{145}{194}(Stargate alarm) {286}{366}- Report.|- It's SG-1 , sir. They're under fire. {442}{528}Colonel O'Neill, this is General Hammond.|Report status. {531}{586}(O'Neill) We're pinned down. {588}{707}Carter was able to dial the gate.|We're trying to get clear to come through. {709}{758}Open the iris. {902}{951}Evacuate the gate room. {1065}{1145}Colonel O'Neill, we're taking fire. Report. {1251}{1300}Colonel O'Neill. {1352}{1397}Sir? {1417}{1470}Give them some more time. {1999}{2112}So, essentially, we were ambushed|on the way back to the gate. {2115}{2199}- We almost didn't make it out.|- If you'd been longer, you wouldn't have. {2202}{2309}- I was about to close the iris.|- Considering the SGC was taking fire,... {2312}{2379}..we're glad you waited|as long as you did, sir. {2381}{2502}Strictly speaking, if I'd followed|procedure, you'd all be dead right now. {2504}{2596}Well, sir, every time we go through|the Stargate, it's a calculated risk. {2599}{2724}I realise that, Major. But I'm getting tired|of sending good people out there,... {2727}{2805}..never knowing|if they're going to come back. {2807}{2854}I've had enough. {2884}{2933}I'm sorry, sir. What are you saying? {2967}{3041}I wanted you all to be the first to know. {3044}{3140}Effective immediately, I'm stepping down|as commander of the SGC. {5072}{5137}Come to see me off, Colonel? {5139}{5209}Nope. I've come to talk you out of this. {5229}{5303}- Thank you. You can finish later.|- Yes, sir. {5405}{5493}Jack, weren't you there|for my goodbye speech? {5495}{5554}Yes, I was, of course. You know that. {5585}{5630}And it was lovely, General. {5633}{5777}But do you think I believe you're quitting|because we ran into a little trouble? {5780}{5850}Hell, we've been presumed dead before. {5889}{5969}I don't have to|explain myself to you, Colonel. {5993}{6060}No, sir, you don't.|You're my commanding officer. {6062}{6127}But could you throw me a bone? {6129}{6186}Jack, this has been a long time coming. {6189}{6260}I'm asking you to|respect my decision and accept it. {6262}{6338}When I took over this command,|the Stargate was inactive. {6340}{6428}This was supposed to be an easy|assignment on my way to retiring. {6430}{6504}General, need I remind you|that I was retired? {6545}{6625}Some things are worth|changing your plans for. {6642}{6706}I've had enough. {6927}{7021}Let me just say it's been|a pleasure serving with all of you. {7048}{7097}We'll miss you, sir. {7260}{7325}It won't be the same without you, sir. {7439}{7544}On Chulak, when a great warrior retires|from battle, we sing a song of lament. {7663}{7712}Fortunately we are not on Chulak. {7854}{7903}Take care of yourself. {8197}{8262}(Carter) So what do we know|about this new guy? {8264}{8292}Not much. {8294}{8362}I hope he's not a spit-and-polish,|brass tacks... {8364}{8428}- Hard-ass?|- I was building up to that. {8430}{8479}Ten hut! {8591}{8657}My name is Major General Bauer. {8659}{8716}I'll be your new commanding officer. {8719}{8849}I'd just like to say I look forward to|working with all of you. Thank you. {9110}{9159}Squadron, at ease! {9260}{9334}Always leave 'em wanting more... I guess. {9407}{9497}I guess I just was expecting|someone a little more... inspiring. {9499}{9577}Spend time at the Pentagon and|it's easy to become a bureaucrat. {9579}{9634}(Bauer) Or a politician. {9669}{9734}Depends on where your interests lie. {9736}{9808}- General, l...|- At ease, Major Carter. {9835}{9954}I've been going over your research|into naqahdah reactors. {9957}{10000}Very impressive. {10003}{10079}Large-scale application is|mostly theoretical right now,... {10082}{10154}..but the mineral shows|great potential as a power source. {10156}{10273}It shows interesting properties when used|in conjunction with nuclear ordnance. {10324}{10416}Well, it does tend to increase|the explosive effect. Yes, sir. {10440}{10524}The Pentagon feels|that the Stargate project,... {10526}{10625}..while exposing Earth to great danger,|has yet to produce any practical returns. {10627}{10682}We've been working on a device... {10685}{10765}..to take advantage of this|naqahdah-enhancing effect. {10767}{10849}I'd like you to take part in the operation. {10859}{10937}- What about my duties with SG-1?