{480}{582}- Father, he's coming.|- Yes, I know. You are not to be here. {584}{647}- But father...|- Go. Now. {995}{1061}After all this time, it is really you. {1085}{1134}Ma'kar of the Gomai foothills. {1180}{1229}Teal'c. {1327}{1386}You are the one called Rak'nor. {1441}{1519}- It is an honour to finally meet you.|- And I you. {1779}{1838}We have heard much|of your return to Chulak. {1842}{1930}It is time for Jaffa to stop|whispering about freedom... {1933}{1984}..and begin to show our true power. {1987}{2077}A power we can only hope|is greater than that of the gods. {2080}{2141}False gods. {2162}{2242}Their power is real,|and stronger than ever. {2244}{2318}Even Heru-ur and the other|System Lords now fear Apophis. {2321}{2407}- He commands the vast army of Sokar.|- An army of Jaffa. {2415}{2517}You know of what happened here|on Chulak, at the hands of Apophis. {2519}{2585}Yes, I know how many were slaughtered. {2587}{2681}But I also know that those left alive|are ready to rise against him. {2684}{2791}Jaffa are the foundation upon which|the false gods have built their empires. {2794}{2880}- We can tear them down.|- But we will have to fight our own kind. {2885}{2983}As the Goa'uld have forced us to do in|their name for countless generations. {2985}{3049}Only now, we will fight for|the freedom of all Jaffa. {3051}{3129}Rak'nor has the loyalty of|a great many here on Chulak. {3136}{3203}So Bra'tac has heard from you,|and I from him. {3255}{3357}It is the word of our friend Ma'kar|that has brought me here this night. {3359}{3428}In their hearts,|many Jaffa believe as we do. {3449}{3523}Those with the strength|and the courage must speak out. {3525}{3578}We must fear the Goa'uld no longer. {3610}{3686}Those who wish to join|our cause must be united. {3705}{3785}Kol'na of the high cliffs|and Hak'nor of the Cordai plains... {3787}{3869}..have already agreed to meet|at the Chamka groves tomorrow. {3897}{3969}Then I will meet with them as well. {4015}{4112}And this blasphemous rebellion|will finally be crushed. {4155}{4204}Hashak kree. {4452}{4499}Shol'va. {6764}{6813}Receiving IDC transmission. {6829}{6903}- It's the Tok'ra.|- Open the iris. {7098}{7162}- Teal'c?|- Tok'ra. {7164}{7213}Too bad. {7237}{7354}There's no traveller en route, sir.|However, a transmission is being sent. {7356}{7405}Looks like my vacation is over. {7508}{7592}Thanks to Tanith, the Tok'ra|intercepted this conversation... {7594}{7647}..between Apophis and Heru-ur. {7649}{7702}It took place less than an hour ago. {7713}{7762}(distorted voice) {7881}{7936}It sounds like they've agreed to meet. {7939}{8048}(as Selmak) Currently, Heru-ur is allied|with the System Lords against Apophis. {8059}{8129}- Or so the System Lords presume.|- Exactly. {8131}{8186}An alliance between|Apophis and Heru-ur... {8189}{8252}..could overwhelm|all the other System Lords. {8254}{8295}And that would be bad? {8298}{8359}One enemy is easier to target than many. {8378}{8443}Our spies believe Apophis|agreed to the meeting... {8445}{8535}..because he would use this alliance|to topple the System Lords,... {8537}{8600}..after which he will deal with Heru-ur. {8617}{8687}- If he succeeds...|- Galactic badness. Huge. {8694}{8778}- So what do we do?|- Find a way to sabotage the alliance. {8845}{8933}(Selmak) Dr Jackson, have you seen|symbols like this before? {8949}{9021}Looks similar to Phoenician letters,|but I can't be sure. {9024}{9077}We believe it is a technical manual. {9080}{9168}None of our Tok'ra linguists|could translate it. {9234}{9336}Excuse my denseness, but what|does this have to do with anything? {9343}{9437}The hatred and mistrust between Apophis|and Heru-ur goes back a long time. {9440}{9569}- If we can get them to fight each other...