{181}{265}(O'Neill) Let's go, Captain!|Those gliders are comin' back! {269}{317}- This man's alive!|- We cannot wait! {436}{497}(distorted) Not all Goa'uld are the same. {501}{538}I am Jolinar of Malk-shur. {568}{617}Jolinar is wanted in Goa'uld town. {621}{681}(Teal'c) He claims to be part of the Tok'ra. {685}{775}The Tok'ra is an alliance of Goa'uld|who oppose the System Lords. {779}{838}I will never, nevertrust a Goa'uld! {863}{896}(distorted) Kree shac. {900}{1004}By decree of the Goa'uld System Lords,|you will die with dishonour. {1008}{1078}My death feeds the fire|that burns strong in the Tok'ra. {1159}{1195}Sam! Sam! {1216}{1264}The Goa'uld gave its life for me. {1281}{1329}It saved me. {1403}{1457}- Jacob Carter.|- Carter? {1461}{1498}As in... my father, sir, yes. {1502}{1574}George said you were up|for the Air Medal for your work in... {1578}{1628}What the hell was that again? {1632}{1707}- Deep space radar telemetry.|- Right! {1711}{1769}- I have cancer, Sam.|- What? {1773}{1821}- Lymphoma.|- Oh, God... Dad! {1825}{1938}This is gonna go on for months, so you|don't have to check up on me tomorrow. {1942}{2006}Dad, please don't go like this. {2009}{2031}Dad! {2190}{2238}(shouting) {2443}{2525}We have to activate the Chaapa-ai.|Quickly, Jolinar! {2940}{2978}Argh! {3262}{3310}Jolinar, hurry! {3532}{3588}I think I might have found something. {5312}{5364}You don't think it was just a dream? {5438}{5511}No, sir. It was real. I could tell. {5515}{5571}- You could tell?|- Yes, sir. {5575}{5643}I don't know how exactly, but I could tell. {5647}{5775}So we're supposed to buy into this... ESP,|or whatever it is? {5778}{5854}O'Neill, when a Goa'uld infests its host,... {5858}{5924}..their minds intermingle, become as one. {5928}{6031}Portions of Jolinar of Malk-shur|may remain in Captain Carter's mind. {6035}{6089}(Carter) These Tok'ra were on the run. {6093}{6136}They may be in trouble. {6140}{6194}We should find them before they move on. {6198}{6252}They may still be at these coordinates. {6256}{6316}You said their eyes glowed. {6320}{6414}Are you sure that these Tok'ra|are what Jolinar said they were? {6418}{6484}- Good guys, for lack of a better word.|- Yes. {6488}{6526}Yes? Just... yes? {6554}{6591}Could you elaborate a little? {6595}{6672}I'm sorry, Colonel.|I know it's hard to understand. {6676}{6769}I don't really understand it myself,|but I am sure. {6773}{6816}I... I just know. {6820}{6915}According to Jaffa legend,|the Tok'ra are the Goa'uld resistance. {6919}{7028}Their goal is to destroy the System Lords|and change the ways of the empire. {7032}{7083}They are despised by the Goa'uld. {7087}{7141}Yes! My kind of guys. {7145}{7184}General Hammond, if I may. {7188}{7316}My vision is our only lead. Shouldn't we|at least check it out before they move on? {7328}{7361}Colonel? {7405}{7443}General? {7447}{7547}I'm prepared to send SG-1 to the|coordinates in Captain Carter's vision. {7551}{7608}- If you agree.|- (Carter) Colonel... {7612}{7712}I know you're sceptical, but I am|confident that I'm right on this one. {7847}{7885}Let's check it out. {8171}{8237}Colonel, is it all right|if I catch up with you? {8241}{8299}- We leave in ten.|- Only need five. {8648}{8696}Dad. Hi, it's me - Sam. {8775}{8833}What do you mean,|why am I calling, Dad? {8837}{8906}You just told me|you have cancer. You can't... {8948}{8996}Right. OK, never mind. {9000}{9070}Listen, uh... I'm about to go on a little trip. {9098}{9146}Yes, it's for the Air Force. {9177}{9236}It's not important where I'm going, Dad. {9240}{9340}But I may be gone a while, and I just|wanted to call and see how you're doin'. {9498}{9536}You're sure? {9925}{9973}Your father? {10037}{10085}Yes, sir. {10089}{10163}- How is Jake?