{310}{367}Does anyone know|what this meeting's about? {369}{500}No. I hope it's important. I was translating|the cuneiform tablet we found on P30-255. {502}{565}I have to finish recalibrating|MALP sensors... {567}{645}..for long-term reconnaissance|on P5X-3D7. {647}{710}I was unable to complete my kelno'reem. {734}{810}I was just about to do|something important. {869}{928}All right, people. As you were. {931}{990}We have ourselves a situation. {1004}{1103}Early this morning|at approximately 0400 hours... {1105}{1189}..the base switchboard|received the following call. {1192}{1268}(man) Hello. This is a message|for Colonel Jack O'Neill... {1271}{1320}..and anyone else who's listening in. {1323}{1430}I know this call is being monitored,|but don't bother to set up a trace. {1433}{1501}I'm at a phone booth in Butte,|Montana. I'll be long gone... {1503}{1606}..before yourBlack Ops teams can get|here. You're not dealing with an amateur. {1608}{1711}I know all about Roswell|and the Kennedy cover-ups, and the... {1713}{1772}(fast-forward) {1775}{1842}He goes on like that for a while. {1862}{1958}..and the CIA-sanctioned|microwave harassment, and the... {1971}{2020}Quite a while. {2023}{2072}(fast-forward) {2137}{2184}..and the lizardpeople,... {2187}{2277}..but the point is none ofthese|compare to your little secret, Colonel. {2280}{2374}I'm talking about a large circular|object, discovered in Egypt,... {2377}{2475}..currently residing in a missile silo|under Cheyenne Mountain. {2477}{2545}I believe you call it the Stargate. {2547}{2625}And now that I've got|yourattention, I want to meet. {2628}{2747}Tomorrow, 11am, at the new|Cloverleafrestaurant in Billings. {2750}{2811}And, Colonel - come alone. {2927}{2976}Interesting. {3009}{3066}It would appear security|has been breached. {3068}{3175}I wanna know who this man is. I wanna|know how he got his information,... {3178}{3247}..and I want to know|who he's been talking to. {3249}{3306}You leave in half an hour. {5425}{5480}Colonel O'Neill? {5499}{5587}- Yeah.|- Sorry I'm late. I think I was followed. {5640}{5712}- You sure?|- Yeah. But don't worry. {5715}{5812}- I managed to lose 'em.|- Very professional. {5814}{5896}- What's your name?|- You can call me Martin. {5899}{5965}OK, Martin. What's this about? {5967}{6043}If you don't mind, before we get started... {6204}{6267}Just like to check you for transmitters. {6323}{6372}OK. {6403}{6452}You're clean. {6594}{6672}You understand a man in my position|has to take precautions. {6674}{6731}Yeah. You never know who's listening. {6734}{6828}Exactly. I don't know about you,|but I always feel like I'm being watched. {6831}{6896}Come on, Martin, let's get to it.|What's goin' on? {6898}{6992}- You know as well as I do, Colonel.|- I don't. {7136}{7245}OK, here we go. If he's got a driver's|licence we should be able to find him. {7247}{7377}I've never been on a stakeout. Shouldn't|we have doughnuts or something? {7413}{7464}A top-secret government programme... {7466}{7542}..involving instantaneous travel|to other solar systems... {7544}{7614}..by means of a device|known as a Stargate. {7634}{7745}Sounds like a good idea for a TV show.|If you're into that sort of thing. {7764}{7871}Colonel, let's not play games. If it isn't|true, why would you come all this way? {7873}{7928}OK. The truth. {7955}{8054}There is a top-secret government|programme called Project Stargate. {8056}{8155}- I knew it!|- But it's nothing to do with space travel. {8157}{8210}What does it have to do with? {8213}{8262}Magnets. {8289}{8369}- What the hell is that supposed to mean?|- I've already said too much. {8372}{8471}- You're not taking this seriously.|- No, I'm not. {8484}{8535}- I need help.