{216}{284}- (man) Unauthorised incoming wormhole.|- Move! Move! {622}{680}Receiving GDO transmission,|special code two. {684}{732}Open the iris. {1139}{1195}Please... Help. {1370}{1476}He's bleeding internally. I'm gonna have|to open him up. Operating Room one! {1480}{1528}Go, go, go! {1616}{1712}Tek matte, Bra'tac.|Are you in need of medical assistance? {1716}{1781}- The blood is not mine.|- What has transpired? {1786}{1856}Chulak was attacked. {1892}{1940}By Apophis. {3682}{3735}Son of a bitch! {3739}{3797}Apophis left Sokar's ship|before it exploded. {3801}{3856}Somebody's gotta|teach that guy how to die. {3860}{3938}He controls the army of Sokar.|A most powerful force. {3951}{4043}- I will return with you at once.|- The fight is over, Teal'c. {4047}{4120}The attack was swift.|There was nothing left to do... {4124}{4207}..but try to save the life|of young Moac, my newest apprentice. {4211}{4269}But attacking Chulak doesn't make sense. {4273}{4363}All the Jaffa weren't willing|to oppose the Goa'uld, were they? {4367}{4424}- No.|- It's quicker to wipe them all out... {4428}{4477}..rather than try to weed out traitors. {4481}{4529}(phone rings) {4550}{4604}Hammond. {4619}{4667}I understand. {4683}{4753}Bra'tac, you better get down|to the OR right away. {5113}{5181}We've done everything we can. {5737}{5793}I have failed you. {5797}{5884}No. It is I who have failed you. {5958}{6024}You are the bravest Jaffa|I have ever trained. {6080}{6130}I'm scared. {6134}{6177}Kla mel kalak. {6434}{6528}- His body is to be burned.|- I will see to it personally. {6532}{6580}I am an old man, Teal'c. {6593}{6691}One day I wish to spread Moac's ashes|on the grave of Apophis. {6743}{6826}But I do not know if I have|the strength to fight any more. {6830}{6892}Many have died, old friend. {6918}{6970}But their deaths must not go in vain. {6999}{7056}Word of this must spread to all Jaffa. {7076}{7124}Yes. {7128}{7261}But maybe it is for someone younger|and stronger than I to spread that word. {7265}{7336}You are the strongest Jaffa|I have ever known. {7430}{7482}In my 1 35 years,... {7486}{7581}..l have never seen a Goa'uld turn|on those that carry its kind this way. {7585}{7666}He massacred so many that have|worshipped him for so long. {7670}{7760}Perhaps he has done this to show the|System Lords how truly powerful he is. {7764}{7869}You know well Apophis has weapons|that could have been used from space. {7884}{7949}There had to be some other purpose. {7953}{8008}His army swept through Chulak as if... {8032}{8100}They were searching for something. {8137}{8185}The Harsesis. {8232}{8368}Apophis fathered a child with Sha're,|the host of his mate Amaunet. {8391}{8469}- He hoped to create a host for himself.|- It is forbidden. {8473}{8569}The child would have all the knowledge|of the Goa'uld. Amaunet hid the boy. {8573}{8695}Of course. The boy would be hunted.|He could be the undoing of the Goa'uld. {8699}{8760}But Apophis doesn't know|where Amaunet hid him. {8764}{8852}- Which is why they searched Chulak.|- Do you know where this child is? {8856}{8943}Uh... All I know is|that it's a place called Kheb. {9023}{9079}You have heard of such a place? {9092}{9193}It is an ancient legend.|I did not believe it really existed. {9229}{9300}- It has to.|- The Goa'uld fear and despise Kheb. {9304}{9378}They forbade anyone|from speaking of it long ago. {9439}{9508}It is something|my father once spoke of to me. {9512}{9606}An old tale about a place|discovered long ago by a few Jaffa,... {9610}{9690}..and kept secret from the Goa'uld. {9694}{9815}When they could no longer carry|a Prim'ta, they would journey to Kheb. {9819}{9935}There, their kalak would learn the path|through the darkness into the next life. {9939}{10031}- Kalak. That means "soul", right?