{613}{661}UAV is a go for launch, sir. {697}{730}Launch. {810}{874}That never gets old. I love that. {878}{999}UAV will arrive at PJ2-445|in three... two... one. {1061}{1153}Automatic Terrain Radar System|is functioning. {1157}{1268}If this technology works out, we'll be able|to do more long-range reconnaissance. {1272}{1294}Cool. {1343}{1437}Sensors are indicating|sporadic spots of heat. {1505}{1553}(Hammond) What are they? {1557}{1638}When we were there yesterday,|we didn't get this far from the gate. {1642}{1710}It could be anything.|Air vents, warm-water springs... {1714}{1789}Perhaps... life forms? {1793}{1868}Motion detectors|don't indicate any movement, sir. {1872}{1944}- Losing signal.|- What? That shouldn't be happening. {1948}{1996}Switching to manual control. {2175}{2219}Come on, Captain. Pull it up. {2223}{2256}I can't, sir. {2344}{2426}- Lost signal. Trying to re-establish.|- This doesn't make sense. {2430}{2534}This UAV was specially designed|for exactly this type of radio control. {2538}{2583}What was that it crashed into? {2609}{2692}I'm no botanist, sir,|but it looked like some sort of plant life. {2696}{2780}We have visual contact re-established. {2852}{2954}We didn't... need that UAV, did we, sir? {2958}{3089}Uh... I need the flight recorder, sir,|to determine why the controls failed. {3093}{3171}Estimated distance from the gate|is 10 miles. {3175}{3245}Aie! Six hours there and back. {3585}{3676}That would confirm|the presence of life forms on PJ2-445. {3941}{4065}Well... I guess that changes|the priority of this mission, eh, sir? {5991}{6084}- (Daniel) Déjà vu.|- (Teal'c) I am unfamiliar with that term. {6088}{6157}Um, it means|I feel like I've been here before. {6185}{6235}That is correct, Daniel Jackson. {6239}{6313}Yesterday,|when we first arrived on this planet. {6354}{6402}Right. What was I thinking? {6526}{6549}Atchoo! {6567}{6590}Bless. {6594}{6668}I'm not picking up|the locating beacon on the UAV... {6672}{6742}...but the crash site should be this way. {6746}{6869}I thought the alien on the video looked|fairly docile-more curious than harmful. {6873}{6963}I thought it looked bald, white and naked. {6967}{7052}(Teal'c) Since it is their planet,|is it not we who are the aliens? {7056}{7120}(Daniel) The word alien|refers to anything... {7123}{7201}...characteristic of|a very different place or culture. {7205}{7275}Anything strange|relative from our own perspective. {7279}{7384}(O'Neill) Think we call you alien|because you're from Chulak? Ha! {7567}{7623}Kinda weird, huh? {7627}{7679}Captain, why don't you start... {7683}{7781}Plant life on Earth accounts for more|than 80%% % of our medicinal resources. {7785}{7851}- We should really check it out.|- Check it out. {7916}{7972}These other ones must not be full-grown. {8011}{8056}Atchoo! {8060}{8083}Bless. {8087}{8135}Oh, boy. {8177}{8235}The UAV was dragged in that direction. {8329}{8377}And that direction it is. {8741}{8774}Dwellings. {8778}{8815}Lots of 'em. {9240}{9280}(softly) Um, Jack. {9284}{9321}Yeah? {9325}{9373}- (clears throat)|- What? {9650}{9673}Hi. {9947}{10007}Well, I guess|that was the wrong thing to say. {10281}{10337}(O'Neill) What do you think, Daniel? {10377}{10430}Are they... friendly spirits? {10434}{10482}I guess we should go find out. {11985}{12034}Hello. I'm Daniel Jackson. {12237}{12291}Try smiling. {12557}{12610}This is bizarre. {12732}{12780}Uh, Daniel... {12999}{13040}Keep smiling. Don't move. {13070}{13137}- I am not fond of this.|- Me neither. {13141}{13207}They just wanna see what we feel like. {13307}{13355}Oh, hey! Wait! {13359}{13413}- What?|- One of them got my knife. {13417}{13465}I got it. {13555}{13603}Hey, there. Hi. {13624}{13689}That's not for you. It's very dangerous. {13693}{13735}Could I have it back, please? {13816}{13854}(Daniel sneezes) {13858}{13906}Agh! {14203}{14260}It's... It's just a sneeze. {14264}{14346}- Carter, how's your hand?