{288}{374}(Carter) In the five weeks|since our return from PX7-941 ... {378}{426}Known to its population as Madrona. {430}{494}..we've processed|most of the data we collected. {497}{591}We think we've corroborated|some startling first-hand observations. {595}{649}- Which are?|- Well, sir,... {653}{738}..the inhabitants can proactively|affect their own climate. {742}{806}That's a bit of an understatement! {810}{903}They can call it up...|just like... that. {907}{956}(Daniel) You got a crop that needs water? {960}{1008}Order some rain. {1012}{1090}It needs sun, it's literally|a matter of dialling it up. {1094}{1166}Are you sure you weren't|under the local voodoo? {1170}{1242}Believe me, General,|no one was more sceptical than I. {1246}{1338}But we may have stumbled on|the most important piece of technology... {1342}{1398}..the SGC mission has discovered to date. {1430}{1482}Even the Goa'uld|have no such technology. {1486}{1529}You think you know how they do it? {1533}{1620}Our best theory is that the planet|was terraformed about 900 years ago. {1624}{1739}The Madronans are primitive, so it's likely|it was terraformed by another alien race. {1743}{1807}The weather seems to be|regulated by this device. {1811}{1872}(Daniel) The Madronans|call it the Touchstone. {1876}{1980}It's an ancient artefact, probably|made by the other alien race. {2008}{2084}It's right there. It's in the statue's hand. {2088}{2154}The high priest turns|a series of calibrated rings,... {2158}{2225}..which seem to determine|meteorological conditions. {2229}{2288}Do we have any idea what makes it tick? {2292}{2346}That's why we'd like to go back, sir. {2350}{2480}Carter wants to get a closer look with|some of her specialised... doohickeys. {2484}{2522}Doohickeys?! {2526}{2599}I believe that's the technical term, sir! {2625}{2705}My instruments will measure|the Touchstone's emissions... {2709}{2751}..and give us an idea of how it works. {2755}{2817}Any chance we could|borrow it for a few days,... {2821}{2872}..do a little backward engineering? {2876}{2952}The Touchstone maintains|the weather on this planet. {2956}{3004}Right. {3025}{3098}OK, then. Go see what you can figure out. {3153}{3183}OK. {3513}{3549}Greetings, Roham. {3553}{3613}Princess La Moor. {3651}{3748}- It's the visitors, Uncle.|- We demand you return the Touchstone! {3777}{3819}What? I-It's missing? {3823}{3897}Do not play games.|You must return it at once! {3924}{3978}No games. We didn't take it. {3982}{4073}It is gone! Come! See for yourselves! {4077}{4125}(thunder) {5118}{5171}This explains the storm clouds out there. {5175}{5226}Without the Touchstone to shield us,... {5230}{5299}..we shall soon be overtaken|by the elements. {5303}{5406}It's only a matter of time before|we begin to die because of your theft. {5410}{5449}(O'Neill) All right. {5453}{5501}Here's a question for you. {5505}{5580}If it was so important,|why wasn't it guarded? {5584}{5667}It was guarded. We let down our guard|because of your people. {5671}{5749}- We trusted you.|- We did not take it! {5753}{5843}Had we taken the artefact,|there would have been no need to return. {5847}{5893}There were witnesses. {5897}{5943}What did these witnesses see? {5947}{6015}People taking the Touchstone|in the dead of night. {6019}{6106}They were dressed as you are|and carried weapons like yours. {6132}{6224}- Did they see where these people went?