|- Yes. {10035}{10135}When some of the Goa'uld found out|about Kheb, they made their way there. {10139}{10250}They did not return.|It was forbidden to speak of ever again. {10273}{10333}My father enjoyed telling me this story. {10352}{10452}"If the Goa'uld are truly|all-powerful gods," he would say,... {10456}{10530}.."how is it that they fear anything?" {10588}{10654}It sounds like the perfect place|to hide someone. {10658}{10746}I don't suppose you happen to know|the Stargate address. {10750}{10841}- No.|- All I have is obscure Earth mythology... {10845}{10945}..that indicates|Osiris once hid there from Seth. {10949}{11008}That story, as told among Jaffa,... {11012}{11106}..is that Osiris hid|on one of the planets of the Loc'na Ko. {11110}{11202}- What's that?|- A group of planets depleted by mining. {11213}{11326}I don't suppose you happen to know|the addresses of any of those planets. {11440}{11518}There. Those are|the planets of the Loc'na Ko. {11597}{11706}- What's the red one?|- We basically have two reference maps. {11710}{11798}Yellow represents the cartouche|that the Goa'uld left on Abydos. {11802}{11882}The Ancients' original map|of the Stargates is in red. {11886}{11950}You don't recognise this address here? {11977}{12041}- No.|- If the legend is true,... {12044}{12101}..the Goa'uld|never would have included Kheb. {12105}{12231}This is the only planet in the system|the Goa'uld didn't include on their map. {12256}{12304}We've found it. {12437}{12496}How do we know for sure|that this is Kheb? {12500}{12559}I have heard|Kheb is an untouched wilderness... {12563}{12667}..with great mountains and a temple|in a valley distant from the Stargate. {12671}{12785}If the Goa'uld fear Kheb, that would|explain why they never mined this planet. {12789}{12920}If Amaunet thought to hide the Harsesis|on Kheb... Apophis would presume so. {12924}{13007}Well, scary stories or not,|Apophis is just nuts enough to go. {13011}{13097}- I'd like some backup on this one, sir.|- SG-2 will accompany you. {13101}{13153}As will l. {13192}{13260}Let's just hope we're first. {13513}{13583}- We'll check in every 30 minutes.|- Yes, sir. {13594}{13652}- Hold the fort, Major.|- Yes, sir. {13916}{13962}What you got? {13966}{14042}A group of Jaffa|passed through here recently. {14046}{14118}- Six.|- Eight. {14124}{14172}So... {14198}{14246}Not the first. {14398}{14449}You have been unusually silent, Bra'tac. {14453}{14552}There is not much time left|before I can no longer carry a Prim'ta. {14591}{14685}When that time comes,|I will have to decide what to do. {14689}{14787}If this truly is Kheb,|that time may be upon us both. {15031}{15126}- What is it?|- Six of the Jaffa stopped here. {15130}{15244}Two went on ahead.|They returned with another. A woman. {15252}{15310}How do you know that? {15314}{15391}Here. The third of the prints|are small and light,... {15395}{15457}..the shoe, an open-toed sandal|worn by Jaffa women. {15461}{15514}When they met up again|there was a struggle. {15518}{15568}Then they headed into the forest. {15572}{15637}Each print is spread wide. {15641}{15713}They were running. {15717}{15792}- He's good.|- Extremely. {15852}{15956}The woman may be the priestess|entrusted with the child. {16352}{16400}- Smell that?|- Yeah. {16960}{17017}(O'Neill) Carter? {17021}{17073}It's OK, sir. It's just a bird. {17094}{17148}No... Look. {17627}{17675}This is really weird. {17707}{17792}They're burnt to a crisp,|yet nothing around them's been touched. {17796}{17860}- As if lightning struck them.|- Or some kind of... {17864}{17957}I have never before seen|a weapon that could do such a thing. {17961}{18004}Weapon... {18008}{18056}(Bra'tac) Over here! {18346}{18403}She was shot in the back as she fled. {18421}{18481}I counted eight bodies... total. {18512}{18554}So, what happened here? {18558}{18652}The priestess was being escorted|back to the Stargate by two of the Jaffa. {18656}{18758}When they met the others, realising|she was in danger, she attempted to flee. {18762}{18815}They chased her and shot her. {18819}{18895}Then someone or something|attacked them. {18899}{18992}- You can't know that for sure.