|- It'll be all right, sir. {14350}{14414}I have never before|encountered such a species. {14436}{14497}I'm gonna try and communicate again. {14501}{14533}Want some company? {14537}{14601}I think it'll be less intimidating|if I go alone. {14604}{14668}All right. Find out what you can|about the UAV. {14671}{14719}OK. {15626}{15674}So... {15790}{15838}Daniel. {15976}{16041}You don't...|You don't speak at all, do you? {16178}{16233}OK. {17402}{17450}Thank you. {17824}{17896}You gotta wonder what|they're talking about in there. {17900}{17948}(Daniel imitates the UAV motor) {18441}{18530}Well, they're not naked.|They're covered with something. {18534}{18655}Look. It's some sort of body paint that|hardens into a second skin when it dries. {18688}{18776}I have to admit this is one of|the stranger cultures I've ever seen. {18780}{18835}As far as I can tell, they're communal... {18839}{18909}...but there's little sign|of social communication. {18913}{18998}I haven't seen any tools|or signs of a functional civilisation. {19002}{19073}So they're a little less evolved|than we are. {19077}{19163}Well, we don't wanna jump|to any conclusions. Remember the Nox. {19167}{19233}And they did build these... homes. {19237}{19284}That's a kind appraisal. {19348}{19378}What about the UAV? {19382}{19477}I've tried everything I know|about rudimentary communication. {19481}{19582}And, to be honest, I've had|more successful conversations with dogs. {19624}{19647}So? {19651}{19739}So they're probably|a little less evolved than we are. {20022}{20050}Yes! {20102}{20132}Yes! The... the... {20136}{20185}The... the... Yes! Thank you. {20189}{20269}This... This is a major breakthrough. {20328}{20363}Atchoo! {20383}{20443}I'm sorry. This is, uh... {20447}{20490}This is nothing to worry about. {20731}{20779}Of course, I could be wrong. {20929}{21048}I can't find a pulse, but I don't know if|that means anything. He's still breathing. {21052}{21075}Captain... {21104}{21164}...why don't we back off for now, huh? {21207}{21281}I really hope this isn't|because I sneezed on him. {21285}{21355}This one had lubricant|from the UAV on his hands. {21359}{21412}Perhaps that is what has made him ill. {21416}{21515}Could be their national pastime.|Maybe they got low blood sug... {21519}{21547}(tuneful wailing) {21696}{21760}- They're singing.|- Is that what that is? {21764}{21887}Some Native American as well as African|and Aboriginal tribes believe that... {21891}{21958}...music and chants|have medicinal powers. {21962}{22010}The sound is incredible. {22154}{22230}Well, I guess it didn't work|quite like they hoped. {22771}{22849}O'Neill, should we not leave now? {22886}{22920}What? {22924}{23023}- Our presence may make them ill.|- I was wondering the same thing, Daniel. {23027}{23075}What if we're causing this? {23079}{23145}Look at them.|They don't know what's happening... {23149}{23202}...much less how to help themselves. {23206}{23282}We don't even know what's happening,|much less how to help them. {23372}{23424}Well, whatever it is, it's... {23428}{23480}...turning into an epidemic. {23701}{23749}Now, this is a house call. {23753}{23788}Let's go. {23863}{23911}Straight away, boys. {24212}{24260}- Captain Carter.|- Dr Fraiser. {24264}{24329}- What's the situation?|- We're up to 14 afflicted. {24333}{24436}They seem to just double over in pain|and pass out. They remain unconscious. {24440}{24544}We've introduced a number of foreign|substances that could be responsible. {24548}{24609}(Fraiser) OK. Let's set up over here. {24613}{24708}And the UAV ran into that...