{452}{565}Hundreds of villages|like this one have paused... {567}{690}..to celebrate the transportation|of our people to this great new land. {731}{819}We are especially honoured today... {821}{928}..by the presence of those responsible|for finding this planet for us... {930}{1014}..and saving us from certain doom. {1048}{1097}How can we ever repay them? {1099}{1189}By not boring them with|long speeches, Hedrazar. {1280}{1339}I meant what I said. {1342}{1455}- You are all heroes to my people.|- It was our pleasure. {1458}{1515}When my grandchild arrives,... {1517}{1638}..it will be the first Enkaran|to be born in our new homeland. {1664}{1738}We will name the child after you, Colonel. {1847}{1910}Eliam, it's getting cold. {1912}{1982}It seems to be getting colder|since you last visited. {1984}{2062}Our atmospheric-monitoring|equipment is indicating that. {2064}{2132}We only had a short time|to assess the conditions,... {2134}{2224}..but it appears you may be in for|a more severe winter than we predicted. {2227}{2305}We are a hearty people. We will survive. {2307}{2378}The naqahdah reactor|should provide enough energy... {2380}{2437}..to heat your new city for a year. {2505}{2583}Well, you've certainly|accomplished a lot already. {2585}{2651}And it has only been|but one cycle of the moon. {2653}{2753}Come back in a year and you|will find this planet transformed. {2755}{2837}Help! Help me, please! {2840}{2922}- What is it?|- It is Caleb. He comes from the west. {3058}{3206}It's so big. It destroyed our whole village!|You must all flee! {3208}{3298}What are you talking about?|Caleb, catch your breath. {3330}{3397}- It comes this way.|- What does? {3440}{3499}You must see it. {3639}{3700}There. {3703}{3742}Whoa. {4027}{4086}What is it? {6249}{6325}We estimate the ship to be|about two miles in diameter. {6327}{6432}The curtain of energy it's using to sweep|the landscape stretches for over 20 miles. {6435}{6507}It seems to be depositing|an unknown gas-like substance... {6509}{6570}..that is spreading|like a wake behind the ship. {6573}{6680}It extends beyond the range of the UAV,|but it appears to cover hundreds of miles. {6682}{6735}Teal'c hasn't seen the technology before. {6738}{6820}We're waiting for the analysis|of the atmospheric samples,... {6822}{6904}..but you can see the damage being done. {6979}{7080}There don't appear to be any|recognisable markings on the ship. {7082}{7148}It would appear that|whoever's in control... {7150}{7224}..doesn't have the intention|of attacking the Enkarans. {7226}{7275}Why do you say that? {7278}{7350}It just seems it would be|a more direct approach. {7352}{7424}- What difference does it make?|- The colonel is right. {7426}{7564}Based on the ship's speed, I estimate it'll|take 26 hours to reach Hedrazar's village. {7566}{7623}But it'll take out the Stargate first. {7626}{7733}- Can we evacuate the Enkarans in time?|- Teal'c's preppin' 'em right now. {7735}{7784}The concern is where to send them. {7787}{7885}Even low levels of radiation|can cause the Enkarans to go blind. {7887}{7979}Without the density of ozone on|this particular planet, they'll all die. {7982}{8062}The only planet with similar|conditions is their home world. {8064}{8148}According to Enkaran verbal history,|there's no Stargate there. {8151}{8221}The Goa'uld kidnapped|their ancestors with ships. {8223}{8287}Even if we had transport,|the Enkarans of today... {8289}{8355}..would have no concept|of where that planet is. {8357}{8464}I'll put SG-5, 6 and 9 out|looking for another suitable planet. {8491}{8562}It's doubtful they'll find one in time, sir. {8601}{8695}How long can we keep the Enkarans|here on Earth in the meantime? {8697}{8791}A matter of days. Their condition would|degrade the longer they were here. {8794}{8901}There are thousands of them outside|Hedrazar's village, spread a fair distance. {8903}{9020}It took us two weeks to transplant them|to P5S-381 in the first place. {9055}{9149}The point is, General,|we could never save them all. {9493}{9559}Hey. Whaddaya got? {9561}{9612}The atmosphere in the wake of the ship... {9614}{9700}..shows a high incidence|of sulphur dioxide. {9703}{9808}- Chemical warfare?