{165}{221}Previously on "Stargate SG-1": {247}{313}- He's been captured by Sokar.|- Oh, my God. {317}{415}If Selmak is still alive...|he has been sent to Hell. {419}{531}- We're talkin' about a rescue mission?|- No one has ever escaped from Netu. {535}{573}No one except for Jolinar. {577}{649}I've never had anything more|than flashes of her memories. {653}{726}The Tok'ra have technology|that aids the recall of memories. {780}{803}Aaargh! {807}{871}- Shut it off! Shut it off!|- Do it! {875}{942}She was tortured... so badly. {955}{1019}It's her father. She knows the stakes. {1022}{1108}- But if Samantha cannot recall...|- It's been done before. {1112}{1141}It can be done again. {1150}{1208}The atmosphere is impenetrable by ship. {1212}{1308}The only way to reach the surface|is in the descentpods. {1360}{1434}(O'Neill) It's certainly not Emerald City. {1442}{1490}We've come to see Bynarr. {1527}{1618}- (distorted) Who asks for me by name?|- I do! {1624}{1665}Throw them in the pit. {1675}{1712}- Sam...|- Dad? {1720}{1787}- Are you crazy?|- Uh, apparently. {1791}{1878}Sokar's fleet is ten times larger|than we thought. {1886}{1977}Find out what they want... then kill them. {2014}{2062}No. Wait. {2150}{2212}There are transportation rings|in Bynarr's quarters. {2331}{2376}Teal'c, do you copy? {2451}{2491}We gotta go. {2568}{2622}Kneel before Na'onak! {2626}{2686}You shall call me Na'onak no longer. {2690}{2773}From this day forth,|I will reclaim my real name: {2901}{2949}..Apophis. {2969}{3017}And now, the conclusion. {3092}{3156}You do understand|we're not too happy to see you? {3159}{3219}Your insolence is music to my ears. {3242}{3330}When I saw you here, I knew I had|found the path out of damnation. {3334}{3441}You will be the means by which|I reclaim my rightful power and position. {3445}{3494}Your mate Amaunet is dead. {3561}{3609}Sorry to ruin your day. {3649}{3717}No, actually, I'm wrong about that.|I'm not sorry. {3752}{3857}Sokar sent word to me|of Amaunet's death. I did not believe it. {3868}{3918}Well, believe it. It's true. {3970}{4030}Then Teal'c must be the murderer. {4034}{4102}That'd wrap up things real nice for you. {4120}{4178}Why is the shol'va not with you? {4270}{4328}This one conceals something. {4551}{4599}A communication device. {4759}{4819}Teal'c, this is your god, Apophis. {4833}{4882}Risen from the fires of Netu. {4908}{5049}The fate of your friends will be pleasant|compared to what I have planned for you. {5132}{5180}Return them to the pit. {5311}{5359}Kintac. {5412}{5460}You will be my first prime. {5496}{5533}It is my honour. {5537}{5635}Search them and do whatever is|necessary so they do not escape again. {5639}{5670}But do not kill them. {5674}{5792}When they are done serving us,|I will have that pleasure for myself. {5858}{5915}(lock is secured) {5919}{6014}I warned you that Apophis could be|revived using a sarcophagus. {6018}{6089}Sokar would rather see his victims|suffering than dead. {6093}{6157}He doesn't seem to be suffering much. {6276}{6321}He's burning up. {6325}{6446}What is Apophis thinking? He can't|hope to defend himself from Sokar. {6450}{6497}He seemed pretty confident to me. {6501}{6597}Apophis has one chance.|He must convince Sokar not to kill him. {6601}{6702}If the reason is good enough,|he may be able to buy his freedom. {6706}{6766}- With us?|- The information we hold. {6770}{6839}The secrets of Earth and the Tok'ra. {6943}{6991}(distant moaning) {8562}{8610}(moaning) {8639}{8683}Silence, dogs! {8730}{8778}Apophis speaks! {8890}{8983}(distorted) Bynarr is dead.|Sokar will come. {9014}{9078}You fear he will bring his wrath|down upon us. {9081}{9138}But he cannot make|our existence any worse. {9142}{9234}He could come in a ship|and wipe us out from space! {9238}{9293}I can deliver us from this place. {9320}{9370}I have killed the Devil's servant! {9374}{9446}- I will destroy Sokar!