|plant thing I showed you. {24712}{24793}I've been sneezing like crazy|ever since we got here. {24797}{24871}I cut my hand. They could have|come in contact with my blood. {24875}{24930}One had lubricant|from the UAV on his hands. {24934}{25019}OK, look, the fact is,|it could be somebody's aftershave. {25023}{25089}How are they gonna react|if I wanna run some tests? {25093}{25182}The behaviour of the group|indicates serious agitation and concern. {25186}{25237}This is obviously unusual to them. {25241}{25364}They're worried, but they've been very|passive and willing to let us try to help. {25473}{25540}- Your tests are all clean.|- What about them? {25544}{25625}I'm pretty limited here.|They may look similar to us... {25629}{25689}...but they are definitely very different. {25693}{25751}- You don't know what's wrong, do you?|- No. {25785}{25861}If we take one back to Earth,|I can run more extensive tests. {25865}{25930}Under Level Two quarantine,|it should be safe. {25958}{26006}- I'd like to stay.|- What for? {26010}{26097}Keep trying to communicate.|Reassure them we're trying to help. {26120}{26168}I don't see any danger, sir. {26189}{26256}We're not making things worse|by being here? {26260}{26308}The damage is probably already done. {26312}{26405}Quarantine the sick, in case|this problem is contagious amongst them. {26409}{26468}Check out the other villages|in the distance. {26472}{26563}If this illness is present there,|it just may rule us out as the origin. {26615}{26645}OK. {26649}{26699}Carter, you go back with Fraiser. {26703}{26786}Report to General Hammond,|and get your hand looked at. {26790}{26862}Daniel, Teal'c and I'll stick around. {27062}{27126}(Stargate gurgles) {27449}{27497}It's OK. {27695}{27743}Everything's gonna be fine. {28588}{28643}- On three.|- All right. You're gonna be OK. {28647}{28695}Get this out of here. {28762}{28831}Give me your stethoscope|when you're done. {28835}{28901}When he got sick,|they all gathered around him... {28905}{29002}...and started making|this incredible sound. It was like music. {29194}{29293}- Do you not believe we are responsible?|- Yes, I believe we are... {29317}{29365}...not. {29401}{29451}We should check it out either way. {29455}{29571}(Teal'c) It is possible an alien went|to warn others, and spread the disease. {29575}{29623}(O'Neill) Yeah. I guess. {29627}{29674}Whoa! {29678}{29726}I got it. {29730}{29789}- Are you all right, O'Neill?|- I'm fine. {29854}{29902}Look... {29925}{29994}Teal'c, I know|this might be tough for you... {29998}{30120}...but do you mind if we just walked|without talking for a while? {30124}{30180}Do you feel an illness? {30221}{30279}A little headache. I'll be fine. {30521}{30586}- How's it going?|- Nothing conclusive yet. {30590}{30711}I'm gonna do an ultrasound to see if I can|get a clear picture of their internal organs. {30756}{30790}(high-pitched wailing) {30966}{31014}Maybe I'll try another way. {31357}{31442}(Fraiser) There are a number of|common elements in their blood. {31446}{31502}Red and white cells, glucose, protein. {31506}{31579}But you're working|with a human frame of reference. {31583}{31677}Exactly. How am I supposed to know|what's normal for these guys? {31702}{31767}(machine bleeps and pulsates) {31771}{31818}Uh... {31822}{31872}That's not exactly normal, is it? {31876}{31957}(Fraiser) Not from any anatomy|I've learned. Look at this. {32791}{32839}Whoa! {33049}{33097}What... uh... what... {33101}{33149}What just happened? {33209}{33249}Right. {33321}{33369}Good impression. {33373}{33419}What's up? {33423}{33471}The plant. Or, at least, it was. {33509}{33537}What? {33541}{33592}It had grown to over six feet tall... {33596}{33684}...and when I came up to it,|it just shrank back down into the ground. {33756}{33827}I'm gonna back up again,|see if it does it again. {34021}{34069}Witness if you will... {34095}{34129}...squat. {34160}{34208}Well, you... You saw it too. {34212}{34260}See? Just... {34264}{34312}...like that. {34363}{34429}Many aliens in nearby villages are ill. {34533}{34601}OK... What are we gonna do? {34605}{34676}- How should I know?