|- You've been reassigned. {10939}{11000}- What?|- As have you, Dr Jackson. {11024}{11091}An archaeologist has|no place on a frontline unit. {11093}{11165}You'll be a consultant,|going off world only as required. {11168}{11268}- General Bauer...|- The decision has been made, Major. {11349}{11388}I suggest you get to work. {11681}{11730}(Bauer) Come. {11785}{11842}- Colonel O'Neill.|- General. {11871}{11920}Thank you, Kim. {11951}{12027}I've just been going through|your mission reports. {12095}{12154}- Yes, sir?|- They're satisfactory. {12156}{12246}You might want to include|bullet-point summaries with each section. {12248}{12303}Makes for an easier read. {12359}{12418}Bullet-point summaries? {12433}{12492}Is there a problem with that? {12515}{12663}General, I realise the format|of my reports is of vital importance... {12665}{12751}..and, if you'd like, someday|we can talk about fonts and margins. {12754}{12887}But now I'd like to discuss why you're|dismantling my team without discussion. {12898}{12995}General Hammond may have allowed you|a certain latitude in his presence,... {12997}{13065}..but you'd do well|to watch your tone with me. {13119}{13191}General Hammond|kept us together for a reason. {13193}{13273}The fact is, if it wasn't for SG-1 ,... {13275}{13346}..right now you'd be sittin'|with a snake in your head,... {13348}{13434}- ..instead of your head up your a...|- Colonel! {13490}{13549}No one around here is above reproach. {13559}{13630}If it continues,|your long history of insubordination... {13632}{13761}..will come to a swift and unspectacular|end under my command, I assure you. {13842}{13970}Now I suggest you take some time|to think things over. {14001}{14100}Decide if you still want to be|a part of this operation. {14112}{14153}Dismissed. {14719}{14789}- Hello, Jack. Come on in.|- General. {14859}{14918}Good to see you're keepin' busy. {14945}{14994}Have a seat. {15027}{15107}- What are you doing?|- A little vacation. {15143}{15277}- Didn't you just take some time off?|- Yeah. This one wasn't by choice. {15287}{15359}Not everyone is gonna be|as patient with you as I was. {15446}{15485}That's why I'm here, sir. {15524}{15624}- Bit of a rough adjustment?|- Oh, no. Everything's fine. {15651}{15712}SG-1's been dismantled,... {15715}{15793}..Daniel's got a desk job,|Teal'c's with SG-3... {15796}{15907}..and Carter's working on some kind of|doomsday machine. Same old, same old. {15915}{15989}- Are you serious?|- For once, yes. {16030}{16118}It's going to take time to get used|to the man. I'm sure he's competent. {16121}{16182}Come on, General! {16185}{16273}I've never met anyone who liked|doing what they do more than you. {16275}{16330}And you were good at it. Great. {16361}{16476}You'll never convince me|you just got fed up. I'll never buy that. {16479}{16545}I'm sorry. It's out of my hands, Jack. {16606}{16680}- What does that mean?|- I can't discuss it. {16727}{16765}General? {16828}{16879}You don't understand. {16881}{16963}And I won't... unless you explain it to me. {17131}{17242}Two weeks ago, I was contacted|by a representative of the NID. {17244}{17328}He suggested I should become|more aggressive in my policies. {17331}{17380}They have no jurisdiction over you. {17383}{17457}They wanted to gain access|to offworld technology,... {17460}{17552}..which they're unable to do since|we shut down their side operation. {17562}{17621}- You told 'em to go to hell?|- Of course. {17624}{17743}Then he told me, if I didn't cooperate,|there would be consequences. {17745}{17813}The next day, two men in plain clothes,... {17815}{17943}..driving a black, unmarked car,|picked up my granddaughters at school. {17969}{18028}- I don't believe it.|- They took them for a ride,... {18031}{18138}..then brought them home.|The girls were fine, but I got the message. {18177}{18269}We're talking about an organisation|as powerful as the CIA. {18271}{18401}These people are above the law.|I can't protect my family 24 hours a day. {18403}{18452}I had no choice. {18464}{18513}Of course not. {18619}{18709}Don't get yourself|into trouble over this, Jack. {18776}{18825}You know me, sir. {19483}{19532}Jack O'Neill. {19553}{19608}What a pleasant surprise. {19948}{19997}At ease. {20010}{20065}How are things progressing, Major? {20068}{20183}The hardware's almost ready. But it's|the ratio of naqahdah to lithium hydride. {20186}{20293}We don't have enough weapons-grade|material to complete the bomb. {20296}{20388}- Then we'll have to get some more.