|- (cheering) {9450}{9540}Those that follow and serve me|will be led to freedom. {9544}{9592}To a new dominion! {9596}{9726}One in which the god Apophis,|risen from the depths of the underworld,... {9741}{9865}..will rule over all that was once|shared by the Goa'uld. {9891}{9962}This experience doesn't seem|to have humbled him much. {9966}{10047}The dawn of our deliverance is upon us! {10051}{10094}Have no fear! {10098}{10177}Bow to Apophis, the deliverer! {10236}{10291}Yes. Sokar will come. {10308}{10356}(crowd cheers) {10412}{10460}I say let him come! {10725}{10812}My lord, a cargo ship was spotted|in orbit around Netu. {10816}{10895}Two gliders gave chase|but it entered hyperspace and escaped. {10910}{10988}We must assume|that the ship contained spies. {10992}{11075}The attack on the System Lords|will begin sooner than planned. {11084}{11197}- You will have the fleet ready in two days.|- My lord, the very best we can do... {11373}{11428}The fleet will be ready, my lord. {11866}{11927}- How many follow me?|- Three hundred. {11931}{12061}The rest have been sent to the surface.|They will change their minds or die. {12136}{12239}Did you find anything|when you searched the intruders? {12243}{12291}Just this. {12356}{12481}Even if all the denizens serve you, you|cannot fight Sokar with crude weapons. {12485}{12627}Bynarr said he had one day to find out the|identity of the intruders and report back. {12631}{12735}Then we have one day before Sokar|sends his ship to destroy us. {12739}{12794}Not if I have something he wants. {12818}{12927}- You will discover the intruders' identity.|- I already know their identity. {12931}{13014}By the time Sokar arrives,|I will know much more. {13042}{13082}Bring me the woman. {13339}{13407}The woman will come with me. {13411}{13459}Um... I don't think so. {13648}{13700}OK. OK. {14214}{14301}The wound appears cauterised|but there may be bleeding underneath. {14305}{14353}Oh, God... {14428}{14476}Easy! {14532}{14580}Oh, you...! {15571}{15690}You used this device to access|the memories of Jolinar left in your mind. {15694}{15756}That is how you knew how to escape. {15763}{15836}I will use it to get you to tell me|everything I want to know. {15840}{15917}- It doesn't work that way.|- I know how it works. {15942}{16093}When activated, it makes your memories|easily accessible to your conscious mind. {16390}{16452}I won't tell you anything. {16910}{16983}The Blood of Sokar will cloud your mind. {17167}{17255}Once under its spell,|you will tell me everything. {17401}{17445}Sam? {17561}{17615}Are you almost ready? {17635}{17683}Can we talk? {17739}{17855}Sam, you haven't said two words since...|since the accident. {17920}{18004}Your brother's made it pretty clear|how he feels. {18008}{18083}- He blames you.|- I blame myself. {18089}{18159}Your work has always been|more important than us. {18163}{18211}You know that's not true. {18223}{18326}I don't want you to forgive me.|I don't know if I could accept that yet. {18330}{18388}I just want you to understand. {18429}{18509}You were supposed to pick Mom up.|You were late. {18530}{18619}She took a cab.|There was an accident. I understand. {18623}{18693}- I couldn't have known it would happen.|- But Mom is dead. {18697}{18755}Nothing I say or do can change that. {18759}{18883}All I can do is make sure the things|she loved the most don't die with her. {18926}{18999}Sam, without you and your brother,|my life is over. {19003}{19064}Nothing else means more to me. {19072}{19127}Don't forgive me. {19155}{19205}Just tell me one day we'll be OK. {19257}{19310}- He blames you.|- I blame myself. {19314}{19402}- But Mom is dead.|- Just tell me one day we'll be OK. {19449}{19510}Just tell me one day we'll be OK. {19588}{19636}No. {19669}{19727}I forgave you long ago. {19800}{19898}Why am I stuck in this?|The same memory over and over. {19973}{20099}I guess if we never had this conversation,|neither one of us would be in this mess. {20103}{20167}I would have gone on|hating you and the military. {20171}{20250}I never would have got involved|in the Stargate programme. {20254}{20298}You would have died of cancer. {20306}{20378}- Sam, I am dying.