|- I don't think so, sir. Take a look at this. {9937}{9982}Oh, yeah. {9985}{10059}Little... fuzzy orange things. {10061}{10122}- They're microbes, sir.|- Ah. {10125}{10201}The alien ship is depositing them|on the planet surface. {10204}{10296}As near as I can tell, they bond with|sulphur leeched out of the soil,... {10299}{10383}..and when they decay|they release sulphur dioxide. {10401}{10487}So the big, mean alien ship|is trying to stink up the planet? {10490}{10531}It's a bit more than that. {10534}{10645}The microbes are only deposited after|all native organisms have been destroyed. {10647}{10704}I think they're meant to replace them. {10706}{10836}If I'm correct, we're looking at the first|building blocks of an alien ecosystem. {10838}{10868}It's a terraformer? {10870}{10972}It's changing the environment to support|an entirely different kind of life. {10974}{11046}An organic system based|on sulphur instead of carbon. {11049}{11123}If it's allowed to continue,|the whole planet will be remade? {11126}{11218}All I know is that the atmosphere|on the other side of that energy curtain... {11220}{11294}..will not support life as we know it. {11747}{11837}- What's goin' on?|- They do not wish to leave, O'Neill. {12236}{12330}- Teal'c says you don't wanna go.|- If we go with you to Earth... {12333}{12442}..and you cannot find another world on|which we could live, we will die there. {12445}{12542}- Give us a chance.|- Is there time to take every Enkaran? {12579}{12613}No. {12615}{12722}- We cannot leave our people behind.|- Look, I understand how you feel... {12724}{12818}Generations ago our ancestors were|kidnapped from their home world... {12820}{12883}..and taken away in giant ships. {12885}{13002}Since then we have all prayed|for a place that we could call home. {13004}{13106}- Thanks to you, we have found it.|- We must stay here and fight for it. {13108}{13194}- With what?|- Have you not weapons to aid us? {13256}{13342}We're gonna try to communicate|with whoever's on that ship first. {13344}{13434}- Clearly they intend to destroy us.|- We don't know anything for sure. {13437}{13614}I know that if the Enkaran people are to|die, then we shall all die here, together. {13988}{14059}Transmitter's operational.|Let's hope we get a bite. {14061}{14143}Think a well-placed stinger|would do some damage? {14145}{14217}We have no way of knowing|what the ship's made of, sir. {14219}{14315}- Or if it possesses shield technology.|- Ah, just fantasising. {14317}{14420}Any intelligence capable of engineering|that thing has to be capable of reason. {14423}{14472}The question is, will they listen? {14475}{14544}No, the real question is|will they have ears? {14752}{14813}Somebody heard something. {15009}{15091}It appears to be a storage|facility of some kind. {15131}{15215}I'm going to assume|we're on board that ship. {15389}{15460}It's strange. The aliens|went to so much trouble... {15462}{15597}..to change the atmosphere of the planet,|yet the air in here is perfectly breathable. {15675}{15734}They were expecting us. {15930}{15987}- Carter?|- Sir? {15989}{16069}Should we really be opening|drawers and things? {16174}{16233}What did I just say? {16264}{16313}Sorry. {16634}{16704}Looks like some kind of tissue sample. {16727}{16798}- Of what?|- I'm not sure. {16800}{16869}Ship's terraforming the planet, right? {16871}{16953}What if these are the life forms|it's creating the environment for? {16956}{17048}- Recreating an entire civilisation.|- Millions of samples... {17050}{17186}So... every one of|these things is... a what? {17188}{17247}- Plant, animal, insect...|- Alien? {17280}{17360}- Who knows?|- It's still just a guess. {17363}{17422}(man) A good one. {17574}{17633}I am Lotan. {17680}{17731}You need not fear me. {17779}{17877}Yeah. Listen,|what's goin' on around here? {17879}{17959}I have been assembled in order|to facilitate communication... {17961}{18049}..between this "ship",|as you call it, and yourselves. {18087}{18115}Assembled? {18117}{18236}I am a biomechanical representation|of the beings now occupying this planet. {18238}{18318}When they were encountered,|several Enkarans were scanned. {18321}{18389}A randomised but similar|appearance was selected. {18391}{18450}Wait a second. That was yesterday. {18452}{18546}The ship analysed a new life form|and created a replicant in one day? {18549}{18598}Yes. {18640}{18683}Fascinating design. {18685}{18767}I suppose that explains|why you look like an Enkaran. {18770}{18829}Sort of. {18900}{18984}- You are not.