|- He claims he's OK. {10167}{10232}Not that he'd tell me if he weren't. {10236}{10297}Did you know he got an apartment|here in town? {10301}{10369}He wanted to be closer|to his daughter during... {10394}{10442}During his last days. {10506}{10588}Sir, this is the first time|I've left on a mission where... {10592}{10661}..I've felt like I might be|leaving something behind. {10665}{10721}Like I might miss something important. {10725}{10768}Understandable. {10772}{10856}I'll put a temporary replacement on SG-1 .|You can stay here. {10860}{10899}I wish I could, sir. {10903}{10972}But I don't think|I'm replaceable on this one. {10976}{11059}The memories Jolinar left in my mind|could be invaluable. {11063}{11106}No one else has them. {11110}{11164}True. But... your father... {11168}{11237}Sir, it's OK.|He doesn't want me around anyway. {11241}{11319}Sam, I've known Jacob a long time. {11323}{11374}That's not true. {11416}{11513}Sir, he's always too concerned about|appearing the strong soldier. {11517}{11646}The last thing he would want is for me to|see him in a hospital bed losing a battle. {11719}{11811}I should get going, sir.|I don't want to hold things up. {11815}{11852}Captain! {11933}{12024}You're more like your father|than you'd like to admit. {12474}{12538}(iris locks) {12682}{12746}There is no evidence|of footprints or tracks. {12750}{12851}If the Tok'ra were here, they have not|been near the gate in many days. {12923}{12992}Where's that yellow brick road|when you need it, Dorothy? {13041}{13099}Some sort of dunes over there. {13136}{13184}Dunes it is. {13408}{13451}Worthless. {13552}{13600}No one's tread here in a while. {13604}{13698}(Teal'c) The Tok'ra are known|for their ability to mask their trails. {13702}{13764}They are, as you say,|stealthy in their actions. {13897}{13966}Yeah, stealthy would be|a good word, Teal'c. {14000}{14048}Good guys or bad guys? {14117}{14181}We mean you no harm, but I warn you. {14185}{14256}If you make any aggressive moves,|we will fire upon you. {14260}{14296}Same here. {14329}{14402}But we will have the advantage.|There are more of us. {14479}{14521}This is true. {14525}{14597}This one is a Jaffa. Apophis sect. {14601}{14706}- I am no longer in the service of Apophis.|- Who, then, are you in service to? {14710}{14762}I am allied with these, the Tauri,... {14766}{14864}- ..in battle against Apophis.|- And all other Goa'uld. {14868}{14920}- Be careful, Daniel.|- Why? {14924}{15005}- Because they are Goa'uld.|- Do not call us that. {15009}{15057}(distorted) We are not Goa'uld! {15266}{15314}(phone rings) {15329}{15367}Hammond. {15386}{15434}Put him through. {15481}{15529}Jacob? Are you OK? {15580}{15628}Oh, no. I'll be right there. {15921}{16007}You know, in some galaxies,|this is called "loitering". {16011}{16064}How long do you think we can keep it up? {16152}{16190}Martouf. {16250}{16297}I do not know this woman. {16301}{16361}But I'm right, aren't I?|Your name is Martouf. {16404}{16444}It is. {16448}{16496}- How do you know me?|- I don't. {16500}{16589}But I knew someone who did.|His name was Jolinar of Malk-shur. {16676}{16724}Where is Jolinar? {16760}{16807}He died saving my life. {16811}{16887}That's why we're here.|To seek out the Tok'ra. {16891}{16968}Assuming, of course, you are the Tok'ra. {17008}{17050}And if we're not? {17054}{17118}Well, I guess we all start shooting. {17122}{17209}There's blood, death, hard feelings.|It'd suck. {17253}{17319}And if we are this thing you call Tok'ra? {17323}{17418}If you are the Tok'ra of Jaffa legend,|we should form an alliance. {17422}{17538}I learned a lot from Jolinar. Enough|to know that we could be good friends. {17542}{17606}And enough to know|that you are the Tok'ra. {17799}{17856}I believe this one speaks the truth. {17914}{17962}Perhaps we should... {17966}{18033}..just listen to what they have to say. {18491}{18539}Well, that's better, isn't it? {18584}{18618}So,... {18622}{18670}..take me to your leader. {18674}{18722}I will take you to whom you seek. {18726}{18809}But on one condition.