{370}{421}Ah, trees, trees... {425}{498}..and more trees. {502}{593}What a wonderfully green universe|we live in, eh? {597}{633}Where's that village? {637}{709}The UAV found it eleven clicks|southwest of here. {713}{777}Eleven? Oy... {900}{956}Here. {960}{1054}- This path is well travelled.|- The Stargate is still in use by someone. {1058}{1132}Or... something. {1579}{1654}(Carter) The UAV photos were right.|There it is. {1658}{1738}- Looks like a church.|- And that would mean what? {1742}{1839}That it is most likely|Christians reside here, O'Neill. {1843}{1878}Thank you, Teal'c. {1882}{1979}This is the first sign of Christianity|we've ever encountered, sir. {1983}{2047}They must have been taken|from medieval Europe... {2050}{2134}- ..through the Antarctic gate.|- By which Goa'uld? {2138}{2195}That's a good question. {2255}{2364}Most Goa'uld that enslaved humans took|on the roles of those cultures' deities. {2368}{2467}- Ra, Apophis, Hathor...|- (O'Neill) Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got it. {2471}{2574}If they were Christians when they left|Earth, it suggests this Goa'uld is playing... {2578}{2643}God? As in God God? {2647}{2716}It's a bit of a stretch, don't you think? {2720}{2790}I know of no Goa'uld capable|of showing the benevolence... {2794}{2884}- ..that I've read of in your Bible.|- You read the Bible, Teal'c? {2888}{2950}It is a significant part|of your Western culture. {2954}{3084}- Have you not read the Bible, O'Neill?|- Oh, yeah. Yeah... Not all of it. {3088}{3146}Actually, I'm listening to it on tape. {3177}{3225}Don't tell me how it ends(!) {3837}{3885}(man) That's it, son. {3988}{4036}Go inside! {4068}{4136}Quickly! Move! {4315}{4345}Hello? {4375}{4466}We're not gonna hurt you.|We're peaceful travellers. {4483}{4540}They're not buying it, Danny. {4629}{4675}Is this English? {4909}{4968}Middle English. Pre-Chaucer. {4995}{5116}"Myn Jesus, by the sorrows thou suffered|in thy passion in ye garden..." {5120}{5195}"In thy crucifixion and death,|show mercy to those who are... {5199}{5247}..about to be delivered unto the devil." {5251}{5346}It's a derivative of the Catholic prayer|for suffering souls. {7479}{7539}It's all right. It's all right. {7543}{7592}We'll get you out of this in a minute. {7601}{7653}Spare her! Please! {7746}{7858}Oh... We're not gonna... hurt her.|Or you. We're... friends. {7928}{7979}I'm... I'm Daniel. {8051}{8153}I am Simon. You have come through|the Circle of Darkness? {8157}{8206}The Stargate. Yes. {8210}{8258}Then you must be of his brethren. {8262}{8351}I beg of you, Mary is so young.|She did nothing to warrant sacrifice. {8355}{8385}(O'Neill) Whoa! {8419}{8476}What sacrifice? {8480}{8576}If you leave her body, the village canon|may choose another possessed soul. {8585}{8633}You think we're demons. {8645}{8696}He... thinks we're demons. {8700}{8752}Uh-huh? {8756}{8834}Well, we're not demons.|We're human, like you. {8838}{8889}From Earth, like you. {8893}{8969}Do other demons|come through the circle? {8973}{9022}You know he does. {9026}{9150}No, we don't know anything about him,|but we'd like to. What does he look like? {9166}{9260}Mostly he comes in his true form.|But demons can take many shapes! {9377}{9435}Major Carter, shield her eyes. {9695}{9743}Into the house. Quickly! {9747}{9799}- Leave her body! Please!|- Come on, get up. {9803}{9871}- Take me in her place!|- Stop that, will you? Come on. {9875}{9924}Up, up. Let's go, come on. Listen to me. {9928}{10000}We're not demons.|And Mary is not possessed. {10004}{10065}From the looks of it, she's a little sick. {10069}{10137}If you let us, we might be able to help her. {10666}{10728}Chickenpox. Trust me. {10754}{10822}- Her fever's pretty high.|- It'll break. {10826}{10904}Those spots'll get itchy,|but that's about as bad as it'll get. {10908}{11011}- You'll be fine in a couple of days.|- That will not be soon enough. {11015}{11069}The time of sacrifice is at hand. {11073}{11169}The elders have to perform the|trepanning ritual tonight to cleanse her. {11173}{11234}- Oh, jeez!