I just want to make it clear|that every second I am out of my lab {1831}{1905}is a second the galaxy goes|without another ground-breaking... {2130}{2205}We have to get them through the Gate|before their people realise they are missing. {2765}{2795}You guys OK? {2825}{2865}Oh yeah, fine. {2890}{2965}Seems like a whole lot of trouble to go through,|just to get us to dinner. {3075}{3120}Not a talkative bunch, are you. {3121}{3165}We'll release you from your bindings {3166}{3210}if you promise not to attack us. {3230}{3255}Sure. {3285}{3325}Yeah. We promise. {3500}{3565}Before we untie them,|they had to know that they are among friends. {3610}{3635}Ford? {3665}{3710}Thought I was dead, didn't you Sheppard? {3920}{4000}Season 2 - Episode 10|The lost boys (part 1) {4020}{4070}Transcript: Scifigate.net|Sous-titres: Team SG-66 - www.seriestele.net {4200}{4215}Guys. {4235}{4260}Guys please. {4261}{4275}Eat! {4305}{4320}{Y:i}Eat. {4425}{4485}{Y:i}Well men,|this used to be my team. {4515}{4535}Not this one. {4540}{4575}{Y:i}But I think he's OK, too. {4580}{4620}What is all this? {4640}{4680}Some local vegetables. {4681}{4720}A sorta alligator thingy. {4721}{4770}{Y:i}Tastes like salted meat. It's good. Try. {4780}{4850}I'm not talking about the food.|What the hell is going on? {4851}{4875}Who are these men? {4876}{4910}Why bring us here like this? {4915}{4940}That's a lot of questions. {4945}{4970}Pick one. {5030}{5050}Pick one. {5051}{5075}That's good. {5085}{5120}{Y:i}Where did you find him, Sheppard? {5125}{5205}Maybe you should start with how you managed|to escape being caught by the Wraith Dart? {5240}{5305}What? I get nervous, I get hungry. {5375}{5430}OK, the Dart. {5475}{5495}Ford! {5755}{5800}You're not getting off this planet! {5970}{6030}{Y:i}I have no idea how long I was in the Dart. {6060}{6105}{Y:i}Next thing I knew, I was on a Cruiser {6135}{6170}{Y:i}and I was awake. {6180}{6200}It's the enzyme. {6205}{6260}Makes you almost immune to a Wraith stunner, so {6265}{6300}when you're dematerialized from the Wraith Dart, {6301}{6335}you were awake as opposed to... {6336}{6365}As opposed to dead! {6685}{6735}I cut open it's enzyme pouch. {6755}{6780}Took my fill. {6785}{6820}Made my way off the ship. {6865}{6905}{Y:i}You can get around pretty easy on a Wraith ship. {6906}{6985}{Y:i}They're not used to people making it aboard,|so there's next to no security. {7225}{7290}I walked off with enough enzyme|to last me a little while. {7291}{7329}{Y:i}Tracked down the stargate. {7330}{7385}Dialled the first friendly address I could remember. {7680}{7735}I need a place to stay and a hot meal. {7750}{7805}And what do you got to trade? {7935}{7965}What'll that get me? {7985}{8010}No weapons. {8135}{8150}So? {8175}{8200}What'll that get me? {8305}{8345}I still don't really understand. {8350}{8390}Look at me. I got shot. {8391}{8415}I healed. {8425}{8485}I can see farther. Clearer than I ever saw before. {8486}{8525}{Y:i}I told them about the enzyme. {8545}{8605}{Y:i}How it makes you stronger and more aware. {8606}{8635}{Y:i}More resilient. {8645}{8705}{Y:i}How to give us a fighting chance against the Wraith. {8735}{8765}I mean, look at me. {8780}{8805}Look at me! {8905}{8970}I walked off a Wraith Cruiser! {9045}{9070}It works. {9075}{9105}I wanna try it. {9170}{9195}{Y:i}Wait a second. {9230}{9260}All your people here. {9285}{9310}All your men. {9325}{9355}They're on the enzyme? {9380}{9400}Of course. {9937}{9955}No! {9965}{10015}We don't do it like that anymore. {10035}{10070}Let's get him back home. {10115}{10205}{Y:i}As our numbers kept growing,|we needed more and more of the enzyme. {10645}{10670}Nice work. {10680}{10700}Thank you. {10720}{10770}{Y:i}This should give us a steady stream of the enzyme. {10815}{10865}Time to focus on some bigger issues. {10950}{10970}{Y:i}Aiden. {10975}{11080}Do you mean to tell us that there are|live Wraith here in this cave? {11105}{11125}That's right. {11155}{11230}The Wraith can communicate|with each other over a distance. {11250}{11279}But not between stars. {11305}{11354}{Y:i}They'd have to be in this solar system. {11355}{11380}You taught me that. {11390}{11440}Yes well, good for me. {11480}{11535}It doesn't matter.