|You must leave your weapons with us. {18837}{18882}Ah, no. No. {18886}{18973}- They won't hurt us, Colonel.|- They're Goa'ulds, Carter. {18977}{19062}- They won't hurt us.|- And you, what... feel this? {19066}{19119}No. I can remember it. {19163}{19227}O'Neill, if they are the Tok'ra,... {19230}{19301}..we are in no danger. {19305}{19358}I vote we take the chance. {19473}{19525}OK. But I want it understood... {19529}{19615}..that we're doing this|in the spirit of future relations. {19619}{19669}I expect us to be treated as such. {20341}{20408}Please, come closer together. {20412}{20471}- Why?|- Jack... {20475}{20539}- It's OK, Colonel.|- Oh, it is? {20914}{20962}This way. {21014}{21070}This looks just like the place in my dream. {21074}{21189}But that was on the planet|that we - they - were fleeing. {21193}{21325}Legend says that when the Tok'ra arrive|on a planet, they go deep underground. {21329}{21403}That they possess|the technology to grow tunnels. {21407}{21503}This is some crystal material.|Theoretically it could be grown. {21507}{21647}(Teal'c) Apophis had me search for such|tunnels for years. We never found them. {21651}{21729}When the Tok'ra move on,|the tunnels are destroyed. {21761}{21799}Carter. {21803}{21881}- What's the story with this Martouf?|- I'm not sure. {21885}{21958}I get the feeling I know|almost all of these people,... {21962}{22031}..but my memories of Martouf|are the strongest. {22035}{22093}It's like I have some weird bond with him. {22151}{22199}Please, come this way. {23067}{23100}George! {23127}{23160}Jacob. {23164}{23212}Are you all right? {23253}{23301}I've been better. {23305}{23405}I was under the impression that|the cancer hadn't gone this far. {23409}{23458}So was I. {23462}{23515}They cleaned out all the lymph nodes. {23519}{23609}The problem is, apparently,|one squadron of those little buggers... {23613}{23666}..got themselves reassigned in my liver. {23670}{23737}Let me make a call.|Get Captain Carter recalled. {23741}{23784}There's no need. {23837}{23904}- Jacob, she should be here.|- Why? {23908}{23978}Let me tell you something, George. {23982}{24043}My little girl grew up|seeing Daddy go off... {24047}{24108}..to God knows where|to fight God knows who. {24112}{24166}And I always came home alive and well. {24170}{24260}Now I'm gonna let her sit here|and watch me lose a war? {24264}{24334}To some little runt so small|I can't even see him? {24385}{24450}That's exactly|what she thought you'd say. {24501}{24580}How about doing us all a favour, Jake? {24584}{24627}What? {24631}{24682}Cut the brave soldier routine. {24686}{24805}She's your daughter. She should have a|chance to be here to see you through this. {24809}{24938}I've got a feeling she's on a pretty|important mission right now. Am I right? {24972}{25024}Well, yes, but there are others... {25028}{25127}Then do me a favour|and honour my wishes. Leave her there. {25158}{25206}This is ridiculous. {25210}{25291}- There is one thing you could do for me.|- Anything. {25295}{25352}Tell me what my little girl's doing. {25356}{25460}Except that. You know it's classified. {25464}{25548}George, they're tellin' me|I don't have much time left. {25578}{25626}Who am I gonna tell? {25630}{25669}God? {25757}{25805}(sighs) I'm sorry, Jake. {26216}{26264}People of the Tauri,... {26268}{26351}..let me introduce|Grand Council Garshaw of Belote. {26475}{26523}(distorted) Greetings. {26527}{26561}Hi! {26565}{26614}You are Garshaw of Belote? {26618}{26663}I am. {26763}{26827}She is the most hunted Goa'uld|of all time. {26849}{26914}We prefer you to|not refer to us as Goa'uld. {26918}{26966}Yeah, we... got that earlier. {26970}{27016}What should we call you? {27045}{27100}I assume you are from the first world. {27104}{27163}The Tauri. Is that correct? {27167}{27215}Yeah. {27219}{27319}Were you among those who rid the galaxy|of the Supreme System Lord,... {27323}{27359}..Ra? {27363}{27411}Yup. That's us. {27415}{27458}That... Yeah, we're those. {27462}{27566}- Then, in a sense, you are Tok'ra.