{1}{1}25.000 {285}{332}This vessel does not have a pool. {333}{386}I was talking about the gambling variety. {515}{563}I do not wish to speculate. {570}{610}Well, he said it was something important. {611}{672}- You're not the least bit curious?|- Indeed. {676}{727}But I would not risk a wager. {870}{915}{Y:i}Surprise! {987}{1025}It's not my birthday! {1138}{1156}{Y:i}Hey! {1157}{1217}We made a weird cat-piņata thingy. {1218}{1262}I told you to bring something to amuse yourself. {1263}{1317}I didn't mean me, or the crew. {1319}{1370}But they won't believe that it's my birthday... {1372}{1392}again. {1393}{1427}Not my problem. {1441}{1521}Being stuck on this ship is worse|than being stuck at the SGC. {1522}{1602}I... I... I tell you, the last time I|was this bored, I took hostages. {1603}{1634}{Y:i}I was there. {1705}{1725}Major? {1729}{1780}We're approaching the coordinates, Sir. {1790}{1819}Drop us out. {1974}{2006}We're being hailed. {2007}{2083}{Y:i}The Asgard are requesting|permission to beam aboard, Sir. {2084}{2111}{Y:i}Granted. {2212}{2239}Greetings, {2240}{2277}and welcome to Orilla. {2278}{2309}Thor! {2314}{2382}{Y:i}Hello, Colonel Carter.|It is good to see you. {2383}{2442}Out of curiosity,|how can you tell the difference? {2443}{2501}- The voice.|(y:i}- It's good to see you too, Thor. {2508}{2582}This is General Landry,|Colonel Mitchell and Vala. {2583}{2606}{Y:i}Greetings. {2607}{2683}So, Thor, how've you been?|Haven't heard from you in a while. {2684}{2716}{Y:i}I am sorry. {2722}{2784}I have been otherwise occupied. {2785}{2838}{Y:i}As mentioned in our communication, {2839}{2888}{Y:i}the High Council wishes to meet with you, {2889}{2932}to explain in greater detail, {2933}{2994}but there is not much time. {2999}{3023}General, {3025}{3065}{Y:i}with your permission, {3066}{3143}a number of Asgard are prepared|to beam aboard, immediately, {3144}{3230}to begin installing various|technological upgrades to this ship. {3231}{3268}I hope it's ray guns. {3273}{3305}I got ray guns in the pool. {3306}{3359}What is it you're planning on giving us? {3360}{3394}Everything we have {3395}{3427}and know. {3441}{3468}By that, you mean... {3469}{3496}{Y:i}Everything. {3497}{3557}{Y:i}All our most current technology. {3558}{3608}All our knowledge. {3651}{3685}Sorry, we're {3686}{3737}just a little stunned. I mean, {3745}{3781}why are you doing this? {3782}{3851}{Y:i}You've always resisted in the past.|You always said we weren't ready. {3852}{3877}Indeed. {3883}{3940}Many Asgard still believe that. {3946}{3991}So what's changed? {4000}{4057}As a race, we are dying. {4068}{4126}Very soon we will all... {4127}{4159}be gone. {4445}{4536}Subtitles by SG-66|www.seriestele.net {4698}{4739}Transcript by Suzanna {4840}{4910}Season 10 Episode 20|Unending {5953}{6040}{Y:i}The Asgard computer core is equipped|with its own power source, {6041}{6118}{Y:i}that will not infringe on your ship's ZPM. {6119}{6178}However, when the upgrades are complete, {6179}{6256}the core will be fully integrated|into all the ship's systems. {6257}{6306}There must be something more you can do. {6307}{6332}I assure you, {6333}{6404}we are providing you|with all the latest Asgard technology, {6405}{6489}{Y:i}as well as a knowledge base|including our entire recorded history. {6490}{6533}That's not what I was talking about. {6534}{6575}Everything that can be done, {6576}{6620}has been done. {6630}{6721}The final attempt to solve|our physiological degeneration, {6722}{6810}has left each of us with a|rapidly progressing disease. {6819}{6847}{Y:i}It really wasn't an option for them. {6848}{6937}They made the choice to extend their life|through science, generations ago. {6942}{7041}It took any natural physiological evolution,|necessary for ascension, out of the equation. {7042}{7166}They're planning on ending their lives, before the|degeneration they're suffering from, goes too far. {7168}{7191}Mass suicide? {7192}{7263}They don't want any of their knowledge or|technology, falling into the wrong hands. {7264}{7324}And they wanted us to witness the event. {7327}{7425}- So, everything they've installed on this ship...