|- What? {20382}{20434}I'm dying right now... dying right now. {20455}{20510}Only you can save me. (echoes) {20516}{20568}- Tell me how to get home.|- What? {20572}{20650}Tell me the way home, to Earth. {20725}{20773}No, wait. {20802}{20856}This is not right. {20860}{20953}You'll lose me for ever if you don't|tell me the iris codes. (echoes) {20957}{21021}- This is not real.|- Tell me. {21065}{21113}Tell me. {21152}{21198}- Tell me!|- No! {21202}{21283}Tell me how to penetrate|the Earth's Stargate. {21373}{21459}Tell me now... or I will kill your father. {21746}{21816}Teal'c, this is your god, Apophis. {21820}{21881}Risen from the fires ofNetu. {21885}{22004}The fate ofyour friends will be pleasant|compared to what I have planned for you. {22034}{22132}It was then that I realised they would|not be able to execute the escape plan. {22136}{22228}I entered hyperspeed to avoid|the gliders that had detected me. {22232}{22326}You must have run the engines at full|power to make the journey so quickly. {22330}{22364}The situation was urgent. {22368}{22481}I understand your desire to report Sokar's|planned attack on the System Lords... {22485}{22542}..as soon as possible. {22611}{22654}It may prove invaluable. {22658}{22782}I have come seeking assistance to rescue|my friends and your fellow Tok'ra. {22786}{22882}I believe Sokar will soon learn|that Apophis has eliminated Bynarr... {22886}{22943}..and will take action to restore control. {22947}{23062}Wait here. I will consult the High Council|and return shortly with a course of action. {23429}{23490}Ow! God...! {23554}{23610}Major Carter was most forthcoming. {23625}{23674}She didn't tell you squat. {23678}{23723}By the way, I won't either. {23727}{23832}You're not here to provide information.|You are here for my amusement. {23855}{23897}Oh! God, no! {23962}{24015}All right, all right, all right... {24021}{24053}Charlie! {24118}{24191}You must be dying to quench your thirst. {24302}{24352}Argh! Oh, God! {24860}{24914}Dad? {24918}{25002}He's, uh... not so good,|but he's still with us. {25048}{25112}Apophis said he was gonna kill him. {25174}{25259}No. He, uh...|he brought you back and took Jack. {25312}{25364}Are you OK? {25397}{25480}They gave me something|called the Blood of Sokar. {25484}{25515}It is legendary. {25519}{25634}A strong narcotic that can cause|very realistic hallucinations. {25675}{25741}I'm pretty sure I didn't give anything up. {25745}{25793}Sam? {25906}{25954}I'm here. {26005}{26092}- I'm here.|- Sam, I hate to sound negative here... {26096}{26156}Shh. Save your strength. {26183}{26247}- I don't think I'm gonna make it.|- No. {26274}{26327}That is unacceptable. {26358}{26436}Think about seeing|your grandchildren again. {26457}{26529}Don't make me|have to explain this to them. {26824}{26901}Martouf... if they come for you... {26907}{27006}- I have endured torture before.|- This is like nothing you could imagine. {27010}{27058}Everything seems real. {27090}{27148}Feelings, sensations. {27175}{27260}It's like you're actually there|in your own past. {27264}{27344}And then suddenly|everything seems wrong. {27348}{27396}Your mind gets all twisted. {27422}{27499}Just don't let Apophis|use Jolinar against you. {27558}{27618}How could he? {27622}{27735}You must be angry about what Jolinar|had to do to escape from here. {27799}{27839}Martouf,... {27887}{27935}..she loved you. {28244}{28295}Charlie! Sorry I'm late. {28299}{28376}I stopped to get you somethin'.|You in there? {28393}{28445}You're dead! You're dead! {28508}{28610}- Where'd you get that?|- Jeff Eisen gave it to me. It's a water gun. {28614}{28705}- It doesn't matter.|- You have a gun. (echoes) {28713}{28768}- That's different.|- Why? {28772}{28845}Charlie... Charlie! {28864}{28908}Where you goin'?! {28912}{28990}- Inside.|- Wait a minute. I got you somethin'. {28994}{29084}- Come on. We'll play some catch.