|- I am quite certain. {19000}{19077}- What about the child?|- She carried the child. {19081}{19145}- How can you know that?|- Her hands are not bound. {19149}{19197}Yes. {19238}{19295}And they shot low. {19326}{19384}And what happened to the boy? {19412}{19469}That I cannot guess. {19582}{19646}The priestess died|more than two days ago. {19664}{19795}But when his Jaffa did not return the|Harsesis, Apophis should have sent more. {19799}{19847}Perhaps many more. {20039}{20087}Kheb? {20106}{20154}Kheb. {20727}{20770}No welcoming party. {20774}{20845}Well, someone's|been reading Martha Stewart. {20959}{21007}Probably inside. {21117}{21153}Daniel? {21225}{21296}- Jack?|- What ya doin'? {21322}{21414}Something about this place says|we shouldn't rush in waving guns around. {21418}{21498}He is right. This is sacred ground. {21636}{21684}Ayee... {21817}{21873}Wait here. {21877}{21987}I have dreamed of finding this place|twice as long as you have been alive. {22018}{22066}I will accompany you. {22961}{23009}Hey! Whoa! {23054}{23128}- Where'd you come from?|- I have been here for some time. {23132}{23192}No. You weren't here|when we just came in. {23196}{23285}- Here is everywhere you are.|- Excuse me? {23289}{23371}Um... Hello. I'm, uh, I'm Daniel Jackson. {23375}{23439}This is Jack O'Neill, and this is Bra'tac. {23442}{23506}We're peaceful explorers|from a place called Earth. {23510}{23563}Do you seek oneness with Desala? {23576}{23691}"Desala"... I know that word.|It sounds... tribal. African, maybe. {23699}{23756}Desala is everything, everywhere. {23760}{23828}Nature. It, uh... {23832}{23879}- It means "nature".|- Ah. {23883}{23952}Put no barriers|between you and where you are. {24033}{24095}Don't look at me. {24159}{24242}I believe he wishes us|to take off our boots. {24288}{24344}Yeah, look. Uh... {24348}{24432}- We've been walkin' a ways today...|- Your journey has only begun. {24436}{24523}I just think I'm doin' us all a big favour|by keepin' these babies on. {24527}{24598}When the mind is enlightened,|the spirit is freed. {24602}{24654}The body matters not. {24875}{24923}Whew! {25034}{25137}Here's an idea. Why don't we just|ask the man if the boy's here? {25537}{25625}We've come looking for a boy... A baby. {25635}{25689}Lightning flashes, sparks shower. {25693}{25781}In one blink of your eyes,|you have missed seeing. {25803}{25865}Lightning, you say? {25869}{25974}I only know a snowflake|cannot exist in a storm of fire. {25988}{26028}- What?!|- Jack... {26032}{26103}No, l... You know me.|I'm a huge fan of subtlety. {26107}{26203}- But that's downright encryptic.|- Sorry. Don't, uh, don't worry about him. {26207}{26325}The sun is warm, wind is wild,|grass is green along the shores. {26329}{26418}- Here no bull can hide.|- Oh, I don't know about that. {26422}{26486}Jack, he's speaking in Zen koans. {26496}{26591}Whatever theology he follows may be|an original basis for Buddhism on Earth. {26595}{26691}Well, that's very nice. I'll be sure|to call the Dalai Lama when I get home. {26695}{26757}But, for now,|how about why we came here? {26798}{26889}Um, he's right. This is very important.|Is there a child here? {26893}{26959}- There is a child in all of us.|- Oh, come on. {27001}{27091}He seeks a real human boy.|Of flesh and bones. {27095}{27181}Those who seek oneness|find all that they seek. {27290}{27340}I think this is gonna take a while. {27344}{27414}Really? What gives you that idea? {27521}{27572}(gust of wind) {27761}{27804}Everything OK? {27873}{27934}It is nothing. {28025}{28092}I do not have|a good feeling about this place. {28192}{28272}- What of the Harsesis child, O'Neill?