|- They left by your Stargate. {6267}{6345}As you know, none of our people|know how to use the portal. {6455}{6505}Guards! Disarm the wrongdoers! {6509}{6560}Hold it! {6680}{6728}All right! {6732}{6780}We came here in peace,... {6807}{6884}..we expect to go in one... piece. {6888}{6938}Explain yourself. But be warned. {6942}{7019}If your answers are not satisfactory,... {7023}{7100}..then we have no choice|but to seek retribution. {7104}{7194}Taking revenge will not return|the Touchstone, for we did not take it. {7198}{7252}Then it will lead us to those that did. {7256}{7313}Only if they care what happens to us! {7349}{7435}Look, let me give you|a little life lesson about thieves. {7439}{7521}They're not really in touch|with their feminine side. {7525}{7579}Caring would be on a low priority... {7597}{7653}My uncle grows impatient. {7688}{7746}If the thieves used the gate to escape,... {7750}{7832}..the only hope to get it back|is to let us go back through the gate. {7836}{7877}And if they did come from Earth,... {7881}{7962}..our technology can help us|find out who the thieves were. {7966}{8072}How do we know that you will not|use the gate to escape responsibility? {8076}{8122}Trust us? {8126}{8182}(La Moor)|We are a simple people, Colonel. {8186}{8263}We have no means to protect|ourselves from this disaster. {8267}{8393}If my uncle decides to trust you, our|entire future will depend on that decision. {8439}{8510}OK, that's a little pressure!|But we can handle that. {8514}{8542}(thunderclap) {8832}{8874}Let them go. {9099}{9165}Please... help us. {9169}{9217}(thunderclap) {10993}{11101}Why are you back so early? You were|supposed to study that weather device. {11105}{11153}We would do, if it were still there. {11157}{11191}What do you mean? {11195}{11267}We should talk in your office, sir. {11322}{11370}What's this about, Colonel? {11498}{11546}The Touchstone was stolen, sir. {11550}{11669}By people wearing SGC uniforms,|who came and went through the Stargate. {11673}{11738}What?! Well, who was it? {11819}{11893}Everyone involved here|would like to know that, sir. {11950}{12021}I don't appreciate|your implication, Colonel. {12025}{12122}Why would I send your team to study|the thing if I knew it wasn't there? {12126}{12174}No implication intended, sir. {12198}{12301}But circumstances do beg|the next logical question, which is... {12305}{12405}..could another SG team|have gone through without your order? {12443}{12491}Not without my knowing about it. {12517}{12565}Yes, sir. {12616}{12720}General, do you mind if I have Carter|recheck the dialling computer? {12724}{12854}Just to see if there are any signs of|anyone sneaking through the gate... {12858}{12902}..covertly. {12930}{12980}Behind your back, as it were, sir. {13015}{13116}Nothing happens regarding that Stargate|without my knowing about it. {13120}{13180}If a person sneezes near it, I get a report. {13245}{13288}I understand, sir. {13395}{13428}Colonel. {13511}{13575}Have Carter check it anyway. {13676}{13724}Thank you... very much, sir. {14080}{14150}- (O'Neill) Anything yet?|- Not on the Touchstone, sir. {14154}{14204}Have you seen the Weather Channel? {14208}{14258}I'm more of a C-SPAN guy. {14262}{14319}Observe, O'Neill. {14323}{14423}(woman) Chalk it up to a delayed|El Niņo effect orjust a run of bad luck,... {14427}{14495}..but more storms|have stretched all over America,... {14499}{14568}..even in Phoenix, Arizona,|causing widespread damage. {14572}{14646}Reports of injuries are still trickling in. {14650}{14698}We have flooding in Palm Springs... {14702}{14755}(Daniel) And that's not all. {14759}{14843}There's record rainfall in Albuquerque,|hail in the Panhandle... {14847}{14895}..and three major rivers cresting. {14899}{14998}Something is definitely|altering this planet's weather. {15002}{15055}And you think it's this Touchstone? {15092}{15185}- Kind of a reach, isn't it?|- Not really, if you think about it. {15189}{15240}Whoever left that device on Madrona... {15244}{15310}..probably keyed it to|its atmospheric conditions. {15314}{15398}Somebody brings it back to Earth,|starts fiddling around with it... {15402}{15454}..and... who knows?! {15458}{15547}- We don't know it's on Earth.