|- No, we're from a planet called Earth. {18987}{19110}Major Samantha Carter. Daniel Jackson.|This is Jack O'Neill and this is Teal'c. {19164}{19264}Actually, we're friends of the people|your ship seems bent on wiping out. {19266}{19330}Yes, that is unfortunate. {19395}{19465}I was created to deliver|a message to them. {19467}{19526}However, by the time I was completed, {19529}{19590}the Enkarans seemed|to have disappeared. {19592}{19664}Yeah, see, that's called "running away". {19667}{19747}What one does|to avoid being slaughtered. {19773}{19865}There are still quite a few|Enkarans living on the planet. {19886}{19983}Since you are friends of the Enkarans,|would you deliver the message to them? {19985}{20030}That would depend. {20032}{20096}When the transformation|process was begun,... {20098}{20159}..there were no|sentient life forms present. {20161}{20245}- Yeah, well, there are now.|- Yes. {20248}{20330}Unfortunately, once the process|has begun, it must be completed. {20332}{20461}Someone went to the trouble of making|you, just to say "Tough luck, get out"? {20524}{20598}We wish no harm|to come to the Enkarans. {20600}{20682}However, examination of|their physiology has determined... {20685}{20763}..that they cannot exist|in the transformed environment. {20766}{20835}So stop transforming. {20876}{21026}- If I can just try and get the point across...|- I know what the point is. He's a PR guy. {21045}{21117}I think we should be talking to your boss. {21145}{21227}Assumption of hierarchal|command structure. {21230}{21287}Interesting. {21316}{21365}Follow me. {21732}{21795}The ship is fully automated. {21868}{21956}The beings that built it|are called the Gad-Meer. {22135}{22196}Not exactly ET. {22238}{22340}They placed all of their knowledge|within the ship's memory. {22342}{22426}Science, mathematics,|medicine, art, philosophy... {22429}{22509}Ten thousand years of civilisation. {22512}{22571}This is their legacy. {22613}{22697}They were a very advanced race|compared to the Enkarans. {22699}{22793}However, they were also... peaceful,... {22824}{22895}..and fell victim|to a superior military power. {22897}{23000}So they built this ship in the hopes|that their world would be born again,... {23003}{23062}..far from the reach of their enemies. {23065}{23193}This is, uh, this is fascinating.|I'd love a chance to study some of that. {23195}{23262}I can provide you with translations. {23284}{23348}Your language is simple by comparison. {23350}{23407}Excuse me. {23409}{23468}About why we're here? {23502}{23590}The ship has only enough raw material|to transform one planet. {23592}{23686}Now the transformation has been|started, it must be finished here,... {23689}{23802}..or the entire Gad-Meer civilisation|will be lost for ever. {23805}{23879}The Enkarans must leave or they will die. {23905}{24018}- Now, see, right there we got a problem.|- The Enkarans cannot leave. {24021}{24146}Their lives depend on the very rare|conditions that are unique to this planet. {24148}{24197}That is unfortunate. {24288}{24345}That's it? {24347}{24431}Please explain the situation|to the Enkarans. {24453}{24502}(Carter) But... {24756}{24805}They're back. {24852}{24918}Well? Did you speak with the aliens? {24949}{25002}In a way. {25004}{25065}It did not go well. {25142}{25207}No. It didn't. {25495}{25608}The tests on the alien microbes show that|they are also vulnerable to UV radiation. {25611}{25681}That's probably why|they chose this planet. {25683}{25779}- The dense ozone layer.|- Among other things, I'm sure. {25781}{25873}The same conditions that make|P5S-381 ideal for the Enkarans... {25876}{25952}..make it ideal for the transformation. {25954}{26038}Can this information be used|to stop the alien ship? {26069}{26128}I'm not sure how, sir. {26131}{26225}That's assuming we have|a right to stop them at all. {26227}{26307}- Excuse me?