|- I don't know. {28322}{28396}There's a monk guy|Daniel thinks might know something,... {28400}{28449}..so he's gonna play along for a while. {28453}{28501}"Play along"? {28505}{28576}Something about... enlightenment? {28630}{28690}- Sir...|- I know. {28694}{28742}I know. {29056}{29145}Within you is a being|whose heart knows only darkness. {29189}{29247}- Yes.|- You must renounce such evil... {29251}{29325}..to achieve oneness with Oma Desala. {29338}{29386}"Oma" - what does that mean? {29390}{29448}Words cannot express things. {29456}{29508}Speech cannot convey the spirit. {29512}{29629}Swayed by words, one is lost. One|cannot carry darkness on the great path. {29633}{29719}If I removed the symbiote in me,|I would die. {29723}{29808}You cannot start the journey|with it inside you. {29848}{29931}So a Jaffa cannot seek oneness|before he is willing to die? {29952}{30048}When the mind is freed,|the body is no longer required. {30105}{30167}I sense you are not ready|to meet Oma Desala. {30204}{30268}I am not ready to die. {30272}{30364}But I take solace in the fact|that journey is ahead of me. {30622}{30670}So... {30674}{30729}I don't, uh, I don't have to die, right? {30733}{30822}- You do not have the same evil in you.|- Good. {30826}{30937}But you have your own burdens|of which to rid yourself. {30941}{30982}OK. {31302}{31352}I am not yet ready to give up. {31430}{31544}I feel alive, Teal'c.|Like a young man... of 80. {31591}{31644}We still have false gods to slay. {31733}{31818}She goes into the lake|without making a ripple. {31822}{31939}She goes into the forest|without disturbing a blade of grass. {31943}{31991}Who is she? {32116}{32173}The mother. {32259}{32307}Desala. {32323}{32371}Nature. Mother Nature. {32375}{32448}We're... We're...|We're talking about Mother Nature. {32505}{32572}Why do you seek this child|of flesh and bones? {32724}{32778}He is the son of my wife. {32782}{32858}- But not your son?|- No. {32873}{32966}But my wife is dead now, and I promised|I would make sure the boy is safe. {32970}{33028}And you are sure|he will be safe with you? {33032}{33082}Yes. Absolutely. {33086}{33181}Because it is so clear,|it takes a longer time to realise it. {33185}{33261}If you immediately know|the candlelight is fire,... {33265}{33341}..then the meal was cooked|a long time ago. {33360}{33408}Right. {33428}{33476}Um... I, uh... {33522}{33583}I have no idea what you're talking about. {34058}{34098}I can't do it. {34102}{34163}You say you seek this child|to fulfil a promise. {34167}{34221}- Yes.|- Is there another reason? {34251}{34348}The child has knowledge. He can help|my people defend themselves... {34352}{34406}..against an evil enemy, the Goa'uld. {34410}{34484}You hate the Goa'uld. {34488}{34579}The Goa'uld are responsible|for the death of my wife,... {34604}{34669}..among millions|and millions of other people. {34673}{34728}How can I not hate them? {34732}{34823}- Your hate will lead to the child's death.|- How do you know that? {34875}{34923}You must trust. {34980}{35029}You must believe. {35033}{35111}Well, maybe I don't believe|I can light a candle with my mind. {35115}{35213}I find it a lot easier to use a lighter|or a match. It's much more practic... {35376}{35449}- Wow.|- Now you blow it out. {35545}{35603}- With your mind.|- Oh. {35633}{35725}I'm sorry. Could you, uh...|Could you light that again? {35869}{35927}This isn't a trick candle or anything, is it? {35931}{35996}- Put your hand in the flame.|- What? {36000}{36071}Place your hand in the flame. {36436}{36486}Agh! {36565}{36609}- Why tell me to do that?|- Why do it? {36613}{36677}- Because you told me to.|- Because you trusted. {36680}{36757}- Yes.