|- They both control the largest armies. {9571}{9632}A war between them would|decimate both sides... {9634}{9706}..and return the balance of power|to the System Lords,... {9708}{9811}..which for now is much more preferable|to one all-powerful Goa'uld. {9817}{9994}I think I've got it. It's three to the blue,|four to the orange, and three to the blue. {9999}{10085}That sounds like some sort of|colour-coded combination for a lock. {10088}{10156}Excellent. We may have a chance now. {10175}{10288}- If you will accompany me...|- Ah! Wait a minute. Hold it right there. {10291}{10400}If you're about to say you'll explain|along the way, I'm gonna lose it. {10403}{10474}I've about had it with the way|the Tok'ra do business. {10476}{10579}I wanna know exactly what we're dealing|with here, every mission detail,... {10582}{10643}..or we go nowhere. {10677}{10728}(as Jacob) I was gonna tell you, Jack. {10792}{10841}OK. Never mind. {10950}{11047}The meeting will take place in a region|of space known as the Tobin system. {11049}{11162}The Tobin civilisation began on earth and|has been extinct for several centuries,... {11164}{11281}..but one of their legacies is the|equivalent of a large minefield in space. {11292}{11353}As close as you can get|to neutral territory, sir. {11360}{11434}The mines, designed to protect|the planet, will hone in... {11436}{11528}..on various energy signatures,|including that of Goa'uld weaponry. {11530}{11639}If Heru-ur or Apophis decided to open fire,|they would be destroyed by the mines. {11641}{11690}We'll take the cargo ship I came in. {11693}{11767}If we leave now, we can get|there before the meeting,... {11769}{11841}..and reprogram a mine|to target Apophis's ship. {11846}{11926}- So you think Heru-ur is behind it.|- Exactly. {11929}{12032}The problem is that the mines are in|constant motion, repositioning randomly. {12035}{12098}So how can you reprogram one? {12100}{12168}That's a little bit of a concern for me, sir. {12186}{12241}The mines have sophisticated engines... {12244}{12312}..that are unaffected|by gravitational conditions. {12314}{12417}We should be able to safely use the cargo|ship's rings to pull a mine inside. {12419}{12501}At which point, I'll pilot the ship|to match its movement. {12504}{12607}The Tok'ra have what they believe is|the Tobin manual for how the mines work. {12610}{12686}Aspects of the translation|have previously eluded us. {12689}{12783}Now, with Dr Jackson's help, we can use|the manual to reprogram the mine... {12785}{12861}..to hone in on a specific|energy signature. {12864}{12954}One of our operators on Apophis's|ship will have planted a beacon... {12956}{13017}..that will broadcast that energy signature. {13019}{13122}The mine thinks Apophis's ship is firing a|weapon, moves towards it and explodes. {13129}{13186}Sounds very risky. {13188}{13245}"Insane" might be another word. {13259}{13372}I'll need Dr Jackson, and there may be|some complicated calculations,... {13374}{13439}..so Sam would be a big help, too. {13498}{13531}(clears throat) {13533}{13619}Of course, Colonel O'Neill|is always fun to have around. {13699}{13775}- The timing is critical, George.|- Then you have a go. {14595}{14669}Do not think your punishment|is over, shol'va. {14671}{14720}Back away! {14746}{14816}Welcome, Teal'c. I am Terok. {14845}{14894}(yells) {14955}{15070}Who do you suppose|is more well known among Jaffa? {15115}{15164}You? {15192}{15218}Or l? {15221}{15280}- Terok or the shol'va?|- Many know of Teal'c,... {15283}{15330}..but all Jaffa fear you, my Lord. {15333}{15427}After all, I have been around|much, much longer. {15481}{15579}And from the looks of things, I will|be around long after you are gone. {15802}{15890}From this moment on,|every tear you shed... {15976}{16025}..will be recorded... {16062}{16154}..so that all Jaffa,|alive now and for evermore,... {16185}{16316}..will see how weak and powerless|the great and mighty Teal'c really was... {16318}{16367}..before he died. {16435}{16565}They will see how he came to understand|how wrong he was about the Goa'uld. {16603}{16718}We will see you pray to the gods|for forgiveness... {16720}{16804}..and beg to be granted|an honourable death. {16835}{16886}Never. {16889}{17008}Let us not argue about the future. {17046}{17091}(screams) {17285}{17334}- Where is he?