|- We're talking about refined naqahdah. {20391}{20473}- It's extremely rare.|- Not on P3S-452. {20483}{20571}- That planet is a Goa'uld stronghold.|- I realise that. {20584}{20689}I'm confident a well-armed strike force|can get the job done. {20828}{20930}Nice of you to come by.|I don't get a lot of visitors. {20932}{21032}- I find that hard to believe.|- In my line of work,... {21034}{21105}..people don't stick by you|through thick and thin. {21107}{21210}Most of my associates are busy|trying to forget they ever knew me. {21238}{21322}Your former associates are why I'm here. {21324}{21392}They're causing some problems|for a friend of mine. {21424}{21462}General Hammond. {21485}{21561}- What do you know?|- Why should I tell you? {21586}{21629}Because I can help you. {21632}{21726}I've been convicted of treason.|What can you do? {21764}{21832}Air Force One and I go way back. {21889}{21977}- I suppose I'll have to trust you.|- I wasn't gonna say it. {21990}{22107}It's very simple. When you shut down the|offworld operation with the second gate... {22110}{22190}..you cut off the NID's|access to alien technology. {22192}{22241}So they sent you to work for the Russians. {22244}{22310}The Pentagon made the Russians|deep-six their gate... {22312}{22402}..in exchange for continued sharing|of information and technology. {22405}{22475}- We have the only operational gate.|- Exactly. {22477}{22598}The NID thinks Hammond and the policies|of the Stargate programme are too soft. {22616}{22665}So this Bauer guy is part of it? {22678}{22789}Truth is, I don't know.|I been out of the loop for a little while. {22791}{22848}But it's possible he's just a patsy,... {22851}{22976}..unwillingly manoeuvred into position|because he's got the right mentality. {22979}{23096}- All sounds so cloak-and-daggery.|- They're a special ops, Colonel Jack. {23099}{23150}Why do you pretend to smell like roses? {23153}{23274}Hey! I never threatened a two-star general|by kidnapping his grandkids. {23277}{23342}Don't pretend to be so naive, either. {23470}{23577}- How do I get him to back off?|- You really wanna play in my sandbox? {23593}{23673}- Tell me what I have to do.|- Quid pro quo, Jack. {23750}{23878}You're facing the death penalty.|The best I can do is put in a good word,... {23880}{23972}..maybe recommend|they commute your sentence to life. {23974}{24031}You'll have to do a lot more than that. {24033}{24094}I can get you the information you need. {24097}{24210}Names. Proof of certain influential|people's involvement with the NID. {24253}{24316}- Keep talkin'.|- My word is useless. {24321}{24442}You want hard evidence, you're gonna|have to get me outta here for a few days. {24449}{24496}Are you nuts? {24498}{24578}Do you know how many strings|I'd have to pull to make that happen? {24580}{24631}One big one. {24633}{24725}I know you're prepared to do it, Jack,|or you wouldn't be here. {24727}{24803}I won't bother to say "You can trust me." {24961}{25010}(Stargate alarm) {25047}{25123}Receiving transmission, sir.|It's SG-3's iris code. {25126}{25183}Open the iris. {25670}{25727}Where's Major Wade? {25740}{25768}Dead. {25785}{25846}- What happened?|- We met heavy resistance. {25848}{25955}- Lieutenant Morrison gave cover fire...|- What about the naqahdah? {25957}{26043}- I believe I secured a sufficient amount.|- Excellent. {26046}{26116}You can give me your full briefing later. {26149}{26227}(medic) I've stopped the bleeding.|Get him to the infirmary. {26633}{26686}Have you heard of IKEA? {26689}{26824}You ought to feel privileged, Jack. No one,|not even the NID, knows about this place. {26888}{26941}"Charles Bliss"? {26944}{27003}Now you know|one of a hundred names I go by. {27081}{27181}I see you're on that famous beer and|mustard diet. How's that workin' out? {27183}{27232}No, thanks. {27488}{27623}If anyone tries to boot the computer up|without this disk, the whole thing fries. {27771}{27859}- What are you doin'?|- Accessing NID files on the lnternet. {27898}{27986}- On the lnternet?