{186}{251}(PA) Unscheduled incoming traveller. {374}{418}There's no one scheduled. {422}{483}- Did you get an iris code?|- Yes, sir. From SG-1 . {598}{634}Hi. How are you? {638}{731}The only other person|with an SG-1 remote and its signal... {735}{815}- Tek-matte Bra'tac.|- But he'd only use it in an emergency. {819}{924}- Perhaps he is under attack.|- By who? Apophis and Klorel were killed. {928}{971}Open the iris. {1345}{1450}Hammond of Texas, will you give me|leave to enter your compound? {1463}{1511}You have it, Master Bra'tac. {1515}{1563}Units, stand down. {1703}{1758}Bra'tac, greetings from Earth. {1773}{1811}Hmm! Hasshak. {1837}{1924}I take it this isn't a... social call. {1977}{2023}Greetings, old friend. {2027}{2072}I bring bad news. {2076}{2148}- My family!|- Your wife is safe. {2162}{2242}- What of Rya'c?|- Your son has been taken. {2246}{2294}By Apophis. {3979}{4074}Colonel, your report stated that|Apophis was killed on board his ship. {4078}{4157}Yes, it did, sir.|We saw the thing blow. {4161}{4212}Nobody could have survived, sir. {4216}{4296}I am told he and Klorel escaped|via the on-board Stargate... {4300}{4343}..before the ship blew up. {4347}{4414}They must have used those rings|to get to the gate. {4418}{4486}What does Apophis gain|by kidnapping Teal'c's son? {4490}{4543}(Teal'c) He does not want Rya'c. {4555}{4620}He wants the Shol'va, the traitor. {4638}{4681}And he wants Teal'c. {4685}{4727}Teal'c is right. {4731}{4831}Nearly all the warriors and serpent guards|loyal to Apophis died on those ships. {4835}{4890}Apophis returned to Chulak in shame. {4926}{4995}He must act quickly|to reinstate his power,... {4999}{5098}..or another Goa'uld will be sent|to eliminate him and rule in his place. {5102}{5173}Right now, there is|a measure of chaos in Chulak. {5177}{5224}His guard is weakened. {5228}{5302}If we use this time wisely,|we can rescue the boy. {5306}{5399}I can't allow my best people|to walk into what is obviously a trap. {5403}{5439}Of course it's a trap. {5468}{5521}And in knowing that, we can avoid it. {5571}{5641}- He's vulnerable now.|- He never will be more so. {5666}{5760}And I have friends in the serpent guards|Apophis does not know of. {5784}{5833}If we can pull this off, sir,... {5837}{5888}..we can grab Teal'c's kid... {5892}{5940}..and nail this mother... {5955}{6003}..Goa'uld in one sweep. {6093}{6180}Teal'c, you originally withheld information|about your family... {6184}{6249}..because you feared|it would make you vulnerable. {6261}{6301}Well, it has. {6305}{6345}This must be the last time. {6384}{6430}So, Colonel, you have a go. {6434}{6488}Get Apophis if you can,... {6492}{6601}..but your prime directive|is to bring Teal'c's family back to Earth. {6605}{6631}Yes, sir. {6968}{7013}(coughing) {7687}{7739}(Bra'tac) This is our destination. {7755}{7803}(O'Neill) Who lives here? {7807}{7878}Drey'auc has offered her new home|as a base. {7882}{7944}(Teal'c) But how could|she afford such a home? {8000}{8048}I do not know. {8539}{8582}Teal'c? {8818}{8866}I was alone when they came. {8870}{8918}I tried to stop them. {8937}{8990}Of this I am certain. {8994}{9032}Teal'c! {9097}{9137}Master Bra'tac! {9141}{9192}You are the warriors from the Tauri. {9226}{9317}I have heard much of you.|I am Fro'tak of the High Cliffs. {9321}{9369}Jack of the Windy City. {9383}{9431}This is Jackson and Carter. {9435}{9486}My thanks for your coming. {9490}{9567}Your presence in the home of my wife|is appreciated, Fro'tak. {9612}{9660}It is my home, Teal'c. {9696}{9755}You provided shelter for my wife and son. {9759}{9790}Teal'c... {9803}{9851}I will tell him. {9876}{9985}When it appeared that you may never|return, that you may indeed be dead,... {10080}{10132}..Drey'auc had her marriage removed. {10266}{10314}She is now my wife, Teal'c. {10410}{10428}My God! {10432}{10485}Hey, knock it off! Come on, come on! {10489}{10564}Knock it off! You came here for your son.