|- What? {11238}{11339}It was a... procedure often done|in the Middle Ages. They... {11366}{11417}They'd drill a hole in the person's head. {11421}{11546}The evil spirits are released, thus saving|the person from eternal damnation. {11571}{11628}Thus... saving the person? {11649}{11720}They didn't call them the Dark Ages|because it was dark. {11724}{11790}(horn blows) {11821}{11901}My Jesus, by the sorrows you suffered|in your agony... {11905}{11956}(man) The demon comes! {11960}{12012}The demon comes! {12016}{12074}(growling) {12137}{12195}The demon comes?! {12310}{12358}(growling) {12502}{12541}Damn! {12545}{12605}- Unas?|- You are correct, O'Neill. {12609}{12657}The first host of the Goa'uld. {12795}{12865}No, no, no, no, no...|We killed him. He's dead. {12876}{12957}- We only killed one Unas.|- I thought there only was one! {12961}{13055}- Unas - uno, one?|- They are in fact a species. {13136}{13213}(distorted)|The time of sacrifice is at hand. {13240}{13405}My lord Satan calls for five|wretched souls to be claimed as his. {13409}{13479}- Satan?|- Sokar. {13483}{13531}Gathering host bodies. {13535}{13627}At sunrise shall I return to claim the five. {13691}{13848}If you have not chosen, I shall take|whom I please in far greater numbers. {13852}{13924}I think we were wrong about this Goa'uld. {13928}{14023}He isn't playing God.|He's playing the devil. {14176}{14250}- The time is at hand.|- No! No! No! {14523}{14555}Simon... {14559}{14620}The canon will return|from his hermitage soon. {14624}{14718}The creature that just sauntered|through your village is called an Unas. {14722}{14781}The time of sacrifice|has been declared. I fear... {14785}{14842}Simon! Listen to me! {14934}{15000}Look, we've run into|this kind of thing before. {15004}{15069}Now, it's not a demon. It... {15073}{15163}It's demonesque, I'll grant you.|But it's just a big, ugly creature. {15167}{15267}Its Goa'uld gives it strength, intelligence,|and the ability to regenerate. {15271}{15311}Yes. {15315}{15376}It's a very smart, resilient creature. {15380}{15502}In the service of Sokar who, for all intents|and purposes, is Satan to these people. {15506}{15595}- But it's not a demon.|- No. It's not a demon. {15690}{15752}My friends speak the truth, Simon. {15779}{15877}This demon is nothing more than|a parasite that inhabits another creature. {15881}{15934}Your fear is its greatest power over you. {15938}{16005}- You do not fear it?|- We do not. {16292}{16394}You say you have|killed an Unas once before? {16457}{16546}- Indeed.|- Then perhaps God has sent you. {16568}{16625}Perhaps you are the answer|to our prayers. {16672}{16745}All my life, I have asked God|to deliver us from this evil. {16755}{16859}So what did the lizard say?|That he'd be back at sunrise? {16863}{16940}- Are you contemplating attack, O'Neill?|- Sure. Why not? {16952}{17000}An Unas is difficult to destroy. {17004}{17064}A couple of shots with the staff,|we own him. {17068}{17137}We hope. It took Thor's hammer|to kill the last one. {17157}{17208}All right, lots of shots with the staff! {17212}{17273}Daniel, how long have they lived like this? {17277}{17353}- Well, I can't be sure without...|- A thousand years? {17357}{17410}- At least.|- That's long enough. {17414}{17486}These people are being terrorised.|We can stop it. {17494}{17534}Sokar will seek revenge. {17538}{17598}So we'll have 'em bury the gate|after we've gone! {17602}{17662}- They could come in ships.|- Ships? {17666}{17744}I can't be sure,|but this planet is years away... {17748}{17820}..from any known Goa'uld home world -|even with fast ships. {17824}{17854}Simon? {17865}{17938}Do you want us to do this? {17942}{18007}- Are we not in God's hands?|- (bell tolls) {18020}{18080}The canon has returned. {18611}{18686}The canon will choose|those for sacrifice tonight. {18690}{18769}- Why does he get to choose?|- He is our spiritual leader. {18773}{18892}It falls to him to determine those whose|souls are already possessed with evil. {19241}{19329}You have come down the path?|Through the Circle of Darkness? {19374}{19456}Something like that.