|They can't communicate if they're unconscious. {11565}{11595}Why'd you jump us? {11635}{11690}Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry about that. {11691}{11725}It was the only way to get you here. {11726}{11780}Why didn't you just tell us where you were?|You know we would have come. {11781}{11815}Yeah, you and a special ops team. {11816}{11840}No, no! {11860}{11890}I know you think I'm crazy. {11945}{11995}I brought you all here to show you that you're wrong. {12010}{12075}I mean, do I look crazy? {12100}{12165}Do I seem out of control? {12170}{12230}Are we speaking in relative terms, or... {12231}{12310}Look. Jace here has really fine tuned the enzyme. {12320}{12395}We know how to administer it now and to regulate it.|Refine with it. {12396}{12445}We've gotten so good we can even lace food with it. {12550}{12575}Excuse me? {12590}{12615}Congratulations. {12625}{12665}You've just had your first dose. {12680}{12700}What? {12730}{12810}I thought long and hard about how|to show you that the enzyme was safe. {12845}{12920}To convince you that it was the first step|to defeating the Wraith. {12921}{12954}So you could convince Weir. {12955}{13004}- Convince the military.|- Are you out of your mind? {13005}{13050}- Hey! Settle down, McKay!|- No I will not settle down! {13051}{13100}I have been drugged against my will,|you little punk! {13101}{13140}You should not have done this Aiden! {13145}{13180}Be as mad as you want. {13181}{13239}Couple of days, you'll be thanking me. {13240}{13285}We'll all have a good laugh about this.|Now eat up. {13350}{13405}I'm itchy. I'm itchy all over. {13406}{13465}This is exactly what happened|when I toked pot once in college. {13466}{13510}Everyone stay put. {13555}{13575}Let him go. {13650}{13665}Ford! {13695}{13710}Look. {13725}{13775}I know what you're trying to do. I get it, I do. {13776}{13825}But you're going about his all wrong. {13826}{13900}Weir isn't going to listen to us|if we're all hopped up on the enzyme. {13905}{13935}Your food was clean. {14010}{14040}Why?|Why me? {14065}{14100}You're gonna be the witness. {14101}{14230}You're gonna be the one to tell Weir,|that her most trusted team has taken|the enzyme and is better because of it. {14240}{14270}Look buddy. {14290}{14360}Why don't you come back with us.|Have Beckett look you over? {14361}{14405}- That's the best proof.|- No. {14435}{14470}No, I've thought this through. {14471}{14500}This is the plan. {14555}{14630}- Look, I don't know what you're thinking...|- You're free to roam around as much as you want. {14685}{14725}You're all a part of the team, now. {14915}{14969}OK.|So why aren't these guys watching us? {14970}{14995}Ronon is right. {14996}{15065}They went to great trouble to get us here.|Why would they allow us to leave? {15066}{15100}Just waiting for the other shoe to drop. {15101}{15140}Oh, that little bastard! {15145}{15195}- There it goes.|- See, this is what I was afraid of. {15196}{15215}What'd he do? {15216}{15260}He's taken all the necessary control crystals. {15261}{15305}Something I showed him how to do on a mission,|I might add! {15310}{15335}Well, that's not good. {15336}{15385}That is the understatement of the year. {15386}{15419}Alright! See what you can do! {15420}{15465}OK, why don't we just take them? {15466}{15525}All we gotta do is get our hands on one stunner.|I can take them all. {15526}{15635}Yeah, maybe, but if we mess it up, whatever trust|we might have been given, will disappear. {15636}{15685}You wanna make them trust us? {15686}{15774}We play it cool, we let 'em get comfortable.|They're bound to make a mistake. {15775}{15815}And in the meantime? {15820}{15855}We play along. {15955}{15995}How are you guys feeling? {16005}{16045}I didn't eat that much.|I feel fine. {16046}{16135}Perhaps if we were able to fast, they would be|unable to administer the enzyme. {16136}{16205}I doubt that.