|- Within you is the capacity for trust. {36769}{36833}Trust Oma Desala. {36836}{36904}Do not believe you can light the candle. {36908}{36968}Believe she can light the candle. {37354}{37399}Time's up. {37532}{37620}Jack, the markings on the wall|are a language. It's a bible. {37624}{37747}No, more of an instruction book on how|to reach this ethereal plane of existence. {37751}{37843}Naturally the Jaffa would interpret it|as a passage to the afterlife. {37847}{37907}Whoa! Slow down there, Grasshopper. {37919}{38017}OK. I'm pretty sure this place|was built by an alien race millennia ago. {38021}{38143}They may have even visited Earth and|inspired the concept of Mother Nature. {38147}{38212}So this guy's an alien? {38216}{38330}No. The aliens discovered a means to|ascend to a higher plane of existence... {38334}{38403}..and went there, wherever "there" is. {38407}{38492}They left the writings as a map|for others who wanted to follow them. {38496}{38577}The monk is just someone who's|sort of taken up a curatorship. {38581}{38619}- A janitor?|- A guide. {38623}{38692}- An usher?|- It doesn't matter. Just... watch. {39159}{39212}Am I supposed to believe you did that? {39216}{39264}Yes. {39417}{39456}Daniel... {39481}{39529}A word? {39680}{39730}We didn't come to learn parlour tricks. {39734}{39782}- Is the boy here or not?|- I think so. {39786}{39874}Because every minute we stay here,|we're risking our necks. {39878}{39959}I'm on the verge of ordering|a complete search of this place. {39963}{40036}- You can't do that.|- You're confused, Daniel. I can. {40040}{40107}- I am gaining his trust.|- How long is that gonna take? {40111}{40179}- Jack, you don't understand.|- I think I do. {40244}{40292}Hey! Hey, hey, hey. {40455}{40533}All right, that's dangerous. Put it down. {40751}{40840}OK. That was a little more impressive. {40872}{40931}- How'd you do that?|- Actually, I did that. {40935}{40995}- What?|- That's what I've been tryin' to tell you. {40999}{41057}This is incredible. {41100}{41162}- He taught you...|- How to do things with my mind. {41166}{41214}You could do it, too. {41218}{41307}He could teach me how to light candles|and move stuff around by thinking? {41311}{41390}I cannot teach you|what you already know. {41394}{41481}Oh, I don't think I know|as much as you think I know. {41485}{41538}You must come to know Oma Desala. {41565}{41637}- Become her friend.|- (whoosh) {41750}{41798}That your friend? {42070}{42117}Oh, great(!) {42121}{42189}Teal'c, Bra'tac,|you wanna check that out? {42258}{42367}- Major Coburn? This is O'Neill.|- Read you, sir. {42371}{42432}We've got Jaffa activity.|How's your position? {42438}{42484}- Clear, sir.|- Good. Stand by. {42488}{42552}I want claymores|from the entrance to here. {42556}{42612}- I thought we were leaving.|- Me, too. {42800}{42850}- So, is the kid here or not?|- Jack... {42854}{42928}Daniel! That was a glider.|We're out of time. {42935}{43002}- Time means nothing to the...|- Uh-uh! {43013}{43075}Don't say it. {43339}{43387}(voices from below) {43570}{43624}- The claymores are set, sir.|- Good. {43655}{43727}- Daniel thinks we should stay.|- Why? {43737}{43786}Well, watch. {43791}{43846}What? {44412}{44467}- You did that?|- Yes. {44504}{44553}- That's impossible.|- You'd think. {44577}{44646}- Why?|- You learned the power to control fire? {44650}{44710}It's not just fire. {44738}{44816}All the instructions are here, on the walls. {44829}{44919}All you have to do|is be willing to learn and believe. {44923}{44988}I'm sorry, but something else|has to be going on here. {44992}{45035}Why? {45051}{45135}Well... I don't know,|but under different circumstances... {45139}{45236}..l would bring in equipment and|check for concealed technology before l... {45240}{45360}Doesn't a part of you want to believe|a person can reach a higher level? {45364}{45412}- Yes, of course, but...