|- Well, we need to do something. {34680}{34781}I agree with you. But I haven't had|the brilliant revelations you have had. {34785}{34886}Maybe you could try something better|than inappropriate sarcasm. {34890}{34947}You want sarcasm? {34951}{34999}Nice to meet you. {35171}{35227}What's he smiling at? {35231}{35315}He appears to be bothered by the tone|you have taken towards each other. {35361}{35405}As am I. {35458}{35564}Uh, Teal'c... Head back to the gate.|Get a message to General Hammond. {35568}{35620}Let him know what's going on here. {35624}{35669}And the two of you will be fine? {35673}{35711}Yeah. Yeah. {35715}{35751}We'll be OK. {35755}{35868}I'm gonna stick around and work on|this quarantine thing with plant-boy here. {36716}{36764}We just got a report from Teal'c. {36768}{36875}The sick now number over a hundred...|among the aliens that they could count. {36879}{36971}The disease does not appear to be local|to the village you encountered. {36975}{37059}The muscle that I've identified|as the alien's heart... {37063}{37121}...is beating more and more erratically. {37125}{37180}So whatever he's got is going to kill him? {37203}{37280}I don't know how much longer|I can keep this one alive, sir. {37284}{37370}I'm afraid to administer drugs|because it could make him worse. {37374}{37432}Sir, if you don't mind,|what are you thinking? {37436}{37500}I am thinking|that the unfortunate reality is... {37504}{37569}...that this scenario|was not totally unexpected. {37610}{37695}Actually, the surprising thing is|it hasn't happened more often. {37699}{37791}It may be because there are so many|humans from Earth on other planets... {37795}{37854}...that most contagions|are already out there. {37858}{37892}Not in this case. {37896}{37962}There's only so much time|and so many resources... {37966}{38033}...that this facility|can devote to this situation. {38037}{38129}- Sir, I didn't say it was hopeless.|- They didn't ask for this. {38176}{38240}They're clearly unable|to help themselves. {38243}{38311}We just can't keep|trampling through the galaxy... {38315}{38382}...with no regard|for the damage that we can do. {38386}{38455}- Sir, we need more time.|- A lot more time. {38503}{38581}How much time you've got|is not up to me. {38585}{38621}Sir? {38625}{38683}You said it yourself, doctor. {38687}{38735}They are dying. {38896}{38968}(O'Neill) Ah-ah-ah. Get back.|Come on. Get back. {38972}{39045}Fine. Knock yourself out. Go ahead. {39049}{39101}Go play in the street. {39105}{39158}Don't forget your sun block. {39162}{39210}Why aren't you helping me? {39214}{39307}It's no use. They don't understand.|They wanna be with each other. {39311}{39371}We're not gonna stand around|doing nothing. {39375}{39464}- We're not doing nothing.|- You're video-taping a plant. {39468}{39532}Well, I think this might be important. {39536}{39606}I think you might be losing|what's left of your mind. {39657}{39705}What's that supposed to mean? {39709}{39817}It means that on a good day|you can be a little flaky. {39821}{39906}And on a good day you can be|a little ignorant and condescending. {39910}{39987}Not condescending.|You're obviously misreading... {39991}{40094}...a basic philosophical difference|of opinion on how to handle a crisis. {40098}{40185}Please! We have a difference|of opinion on just about everything. {40189}{40273}- Give me an example.|- I don't know. Pick something. {40277}{40325}How about mythology? {40329}{40373}Rumours, lies, fairy tales. {40377}{40416}You see? See? See? {40420}{40541}See? Mythology is one of the primary|motivations for cultural development! {40545}{40609}What's that got to do with filming a plant?! {40612}{40639}Exactly! {40643}{40693}- What does that mean?!