{315}{362}- (Hammond) Come in.|- General. {364}{469}I'd like to talk to you about this mission|upon which we're about to embark. {471}{568}It seems... a bit ridiculous, doesn't it? {570}{646}Have you met General Ryan? {648}{703}Hello, Colonel. {706}{765}The General Ryan? Chief of Staff? {767}{826}That's right. {874}{931}Shouldn't there have been|a memo or something? {933}{982}You were off world. {984}{1033}Yeah. {1036}{1153}So, what brings you|to our little secret base, sir? {1155}{1266}That would be the ridiculous|mission you just mentioned. {1306}{1402}- Of course.|- I'm proposing that M4C-862 become... {1404}{1486}..a permanent research station.|I'd like you to make an assessment. {1489}{1577}- The General Ryan?|- I've read a lot about you, Colonel. {1579}{1638}In General Hammond's reports. {1677}{1769}- Yes, sir?|- Thus far we like your work. {1794}{1853}Thank you, sir. I like yours. {1856}{1911}Your air force. The air force. {1914}{1969}I love the air force. {1971}{2030}Anything else, Colonel? {2033}{2173}No, sir. Well, actually, I'd like to know|how Daniel and Carter got out of this... {2176}{2231}..very important mission. {2234}{2305}Dr Jackson is off world with SG-1 1 . {2307}{2426}Major Carter's giving a lecture at|the academy in theoretical astrophysics. {2429}{2484}If you'd care to take her place... {2486}{2541}No. {2544}{2614}- Then you're dismissed.|- Thank you, sir. {2616}{2675}Sirs. Both of you. {2811}{2911}Got your hands full with that one,|eh, George? {2930}{2993}So, as a result of|these modular functions,... {2995}{3120}..the unwanted variables are always|expressed as multiples of N minus ten. {3123}{3217}Therefore, if we assume the existence|of ten dimensions in space-time,... {3220}{3312}..the variables are cancelled out|and the calculations begin to make sense. {3315}{3416}Excuse me, ma'am.|Did you say ten dimensions? {3431}{3503}Yes, I did. {3505}{3583}Look, I realise these concepts|are a little bizarre,... {3585}{3652}..and that many of you would|rather be somewhere else: {3654}{3740}..jump school, flight training...|Believe me, I know. {3742}{3851}I used to sit in those chairs|and listen to the same boring lectures. {3853}{3931}No offence, Professor. {3962}{4081}But the aerodynamics that are one day|going to allow you to fly an F-22... {4083}{4157}..started out as squiggles|on a board just like this one. {4159}{4251}These calculations are the key|to opening up the entire universe. {4253}{4343}Wormholes and hyperspace|may seem like science fiction,... {4345}{4454}..but take my word for it: the future|is a lot closer than you might think. {4943}{5000}Guess that wasn't so bad. {5002}{5084}No, no. You actually made|the topological configuration... {5087}{5167}..of multiple dimension seem interesting. {5193}{5242}This is wrong. {5287}{5336}What's that, Cadet? {5358}{5463}I'm sorry, sir,|but the calculations are incorrect. {5465}{5549}I appreciate your enthusiasm,|but wait until you graduate... {5551}{5647}..before you criticise the work|of a leader in the field of astrophysics. {5649}{5698}Yes, sir, of course. {5701}{5760}My apologies, ma'am. {5952}{6005}Who was that? {6007}{6058}Jennifer Hailey. {6060}{6150}Very intelligent, but... difficult personality. {6204}{6263}Well, she's right. {6290}{6380}- Really?|- These variables should be reversed. {6416}{6490}- I didn't even notice.|- Neither did l. {8241}{8323}- Colonel.|- (O'Neill) Major. Report? {8325}{8378}We've had a pretty thrilling week! {8381}{8457}Two days ago|Dr Thompson lost his glasses,... {8460}{8557}..and just this morning|the electron microscope broke down. {8559}{8610}- Wow.|- Yeah. {8613}{8662}Nonstop excitement. {8697}{8764}Well, we'll take it from here.|You're relieved. {8766}{8825}- Yes, sir.