{552}{620}- Dr Jackson. Colonel.|- General. {622}{671}The message I got was pretty vague. {674}{731}So was the transmission from the Tok'ra. {734}{793}- Did they say who was coming?|- No. {795}{850}- Did they say why?|- No, sir. {853}{925}Now, see... That's rude. I hate that. {928}{999}(PA) Receiving Tok'ra IDC.|Opening the iris. {1058}{1142}In fact, the Tok'ra|are starting to annoy me in general. {1148}{1234}- Sir?|- Don't get me wrong. Your dad's great. {1237}{1302}But whenever they show up,|there's all kinds of... {1515}{1564}Yep, that looks like trouble to me. {1751}{1821}(distorted) The High Council of the Tok'ra|sends its greetings. {1823}{1924}Welcome. I'm General Hammond.|Colonel O'Neill. Dr Jackson. {1926}{1975}Major Carter and Teal'c. {2023}{2099}This is Marnon. You may call me Anise. {2134}{2210}- Anise?|- It means "noble strength". {2212}{2269}I'm... I'm Daniel. It means, uh... {2296}{2355}.."God is my judge". {2415}{2470}I'm Jack. It means... {2539}{2574}What's in the box? {2692}{2815}These armbands were recently found|among ancient ruins on a remote planet. {2817}{2883}(Jackson) I don't recognise|the symbols. May l? {2885}{2949}The language belongs|to a race called the Ataniks. {2951}{3014}Their existence and demise|predates the Goa'uld. {3016}{3096}Ataniks. I think Jolinar knew about these. {3099}{3173}They give the wearer|incredible speed and strength? {3176}{3241}Yes. Many thought it was just a myth. {3243}{3341}Still, the Goa'uld and the Tok'ra have|sought these devices for some time. {3343}{3440}- Obviously not a myth.|- The Tok'ra were very excited by my find. {3442}{3536}- You found them?|- My area of expertise is ancient cultures. {3558}{3617}- Oh, mine, too.|- Yes, I know. {3651}{3743}We hoped the devices would give us|a great new physical advantage... {3745}{3839}- ..in the fight against the Goa'uld.|- However... {4010}{4055}They don't work for you. {4058}{4138}Our top scientists have researched|the technology at length. {4140}{4214}To the best of our knowledge,|the devices should work. {4217}{4303}However, something causes them|to reject the Tok'ra physiology. {4306}{4380}- Your symbiote.|- That is a likely assumption. {4382}{4441}Then the device will be ineffective on me. {4443}{4515}Yes. Which is why I brought only three. {4518}{4587}Uh, I still have|a protein marker left by Jolinar. {4589}{4642}Hopefully, that will have no effect. {4670}{4723}"Incredible speed and strength." {4726}{4862}According to the inscriptions, they should|greatly increase all your natural abilities. {4879}{4920}That's kinda cool. {4923}{5020}In the interests of the Tok'ra-human|alliance, I expected you to cooperate. {5022}{5106}Couldn't we take some time|to learn more about these things? {5108}{5155}Perhaps Major Carter and Dr Jackson... {5158}{5255}I had hoped to begin|human trial experiments immediately. {5257}{5362}- What's the rush?|- If you are not willing to participate,... {5364}{5452}..l will find human subjects|on another planet. {5530}{5565}Fine. {5626}{5739}(undistorted) Please forgive the scientist|in Anise. She has worked hard for this. {5742}{5830}I assure you, every|safety precaution will be taken. {6023}{6072}(distorted) What is your answer? {7957}{8002}This is a Tok'ra bio-sensor. {8004}{8111}It will monitor every aspect|of your physiological condition. {8150}{8195}Whoa. {8223}{8328}It will transmit readings to this device|for the duration of the experiment. {8340}{8379}OK. {8619}{8682}- Ready?|- As I'll ever be. {8942}{8997}- What's that mean?|- The device is working. {9105}{9179}I don't feel like...|Ieaping any tall buildings. {9181}{9248}It may take time for the device|to adjust to your body. {9250}{9359}We believe it was designed to gradually|allow you to adapt to your new abilities. {9361}{9478}In the meantime, feel free to interact with|your environment as you normally would. {9481}{9598}The bio-sensor will transmit readings|over significant distance. {9630}{9654}OK. {9812}{9929}- You feel no effects from the armband?|- No. I'm starting to think this is a crock. {10069}{10145}Come on, Teal'c, bring it.