|- Why? What seems to be... {8537}{8602}I have to go through the Stargate. {8604}{8672}- Marty, I don't...|- No. I mean it. {8674}{8737}I've come to realise|that I don't belong here. {8739}{8848}For the longest time I was obsessed|with all those alien conspiracies. {8852}{8936}Crop circles, cow mutilations,|the Apollo cover-up... {8938}{8989}I thought the lunar landings were a hoax. {8991}{9062}No! That was a story|created by the government... {9064}{9152}..to direct attention from the real cover-up.|Everybody knows that. {9155}{9291}Anyway, one day I'm on line|and I find this conspiracy chat room,... {9293}{9367}..and they're talking about|something called the Stargate. {9370}{9498}Most of it was disinformation,|but the word "Stargate" stuck in my head. {9500}{9594}It triggered what I later realised|was a suppressed memory. {9612}{9756}You see, Colonel O'Neill, the truth is,|I'm not just interested in outer space... {9774}{9829}I'm from outer space. {9952}{9978}Check. {10001}{10062}(Carter) We got something. {10108}{10151}That's him. Martin Lloyd. {10154}{10224}Brown hair, hazel eyes. {10276}{10381}He has a criminal record. He was arrested|for protesting outside a TV station. {10384}{10489}He claimed subliminal advertising|was controlling his thoughts. {10518}{10565}- Do you have an address?|- Oh, yeah. {10568}{10658}I could get the prescription|of his glasses if I wanted. {10684}{10807}- You still don't believe me? I'm an alien.|- You look pretty human to me. {10810}{10942}No. What I believe is that thousands of|years ago people were taken from Earth. {10947}{11046}Maybe as part of some experiment,|maybe as slaves... Who knows? {11048}{11130}But the point is there are|entire civilisations up there... {11132}{11204}..descended from those original humans. {11213}{11291}- Now that's just crazy talk.|- You want proof? {11337}{11409}I can give you proof.|I can show you my ship. {11472}{11531}Look, Marty, I'm a busy man... {11533}{11627}..and you don't strike me as any|great threat to national security... {11727}{11796}But, as you know,|it never hurts to be thorough. {11798}{11851}So... {11854}{11911}..show me. {12210}{12259}It's just over the next ridge. {12261}{12347}The ship's mostly buried,|but I know exactly where it is. {12350}{12457}Marty, what makes you think|you can trust me with all this? {12460}{12538}I can't explain it, Colonel.|I just have a gut feeling. {12540}{12616}Like... we have something in common. {12619}{12693}Well, that's very flattering.|But I'm not an alien. {12695}{12754}Oh, I know that. It's somethin' else. {12787}{12836}Here. Up here. {13296}{13378}- This is it.|- Nice place. {13506}{13555}Hello? {13987}{14036}Oh, boy. {14191}{14271}Something tells me we don't|need to worry about this guy. {14273}{14380}Except for the fact that he happens|to be very close to the truth. {14515}{14562}He looks familiar. {14565}{14614}(toy gun noises) {14633}{14721}It would appear this weapon is ineffective. {15340}{15399}Oh, hello. {15401}{15483}Sam, you're gonna wanna|take a look at this. {15643}{15702}Whoa. That's quite a collection. {15714}{15808}Tranquillisers, antidepressants,|antipsychotics... {15811}{15901}Looks like he was being treated|for a number of psychiatric problems. {15903}{15967}Yeah. Why doesn't that surprise me? {16114}{16181}Marty, we've been walkin'|around for half an hour. {16183}{16302}I don't understand it. The clearing where I|landed should be round here somewhere. {16305}{16356}How do you lose a spaceship? {16359}{16453}Well, my memory isn't so good.|Sometimes I get a little confused. {16455}{16531}- I think it might be the medication.|- Well, there you go. {16533}{16599}Listen. I'm goin' back to the car. {16601}{16679}No, wait! You can't. Please.