|- Major Griff? {8855}{8904}Dr Hamilton. {8925}{9046}Do you realise we still haven't received|those parts for the backup generator? {9048}{9111}I put the requisition in three days ago. {9113}{9183}Well, that's just not good enough. {9185}{9269}We obviously need to have a serious talk|about our supply procedure. {9271}{9359}Well, unfortunately, Doctor,|I've just been relieved, but... {9362}{9467}..l'm sure Colonel O'Neill|would love to discuss it with you. {9514}{9563}Love is the word. {9566}{9665}Colonel O'Neill, is it? I don't know|if this is a military thing generally... {9667}{9755}..or Major Griff's incompetence,|but I can't get anything I ask for. {9940}{9985}- (knocking)|- Come. {10070}{10142}Samantha. Sam. Good to see you again. {10145}{10211}Come in. Sit down, sit down. {10213}{10279}It's good to see you too, sir. Thank you. {10309}{10430}Well, well, well. So, how was the lecture? {10439}{10490}Well, no one fell asleep. {10492}{10551}- Very impressive.|- Thank you, sir. {10554}{10661}I did have an interesting encounter|with one of your cadets. Jennifer Hailey. {10663}{10735}Caught your eye, did she?|I thought she might. {10750}{10853}She pointed out a mistake in an equation|that changed the result completely. {10855}{10945}- I couldn't believe it.|- Here. Give this a read. {11011}{11075}Once you brush the chip|off her shoulder,... {11077}{11167}..she reminds me of another bright cadet|who came here a few years back. {11169}{11245}I've no idea who you're talking about, sir. {11247}{11311}Cadet Hailey is a very|smart young woman. {11313}{11391}Her SATs were through the roof -|even higher than yours. {11394}{11478}Unfortunately, she's sometimes|too smart for her own damn good. {11481}{11548}Professor Monroe said|she has discipline problems. {11550}{11671}The kid's bored. Came here for|a challenge, but it's not enough for her. {11673}{11744}Not enough?|This is just the beginning of her career. {11746}{11859}- How could she know what's ahead?|- I know, but she doesn't see it, Sam. {11862}{11926}Don't get me wrong. I see her potential. {11928}{11997}Her physical skills are terrific,|despite her size. {11999}{12063}She's an expert marksman,|a superb glider pilot. {12065}{12126}But that's not all there is|to becoming an officer. {12128}{12187}If she keeps insisting on|doing things her way... {12189}{12250}I'd like to talk to her, sir, if that's OK. {12355}{12410}I was hoping you'd say that. {12491}{12538}- Who said that?|- He did. {12540}{12589}Oh, for... {12637}{12686}Colonel O'Neill? {12729}{12863}Dr Lee tells me you've denied our request|to conduct a survey of the cave network. {12865}{12959}No. I just asked him to wait until|I could have a chance to check it out. {12962}{13067}- With no regard for our timetable.|- None whatsoever. {13069}{13138}Colonel, what exactly|do you expect to find in there? {13140}{13220}Look, Doctor, this is another planet. {13223}{13330}Actually, it's a moon.|We're orbiting that gas giant. {13374}{13443}Oh, well, if it's a moon,... {13445}{13529}..go ahead, do whatever you want(!)|What could happen? {13532}{13612}Colonel, this outpost has been|up and running for six weeks... {13614}{13719}..without the slightest hint|of anything remotely dangerous. {13722}{13837}You can explore the caves|once they've been checked out. {13847}{13906}Any more pressing matters? {13941}{14005}None whatsoever. {14125}{14174}Oh, yeah? {14745}{14809}- Beautiful, isn't it?|- Major Carter. {14811}{14860}At ease, Cadet. {14986}{15050}Getting in a little extra lab time? {15052}{15107}Yes, ma'am. {15109}{15191}I wanted to talk to you about the paper|you did for Professor Monroe. {15194}{15280}"Towards a New Cosmology|of Multiple Realities." {15282}{15372}- It's an interesting topic.|- Professor Monroe gave me a D. {15375}{15447}Because it wasn't the assignment. {15450}{15509}Permission to speak freely, ma'am? {15542}{15606}The assignment was lame. {15608}{15669}Maybe it was, but it was the assignment. {15699}{15785}- Did you read it anyway?|- Matter of fact, I did. {15788}{15899}- It's intriguing.