|- Is going to be their legacy. {7548}{7569}{Y:i}If you like, {7570}{7671}{Y:i}you'll be able to interface with the core,|using a holographic representation of me, {7672}{7742}{Y:i}or any other Asgard on record|in the knowledge base. {7743}{7793}I'm sorry, but that just won't be the same. {7794}{7878}I have been working on this for the|better part of a year, Colonel Carter. {7879}{7923}And we appreciate it, really! {7924}{8018}Many on the Council, did not believe we|should be imparting such advancements. {8019}{8093}Well, I promise we will do our|very best, not to let you down. {8094}{8159}You are the fifth race. {8167}{8224}{Y:i}Your role is clear. {8225}{8293}If there is any hope in preserving the future, {8294}{8330}it lies with you {8333}{8382}and your people. {8389}{8430}No pressure, huh? {8440}{8491}{Y:i}You have earned my respect {8494}{8546}and my friendship. {8586}{8628}Well, the feeling's mutual. {8650}{8702}Please do not be sad. {8705}{8775}{Y:i}The end of my people has|been a long time coming. {8779}{8869}We have made too many irreversible|mistakes in our development. {8870}{8935}Hopefully, you can learn something from it. {8942}{8981}{Y:i}My only regret, {8984}{9097}is that our physical weakness has left|us incapable of helping you further. {9282}{9390}Sir. Three Ori Motherships just dropped out of|hyperspace and are approaching the planet. {9444}{9512}{Y:i}Colonel, this is the bridge.|We have three contacts. {9515}{9565}{Y:i}Ori Motherships, bearing down. {9566}{9650}Sir, the hyperdrive is still offline.|Diverting power to the shields. {9656}{9695}You must go. {9815}{9868}Sir, the Asgard just disembarked. {9869}{9931}It'll take a few minutes to get|the hyperdrive back online. {9932}{9981}Full sublight.|Get us clear of the planet. {9982}{10011}Full sublight. {10234}{10278}Shields are down to 83%. {10279}{10328}How the hell did they find us? {10383}{10468}- Some reason we're not jumping to hyperspace?|- Carter's working on it. {10469}{10493}{Y:i}Sir. {10494}{10576}Sensors are detecting a massive build up of energy,|coming from the planet. {10577}{10620}Everyone hold on tight! {10965}{11026}- Shields are down to 50%.|- Colonel. {11027}{11068}{Y:i}Sir, the hyperdrive is now online, {11069}{11134}but we have to get clear of the radiation|caused by the explosion, {11135}{11224}- before we can make the jump safely.|- How about the Asgard energy weapons? {11225}{11277}They haven't been tested yet, Sir. {11363}{11404}Shields are down to 28%. {11405}{11472}At maximum sublight we're 47 seconds|to get clear. {11474}{11498}We're not gonna make it. {11499}{11570}Let's see what these new Asgard|upgrades are made of. {11571}{11598}Come about. {11763}{11807}Power the energy weapons! {11830}{11873}{Y:i}Energy weapons are powered. {11901}{11924}Fire! {12026}{12080}Sensors indicate,|enemy shields are fluctuating. {12081}{12106}Keep firing! {12289}{12323}I'll be damned! {12346}{12379}We've got 'em. {12417}{12452}Get us into hyperspace. {12453}{12482}Yes, Sir. {12685}{12732}Run another diagnostic... {12733}{12787}Colonel, how's that report coming? {12788}{12858}I wanna be able to brief the|President, as soon as we get back. {12859}{12947}He's gonna wanna know how quickly we can|duplicate this new Asgard weaponry. {12952}{13024}I'm working on it, Sir, but|something else has come up. {13031}{13119}The hyperdrive diagnostic is spitting out|some data that's concerning me. {13127}{13179}We took some damage,|that's causing a problem? {13180}{13251}I think we need to drop out and|run a few tests, just to be sure. {13416}{13480}Sir. Two contacts just appeared on sensors. {13482}{13503}Motherships. {13504}{13551}{Y:i}Ori.