|It's around here, I know it is. {16682}{16780}Marty, listen! There is no spaceship.|You're not an alien. {16782}{16866}- You don't understand!|- I get that a lot. {17007}{17075}Come on. I'll drive you back to town. {17233}{17331}- Find anything?|- Oh, yeah. It's a diary. Take a look at this. {17389}{17508}"April 12th. Someone's been going|through my garbage. Suspect CIA." {17511}{17657}"May 2nd. Comb missing. Suspect CIA|stole it to acquire genetic identification." {17659}{17776}"June 26th. Comb found behind dresser.|Disposed of it in case of tampering." {17779}{17834}"Bought new comb,|39 cents at Shop-More." {17836}{17965}I'm telling you, this is a complete waste of|time. This guy's got paranoid delusions. {18185}{18238}What've we got? {18241}{18304}Activity in the house. {18376}{18427}Looks like Martin's got visitors. {18429}{18581}That's not all. See the big guy? Watch|what happens when I go to thermal scan. {18856}{18922}Definitely not human. {19194}{19260}- Come in.|- Sir... {19303}{19403}I have the results of the tests done on|the medication from Martin's house. {19405}{19514}- That was fast.|- Preliminary analysis done in Montana. {19516}{19610}- There are some anomalies.|- Meaning? {19626}{19698}Several unidentifiable|chemicals were present. {19700}{19768}I believe that the drugs|may have been tampered with. {19770}{19825}- For what purpose?|- I can't say. {19828}{19910}For all we know, the medication|may be the cause of his delusions. {19913}{20053}- I'll mention that to Colonel O'Neill.|- The psychiatrist's name is on the label. {20061}{20112}Your phone call piqued my curiosity. {20115}{20216}I don't often get requests for information|from the military. {20218}{20329}Well, this concerns a particular|patient of yours. Martin Lloyd? {20332}{20426}I see. Of course you understand|that doctor-patient privilege... {20428}{20483}..prohibits me from discussing clients. {20485}{20552}This is a matter of national|security, Dr Tanner. {20554}{20613}That privilege doesn't exist in this case. {20615}{20720}National security, involving Martin?|I find that hard to believe. {20724}{20769}Why do you say that? {20771}{20869}Let's put it this way. People like|Martin sometimes compensate... {20871}{20959}..for feelings of insignificance|by creating elaborate fantasies... {20962}{21046}..in which they are the centre|and focus of all attention. {21048}{21173}Though usually harmless, they often try|and draw others into their delusions. {21176}{21244}That's what's happened here. {21552}{21601}(rumbling) {21604}{21653}(man hums) {21681}{21722}(clunk) {21724}{21773}(rumbling dies down) {22340}{22391}- (knock at door)|- Colonel O'Neill? {22393}{22460}Colonel O'Neill, are you in there? {22648}{22736}- Martin?|- Please, I have to see you. {22867}{22951}So good you're here.|You have no idea what's... {23001}{23116}- Who's he?|- Uh, my friend. Murray. {23169}{23222}- You trust him?|- Oh, yeah. {23263}{23372}- I guess it's OK for me, then.|- Good. Glad you're comfortable. {23445}{23521}Don't you wanna know how I found you? {23523}{23586}Uh... OK. {23620}{23735}I noticed in your car there was a map|from the Sleep-Rite motel chain. {23737}{23823}- I checked every one in town.|- There's two. {23853}{23962}I'm surprised a man in your position|wouldn't do more to maintain your cover. {23964}{24038}Marty, I'm not undercover. {24094}{24194}You think I'm makin' this all up.|Look at this. {24369}{24501}- Yes... It all makes sense now(!)|- I leaned it against the inside of my door. {24503}{24616}When I got home it was on the ground,|meaning someone was there. {24618}{24706}If you prop it up against the inside|of the door, how do you get out? {24709}{24820}Through the window. Think I'm|so stupid I go out my own front door? {24822}{24933}- So you leave the window unlocked?