|- (Daniel) Of course! {27570}{27618}Tok'ra! Tok... {27622}{27707}Tok Ra - against Ra.|Thank you for... sharing that. {27711}{27767}We still don't know what to call her. {27771}{27836}We, too, are Tok'ra. {27840}{27876}Finally! {27880}{27922}It's a pleasure to meet you. {27926}{28022}I understand you were sent to us|by Jolinar of Malk-shur. {28026}{28090}Please, tell us how that came to be. {28093}{28159}Well, it... uh... It's a long story. {28187}{28237}We were on this planet - Nasya. {28241}{28315}The Goa'uld were attacking.|Jolinar's host was killed. {28319}{28437}So he... jumped into me|while I was trying to save his host. {28441}{28490}Please, excuse me. {28494}{28579}- Did you say Jolinar's host was killed?|- Yes. {28609}{28654}I'm sorry. {28686}{28737}But Jolinar... lived on? {28757}{28827}Uh, yeah. For a while, at least.|Inside of me. {28846}{28895}Should I continue? {28899}{28931}Please. {28967}{29051}He's in V-tach.|We'll shock him at uh... 200. OK, clear! {29078}{29126}(continuous bleep) {29190}{29244}Again at 300. Clear! {29361}{29409}Normal sinus. OK. {29482}{29546}Hey, General, how are you doing? {29549}{29603}All right. He's in aplastic crisis. {29607}{29717}Let's give him a unit of packed cells.|Check his vitals every 15 minutes. {29721}{29779}Let me know if anything changes. {29783}{29805}Doctor... {29838}{29886}He's... uh... stable, for now. {29890}{29976}May I ask... how long does he have? {29980}{30090}Can't say with a cancer like this.|Could be five days or five minutes. {30144}{30182}Sorry. {30186}{30266}If there's any family to contact,|I'd get them here a.s.a.p. {30551}{30657}So am I to understand you did not|invite Jolinar to use you as a host? {30661}{30762}That is correct. He did it in an emergency,|to escape an assassin. {30766}{30825}Then if you are not a voluntary host,... {30829}{30936}..how do we know that you|did not kill Jolinar yourself? {30960}{31008}Uh... Well, because I didn't. {31012}{31077}I guess you'll just have to trust us on that. {31081}{31121}And why should we trust you? {31125}{31229}You know somethin'? I've been|asking myself the same damn question. {31264}{31322}Why should we trust you? {31326}{31384}You are, after all, Goa'ulds. {31388}{31436}- Jack...|- Ah - don't! {31440}{31508}We've done nothing but|get interrogated here. {31512}{31609}Now, are we prisoners,|and are you Goa'ulds? {31613}{31697}You are not.|And I have told you, we are not Goa'uld! {31701}{31735}I didn't... {31739}{31787}Why do you talk like that? {31791}{31842}And what's with the glowing eyes, huh? {31846}{31946}Might it have something to do with|a little reptilian activity in your heads? {31950}{32027}We have symbiotic creatures|within us, yes. {32031}{32073}Well, then? {32077}{32182}Well, then, you can see how we might|think you would be a danger to humans. {32186}{32299}- You take humans as hosts.|- Goa'uld take hosts. Tok'ra do not. {32303}{32351}Ours wish to be so. {32355}{32412}We have a truly symbiotic relationship. {32416}{32532}No offence, but... why would any human|volunteer to be a host for a Goa'uld? {32607}{32697}(undistorted) Uh, perhaps...