{412}{481}(Stargate alarm) {713}{746}- George.|- Jacob. {750}{818}Colonel O'Neill... Teal'c... Daniel. {822}{851}Sam. {946}{997}- How are you doing, kid?|- OK, Dad. {1027}{1117}So, you guys are the talk|of the Tok'ra water cooler. {1121}{1182}- For what?|- Kicking some major Hathor behind. {1186}{1296}Yes, we do take pride in good work.|But that's not why you're here? {1304}{1357}No. We need your help. {1361}{1410}You need our help? With what? {1426}{1491}Let's just call it a Goa'uld hunt. {1682}{1734}(high-pitched whirring) {1738}{1768}(beeps) {1934}{2022}- (Daniel) It's fascinating.|- (Sam) No kidding! {2069}{2176}A projected hologram with no|silver-halide-coated plates, no... {2180}{2240}I was talking about|what's being projected. {2244}{2323}It's like a... family tree|of the ancient Egyptian gods. {2334}{2402}Actually, of the Goa'uld System Lords. {2421}{2514}(Daniel) Ra, Apophis, Hathor, Heru-Ur... {2518}{2594}The symbol of Setesh is oscillating. {2637}{2707}That is the symbol for Setesh. {2711}{2794}- Have you met him, too?|- I have met descendants of his Jaffa. {2798}{2888}All right. Who's this Setesh fella? {2899}{3015}Otherwise known as Setekh...|Set, Seti, Seth. {3039}{3143}Ancient Egyptian god of chaos.|Embodies hostility and... outright evil. {3147}{3202}Why haven't we heard of him before? {3206}{3322}We haven't met all the System Lords.|There's probably thousands more, right? {3326}{3414}Only dozens of System Lords.|Thousands of Goa'ulds in general. {3423}{3565}- What makes you think we met this one?|- The Tok'ra have taken a Goa'uld census. {3569}{3664}Where the System Lords are positioned,|what domain they rule,... {3668}{3729}..who serves under them,|that sort of thing. {3733}{3814}But there's one Goa'uld|we've lost track of. {3818}{3861}Seth? {3865}{3964}A record of him ends when the Earth's|gate was buried in ancient Egypt. {4011}{4057}Are you saying he never left? {4071}{4194}That's our theory. We think he still might|be here, hiding among Earth's people. {5880}{5933}We'll be cuttin' to the chase on this one. {5937}{6020}You want us to find this snake-head|who, if he's here,... {6024}{6110}..would be hiding|in one of six billion people on Earth? {6122}{6161}Yes. {6169}{6239}- How do you know he's alive?|- If he has a sarcophagus. {6243}{6310}Or if he changes hosts|every 400 years or so. {6314}{6385}But why wouldn't he have tried|to get at the Stargate... {6389}{6437}..between when it was buried and now? {6441}{6508}Or why wouldn't he try|to take over the Earth like Ra? {6512}{6586}Seth had a price on his head -|he tried to overthrow Ra. {6594}{6676}Now the System Lords wanted him dead,|as did the Tok'ra. {6680}{6788}We believe if he's still here|it's because he's using Earth as a hideout. {6792}{6833}He wishes to hide among you. {6837}{6925}Kinda gives "needle in a haystack"|a whole new meaning. {6929}{6976}Well... I know it's a long shot. {6987}{7096}Not necessarily.|Remember, Setesh is a Goa'uld. {7100}{7174}- Yeah.|- As a Goa'uld he thirsts for power. {7178}{7235}They have a common MO|for getting that power. {7239}{7271}False religion. {7275}{7370}Which shrinks the proverbial haystack|considerably. {7374}{7486}Let me see if I can track him through|archaeological and historical record. {7490}{7519}Do it. {7588}{7692}Dad, you don't really think we have|a chance of finding this Goa'uld, do you? {7696}{7782}- It's the mission Garshaw assigned me.|- You didn't request it? {7808}{7888}- Dad?|- (laughs) Why would I request it? {7892}{7980}C'mon! Would it be so awful|to admit that you just wanted to see me? {7984}{8025}Of course not - you're right. {8029}{8096}That's why I requested it. {8115}{8190}OK, so that's obviously not the reason. {8194}{8232}What's going on? {8427}{8479}(distorted) I requested the assignment. {8483}{8558}- Selmak!|- Nice to see you again, Captain Carter. {8567}{8643}Likewise.