|Closing fast. {13714}{13820}Colonel, given we've already taken damage,|I'd rather not take on two more ships! {13955}{13998}{Y:i}Sir, the hyperdrive is back online. {13999}{14057}- Get us back into hyperspace.|- Yes, Sir. {14156}{14211}It's a hell of a coincidence,|don't you think? {14212}{14292}Well, unless they were tracking us|and just waiting for us to drop out. {14293}{14346}I thought they couldn't track us in hyperspace. {14347}{14409}Unless it was the Ori themselves,|tipping off the Priors. {14410}{14478}{Y:i}We've already passed back into the Milky Way.|As far as we know, {14479}{14550}the Ancients should have a problem with the Ori|using their ascended powers, {14551}{14604}- right under their noses.|- As far as we know. {14605}{14673}At least we now have weapons|we know will destroy an Ori ship. {14674}{14746}Well that's not gonna do us any good,|if they can track us wherever we go. {14747}{14825}{Y:i}I mean, eventually, the Odyssey's gonna|come up against more than she can handle. {14826}{14887}Is it possible, the Priors can detect the|new technology, {14888}{14953}given to us by the Asgard,|without the help of the Ori? {14954}{15004}I suppose the new power source could|be giving off some sort of {15005}{15080}unique energy signature|that's detectable from subspace. {15083}{15155}However, without further experimentation,|the only way to find out {15156}{15226}is to shut it off and|see if that stops the Ori from following us. {15227}{15248}Do it. {15256}{15320}The problem with that, Sir, is that|the new Asgard core, {15321}{15387}is currently tied into|every system on this ship. {15388}{15429}{Y:i}We would have to drop out of hyperspace {15430}{15542}and isolate the core from the hyperdrive|controls and that could take some time. {15719}{15772}Sir, two contacts just appeared on sensors. {15773}{15809}Son of a bitch! {15880}{15921}{Y:i}Shields are down to 53%! {15925}{15973}Reports of damage, front and rear. {15974}{16052}- Levels 2, 6 and 10.|- Evasive maneuvers! Fire at will! {16053}{16120}We already took out one ship,|what's another two, right? {16190}{16250}Colonel, I need the hyperdrive, now! {16323}{16378}Go ahead, Sir, hyperdrive's online. {16656}{16756}We're gonna need at least half an hour to get|the hyperdrive system separated from the core. {16757}{16844}We must assume the Ori ships will continue|to engage us, whenever we stop. {16845}{16910}Is there a planet with a Stargate, nearby? {17002}{17065}Yes, Sir. P3X-474. {17066}{17137}It's uninhabited.|We should get there in just under an hour. {17138}{17189}We might make it before the hyperdrive fails. {17190}{17223}And what? {17224}{17269}Beam to the surface and gate home. {17270}{17380}- We can't let this ship fall into enemy hands.|- That's what the self destruct is for. {17389}{17417}Wait a minute, Sir. {17418}{17469}If you're talking about destroying this ship... {17485}{17547}we can't sacrifice the knowledge base|of the Asgard. {17548}{17586}They trusted us with their legacy. {17587}{17671}Doctor Jackson, this is not|something I'm considering, lightly. {17676}{17733}I'm assuming we can't take any of it with us. {17734}{17788}No, Sir.|The core is too big to fit through the Gate. {17789}{17865}Well, I for one am willing to stay and|put up a fight! I think it's worth it. {17866}{17908}Get us to 474. {17909}{17962}{Y:i}We'll beam the crew down to the surface. {17963}{18059}Hopefully there'll be enough time for them|to gate home, before the Ori attack. {18060}{18088}And then what? {18112}{18221}I said it before, I am for fighting|to the death, but we need a plan, {18222}{18282}{Y:i}preferably one that avoids the|'to the death' part. {18283}{18345}We have an hour to come up with one. {18356}{18428}I think I may have a way|of buying us a little more time. {18893}{18925}Here they come! {18926}{18984}Shields at maximum.|Evasive maneuvers. {18985}{19066}Concentrate fire on only one target.|One at a time. {19152}{19245}- OK, that was not good.