|I can... I can help you? {32721}{32776}I am Yosuuf. I am Garshaw's host. {32780}{32847}I speak freely without restraint or censor. {32851}{32950}All of us who serve as hosts|volunteer to do so freely. {32954}{33013}Maybe you can answer my question, then. {33017}{33101}Why would any human|volunteer for... for... that? {33105}{33240}Well, with the blending, I gain|all of Garshaw's knowledge, her wisdom. {33244}{33318}More than any human could ever attain. {33322}{33417}And my life span is twice|what it would be without the blending. {33421}{33488}And for all this, all I have to do is... {33492}{33554}..share my physical body. {33558}{33631}So you've got a little|Faustian deal going here. {33635}{33689}Selling your soul for immortality. {33693}{33775}Well, what you understand as "soul"|remains intact. {33779}{33891}So this symbiotic relationship is what|makes the Tok'ra differ from the Goa'uld? {33895}{33917}Yes. {33921}{34000}This has supported the Tok'ra's efforts|against the Goa'uld. {34023}{34073}Your Jaffa friend is correct. {34077}{34164}If you'd like to come with me,|I will show you what he means. {34601}{34654}Allow me to introduce... {34658}{34707}..Selmak. {34711}{34781}(Martouf) Her host's name is Saroosh. {34785}{34899}She is one of the oldest and wisest among|us. An important leader for our cause. {34903}{34990}However, she is unfortunately very ill,|and will soon die. {35037}{35067}How old is she? {35071}{35143}She will be 203 of your years|in a few of your days. {35147}{35257}I was under the impression that Goa'uld|lived much longer than 200 years. {35261}{35309}The Goa'uld do. The Tok'ra don't. {35313}{35423}- Because you don't use the sarcophagus.|- Correct. We believe to do so would... {35427}{35512}- ..drain the good from our hearts.|- I can vouch for that. {35516}{35587}That's why our numbers|don't grow large enough... {35591}{35675}..to defeat the massive forces|aligned with the System Lords. {35679}{35717}Zero population growth. {35721}{35830}Since you won't take new hosts by force,|mostly the Goa'uld dies with the host. {35834}{35891}And this is about to happen to Selmak. {35931}{35979}Unless... {35983}{36075}..one of you wishes to volunteer|to serve as a host. {36245}{36298}I'm gonna pass on that. {36302}{36420}Yes. Although it does sound... fascinating,|it's a little too long-term for me. {36524}{36594}I'm sorry. I've already been through that. {36887}{36964}- (Carter gasps)|- Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. {36968}{37032}You shouldn't sneak up|on a person like that. {37068}{37164}We didn't mean to upset you|with the suggestion of becoming a host. {37168}{37229}Well, as long as|you take no for an answer. {37233}{37346}We have never forced a human to become|a host. It goes against all we believe in. {37350}{37443}You know, Captain Carter|didn't exactly invite Jolinar in. {37447}{37539}But he was sincere in wanting to leave me|once he found another host. {37543}{37575}If he found one. {37579}{37698}I'm curious. If you're not interested|in becoming a host, why seek us out? {37702}{37761}To form an alliance. {37765}{37870}So you said. But it's apparent that|the thought of an alliance disgusts you. {37874}{37973}Wait. You think by "form an alliance",|we mean we want to be hosts? {37977}{38087}What other sort of alliance would a|non-blended human and the Tok'ra want? {38091}{38184}Well, we do have a common enemy.|How about a friendship? {38188}{38279}- We could share information.|- Engage in battle side by side. {38283}{38364}(distorted) I do not believe|you can be of any service to us. {38392}{38441}You are neither strong enough... {38446}{38480}..nor advanced enough. {38484}{38534}- We're not?|- (Teal'c) Incorrect. {38538}{38617}It was these who destroyed|two Goa'uld mother ships. {38621}{38669}That was you? {38673}{38746}We had operatives who died|on board those vessels! {38767}{38850}- Oh, boy.