|So, let me ask you the same question. {8659}{8769}Your father has an unresolved issue|on your planet, and it irritates me. {8773}{8806}Mark. {8810}{8878}Yes. Your father's a proud man. {8882}{8970}He refuses to seek out your brother|and mend the relationship. {8974}{9080}Yeah. Well, Mark hasn't exactly|rushed into my father's arms either. {9084}{9139}Even when we thought|Dad was gonna die. {9148}{9280}It hurt your father deeply when his son|didn't come to him on his deathbed. {9317}{9351}(undistorted) Why "hurt"? {9355}{9479}As far as I was concerned the kid wasn't|my son any more. It didn't hurt a bit. {9498}{9533}Dad... {9537}{9590}I have a number for Mark in San Diego. {9594}{9629}So? {9633}{9681}I just thought you might wanna know. {9685}{9778}- When was the last time you saw him?|- Not since his kids were born. {9782}{9842}He paints me with the same brush|as he does you. {9846}{9916}Well, Selmak's pushing me|to go mend some fences. {9920}{10002}I guess Selmak is as wise as they say.|I'll go with you. When? {10006}{10068}I didn't say I'd go.|I just said Selmak's pushing it. {10108}{10154}So, what's the bad news? {10158}{10236}- On the contrary, we have good news.|- (Sam) You do? {10255}{10374}I did a time-line Boolean search for|religion, cult, Set, Setesh, Setekh, Seth... {10378}{10418}Yadda... {10469}{10496}Here's what I found. {10500}{10612}There's been a cult of Setesh in one form|or another since around 1000 BC. {10630}{10710}- What is that?|- Oh, yeah, that. Well... {10727}{10819}Setesh was represented by an animal,|either fictitious or now extinct,... {10823}{10866}..most likely the former,... {10870}{10975}since anthropologists haven't found|any fossils to point to a species like this. {10979}{11095}Because the creature represents Setesh,|the helmets of the Setesh guard... {11099}{11173}..are the source of many jokes|among the Jaffa. {11213}{11264}Jaffa jokes? {11268}{11326}Let's hear one of them! {11330}{11403}I shall attempt to translate one, O'Neill. {11407}{11518}A serpent guard, a Horus guard and|a Setesh guard meet on a neutral planet. {11522}{11593}It is a tense moment.|The serpent guard's eyes glow. {11629}{11715}The Horus guard's beak glistens. {11719}{11831}The Setesh guard's nose drips. {12044}{12164}OK! After Set was supposedly killed|in ancient Egypt with all his minions,... {12168}{12250}..a similar god showed up in Greece|called Typhon. {12254}{12338}Similar back-stories.|Another fictitious animal representation. {12346}{12453}In a legend he killed 300 followers|and then disappeared from Greece. {12457}{12560}At that point he seemed to have vanished|from history, until I found this. {12564}{12638}A new cult arose in England|in the early 1800s,... {12642}{12711}..strangely enough|near the location of Stonehenge. {12715}{12863}The cult had an enigmatic leader named|Seth. And this is the important part. {12867}{12967}Seth's worshippers were found dead,|having slit their own throats. {12984}{13026}But Seth's body was never found. {13041}{13137}- Liked to leave a lot of dead bodies.|- Did you lose the scent there? {13141}{13216}I thought so, until I searched|the US government classified net... {13220}{13307}..in case the CIA had a record of...|something, somewhere. {13311}{13370}And guess what came up|on the ATF page. {13374}{13451}"A cult whose leader is named Seth." {13455}{13511}Just north of Seattle. {13534}{13626}The ATF are investigating him now|because they're so heavily armed. {13630}{13705}This guy has about 50 followers|ready to die for him. {13709}{13791}You mean to say|you actually found this guy? {13798}{13848}How do we know he's our Goa'uld? {13915}{14031}Deprogrammed ex-members of the cult|describe Seth as having magical powers. {14035}{14112}They claim he's murdered|members in front of the others. {14116}{14147}Here's the best part. {14151}{14280}"Several independent reports state the|cult leader can make his own eyes glow." {15582}{15704}That's the place. Main building's about|three quarters of a mile up that drive. {15708}{15758}I hope you can shut these guys down. {15762}{15862}I had a lot of parents come in my office -|they lost their kids to this nut. {15866}{15985}I haven't got the manpower or the, uh...|probable cause that you federal types do. {16004}{16112}Well, we'll do what we can, Sheriff.