|- Shields are down to 23%! {19246}{19294}We're hitting them with everything we've got! {19898}{19932}Shields are offline! {19933}{19971}One more hit will take us out! {19972}{19999}Colonel Carter! {20720}{20826}So, thanks to Asgard technology,|we are in a time dilation bubble. {20827}{20892}{Y:i}While time may appear to be passing at|a normal rate for us, {20893}{20945}in fact, years will pass inside the bubble, {20946}{21013}while mere fractions of a second|pass outside the field. {21014}{21077}- You won't need that much time, though.|(y:i}- Hopefully not. {21078}{21186}My plan, is to try and make the necessary modifications|to the Odyssey, so we can take it out of phase. {21187}{21235}Then, when we shut down the time dilation field, {21236}{21285}- the blast won't hit us.|(y:i}- That would be good. {21286}{21348}You're probably wondering why|I just didn't do that in the first place. {21349}{21411}I'm still back on the time thing. {21427}{21521}The Asgard core has time dilation field technology,|built right into it. {21522}{21568}It was a quick and easy option. {21582}{21696}I'm actually gonna have to recreate some of|Merlin's out of phase technology from scratch, {21697}{21738}{Y:i}with what we have onboard. {21744}{21791}And it could take a while. {21793}{21870}Just to be sure,|how long is a while in our time? {21871}{21903}I'm not exactly sure, {21909}{22001}but we have enough food|and water for three months. {22030}{22058}Three months. {22059}{22102}We can ration supplies. {22135}{22172}I'm gonna go crazy. {22177}{22215}And I'm taking you with me. {22216}{22243}{Y:i}Of course, {22250}{22290}if it takes a little longer... {22322}{22376}Longer than three months. {22377}{22508}Bottom line is, none of you are gonna have|any excuse for being behind on your paperwork. {22869}{22933}{Y:i}That function is not possible. {23849}{23892}{Y:i}Do you think the Ori warriors|could have found a way {23893}{23970}{Y:i}to get through the time dilation field|and over here, onto the ship? {23974}{23999}No. {24000}{24047}Cos I'm hearing things all the time. {24051}{24128}- Are you hearing things?|- I am trying not to. {24137}{24171}Maybe they found a way to ring over, {24172}{24240}but they can't figure out how to secretly|shut off the time dilation field, {24241}{24323}so they're trying to drive us crazy and|make us shut it down ourselves. {24324}{24346}{Y:i}No. {24356}{24396}That wasn't a question. {24426}{24451}No. {24530}{24655}Before I tried to build Merlin's out of phase|technology, I decided to run a simulation. {24727}{24814}Are you saying it took two weeks to figure out|this idea, wouldn't work? {24815}{24916}{Y:i}I'm sorry. I've been trying to adjust the parameters.|Now the problem is, according to Thor, {24917}{25013}I can't seem to take this ship out of phase,|before I shut down the field. {25019}{25149}And once we deactivate the time dilation field,|we have .86 seconds, before the blast hits us {25150}{25206}{Y:i}and that just isn't enough time,|to take the ship out of phase. {25207}{25241}OK, time for plan B. {25242}{25311}Actually, I ran that simulation, too. {25335}{25432}If we beam ourselves into the buffer,|ready to transport down to the planet {25433}{25516}and set the time dilation field|to deactivate on a timer, {25528}{25583}{Y:i}the matter stream still doesn't have enough time {25584}{25654}{Y:i}to fully exit the buffer|and get clear of the explosion. {25655}{25738}Fine, plan C, we go to the 302's.