|This doesn't help. {10701}{10762}I wished to tell you myself, old friend. {10792}{10842}I am sorry. {10938}{11015}How could you not have known this,|Bra'tac? {11058}{11161}We will wait outside,|and give you time to sort through this... {11165}{11213}..uncomfortable news. {11347}{11413}Captain Carter,|why don't you go with them? {11417}{11511}- See what you can find out about the kid.|- Yes, sir. {11602}{11644}Teal'c,... {11648}{11728}..on my word as a warrior,|I did not know. {11732}{11806}If I had, I would have told you|before we arrived. {11971}{12059}I just want to know if this Fro'tak|can be trusted not to turn us in. {12063}{12111}Is it not obvious, O'Neill? {12115}{12192}- He cannot be trusted.|- Well, no offence, Teal'c,... {12196}{12254}..but that view is not born of a cool head. {12311}{12414}- What do you think, Bra'tac?|- He is one of Teal'c's oldest confidants. {12418}{12494}Both were my wards|in the Bashaak training. {12498}{12562}He has indicated|he agrees with my beliefs... {12566}{12616}..that the Goa'ulds are false gods. {12630}{12688}Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.|Can he be trusted? {12692}{12740}I believe so, yes. {12744}{12811}But I suggest we keep|a close eye on him at all times. {12815}{12916}- A better response would be to kill him.|- Teal'c! You cannot. {12920}{12951}(Daniel) Teal'c... {12989}{13055}Look, you probably|don't want to hear this now,... {13059}{13118}..but you need to get|some perspective on this. {13122}{13170}Maybe you should be thanking him. {13191}{13253}How can you say that, Daniel Jackson? {13257}{13315}He has betrayed our friendship. {13319}{13375}If I recall, last time we were here,... {13379}{13479}..you were pretty upset about|your family being outcasts,... {13483}{13563}..barely surviving in a camp|because of what you did. {13567}{13622}It seems to me they have a better life now. {13737}{13785}Teal'c, listen to me. {13789}{13879}If you were dead, would you wish|Drey'auc to remain alone for ever? {13883}{13962}- I am not dead.|- In your current state you may as well be. {13966}{14018}How long before you return|to care for her? {14022}{14106}- You know I cannot answer this.|- Yes. As does she. {14116}{14164}Dr Jackson is right. {14168}{14232}Fro'tak has high station in Chulak. {14255}{14338}Thanks to him,|your family is no longer outcast. {14370}{14418}Teal'c, I know it's tough,... {14422}{14480}..but you've got to focus on your boy. {14484}{14530}Before we proceed,... {14534}{14604}..give me your word|you will not commit Kel Mar Tokeem. {14689}{14737}I give you my word. {14819}{14888}Then I will retrieve|Fro'tak and your wife,... {14892}{14988}..and we will begin planning|for the rescue of your son. {15064}{15112}Del Mar Hokeem? {15136}{15214}That means something like|"revenge by the wearer of horns." {15218}{15300}Which I'm guessing is|a Jaffa term for being a cuckold. {15304}{15328}Hello! {15579}{15643}We will find Rya'c and bring him home. {15668}{15716}This I swear. {15730}{15768}Thank you, Teal'c. {15809}{15857}After that is done,... {15907}{15969}..I will never lay eyes on you again. {16749}{16797}How dare you judge me... {16831}{16908}..and dishonour Fro'tak|in his own house... {16912}{16959}..after what you have done? {16963}{17037}- Woman, be silent.|- That is not an answer, Teal'c! {17041}{17100}You were the one who abandoned us. {17128}{17242}- What I did was for my people's future.|- What I have done is for that of our son! {17321}{17356}Perhaps. {17428}{17509}- But why Fro'tak?|- He was the only one who asked. {17513}{17556}Do you have love for him? {17654}{17702}Do you have love for him? {17810}{17858}No, Teal'c. {17870}{17970}But Rya'c, our son,|deserves a better life than the camps. {18021}{18074}And Fro'tak has offered it to him. {18449}{18522}Rya'c is held in the west wing|of the palace where I work. {18526}{18621}It is less than 200 paces away.|I know it well. I have made a map. {18625}{18668}This is the main corridor. {18672}{18748}My place of work is here,|in the Hall of Recording. {18752}{18837}- The guarded room is here.