|- Not to be insensitive to the Enkarans,... {26310}{26404}..but we'd be interfering with|the rebirth of an entire civilisation. {26406}{26498}If you believe Lotan, an incredibly|advanced, civilised and peaceful one. {26500}{26623}- So the best society wins here?|- No, I wasn't saying that. {26625}{26738}We're talkin' about freeze-dried aliens|whose civilisation was lost long ago. {26741}{26829}- The Enkarans are there now.|- I don't want anything to happen to them. {26831}{26913}Could this robot be convinced|to delay the transformation... {26916}{26981}..long enough for us|to relocate the Enkarans? {26983}{27067}- Robot's a robot, sir.|- He's basically just a messenger, sir. {27069}{27211}But he was created in the image of the|Enkarans so that they could relate to him. {27213}{27285}- Now, that could work to our advantage.|- How? {27288}{27386}Well, it might make him|more sympathetic to their plight. {27388}{27447}It's a robot. {27469}{27528}He is an incredibly|advanced alien creation. {27531}{27631}We shouldn't just assume that|he's incapable of reason or feelings. {27633}{27709}Well, he didn't seem|very concerned with helping. {27712}{27798}If he's capable of learning, we might|get him outside his programming. {27800}{27878}What if he isn't and we can't? {27880}{27941}What do you propose, Colonel? {27943}{28019}I say we throw everything|we've got at that ship. {28022}{28139}I'm sorry. I can't authorise|a military strike in this situation, Colonel. {28142}{28280}Look, General, I apologise if this seems|to have taken on a personal edge for me. {28282}{28350}But we spent months|getting to know these people. {28352}{28409}They trusted us, and we screwed up. {28412}{28533}I understand your feeling.|We've all invested a lot in this operation. {28536}{28614}No one wants to see it|end up badly for the Enkarans. {28617}{28730}But you're not gonna give me|any effective weapons or personnel. {28732}{28797}Find another way out of this. {28864}{28923}Dismissed. {29355}{29414}The alien ship draws closer. {29622}{29694}Hedrazar, you can still save|the people of your village. {29697}{29812}Our resolve has not changed. We will|not abandon the rest of our people. {29815}{29891}Did General Hammond|not authorise troops and weapons? {29893}{29927}No, he didn't. {29929}{30013}You brought us here. We trusted you|when you told us it was safe. {30015}{30083}- I know.|- You gave us technology to build cities,... {30085}{30181}..to provide heat.|Have you not any way to stop the ship? {30486}{30560}- How much naqahdah is in that reactor?|- Sir? {30563}{30647}- What are you doing?|- Thinking. Don't worry about it too much. {30650}{30734}Of a way to blow up the ship? I'm not|sure that's what Hammond had in mind. {30737}{30807}They're gonna stand there and die. {30854}{30975}It's a no-win situation. We're not gonna sit|around and watch them get slaughtered. {30977}{31051}- You'd blow up that ship?|- Give me another choice. {31053}{31176}- Well, I don't have one at the moment...|- Apparently time is a factor here. {31341}{31398}How do you make a naqahdah bomb? {31452}{31544}Well, sir, the reactor was designed|to prevent exactly that kind... {31546}{31579}Carter. {31666}{31758}Theoretically,|if I created a feedback loop,... {31760}{31852}..the energy would build up|instead of being released. {31855}{31916}It would be a big explosion, sir. {31934}{31983}Big enough? {32008}{32057}I think so. {32079}{32217}Carter... I'm making a choice|to help these people. {32219}{32313}But if you don't make that bomb,|I'm out of options. {32355}{32400}I know. {32403}{32473}So I have to order you to do it. {32530}{32579}Yes, sir. {33093}{33196}- How controlled is this gonna be?|- The blast will be aimed upward. {33198}{33303}This ridge should protect the village,|but this is as close as I would put it. {33305}{33381}I've modified this remote|to start the feedback loop. {33384}{33487}About a minute after you press|the button, the reactor should blow. {33490}{33576}- Ship's ETA?