|- He's on 18. {17350}{17426}Jacob, do you really think|the Goa'uld are stupid enough... {17429}{17480}..to fire on each other in a minefield? {17483}{17577}No. We don't want them to. The goal|is to get them into an all-out war,... {17580}{17677}- ..where their fleets will be weakened.|- Do you think that's gonna happen? {17679}{17763}If he were ambushed by Heru-ur,|Apophis would most likely retreat. {17766}{17873}But his next move will be to order|his armies to attack Heru-ur's planet. {17969}{18041}- What are you doing?|- I could use a hand here. {18044}{18087}Sure you've got everything? {18089}{18146}Can you reprogram a mine|with no translation? {18149}{18194}- Thought of a laptop?|- I have one. {18196}{18319}I couldn't find Beck's Ancient Phoenician|Symbology on CD at Archaeology.com. {18757}{18808}Still go with the gold, huh? {18852}{18936}- Did you do something different here?|- I had the bulkhead removed. {18939}{19052}Once we've moved the mine inside, we're|gonna need all the room we can get. {19085}{19138}What about the escape pods? {19156}{19213}If that mine touches anything in here,... {19215}{19286}..the escape pods aren't|gonna do us any good. {19338}{19362}Oh. {19845}{19894}Do you understand any of that? {19919}{19968}It's all Phoenician to me, sir. {20168}{20229}Drink. It is only water. {20279}{20343}Do you not drink because|you wish to die sooner? {20467}{20528}It is not recording now. {20530}{20608}You will not appear weak|by quenching your thirst. {20661}{20772}You know Terok will not let you die before|he has gotten what he wants from you. {20824}{20904}I swear on my father's name|that this is only water. {21040}{21087}What is the name of your father? {21113}{21218}Swearing on his name means nothing|if you do not know who he was. {21222}{21288}My father was called Delnor. {21345}{21408}- I know that name.|- When you were first prime,... {21410}{21500}..you spared his life|after Apophis ordered him killed. {21502}{21539}I remember. {21541}{21639}When you turned against Apophis,|my father believed it was a sign. {21641}{21725}He spoke out against the gods|and supported you. {21727}{21801}He seared the mark of the serpent|from my forehead. {21804}{21851}He... {21854}{21920}- He said I was free.|- You are. {21947}{22062}Other Jaffa warriors also began to believe.|Like my father, they followed Bra'tac,... {22065}{22147}..who said what you had done|would begin a Jaffa rebellion. {22172}{22285}He said that one day, all Jaffa would be|free from enslavement by the Goa'uld. {22288}{22355}- He spoke the truth.|- No, it was blasphemy. {22357}{22441}The Goa'uld are gods. Look at yourself|now. Why will you not admit it? {22444}{22495}Why do you not believe|as your father did? {22499}{22577}My father believes nothing any more.|He is dead. {22580}{22712}My father was a stupid fool. And Apophis|killed my whole family because of it. {22714}{22829}He who died himself and was reborn|returned to slay Sokar. {22831}{22907}He, with the power to slaughter|millions in an instant,... {22910}{22986}..who commands the greatest|army the Goa'uld have known,... {22989}{23040}..how can he be anything but a god? {23094}{23188}I was fortunate enough to realise|that in time to save myself. {23260}{23321}Listen to Rak'nor, Teal'c. {23454}{23513}No one can save you but yourself. {23676}{23750}Not even Bra'tac lasted this long. {23856}{23930}With pitiful tears|streaming down his face,... {23974}{24039}..he admitted we were all-powerful gods. {24044}{24174}- He would die first.