|Appreciate you lettin' us look around. {16116}{16205}(two-way radio) Sheriff.|We got a fight breaking out at Earl's. {16209}{16257}Duty calls. {16261}{16367}Now, uh... you don't need me gettin'|in your way. Gimme a call if you need me. {16371}{16424}(O'Neill) Will do. {16762}{16826}You people the FBl? {16830}{16876}No. Who are you? {16915}{16991}Jason Levinson.|I've been camping here the past month,... {16995}{17065}..hoping to catch a glimpse of my boy,|Tommy. {17069}{17112}At least know he's still alive. {17116}{17185}He's been in there nine months now. {17193}{17247}You folks deprogrammers? {17251}{17359}You gotta be good. The guy I hired|got shot in the leg trying to get in there. {17363}{17416}So they've got some armed guards? {17429}{17459}A lot of them. {17463}{17582}What's that damn small-town sheriff|do about it? Nothing. Not a damn thing. {17735}{17813}You're the father, aren't you?|Your boy's in there. {17817}{17862}No, no. You've got that wrong. {17866}{17903}My son isn't in there. {17960}{18008}Uh-huh. {18042}{18142}How much would you tack on to|get my boy out the same time as his? {18146}{18199}You help us,|we might be able to help you. {18206}{18229}I'm with you, sir. {18233}{18316}That won't be necessary,|but any information you might have... {18323}{18390}What your guy did, where he got caught... {18394}{18448}You got it. {18452}{18532}The fence is in the wide open,|and most of the property. {18536}{18634}But I'll show you a brush cover,|if you wanna go in. {18670}{18765}O'Neill. We are being surveilled. {18769}{18908}Yeah, I saw 'em.|It's probably FBl. Maybe ATF. {19282}{19377}You guys are prepared. I'm goin' with you. {19381}{19461}I think it'd be safer for everyone|if you wait for us here. {20799}{20837}AK-47s,... {20869}{20915}..a couple of Uzis... {20919}{21022}Anyone think they observed the 1 5-day|waiting period for those weapons? {21026}{21158}Sir, their side arms. I think it's safe|to say there's a Goa'uld there. {21162}{21238}And... it looks like a pair of .50-cals. {21242}{21328}Does the concept of overkill|mean anything to anybody? {21370}{21418}Let's fall back to the RV point. {21788}{21824}Lower your weapons! {21868}{21938}I was wondering when you folks|were gonna show. {21942}{22012}We got bets - I say FBl, they say ATF. {22016}{22074}Special Agent James Hamner, ATF. {22078}{22116}Damn! {22566}{22665}General. Wanna tell me|what interest the Air Force has here? {22669}{22725}That would be classified. {22759}{22843}This way, gentlemen.|Are you guys Special Forces? {22847}{22894}(O'Neill) Also classified. {22898}{22956}I was talking to your commanding officer. {22960}{23013}He's right. It's classified. {23017}{23065}I have top-level clearance. {23069}{23117}Oh, not top enough. {23165}{23238}You have a rather insubordinate|subordinate, General. {23242}{23358}Not to me. Only to people such as|yourself. Saves me the trouble. {23362}{23452}Now maybe you could tell us|what you and your cohorts are planning. {23456}{23588}This compound is owned by a cult run|by a guy by the name of Seth Fargough. {23592}{23690}Recent intelligence confirms they have|a hoard of prohibited weaponry. {23702}{23783}That's some mighty fine intelligence|you got there. {23787}{23824}(Jacob) What do you plan to do? {23828}{23905}Negotiate,|try to get 'em to come out peacefully. {23909}{23963}You have no idea|what you're dealing with. {23967}{24001}And I suppose you do(?) {24005}{24087}- As a matter of fact...|- Great! Then why don't you tell me? {24093}{24160}Uh, that would be... classified, as well. {24164}{24215}Fine! Well, I'll tell you what. {24261}{24343}The United States Air Force|has not been invited to participate. {24347}{24442}You're out of your jurisdiction.|Leave, or I'll have you arrested. {24446}{24570}This is a secure phone, isn't it?|Can we use it to place one call? {24574}{24615}Why not? {24623}{24671}Thank you. Colonel? {24961}{25009}Jack, based on Seth's history,... {25013}{25118}..if these guys go in there guns blazing,|he's gonna kill everyone in there. {25122}{25206}Jacob, can we assume|brainwashing is going on in there? {25221}{25329}It's probably Nish'ta. It's a biological|compound that, once inhaled,... {25333}{25403}..infects all body tissue,|including your brain. {25409}{25473}It tends to make your mind|extremely pliable. {25481}{25591}- That's like what Hathor used.