|You're goin' easy. {10179}{10286}I am attempting to make physical contact,|but you are boxing with great proficiency. {10288}{10355}Really? I feel a little stiff. {10778}{10815}Teal'c? {10986}{11056}- Are you feeling better?|- I will be fine, Dr Fraiser. {11065}{11137}Teal'c... I'm really sorry. {11190}{11239}You are not. {11272}{11321}He's right about that. {11405}{11466}Please squeeze this. {11562}{11632}- What is it?|- It will measure your strength. {11706}{11743}(creaking) {11791}{11885}Your strength is five times|that of a normal human. {11888}{11945}So... no increase, then, huh? {11994}{12109}- Physiology remains otherwise normal.|- Well, l... I feel good. {12184}{12219}Three. {12231}{12307}And, uh... you seem|to have developed a sweet tooth. {12357}{12466}Your metabolism is increasing to match|the energy your body now requires. {12468}{12529}You were going to show me|how to read this thing. {12531}{12633}I will. First it is time to increase|the number of subjects in the experiment. {13032}{13077}I don't really feel any different. {13091}{13140}Just wait. {13350}{13399}- Hey.|- Hey. {13470}{13519}Notice anything yet? {13553}{13602}You're eating a lot. {13657}{13716}Hm. Give it time. {14149}{14202}Did you just read that? {14239}{14288}I guess. {14294}{14384}Don't suppose there's another book|that explains this book. {14386}{14497}What reason did Hobbes give|for the fall of the civilisation? {14509}{14595}- Failing agricultural infrastructure.|- That's unbelievable. {14599}{14648}Hey, it's his theory. {15131}{15180}Want me to read to you? {15361}{15410}- Sam?|- Yeah? {15435}{15542}- What are you doing?|- Running tests on the armband material. {15544}{15634}Ah. It's... a little dark, don't you think? {15637}{15686}Is it? {15737}{15801}Ow. It's bright. {15803}{15852}Yeah. The lights were out. {15899}{15958}I came in. I didn't even realise. {16267}{16308}Well, it looks normal to me. {16310}{16388}I could see in the dark|as well as if the light was on. {16509}{16612}- You're running a slight temperature.|- Anise is monitoring our vitals. {16615}{16658}Yes, I know. {16661}{16718}You don't trust her bio-sensors? {16737}{16833}No, I'm sure her technology|is very advanced and very accurate. {16835}{16884}So you don't trust her. {16937}{16990}I'd like to run a full blood screen. {17398}{17447}(treadmill stops) {17481}{17530}Very good. {17580}{17685}I'm not even sweatin'. In fact,|I think that thing's slowin' me down. {17688}{17737}Squeeze this. {17944}{17993}Sorry. {18109}{18207}It's the most unbelievable...|incredible thing I've ever experienced. {18209}{18338}I've checked the symbols on the armband|against every written language in an hour. {18340}{18412}- What did you find?|- Nothing, but... {18415}{18464}You see, the point is,... {18467}{18528}..l can read really fast. {18541}{18652}Here are my notes on the Ataniks.|I thought you might be interested. {18689}{18724}You write in a notebook? {18726}{18814}My host Freya enjoys|the tactile sensation of handwriting. {19296}{19386}The inscription says "With great power|comes great responsibility." {19394}{19484}"And the ability|to effect great consequences." {19503}{19581}You don't speculate on|why the Atanik became extinct. {19583}{19673}No. My primary concern until now|was finding the armbands... {19675}{19730}..and then determining how they worked. {19733}{19772}(squeaking) {19833}{19878}(squeaking stops) {19944}{19993}What does that mean? {20131}{20231}(as Anise) I believe all the armbands have|now reached their maximum potential. {20239}{20311}Anise? Can I see you for a moment? {20543}{20609}They all have raised body temperatures. {20611}{20672}- They're in no danger.|- I disagree. {20674}{20741}Their symptoms are indicative of a virus. {20743}{20864}You are correct. My bio-data indicates the|armband put a virus into their systems. {20866}{20904}Doesn't that concern you? {20906}{21000}It must be how the technology|accesses the human physiology. {21003}{21124}It took a different amount of time in each|individual, due to their unique reactions. {21126}{21268}That's speculation. Major Carter's blood|had a dangerous amount of adrenaline. {21276}{21331}I object to interference in my experiment. {21334}{21453}I object to being kept in the dark about|people whose health I am responsible for. {21455}{21533}Are you suggesting|I would risk their health? {21536}{21653}We're seeing very interesting results.