|That's how I got off the Korolev. {25739}{25766}Ran that, too. {25767}{25853}Based on the way the Odyssey is gonna be hit,|compared to the Korolev, {25854}{25879}it won't work. {25899}{25936}The computer's wrong. {25940}{26039}Both of the last two scenarios,|don't preserve the ship or the Asgard knowledge. {26040}{26061}I know. {26065}{26117}OK, it's only been a couple of weeks. {26119}{26161}I have a problem with the word "only". {26162}{26185}{Y:i}The good news is, {26186}{26273}the Asgard have provided us|with some truly amazing technology. {26274}{26314}Just nothing to get us out of this mess! {26317}{26348}{Y:i}I don't know that, yet. {26362}{26448}However, with only a slight modification|to the beaming technology, {26451}{26536}we have a matter converter,|that will literally allow us to manufacture food, {26538}{26603}water, oxygen,|pretty much anything we need. {26604}{26672}Except a way off this ship! {26673}{26718}You've made your point, son. {26722}{26828}I doubt very much if Colonel Carter has even|scratched the surface of what's possible. {26831}{26888}Let's give her some more time. {28494}{28560}I mean, all they wanted to do|was live a little longer. {28582}{28618}We're no different. {28622}{28685}Sequenced DNA. Cure diseases. {28688}{28713}And one... {28731}{28793}fatal mistake and|they doom their entire race. {28804}{28868}I guess no matter what you do,|at the end of the day... {28892}{28947}life is too short. {28975}{29011}I agree. {29299}{29325}What are you doing? {29326}{29392}Something we should have done|a long time ago. {29429}{29479}- Don't do that.|- Why not? {29676}{29730}We've been here three months, Daniel. {29731}{29750}{Y:i}Three {29755}{29790}{Y:i}months! {29833}{29874}You do like girls... {29877}{29906}Yes! {29927}{30029}Well, I don't see many other|options around here, do you? {30060}{30087}{Y:i}Unless, {30104}{30142}you really... {30153}{30221}don't find me attractive. {30232}{30285}Do you want an honest answer|to that question? {30287}{30310}No. {30311}{30359}No seriously, you started this!|Do you want {30360}{30424}- an honest answer to the question?|- No, don't worry about it. {30425}{30526}Do you believe I could have any kind|of serious feelings for you? {30598}{30670}I wasn't suggesting you have serious {30671}{30720}- feelings, Daniel.|- Oh, what? {30721}{30778}So what, we sleep together once, then what? {30779}{30828}We work together! {30831}{30935}{Y:i}You know, even saying that part|out loud sounds unbelievable. I mean... {30946}{31065}Come on! I can't even imagine what|a relationship with you would be like! {31066}{31133}I mean, yes, yes,|you've proven yourself to be... {31135}{31276}trustworthy, on a professional level and for that|I am very proud of you, but on a personal level? {31285}{31344}Vala, come on, give me a break! {31348}{31437}I mean, at best, you're an emotional,|unstable wreck! {31438}{31485}{Y:i}I'm not saying I'm much better. {31488}{31569}I'm not saying I'm much better!|There was a time when I thought I would never {31570}{31611}get over my wife. {31616}{31653}I mean, the idea of... {31693}{31733}being hurt that way, again. {31734}{31819}But I've finally gotten to the place.|I've finally, for the first time in a long time, {31820}{31901}have gotten to the place where I actually feel|I could get close to somebody again. {31911}{32088}But not in a million years. A million, million years,|would I ever possibly consider that person being you! {32098}{32141}I mean we are so... {32144}{32197}completely opposite and {32198}{32291}wrong for each other, it's not even funny.|And the worst part, the worst part about that is, {32292}{32326}you know that! {32327}{32354}And this whole {32355}{32497}flirty sexual thing that you do,|that's just your way of having a laugh at my expense. {32498}{32615}So I'm so sorry if I'm not more appreciative of that|and I'm so sorry that you're bored. {32616}{32690}But don't you pretend it's anything else! {32875}{32931}Don't act like you're hurt. {33429}{33472}- Just give me a minute.