|- He did die, Teal'c... but not first. {24181}{24230}First, he prayed to me. {24256}{24367}He prayed to the Goa'uld|for forgiveness,... {24441}{24494}..as you will. {25025}{25095}(screams) {25764}{25825}We've reached the Tobin system. {25891}{25950}Wow. That's a lot of mines. {25953}{26006}Hundreds of thousands. {26008}{26078}(Jacob) Prepare to activate the rings. {26324}{26406}Jacob. What's with the... ear thing? {26413}{26532}It's a heads-up display to help me fly the|ship while keeping the mine in the hold. {26621}{26678}And how hard is that gonna be? {26694}{26805}Considering what I have|to avoid out there... hard. {27560}{27609}Clear the rings. {27926}{27975}Now, Sam. {28229}{28278}All right, get on it. {28681}{28730}Uh-oh. {28744}{28793}What? {28836}{28900}Don't you recognise the symbols? {28947}{28996}What symbols? {29077}{29188}Save yourself, Teal'c. It is not too late. {29262}{29321}(Terok roars) {29519}{29585}One second longer,|and you would be dead. {29725}{29797}Why admit the Goa'uld are gods? {29881}{29965}Why do I waste my time? {30103}{30152}Because it is the truth. {30363}{30420}I do this for one reason. {30423}{30480}Not to break you. {30483}{30538}Not to torture you. {30560}{30619}I do this to save you. {30658}{30781}Maybe you do not fear me,|or even death itself,... {30783}{30882}..but you should fear|what awaits beyond if you die this way. {31045}{31096}Sha mel kalak. {31139}{31208}Say what needs to be said... {31221}{31383}..to deliver your soul and the souls of|all those that have embraced your sin. {31519}{31595}Kree shac, chel nok. {31598}{31686}(Terok roars) {32227}{32325}There should be a panel that opens|and allows access to the inside. {32327}{32372}Try underneath. {32375}{32515}I think there's something here, Dad,|but can you raise the bomb any higher? {32684}{32748}(Carter)|It looks like a circle with a cross in it. {32750}{32791}Uh... that could be it. {32844}{32938}- OK, what do I do?|- I'm pretty sure you touch it. {32940}{32973}"Pretty sure"? {32975}{33076}The last time a Tok'ra was sent to attempt|this, they were never heard from again. {33104}{33170}- Well, that's news.|- No, I think that's it. {33190}{33239}You "think". {33271}{33343}OK, I'm... I'm... sure that's it. {33550}{33599}- Wait, wait, wait.|- Hey! {33604}{33669}No, sorry. That's it. I'm sure. {34183}{34254}Don't touch it anywhere|but inside the opening. {34331}{34386}Daniel, what do these mean? {34479}{34576}Those indicate the various frequencies|that the mine is sensitive to. {34592}{34674}So we need to erase them all|and input only the one we want. {34680}{34729}Right. {34774}{34839}How long is this gonna take, kids? {34841}{34890}I have no idea. {35358}{35413}Terok grows frustrated by you. {35431}{35511}He thought he was recording|my humiliation. {35513}{35584}Instead, he was only recording his own. {35589}{35675}Do you not believe your soul|will be forever punished? {35723}{35772}The Goa'uld are parasites. {35803}{35910}They use Jaffa as incubators until|they are ready to take human hosts. {35977}{36053}I have seen the world|from which they originated. {36100}{36203}I have stood beside the swamps|from which they first rose. {36213}{36277}They are really flesh and blood,|just like you or l. {36279}{36342}- Lies.|- Why would I lie? {36356}{36421}If there was a chance|that they were gods,... {36423}{36530}..if I thought my soul would be|forever punished, why would I lie? {36588}{36639}They have manipulated our bodies. {36642}{36736}So, too, are they manipulating|our minds with false beliefs. {36739}{36800}You believe this so strongly|you would die in sin? {36804}{36944}I believe it so strongly that I fight to live|with every last bit of strength that I have. {36946}{37028}So that one day, enough Jaffa|will believe as I do. {37068}{37170}Enough to end the Goa'uld,|and free us all for ever. {37393}{37479}OK. Three to the blue. {37492}{37590}- Which way is blue?|- That's a good question. {37679}{37732}OK. Clockwise is blue. {37734}{37791}Three notches. {37924}{37973}OK. Four to the orange. {38273}{38322}Three to the blue. {38382}{38429}Uh, Dad. {38451}{38484}Jacob. {38678}{38731}- Jacob!|- I know. I have a problem here. {38865}{38918}Jacob! {39398}{39449}So, Jacob... nice flying. {39453}{39502}Thanks. {39541}{39600}- How much longer?|- Not sure. Why? {39619}{39666}Someone's coming. {39760}{39817}I'm cloaking the ship. {40192}{40251}It's Apophis. {40260}{40324}Three to blue. {40474}{40564}- It's flashing green. Green is good?