|I don't think they'd have a problem forcing us. {16206}{16284}This thing is useless and I ate my face off.|And I can tell you, I can feel it working! {16285}{16340}There's a good possibility that everything|you're feeling right now might be {16341}{16382}- psychosomatic.|- Oh, is that right, Professor Science? {16383}{16424}Is that your expert opinion? {16425}{16449}Yes it is. {16450}{16495}Well I can tell you, when they up the dosage, {16496}{16565}the side effects will be very real|and very unpredictable. {16600}{16635}{Y:i}You're back early. {16642}{16719}Janev's kind of a closed society. {16720}{16815}Very polite, very courteous, but completely|uninterested in having anything to do with us. {16816}{16870}Well better that than hostile, I suppose. {16900}{16934}Colonel Sheppard's team. {16935}{16970}Three hours overdue. {16971}{17005}It wouldn't be the first time. {17006}{17035}Any radio contact? {17045}{17080}None since they left. {17100}{17135}Well, you know those guys. {17155}{17190}What do I know about those guys? {17215}{17290}Just that they tend to get all caught up|in whatever it is they're doing {17291}{17350}and sometimes they don't check in. {17351}{17390}They forget how much you worry. {17425}{17460}We worry. {17461}{17520}- Collectively, I mean.|- Yes we do. {17550}{17585}Yeah, we do. {17586}{17635}OK guys, looks like we're heading back out. {17638}{17664}Thank you Major. {17665}{17690}You're welcome. {17720}{17845}Seriously! I'm getting... I'm getting... chills,|hot flashes, chills and hot flashes again and again. {17846}{17875}None of you are feeling that? {17880}{17949}The enzyme side effects are gonna be|the least of his concerns if he keeps this up. {17950}{17985}I know. Just be patient. {17986}{18025}Historically,|that hasn't been a strength for me. {18026}{18045}I know! {18065}{18095}Sheppard, Teyla! {18155}{18215}Kanayo's running a mission offworld.|I want you to go with him. {18216}{18234}Why? {18235}{18265}We're running an op. {18266}{18320}Time you might wanna see the men in action. {18350}{18400}Sure!|Wherever you need us. {18401}{18435}Just give us some weapons and... {18437}{18471}{Y:i}Nice try. {18476}{18526}No, you're gonna hang back and watch with Kanayo. {18528}{18580}Don't worry, you won't be in any danger. {18581}{18614}That's a load off my mind. {18615}{18631}Good. {18631}{18671}What about us? {18701}{18758}Jace'll give you the grand tour.|Show you what we've done with the place. {18759}{18779}How's that sound? {18780}{18814}Oh, it sounds delightful. {18815}{18935}Good, good. Then if Sheppard tries anything offworld,|you'll be nice and close for me to kill you both. {18936}{19009}Can't think of a better way of spending the afternoon. {19009}{19048}Move! {19094}{19144}Looks like he's asking you to go. {19846}{19890}Are those guards Genii? {19894}{19922}Yes. {19938}{19979}What exactly are we doing here? {19980}{20029}The Genii have spies all over the galaxy. {20030}{20131}For whatever reason, if one of them can't|make it back to the Genii homeworld,|their leaders have established safehouses. {20132}{20203}When they need a place to unload on|gear or a place to hide, they come here. {20204}{20224}That's useful. {20225}{20291}Yeah, we've found it to be an excellent|source of information and supplies. {20292}{20358}How did you find them in the first place? {20367}{20420}I was a Genii spy. {20500}{20554}If you're one of them,|why don't you just walk in there. {20555}{20628}Well I used to, but eventually|they realised that I'd betrayed them. {20629}{20676}I can see how they would. {20688}{20724}We rely on raids now. {20724}{20768}Why? What more do you guys want? {20769}{20828}We don't have all the pieces we need for the Lt's plan. {20829}{20915}Right. And which plan would that be, again? {20916}{20969}All will be revealed when the time is right. {20970}{21073}Well, good. I hate for things to be revealed too early. {21154}{21208}{Y:i}How are you powering these Genii computers? {21209}{21250}We stole a Talnoran generator. {21251}{21313}They're a pain to keep serviced, but they do the job. {21314}{21393}Actually, we just got|our hands on some Palation solar cells, {21394}{21486}but I haven't been able to figure out how to|interface them yet. Have you used them before? {21487}{21538}Can't say that I have.