|- About five-zero minutes, sir. {33578}{33637}But we should detonate|before it's overhead. {33640}{33738}There's no telling what|that energy beam will do to the reactor. {33740}{33805}- OK.|- There's one more thing, sir. {33836}{33905}Once you detonate the reactor,|there's no turning back. {33907}{33958}The overload can't be stopped. {34012}{34061}All right. {34430}{34483}Daniel Jackson? {34557}{34624}- You do not plan on staying?|- No, actually. {34626}{34704}I'm gonna go try to talk to Lotan. {34706}{34790}If you warn Lotan of our plan,|it will prove ineffectual. {34792}{34917}I won't give anything away. I just wanna|try to prevent it from being necessary. {34937}{35005}Should you not wait for|the return of Colonel O'Neill? {35007}{35151}He asked me to give him another choice,|so technically I'm following an order. {36187}{36252}- Hello, Daniel Jackson.|- Hi. {36304}{36376}Are the Enkarans|going to leave the planet? {36420}{36523}Actually, the Enkarans|have nowhere else to go. {36560}{36642}That is... tough luck. {36691}{36781}While you were gone, I breathed some|of the sulphur-based environment... {36784}{36862}..being created by the ship. {36865}{36930}- How is it?|- Not good. {37036}{37074}(discordant noise) {37076}{37181}This music has not been heard|in over a thousand years. {37250}{37332}- It's nice.|- It sounds very unpleasant to me. {37351}{37400}Really? {37428}{37520}- Yes. This is not how it should sound.|- (noise stops) {37606}{37721}- How so?|- It seems the design of your ears,... {37723}{37791}..my ears, is not meant for it. {37824}{37873}Um... {37941}{38062}To be honest with you, I'm here to see|if you'll consider alternate solutions... {38064}{38134}..to the problem faced by the Enkarans. {38143}{38243}I am not programmed to solve|the problem faced by the Enkarans. {38245}{38294}Right. {38345}{38483}Let me ask you something. What will|happen to you when this is all over? {38485}{38569}I will be reintegrated|into the ship's systems. {38572}{38625}You mean you'll die? {38627}{38703}Yes, I suppose that is one interpretation. {38737}{38864}- Do you wanna die?|- What I want is irrelevant. {38866}{38913}Wouldn't you like to experience... {38916}{39021}..what it's like to be an Enkaran|before you're reintegrated? {39023}{39109}See some of the planet before|it's completely transformed, and... {39111}{39197}- ..maybe even meet the people?|- For what purpose? {39199}{39277}It might help you consider|alternate solutions. {39312}{39371}I'm not programmed|for alternate solutions. {39373}{39445}The ship will continue the process|without you, correct? {39447}{39523}Yes. As I have said,|its function is fully automated. {39526}{39656}Well, there. Then no harm done.|We'll just... we'll have a look around. {40199}{40268}Sir, no disrespect intended,... {40270}{40356}..but I have doubts as to whether|or not we're doing the right thing. {40358}{40442}What is that, Carter? The right thing? {40444}{40518}We brought these people here.|They depend on us. {40520}{40600}- What else are we gonna do?|- I don't know. {40602}{40674}- Do you wanna talk me outta this?|- Yes, sir. {40887}{40946}- Stay in contact.|- Yes, sir. {41327}{41421}The air is not as pure|as that created for me on the ship. {41423}{41495}It's definitely... different. {41565}{41639}- This is better.|- I agree. {41783}{41838}These are trees. {41865}{41912}Yes. {41914}{42013}Anywhere there's oxygen|you're sure to find... trees. {42015}{42122}They're... kind of like nature's air filters. {42198}{42309}- Their design is most interesting.|- So is their function. {42504}{42590}Daniel Jackson has gone|to speak with Lotan. {42592}{42678}- Did you try to stop him?|- I do not disagree with his intentions. {42681}{42749}You do know we're gonna|try and blow up that ship? {42751}{42823}I am aware of that. As is Daniel Jackson. {42880}{42939}Daniel? {42941}{43008}- Daniel, come in.|- I read you, Jack. {43010}{43076}Tell me, tell me you're not on that ship! {43125}{43170}OK, I'm not on the ship. {43236}{43320}- What are you doin', Daniel?|- I'm talking to Lotan. {43371}{43484}- Is he gonna tell him about the bomb?