|- It's stronger. It's more encompassing. {25595}{25672}I believe that is the substance|Apophis used on Rya'c. {25676}{25767}- Can it be reversed?|- Nish'ta does have an Achilles heel. {25771}{25877}Once its effects are reversed, it can't|re-infect the host. They become immune. {25881}{25931}OK, well, how do we reverse it? {25935}{25993}There's only one way:|an electrical shock. {25997}{26096}Strong enough to kill the organism,|but weak enough not to kill the host. {26105}{26186}That is why it worked|when I shot Rya'c with a zat'n'ktel. {26190}{26261}Then... we go in with zats. {26286}{26376}Well, it's not going to be|very covert that way. {26380}{26478}And, like I said, any kind of frontal attack|is gonna be a problem. {26482}{26521}Daniel's right, sir. {26525}{26646}With all the fire power he's got, we|wouldn't stand much of a chance anyway. {26680}{26708}(rings) {26812}{26856}Hamner. {26885}{26952}Yes, Mr President. {26956}{27031}Yes, sir, I am the SRO. {27035}{27099}Yes, sir, they are here, sir, but... {27141}{27265}With respect, sir, the jurisdictional rules|are clear. This is a civilian matter. {27317}{27369}Are you sure you wanna do that, sir? {27435}{27474}Yes, Mr President. {27560}{27608}Get Colonel O'Neill in here. {27855}{27903}Something I can do for you? {27948}{28035}- What's going on?|- Didn't you say you know more than I do? {28039}{28135}Well, apparently not.|I just got off the phone with the President. {28139}{28213}Of the United States of America? {28240}{28289}Sweet. How's he doin'? {28306}{28412}- He seems to have a thing for you.|- Yeah, well... you know. {28478}{28576}In fact, I'm to issue you an emergency|"special agent" credential. {28580}{28635}He's put you in charge of this operation. {28639}{28672}Excellent! {28676}{28772}My first order of business:|Get me one of those cool jackets! {28776}{28832}Extra large. Double-XL, if you got it. {28842}{28921}Wanna tell me why the Air Force|cares so much about this cult? {28925}{29016}Wanna do me a favour?|On your way out, send my team in. {29079}{29123}Your team. {29127}{29226}It's an odd bunch of people, Colonel.|Civilian scientists. {29279}{29391}This Seth guy got some secret weapon|you don't want the world to know about? {29455}{29512}All right, listen. {29516}{29619}Since you have clearance,|I'll throw you a bone. {29623}{29703}Seth and his boys got|some top-secret technology... {29707}{29815}..that we would prefer not fall into|the public consciousness just yet. {29819}{29885}- Comprehend?|- Yeah. {29889}{29938}Good. {29942}{30049}- Now, you've heard of classified.|- You got it. {30053}{30098}Thank you. {30430}{30492}Did General Hammond|involve the President, sir? {30496}{30624}Oh yeah! He's put me in charge here|for the time being. {30628}{30677}What do you suggest, O'Neill? {30681}{30776}Well, I'm thinkin' we need to get in there. {30798}{30862}- OK, how?|- The floor is open. {30878}{30963}I was thinking about that.|If Seth's MO hasn't changed,... {30967}{31045}..we know certain things|from digs in Giza. {31049}{31084}We do? {31088}{31180}Leaders built their compounds|with underground escape tunnels. {31184}{31256}Correct.|Apophis had them built into his facilities. {31267}{31370}OK, so we should do a perimeter search|and look for those tunnel entrances. {31374}{31422}That's a lot of territory. {31516}{31568}We'll have Mr Hamner's men help us. {32741}{32789}O'Neill! {33149}{33193}OK. {33219}{33271}We've got a point of entry. Now what? {33275}{33362}As soon as we get near anyone|on the inside, we could get shot. {33366}{33479}Or worse, dosed with that organism,|and suddenly we're working for Seth. {33483}{33525}It won't work on me or Teal'c. {33529}{33619}But he'll sense you're Goa'ulds|as soon as you're within 50 feet. {33623}{33707}With the arsenal he's got|we wouldn't even get close to