|- We were only defending our planet. {38880}{38975}(undistorted) We didn't know|they had travelled to the Tauri. {38979}{39038}This information explains a lot. {39042}{39116}At least now we know|how and why our operatives died. {39120}{39167}For that, we are truly grateful. {39171}{39233}So maybe we can be of service. {39237}{39354}Perhaps you're correct. I'll try to convince|the Council of Tok'ra to meet with you. {39415}{39475}(O'Neill) Uh... Excuse me. {39479}{39523}Are we prisoners here? {39527}{39633}Well... Until we decide what level|of information to entrust to you,... {39637}{39719}..um... we cannot allow you|to roam this facility freely. {39723}{39788}I'm sorry. {39861}{39926}Would you like to take a walk|on the surface? {39930}{39960}What? {39964}{39999}Why? {40017}{40095}I would like to hear more|of Jolinar of Malk-shur. {40119}{40192}- OK.|- Well, yeah, sure! {40196}{40292}I'm only inviting Captain Carter.|What we have to discuss is private. {40296}{40392}- I hope you understand.|- Actually, no, I don't. {40459}{40517}Colonel, I... I think I should go with him. {40521}{40636}I need to go with him. There's a lot of|questions he could answer about Jolinar. {40706}{40798}I assure you, sir,|she'll be very safe with me. {40802}{40844}Colonel... {40848}{40924}I need to do this. Please. {41061}{41109}OK, son. {41113}{41199}But I want you to have her back|by 11 o'clock. You understand? {41267}{41359}- (Martouf) Feeling any better?|- (Carter) Yeah, thanks. {41363}{41416}(Martouf) Please, tell me of Jolinar. {41420}{41518}(Carter) I get the feeling|you knew him way better than I ever did. {41522}{41570}Of that I am sure. {41574}{41660}For one, he was a she. {41664}{41712}What? You're kidding! {41716}{41772}Well, actually, that is inaccurate. {41776}{41826}The symbiote does not have a gender. {41830}{41926}However, Jolinar has always|been in female hosts. {41930}{42045}Well, actually, the host I found him in|- her in - was a male. {42049}{42083}Really? {42114}{42201}Must have been another method|of hiding from the Ashrak. {42273}{42362}- Tell me of Jolinar's last days.|- Well, it's kind of weird. {42366}{42430}Like I'm left with these intuitions, feelings. {42434}{42548}I know this:|she sacrificed herself to save me. {42552}{42641}That speaks a ton about her character|as far as I'm concerned. {42803}{42864}I'm sorry. Are you OK? {42993}{43041}(distorted) I'm sorry. {43045}{43135}Martouf is having a more difficult time|handling this than I am. {43139}{43249}- So you're his symbiote. Lantash. Right?|- Yes. Martouf is the name of my host. {43253}{43296}Yeah, I knew that. {43300}{43364}I seem to know everything about you. {43448}{43519}When I'm with you,|I feel a different sort of... {43523}{43618}..I don't know... recognition|than I do with the other Tok'ra. {43622}{43707}Is something different|about your relationship to Jolinar? {43711}{43848}Jolinar and I were together for nearly...|one hundred of your years. {43852}{43900}She was my mate. {43904}{43947}Oh. {44007}{44062}How does that work?|She was whose mate? {44066}{44116}- Martouf or Lantash?|- Both. {44324}{44376}Now let me attempt an explanation. {44424}{44530}As I said before, ours is|a truly symbiotic relationship. {44558}{44616}So... what I feel,... {44620}{44668}..Lantash feels. {44672}{44750}And what Lantash feels, I feel. {44754}{44840}So... when one of you is in love,|you both feel it. {44844}{44939}Yes. We love as one, and... {44943}{45000}..and we mourn as one. {45004}{45078}- I'm sorry.|- Don't be sorry. {45082}{45136}We want you to truly comprehend this... {45140}{45200}..so that you'll better understand us. {45204}{45252}OK. {45256}{45304}Well, I am curious. {45308}{45377}What was Jolinar's host like? {45429}{45511}Jolinar's host Rosha was very beautiful. {45515}{45603}She had eyes like the oceans of Marloon. {45607}{45692}Hair was the colour of sand of Abydos.