|- The same word Professor Monroe used. {15901}{16012}Maybe because that's what it is:|an intriguing idea. {16015}{16118}But it's based on too many unfounded|assumptions to make a valid theory. {16121}{16195}For example, you assume|that matter can travel both ways... {16198}{16243}..through an open wormhole. {16245}{16309}- So?|- So how do you know? {16329}{16401}Until somebody shows me|a wormhole that can only go one way... {16404}{16488}That's not the point.|You made an assumption. {16515}{16580}What about your assumption, Major? {16611}{16666}That you're right and I'm wrong? {16668}{16787}That paper is way, way beyond anything|you're likely to be taught at the academy. {16790}{16872}And if you want points for it,|hey, we're all impressed. {16874}{16952}It doesn't mean|you don't do the assignment. {16955}{17024}I'm late for a class, ma'am. {17026}{17083}Am I dismissed? {17085}{17124}Yes. {17552}{17601}Hamilton. {17628}{17704}Colonel O'Neill. How are the caves? {17732}{17847}- Dark.|- No subterranean monsters, I assume? {17849}{17902}Not this time. {17904}{17957}Go ahead and do your survey. {17960}{18009}Thank you. {18041}{18197}- You are disappointed we found nothing.|- No, it's just... I wanted him to be wrong. {18199}{18258}Just so he'd... be wrong. {18283}{18349}And if he was wrong,|we'd have something to do. {18351}{18410}- I see.|- (tonal buzzing) {18525}{18584}Did you hear somethin'? {18623}{18682}Indeed. {18783}{18844}(tonal buzzing continues) {19641}{19717}I have never before|encountered anything like it. {19749}{19798}Cool. {19987}{20040}I didn't realise you were still here. {20043}{20107}I wanted to talk to you|about Cadet Hailey's paper. {20109}{20172}- Sam...|- Look, at first I agreed with you. {20174}{20258}It just didn't add up. But something|about it kept nagging at me. {20260}{20321}I finally figured out what it was. {20323}{20428}The equations don't work unless you|allow for variations in the speed of light. {20431}{20488}Which is a universal constant. {20491}{20575}Not if the frame of reference|includes multiple universes. {20578}{20674}That's where this paper comes in.|I think, without even realising it,... {20676}{20787}..Cadet Hailey intuitively arrived at a|whole new way of looking at cosmology. {20790}{20854}Under certain special circumstances,... {20856}{20977}..what we would see as|an effect preceding a cause... {21054}{21214}..would in fact be an effect following|a cause... in a parallel reality. {21216}{21308}That's assuming that parallel|realities occasionally overlap. {21310}{21427}- I'm fairly confident that that's the case.|- Really? Why? {21430}{21558}I know she's got to you, but I think you're|trying to see something that isn't there. {21560}{21660}All right. Even if this theory|ultimately proves to be incorrect,... {21662}{21734}..you have to admit|that it's a brilliant insight. {21737}{21823}Jennifer Hailey is no longer our problem. {21868}{21958}- What do you mean?|- She got into a fight with another cadet. {21991}{22083}As fond as General Kerrigan is of her,|he'll have to expel her. {22185}{22279}- Are you sure this is such a good idea?|- I didn't come across the galaxy... {22281}{22355}- ..to wait for permission to do my job.|- Colonel O'Neill... {22357}{22425}He doesn't have a clue|what we're trying to accomplish. {22427}{22501}He's too busy polishing his M-16. {22504}{22563}Actually, it's a P-90. {22706}{22780}You boys goin' somewhere? {22782}{22899}Yes, we... we're gonna go see if we can|find that creature you encountered. {22901}{22967}Apparently you didn't hear me|the first time I told you - {22969}{23076}..clearly and in no uncertain terms -|not the heck yet. {23078}{23183}You know, if your description is correct,|we're talkin' about something... {23185}{23238}..that can pass through solid matter. {23240}{23343}Yes. And therefore, logically,|we'd have no defence against it. {23346}{23391}Typical military thinking. {23393}{23512}You encounter something you don't|understand, you assume it's a threat. {23515}{23624}Well...