|- (Carter) I'm thinking it is. {15551}{15618}There was a huge transitory glitch|three days ago,... {15622}{15667}..when SG-2 returned from a mission. {15671}{15726}The same hour|as the Touchstone was taken. {15730}{15799}SG-2's point of origin|was galaxies away from Madrona. {15803}{15872}Yeah, but this energy spike|is off the charts. {15876}{15980}Remember what happened the last time|the gate's power supply was overloaded? {15984}{16055}It jumped to the second gate|in the Antarctic. {16059}{16095}Thanks for the memory! {16099}{16207}Are you suggesting that SG-2 used|the second gate to steal the Touchstone? {16211}{16295}No. Not SG-2. Their mission|went as planned, through our gate. {16299}{16423}But someone might have used the second|gate a split second after SG-2 used ours... {16427}{16486}..to try to hide the energy spike in ours. {16490}{16563}Kind of like shooting off a gun|when a train's going by? {16643}{16705}To hide the sound. {16709}{16757}Yes, sir. {16761}{16858}If I'm right, SG-2's log should have|the same electronic signature... {16862}{16952}..as the last time the wormhole|jumped its tracks. Bear with me. {16956}{16995}Bearing. {17076}{17144}Damn! It should show up|on the primary meta-log. {17148}{17220}- Try the backup log.|- Yeah. Possibly. {17386}{17455}If someone did try to erase|all the relevant data,... {17459}{17511}..they could've easily missed a backup. {17587}{17637}Yes! There it is. {17695}{17794}The second gate hadto have been used.|The energy signature's identical. {17798}{17915}Who was authorised to use it? I thought|it had been officially decommissioned. {17919}{17967}It was. {17971}{18024}Officially. {18193}{18241}- (tap on door)|- Come. {18326}{18374}No. I need to talk to him now. {18402}{18466}Son, do you know|what colour this phone is? {18501}{18549}Yes. I'll hold. {18560}{18603}Carter find anything? {18639}{18717}Yes, sir. Apparently,|the second gate is being used. {18721}{18827}What?! I was given top-level assurances|that gate was to be sealed. {18831}{18932}A case of the left hand not knowing|what the right foot is doing, sir? {18936}{18988}That's what I'm trying to find out. {19040}{19088}No! It can't wait, son. {19092}{19178}Well, make sure he gets the message|the second he comes out. {19270}{19342}And, suddenly,|the President wasn't available! {19346}{19394}Every time I call, he's tied up. {19398}{19490}It's like someone is orchestrating|his schedule to keep us from speaking. {19494}{19542}Got a someone in mind, sir? {19585}{19644}This is gonna sound paranoid, Colonel. {19648}{19704}Back when the SG programme began,... {19708}{19785}..there was a philosophical skirmish|about its mandate. {19789}{19891}Some people wanted to make sure that|all discoveries were brought back,... {19895}{19986}..regardless of considerations|like interplanetary diplomacy. {20040}{20119}Do you mind if I ask|who these "some people" were? {20123}{20212}The truth is, I'm not sure|I ever fully knew who they were. {20245}{20341}I had a feeling that someone chose|not to surface during the debate. {20345}{20459}Not military - politicians|pulling strings behind the scenes. {20481}{20529}No one said so exactly. {20533}{20614}30 years in the service,|you develop an instinct about things. {20644}{20703}General, is your gut telling you... {20707}{20791}..that this "person" is responsible|for stealing the Touchstone? {20795}{20862}I'm a long way|from drawing that conclusion. {20866}{20994}But I'll be damned if I'll be blocked|by some sycophant in the White House. {20997}{21081}I have other channels I can pursue,|markers I can call in. {21099}{21135}General,... {21139}{21195}..I know I don't have to tell you this. {21199}{21260}But whoever these dark-side guys are,... {21290}{21399}..they can do some pretty nasty damage|if they figure out how to work this thing. {21428}{21520}I know, Colonel. I know.|Let me do some digging. {21640}{21735}In an effort to determine whether|the Touchstone was being used,... {21739}{21840}..I measured the Doppler shift for|gravitational and radiation emissions. {21844}{21947}I used one of my monitoring instruments,|and tied it in to two NOAA satellites. {21951}{22039}- What did you find?|- It's somewhere in the Nevada Desert. {22043}{22113}- From the crude triangulation...