|- No. {40572}{40611}- Bad.|- Bad. {40613}{40652}- How bad?|- Very, very bad. {40654}{40748}Dad! I'm needing Selmak's help here. {40751}{40833}All right. Jack! You're gonna|have to take the stick. {40852}{40911}What? Really? {40927}{40976}Take the HUD. {40996}{41101}Keep the mine centre-circle,|and avoid hitting anything out there. {41139}{41176}OK, I got it. {41265}{41291}Whoa, whoa! {41302}{41351}- Huh?|- I'm cool. I'm all right. {41456}{41505}Not so easy. {41581}{41655}- What's goin' on?|- The crystals are flashing green. {41658}{41715}- I think it's gonna explode.|- Deactivate it. {41723}{41821}I don't know how. If you enter the wrong|combination, a fail-safe is enacted. {41823}{41920}You have five minutes to enter the right|combination, or the mine explodes. {41925}{42042}Apophis is here. If we release the mine|and it explodes, the mission is ruined. {42044}{42101}If we don't release the|mine now, we're ruined. {42104}{42198}- Then enter the right combination.|- We tried. What does Selmak say? {42203}{42267}- Try again.|- Very helpful. {42495}{42544}Bring him! {43390}{43445}My Lord, Heru-ur hails you. {43559}{43608}Kree shac chel, Apophis. {43809}{43930}- Heru-ur's ship is here.|- (Apophis's voice on loudspeaker) {43947}{44006}Onak kla keela jarook. {44061}{44110}Machello koma ashma. {44120}{44198}Heru-ur says Apophis's forces|are not yet great enough... {44201}{44279}..to match the collective army|of the System Lords. {44281}{44398}With his assistance, the battle|will be swift and end in their favour. {44401}{44436}Apophis? {44438}{44512}He wants to know what|Heru-ur wants in exchange. {44515}{44564}(Heru-urspeaks) {44604}{44719}Heru-ur wants to maintain dominion|over all that is currently his,... {44721}{44785}..plus that which is|currently owned by Cronus. {44787}{44851}He has to know Apophis'll|screw him eventually. {44853}{44966}Heru-ur is offering Apophis a gift,|a token to show his honour and loyalty. {44969}{45094}After Apophis accepts, they will swear|an oath to solidify their bond. {45153}{45202}What's he offering? {45533}{45582}Ona rac shol'va. {45906}{45955}Teal'c. {46103}{46168}Teal'c's on Chulak. {46170}{46219}Apparently not. {46237}{46306}Apophis is thinking the whole deal over. {46308}{46392}As soon as he makes up his mind,|the transfer will take place. {46394}{46443}Damn it, this is not working. {46446}{46532}It doesn't make any sense.|It clearly says "three to the blue,... {46535}{46594}..four to the orange and three to the blue." {46607}{46678}- How much time do we have?|- Less than a minute. {46690}{46792}OK. These are Tobin numbers.|This is one. This is two. This is three... {46794}{46849}Wait, wait. What about zero? {46871}{46939}- What?|- Zero. Why didn't you say "zero"? {46956}{47026}There is no zero|in the Phoenician numerical system. {47031}{47086}What if the Tobins added it? {47114}{47153}He's right. {47156}{47242}Inventing technology of this|sophistication would require a zero. {47245}{47325}- Why?|- Just trust me. It's a math thing. {47363}{47462}- So I've been off by one this whole time.|- Thirty seconds. {47464}{47511}Well, OK, then. {47514}{47600}Two to the blue, three to|the orange, and two to the blue. {47779}{47828}That's it. {47881}{47930}They got it. {47983}{48034}Now we enter the right frequency. {48378}{48431}There is little time for you. {48456}{48592}If you repent now, I will save|your soul and end your suffering. {48713}{48784}So that Apophis can revive me|and begin again? {48810}{48859}(laughs) {49206}{49275}You know what'll happen to Teal'c|if Apophis gets him. {49279}{49353}Anything we do in attempting|a rescue will give us away. {49356}{49420}- Yeah. So?|- So? {49422}{49493}You know as well as I do|that bigger things are at stake. {49495}{49633}He's your friend, I know. But we've both|had to deal with losses like this in battle. {49649}{49708}Tok'ra operatives have given their lives... {49710}{49825}..and others are at great risk on those|ships now, all for the sake of this mission. {49828}{49922}I'm sorry, Colonel...