|until we determine there is no threat,... {23626}{23696}..l will assume there is one. {23757}{23895}- Do we have a problem here?|- Colonel, with all due respect, really,... {23898}{24001}..when I agreed to this assignment, I was|under the impression that I was in charge. {24004}{24061}You are in charge. {24063}{24139}Of the other scientists. {24141}{24231}That you even think you're qualified|to decide what we can and can't do... {24234}{24334}Colonel O'Neill is indeed qualified,|Dr Hamilton,... {24336}{24464}..having encountered many alien species|since long before you were born. {24466}{24554}I strongly suggest you do|what Colonel O'Neill says. {24598}{24647}Thank you, Rocco. {24715}{24762}Boys, we'll be in touch. {25049}{25193}Cadet Hailey was helping to train|an underclassman named Chloe Brown,... {25196}{25276}..who's been having problems|with her physical fitness tests. {25278}{25360}One of the cadre made a derogatory|comment about the young lady. {25363}{25472}- Cadet Hailey told him to knock it off.|- And when he didn't? {25475}{25532}- She broke his nose.|- She what? {25574}{25648}I can't let that go.|I don't give a damn how smart she is. {25651}{25725}- She was defending a fellow classmate.|- I know. {25746}{25820}I'm not asking for her|to go unpunished, sir,... {25822}{25925}..but if she's even half as brilliant as|I think she is, we don't wanna lose her. {25927}{26021}We're not here to advance theoretical|physics, but to defend this country. {26023}{26148}I understand that, sir,|but they're not mutually exclusive goals. {26151}{26287}Can I assume you're referring to your|research project at Cheyenne Mountain? {26290}{26374}- You can.|- Deep-space radar analysis, is it? {26397}{26461}Something like that, sir, yes. {26463}{26510}Mm. {26512}{26615}Well, I don't know what it really is|you're working on inside that mountain,... {26617}{26732}..but I do know if you've got something|to do with it, then it's high priority. {26735}{26817}Well, thank you, sir. It is.|And believe me when I tell you... {26819}{26919}..that Cadet Hailey is exactly|the kind of person we need. {26944}{27034}- She'll have to be punished.|- As she should be, sir. {27036}{27161}But I don't think she's about to go|on a rampage, beating up upperclassmen. {27174}{27200}(presses intercom) {27203}{27252}Send her in. {27474}{27538}Sir. Cadet Hailey reports as ordered. {27580}{27639}At ease. Major Carter? {27667}{27755}Cadet, I'd like to ask you|a few questions. Answer honestly. {27757}{27862}- Yes, ma'am.|- Who the hell do you think you are? {27864}{27886}Ma'am? {27888}{27972}You think you're better than we are,|too good for the air force? {27975}{28040}- No, ma'am.|- Oh, come on. {28042}{28134}All those rules and regulations,|they don't really apply to you, right? {28137}{28239}What's the point of a chain of command|if your superiors aren't as smart as you? {28241}{28312}- I don't feel that way, ma'am.|- Oh, I think you do. {28314}{28383}And I think deep down you wanna leave. {28385}{28469}Let me do you a favour. The door's open. {28472}{28566}- Why don't you just quit and go home?|- No, ma'am. I won't quit. {28568}{28667}I'm giving you the chance to walk out|before General Kerrigan throws you out. {28669}{28718}I won't quit. {28768}{28817}Good. {28906}{28992}Cadet Hailey, as far as I'm concerned,... {28995}{29079}..you've demonstrated an inability|to be a functioning member... {29081}{29151}..of the United States Air Force. {29153}{29303}But Major Carter has a future in mind for|you, and I respect Major Carter's opinion. {29305}{29426}Although the rest of your punishment|stands, I'm not recommending dismissal. {29429}{29482}- Thank you, sir.|- You may go. {29809}{29858}Good luck. {29882}{29918}Hm. {30063}{30149}What were you thinking,|breaking the nose of an upperclassman? {30151}{30202}- Swing high.