|What do you, what do you do here? {21539}{21559}We study the Wraith. {21560}{21602}Oh yeah? How's that going? {21603}{21685}Some of our discoveries,|have been quite exciting, actually. {21686}{21720}Like what? {21721}{21814}Well for one, they seem to be territorial. {21815}{21913}Very much so, it turns out.|They're not a united foe, like we once believed. {21914}{21931}Really. {21932}{22008}Yes, in fact I believe|they're fractioning even further. {22009}{22094}Now, my understanding of|their language is fairly limited, {22095}{22216}but they seem to be trying to establish a system|that would restrict intership communications. {22217}{22280}What? Why would they stop|sharing information with each other. {22280}{22354}Ford thinks it might have to do|with your friend's ability to read their minds. {22355}{22469}If she taps into them, only one ship|would be compromised, not the whole fleet. {22471}{22508}What, all this because of Teyla? {22521}{22595}Well for one, she may not be|the only one that possesses that ability. {22596}{22644}Fair enough. {22645}{22808}And two. I think that the lack|of food in the galaxy has created|some deep divisions within the Wraith cells. {22845}{22890}And you got all that from... {22905}{22922}this? {22933}{22948}Yes. {22977}{23034}To be honest, I could use some help. {23035}{23068}How's your Wraith, Doctor? {23090}{23173}It's OK. Let me see what you got. {23509}{23547}That's better. {23562}{23631}You guys still need to work together. {23657}{23711}We're stronger as a team. {23784}{23827}You wanna spar a little? {23927}{23975}We're cool, right? {23987}{24044}You're not holding a grudge or anything. {24062}{24121}I did save your life. {24136}{24180}I remember. {24210}{24243}You know, it's funny. {24243}{24334}If you ask a dozen people who they thought|would win in a fight between you and me, {24335}{24443}people would choose you, hands down.|Hell, I'd choose you. {24450}{24502}But we went toe to toe. {24515}{24538}Yeah, we did. {24539}{24582}Till Sheppard showed up. {24595}{24654}So I guess it's still undecided. {24657}{24763}Look, all I'm saying is,|why do you think I was able to fight you like that? {24764}{24805}It's the enzyme. {24827}{24868}Look what it did for me. {24869}{24939}Imagine what it could do for you. {24963}{25050}I'm not the bad guy here, Ronon.|I'm just trying to help. {25129}{25216}You'll come around.|I know you will. {25340}{25411}We've just finished our scans, Ma'am.|They're not here. {25412}{25459}Do you think they've headed to another planet? {25460}{25593}It's possible, but as you know,|it's standard procedure to check in and tell us first.|They didn't do that, so... {25594}{25660}They might have been taken offworld against their will. {25665}{25695}Yeah. {25736}{25828}Alright. Can you get me|the last few addresses dialled from that DHD? {25855}{25949}Maybe somebody can,|but that's a little out of my skill set. {25951}{25994}I'll send Zelenka. {25995}{26062}Good call. Lorne out. {26172}{26219}So, what's the plan? {26220}{26259}We take them by force. {26262}{26312}That's some ground-breaking strategy there. {26313}{26395}I think the Colonel is interested|in the type of attack. {26396}{26448}We plan to overpower them. {26448}{26527}I think it's best if we just watch. {26665}{26692}Now. {26890}{26934}What kind of plan is that? {26934}{26958}One that works. {26959}{26996}One of your men got hit. {26997}{27077}Well it should be safe for us now. {27213}{27250}This guy's dead. {27251}{27308}So you see, you are not invincible. {27309}{27351}We're close enough. {27354}{27402}There are skills to the art of war, Kanayo. {27403}{27494}Don't you tell me how to run my missions.