|And her smile was... {45728}{45778}..was as infectious as laughter. {45850}{45951}In fact, Rosha looked|very much like you, Captain Carter. {45955}{46003}You are very beautiful. {46045}{46113}You'd make a lovely new host for Selmak. {46278}{46366}I'm sorry. I...|I've said something to offend you. {46370}{46419}No. Yes! {46456}{46555}It's difficult enough with|just the remnants of Jolinar in here. {46559}{46660}The last thing I need is|another person - symbiote - whatever. {47337}{47385}I didn't mean to upset you so. {47389}{47462}It's just the thought of|going through that again. {47466}{47523}Don't give it another moment's thought. {47527}{47583}It was an inappropriate suggestion. {47587}{47694}Please, understand that it came from... {47698}{47807}..an honest, deep desire to have Jolinar|back in my life in some form. {47920}{47998}This must be what it feels like|to be schizophrenic. {48026}{48074}What is... {48078}{48126}..schizophrenic? {48174}{48226}It's a mental illness humans have. {48230}{48282}It's like a... split personality. {48286}{48334}Two people in... in one brain. {48338}{48387}I mean, there's me,... {48391}{48439}..Samantha Carter. {48443}{48555}And then there's this leftover part|of Jolinar that feels things like... {48592}{48640}Like...? {48711}{48770}Like some pretty deep feelings for you. {48871}{48935}Jolinar's left this imprint on your mind? {48938}{48965}Yes. {48969}{49028}I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable... {49032}{49080}No. It's just... {49111}{49188}What you had... you and Jolinar... {49240}{49308}You were in love|longer than I've been alive. {49312}{49362}Hell, longer than I will be alive! {49430}{49482}She left this feeling with you? {49523}{49587}You can feel how she felt for me? {49591}{49639}Yes. {49643}{49725}- And it's confusing the hell out of me.|- Why? {49729}{49804}Because it's not just in my mind,|like a memory. {49808}{49856}I feel it. {49860}{49950}Like I've had this relationship|with you for a hundred years. {49954}{50024}I don't know if I can describe it|with words. {50101}{50149}What Jolinar felt for you I... {50178}{50255}..I don't even think|I'm capable of comprehending. {50259}{50376}Maybe there's another way you can|communicate it. Perhaps in a way... {50380}{50428}..other than words. {50737}{50780}Sam! {50814}{50847}Daniel. {50893}{50946}Learning a lot about Jolinar? {51022}{51075}Yeah. You'd be surprised how much. {51093}{51166}Um... The Tok'ra Council's|agreed to meet with us. {51170}{51226}Jack thought you might wanna be there. {51230}{51277}Yeah. {51541}{51597}Quite the place you've got here. {51642}{51714}(Teal'c) Is it true|these facilities are grown? {51718}{51816}It is. When we arrive at the new place,|we plant certain crystals... {51820}{51873}..and they grow into all that you see. {51877}{51915}Wow! {53141}{53193}(distorted) May I help you? {53197}{53273}Uh... No, thanks. I was just lookin' around. {53382}{53454}This is not the way|to the new Council chambers. {53518}{53585}Oh! Oh, I'm sorry. {53589}{53665}But I would be happy to answer|any questions you have. {53669}{53717}These are my private quarters. {53721}{53783}Not very private. {53787}{53847}The Tok'ra hold no secrets|from each other. {53851}{53908}There is no need for doors or partitions. {53967}{54040}Can I show you back to your group? {54072}{54136}Uh, no. No, thanks. I... {54192}{54240}I can find my way back. {54339}{54403}How fast can you grow a facility like this? {54406}{54465}Quite rapidly. We build only as we need. {54469}{54579}That is why we are only now adding|the corridor, and the Council chambers. {54583}{54631}See for yourselves. {54962}{55026}What the hell...? {55637}{55685}This chamber is newly grown. {55689}{55775}Until now, we had no reason|to convene the Council of Tok'ra. {55779}{55873}- It's a sort of accelerated crystal growth.