|- This is not what happened, Dad. {29089}{29164}You're changing everything|just to make it better. {29168}{29216}I know. {29273}{29312}Can't we just play catch? {29316}{29385}What happened is|you got mad at me and I went inside. {29389}{29475}Two weeks from now,|I shot myself with your gun. (echoes) {29489}{29568}We never played catch today|and we never will. {29594}{29631}Why? {29635}{29694}Why can't we just play catch? {29725}{29812}I'll play... if you tell me... if you tell me. {29919}{29990}What do you wanna know?|I'll tell you anything. {29994}{30077}Tell me how you made contact|with the Asgard. (echoes) {30097}{30139}..the Asgard. {30143}{30201}- What?|- You represented Earth in the talks... {30205}{30265}..between the Asgard|and the System Lords. {30269}{30367}- How'd you know that? (echoes)|- It's OK, Dad. You can tell me. {30371}{30442}Tell me the address|of the Asgard home world. {30446}{30494}I don't know it. {30508}{30620}The world where the ancients' knowledge|was downloaded into your brain. {30624}{30671}That was cool, wasn't it? {30688}{30746}You can't know that. {30763}{30806}- This isn't you.|- Sure it is. {30813}{30882}Come on, Dad. We'll have a catch. {30886}{30930}Just like you want. {30934}{30982}No. {31099}{31139}No. {31598}{31654}I have been instructed to return to Netu. {31665}{31732}- What is inside the container?|- A weapon. {31754}{31812}For what purpose? {31840}{31973}The High Council believes the uprising|of Apophis presents a key opportunity. {31977}{32083}Sokar will take his mother ship into orbit|around Netu to restore order there. {32087}{32136}This weapon is intended for Sokar. {32140}{32243}Yes, but unfortunately we have|no weapons capable of penetrating... {32247}{32299}..the shields of a Goa'uld mother ship. {32303}{32411}- So how will this weapon be effective?|- I am to launch it towards the moon,... {32415}{32486}..into one of the holes of its surface|and into the core. {32490}{32578}It will force the base elements|into a cataclysmic chain reaction. {32590}{32654}The moon will explode,|taking Sokar's ship with it. {32658}{32767}- Along with everything else.|- The Tok'ra have no alternative. {32771}{32845}Sokar cannot be permitted|to rise to a dominant power. {32849}{32914}It would end our chances|of defeating the Goa'uld. {32918}{32975}What of rescuing my friends|trapped there? {32979}{33034}I am charged with my mission. {33038}{33171}If you intend to stand in my way, I will|insist that you remain here on Vorash. {33223}{33280}I will accompany you. {33305}{33363}Then we must leave immediately. {33729}{33798}- Jack.|- No... {33802}{33850}I don't wanna go to school. {33929}{33977}Ow. {34146}{34208}- You OK?|- No. {34235}{34280}They, uh... they took Martouf. {34323}{34387}They put that damn memory thing on me. {34468}{34528}And then they gave me something... {34563}{34616}..that reminded me of the '70s. {34672}{34736}The Blood of Sokar. {34751}{34807}Daniel... {34811}{34895}- Yeah?|- I'm gonna pass out again. {35152}{35224}If Sokar is not in orbit around Netu|when we arrive,... {35234}{35302}..a rescue could still be attempted. {35351}{35381}Yes. {35385}{35518}But if he is already in orbit, we must|act swiftly and launch the weapon. {35569}{35684}I don't like this any more than you do.|But essentially this is war. {35688}{35745}If Sokar ascends to ultimate power,... {35751}{35853}..the consequences will be far greater|than losing a few good people. {35866}{35898}I understand. {35902}{35988}Timing will be critical.|Once the weapon is launched,... {35992}{36091}..it will take 12 minutes|for the reaction to reach critical mass. {36095}{36148}If Sokar has enough warning,... {36152}{36253}..he will have time to escape|the range of the explosion. {36350}{36398}No, please. {36491}{36534}(hiss) {36868}{36926}Jolinar was your mate. {37140}{37212}Tell me the location|of the Tok'ra resistance or she dies. {37216}{37272}- Don't do it, Martouf.|- Silence. {37385}{37432}Please... {37445}{37483}Tell me now. {37487}{37580}I am not Jolinar.|Don't tell him anything. (echoes) {37716}{37764}Tell me. {37867}{37950}- I cannot let him kill you.|- No, Martouf. {38040}{38078}No, Martouf. {38180}{38228}Entac. {38268}{38367}The Tok'ra resistance|is based on the planet Entac. {38522}{38625}Return them to the pit.