|- The organisation is made up of cells. {27988}{28082}They communicate with each other|by accessing bulletin boards on line. {28084}{28189}Information is deposited on any number|of firewall-protected floating servers... {28192}{28266}..and accessed using|decoding software and passwords. {28269}{28343}Yada-yada, blah-blah.|Why'd we have to come here for this? {28346}{28447}Because the decoding software|happens to be on this computer. {28587}{28690}- They've deactivated my password.|- There's a shocker(!) {28692}{28762}I'll try to hack in through the back door. {28815}{28949}The naqahdah from P3S-452 has been|successfully incorporated into the device. {28951}{29000}I'm glad to hear it. {29022}{29077}Here's the test site. {29271}{29349}- This planet has plant and animal life.|- Yes. {29379}{29500}But the aerial survey shows no signs|of habitation within 50 miles of the gate. {29502}{29563}That may not be good enough. {29573}{29640}I'll need some time|to run some simulations. {29662}{29781}We've never done this before and I'm not|sure how destructive this device will be. {29784}{29883}Major, the whole point|of the experiment is to determine... {29885}{29955}..how destructive the device will be. {29978}{30037}Request denied. {30049}{30123}- But sir...|- Proceed with the preparations. {30152}{30201}Yes, sir. {30221}{30260}Jack... {30263}{30374}Once you get the information to link|key names to the NID, what will you do? {30402}{30478}- What do you think?|- You'll turn it over to the Pentagon... {30480}{30558}..and hope the proper chain of command|leads to justice. {30649}{30762}- You tryin' to tell me somethin', Harry?|- You can't take down the entire NID. {30765}{30874}- And they'll kill you for trying.|- That wouldn't be very nice. {30876}{31003}You might be able to hold the evidence|over them and get Hammond reinstated. {31058}{31142}- So I should sit on this?|- It's your play. {31254}{31282}Damn! {31294}{31343}(vehicle approaches) {31462}{31567}I thought you said|nobody knew about this place. {31569}{31651}They've probably been tracing me|since I went on line. {31653}{31725}- You got a way outta here?|- Give me a second. {31728}{31808}- What are you doin'?|- Burning the hard drive. {32391}{32440}(hollow knock) {32908}{32936}Nice! {32939}{32994}And... a nice try to you. {33204}{33240}We're ready, sir. {33344}{33426}First observation MALP is in position. {33429}{33490}Prepare to send the bomb through. {33518}{33567}Seal it up. {33650}{33707}Yeah, Daniel. How are things at camp? {33709}{33774}Um... not good. {33776}{33850}General Bauer's testing|his new naqahdah bomb. {33852}{33930}He's taking short cuts which|Sam thinks could be disastrous. {33932}{34068}Maybourne claims he doesn't know|if Bauer's NID or just a gung ho patsy. {34071}{34116}Either way, he's dangerous. {34119}{34203}Hang in there and do what you can.|I'll check back. {34382}{34431}You want one? {34454}{34548}No. There's still something about you|that puts me off my food. {34550}{34634}I know you've got a strong stomach, Jack.|I read your file. {34664}{34725}Now what does that|have to do with anything? {34728}{34814}You wanna help General Hammond,|you have to get your hands dirty. {34816}{34873}Are you willing to see this thing through? {34875}{34965}Under no other circumstances|would I sit here and watch you eat. {34968}{35075}Yeah, well, things are about to get|a lot more dicey. They're onto us. {35078}{35166}Our only chance now is|a more direct approach. {35169}{35193}Such as? {35196}{35288}We have to connect someone with|influence to the on-line websites. {35290}{35415}The only way to do that now is straight|through one of the high-profile associates. {35417}{35466}Who are we talkin' about here? {35468}{35517}An old friend. {35713}{35774}50 minutes to target location, sir. {35845}{35931}- We have to stop the test.|- Why is that? {35933}{36004}The aerial survey shows evidence|of an old Goa'uld mine. {36006}{36067}It's probably been shut|for thousands of years,... {36070}{36135}..but there could still be|a lot of naqahdah present. {36137}{36203}Our soil samples|indicate only minute traces. {36205}{36274}The geological survey I read|said there was none. {36276}{36414}- We're not stopping the test.