|You're just here to watch. {27688}{27735}Look familiar? {27736}{27776}It's our C4. {27777}{27814}We're stealing it back. {27815}{27837}For what purpose? {27838}{27879}For the Hive. {27885}{27920}As in hive ship? {27921}{27985}Yeah. That's the Lt's plan. {27986}{28092}You're gonna help us destroy a Wraith hive ship. {28188}{28250}One of the added bonuses|of killing the Wraith is, {28251}{28351}every now and again you get|your hands on a couple of these. {28352}{28432}Now thanks to Jace and some of the|computers that we borrowed from the Genii, {28433}{28515}we've been able to figure out the|exact flight path of one of their hive ships. {28516}{28596}It's decimating all inhabited worlds in it's path. {28598}{28637}It has to be stopped. {28639}{28746}I've been able to calculate that in the next several|days it'll be forced to make a hyperspace pause, {28747}{28793}{Y:i}very near an unihabited planet. {28794}{28837}that happens to have a stargate. {28838}{28946}We gate to that planet, get on a hive ship,|plant the C4 in the Dart Bay and get out. {28947}{29033}{Y:i}We could save thousands, if not,|hundreds of thousands of lives. {29083}{29103}So? {29280}{29299}You heard me. {29300}{29436}Let me see if I can couch what Colonel Sheppard|means by wow, in more explicit terms. {29437}{29474}That is a terrible plan. {29475}{29487}Rodney. {29488}{29547}Made all the more frightening by the|fact that you think it's a good plan. {29547}{29573}What's wrong with it? {29574}{29628}What's right with it?|Look, let's just for a second, {29629}{29761}give in to reckless abandon and assume|it would be possible to plant a single charge,|large enough to destroy an entire hive ship. {29762}{29830}We're planning on secondary explosions in the Dart Bay. {29831}{29857}Regardless! {29858}{29921}The hive ship will be on a hyperspace pause, yes, {29921}{30011}but it will not enter the planet's atmosphere.|Nor will it take up any sort of stable orbit. {30012}{30052}It will be flying through space. {30053}{30117}Which means, that unless your enzyme allows you|to jump higher than you've let on... {30118}{30152}We've a space ship. {30153}{30208}Oh yeah? Really. {30209}{30281}And what's it made out of? Bark? {30292}{30336}No, it's real, McKay. {30342}{30460}In fact, it's the only ship I'd feel|comfortable using on a mission like this. {30774}{30800}OK, where'd you get it? {30801}{30831}Does it matter? {30835}{30880}None of us has had much success flying it. {30881}{30953}Banged it up pretty bad in the last couple of landings.|It's in need of some repairs. {30954}{30993}And a real pilot. {30996}{31044}This is why you brought us here. {31045}{31088}It's the reason I've waited till now, yes. {31089}{31141}- Assuming this guy can get it working again.|{Y:i}- He can. {31146}{31188}These people are the best at what they do. {31189}{31267}Look, you fly, you scoop us up, you|take us to the Hive, you drop us off. {31268}{31317}All we need, is time to lay the charge. {31318}{31368}We'll be in and out of there before the|Wraith have any idea what's going on. {31369}{31393}It's perfect. {31393}{31430}It is far from perfect! {31431}{31482}But, it is possible. {31483}{31507}Colonel. {31508}{31554}What? Are you honestly considering this? {31556}{31601}It's on it's way to a culling, Rodney. {31602}{31665}Yeah and I am sorry about that,|but this is insane! {31666}{31706}Maybe not! {31710}{31807}Jace has been trying to get it working,|but he's not you, McKay. {31815}{31838}Can you fix it? {31839}{31862}Probably not. {31863}{31894}That usually means yes. {31897}{31953}Aren't you the one, not taking the enzyme? {31954}{31997}You're supposed to be the clear|voice of reason here. {31998}{32036}Look, can you fix it? {32037}{32161}Even if I could, I wouldn't. I'm sorry,|drug me all you want, I'm not doing this! {32205}{32266}Let me talk to him. He'll come around {32267}{32300}OK. {32352}{32361}Rodney! {32363}{32472}Look, maybe you are on the enzyme,|maybe Ford lied, because no rational|person would think