|- Yeah. But I put a hair on the windowsill. {24936}{25004}- Now if that's gone when I get back...|- Marty... {25006}{25080}The point is someone was there!|They're after me. {25083}{25175}You have to help me. Please.|I'm running out of time. {25177}{25273}- What do you want?|- I wanna go home. {25275}{25351}You have to take me through the Stargate. {25380}{25501}Martin may be delusional, but there are|still some unanswered questions here. {25504}{25584}- Such as?|- Well, he's taking a lot of medication. {25592}{25676}- No more than necessary.|- Doxepin, haloperidol,... {25678}{25748}- ..perphenazine, lithium, Valium...|- Major, please. {25750}{25836}I don't have time to discuss|the benefits of psychopharmacology. {25838}{25889}This interview is over. {25891}{26014}Dr Tanner, we obtained samples of|Martin's medication and ran an analysis. {26017}{26107}Apparently the drugs have been laced|with indeterminate chemicals. {26109}{26199}- That's absurd. It must be some mistake.|- The tests were very thorough. {26202}{26294}I just write the prescriptions.|I don't make the drugs. {26296}{26396}We're not accusing you of anything.|We're just looking for answers. {26398}{26480}You realise this investigation|will only fuel Martin's paranoia. {26483}{26534}We don't have a choice. {26536}{26647}And we are gonna get to the bottom|of this with or without your help. {26679}{26740}I... don't know what else I can tell you. {26744}{26872}Does he have any friends or relatives|we can contact? Anyone else? {27236}{27297}This is his work address. {27432}{27495}It's the best I can do. {27542}{27618}I knew it would come to this.|They're gonna do tests on me,... {27621}{27726}..then dissect me like one of those|demented school biology experiments! {27729}{27782}- Marty, take it easy.|- I wanna go home. {27785}{27834}Sit! {27933}{28056}You gotta relax. Nobody's gonna|do anything to you, I promise. {28097}{28210}Now if, and I stress the word if,|there is such a thing,... {28212}{28327}..what makes you think your way home|is through this Stargate? {28329}{28355}I... {28357}{28499}I don't know. I, uh...|I get these ideas. Flashes. {28513}{28634}It's a little confusing, actually. I don't|even know for sure why I wanna go. {28641}{28762}It's just... a feeling.|Like I'm somebodythere. {28765}{28839}Like there's something|important for me to do there,... {28842}{28914}..more important than anything I do here. {28917}{28976}Can I have a glass of water? {29010}{29059}Yeah. {29536}{29597}Let me see those. {29714}{29759}You should go easy on this. {29762}{29848}- But...|- Just for a while. Trust me. {29896}{29974}- What about the symbols?|- What symbols? {29987}{30098}It's one of the things I see in the flashes.|There's seven of them. {30100}{30161}I wrote them down. {30819}{30868}Hello? {30898}{30980}- This is the place?|- Yeah. {31002}{31065}This is the address he gave us. {31095}{31144}It, uh... {31160}{31295}It doesn't really look like anybody's|place of work. There's no one here. {31462}{31529}Except for the guys with guns. {31766}{31844}Just cos I'm from another planet|I don't have rights? {31847}{31917}Doesn't the Geneva Convention|cover extraterrestrials? {31919}{31997}I have to remember|to go on line and look that up. {32020}{32067}Carter's not answering her phone. {32069}{32137}- Should they not have contacted us?|- Yep. {32144}{32238}You know, I think it would be a good idea|if I took some of my medication now. {32241}{32307}- I don't think so.|- If I go too long without it,... {32309}{32373}..l tend to get a little... nervous. {32436}{32493}No, really. {32556}{32615}Marty, sit down. {32635}{32727}Let's... talk about these symbols. {32739}{32864}- They mean somethin', don't they?