|- I don't know! {40865}{40913}OK. {40917}{40958}What was that? {40962}{41023}I don't know. I don't feel so good. {41027}{41082}I've got a headache. {41086}{41147}Maybe we're getting whatever they have. {41736}{41791}Getting worse? {41795}{41834}Yeah. Kinda. {42011}{42044}Hey, Teal'c. {42157}{42240}Dr Fraiser has had little success|in healing the alien. {42244}{42310}I think Daniel and I are|coming down with something. {42403}{42470}- How are you doing?|- I remain unaffected. {42581}{42670}I think we should probably go back|and get checked out, huh? {42735}{42783}I will remain. {42906}{42999}All right, Teal'c. If we're not back|in 12 hours, come on home. {43122}{43170}Would you do me a favour? {43210}{43281}Could you keep an eye|on this plant thing for me? {43324}{43397}I will keep both of my eyes on it,|Daniel Jackson. {43520}{43568}(Daniel) Thank you. {44046}{44094}Are you gonna make this? {44189}{44237}Come on. {44268}{44316}(Stargate alarm) {44548}{44590}Are you OK? {44644}{44700}We started to feel sick. {44704}{44743}What kind of sick? {44768}{44816}Headaches. {44820}{44868}Brutal headaches. {44872}{44926}But now I feel fine. {44930}{45012}- Colonel, are you OK?|- I'm feeling better, actually. {45350}{45402}- Listen, l, uh...|- No, no. {45406}{45454}Um... {45458}{45506}Sorry. You were gonna say? {45539}{45587}No, it's just that, uh... {45627}{45675}Well... {45679}{45727}- You know.|- No, I know. {45731}{45779}I know. {45802}{45860}- You know that I...|- I know. {45902}{45984}- It's obvious there's something...|...wrong with us. {45988}{46068}- (both) Physically.|- Well, there's nothing wrong with you. {46072}{46097}What? {46101}{46178}I've run every test,|short of exploratory brain surgery. {46182}{46230}You are both in perfect health. {46267}{46295}Huh. {46334}{46386}Dr Fraiser to critical care, stat. {46612}{46650}He's flatlining! {46654}{46730}I'd defibrillate, but I don't know|what it'll do in this case. {46734}{46822}One milligram epinephrine.|Start a lidocaine IV. Go! {47993}{48041}(squelching) {48115}{48163}(Teal'c groans) {48235}{48301}(low droning) {48509}{48557}He's stable for now. {48561}{48664}If he's gonna die, shouldn't we|at least let him be with his own kind? {49193}{49241}What are you looking for? {49245}{49298}I don't know. {49302}{49350}Something. Anything. {49594}{49642}Daniel... {49646}{49740}...we can't always expect things|to go the way we want them to. {49744}{49805}To go the way we want them to? {49853}{49917}I mean, one wrong move, one false step... {49921}{49995}...and a whole fragile world|gets wiped out? {50040}{50107}We are killing|a whole race of people here! {50111}{50159}How can I not care?! {50319}{50367}What? {50410}{50458}My head hurts again. {50801}{50851}Well, your pupils look fine. {50855}{50924}This is the strangest thing.|I feel fine again. {50928}{50985}OK. So, then, when did this start? {50989}{51054}It was probably|while I was watching the... {51136}{51184}Excuse me. {51286}{51394}There has to be something the camera|recorded. Something we can't see. {51464}{51512}Or hear. {51542}{51590}Give me the tape. {51973}{52025}Carter, what are you doing? {52029}{52098}I'm looking for something|that we can't hear. {52228}{52280}Here. In the long amplitude waves. {52284}{52348}Isolating and amplifying. {52352}{52400}(low droning) {52542}{52617}This was under everything|you recorded with the camera. {52621}{52705}The sound was present the entire time.|We just couldn't hear it. {52709}{52766}It's kind of annoying. {52796}{52835}Why don't you turn it down? {52839}{52947}It's more than annoying. It's responsible|for the symptoms you were describing. {52951}{52985}It is? {52989}{53095}Long-term exposure to certain sounds|can cause serious physical side effects. {53099}{53166}Your headaches, nausea,|severe irritability. {53170}{53244}The longer you're exposed to it,|the worse it gets. {53248}{53333}I bet this is what interfered|with the remote control on the UAV. {53337}{53447}- So this is what's making the aliens sick?