him. {33711}{33780}Which is why you're not going in. {33804}{33894}Dad, you said an electrical shock,|like a zat gun, would snap us out of it. {33910}{33958}Yeah. {33962}{33999}Sir, I think I have an idea. {34189}{34239}Gimme a test count. {34243}{34372}One Mississippi, two Mississippi,|three Mississippi, four Mississippi, five... {34443}{34484}Carter? {34488}{34571}It'll work, sir, assuming Dad's right. {34575}{34598}Dad? {34617}{34661}If the jolt is big enough. {34665}{34751}But you'll have to let the Nish'ta|spread through all your tissues... {34755}{34797}..or it'll regain a stronghold. {34807}{34846}Gimme a ten-count. {34850}{34918}- Uh... one, two, three, four...|- That's good. {34922}{34992}- You ready for yours, Captain?|- One second. {35076}{35124}OK, Teal'c, push the button. {35225}{35272}- Aagh!|- Hey! {35276}{35349}- OK?|- OK. {35365}{35413}Wire me. {36267}{36335}Daniel, you're certain|that if we get caught... {36339}{36404}..he'll turn us into zombies|rather than kill us? {36408}{36479}Well,|we're more valuable to him that way. {36483}{36534}Why? How do you think he'll use us? {36538}{36592}Historically, he used women as a harem. {36596}{36694}They catered to his every whim and|as a result they were well cared for. {36698}{36758}- Super(!)|- And the men outside the main court... {36762}{36848}..were used as warriors and guards,|doing his bidding. {36852}{36957}Dare I ask about the men inside|the compound? {36961}{37009}They were turned into eunuchs. {37053}{37107}Eunuchs as in "snippety-doo-dah"? {37156}{37204}Sweet. {37397}{37435}(clang) {37937}{37988}- (O'Neill) Daniel?|- What? {38015}{38053}Now what? {38085}{38137}Why are you asking me? {38141}{38205}Well, y...you knew there'd be tunnels, so... {38252}{38356}Well, in the digs there were stairs|leading up to the main structure. {38703}{38745}I hate it when that happens. {38922}{38955}Hey! {38984}{39048}(distorted) Welcome! {39115}{39150}Who are you? {39154}{39266}Well, I'm Larry, this is Moe and,|of course, everyone's favourite, Curly. {39375}{39480}Say goodbye to your impure military past. {39484}{39557}We're always happy|to welcome new disciples... {39561}{39625}..to the bliss that only Seth can bestow. {39849}{39887}(O'Neill coughs) {39904}{40045}So help me, if I wake up|and I'm singing soprano... {40514}{40578}(woman) Welcome, disciple. {40586}{40648}How are you feeling? {40652}{40709}- OK. Pretty good.|- Good. {40713}{40783}Do you feel strong enough|to serve your god, Seth? {40787}{40827}Yes, of course. {40831}{40879}This way. {41042}{41070}They are awake. {41074}{41134}- Shall I activate the devices?|- (distorted) No. {41138}{41239}We must wait to be sure|the Nish'ta has permeated their tissues. {41243}{41300}- How long?|- About an hour. {41304}{41405}It's a smart virus. If there's any|unaffected tissue in the body... {41409}{41497}..it will give the organism|a safe harbour in which to mutate. {41501}{41612}- Then it will overtake your body again.|- Excuse me. Mind if I watch? {41695}{41765}I mean, my son's in there.|I just wanna be involved. {41769}{41833}I'm afraid I can't let you in here, sir.|I'm sorry. {41837}{41914}Yeah. Figured. {41918}{41976}- Grab a cup of coffee?|- Sure. Go ahead. {42135}{42181}Ow! {42200}{42237}Sorry. {42241}{42306}Sorry. It won't happen again. {42323}{42438}I've just been kinda short-fused...|since I found out about Tommy. {42474}{42507}I understand. {42565}{42646}I had to find out|from his college roommate cos, uh... {42650}{42724}..Tommy and me|hadn't been talking for six months. {42728}{42842}I do not understand. How could a father|not speak to his son for so long? {42872}{42996}Yeah, that's the funny thing about it:|I don't even remember why. {43000}{43113}Obviously something pretty stupid|in the scheme of things. {43117}{43165}I'll get out of your hair. {43293}{43391}Do human parents not love|their children unconditionally? {43395}{43448}Sometimes things get complicated. {43489}{43554}Many things are complicated,|General Carter. {43558}{43650}In Jaffa society,|loving one's children is not one of them. {43654}{43720}In human society, sometimes it is. {44927}{44982}With these weapons I have provided... {44986}{45167}..we will defend against any incursion|by the impure forces outside our gate. {45171}{45257}Let no other gods|draw you away from Seth! {45261}{45359}Seth is life. Seth is happiness.