|- Don't you see? {45416}{45487}- I have that power.|- To do what? {45547}{45638}To protect the child. I think|she doesn't want me to leave... {45642}{45718}..until she knows|I understand how to protect him. {45722}{45779}Who's "she"? {45783}{45878}A Goa'uld mother ship has landed.|As many as 2,000 troops approach. {45882}{45930}Love to stay and chat... {45934}{45986}Wait! Wait a minute! What about... {46854}{46903}Down. {48107}{48155}(baby gurgles) {48587}{48641}We must elude them through the forest. {48645}{48693}Where's Daniel? {48735}{48803}Daniel? Daniel, we gotta go! {48910}{48958}For cryin' out loud... {49011}{49080}- I don't know where he is.|- So what do we do? {49118}{49191}- Coburn? O'Neill.|- Read you, sir. {49199}{49295}Hightail it back through the gate.|Tell Hammond we're pinned down. {49299}{49347}- Request backup.|- Yes, sir. {49626}{49674}Lots of backup. {49704}{49780}Damn! All right, here they come. {49784}{49872}Defensive positions. Hold off|on the claymores as long as we can. {49876}{49944}I don't want to get into this|unless we have to. {49948}{50062}And if we make it out of this in one piece,|remind me to harm Daniel severely. {50890}{50938}Thank you. {51196}{51256}He'll be safe with me. {51772}{51825}I didn't do any of it, did l? {51847}{51909}It was you. {51913}{51993}I was wrong. I don't...|I don't have any powers at all. {52057}{52098}You do. {52137}{52194}You were showing them to me. {52198}{52252}That's how you communicate with us. {52305}{52409}You were tryin' to tell me the boy|is better off here with you, and l... {52431}{52479}I wasn't listening. {52698}{52746}I made a promise. {53458}{53506}I promised he would be safe. {53673}{53721}Kree shak! {53760}{53819}Lo koma. Assak! {53840}{53905}Joma, sakoon. {53948}{53996}(primes weapon) {54240}{54320}- You are not welcome here.|- In the name of the god Apophis,... {54324}{54372}..we have come for a young boy. {54376}{54431}- You will leave now.|- We will not. {54454}{54502}Stand aside. {54841}{54877}(Daniel) No! {54881}{54932}Drop your weapons! {55002}{55063}- Do it!|- Kree, lo assak. {55085}{55138}- Drop your weapons.|- You heard him! {55144}{55226}- I was talking to you, Jack.|- Wh... What? {55432}{55494}- Do it now, all of you.|- Daniel? {55498}{55608}Jack, I was wrong. I was very wrong.|One of those aliens is still here. {55692}{55793}- Sir, we put our guns down, we're dead.|- You will die if you do not. {55797}{55894}Jack, if you're ever gonna trust me|on anything, now is the time. {55916}{56027}The alien is the one with the powers,|and she is not someone to fool with. {56285}{56347}(whispers) You must do it! {56767}{56815}Kill them. {57122}{57170}Bye. {57196}{57244}(screaming) {57696}{57744}Well, that was cool. {57810}{57851}Wow! {58857}{58905}You're leaving. {59041}{59147}You know that more of them will come|as long as they know the boy is here. {59177}{59242}I'll see both of you again someday, right? {59860}{59938}I take it that was|the Harsesis child she was holding. {59942}{59992}Yeah. {59996}{60058}I thought we needed that kid. {60062}{60130}You're just gonna let her...? {60168}{60223}No choice, huh? {60254}{60315}Colonel O'Neill, Major Coburn. Come in. {60319}{60395}- Yeah, go ahead, Major.|- Reinforcements are on the way, sir. {60405}{60474}Take your time. We're secure. {60482}{60530}Good to hear it, sir. {60575}{60627}Uh, sir, the Stargate just came on. {60673}{60739}There's a strange bright light|headed this way. {60743}{60831}Do not engage. Repeat:|get out of the way and do not engage. {60835}{60958}In fact, I'm ordering you all to put down|your weapons until that light is gone. {60962}{61001}Yes, sir. {61244}{61299}(Major Coburn) It's gone, sir. {61382}{61440}- You all right?|- Yeah. {61534}{61582}Let's go home. {61653}{61701}Daniel? Shoes. {62958}{63015}Visiontext Subtitles: Paul Murray