|- I need you to think very carefully. {32887}{32959}- Where did you see them?|- I told you, I have these visions. {32962}{33031}I don't know where they come from. {33067}{33145}Maybe it has somethin'|to do with my implant. {33151}{33206}- Excuse me?|- They put an implant in my head. {33209}{33295}I always thought|they were sending me signals. {33335}{33392}To whom are you referring? {33394}{33472}You know: them. The secret government. {33538}{33620}The New World Order.|Black helicopters, underground bases... {33623}{33691}- Don't you read the papers?|- Marty, for God's sake! {33693}{33754}My neurologist didn't believe me either. {33756}{33902}But that's only because the implant is so|small it can't be read on a normal X-ray. {34000}{34057}All right, this is goin' nowhere. {34077}{34186}I'm gonna go look for Carter and Daniel.|Keep an eye on him. {34317}{34378}Hey... Where you goin'? {34458}{34507}Murray... {34816}{34877}OK, let's keep this simple. {34901}{34977}- Who are you?|- Who are you? {34980}{35060}The guys with the guns, which|means you answer ourquestions. {35063}{35129}So once again, who are you? {35145}{35223}I'm Dr Daniel Jackson.|This is Major Samantha Carter. {35225}{35307}- We're with the air force.|- What are you doing here? {35310}{35365}Classified. {35368}{35467}- What do you know about Martin Lloyd?|- Never heard of him. {35469}{35534}You were conducting|an illegal search in his house. {35536}{35606}No, we weren't. {35665}{35778}So who are you guys really? CIA? NID? {35847}{35919}What do you know about Martin Lloyd? {36661}{36724}- Can I come out yet?|- No. {36948}{37069}Psychiatrist's office was completely|empty, like no one had ever been there. {37088}{37166}- So what now, O'Neill?|- I got some people on it. {37266}{37369}- Where's Marty?|- He was insistent on having medication. {37372}{37425}(knock) Uh, Murray? {37437}{37573}Listen, I'm really sorry I tried to bite you,|and I realise it's totally out of line,... {37576}{37670}..but I was wondering if maybe|I could come out now? {37735}{37867}Or I could just stay in here.|That's good too. {37892}{37951}It's just I'm gettin' a little dizzy. {37954}{38067}I don't get it. How does a nut job like that|get a set of gate coordinates? {38077}{38126}(thud) {38209}{38258}Marty? {38328}{38392}Martin! You all right? {38495}{38544}Oh, crap! {38547}{38592}Marty! Marty! {38594}{38643}Come on, Marty! {38646}{38751}In hindsight, perhaps we should have|given him his medication, O'Neill. {38754}{38803}Colonel... {38841}{38910}I remember where my ship is. {39028}{39139}We know you were in Martin's house|because we have you on video. {39176}{39243}What can you tell us about him? {39279}{39328}- He's an associate.|- We know that. {39331}{39440}- We also know he's not from round here.|- Not from Montana? {39484}{39556}I think you know what I mean. {39664}{39783}We should've turned left at the bottom|of the ravine instead of turning right. {39883}{39950}Do you now believe Martin|about his spaceship? {39952}{40073}No. But he's the closest thing we've got|to a lead on Carter and Daniel. {40132}{40195}After you, Murray. {40275}{40320}This is it! {40323}{40397}I told you! This is the clearing. {40417}{40528}The ship is around here somewhere,|but remember, it's mostly buried,... {40531}{40603}..so keep your eyes open|and watch your step. {40754}{40803}This is it! {40861}{40966}I knew it was here.|I knew it! I'm not crazy. {41400}{41497}The material the object is made from|is definitely not terrestrial. {41499}{41581}We used sonar to get|the general size and shape. {41584}{41701}And I've enhanced the image by|extrapolating from the exposed portion. {41703}{41834}It should look something like this.