that was a good plan. {32473}{32541}Look, a million things could go wrong,|I know that, but just... {32542}{32620}Look stop! Shut up and listen. {32631}{32735}You fix that Dart, we all get outta here. I know|it's risky, but Ford's not thinking straight, so... {32736}{32765}What are you talking about? {32768}{32835}I'll insist you're all on the away team. {32836}{32925}I'll scoop you up and instead of flying out|to the hive ship, we fly out to Atlantis. {32926}{32956}How? {32957}{33020}That Dart's gotta have it's own DHD, right? {33021}{33045}Of course. {33046}{33119}Well, you get that thing flight worthy, we all go home! {33132}{33180}Right, of course! {33192}{33285}You see, I would have thought of that myself,|before I became a drug addict. {33286}{33328}I'm sure you would have. {33338}{33387}I'm sorry. {33403}{33459}Alright. OK. {33499}{33534}{Y:i}Damn it, this just doesn't work. {33535}{33555}That good? {33560}{33637}These things are not designed to store Gate addresses. {33638}{33665}What can you give us? {33666}{33720}Well, every time the gate is dialled, {33721}{33800}it's like a residual imprint|is left on the control crystals. {33801}{33826}Which means? {33827}{33920}Well, I've managed to mine|about fifty addresses, but {33921}{33981}no idea if they're correct or|what order they were dialled in. {33982}{34042}Fifty? That's a lot of planets to check. {34043}{34119}Yes, And that's assuming that they're correct. {34120}{34177}OK, so long story short? {34177}{34308}It's going to be next to impossible|to find Colonel Sheppard and his team,|based on what I can get from this DHD. {34309}{34414}Great. OK, pack it up. Let's take what you've got.|We'll go over it on Atlantis. {34415}{34482}Weir's not gonna be happy about this. {34541}{34576}How'd that go? {34623}{34768}Well, he'll do it, but we need some conditions. {34771}{34803}What? {34804}{34860}Dial back McKay's enzyme doses. {34861}{34878}No! {34879}{34969}Look! We're under some time constraints here.|I'm not saying the enzyme wouldn't help. {34970}{35086}I'm saying, we need him standing still and|thinking, not running laps because it feels good. {35169}{35200}Ronon and Teyla? {35201}{35237}Stick to the plan. {35272}{35311}Fine, what else? {35312}{35410}I'll fly it, that's obvious, but I want|McKay, Teyla and Ronon on the strike team. {35411}{35460}It's not a good mission for McKay. {35461}{35495}{Y:i}- It could get rough in there.|- Look, {35496}{35599}suddenly we need a door opened, or a|computer hacked. McKay should be there to do it. {35600}{35648}That's why he's on my team in the first place. {35727}{35762}Is that it? {36130}{36145}No. {36795}{36850}No. You fire it up now, it'll only explode. {37948}{37968}OK. {38202}{38228}We're close. {38416}{38448}It's a good plan. {38454}{38511}I couldn't have done it without you, Sir. {38512}{38570}Well, I'm glad you trust me enough to bring me here. {38695}{38734}What's wrong? {38778}{38833}I wanna go home. {38965}{38995}Let's go. {39005}{39085}{Y:i}Give McKay the DHD|crystals and let's get outta here. {39086}{39146}I can have you back on Earth within an hour. {39190}{39210}No. {39240}{39275}{Y:i}We have to do this first. {39306}{39355}I have to prove to them that we can do this. {39362}{39423}You don't have to prove anything to anyone, Lieutenant. {39638}{39738}I saw your cousin and your Grandparents,|when I was back to Earth. {39770}{39846}They miss you.|A lot! {39925}{39990}This whole MIA thing is killing them. {39991}{40021}They're strong. {40048}{40079}They can wait. {40130}{40202}If anyone's ever going|to take me seriously ever again, {40213}{40246}we have to do this. {40247}{40272}Listen, Aiden... {40273}{40295}No. {40350}{40403}I'm sorry.