|but Teal'c is expendable. {49984}{50082}One, two, three... now. {50168}{50217}We're done. {50367}{50416}All right, I have to deploy. {50516}{50577}- If they start shootin'...|- They better not yet. {50580}{50649}We're still in the middle of this minefield. {50683}{50707}Deploy. {50979}{51082}- Nothing's happening.|- Maybe our operative was compromised. {51088}{51141}Or we reprogrammed the mine wrong. {51175}{51265}No, I'm... sure we reprogrammed|the mine right. {51329}{51440}- Komah ata, Heru-ur.|- Onak lo hassa, chel Apophis. {51489}{51540}Send the shol'va to Lord Apophis. {51666}{51723}Apophis has agreed to the alliance. {51726}{51845}Dad, Teal'c risked his life to save all of us|when he came to rescue you on Netu. {51848}{51897}You owe him. We all do. {51900}{51982}How is Heru-ur gonna transport|Teal'c to Apophis' ship? {51985}{52040}He would probably use rings. {52043}{52150}We can save Teal'c the way that he saved|us, by intercepting the matter stream. {52153}{52251}- It won't work while the ship is in stealth.|- So uncloak it. {52253}{52324}It would take some pretty fancy flying. {52401}{52450}It's your ship. {53076}{53156}I've never seen anyone|endure such torture,... {53158}{53234}..and yet none of it comes close|to what Apophis will do to you. {53236}{53287}He will kill you a thousand times. {53304}{53353}Of that I am certain. {53356}{53417}And you will never admit that he is a god? {53506}{53553}Never. {53556}{53630}You are either insane or... {53633}{53690}Take him down! {53693}{53762}The shol'va is to be|transported to Apophis. {54141}{54205}What do you think|you are doing? Shol'va! {54456}{54515}My Lord, you are killing him. {54518}{54631}I will not be denied the satisfaction|of watching him die at least once. {54794}{54843}My Lord. {55984}{56035}- What happened?|- We missed him. {56037}{56098}- So what now?|- We better get out of here. {56114}{56190}A cargo ship attempted|to intercept the matter stream. {56192}{56220}What? {56473}{56604}It looks like you programmed the mine|right. It's going for Apophis's ship. {56794}{56831}What is this? {56833}{56911}Heru-ur transported him|instead of the shol'va. {57058}{57115}Heru-ur attacks. {57190}{57260}- You dare to attack me?|- It is deception. {57271}{57339}The deception is yours.|Where is the shol'va? {57470}{57523}- We gotta go back for Teal'c.|- And do what? {57525}{57578}- Something.|- It's too late. {58142}{58205}- That's not possible.|- Apparently, it is. {58213}{58322}The Goa'uld were never able to cloak an|entire mother ship, let alone a fleet. {58333}{58382}Kree Heru-ur! {58403}{58483}Sheh pak arak Apophis. {59128}{59237}- They're protecting Apophis's ship.|- They're allowing him to escape. {59266}{59369}We're picking up a glider that seems|to have escaped from Heru-ur's ship. {59381}{59452}- Heru-ur himself?|- We can't let him get away. {59480}{59554}Onak sha kree, chel Goa'uld. {59557}{59616}(Rak'nor) Goach sha kree, lo Goa'uld. {59679}{59788}I asked him which god he worshipped,|and he answered with a Tok'ra password. {59790}{59880}This is Jacob Carter. Identify yourself. {59916}{59965}My name is Rak'nor. {59967}{60047}Who are you? How did you know|how to answer my hail? {60065}{60126}I am the Jaffa who helped Teal'c escape. {60181}{60230}How do we know that? {60372}{60431}It is good to hear your voice, O'Neill. {60592}{60699}- Glad you made it, Teal'c.|- As am l. {60702}{60766}We can rendezvous on|the third moon ofTichenor. {60768}{60817}We'll meet you there. {61016}{61085}Well, I guess we've stopped the alliance. {61087}{61183}(as Selmak) Unfortunately,|it is the worst possible result. {61185}{61244}- No war.|- No. {61247}{61346}We did not know that Apophis would|bring a cloaked fleet into the minefield. {61348}{61374}So what now? {61377}{61486}Apophis will easily absorb|Heru-ur's forces into his own. {61489}{61554}He is now a bigger threat|than ever before. {62863}{62922}Visiontext Subtitles: Julie Clayton