|- You don't realise the implications of this. {36431}{36480}Or maybe you do. {36550}{36650}- Are you making an accusation, Major?|- You knew all along, didn't you? {36695}{36791}You were hoping for a chain reaction|with the naqahdah in the soil. {36793}{36923}- That entire planet could be destroyed.|- The possibility has been considered. {36962}{37038}Most Goa'uld worlds have|a high incidence of naqahdah. {37040}{37118}This would be a very effective|weapon against them. {37121}{37192}There's only one problem, sir.|When that bomb goes off,... {37194}{37268}..we'll still be connected|to the planet by the Stargate. {37270}{37395}Radiation, gravitation and time distortion|has come back through a wormhole. {37397}{37466}I am told we should be able|to get just enough data... {37468}{37550}..before the Stargate is destroyed|and the wormhole disconnected. {37553}{37645}- Who provided this intelligence?|- That is not your concern. {37647}{37743}Sir, we've seen the Stargate|survive a direct hit from a meteorite. {37745}{37798}We have no way of knowing|what might happen. {37801}{37898}A risk assessment has been made|and it was deemed acceptable. {37900}{37941}End of discussion. {38244}{38324}- How long have you known the guy?|- We go way back. {38593}{38658}- Looks like a party.|- (rings doorbell) {38744}{38793}- Yes?|- Please tell the senator... {38796}{38874}..Colonel Maybourne and|Colonel O'Neill would like to see him. {38877}{38959}- He has guests.|- Tell him he has two more. {39035}{39164}- What the hell are you doing here?|- Our invitations must be lost in the mail. {39166}{39201}This is not a good time. {39203}{39274}- Who is it, dear?|- A couple of old friends. {39276}{39393}Afternoon, ma'am. I'm Mr Starsky.|This is... Hutch. {39395}{39444}Well, come in, come in. {39688}{39762}We're just having a little get-together. {39895}{39944}Oscar, down. {39946}{39995}It's all right. {40029}{40078}He seems to like you, Mr Starsky. {40081}{40132}Birds of a feather, ma'am. {40135}{40219}Dear, Starsky & Hutch is an old TV show. {40222}{40291}Oh! You're actors, then? {40367}{40432}Maybe we'd better go up to my study. {40455}{40500}This won't take long. {40805}{40862}The weapon is in position. {41232}{41289}- What happened?|- We've lost transmission. {41302}{41365}The observation MALP was destroyed. {41416}{41471}The wormhole did not disconnect. {41474}{41587}Sir, I'm picking up increasing|levels of radiation in the gate room. {41603}{41705}- Gamma rays, ultrahigh frequency.|- Shut down the gate! {41770}{41858}No response.|Radiation levels approaching critical. {41861}{41910}Close the iris. {42012}{42049}Radiation decreasing. {42051}{42129}(Carter) lf the iris succumbs|to the heat and loses integrity,... {42132}{42235}..there will be no way to stop radiation|bombarding the base. We must evacuate. {42237}{42294}We were sure the other gate|would be destroyed. {42296}{42347}Sir, we have to act now. {42532}{42571}Attention all personnel. {42573}{42674}By order of General Bauer, commence|immediate evacuation of the base. {42676}{42766}Repeat: immediate evacuation.|This is not a drill. {42808}{42915}We can monitor the gate|from a security station on level 16. {42917}{43003}- What's going to happen, Major?|- I have no way of knowing that, sir. {43067}{43147}I guess your risk assessment|didn't cover this. {43379}{43482}Gentlemen, I have the undersecretary|of state, the governor of Maryland... {43484}{43607}..and half the United States congress|in my living room, so let's make it quick. {43610}{43690}What in God's name|can I possibly do for you? {43693}{43744}We need some information on the NID. {43774}{43804}The NID? {43842}{43984}Snaky government agency involved in|all sorts of illegal covert operations. {43987}{44057}Like blackmailing air-force generals. {44097}{44214}You are making less and less sense to me|as the seconds are passing away,... {44216}{44255}..along with my patience. {44258}{44356}So you're not aware of all the money|they gave to your re-election campaign? {44358}{44475}If you question my campaign finances,|tell the federal elections commission. {44478}{44585}- That's just the tip of the iceberg.