|- He said he would not reveal our plan. {43493}{43544}Sir, we only have 15 minutes. {43601}{43670}Daniel, do you know what time it is? {43672}{43748}I am trying to give you another choice. {43750}{43793}What? {43795}{43889}Hang on. We're on our way back|to the village. Over and out. {43978}{44044}You have disobeyed your superior. {44079}{44150}No, not... exactly. {44180}{44266}- You are not fulfilling your function.|- That's not true. {44268}{44408}I'm just... I'm choosing the best way|to fulfil my true function. {44410}{44548}Hierarchal command structures don't|allow you to consider all of the options. {44572}{44627}I see. {44630}{44702}Let's, um... Iet's go to the village. {44955}{44985}Daniel? {44988}{45052}Lotan wanted to meet the Enkarans. {45105}{45160}(Carter) Ten minutes, sir. {45244}{45293}Hello, Dr Jackson. {45308}{45353}Hello, Eliam. {45356}{45405}This is Lotan. {45476}{45560}He looks Enkaran.|But I have not met him before. {45615}{45701}Lotan is a representative|of the aliens who built the ship. {45703}{45824}He was created in your image in order to|better communicate the danger you're in. {45827}{45917}- Yet he does not stop it.|- No. {45919}{45984}Lotan, this is Eliam. {46034}{46147}This is his wife Nikka, and this|is Hedrazar, the leader of the village. {46286}{46357}Are you able to see the lives|that will be extinguished... {46359}{46425}..if your ship continues its current path? {46427}{46486}Yes, Lotan is aware of that. {46541}{46615}She is without sight. {46651}{46758}It was happening to them on the planet|when we first met. They were dying. {46760}{46848}This is the only planet we could find|where we knew they could survive. {46851}{46954}- I am aware of their physiological needs.|- Yes, of course. {47016}{47067}That one is going to give birth. {47069}{47120}Yes. To a new Enkaran life. {47123}{47213}There will be no Enkaran life at all|if your ship does not stop. {47215}{47282}I think we're all aware of the situation. {47284}{47393}Yes. You have brought me here|to elicit sympathy for these people. {47395}{47479}Well, actually they're|your people in a way, Lotan. {47482}{47537}You were created in their image. {47539}{47615}I was not created to prevent|their demise, Daniel Jackson. {47618}{47739}- But... don't you wish you could?|- The ship calls me back. {47742}{47793}- Why?|- I must go. {47795}{47865}- Take me with you.|- No. Daniel, no! {47963}{48059}- Five minutes, sir.|- Lotan took Daniel back onto the ship. {48061}{48139}- What?! Sir...|- He asked to go. {48142}{48239}Well, what are we gonna do, sir?|The ship is almost in position. {48402}{48490}The ship has detected an unusual device. {48493}{48596}It appears to be capable|of emitting great amounts of energy. {48675}{48823}Is this device intended to try and stop the|ship, as the Enkaran Eliam suggested? {48825}{48891}Look, I don't agree|with what they're doing,... {48893}{48981}..but I also don't wanna see you|wipe out those people. {48983}{49067}If they will not leave,|there is no other option. {49123}{49182}Ship is in position, sir. {49501}{49572}If you're gonna do it,|you have to do it now. {49680}{49768}Daniel Jackson|has made his choice, O'Neill. {50060}{50109}Yeah. {50496}{50566}The device has entered an active state. {50591}{50679}Lotan, if you wanted to,|can you stop the ship? {50717}{50787}- As I have said...|- Yes, it's not about what you want. {50789}{50896}Please, just answer the question.|Can you stop the ship? {50899}{51020}- It would be possible, yes.|- OK. Then think about this. {51023}{51152}Think about the people down there and|all the life that you will be destroying. {51154}{51234}I am programmed to serve|the life on this ship. {51420}{51520}You say that they were an advanced|civilisation, 10,000 years of history? {51522}{51559}Yes. {51561}{51627}- They had laws, justice?|- Yes. {51629}{51678}- A respect for life?