|- There is an entrance near it,... {18841}{18898}..used only for|the changing of the guard. {18902}{18959}The west wing|is the most isolated sector. {18963}{19037}So we should be able to|get in and out pretty quickly. {19062}{19110}We go as soon as it's dark. {19590}{19624}Jaffa, kree! {19628}{19676}Tel rak nel t'ko! {20164}{20186}Clear! {20343}{20384}(door unlocks) {20535}{20623}- Help, guards! Help me!|- Do not be afraid, Rya'c. You are safe. {20627}{20681}- Get away from me!|- What is he doing? {20685}{20727}Guards! The traitor's here! {20731}{20779}- Help!|- (Teal'c) Silence! {20929}{20962}We're outta here! {21034}{21072}Teal'c! {21560}{21595}(door opens) {22012}{22060}What happened? {22064}{22104}Where is my son? {22108}{22172}He's all right.|We just ran into some problems. {22176}{22222}It is far worse than that. {22269}{22335}Rya'c's body lives,|but his mind is destroyed. {22368}{22406}What are you saying? {22410}{22457}He is now with Apophis. {22461}{22513}The boy was a stranger. A beast! {22517}{22607}Oh, come on! The kid's brainwashed. {22611}{22703}You promised...|you would bring him home! {22707}{22755}Hear me, woman. {22776}{22902}He called me traitor and ran to the guards.|Apophis is punishing me for my betrayal. {22994}{23042}But he's... just a child. {23046}{23085}My child! {23142}{23228}You cannot feel more contempt for me|than I hold for myself. {23466}{23521}This was not your doing, Teal'c. {23652}{23688}What's going on? {23692}{23764}Apophis is about to address|the people of Chulak. {23768}{23818}That should be interesting! {23934}{23988}(distorted) People ofChulak,... {23992}{24044}..rumours ofmy defeat are false,... {24048}{24118}..spread by traitors|who would destroy our world. {24122}{24170}I bring you the truth,... {24174}{24285}..proof ofmypower to conquer evil|and forgive transgression. {24314}{24359}Witness... {24363}{24411}..my most loyal subject... {24460}{24508}Rya'c, son of Teal'c! {24534}{24582}(Rya'c) My father is not a hero. {24586}{24637}He is evil. {24641}{24716}He turned away from our god,|our people,... {24720}{24768}..even his own family. {24782}{24830}He is a Ha'taaka! {24855}{24949}(Apophis) Mypeople, this Ha'taaka|is now among us, here in Chulak. {24953}{25057}I will give one million shesh'ta to the Jaffa|who brings Teal'c to me alive... {25061}{25135}..and another million|for the heads ofthose with him. {25139}{25214}If you've got a price on your head|you're doing your job! {25218}{25266}The evil ones have my mother. {25270}{25322}She is theirprisoner. {25326}{25380}Help us save her. {25384}{25458}My mother is Drey'auc|of the Morning Cham'ka Groves. {25556}{25604}This was to be expected. {25608}{25693}What was that about us having|his mother? No one took Drey'auc. {25697}{25745}You are correct, Daniel Jackson. {25763}{25811}Rya'c has given me hope. {25815}{25860}Perhaps my son is not lost to me. {25864}{25956}- Where do you get that?|- He is fighting this brainwashing. {25960}{26015}His last words were|a hidden message to me. {26019}{26067}About us holding his mother? {26071}{26131}He said Drey'auc|of the Morning Cham'ka Groves. {26135}{26202}But I am of the Cord'ai Plains.|Rya'c knows this. {26206}{26316}Only too well. In the past I have taken him|to the Cham'ka Groves to play. {26320}{26374}He wants us to go there in the morning. {26378}{26426}He has given us a way to free him. {26430}{26479}Teal'c, I know he is your son,... {26491}{26555}..but this is a wisdom|far beyond his years. {26559}{26619}(O'Neill) I'm kind of with Bra'tac|on this one. {26623}{26700}The boy had a chance to come with us|the first time. {26704}{26801}- I kinda think it's wishful thinking.|- It is not wishful thinking! {26805}{26899}My son is strong. He is fighting|this brainwashing you spoke of. {26916}{26985}It has simply taken him this long|to win the battle. {26989}{27012}(knocking) {27105}{27153}Expecting someone? {27186}{27225}(loud knocking) {27229}{27265}(weapons click on) {27398}{27479}We have orders to search|for the traitor and his friends. {27483}{27531}Hurry! This way. {27717}{27823}The criminals have abducted my wife!