|It's approximately 16 feet by 10 feet. {41843}{41892}That's not right. {41894}{41965}It's too small. That can't be my ship. {41990}{42111}- There's another ship out there?|- Could it be an escape pod? {42139}{42188}That's it! {42209}{42270}There must've been|some kind of malfunction. {42273}{42363}We abandoned the ship|and came down in the pod! {42366}{42446}We? There's more of you? {42492}{42553}- How many more?|- I'm not sure. {42555}{42676}It can't be too many, sir. From the size of|that thing, I'd say four, maybe five max. {42679}{42810}All this time I thought the governmentwas|watching me. What if it was the others? {42824}{42881}What would these others want? {42883}{43027}I don't know. Maybe they're afraid.|They don't want to be exposed. {43039}{43123}If that is the case, these others|may indeed be responsible... {43126}{43233}..for the disappearance|of Daniel Jackson and Major Carter. {43287}{43398}So you're telling me this man|is an ordinary technical sergeant? {43405}{43508}- I wouldn't say ordinary.|- He's very good at what he does. {43513}{43582}What's his area of expertise? {43619}{43678}Speech writer. {43813}{43866}What about this? {43868}{43929}That's very good.|Did you draw that yourself? {43931}{44003}- What is it?|- That's a duck, isn't it? {44473}{44534}We'll just wait here. {44637}{44736}Our home world was under attack.|We were sent out to find allies,... {44738}{44834}..but when we got here we realised|you weren't advanced enough to help us. {44836}{44887}Well, we have our moments. {44889}{44960}The enemy was too powerful.|They wanted to make us slaves. {44962}{45069}They wanted us|to worship them like gods. {45127}{45229}- The Goa'uld.|- Yes. That's it! {45316}{45357}Show him. {45360}{45432}The enemy of which you speak|enslaved my people,... {45435}{45569}..murdered my father, and banished|my wife and child from our people. {45571}{45657}I am branded with the symbol|of this false god. {45660}{45694}Murray! {45696}{45792}Colonel? We've completed the radiation|sweep. We're ready to open the hatch. {45794}{45876}- All right, let's do it.|- Wait, wait! You can't. {45879}{45936}The pod has remote sensors. {45939}{46041}If you penetrate the hull,|they're gonna know about it. {46064}{46163}Perhaps this can be used|to our advantage, O'Neill. {46305}{46391}I don't get this. These guys|know what a symbiote is,... {46394}{46497}..but if they were really NID they'd know|that Teal'c isn't a security threat. {46499}{46579}I don't know. That's why I hate|workin' for the government. {46582}{46666}Every department has its own agenda,|its own little secrets. {46668}{46733}Very true, Dr Jackson. {46858}{46930}Oh, yeah. Yup.|Didn't see that one coming(!) {46932}{47010}I understand your|reluctance to cooperate. {47012}{47117}In situations like this, information|is on a need-to-know basis. {47119}{47230}The fact of the matter is,|we're running out of time. {47245}{47319}I'm running out of patience. {47322}{47386}And I really need to know. {47516}{47596}You're not a real doctor, are you? {47598}{47647}(beeping) {47737}{47825}Looks like the experiment's|been discovered. What do we do? {47832}{47887}Get the van. {47952}{48038}- We're going for a ride?|- Not exactly. {48225}{48317}This is not a good idea.|Did I mention this is not a good idea? {48320}{48406}I don't exactly appreciate|being used as bait. {48424}{48527}Hang in there, Marty.|And stop talking into your lapel. {48536}{48626}Oh, it's easy for you guys,|all nice and cosy back in your van,... {48629}{48690}..eating your crullers and your bear claws. {48706}{48790}I'm the one standing out here risking my... {48792}{48845}We got company. {48848}{48953}I must say, Martin,|this is very disappointing. {48956}{49007}Stopped yourmedication, didn't you? {49014}{49121}I'm not crazy, and you're not|a psychiatrist. You see this? {49123}{49199}This is what brought us here.