|You want to discontinue the experiment? {21655}{21768}Until we know more about|the physical effects of this virus, yes. {21770}{21835}I say we remove the armbands|and run more tests... {21837}{21911}..to ensure these changes|aren't permanent or damaging. {21913}{21962}- General...|- No, I'm sorry. {21965}{22018}One thing I've learned in my time here is... {22021}{22134}..there's nothing wrong with prudence|when dealing with alien devices. {22264}{22367}Based on Dr Fraiser's recommendation,|I'm stopping the experiment temporarily. {22370}{22408}- What?|- Why? {22410}{22490}We'd like to find out exactly|what these things are doing to you. {22493}{22575}- General...|- I'd rather not do that, sir. {22578}{22689}The armbands may have a narcotic effect.|Wearing them may become addictive. {22691}{22752}It's just one of the things|I'd like to rule out. {22754}{22836}- Please, take the armbands off.|- But... {22839}{22908}Are you refusing|to comply with a direct order? {23261}{23333}Uh... a little problem here, sir. {23335}{23403}- Colonel?|- Having a hard time complying. {23839}{23939}We have tried everything short of|surgically removing their arms. {23941}{23994}We'll hold that option in reserve. {23996}{24065}(as Freya) You must admit|the positive effect is astonishing. {24067}{24120}As long as there's no downside. {24161}{24253}- (as Anise) There is no evidence of that.|- Yet. {24289}{24369}Find a way to get those armbands|off my people. {24451}{24539}(O'Neill) Teal'c,|how much do I have on here? {24542}{24611}It appears to be|approximately 600 pounds. {24717}{24766}Really? {24850}{24899}Not bad. {24971}{25042}Are you not concerned that|the armband cannot be removed? {25044}{25112}Nope. This thing's great. {25163}{25278}We will not resume our duties as SG-1|as long as this experiment continues. {25312}{25442}Yeah, well... I'm gonna have to have|a little chat with Hammond about that. {25472}{25521}We should be usin' these things. {26161}{26210}- Hey!|- Hey. {26244}{26316}- What are you working on?|- A book on wormhole physics. {26319}{26370}But this computer isn't fast enough. {26373}{26449}When the buffer's full,|I have to wait for it to catch up. {26451}{26521}You know, we really could use your help. {26530}{26610}You just don't get it, Janet.|I don't wanna take it off. {26631}{26715}OK. I realise|they're making you feel really good... {26718}{26823}Look! I have written a 1 ,000-page book|in under two hours. {26826}{26897}I've been dying to do this|but I haven't had the time. {26899}{26944}- Sam...|- Janet... {26969}{27018}(very fast typing) {27141}{27198}- Absolutely not.|- Come on, General! {27200}{27301}- Why'd we put these things on?|- We still don't know the long-term effects. {27303}{27422}We shouldn't be wastin' this stuff. We|oughta be out kickin' some Goa'uld butt! {27444}{27468}Look at this! {27650}{27709}Sorry about that, General. {27729}{27832}Colonel, I'm concerned that you aren't|in full control of your new abilities. {27845}{27925}Well, you may be right.|It's just so damn exciting, sir! {27935}{28019}- I'm sure it is.|- And, even if we're not in total control,... {28021}{28117}..shouldn't we be out there doin'|the damage, instead of in your office? {28119}{28174}I'm concerned|for your wellbeing, Colonel. {28176}{28279}And I appreciate it. And you're the boss.|Whatever you say goes. {28282}{28378}I just want you to know that|we're here for you, ready to go! {28390}{28451}Just... Just say the word. {28467}{28506}Thank you. {28555}{28625}Seriously. Say it. Say the word. {28636}{28695}- Dismissed.|- We can be ready in three seconds. {28698}{28745}- Colonel...|- Two. Heck, we're ready! {28748}{28838}Jack, please! Just...|get the hell outta my office. {28894}{28943}Yes, sir. {29054}{29099}- Hey, Siler.