|- Nevada? {22139}{22188}Yes, sir. Something wrong? {22223}{22307}The second gate ended up|in Nevada, didn't it, sir? Nellis? {22311}{22341}Yes. {22384}{22491}If the gate is there, it makes sense that|the Touchstone has at least been there. {22561}{22609}You're going to love this, Colonel. {22643}{22702}Guess who just got reassigned to Nellis. {22736}{22774}Do tell. {22778}{22844}Colonel Maybourne. {22848}{22896}Oh, well, here's good news! {22900}{23002}Nellis is where we send the technology|we bring back through the gate? {23006}{23048}Yes. The Groom Lake facility. {23052}{23099}Area 51 . {23338}{23415}- What are we looking at?|- We sent the MALP back to Madrona. {23419}{23512}It's basically a blizzard, sir -|winds gusting up to 80 miles an hour. {23516}{23588}Any more intense,|the whole planet's a write-off. {23618}{23676}How much time do they have remaining? {23680}{23785}If my extrapolations are correct,|we're looking at 48 to 72 hours... {23789}{23861}..before all the terraforming is kaput. {23865}{24007}- Permission to take a trip to Nevada, sir.|- OK. I'll call Nellis and get you cleared. {24044}{24092}Uh, General,... {24118}{24222}..it's become pretty obvious that|our own people are involved here. {24226}{24274}The government types, you know. {24278}{24327}How do you know who to trust? {24331}{24387}We have the necessary|clearance level, sir. {24561}{24656}Colonel, I need some documents|delivered to the Groom Lake facility. {24717}{24772}Are those documents sensitive enough... {24776}{24842}..to warrant a three-man team|with a Jaffa escort? {24846}{24880}Absolutely. {25314}{25400}Colonel O'Neill. Major Reynolds, NlD.|Welcome to Area 51 . {25404}{25513}Nice to meet you. This is Captain Carter,|Dr Jackson and Teal'c. {25517}{25559}Gentlemen. Ma'am. {25563}{25654}I can't tell you what an honour it is|to meet you. You guys are a legend. {25678}{25786}Yeah, well... Thanks. We're hoping|to meet with Colonel Maybourne. {25790}{25864}He's been paged, sir.|Come inside - he'll find you there. {25868}{25914}(Daniel) You obviously know who we are. {25918}{26012}If it wasn't for you and the other|SG teams, we'd be out of business here. {26016}{26072}Follow me, please. {26076}{26130}To your left is Medical Research. {26134}{26246}They're focusing on the potential cure|for Alzheimer's that SG-5 brought back. {26250}{26343}The other side is Geology,|Space Metallurgy, and Artefacts Study,... {26347}{26448}..where they're poring over your notes|on that Heliopolis place, Dr Jackson. {26452}{26520}"Meaning of life stuff" - I love that! {26524}{26633}(Tannoy) Dr Dobson to room 483.|Dr Dobson. {27176}{27291}Those are the two Goa'uld death gliders|you were in after you did your hero thing. {27295}{27352}Nice work, by the way. {27356}{27394}Yeah. Thanks. {27458}{27516}This way. {27722}{27770}This is the Bio-research Lab. {27875}{27937}Is this where you keep|the little green men? {27985}{28041}There are no alien life forms at Area 51 . {28142}{28193}Present company excluded, of course. {28300}{28334}Colonel O'Neill. {28338}{28389}Hello, Maybourne. {28423}{28471}Major, if you'll excuse us. {28558}{28628}Teal'c! It's good to see you're well. {28723}{28824}In my culture, I would be well within|my rights to dismember you. {29022}{29097}Well... that's interesting. {29140}{29186}Is there something I can do for you? {29190}{29262}Yeah. We assume|the Touchstone was brought here. {29266}{29309}Excuse me? {29313}{29371}Maybe you have a different name for it? {29375}{29472}The weather controller|from Madrona - PX7-941? {29476}{29561}It seems that someone has sent you|on a fool's errand, Colonel. {29565}{29629}There is nothing|even remotely like that here. {29633}{29692}You are, however, aware of our mission? {29720}{29768}I remember a reference to it. {29790}{29889}But - correct me if I'm wrong -|nothing came back from that survey. {29893}{29980}- Not by our team.