|It makes no sense that they'd be here. {27827}{27880}You are welcome to enter,... {27884}{27932}..but Apophis would be very angry... {27936}{28011}..that you wasted time|searching the home of the victim! {28015}{28063}This is done by his order. {28067}{28100}Quickly! {28139}{28162}There! {28827}{28870}Next house. {29054}{29102}(secret door opens) {29368}{29424}Until this moment, Fro'tak,... {29441}{29501}..I was not certain you could be trusted. {29505}{29553}We are old friends, Teal'c. {29581}{29640}I hope you never lose your trust in me. {30519}{30566}I will not sleep either. {30694}{30746}Until our son is safe. {31602}{31650}(door opens) {31694}{31742}(door closes) {31909}{31957}Guard! {32014}{32095}I will lead you to the traitor Teal'c|and his companions. {32305}{32343}Don't! {32436}{32475}Shut up! {32479}{32574}It does not have to go down like this!|Nice and quiet. {32676}{32711}Come on. {32715}{32763}Jaffa! {33094}{33167}Seal off the palace.|No one comes or goes! {33569}{33617}(knocking) {34034}{34135}How dare you enter like this!|This house has already been searched. {34246}{34307}No wonder these guys are always cranky. {34386}{34427}Get me out of this thing. {34431}{34458}Jack,... {34462}{34515}..where the hell have you been? {34619}{34662}What of Fro'tak? {34795}{34884}He left here last night|and made a beeline for the palace. {34888}{34936}He was turning us in. {34940}{34993}I had to stop him. {34997}{35056}- I'm sorry.|- I never thought he would betray us. {35060}{35105}(Drey'auc) The fault is mine. {35169}{35217}I made vows I could not keep. {35772}{35820}The suns are coming up. {35824}{35870}Let's get the kid. {36094}{36177}All right, listen up.|This cannot be a fire-fight. {36181}{36238}We go CTT, one shot,|one kill, my command. {36242}{36306}Take the target nearest yourposition. {36592}{36615}Go! {36834}{36882}- Father!|- Rya'c! {36912}{36970}I never meant to hurt you, Father. {37107}{37155}Rya'c has returned. {37159}{37219}Don't you think this was a little too easy? {37223}{37285}Yeah, that was an awfully fast turnaround. {37289}{37404}My son is strong. His mind has overcome|the lies Apophis placed there. {37408}{37489}Then you won't mind|if Carter does a little search... {37746}{37795}I think he's clean, Colonel. {37838}{37922}If this were not Rya'c returned,|this would have been a trap. {37926}{37973}- It was not.|- Not yet. {37977}{38022}Why do you doubt my son? {38026}{38112}It's my nature, Teal'c.|I'm thinking Cassandra here. {38116}{38184}A little bomb in the chest,|get through the gate, boom! {38188}{38234}My son is Jaffa. {38238}{38302}His symbiote|would not allow such tampering. {38305}{38361}Is that a fact... or a hope? {38365}{38410}It is a fact, O'Neill. {38452}{38543}Well, it's not like we have much choice.|Let's get a move on. {38554}{38638}Go directly to the Stargate.|I will bring the boy's mother. {38821}{38893}(Carter) I don't know, sir.|I'm not liking this one bit. {38907}{38955}Talk about too easy! {39030}{39078}Rya'c! {39204}{39259}Father's taking us to the Tauri! {39525}{39573}All right, come here. {39611}{39692}All right, Rya'c... What's the scam here? {39724}{39789}- I do not understand.|- What are you up to? {39817}{39865}Or better yet,... {39869}{39921}..what has Apophis got you up to? {39925}{39971}I fooled Apophis. {39975}{40010}Yeah? {40014}{40075}Then why the tantrum|when we came the first time? {40112}{40211}At the time I was not yet successful|in defeating Apophis's control. {40215}{40286}I am sorry.|My mind is not as strong as my father's. {40290}{40370}O'Neill, why can you not|accept the possibility... {40374}{40450}..that my son's mind was too strong|for Apophis to control? {40499}{40525}Come here. {40702}{40784}Teal'c, I want you to be right,|but it just doesn't track. {40788}{40864}Apophis knows we're here,|and has only two guards at the gate. {40897}{40964}Apophis has few serpent guards|still loyal to him. {40968}{41060}In two days we have killed many of those.