|- Aaargh! {29101}{29150}(crash) {29244}{29293}- Aw, crap.|- (Silermoans) {29653}{29714}This is ridiculous. It was an accident. {29733}{29794}Siler has a broken arm and a concussion. {29814}{29863}He'll pull through. {29881}{29930}I sent flowers. {29957}{30056}You have to admit it's a little scary.|I feel like I could... do anything. {30058}{30121}All I know is I'm gonna starve to death. {30123}{30240}I don't know about you guys, but|I'm having some serious protein cravings. {30282}{30372}- Steak.|- I could go for that. {30374}{30460}Big, red, juicy meat. {30478}{30533}- O'Malley's, in town.|- Let's go. {30836}{30885}Let's eat. {31170}{31248}- How high do you think that fence was?|- 20, 25 feet? {31251}{31304}I'd say more like 30. {31306}{31359}What can I get you? {31361}{31404}Um... {31414}{31525}Three of the biggest steaks you've got,|with everything. Rare. Baked potato. {31528}{31567}You got it. {31570}{31619}Excuse me. {31635}{31673}That was for me. {31675}{31746}- (Jackson) Yeah, I'll have three as well.|- Four? {31748}{31847}- Four. Four is good.|- Me, too. And French fries with mine. {31849}{31916}Oh, and a diet soda. {31983}{32034}I like the taste better. {32239}{32340}So has it occurred to anyone|that we're defying a direct order? {32428}{32522}- It's not like we haven't done it before.|- But that was to save Earth. {32527}{32576}Earth... Steaks... {32584}{32639}There's a difference? {32641}{32721}We'll be back before|anyone knows we're gone. {32999}{33075}- How the hell did you do that?|- Wanna go double or nothin'? {33078}{33142}- No, I think I'll cut my losses.|- Smart move. {33144}{33197}What are you laughin' at, you geek? {33256}{33297}Geek? {33435}{33492}- Excuse me?|- Let it go. {33571}{33620}No. Not this time. {33623}{33664}Yeah? {33667}{33724}What are you gonna do? {33753}{33802}(sighs) {33908}{33943}Well,... {33945}{33994}..this is a cliche. {34139}{34188}OK. {34216}{34286}(prolonged crashing and moaning) {34481}{34530}Right. OK. {34596}{34711}I thought the devices would enhance|them physically, not make them stupid. {34714}{34767}You'd have to ask Anise about that, sir. {34770}{34885}But their erratic behaviour could be|caused by the increase in hormone levels. {34888}{34947}It's almost a sort of intoxication. {34949}{35033}My concern is: how do we contain them|if they're that strong and fast? {35035}{35086}The concern is greater than that, sir. {35089}{35169}Blood tests show early indication|of multiple organ failure. {35172}{35250}The human body wasn't meant|to be put through this. {35300}{35368}So they'll die if we don't|get these things off them? {35370}{35466}I believe the key is the virus.|The armband's used as an intermediary. {35468}{35568}There's no magic pill to combat a virus,|but there are treatments we could try. {35570}{35619}But that's no guarantee. {35639}{35700}- No, sir.|- (footsteps) {35811}{35860}Thank you, Doctor. {36063}{36188}Can you explain why witnesses put you|people at a restaurant in town last night? {36207}{36287}- Sir, I can't tell you how...|- Sir, I can explain that. {36344}{36399}No, I can't. {36401}{36466}We were very hungry, sir. {36468}{36562}- The report says there was a brawl.|- More of a... scuffle, sir. {36574}{36699}- You're lucky you didn't kill those men.|- Now, we were very careful about that. {36727}{36784}What am I supposed to do|with you people? {36786}{36851}General, I can't tell you how sorry we are. {36880}{36933}But... Carter wanted a steak... {36936}{37026}- Actually, it was your idea, sir.|- My point is, General,... {37029}{37138}..that we were defying orders didn't occur|to us until we were actually... defying. {37141}{37254}It's like the armbands are having an effect|on our ability to make rational choices. {37256}{37338}General Hammond, I have a message|from the Tok'ra High Council. {37340}{37403}- What?|- I reported on the experiment... {37405}{37464}..and they have made a suggestion. {37466}{37538}- Regarding...?|- The High Council proposes... {37541}{37609}..putting SG-1's new skills|to practical use. {37618}{37679}Yesss... Sir. {37716}{37786}- What are they suggesting?