|My name's Jack O'Neill. {19460}{19521}And you gave them entrance|to your home?! {19525}{19582}Yes. But I do not believe|they mean us harm. {19586}{19646}The tricks of Satan and his minions|are many. {19650}{19732}And only those weak of faith|are fooled by such deception. {19736}{19828}By granting them entrance, you have|spilled the blood of your people! {19832}{19905}We come as friends, sir. {20291}{20361}This one bears the mark of the devil! {20435}{20530}If you are human, as you say,|then your souls are damned! {20534}{20585}All right! That's enough. {20623}{20725}He is not a demon. He is a Jaffa. {20729}{20780}Satan is not involved here. {20825}{20951}That creature that strolled through here|a little while ago, it's called an Unas. {20955}{21006}And we have the power to stop it. {21031}{21100}That means no more sacrifices. {21130}{21215}All you have to do is give us|the chance to help. What do you say? {21267}{21403}If they came through the Circle of|Darkness, then their souls are unclean! {21407}{21477}It appears they do not desire|our assistance, O'Neill. {21481}{21543}Yeah, fine. Whatever. Have a nice day. {21570}{21637}You... shall be struck down! {21694}{21741}No... No, Canon... {21745}{21805}(rumbling) {22685}{22758}Sir, I've been disarmed. {22762}{22827}Yeah, I picked up on that, too. {22854}{22902}Teal'c's gone. {22906}{22975}Did we just get struck|by a big bolt of lightning? {22979}{23082}That's what it looked like.|Felt more like a zat blast to me. {23086}{23174}He... touched his ring|just before the lightning started. {23205}{23320}Carter, if I ever get the urge to...|help anybody again,... {23347}{23437}- ..feel free to give me a swift kick.|- (footsteps) {23656}{23772}I do not believe you are demons. I said so|to the canon, but he refuses to hear me. {23776}{23824}Where's our friend? {23828}{23907}It has been decided|he must endure the tests. {23911}{23995}- What tests?|- (woman) He's evil! Devil! Kill him! {23999}{24068}- Satan!|- (man) Burn him! {24262}{24310}He's evil! {24511}{24575}(woman) He's evil! {24854}{24906}What have you to say for yourself? {24910}{24991}That I do not serve|those who you would call demon. {25071}{25157}There are, living among us, demons... {25161}{25201}Teal'c. {25209}{25276}Say nothing more or they will kill him. {25280}{25423}For this reason,|we are commanded by God... {25427}{25519}..to seek out those spirits...|and punish them! {25628}{25692}- Mark of the devil.|- What? {25705}{25787}In the Middle Ages, one proof of|witchcraft was a mark on the body,... {25791}{25881}..supposedly made by the devil himself,|that was insensitive to pain. {26776}{26844}The first proof is given! {26865}{26932}- Daniel?|- It's not good. {27624}{27700}"And they went up...|on the breadth of the earth... {27723}{27808}..and fire came down from God... {27812}{27881}..out of heaven, and devoured them." {27885}{27943}- The water test.|- What? {27947}{28067}They weight a person and throw him|in the water. If he sinks, he's innocent. {28071}{28192}If he floats, he's guilty of witchcraft|and burned at the stake. It's catch-22. {28196}{28277}"..for ever and ever!" {28404}{28465}Archangel... Saint Michael,... {28480}{28536}..defend us in battle. {28540}{28613}Thrust into hell... Satan... {28633}{28759}..and all the evil spirits|who prowl upon the Earth! {28876}{28924}Amen. {29007}{29067}- We'll go back where we came from!|- He's innocent! {29071}{29124}You sons of bitches! {29134}{29169}Argh! {29949}{30026}God's will has been done. {31087}{31190}Your friend's soul is clean. If you wish,|he'll be given a Christian burial. {31194}{31269}- What?|- You're free to go. {31273}{31384}I insist that you remain in chains until|you return to the Circle of Darkness,... {31388}{31456}..to whatever dark place you reside,... {31478}{31522}..and that you never return. {31526}{31634}Because you know if I did return|that I would break your damn neck. {31660}{31728}But of course you could just|touch that lovely ring,... {31732}{31782}..and we'd all be struck down again. {31786}{31850}Ah, the ring.|This has been handed down... {31853}{31955}..through generations of village canons|who came before me. {31982}{32040}And with it you maintain power. {32048}{32143}With it I abide by God's will...