|Perhaps he cannot spare more. {41064}{41143}Even if this is a trick,|what are we gonna do? Just stay here? {41156}{41200}Daniel has a point. {41204}{41276}We may as well take on the guard|and get through the gate. {41280}{41311}What about the boy? {41331}{41424}My son will not harm your world, O'Neill.|I give you my word. {41428}{41486}Teal'c, I know you mean that. {41490}{41541}But it might not prove to be that easy. {41587}{41640}So are we gonna just leave the boy here? {41867}{41926}Bra'tac, stay here|with Drey'auc and the boy. {41962}{42004}We'll clear the way. {43178}{43226}(chevrons locking) {43292}{43340}(O'Neill) Let's go. Everybody, move! {43443}{43466}Clear. {43495}{43560}(Stargate gurgles) {43596}{43658}It's OK. You're perfectly safe. Come on. {44055}{44103}Join us, old friend. {44107}{44146}Another time. {44150}{44232}- Once again I owe you my thanks.|- You owe me nothing. {44236}{44295}You have made an old teacher proud. {44642}{44696}(Stargate alarm) {45116}{45180}Well, no sign of anything abnormal. {45183}{45259}Not that I'm an expert in|what's normal for a Jaffa his age. {45263}{45311}No sign of a bomb in his belly? {45315}{45383}None. As Teal'c says,|I doubt it would work in a Jaffa. {45414}{45482}Now do you see, O'Neill? All is well. {45486}{45534}Yeah, I hope so, Teal'c. {45545}{45593}But I still want a guard on him. {45622}{45663}I would do the same. {45667}{45717}Father says Tauri only has one sun. {45721}{45783}- I cannot wait to see it!|- (Drey'auc laughs) {45787}{45835}When will I be able to see it? {45839}{45918}It will be a while, my son.|You must be patient. {46261}{46309}Something troubles you. {46313}{46361}Before our son was taken,... {46394}{46458}..he was training with Master Bra'tac. {46461}{46509}He lost two teeth that day. {46544}{46592}They are no longer missing. {46860}{46910}Dr Fraiser? {46922}{46988}So, um,... Rya'c... {47003}{47051}What kind of food do you like? {47055}{47126}I am not hungry.|I wish to see the outside of your world. {47130}{47172}Plenty of time for that. {47176}{47223}Colonel? {47227}{47275}We'll get to it. {47299}{47391}Rya'c, um... I'm gonna take|a little blood sample. {47395}{47492}Then we'll be finished.|You'll feel a tiny sting, but that's all. {47496}{47530}No! {47534}{47630}You dare touch me, Ha'taaka!|I'll kill you all! {47634}{47672}Do it quickly. {48264}{48287}Rya'c... {48429}{48477}Go away! I hate you! {48538}{48566}Rya'c! {48588}{48636}You cannot stop me! (bites) {48714}{48749}They're gone, son. {48753}{48823}I hate you! No, I want Apophis! {48827}{48902}I hate you! I hate you! Let me out! {48906}{48959}What the hell almost happened here? {48963}{49011}The teeth were fake, hollow. {49015}{49114}Inside each tooth we found|a different organism, sort of like a virus. {49118}{49191}They both appear to be|dormant, harmless,... {49195}{49278}..until you combine them.|Then they become deadly. {49282}{49344}If he bit down hard enough|to break the teeth... {49348}{49415}..the organisms would|combine and multiply,... {49419}{49469}..and be released into the atmosphere. {49473}{49521}So that's why he wanted to get outside. {49566}{49671}- Kinda sounds like anthrax.|- It makes anthrax look like a cold virus. {49735}{49849}It would have taken less than two days|for it to spread across North America. {49853}{49911}Less than a week|to spread around the world. {49940}{49988}And what would it have done? {49992}{50069}Killed every living thing|within 24 hours of contact. {50112}{50196}Could the boy have another device|implanted in his body? {50200}{50291}X-rays and CAT scans were negative.