|Seth is almighty. {45363}{45386}Again. {45390}{45476}Seth is life. Seth is happiness.|Seth is almighty. {45490}{45567}- Again!|- Seth is life. Seth is happiness. {45581}{45649}Seth is almighty. {45857}{45904}You were once blended. {45908}{45967}Were you not?! {45971}{45996}Blended? {46131}{46179}No entry marks. {46212}{46270}But still... {46290}{46338}..l sense a trace. {46396}{46443}Bring me those who came with her! {46447}{46501}General Carter, there is a problem. {46505}{46563}- What?|- It's nothing we can't handle. {46611}{46697}- He made your people, didn't he?|- We don't know yet. {47067}{47129}Who sent you? {47133}{47187}The System Lords? {47242}{47299}The Tok'ra? {47342}{47406}I am your god! {47409}{47488}You will tell me what I want to know! {47492}{47585}Who does your military work for?|The System Lords or the Tok'ra? {47589}{47687}I have a vague recollection|of what you're talking about. {47719}{47756}The Tok'ra. {48078}{48118}Is it not time enough? {48122}{48172}(distorted) No choice. Do it now! {48320}{48374}(electricity crackles) {48512}{48626}We work for a deprogrammer who hired|us to come remove one of your disciples. {48648}{48722}But now we are enjoying|the bliss that is Seth. {48810}{48881}How is it possible|that you enjoy the bliss,... {48917}{48978}..when you are able to lie to Seth? {49075}{49149}My Lord, the impure forces|that you have prophesied... {49153}{49222}..are surrounding the compound. {49226}{49324}You will pay eternally|for bringing this down upon us. {49373}{49423}Take them and kill them. {49427}{49460}Go! {49985}{50033}A quick question about old Seth. {50215}{50288}- What happened?|- It's OK. We're here to help you. {50797}{50853}We must distribute them|all over the compound. {50857}{50950}We cannot allow the impure|access to all we have built up here. {51422}{51483}Um... Daniel. {51487}{51535}Tom. {51539}{51587}- Levinson?|- Yeah. {51632}{51698}Uh, I'm really confused. Who are you? {51720}{51793}We're friends of your father. {51797}{51846}- Where are the zats?|- Zats? {51855}{51897}These. {52167}{52243}- Can you activate those transport rings?|- I think so. {52271}{52375}Tom, I need you to start transporting|people outta here. Can you handle that? {52379}{52414}I... I guess. {52453}{52476}Good. {52736}{52878}I have to prepare for the worst.|If I don't act, it's on me if they get killed. {52882}{52938}It won't be on you. It'll be on me. {52942}{53004}It will reside on me also. {53324}{53361}Go! {53537}{53605}Carter! Go with 'em.|Make sure they get outta here. {53885}{53937}OK, I think I've been very patient. {54110}{54220}Let's get all the medical teams up here|stat! Get some blankets and shoes! {54242}{54290}C'mon, you guys, get in here! {54514}{54570}OK! C'mon, let's go! This way! C'mon! {54937}{55011}(Seth) How dare you challenge|the power that is Seth? {55335}{55368}(roars) {55765}{55813}(beeps) {56208}{56252}(beeping) {56330}{56378}- Bomb?|- Bomb. {56495}{56522}Tommy? {56566}{56599}Tommy. {57095}{57174}General Carter! Our friends|have been neutralised. I must go in. {57178}{57234}- Selmak would be of help.|- Who's Selmak? {57238}{57286}It's a long story. {57707}{57744}(O'Neill) This way! {57755}{57863}Teal'c! Cover the other ends.|Make sure he doesn't get out another way. {57947}{57982}Dad? Where are you going? {57986}{58055}Setesh used the hand device|on O'Neill and Daniel. Are you OK? {58059}{58106}I'm fine. {58166}{58212}Carter! He's down here! {58474}{58513}(distorted) Setesh! {58521}{58565}Tok'ra kree chok! {58750}{58834}- Dad!|- Your father will survive. {58838}{58886}- Stop Seth.|- How? {58913}{58957}I can't control this. {58961}{59056}You have the will within you.|You must summon it. {59294}{59345}Hey! {60156}{60223}You killed him. {60242}{60317}Hail Dorothy. {61846}{61953}Visiontext subtitles: Rachel Thompson