|as best I can. {32172}{32223}Sacrifices must be made. {32232}{32278}Why? {32282}{32413}Do you deny the demon is real? Do you|deny it could destroy us if it so wished? {32477}{32602}The sacrifice has allowed the people of|this village to survive for generations. {32629}{32693}Just as the wheat is|separated from the chaff,... {32697}{32785}..the unclean souls among us|must be taken away. {32789}{32876}Through the Circle of Darkness. For ever. {32880}{32939}And you decide? {32943}{32991}Yes, I do. {33043}{33109}Now go thy way. Trouble me no more. {33472}{33526}I am sorry. {33654}{33722}You know, Simon,... {33726}{33825}..your village canon has an awfully|interesting way of tending the flock. {33829}{33863}Speak no more of this. {33867}{33938}He maintains power|by controlling who gets sacrificed. {33942}{34058}No more! I have asked for this|dispensation and he has granted it. {34720}{34789}Where's our gear? {34793}{34870}If I were to bring it to you,|would you help us? {34918}{34958}Help you? {35011}{35070}You can bury the Stargate|after we've gone. {35074}{35153}- That should prevent the Unas...|- I cannot do that! {35157}{35222}- There must be other people...|- I mean the circle. {35226}{35310}We are not allowed to go near it,|or even look upon it. {35314}{35376}Simon? {35380}{35478}- We are ready.|- I shall be there. {35482}{35565}- Ready? Ready for what?|- The trepanning ritual. {35680}{35787}Mary's parents were taken|in a sacrifice a year ago. {35814}{35863}They asked that I care for her. {35867}{35932}If you're not willing to help,|it falls to me... {35936}{36002}..to try to cleanse her soul|before the canon chooses. {36006}{36052}You can't do that. {36076}{36131}- I have no choice.|- You'll kill her. {36135}{36260}Better that she die among us|than at the hands of the devil himself. {36353}{36415}- Jack...|- No! {36419}{36520}We can't condemn a girl just because|one man has made a pact with the devil. {36589}{36705}Teal'c will have died for nothing|if nothing good comes from this. {36865}{36913}(whimpers) {37124}{37218}There shall be a great reward|waiting for you in heaven. {37222}{37310}And the angels will welcome you|with joyful hearts. {37351}{37407}And there will be no more pain. {37437}{37468}I know. {37472}{37540}OK, I'll tell you what.|You guys start back without me. {37544}{37665}I'm gonna go see if I can stop them|drilling a hole in the head of a young girl. {38458}{38487}(whimpers) {38491}{38529}Wait! {38693}{38790}We'll take you back with us.|Mary, too. {38842}{38900}Where we come from|there are no demons. {39231}{39293}Good choice. {40134}{40182}Fever's down. Feeling any better? {40197}{40302}Yes. Have you released|that which possessed me? {40306}{40376}You got better all by yourself, Mary. {40380}{40461}There was never a demon inside you. {40513}{40558}So, Simon,... {40562}{40674}..you wouldn't happen|to have the keys to these, would you? {40707}{40742}Keys? {40930}{40990}(screaming) {41406}{41479}- (O'Neill) What's that?|- I don't know. {41600}{41652}Teal'c! You're... alive? {41688}{41748}It is so. {41818}{41898}Way to go, junior! {41934}{41983}My symbiote did sustain me. {41987}{42035}Oxygen in the water. {42065}{42129}It's the larval Goa'uld's|natural environment. {42133}{42217}It must have filtered the oxygen|and fed it into Teal'c. {42230}{42305}You were out for a long time, Teal'c.|We thought we'd lost you. {42309}{42397}As they immersed me, I put myself|in a deep state of kelno'reem. {42505}{42593}You'd think these folks|never saw a guy rise from the dead! {42657}{42745}Simon, l-l know this|must look, um, unusual,... {42749}{42819}..but there is|a very logical explanation for this. {42823}{42878}(canon) Yes, there is! {42912}{42988}There can be no doubt now.|They are evil, all of them! {42992}{43044}What do you want? He passed your test. {43048}{43113}These four shall be|the first chosen for sacrifice. {43117}{43215}Major, next time Daniel gets the urge|to help someone, shoot him. {43281}{43391}And with them shall be taken the woman|whose soul has been possessed! {43395}{43456}Please! Spare her! {43460}{43533}At least allow me to try the trepanning. {43561}{43628}You challenge my decision? {43632}{43708}- No.|- (Mary) Simon! {43712}{43778}Simon, please! Help me! {43782}{43805}Simon! {43883}{43991}To your homes! Do not let|the demon lay his eyes upon you. {44377}{44439}I am sorry, Mary. {44467}{44515}Don't apologise to her, help her! {44592}{44668}- The canon has spoken.|- What are you? The village idiot? {44672}{44790}The demon will turn her into a host.|Do you know what that means? {44802}{44852}Of course you don't know|what that means. {44856}{44921}I can hear no more of this. {45265}{45313}Jack. {45379}{45452}Simon, get out here and do something! {45526}{45652}Nothing we say will make a difference.