|- Another SGC team? {29984}{30022}You tell me. {30055}{30170}If you're looking for specific answers,|be less cryptic with your questions. {30174}{30247}Fine. Where's the damn Touchstone? {30282}{30342}Has the second Stargate been activated? {30346}{30419}It's been under complete lockdown|since its arrival here. {30423}{30471}It hasn't even been powered up. {30494}{30534}Mind if we have a look? {30538}{30609}I guarantee it's been dormant|since you came through it. {30613}{30704}Then there's no harm|in taking a look. Is there? {31317}{31390}There it is. Happy now, Colonel? {31394}{31442}(O'Neill) Carter. {32182}{32257}- Satisfied?|- Not really. {32292}{32379}Just proves it got packed up|real nice after it was used. {32383}{32475}That gate has been in there since|it was brought here from the Antarctic. {32506}{32559}Come on, Harry! {32563}{32635}You and I have been through|this dance before. {32639}{32672}Uh,... {32676}{32724}..Colonel. {32728}{32777}This gate is plastic. {32781}{32826}What?! {32864}{32912}Captain Carter is correct. {32916}{32959}That's ridiculous! {33240}{33319}That's the gate that was|brought back from the Antarctic. {33323}{33389}It's been under lock and key|since it got here. {33442}{33518}This gate's plastic. Where's the real one? {33748}{33839}So... what the hell|happened to the Stargate? {33843}{33877}It's obviously been moved. {33881}{33937}So it can be fired up|without raising eyebrows? {33941}{33980}That's highly speculative. {34068}{34154}I don't know who's|giving you orders, Maybourne,... {34158}{34252}..but they had better come from|where the air is real thin. {34308}{34354}Is that a threat, Colonel? {34358}{34433}You tell me the punishment|for losing a Stargate. {34485}{34587}That presumes there was|no authorisation to move the Stargate. {34626}{34700}- So who authorised it?|- That's classified. {34704}{34799}- We have the highest clearance.|- Within the military, you do. {34967}{35015}Are you telling me... {35019}{35071}..this is a civilian operation?! {35166}{35248}Colonel O'Neill and his people|need an escort back to their vehicle. {35252}{35382}- Who's pulling the strings, Maybourne?|- Take a piece of advice, Jack. Let it drop. {35386}{35434}Drop it?! {35460}{35560}Please... don't make these gentlemen|have to get disrespectful. {36387}{36452}We're operating under a virtual blackout. {36456}{36508}No one will confirm or deny a thing. {36512}{36640}The only other Stargate on the planet gets|spirited away, and it's business as usual?! {36643}{36748}Not really. Somebody's clamped down|on the communications channels. {36752}{36822}- What of the Touchstone?|- Sometime while we were gone,... {36826}{36877}..my instrument readings dropped to zero. {36881}{36951}They've stopped using it,|or are shielding it from detection. {36955}{37019}(Carter) The weather anomalies|have abated on Earth. {37022}{37135}They probably realised experimenting|with it was causing too many problems. {37139}{37183}Exactly. {37187}{37294}If we can't track the Touchstone, we may|be able to track the second gate on Earth. {37298}{37421}Oh, sure! Let's just put out an APB for|a huge, honkin', two-storey metal ring... {37425}{37513}..with 39 little pictures|all nicely engraved on it! {37517}{37581}Actually, I had another thought. {37585}{37643}Go ahead, Captain. {37647}{37690}We use our gate to go to Madrona,... {37694}{37775}..then do a 180 and return|through the second gate here on Earth. {37779}{37870}If one input the Earth's coordinates|on the Madrona dialling device,... {37874}{37938}..he would be sent back|to the gate on this facility. {37941}{38036}You would. Unless you intentionally|overpower the gate. {38040}{38132}The way the wormhole arced|to send the two of you to the other gate. {38136}{38248}As you may recall, it was a minor miracle|that either of you survived that incident. {38252}{38306}What if we used the MALP robot? {38310}{38425}Perfect. The GPS could give us an exact|position once the MALP made it through. {38429}{38499}Someone would have to|accompany you to Madrona,... {38503}{38551}..to dial the correct address. {38555}{38649}- Uh... I would be that person.