|- Aren't you supposed to be in prison? {44588}{44643}Colonel O'Neill asked the president... {44646}{44755}..to help me dig up some information|about my former associates. {44791}{44842}And you trust this man? {44898}{44945}No. {44947}{45082}I'm sorry, General, but this conversation|has lost all amusement for me. {45084}{45156}- I have a party to get back to.|- We're not goin' anywhere. {45207}{45285}- Excuse me?|- I'm not leavin' till I get what I came for. {45301}{45365}Oh. And what are you going to do? {45419}{45474}Well... I was thinkin' about shootin' ya. {45535}{45613}Jack... what are you doing? {45625}{45689}Gettin' a little dirty for you, Maybourne? {45893}{45948}Bringing the gate room on line. {46016}{46080}The iris is holding,|but it's starting to heat up. {46082}{46151}- How long before it loses integrity?|- I'm not sure. {46153}{46243}We may have turned that planet|into a giant ball of superheated plasma. {46246}{46313}It could power the gate for months. {46315}{46399}- We have to autodestruct.|- The other gate survived the explosion. {46402}{46492}- Would not ours as well?|- At least it would be buried under rock. {46495}{46556}(Carter) It wouldn't stop|pumping out radiation. {46559}{46664}- Eventually the heat will melt the iris.|- Then what do we do, Major? {46697}{46796}There is a chance that the gate|will shut down on its own. {46798}{46866}- The 38-minute window.|- There's no way to know for sure. {46868}{46938}These are untested circumstances. {46965}{47033}How long has the gate been open? {47075}{47122}Coming up on 21 minutes. {47254}{47313}Colonel, have you|taken leave of your senses? {47316}{47367}I'm with Maybourne. What does that say? {47369}{47430}How dare you come into my house,|waving a gun? {47432}{47501}Not waving - pointing. Sit down. {47616}{47702}I hope you realise you're making|the biggest mistake of your life. {47705}{47783}When this is over, I promise|you'll regret the day we ever met. {47786}{47839}That day's come and gone, Senator. {47842}{47926}If you don't care about your own career,|think about your friends. {47928}{47981}- What does that mean?|- You mess with me,... {47984}{48062}..and Dr Jackson will be|out of the SGC permanently... {48065}{48197}..and Major Carter will be cleaning toilets|in an air-force weather station in Alaska. {48199}{48254}And as for the alien, Teal'c... {48257}{48349}Let's just say I know some bioengineers|in the Department of Defense... {48352}{48419}..who'd love to get their hands|on his symbiote. {48421}{48480}OK, I'm in. I need the password. {48569}{48659}I'll give you a choice:|white meat, or dark meat? {48666}{48738}- You wouldn't dare.|- It's usually something familiar,... {48740}{48804}..like a wife's maiden name. {48830}{48906}I have a wife, three children,|seven grandchildren... {48909}{48983}..and various nieces and nephews. {48986}{49035}Good luck. {49254}{49303}Try "Oscar". {49417}{49464}(Maybourne) That's it. We're in. {49495}{49538}I'm downloading now. {49578}{49734}Kinsey's on-line activities connect him to|NID actions over the last year and a half,... {49743}{49831}..including the secret operation|I ran out of Area 51 ,... {49834}{49908}..the involvement with the Russians... {49949}{49996}..and the threats to Hammond. {49999}{50054}(O'Neill) You're a piece of work, Kinsey. {50056}{50107}You try to shut down the SGC. {50128}{50208}You make a speech about how|you hate secret organisations,... {50210}{50321}- ..then jump in bed with the NID.|- I still think the gate's a Pandora's box. {50323}{50453}It should be buried for ever. But as long|as it's open and is a threat to this planet,... {50455}{50531}..then I'm gonna make sure|it's used the way it should be used: {50534}{50581}..to defend God's creation. {50584}{50674}Blow the rhetoric|up somebody else's nose. {50676}{50807}- You're just a power-hungry hypocrite.|- The only currency in this town is power. {50809}{50932}So if I have to shake hands with the devil|in order to do the Lord's work,... {50935}{51011}- ..then so be it.|- You self-righteous son of a bitch. {51014}{51106}- Where do you get off...?