|- No. You felt better when you got back. {53451}{53508}But the alien just keeps getting worse. {53512}{53616}And the sound that was causing your|symptoms isn't here. Except on this tape. {53620}{53680}So this isn't|what's making the aliens sick? {53684}{53732}Colonel, incoming wormhole. {53851}{53899}(technician) SG-1 code verified. {53903}{53955}Open the iris. {54432}{54499}- You all right?|- My condition is improving. {54503}{54551}Sit down. {54616}{54676}I guess Jaffa aren't impervious after all. {54680}{54748}What has led you to that assumption? {54752}{54867}Well, there's... some kind|of bad sound on that planet. {54871}{54958}It's what made us sick.|It just took you longer to cave in. {54962}{55018}I believe the organism was attacking me. {55022}{55053}What organism? {55057}{55135}I made a discovery|while observing your plants. {55139}{55203}- You saw them grow?|- Indeed. {55206}{55264}I saw several of them rise. {55268}{55350}When I approached,|they retracted into the ground. {55354}{55416}I removed the dirt|from around the plants. {55420}{55480}It appears they are all connected. {55484}{55534}And you say it attacked you? {55538}{55614}As I drew near the organism,|I became disoriented. {55618}{55732}My head was overcome with great pain.|Movement became very difficult. {55736}{55784}That's it. {55827}{55885}What? Where are you going? {55999}{56047}Come on. {56172}{56242}Did we record audio|from the UAV's air run over PJ2-445? {56246}{56280}- Sure.|- Do you have a tape? {56284}{56378}- It's in the hard-drive data bank.|- Run an audio spectrum analysis... {56382}{56478}...amplify the low end and replay it.|I think I know where you're going. {56565}{56615}Fast-forward to after the UAV crashed. {56676}{56750}When the UAV crashed on the plant,|the sound changed. {56754}{56809}The plant is making that sound? {56813}{56880}Sir, it's an alien organism|on another planet. {56884}{56907}Good point. {56911}{56982}We changed the sound|the organism naturally makes. {56986}{57101}- Why would the sound change?|- It's alive. We... hurt it. {57105}{57198}Maybe the aliens are affected by the|sound in different ways than you were. {57202}{57266}They could need the sound|to be at a certain frequency. {57270}{57294}For what reason? {57298}{57378}To live. They don't even have|the same internal organs as us. {57382}{57502}The ultrasound. Do you remember how|the alien reacted when I tried to do it? {57506}{57598}That organ that we couldn't identify|must be sound-sensitive. {57735}{57791}So this inaudible sound made you sick... {57795}{57860}...but not in the same way|it affected the aliens? {57864}{57919}They need the sound to live... {57923}{58000}...but we altered it by harming|the organism that makes the sound? {58025}{58073}Sounds right. {58200}{58248}His pulse is getting stronger. {58320}{58368}(tuneful wailing) {58745}{58810}Frequency emitters are operational, sir. {58891}{58925}Daniel... {58929}{58993}...we should, uh,|we should get out of here. {58997}{59066}Well, don't you wanna stay|and see if it works? {59070}{59143}Yeah. But we can watch|from the ridge over there. {59147}{59218}I have a hunch,|and I think we might be in the way. {59542}{59590}(Daniel) Goodbye. {60322}{60401}- How much longer, do you think?|- I don't know. {60424}{60495}Care to let us in on this hunch? {60499}{60547}Not yet, sir. {60619}{60667}(tuneful wailing) {60735}{60789}There. {60793}{60851}The plants are growing. {61066}{61109}That was your hunch? {61113}{61212}I sensed a symbiotic relationship|between the aliens and the organism. {61216}{61309}- They probably don't even realise it.|- How did you realise it? {61355}{61415}Captain? {61494}{61542}I talk to my plants, OK? {62981}{63058}Subtitles by Visiontext