|- I'll go, too. {38653}{38736}Bring the necessary equipment|to modulate the power to the gate. {38752}{38790}Let's do it! {39219}{39284}They've arrived|through the Madrona gate, sir. {39288}{39352}We're transporting our people|across the galaxy... {39356}{39415}..to find something|we lost in our own back yard! {39419}{39478}Incredible! {39515}{39563}(thunderclaps) {39742}{39790}They're back, Uncle Roham! {39834}{39942}- Did you bring the Touchstone?|- Not yet. We're working on it. {39946}{39994}Don't you understand?! {39998}{40079}Look around you!|The rivers have turned to ice! {40083}{40165}Before long, all our croplands|will be decimated! {40169}{40207}Why did you return? {40211}{40311}We have to set this machine from here|to track the Touchstone. {40315}{40383}- You're lying!|- We're not lying! {40387}{40434}We really are trying to help. {40438}{40486}Come now! {40940}{40988}(machine buzzes) {41304}{41361}They should be inputting the last address. {41507}{41555}(machine powers up) {42025}{42086}Status, Captain? {42090}{42173}- It's through, sir. It's on Earth.|- Where the hell is it? {42177}{42236}I'm switching over to|terrestrial video signal. {42240}{42333}- We have visual, but it's dark.|- Can you make out anything? {42337}{42396}No, not much. {42486}{42553}- There's somebody moving.|- What is its location? {42557}{42645}I'm resetting the MALP global|positioning system to Telsat 1 3,... {42649}{42703}..attempting to triangulate. {42856}{42950}- What the hell happened?!|- They blew it away, sir. {43201}{43249}(O'Neill) Carter? {43253}{43310}The link is gone.|They destroyed the MALP. {43314}{43412}- Did you get the coordinates?|- No time. But I've got it narrowed down. {43416}{43456}How far down? {43482}{43566}Well, as far as I can tell,|it's in Southern Utah. {43596}{43656}Oh! Well... Southern Utah! {43660}{43710}Well, at least that's a start. {43714}{43796}I have one last marker to call.|Let me see what I can find out. {44010}{44062}- Hello, General.|- Whitlow. {44066}{44114}(Whitlow) Shall we walk? {44118}{44231}As I told you on the phone, I don't have|time for all this cloak-and-dagger stuff. {44235}{44291}- I need to know...|- Please... walk. {44295}{44357}It makes it harder for the parabolics. {44402}{44488}(Hammond) Glad to see the paranoia|quotient is as high as ever! {44492}{44576}You never know who's listening.|What do you need to know? {44580}{44680}Two things. Who's got the Stargate?|Who's got the weather device? {44684}{44803}- I wish I had that info.|- I don't have time for games, Whitlow. {44807}{44906}As much as I'd love to clear|our little IOU, I don't know anything. {44910}{45008}I don't even know what you're talking|about with regards to a weather device. {45012}{45067}But are you saying|the Stargate is missing?! {45071}{45164}- The second one is, yes.|- That doesn't sound like a good thing! {45168}{45239}Come on! You've got|your fingers in every agency. {45243}{45340}You haven't heard anything?|Military intelligence? NSA? CIA? {45344}{45437}If it were military, I'd know about it.|It's got to be civilian. {45441}{45496}Anything strange going on at Nellis? {45500}{45605}There's always something going on|at Nellis, and most of the time it's strange. {45609}{45692}But nothing about a Stargate|or a... weather... thingy. {45696}{45784}Does this have something to do|with all the weird weather lately? {45824}{45895}How about Southern Utah?|Anything going on there? {45899}{45947}Southern Utah?! {45981}{46029}Yeah, as a matter of fact. {46033}{46086}A requisition just crossed my desk... {46090}{46209}..requesting a C-5 for a classified pick-up|at an NID landing site. It's in Utah. {46213}{46266}Hm. No idea what it's for? {46287}{46383}Not officially. But I don't have to|tell you, a C-5's a big airplane. {46387}{46485}Big enough to hold a Stargate and|transport it anywhere in the world. {46489}{46537}Where's the strip? {46578}{46669}Just south of the Black Mountains.