|I don't wanna talk about this. {40556}{40647}Well, part of me thinks he brought us|here cos he knew we'd bring him back. {40692}{40787}I think subconsciously, he knows what|are plan is and he's fine with it. {40963}{41000}Give it back! {41040}{41080}Or what? {41617}{41666}Come on guys. Guys! Stop! {41786}{41843}What the hell's gotten into you two? {41886}{41985}Oh, right. Never mind. {42046}{42094}We need to talk about this? {42095}{42137}About what? {42138}{42162}{Y:i}The enzyme works. {42166}{42218}No-one's saying it,|but we're all thinking it. {42219}{42257}It works. {42272}{42356}I must admit, I have noticed|an increased amount of strength. {42376}{42423}Maybe Ford is right. {42424}{42493}Maybe it's worth looking into seeing|what this stuff can do. {42507}{42632}They were an hour late in delivering|our doses yesterday and I felt awful. {42633}{42750}It frightens me how reliant my body has become|on the enzyme always being in my system. {42751}{42816}What would happen if we|suddenly could not receive it? {42817}{42882}The only negative is that|you gotta keep taking it. {42889}{42931}I'd wanna stay on it. {42932}{42969}How about you? {42990}{43061}The fact that I'm even|considering it, makes me feel... {43123}{43149}So? {43182}{43220}It's ready. {43340}{43398}OK, now... Could you move? {43399}{43470}Look, this is probably gonna|make you a little uneasy, but {43471}{43529}when the canopy forms, it's perfectly opaque. {43530}{43582}Then, how am I gonna fly this thing? {43583}{43665}The whole thing is one giant heads up display. It'll|show you all the pertinent information that you need. {43668}{43689}Yeah, you mean in Wraith! {43690}{43776}Which is why I've installed an interface|to translate a lot of the readouts. {43777}{43842}And by a lot, you mean all? Because|my Wraith's not all that good. {43843}{43866}Enough to get you by. {43867}{43896}I knew you could do it. {43897}{43934}{Y:i}Right on time. {43935}{44000}Kanayo's gonna get you suited up.|You should get ready. {44001}{44020}Right. {44257}{44298}Seems a little nervous. {44326}{44370}You know McKay. He'll be fine. {44371}{44414}You know how to dial the DHD on this thing? {44415}{44445}The address is memorised. {44446}{44496}Good. {44531}{44578}{Y:i}Listen, I should probably tell you, {44579}{44632}there's been a slight change of plans. {44638}{44668}Oh yeah? {44672}{44701}Kanayo! {44749}{44805}Don't even think about it! {44949}{44992}What the hell you doing? {44993}{45049}McKay's going to stay here,|while we do the op. {45050}{45074}Take him! {45116}{45175}This wasn't part of the plan. {45176}{45211}Neither was you heading back to Atlantis. {45230}{45348}You didn't really buy the whole|'I wanna go home' speech, did you? {45549}{45613}Always underestimating me Sheppard.|You need to stop doing that. {45614}{45667}Complete the mission and McKay lives. {45668}{45742}We can't complete the mission, Ford.|It's a bad plan! {45750}{45782}You said it was a great plan. {45783}{45850}You didn't buy the whole|'It's a great plan' speech, did you? {45881}{45940}Get this Dart in the air and come scoop us up. {46030}{46116}And the Dart DHD only dials to the|planet we're going to and back here. {46117}{46188}Just in case McKay's life isn't enough|to get you to do the right thing. {46222}{46296}Aiden.|What are you doing? {46297}{46359}Just making sure you guys|hold up your end of the bargain. {46400}{46445}It's OK, give them back their weapons. {46459}{46503}Are you sure? {46504}{46585}Yeah. If we're gonna do this,|we all gotta work together. {46908}{46949}Good luck to us all. {47136}{47193}Stand by for pick-up {47658}{47712}If they were OK, they would have radioed in by now. {47713}{47755}I understand that, ma'am. {47788}{47895}I want everyone who is cleared for offworld|activity, to help with the search. {47896}{47998}The Daedalus is on its way from Earth and they'll be|able to help, but until they get here, it's up to us. {47999}{48160}And I know that, but I need you to understand|that it is gonna take a very long time to|search all the planets on our list. {48161}{48220}It could take months. {48221}{48294}We can't afford months. Major. {48295}{48350}And I know that, too. {48366}{48408}Good. {48806}{48866}This is gonna take some getting used to. {49020}{49120}Come on! And we were getting along so well. {49159}{49212}Auto Pilot. NO! {49234}{49279} {49280}{49390}R2, I need you to turn|the auto pilot off! {49398}{49421}Now! {49535}{49575}Worth a try. {50168}{50220} {50457}{50487}Jace! {50590}{50623}We have to go after them! {50624}{50668}No-one would have survived that fall. {50693}{50743}We have to get out of the open. {50847}{50880}You guys OK? {50881}{50936}{Y:i}No, we're not OK! {50937}{50998}You beamed half|of us off the edge of the platform. {51012}{51050}Teyla and Ronon? {51051}{51097}Is that all you care about?