|I know it. I remember now. {49203}{49295}Martin, you've really made|a mess of things this time. {49836}{49914}Nice van. What do you call that colour?|Kind of a greyish-green? {49917}{49966}Just get in. {50312}{50361}All right, they're movin'. {50444}{50559}- So you gonna drug me again?|- Well, obviously that didn't work. {50562}{50650}I'm afraid we're gonna have|to take more drastic measures. {50717}{50766}You're not gonna kill me. {50769}{50830}You know how manypeople|know about this now? {50832}{50922}What about Major Carterand DrJackson?|You gonna kill all ofus? {50945}{51011}We're gonna do what we have to do. {51102}{51242}This isn't right. I know you - all of you.|We were on the ship together. {51253}{51347}We're soldiers, not murderers. That's why|you drugged me instead of killin' me. {51349}{51423}- Martin...|- It's not too late. {51454}{51517}Our people are at war. They need us. {51519}{51630}Martin, I hate to see you like this.|You were my best agent. {51632}{51741}I was never any kind of agent! You're just|saying that cos you think I'm bugged. {51743}{51815}- Well, aren't you?|- No, ofcourse not! {51825}{51934}This whole government agency thing -|it'sjust a cover. {51945}{52017}We're all really aliens, right? {52019}{52122}With all the secrecy and all the lies,|it's easy to get confused. {52142}{52222}I'm not confused. I know who I am. {52249}{52377}Why don't you just admit who we are?|We can all just go home. {52429}{52499}They have a Stargate! {52692}{52757}They stopped. Get to 'em. {53301}{53373}Seal off the area. No one in or out. {53914}{53975}- (whispers) Carter?|- Sir? {54058}{54105}You all right? {54107}{54146}Yeah. {54211}{54266}(clanking inside) {54548}{54622}Oh, Murray. Am I glad to see you! {54625}{54674}Oh! {54702}{54782}- Where are your friends?|- I'm not sure. {54785}{54900}- Sergeant, any sign of the targets?|- Negative, sir. {54902}{54986}- They just disappeared?|- They're aliens, right? {54988}{55057}I have more evidence. Look. {55086}{55147}- What's that?|- A mobile computing device. {55149}{55258}I snuck it out of Tanner's bag.|It has multiple functions, see? {55342}{55393}Uh-oh. {55396}{55465}- What?|- Guys, we better get out of here. {55467}{55533}This thing is countin' down! {55588}{55641}(O'Neill) Clear the area! {56043}{56096}Well? {56099}{56231}That's weird. I'm sure this is a countdown|for some sort of detonation. {57210}{57267}Exactly! This is just like I remember. {57361}{57429}Chevron seven is locked. {57576}{57687}- He was right. It's an active gate.|- Sending the MALP through. {57990}{58107}I remember everything now.|There was no malfunction. {58125}{58176}What are you talkin' about? {58178}{58305}When we abandoned the ship, we did it|deliberately. We were losing the war. {58336}{58393}We're deserters. {58406}{58477}After a while I realised|what we'd done wrong. {58479}{58561}I wanted to go home,|but the others were afraid. {58573}{58630}So they gave you the drugs. {58663}{58799}They're not... bad guys.|They're just hiding. {58848}{58922}(Carter) Receiving MALP telemetry. {59109}{59193}You're gonna...|hunt them down, aren't you? {59229}{59334}- Not me.|- But the military, the government? {59361}{59433}I don't think anyone's gonna find 'em. {59496}{59578}- General Hammond says you're a go.|- Really? {59580}{59666}Yeah. It's safe, but, uh...|you're not gonna like it. {60780}{60841}They were right. {60886}{60962}If we'd gone back, we'd be dead now. {61061}{61153}- I'm sorry, Martin.|- So now what? {61238}{61295}We go home. {61594}{61651}(Stargate opens) {62857}{62966}Visiontext Subtitles: Michael Callaghan