|Bring me Daniel Jackson. {38910}{38988}- Speak.|- Your fleet is ready, my lord. {39004}{39052}You have done well. {39056}{39136}Bynarr has not yet reported|as you wished. {39140}{39219}I will take my ship|and cleanse the underworld... {39223}{39273}..so that its fires may be reborn. {39286}{39369}Then I will launch the attack|on the System Lords. {39377}{39480}Soon the entire realm of the Goa'uld|will serve me... {39519}{39609}..or suffer the fate of the damned. {40046}{40101}I knew it was you. {40105}{40169}You shouldn't have done it, Martouf. {40227}{40297}I could not watch him kill you, Samantha. {40369}{40417}You lied. {40444}{40548}Entac is a primitive planet.|There are no Tok'ra there. {40631}{40708}You were very convincing.|I believed you. {40712}{40804}If Apophis believes he knows|the location of the Tok'ra,... {40808}{40878}..what does he want from Dr Jackson? {41079}{41130}Hey! {41134}{41217}- I just wanted to see how you were doin'.|- Good. {41254}{41302}OK. {41324}{41457}Kasuf sent me some of Sha're's things|after the funeral. He said that, um... {41475}{41571}Well, he said that|she would've wanted me to have them. {41585}{41653}We both drank from this cup|at our wedding. {41728}{41856}- I know I shouldn't have hoped, but...|- Hey. You can never give up. {41936}{42000}- How about now?|- Especially not now. {42037}{42122}Sha're didn't want you|to just give up, did she? {42126}{42204}As I recall,|she wants you to find the boy. (echoes) {42279}{42363}You didn't believe Sha're|sent a message through the hand device. {42367}{42431}I've been wrong about a lot of things. {42449}{42575}And I know I don't always sound like|I believe you, but I do believe in you. {42631}{42692}What did you say she called the boy?|(echoes) {42696}{42728}Harsesis. {42736}{42843}I mean, the kid holds all the knowledge|of the Goa'uld who fathered him, right? {42847}{42870}Yeah. {42874}{42983}He could be the key to us kickin' those|slimy snakeheads out of the galaxy. {42992}{43047}Yeah, that's what Sha're said. {43054}{43148}All you have to do is figure out|where Amaunet sent him. {43188}{43236}The name? {43266}{43336}Name of the place Amaunet sent the boy. {43340}{43388}- No.|- What? {43407}{43460}No, I'm not... telling you. {43464}{43557}Come on. You know me.|I just can't remember... can't remember. {43568}{43611}No. {43626}{43719}- You told me before.|- No! {43761}{43804}This is not real. {43873}{43924}(Sokar) Hear me, Bynarr. {43928}{44002}Why do you defy your lord, Sokar? {44186}{44254}Bynarr is dead by my hand. {44258}{44345}I am Apophis,|and the denizens of Netu follow me. {44367}{44461}I will bring the full force|of my weapons down upon you. {44485}{44554}You will die in burning hellfire. {44622}{44679}First you will hear me. {44953}{45072}We must hold our position in the shadow|of the moon so we are not detected. {45076}{45192}Before you fire upon us, know this:|I have tortured the intruders. {45211}{45268}Three from the Tauri and a Tok'ra. {45276}{45395}I have learnt much, including|the location of the Tok'ra resistance. {45532}{45578}Bynarr was weak. {45582}{45625}He was incompetent. {45630}{45713}A Goa'uld of your superior power|deserves more. {45745}{45794}I wish to serve you. {45798}{45870}I offer this information|I have gathered as proof. {45880}{45983}Grant me an audience and allow me|to show my reverence to you... {45987}{46041}..by bowing at your feet. {46090}{46170}I will grant you this request. {46205}{46254}I am for ever in your service. {46297}{46345}Take him away. {46526}{46574}Be quick! {47013}{47104}Sokar will die by my hand|and I will command his domain. {47120}{47209}Surely he will not let you|enter his ship with weapons. {47246}{47314}Do you think I am a fool? {47318}{47395}I have been planning this|since the moment I was sent here. {47399}{47475}I will convince Sokar to make me|the new lord of Netu. {47483}{47579}He will come down off his throne|to brand me with his seal,... {47583}{47643}..and when he gets close enough... {47997}{48079}On my command, replace this - here. {48785}{48879}Someone has transported from Netu|to Sokar's vessel. {48960}{49063}The weapon is ready for launch.