|- That's not funny. {30205}{30250}No, ma'am, you wouldn't think so. {30252}{30326}- What's this got to do with me?|- Everything. {30329}{30434}The great Samantha Carter. You think|a day goes by I don't hear your name? {30436}{30537}You've gotten the highest mark in every|class I've ever been in, won every award. {30539}{30594}They've compared me to you|since day one,... {30597}{30679}..and I never quite seem to measure up. {30681}{30792}That's it? What, so for the first time|in your life you come to a place... {30794}{30913}..where you are not automatically the|smartest and best at everything you do? {30915}{30978}Get over it. {30982}{31029}There are important things at stake. {31031}{31107}You've got my future planned out|for me as long as I stay here? {31109}{31178}- If you're good enough.|- Like what? {31180}{31256}Flying a transport plane|if I'm one of the lucky ones? {31259}{31345}I don't see this exciting future|you're talking about, Major. {31347}{31448}Something more incredible|than anything even you could imagine. {31492}{31541}Yes, ma'am. {31568}{31617}Cadet. {31672}{31731}Believe me. {32152}{32250}Science is about questioning|the status quo, questioning authority. {32252}{32351}How can we do that when the greatest|scientific discovery in human history... {32353}{32447}- ..is in the hands of the US Air Force?|- Oh, my God. {32647}{32694}The camera. Get the camera. {33160}{33209}Come on! {33228}{33285}- Colonel O'Neill.|- Go ahead. {33287}{33386}Wejust encountered one ofthe creatures.|We're following it into the forest. {33388}{33437}Let's go. {33621}{33670}Incredible. {34072}{34131}Hamilton, what are you doin'? {34162}{34236}You see, Colonel? They're harmless. {34540}{34589}(laughs) {34866}{34960}- Major, this is a high-security area.|- I know that, sir. {34963}{35055}But she's already checked out security|and signed the non-disclosure form. {35057}{35124}What did you tell her|she was going to see? {35126}{35187}Deep-space radar telemetry. {35190}{35307}- Are you absolutely sure about this?|- She is a perfect candidate for the SGC. {35310}{35365}Her file says otherwise. {35368}{35437}I've met her, sir. She is brilliant. {35493}{35567}Not everyone is cut out to be|an air-force officer, Major. {35570}{35639}Sir, if she can just get one glimpse... {35641}{35725}..of her possible future, she will|graduate at the top of her class... {35728}{35839}..and become an officer worthy|of serving under your command. {35901}{35958}I am absolutely sure about this, sir. {36134}{36203}We're underground.|Where could we possibly be going? {36205}{36322}You'll see. What you're about to see is|probably the best kept secret in the world. {36324}{36381}- You're making me nervous.|- Good. {36384}{36466}Because everything you thought|you knew about the universe... {36468}{36548}..is about to be turned upside down.|You ready? {37017}{37103}- What is it?|- It's your future. {37105}{37204}- It's called a Stargate.|- (technician) Chevron seven locked. {37499}{37573}You're looking at a wormhole|connecting this Stargate... {37576}{37689}..to another identical one on another|world 42,000 light years from Earth. {37692}{37756}- That's where we're going?|- That's right. {37758}{37827}- How?|- That's the easy part. {37829}{37878}Come on. {38196}{38245}What was that? What just happened? {38247}{38325}Your body was particlised|and then reintegrated. {38328}{38406}- So this is another planet?|- It's a moon, actually. {38408}{38463}Doesn't look that different from home. {38465}{38557}Well, where there's oxygen,|there's usually plant life, trees, water. {38559}{38626}There are a couple of differences. {38781}{38828}Hey, Carter. {38853}{38931}Thought I'd come and be|your welcoming committee. {38933}{39033}- Thank you, sir. How are you?|- The back's acting up a little, actually. {39035}{39144}- The knees, you know, always...