|All other tests were normal. {50305}{50374}(Daniel) OK, so... we're all right. {50378}{50469}Rya'c is all right. We just have to|get his mind back. How do we do that? {50539}{50591}Deprogramming. {50595}{50711}It's... not exactly the kind of thing|you want to put a kid through. {50715}{50795}From the time of birth|all Jaffa are taught to be strong. {50799}{50847}Rya'c is my son. {50851}{50899}He can withstand it. {50936}{51023}You cannot keep me here!|Return me to Chulak, Ha'taaka! {51026}{51110}I hate you! You're Shol'va! I hate you! {51114}{51192}You messed up my life!|Return me to Apophis! {51196}{51273}I hate you!|Let me go, you cannot keep me here! {51302}{51346}Return me to Chulak, Ha'taaka! {51350}{51440}- We will not.|- Then go! I wish never to see you again! {51590}{51670}- Apophis is a false god.|- Apophis is my god. {51674}{51746}- Then who am I, my son?|- The traitor. The vile one. {51750}{51814}I am your father|and I have much love for you. {51818}{51856}My god loves me! {51927}{51998}If he loves you, why did he ask|that you destroy yourself? {52002}{52094}- Let me sleep!|- Why did he ask you to destroy yourself? {52098}{52165}You are stupid!|I told you, I would not have died. {52169}{52267}You are flesh and blood as I am, my son.|Apophis lied to you. {52271}{52300}You lie! {52304}{52374}You said you would come back.|But you never did! {52884}{52932}I must return to Apophis! {52948}{52996}For what reason? {53000}{53058}Because he loves me and I love him. {53103}{53151}Rya'c,... {53155}{53202}..my son,... {53206}{53237}..hear me. {53318}{53386}You must remember|when we were a family. {53481}{53575}Remember how you loved the satta-cakes|your mother made for you? {53754}{53853}Remember the stories we told|by the fire at night,... {53857}{53903}..and how we laughed together? {53953}{53986}Rya'c,... {53990}{54038}..my son,... {54061}{54109}..that is love. {54986}{55089}He has reason to hate me, which only|strengthens the twisting of his mind. {55193}{55241}Do you know of another way? {55277}{55310}ECT. {55351}{55379}Maybe. {55383}{55434}What is this ECT? {55471}{55519}Electroconvulsive therapy. {55523}{55578}Whoa! Electroshock? {55582}{55641}Isn't that kind of... barbaric? {55645}{55761}Not so much any more. It's done under|anaesthesia in a more controlled way. {55765}{55870}I just don't know about using it on a child,|or for that matter a Jaffa. {55874}{55936}It could kill the Goa'uld larva inside him. {55940}{55988}That would kill Rya'c. {56023}{56122}This ECT...|is it similar to a zat'n'ktel discharge? {56161}{56216}Yeah, as a matter of fact. {56220}{56338}A single discharge will not kill a Jaffa|of any age, nor the symbiote within. {56350}{56383}Might work. {56462}{56510}It will cause him great pain. {56631}{56680}I trust you know what is best. {57415}{57485}Rya'c,... you must arise. {57499}{57547}Your mother is here to help you. {57551}{57594}I hate her. I want Apophis! {57764}{57812}Forgive me, my son. {58084}{58122}Aaagh! {58455}{58506}He barely draws breath. {58529}{58577}He is in great pain. {58685}{58761}There is an ancient song|you used to soothe him as a baby. {58905}{59027}Nuta - Kel ma kree, Sha'shan {59031}{59107}Nuta - Kel mant'ai {59128}{59182}Nuta - Or'intani {59186}{59270}Nuta - Kel han'dai {59383}{59488}Nuta - Iti Sha'shan han'dai. {59523}{59571}Did you forget, Mother? {59593}{59641}Where are we, Mother? {59750}{59798}Father! You have returned home? {59893}{59941}We are not in Chulak, my son. {59945}{59993}But we are with Father? {59997}{60025}Yes. {60053}{60112}Then to me,... we are home. {60202}{60250}(she kisses him) {60398}{60477}- (Stargate alarm)|- Teal'c, you have a go! {60514}{60569}(Drey'auc) I must thank you all again. {60603}{60659}I would like to stay and get to know you. {60663}{60759}You wouldn't have much of a life here.|You'd be virtual prisoners. {60763}{60864}But you're welcome in the Land of Light.|They're good people. {60884}{61014}Yep, and they got tons of wide-open|spaces for you to play and misbehave in! {61066}{61114}W-what is it? {61180}{61276}Well, I guess I'll have to come visit|and explain a few things. {61302}{61331}I shall return. {61879}{61972}Visiontext subtitles: Paul Sofer