|- We just received news... {37788}{37859}..of a new class of battleship|that Apophis is building. {37861}{37908}Just received? {37910}{37994}Our internal attempt at sabotage|has already failed. {37996}{38074}However, based on our intelligence,|a covert team could... {38077}{38126}You've known all along. {38129}{38188}- Excuse me?|- This was the point, wasn't it? {38236}{38283}(as Freya) General, I assure you... {38285}{38390}I've been at this a long time and I know|damn well when I'm being manipulated. {38394}{38445}I realise how this must look. {38448}{38542}- But in the interests of our alliance...|- Don't give me that load of bunk. {38548}{38638}Right now, I don't think the Tok'ra|have my people's best interest in mind. {38643}{38756}General, believe this: if Apophis|is allowed to complete this battleship,... {38759}{38845}..it will assure his dominance|over the Goa'uld, your planet... {38848}{38907}..and the rest of this galaxy. {38949}{39015}(as Anise) The High Council|will be disappointed. {39017}{39130}I have downloaded all we know|about the battleship into your computer. {39133}{39190}Hopefully, you will review it|and reconsider. {39193}{39244}- General, if I may...|- No, you may not. {39274}{39331}Take them back to the lockup. {39334}{39405}For what it's worth,|I'm ordering you to cooperate. {39823}{39872}Dismissed. {39956}{40011}Let's have a look. {40259}{40318}So you think we have a problem here? {40383}{40508}This new vessel has many advancements|over previous Goa'uld mother ships. {40544}{40649}- We must stop its completion.|- I can't send SG-1 on such a mission,... {40652}{40730}..knowing their judgment is impaired. {40794}{40847}I will go alone, then. {40850}{40957}According to the Tok'ra intelligence,|the gate on that planet is heavily guarded. {40959}{41008}I doubt even you could make it through. {41011}{41099}- Apophis must not complete this vessel.|- Let's say I agree, Teal'c. {41102}{41163}Prove to me it isn't a suicide mission. {41392}{41461}The gate will be heavily guarded,|but we can handle it. {41463}{41557}Wormhole physics dictate that you exit|at the same velocity that you enter. {41559}{41653}- They won't know what hit 'em.|- The facility will be more of a challenge. {41656}{41715}Can't we just zip in, plant C4 and zip out? {41717}{41855}No. The ship's power core is sealed in|trinium. That's what we have to take out. {41874}{42018}Hang on. The power core is linked to a|liquid cooling system based in the facility. {42032}{42131}- These pipes lead into it.|- So we zip in, blow the pipes and zip out. {42141}{42196}The core will overheat and explode. {42199}{42287}The problem is, force shields|are protecting this restricted area. {42291}{42329}So? {42331}{42372}So... {42441}{42496}I see your point. {42566}{42644}Goa'uld force shields operate|by frequency oscillation. {42646}{42695}If we were moving fast enough,... {42698}{42792}..we should see the oscillation interval|and run right through. {42904}{42959}We'll need snacks. {43307}{43342}(moans) {43529}{43576}(alarm) {43808}{43857}Let's go. {43946}{43995}(buzzer) {44051}{44100}O'Neill! {44151}{44188}Not this time, Teal'c. {44443}{44533}- Gate's open, sir.|- Shut her down. Get the blast doors open. {44536}{44601}I can't, sir. I'm locked out of the system. {44636}{44687}Medical team to the Control Room. {44987}{45036}Onak, kree! {45698}{45747}Argh! {46276}{46325}It takes two guys to carry that? {46328}{46397}Weapons-grade naqahdah|is extremely dense. {46469}{46568}D'you know how many naqahdah reactors|a single bar like that could power? {46570}{46606}- No.|- A lot! {46608}{46669}I'll get it. Meet you back here. {46983}{47048}- Wow. Sir, is it hot?|- A little bit. {47050}{47107}- You all right?|- Fine. {47151}{47237}The force shields should be...|somewhere around here. {47359}{47408}It's up. {47549}{47577}Whoa. {47764}{47813}- Five minutes.