|About 40 clicks west of Parowan. {46719}{46767}Thank you, Whitlow. {46771}{46810}George? {46879}{46923}Does this mean we're even? {46950}{47010}If it pans out, it does. {47112}{47160}OK, here's the deal. {47164}{47238}This NID landing strip|doesn't officially exist,... {47242}{47313}..so I don't think|there's a jurisdictional issue. {47317}{47430}But even if there is, that C-5 is Air Force|property, and it is our jurisdiction. {47434}{47499}- Can we go now, sir?|- There's a chopper waiting. {47503}{47594}It will take you to Hill Air Force Base.|Then you're on your own. {47598}{47631}Thank you. {47635}{47683}One other thing, Colonel. {47687}{47796}We don't know if the people who took|the gate and Touchstone are friend or foe. {47800}{47904}Therefore, under no conditions|are you to fire on them. Understood? {48013}{48072}Under no conditions... fire. {48076}{48106}That's right. {48163}{48216}What if they fire on us, sir? {48220}{48350}Then you're to take cover. Do not return|fire unless it's the only option remaining... {48354}{48415}- ..to defend yourselves.|- I don't think... {48419}{48515}Those are my orders, Colonel. We're|already going way out on a limb on this. {48519}{48615}I don't want you killing another American|who may just be following orders. {48619}{48694}- Understood?|- Yes, sir. {50604}{50668}(airplane approaches) {52021}{52066}Stand to, gentlemen! {52084}{52122}(guns click) {52126}{52195}Keep those hands visible. {52232}{52283}Who the hell are you?! {52287}{52371}No one's damn business!|Step away from the crate. {53112}{53160}(pulsing noise) {53380}{53415}Stop! {53732}{53764}Don't do it! {53923}{53950}Agh! {53954}{53991}What? {54050}{54098}I missed the address. {54327}{54375}At least we have this. {54908}{54980}They've come back, Uncle Roham!|Just as I told you! {54984}{55058}- Do they have the Touchstone?|- They do! {57233}{57341}- Thank you.|- You're very welcome. {57377}{57442}We hope your faith and trust in us|has been restored. {57446}{57566}You have lived up to your promises.|Let there be peace between our worlds. {57570}{57616}We must remain vigilant,... {57620}{57688}..lest those that trespassed before|come back... {57692}{57759}..to violate the sanctity|of the Holy Touchstone. {57763}{57847}Just make sure your guards|are paying attention this time! {57891}{57955}Blessings be upon you. {58979}{59057}Everything should be back to normal|soon, here and on Madrona. {59061}{59148}We think they'll let us return|to do the studies we'd hoped to do. {59152}{59256}- Any idea what happened, sir?|- It's still something of a shell game. {59260}{59333}- The investigation was taken from me.|- By whom? {59337}{59399}I'm still trying to find that out. {59403}{59482}So we may never know who those men|were who went through the gate. {59486}{59538}Not unless you can tell me|where they went. {59584}{59654}Until then, all SG units|are to be on watch... {59658}{59730}..for four NID guys|wandering around another planet. {59734}{59824}Great! So all this|could happen again, huh? {59828}{59876}No, Colonel! {59880}{59991}This time, I was able to ensure that|our Stargate will be the only one in use. {59995}{60082}Sir... The second Stargate|is being retired? {60086}{60183}Yes. Only this time, there will be|a permanent iris welded over it,... {60187}{60265}..and it will be placed under|round-the-clock guard... {60269}{60328}..under the command of the SGC -|my command. {60332}{60394}No lying and deceit, smoke and mirrors? {60398}{60531}You'll be there yourselves - all of you will|- when we put it away for good. {61278}{61329}This put you out of a job, Maybourne? {61352}{61450}Oh, you'd be surprised. Strange things|happen in high places, Colonel. {61454}{61497}Don't I know it! {61501}{61565}People get reassigned. So does property. {61568}{61640}Artefacts get misplaced. Orders change. {61644}{61692}Every day's a new day. {61866}{61977}Visiontext subtitles: Stephanie Donohue