|Especially not after Teal'c's resurrection. {45656}{45695}(horn blows) {45828}{45880}(growling) {46333}{46387}Morning. {47299}{47363}So... {47392}{47452}..how long are you gonna keep this up? {47532}{47623}The demon bit? Don't get me wrong,|looks like a great gig. {47627}{47700}You got the padre in your back pocket,|the hours are good,... {47704}{47759}..you probably|get all the chicks, huh? {47763}{47811}Argh! {47911}{47944}Oh, my apple! {47957}{48071}If they truly are servants of Satan,|why does he resist? {48100}{48151}(distorted) You are not of this world. {48155}{48209}No... No, we're not. {48254}{48299}Uh... {48303}{48445}Unas, what does Sokar have on you|that makes you so dang cranky? {48468}{48516}Agh! {49185}{49300}Mary, we're gonna take a tumble, so just|scrunch up in a ball and roll with us. {49598}{49646}(roars) {49680}{49710}Go! Go! {50234}{50259}Simon! {50317}{50386}You've always been quick|to ask questions. {50413}{50486}This weakness shall be your undoing. {50546}{50606}If you persist... {50610}{50724}..l shall be unable to defend you|when the next sacrifice is called. {51211}{51281}(distorted) You cannot escape me. {51285}{51339}Leave them! {51359}{51410}You dare to challenge me? {51452}{51514}- Shoot it!|- You shall join them in hell. {51550}{51592}Simon! {51596}{51703}You will remain here|until I finish with this one. {51737}{51785}Shoot it! {51805}{51836}Simon! {51840}{51880}Shoot! {51929}{51964}Again! {52000}{52052}(weak roar) {52098}{52127}Shoot! {52193}{52248}For this you will pay with your life! {52362}{52410}Simon! {52459}{52512}Mary, the staff! {53127}{53171}O'Neill! {53287}{53339}(roars) {53462}{53528}Carter, Daniel, head toward the gate. {53557}{53634}- Take Mary with you.|- (Carter) Yes, sir. {53638}{53696}Shall we? {53738}{53771}(canon) Simon! {53785}{53833}Simon! {53906}{53983}- What have you done?|- The demon comes. Release me. {54176}{54237}(roars) {54241}{54311}(distorted) Your god has abandoned you. {54402}{54479}My god... is with me always. {54601}{54661}(canon yells) {55274}{55326}He's all right. What happened? {55330}{55432}Simon... stood before it,|like... Iike David before Goliath. {55436}{55523}The demon threw him aside,|and then he fell. {55527}{55584}As you can see. {55695}{55752}It... was a miracle. {55813}{55859}The Unas' wounds were too severe. {55863}{55930}Even the Goa'uld within him|could not save him. {55934}{55988}So... not a demon. {55992}{56099}As you said.|You've opened my eyes. Bless you. {56103}{56163}Yeah, well... Let's have the ring. {56175}{56223}Yes. Of course. {56450}{56485}I am alive? {56489}{56572}Sokar will be awaiting the return|of the Unas. He will send others. {56576}{56688}Which is why you've got to bury the Circle|of Darkness after we've gone through. {56692}{56753}Can you walk? {57186}{57234}Simon! {57282}{57370}- I knew you would come. Are you hurt?|- I will be fine. {57380}{57437}What happened? {57441}{57516}The beast... is dead. {57582}{57683}Had I not witnessed it myself,|I would not have believed it. {57720}{57780}Thank you... all... {57808}{57869}..for showing me the way. {57873}{57934}You're welcome. {57946}{58000}Major, dial us home. {58203}{58251}Carter? {58307}{58383}It went into him. {58387}{58447}What went into him? {58457}{58516}Go no further! {58520}{58574}Why? I've done nothing. {58585}{58626}My children... {58652}{58730}- Are you sure?|- Positive, sir. I can sense it. {58734}{58838}The Unas host was dying. It had|nowhere else to go. It went into him. {59216}{59250}(gasps) {59419}{59486}Forgive me. {59688}{59771}By the sorrows ye suffered|in your agony in the garden,... {59808}{59859}..in the scourging|and crowning with thorns,... {59863}{59961}- The prayer for suffering souls.|- ..in your crucifixion and death,... {59965}{60013}..have mercy on the souls. {60033}{60130}Deliver them from the dire torments|they endure... {60134}{60267}..and admit them|to your most sweet embrace in paradise. {60495}{60543}Now the demon has truly gone. {60570}{60614}Major. {60902}{60950}You know what to do? {60954}{61024}Yes. We will do what you say. {61028}{61094}We will bury the gate - immediately. {61119}{61172}And there will be no more sacrifices. {61218}{61253}Thank God. {61844}{61957}Visiontext Subtitles: Stephanie Donohue