|Sokar's ship is almost in position. {49380}{49452}Sokar's ship's in orbit.|Apophis went up to meet him. {49456}{49504}I managed to get this. {49536}{49584}Nice. {49612}{49695}- Can Sokar pick up the transmission?|- The signal is coded. {49736}{49811}- Teal'c, it's Carter. Can you hear me?|- Wait! {49838}{49928}- Major Carter, it is l.|- Thank God. {49934}{49982}Stop! {50370}{50418}(distant cries) {50470}{50559}- What the hell is that?|- (man) Sokar is attacking! {50793}{50846}Teal'c, what's going on? {50890}{50959}You have 12 minutes|until Netu is destroyed. {50963}{51047}- What? Why?|- I am here with the Tok'ra Aldwin. {51051}{51129}He has launched a weapon|into the moon, which will explode,... {51133}{51222}..destroying Sokar's ship,|which is in its orbit. {51226}{51292}The High Council must believe|it is the only choice... {51296}{51400}- ..or they would not sacrifice us this way.|- We're not dead yet. {51537}{51595}(shouting and moaning) {51664}{51717}I have an idea. {51816}{51892}Help me pack this. Fill in this vent.|As many rocks as you can. {51896}{51952}Wedge them in real tight. {52227}{52320}My time of suffering has taught me|the strength of your power, my lord. {52324}{52411}Tell me the information|you extracted from the intruders. {52418}{52518}I beg you to grant me|the privilege of ruling Netu. {52522}{52577}Bynarr was not worthy of such honour. {52581}{52648}Tell me the location|of the Tok'ra rebellion. {52677}{52761}That is only one of the many|valuable things I have learnt. {53032}{53096}Why do you try my patience? {53157}{53253}Tell me and I will grant you your wish... {53274}{53342}..and brand you Lord of the Underworld. {53353}{53423}The Tok'ra are based on the planet Entac. {53779}{53900}- What is the meaning of this?|- I recently conquered Entac. {53907}{53955}There are no Tok'ra there. {54011}{54064}Kill him. {54152}{54200}Slowly. {54337}{54377}We have less than nine minutes. {54387}{54465}If we stay longer,|we risk being caught in the explosion. {54469}{54552}- I will take that risk.|- Even if Martouf and your friends... {54556}{54605}..make it to the transporter rings,... {54609}{54673}..Sokar's ship is in the path|of the matter stream. {54677}{54741}There is no way we can intercept them. {54804}{54858}Teal'c, unhand me! Teal'c! {54901}{54953}Teal'c, this is suicide. {55041}{55089}Teal'c! {55389}{55436}Go! {55736}{55793}Aaaarrghhhh! {56065}{56114}(shouts ofpanic) {56141}{56174}We're on our way! {56181}{56274}Timing is critical, Daniel Jackson.|Tell me precisely when you are ready. {56443}{56487}Teal'c, listen carefully! {56491}{56568}To intercept the matter stream,|you must fly the cargo ship... {56572}{56622}..between Sokar's ship and the planet. {56626}{56723}If you do not come to a complete stop,|we could miss part of the matter stream. {56727}{56775}Your friends would die. {56780}{56874}And that's only if Sokar|doesn't blow us out of the sky. {56993}{57041}Get in position! {57093}{57134}Almost there, Teal'c. {57138}{57202}Aaarrrghhh! {57240}{57315}Forgive me!|The hellfires of Netu are erupting, my lord. {57319}{57394}- What?|- The moon's core has become unstable. {57398}{57479}That is impossible. I control Netu! {57486}{57533}We must move the ship. {57542}{57570}Aarghh! {58077}{58162}(roars) {58326}{58367}Marty? {58371}{58419}Now! {58434}{58491}We're ready, Teal'c! {58845}{58906}They're here! Go! Go! Go! {59783}{59838}We have escaped. {59917}{59960}Iced tea. {59964}{60012}Air conditioning. {60057}{60092}Water. {60299}{60347}Thanks. {60557}{60597}I'm sorry I doubted you. {60606}{60670}I am as surprised as you that we survived. {60837}{60885}Thank you. {60904}{60959}Do you have any leave coming up? {60963}{61011}Yeah, a little. {61042}{61130}I was thinking we could take|a father-daughter vacation together. {61134}{61171}That'd be great, Dad. {61175}{61241}I hear Alaska's cold this time of year. {62561}{62609}Subtitles by Visiontext