|- Hey. {33518}{33548}Look at me. {34294}{34357}You better not be messing with me. {34982}{35012}General. {35064}{35138}We need to take our chances with the F-302's. {35139}{35196}What I need is a sunlamp. {35198}{35280}This matter converted oxygen just isn't the same. {35296}{35393}Now, why is the grand irony of this|lost on everyone but me? {35395}{35427}It's not. {35455}{35571}{Y:i}Sir, at this point, we know it's the damn|Asgard upgrade that allows the Ori to track us. {35572}{35650}So even if we manage to save the ship,|we won't be able to use the technology, {35651}{35730}because the Ori will come down on us|like a bag of hammers. {35745}{35772}{Y:i}For now. {35783}{35852}Oh, come on, Sir, it's like a bad joke! {35855}{35957}We have stranded ourselves here,|trying to save something we can't use! {35958}{36039}I'm not having this conversation, again. {36589}{36632}I want to help you. {36792}{36818}{Y:i}The problem is, {36819}{36910}{Y:i}that there is not enough time to shut off|the dilation field and start a new process. {36912}{36931}{Y:i}I know. {36933}{36985}- I'm just thinking out loud here.|(y:i}- I know. {36990}{37028}What is that thing? {37043}{37078}It's a cello. {37084}{37137}I've always wanted to learn how to play. {37191}{37270}Is it possible to use the time dilation technology|to solve our problem? {37272}{37311}- How?|(y:i}- Well, {37326}{37368}obviously it would... {37381}{37404}Sorry. {37422}{37474}Obviously it would be great|if we could go back in time, {37475}{37533}and not get into this situation in the first place. {37550}{37631}Well, slowing down time within a localized field {37634}{37725}{Y:i}is not even close to the same thing|as reversing time altogether. {37741}{37782}It's a good thought. {37785}{37845}See, what we need, is we need Superman {37846}{37946}to fly around the ship really, really fast. {37947}{38003}If you only knew how ridiculous that was. {38005}{38068}No, it only sounds ridiculous,|'til you hear yourself say {38069}{38192}"I am trapped on a spaceship|stuck in a time dilation field". {38496}{38588}{Y:i}Someone told me long ago, {38593}{38712}{Y:i}There's a calm before the storm, I know! {38729}{38837}{Y:i}It's been comin' for sometime. {38891}{38983}{Y:i}When it's over so they say, {38989}{39105}{Y:i}It'll rain on a sunny day, I know! {39125}{39221}{Y:i}Shining down like water! {39302}{39353}{Y:i}I wanna know, {39363}{39458}{Y:i}Have you ever seen the rain? {39500}{39554}{Y:i}I wanna know, {39564}{39672}{Y:i}Have you ever seen the rain, {39695}{39812}(y:i}Comin' down on a sunny day?|- That function is not possible. {39879}{39929}I hate this ship. {39930}{39982}You're a pilot, you love flying. {39983}{40068}In a fighter.|This is not flying, this is literally standing still. {40069}{40139}This is the Loveboat,|without the buffet and the band. {40140}{40235}Besides, I only liked flying so much,|because I didn't know about the Stargate. {40284}{40372}{Y:i}'Til forever, on it goes {40377}{40500}{Y:i}Through the circle, fast and slow, I know! {40512}{40605}{Y:i}It can't stop, I wonder. {40690}{40750}{Y:i}I want to know, {40751}{40860}{Y:i}Have you ever seen the rain? {40885}{40950}{Y:i}I want to know, {40952}{41067}{Y:i}Have you ever seen the rain, {41089}{41203}{Y:i}Comin' down on a sunny day? {41212}{41270}{Y:i}Yeah! {41287}{41345}{Y:i}I want to know, {41350}{41490}(y:i}Have you ever seen the rain?|- That function is not possible. {41491}{41545}{Y:i}I want to know, {41546}{41660}{Y:i}Have you ever seen the rain, {41685}{41800}{Y:i}Comin' down on a sunny day? {42700}{42745}Twenty years today. {42835}{42895}Still think life is too short? {44032}{44057}Hey. {44065}{44090}Hey. {44312}{44350}Why do you do it? {44370}{44450}Knowing everything you learn|is gonna die with you. {44500}{44565}{Y:i}I know you guys all think I'm crazy, but {44580}{44630}the truth is, if I stop, {44642}{44682}I'll go crazy. {44720}{44770}Besides, you haven't given up. {44785}{44820}Yes I have. {45092}{45135}Stop it. {45147}{45230}- I can't. I'm sorry.|- It wasn't your fault. {45290}{45353}We all would have died long ago, {45354}{45420}if you hadn't done what you did. {45733}{45780}Don't give up. {47313}{47354}{Y:i}When I said that I wanted to {47355}{47454}{Y:i}get the team back together.