|You murdered my men! {51098}{51177}I've lost all control of the Dart.|I had to release you blind. {51178}{51239}Maintain radio silence until we lay the charge. {51240}{51277}Negative! We need to stay in contact. {51278}{51298}{Y:i}Their ship... {51299}{51346}You should leave that radio on, Aiden. {51347}{51376}Don't tell me what to do. {51632}{51652}Ford. {51680}{51700}Ford? {51710}{51730}Ford! {51740}{51751}Damnit! {51769}{51814} {51815}{51859}I'd prefer not to. {51860}{51904} {51931}{51970}Oh boy! {52075}{52110}Would you mind checking tomorrow? {52224}{52261}This is not good. {52356}{52387}What is that? {52394}{52420}It's an alarm. {52434}{52458}That shouldn't happen. {52459}{52483}No it shouldn't. {52527}{52553}Sheppard, you there? {52614}{52650}{Y:i}Sheppard, you there? {52651}{52691}I think I might have set the alarm off. {52692}{52752}You guys be careful,|cos there's probably some guards on the way. {52778}{52807}Too late. {52824}{52876}If you wanna live, stay behind me. {53105}{53132}You want some? {53133}{53164}No, I'm good, thanks. {53165}{53191}- You sure?|- Yeah, pretty sure. {53192}{53241}Look, don't you|think that they should be back by now? {53242}{53293}I mean, how long does it take to|fly there and fly back, you know? I mean {53294}{53372}I say it's a minute from here to the gate. {53373}{53433}Ten, tops from their gate to the hive ship. {53434}{53556}Twenty to get in and lay a charge and and what,|ten more to get back out and home, right? So... {53557}{53590}Worrying really isn't going to do anything. {53591}{53624}Yeah well, I subscribe to a|different school of thought. {53625}{53695}- They're fine!|- You can't possibly know that! {53746}{53824}- I got a gut feeling.|- Yeah, well I have a different gut... {53940}{53960}feeling. {54042}{54062}Ford! {54069}{54095}What's your position? {54146}{54171}Ford! {54605}{54632}Ah, dammit! {55291}{55326}Keep fighting! {55860}{55970}And thanks to several modifications,|the specifics of which are encrypted in this databurst, {55971}{56103}we believe we can streamline|our power consumption a further 30%. {56238}{56288}Also at the time of this transmission, {56289}{56356}Colonel Sheppard's team is still missing and is {56382}{56406}is presumed... {56444}{56531}Colonel Sheppard's team is still missing.|End transmission. {56710}{56736}Are you alright? {56765}{56805}I'm in a holding cell? {56807}{56845}Yes. {56846}{56900}On a hive ship. {56936}{57000}Well then, no, I'm not doing so good! {57014}{57050}I can't believe you screwed up! {57051}{57093}I did what? {57108}{57155}You set off the alarm.|You ruined the mission. {57156}{57248}The Dart went on auto-pilot,|the second I got close to the hive. {57249}{57301}You're lucky I was able to get you out! {57302}{57334}Why would it do that? {57335}{57374}Why would it go on auto-pilot? {57375}{57434}That's what Jumpers do|when they gate to Atlantis. {57435}{57475}Well, why didn't you say something? {57476}{57518}Why didn't I say something? {57545}{57575}You want me to fail. {57588}{57659}{Y:i}- You want me to look bad.|- That's right, you snot nosed brat! {57660}{57744}I put my team's life on the line,|just to prove you wrong! {57767}{57807}We got company. {58033}{58095}Move away. {58096}{58145}What do you want? {58188}{58264}The one who flew the ship. {58304}{58347}Why don't you start with me? {58418}{58450}{Y:i}Wait! {58472}{58503}You want me. {58948}{58978}It's alright. {58994}{59030}There's always a way out. {59043}{59078}If he dies, {59093}{59120}you die.