|- Right. {47816}{47918}After the cooling system stops, it takes 10|minutes for the power core to go critical. {47920}{47973}Gives us 15 minutes|to get back to the gate. {47975}{48024}Whatever. {48137}{48190}(Carter) Did you get the naqahdah? {48224}{48281}(breathlessly) It's in the pack. {48284}{48333}Good. Let's go. {48336}{48420}Actually, it's, uh... it's getting kinda heavy. {48456}{48505}(thud) {48598}{48643}Daniel? {48688}{48737}- What's going on?|- I can't move. {49021}{49087}The armbands are going to|come off on their own? {49089}{49204}Data transmitted from their bio-sensors|before they went through the Stargate... {49207}{49279}..indicate traces of an antibody. {49289}{49396}To the virus... that allowed the devices|to enhance their speed and strength. {49398}{49472}We've solved the mystery|of the Ataniks' extinction. {49475}{49565}- How so?|- The armbands work for a limited time. {49576}{49685}Once the immunity spread among Atanik|warriors, the armbands would be useless. {49687}{49796}- I guess they never solved the problem.|- Which means SG-1 is likely on a planet... {49798}{49895}..full of armed Jaffa with an advantage|that could disappear at any time? {49897}{49934}Yes, sir. {50046}{50112}General, for what it's worth,|Anise and I are sorry. {50114}{50204}We were not aware of the mission|prior to our arrival here. {50281}{50346}(as Anise) I do hope SG-1 returns safely. {50459}{50508}Hak! Kree! {50644}{50724}All right. You got us. Don't... "kree". {51100}{51186}It seems my assistance|was required after all. {51189}{51238}Yes. Thank you. {51241}{51323}- What happened?|- You passed out. Your armband came off. {51375}{51506}We gotta move. Teal'c, get Daniel|back through the gate. Carter, with me. {51686}{51735}(siren) {52038}{52087}(Carter moans) {52251}{52296}Carter? {53528}{53577}Where are they? {53611}{53670}They should have been right behind us. {53673}{53722}Continue on, Daniel Jackson. {54154}{54199}Sir? {54307}{54342}Colonel? {54344}{54393}(groans) {54576}{54625}Should've brought more snacks. {54683}{54746}I don't think that would've helped. {54769}{54818}01 .56. {54984}{55041}Sir, you've gotta get outta here. {55044}{55093}So do you. {55118}{55188}I am not leaving, Daniel Jackson. {55190}{55255}Well, I'm not suggesting we should. {55266}{55332}- There is no way in there to help them.|- No. {55739}{55839}Ten minutes after that C4 goes,|this whole mountain is gonna explode. {55841}{55898}I am aware of that. {55940}{56040}So the fact that we're staying is based|on a completely informed decision. {56076}{56125}It is. {56128}{56177}Yeah. Just making sure. {56346}{56381}Sir... {56386}{56435}Sir, there's no time. {56438}{56497}(movement ofarmour) {56544}{56593}(siren) {56645}{56694}Here goes. {56832}{56881}(explosion) {56957}{57016}- Did you see that?|- Let's go! {57045}{57094}Carter, forget that! Leave it! {57207}{57256}The shield is down. {57328}{57387}Come on, let's go! Move! Move! Move! {57390}{57511}- I told you guys to get back to that gate!|- Yeah. Teal'c wouldn't leave. {57649}{57698}Less than a minute! {57782}{57823}Down! {59031}{59080}(alarm) {59686}{59758}Just remember, I retired.|You wanted me back. {59788}{59866}- (Hammond) Colonel, are you all OK?|- I think so. {59869}{59941}- We will be.|- I am very well, General Hammond. {59980}{60029}What happened? {60032}{60095}The damn armbands fell off|is what happened. {60097}{60146}I am sorry. {60149}{60227}- Did you destroy the ship?|- Indeed we did, General Hammond. {60230}{60279}Good. Report to the infirmary. {60282}{60325}Uh, General... Sir? {60383}{60454}About the obviously impending|court martials... {60456}{60590}You were under the influence of an alien|technology. That's a pretty solid defence. {60592}{60641}Even so, I'm... {60657}{60720}- I'm sorry.|- Me, too. {60726}{60775}Me three. {60848}{60897}I have no need to apologise. {60925}{60994}Teal'c was actually following orders. {61020}{61061}Of course he was. {61069}{61128}You left the armbands behind. {61131}{61202}- We had other things on our mind.|- Understandable. {61204}{61253}Colonel? {61275}{61365}Anise and I both hope we can|work together again in the future. {61367}{61408}Both of you? {61528}{61593}Can't wait for that. {63345}{63390}Visiontext Subtitles: Doreen Trenerry