|Work with you guys. Learn from you. {47527}{47640}I did not mean every waking moment|for the next 50 years. {47641}{47690}You said that yesterday. {47707}{47740}I did? {47741}{47790}And the day before. {47791}{47845}And the day before that. {47881}{47910}Sorry. {47915}{47941}I'll just... {47947}{47990}shut up now. {48000}{48070}No, I'm sorry.|I shouldn't have said anything. {48170}{48200}I did it. {48275}{48310}You did what? {48323}{48420}I figured out how to reverse time|in a localized field. {48540}{48567}What? {48630}{48670}What's the matter? {48675}{48815}Maintaining the time dilation field, for all this time,|has almost completely depleted the ZPM. {48816}{48880}{Y:i}And the power source in the Asgard core. {48881}{48940}We don't have enough power to make it work. {48941}{48995}That's irony for you, huh? {49030}{49089}I create the field to buy us more time. {49090}{49220}I finally figure out how to undo it all and|that extra time is what makes it impossible. {49221}{49255}{Y:i}Are you sure? {49256}{49315}I mean, if you had some more time, could you... {49342}{49375}I'm sure. {49379}{49415}{Y:i}Hey, Sam. {49437}{49528}Do you remember|when we were stuck out of phase? {49529}{49556}Which time? {49560}{49680}When you got shot and you thought you were gonna die,|and the Ori were gonna destroy that village. {49681}{49715}Vaguely. {49716}{49861}You had me use the power source from|an Ori staff weapon to power Merlin's device. {49885}{49967}We don't have anything even close|to a power source {49968}{50085}that would be required to keep|a reverse timefield working for long enough. {50110}{50135}Really. {50230}{50265}{Y:i}Come with me. {50430}{50480}What about that? {50653}{50680}That... {50700}{50740}There's no way we... {50849}{50958}There's no way to absorb the blast|and channel the energy into the Asgard core. {50959}{50985}Unless... {50986}{51082}{Y:i}Unless we reroute the power conduits|throughout the ship, {51083}{51120}{Y:i}into the core, and {51121}{51165}{Y:i}let the blast hit us. {51166}{51206}This ship will explode. {51207}{51232}Yes. {51238}{51267}But hopefully, {51268}{51343}enough energy from the blast|will be channeled into the core, {51344}{51462}to allow it to activate the reverse time field|before everything is totally destroyed. {51463}{51500}But we'll all be dead. {51501}{51590}{Y:i}If this works,|we'll only be dead for a few milliseconds, {51591}{51655}{Y:i}and time within the bubble will reverse and {51656}{51710}we won't be dead and|the ship won't be destroyed. {51711}{51754}If this works. {51755}{51780}Yes. {51781}{51822}I'm not promising anything. {51823}{51869}{Y:i}It's alright. It's a shot. {51870}{51930}And I say we take it. {51935}{51976}How far back can we go? {51977}{52063}{Y:i}Only to the point where|the time dilation field was created. {52064}{52137}{Y:i}We can't reverse time for the entire universe. {52138}{52184}If we go back any further than that, {52185}{52280}we are outside of normal time space again,|and we create a paradox {52281}{52326}{Y:i}that the technology couldn't handle. {52327}{52370}Is that gonna be good enough? {52380}{52449}I might be able to buy us a little more time. {52450}{52475}Maybe a minute, {52476}{52505}{Y:i}but... {52550}{52620}one of us is gonna have to stay old. {52645}{52728}{Y:i}We're talking about reversing time within the field. {52729}{52755}{Y:i}Everything. {52756}{52785}Our age, {52786}{52815}our memories, {52821}{52850}{Y:i}will be undone. {52851}{52910}If this works,|we'll be doomed to repeat history. {52911}{53020}Unless we can exclude someone from the field,|who can steer events in another direction. {53023}{53118}You created the time dilation field, {53119}{53196}to prevent us from being hit by that blast,|in the first place. {53197}{53259}- You had no choice.