|- Judge not lest ye be judged! {51109}{51168}I read the mission reports|from that mountain. {51170}{51242}You play with the fate|of this planet on a daily basis. {51245}{51317}I'm doing the job I was asked to do. {51319}{51422}I doubt very much your constituents|could say the same about you. {51425}{51544}Please! Given the chance, half of all|American citizens won't even vote. {51547}{51631}And the half that do vote are|too stupid to know what they're doing. {51634}{51698}Which explains how you got elected. {51700}{51835}In order to expose me, you're gonna have|to compromise the secrecy of the SGC. {51837}{51886}Are you really willing to do that? {51922}{51961}(Maybourne) I'm done. {52090}{52139}Give it up. {52156}{52261}What are you going to do?|Take down the whole NID? {52272}{52317}Nope. {52335}{52384}Here's the deal. {52415}{52503}Get them to reinstate Hammond,|or this disk goes to the press. {52506}{52557}It'll never see the light of day. {52559}{52699}I don't think you'll see the light of day if|your friends find out you're the weak link. {52755}{52835}You learned to play hardball pretty fast,|didn't you, Colonel? {52837}{52892}I had a good teacher. {52895}{52944}Trouble, Jack. {53368}{53415}Approaching 38 minutes. {53673}{53730}Who made the call? Your wife? {53770}{53895}Give me the disk...|and you might just get outta here alive. {53921}{53995}They won't come in here|with the group he's got downstairs. {53997}{54052}But we've still gotta get out. {54573}{54628}- It's still open?|- Yes, sir. {54758}{54823}Well, there's no point staying here. {54842}{54903}I'll inform the president from the surface. {54949}{55033}Yes, sir. I'm sure it'll be|much safer up there(!) {55301}{55350}(Teal'c) Major Carter! {55655}{55729}- What happened?|- The gate shut itself off. {55760}{55819}- Are you sure?|- It's over. {56001}{56056}For what it's worth, Major,... {56094}{56127}..l'm sorry. {56559}{56618}Great party, Mrs K. Thank you. {56892}{56953}Senator Kinsey! Senator Kinsey! {56972}{57072}We've heard you are planning|to run for the White House. {57074}{57150}- The White House?!|- Are you declaring your candidacy? {57220}{57325}Diane, this is really not|how I intended this to come out. {57328}{57383}So it's true, then, Senator? {57399}{57469}Well... now that you're all here... {57500}{57561}We've often talked about my goals. {57574}{57687}Do I think I would make a good president?|You're damn right I would. {57690}{57788}You know how I feel about things.|You know how hard I've worked. {57790}{57882}The potential I see|in the people of this great nation... {57884}{57966}..and the way so many|of its leaders have let them down,... {57969}{58043}..it's enough to bring tears to your eyes. {58046}{58165}The solutions to the problems|faced by our government are so simple. {58208}{58257}Listen to the people. {58865}{58920}- Jack, come in.|- General. {58952}{59011}- It's good to have you back.|- Thank you. {59014}{59090}I hear I missed quite a bit|of excitement while I was gone. {59093}{59200}- You'll have to ask Carter about that, sir.|- I'm looking forward to the debriefing. {59202}{59243}As am l. {59262}{59350}Jack... what do I owe you for this? {59386}{59472}Continued latitude,|patience and understanding. {59475}{59539}So... just be yourself, sir. {59571}{59620}(phone rings) {59634}{59673}Hammond. {59714}{59765}It's for you. {59860}{59917}- Hello?|- Hello, Jack. {59935}{59980}Maybourne. {60003}{60091}- Where are you?|- I'm not in jail, if that's what you think. {60093}{60140}(nuta steel band) {60174}{60293}I e-mailed myself a copy of the evidence|when I saved it to disk for ya. {60328}{60348}I know. {60350}{60415}Kinsey got me transferred|to a nicer facility... {60417}{60474}..while I await my execution. {60476}{60529}It made things simple after that. {60531}{60595}Why didn't you try to escape|when you were with me? {60597}{60629}Come on, Jack. {60654}{60734}You trusted me. I didn't want you|to look bad for the president. {60737}{60821}Besides, you're too good|to have let it happen. {60842}{60951}- So what are you gonna do now?|- Short term, I'll have a few margaritas. {60953}{61054}- And after that, who knows?|- Yeah, right. {61063}{61118}Thanks for all your help. {61246}{61328}General... about what you owe me? {61345}{61400}Anything I can do. {61402}{61473}Well, nothing right now, but... {61475}{61530}..one day I may ask you to... {61558}{61611}..buy back my soul. {62865}{62970}Visiontext Subtitles: David Van-Cauter