|- That is correct. {55877}{55985}We have learned to pattern|the natural tendencies of the crystal. {55989}{56050}Like a geode. {56054}{56118}People of the Tauri,|allow me to introduce... {56121}{56179}..the Grand Council of the Tok'ra. {56481}{56533}Hiya, folks. Nice to meet ya. {56537}{56656}Uh... We're very grateful. We're|representatives of a planet called Earth. {56660}{56729}It is an honour. {56733}{56857}The Council has reviewed your proposal|of an alliance between our peoples. {56861}{56884}And? {56888}{56954}(woman) We would like you|to understand our situation. {56958}{57035}We are an illegal resistance group|within the Goa'uld. {57039}{57125}We are the most hunted, most hated|enemies of the System Lords. {57129}{57218}Hey, we haven't made too many friends|along the way either. {57222}{57327}The secrets of the Tok'ra would never be|revealed. It is not the way of the Tauri. {57331}{57409}Not intentionally.|But you might be followed to us. {57413}{57544}You might be tortured to reveal where we|are, or a spy might appear in your midst. {57548}{57604}We would like to know|what you can offer us... {57608}{57678}..that is of sufficient value|to justify our exposure. {57739}{57854}- Well, I think we've got a lot of things.|- The Tauri have become quite advanced. {57858}{57912}I'm sure we have something|you could use. {57916}{57978}Please, give us an example. {58010}{58062}Sure. Daniel? {58087}{58135}Uh... Well, I mean, after all,... {58139}{58195}..we have the same goals in mind. {58199}{58259}Perhaps some technology|could be of use. {58263}{58360}Technology other than our own|is useless to us. {58364}{58446}We are infiltrators.|We work from within the Goa'uld. {58450}{58549}Therefore it's important|that we appear to be Goa'uld. {58568}{58603}(whispers) {58607}{58646}Bring them in! {58650}{58698}What are you people planning? {58738}{58772}Beg your pardon? {58776}{58849}The Chaapa-ai just activated|and brought forth these! {58952}{58989}SG-3. {59095}{59143}Colonel Makepeace? {59155}{59203}What are you doing here? {59207}{59269}General Hammond sent us|to extract Captain Carter. {59273}{59311}Why? {59315}{59370}I'm afraid it's your father, Captain. {59374}{59441}He's in the hospital in a serious condition. {59641}{59694}You have to let her go home. {59735}{59782}I'm sorry, I cannot do that. {59786}{59879}- Why not?|- I'm afraid we have made our decision. {59883}{59972}We have decided not to accept|your request for an alliance. {59976}{60092}You shall be our guests until such time|as we decide to move to another planet. {60096}{60170}- What?|- (Garshaw) I'm sure you understand. {60174}{60260}Your knowledge of this planet|makes you a security risk. {60264}{60368}We cannot allow you to leave until we|move somewhere you do not know about. {60372}{60455}Surely, as Tok'ra,|you're more compassionate than that. {60459}{60535}Captain Carter's father is dying.|At least let her go. {60539}{60676}She is the highest risk of all. She contains|the memory of Jolinar of Malk-shur. {60680}{60758}(Teal'c) We are not the only ones|who know of this planet. {60762}{60860}Those we left behind on the Tauri|also possess this knowledge. {60864}{60919}As evidenced by our friends here. {60967}{61033}It is our wish that your lack of return... {61037}{61132}..will convince them|that we are Goa'uld and not Tok'ra. {61136}{61234}- You want them to think that we're dead.|- Well, that kinda sucks. {61238}{61286}I'm sorry. {61290}{61378}We will try to make you|as comfortable as possible. {61873}{61971}Visiontext subtitles: Doreen Trenerry