|- Yes. {51680}{51797}Then how can their world be re-created|through an act of mass murder? {51830}{51927}Wouldn't that be a betrayal|of everything they stood for? {51954}{52023}You said you were made to communicate. {52060}{52113}You're not here to serve life on this ship. {52116}{52206}You're here to protect|the integrity of life on this ship. {52223}{52282}There's a big difference. {52319}{52444}Are you really fulfilling your true|function by allowing this to happen? {52704}{52769}60 seconds to detonation. {52923}{52982}The ship has stopped, O'Neill. {53083}{53149}(whispers) The ship has stopped. {53162}{53232}Daniel must've gotten through to him. {53287}{53394}Daniel, if you can hear me,|you've got 30 seconds. {53397}{53467}Three zero. Over. {53469}{53539}Um, about that device... {53575}{53675}- It is still active.|- Yes. Can you do anything about that? {53837}{53900}- Do you know how to deactivate it?|- No. {53924}{53981}- Intriguing design.|- Uh, yeah. {53984}{54117}- Lotan, we really don't have time for this.|- How much time do we have? {54128}{54196}Five, four, three,... {54213}{54272}..two, one. {54522}{54614}- What is going on?|- The ship remains. {54812}{54863}A powerful explosive. {54866}{54934}We were desperate. {54936}{54997}The conflict remains unresolved. {54999}{55095}I must eventually resume the|transformation process on this planet,... {55097}{55204}- ..or the Gad-Meer civilisation will be lost.|- I know. {55324}{55414}Many millions of planets were scanned... {55417}{55519}..to match the right conditions|for the transformation. {55548}{55618}Only one met the specifications. {55668}{55762}Just out of curiosity,|were any others even close? {55765}{55857}2,634 parameters had to be|exactly right in order for... {55859}{55964}For the transformation process.|Yes, but what about for the Enkarans? {55966}{56015}I do not understand. {56017}{56086}Maybe they don't need|exactly the same environment... {56088}{56157}..as the transformation process,|just a similar one. {56159}{56295}You know their physiology. Do any of|the planets scanned match their needs? {56458}{56507}Here. {56585}{56677}This planet would be|appropriate for the Enkarans. {56819}{56942}I regret that I did not consider|this possibility, Daniel Jackson. {56945}{57023}Well, you would've|gotten there eventually. {57050}{57163}This planet was rejected because three|of the parameters were not correct. {57166}{57266}The core temperature was too warm,|the size was too large,... {57286}{57389}..and there were intelligent|life forms already present. {57392}{57443}Intelligent life forms? {57515}{57609}Based on the description,|I believe they were Enkaran. {57910}{57974}So, what shall we do now? {58032}{58091}- What is it?|- It's OK. {58093}{58152}Don't, uh... don't be afraid. {58335}{58386}What's goin' on? {58388}{58462}Lotan would like|to offer you a compromise. {58465}{58537}The ship has expended too many|of the resources needed... {58539}{58629}..for the transformation process|to begin again on another planet. {58632}{58693}I require that you give up this world. {58759}{58825}How is that a compromise? {58827}{58909}We found the original|Enkaran home world. {59002}{59039}- What?|- How? {59041}{59148}It was one of several million planets|scanned by the ship before this one. {59151}{59283}It was rejected partly because of|the presence of intelligent life forms. {59285}{59375}- He's telling us this now?|- Well, he didn't know. {59378}{59493}And technically he's just a day|and a half old, so give him a break. {59531}{59640}We will gladly accept this offer|to return to the home of our ancestors. {59668}{59760}- How do we get them there?|- Their home world has no Stargate. {59854}{59982}Well, actually I have this friend with a big|spaceship who's willing to take them. {60040}{60122}- Is this possible?|- Yes. {60125}{60222}Once you are safely to your home planet,|I will be reintegrated into the ship,... {60224}{60302}..and the ship will return|to complete the transformation. {60304}{60446}Does that have to happen? The part|about you being reintegrated? {60499}{60587}- What other option is there?|- But you are Enkaran. {60589}{60652}You must stay with us. {60734}{60818}That is not contrary to my programming. {60916}{61027}Lotan says thank you,|he'd like that very much. {61107}{61230}Spread the word among the villages.|We are going home! {62857}{62966}Visiontext Subtitles: Michael Callaghan