|(y:i}- Right! {53261}{53365}We have to sever the Asgard core,|from the hyperdrive controls, {53366}{53467}or else the Ori will be able to follow us|when we make the jump into hyperspace. {53471}{53512}{Y:i}A long time ago, {53513}{53605}in the event that I ever did solve the time issue,|I created a program {53606}{53658}that would achieve that very quickly. {53661}{53712}{Y:i}I'll load it onto a crystal. {53718}{53786}That way,|it will only take me a few seconds to {53787}{53850}shut down the core and|make the jump into hyperspace. {53851}{53900}Who says it's gonna be you? {53916}{53987}Well, it makes sense that it'd be me. {54000}{54035}I will do it. {54098}{54204}- Teal'c, you've lost as many years as the rest of us.|(y:i}- What are you, hundred and thirty now? {54212}{54286}I don't know,|he doesn't look a day over one-twenty to me. {54287}{54333}{Y:i}I have many more years to live, {54334}{54389}and I am the only logical choice. {54393}{54417}Teal'c. {54418}{54472}{Y:i}I have but one question. {54474}{54523}If this should not work... {54547}{54597}Then the shields will fail {54600}{54670}and you will die along with the rest of us. {54757}{54803}Then it is settled. {54905}{54945}I want you to know, {54961}{55011}even if you are gonna forget, {55032}{55128}that I wasn't with you all these years,|because we were trapped on this... {55129}{55183}god-awful ship. {55220}{55284}- I was with you because...|- I know. {55325}{55371}And I want you to know {55372}{55403}- that I...|- I know. {55415}{55445}I know. {55550}{55580}{Y:i}I'm ready. {55603}{55636}Do it, Sam. {56780}{56849}- Shields are offline!|- One more hit will take us out! {56850}{56881}Colonel Carter! {57001}{57042}Teal'c, what are you doing? {57436}{57499}Oh, come on, it's driving me insane! {57511}{57532}You know {57533}{57554}technically, {57555}{57672}there would be no danger of creating a time paradox,|because we've already changed future events. {57673}{57726}{Y:i}You would not be altering the future, {57727}{57807}{Y:i}by telling us about something|that's not going to happen anymore! {57808}{57846}Then why do you care? {57847}{57904}{Y:i}Fifty or sixty years? {57905}{57976}Something interesting must have happened. {58003}{58072}Obviously I hooked up with someone {58127}{58166}Was it you, Muscles? {58239}{58289}It can't have been Mitchell, can it? {58303}{58342}General Landry? {58466}{58503}Dial it up, Walter! {58506}{58536}Yes, Sir. {58759}{58802}Chevron one encoded. {58888}{59024}That is how we're supposed to travel light years|across the galaxy, to other planets. {59028}{59072}Chevron two encoded. {59130}{59204}You know,|I like to think that I handled myself well, but {59205}{59304}I imagine I went a bit crazy,|cooped up on that ship for so long. {59310}{59347}Chevron three encoded. {59348}{59437}You know, Teal'c did tell me some things|I learned from the Asgard knowledge base. {59438}{59464}He did? {59479}{59507}Like what? {59508}{59561}Oh boy, what were they? {59562}{59600}{Y:i}Chevron four encoded. {59601}{59646}Beggars can't be choosers. {59648}{59686}{Y:i}Better late than never. {59687}{59738}Look before you leap. {59739}{59791}The best things in life are free. {59797}{59870}Let me guess.|Beauty is only skin deep? {59871}{59921}Silence is golden. {59942}{59978}{Y:i}Chevron five encoded. {59979}{60032}Jack of all trades, master of none. {60033}{60091}Nothing ventured, nothing gained. {60092}{60138}Life is too short. {60205}{60263}Chevron six encoded. {60293}{60346}Good things come to those who wait. {60388}{60472}You know, as hard as it is for us not knowing, {60477}{60547}{Y:i}it must be torture for you not to tell us. {60664}{60693}Indeed. {60815}{60862}Chevron seven is {60863}{60892}locked. {61005}{61049}Good luck, SG-1. {61074}{61149}Just another everyday mission|to save the galaxy, Sir. {61163}{61166}{Y:i}I {61166}{61169}{Y:i}In {61169}{61172}{Y:i}Ind {61172}{61175}{Y:i}Inde {61175}{61178}{Y:i}Indee {61178}{61181}{Y:i}Indeed {61181}{61197}{Y:i}Indeed. {61327}{61360}Godspeed. {61690}{61780}Thanks to all the actors, writers, directors,|producers and to all the bold explorers, {61781}{61860}who were involved in this great adventure|which fired our imagination for ten years. {61870}{61920}SG-1, we already miss you...