|- Sir, I'd like you to meet Cadet Hailey. {39176}{39225}Cadet. Welcome to 862. {39268}{39317}How was your trip? {39320}{39414}It was a... a trip, sir. {39470}{39531}It always is. {39533}{39592}I got something you should see. {39996}{40064}- What is it?|- We're not sure,... {40066}{40160}..but we think it's some kind|of energy-based life form. {40163}{40249}- That's impossible.|- But one led us directly to the others,... {40252}{40332}..which suggests organisation,|some kind of intelligence. {40334}{40410}They also appear to be able|to phase through solid matter. {40413}{40485}Teal'c and I saw one|zip right on through a tree. {40488}{40559}- Didn't even slow it down.|- That's so cool. {40561}{40632}That's exactly what I said. I said that. {40643}{40715}If that's the case,|what's keeping it inside this cylinder? {40717}{40797}That was Dr Lee's idea.|The top and bottom plates are electrified. {40800}{40857}The field seems to be holding it in. {40888}{40947}You're not hurting it, are you? {40950}{41063}The creature has no physical body.|I don't think it's capable of feeling pain. {41065}{41161}But if it's intelligent, it might not|appreciate being held in a cage. {41163}{41214}Might be time to let this one go, Doc. {41217}{41278}Colonel, no, please. We need to study it. {41280}{41339}Find another way. {41712}{41802}Bill, come in. Any sign ofthe swarm? {41804}{41861}Nothin'. Looks like they just disappeared. {42066}{42210}They gotta be around here somewhere.|Try checking for high-frequency spikes. {42212}{42261}You got it. {42513}{42572}Hey there. {42574}{42627}Where are your friends? {42629}{42676}Whoa, whoa, whoa. {42679}{42761}Easy. I'm not gonna hurt you. {42804}{42898}Bill, you gettin' anything|on the high frequency? Bill? {43203}{43252}- Bill, come in.|- (screaming) {43495}{43567}- Oh, God! Colonel...|- (zapping) {44302}{44355}Teal'c? {44358}{44417}Do you mind if I call you Teal'c? {44447}{44511}I have no other name. {44513}{44597}So I'm guessing you're not... {44599}{44654}Human. {44657}{44780}- Then your guess is correct.|- Then is this your planet? I mean moon. {44782}{44864}It is not. My home world is called Chulak. {44867}{44964}Your world? Wait a second.|How many places does the Stargate go? {44966}{45060}The Stargate network is|composed of a great many worlds. {45063}{45157}- Are you serious?|- Colonel O'Neill! Colonel O'Neill! {45160}{45230}Colonel O'Neill! Help, Colonel O'Neill! {45272}{45338}- What?|- It's Dr Thompson. {45340}{45412}- Those things, they're attacking him.|- Where? {45415}{45474}In the clearing where|we first encountered them. {45477}{45551}Carter, get him inside. Teal'c, with me. {45594}{45622}Go, go, go. {46503}{46593}Hey! Just what about my radio|transmission did you not understand? {46595}{46644}- Let's go!|- Just finishing up, sir. {46647}{46741}- What happened to Dr Thompson?|- He's dead. Let's move. {46799}{46896}Colonel, we don't know what happened.|This might be an isolated incident. {46898}{46995}- The creatures may have been provoked.|- Maybe. Let me ask you this. {46997}{47046}- Why take a chance?|- O'Neill. {47049}{47098}(high-pitched buzzing) {47235}{47294}All right, back inside. {47606}{47692}- These walls will not protect us, O'Neill.|- We got about 15 seconds. {47694}{47778}- I don't know, sir. Zats, maybe.|- Maybe? {47780}{47851}I just got here.|Zats deliver an electrical charge. {47853}{47939}They're the only weapon I can think of|that might have an effect. {47942}{48001}All right, everybody get down. {49427}{49486}We've wired up the aluminum walls. {49488}{49568}When we switch on the current|it might keep them out,... {49571}{49686}..the same way that Dr Lee's|containment vessel kept them in. {49821}{49884}- They are returning.|- Light it up. {49945}{50002}Stand clear of the walls. {50062}{50119}(small crashing sounds) {50278}{50360}- It's working.|- As long as we've got power, we're safe. {50363}{50424}How long do you think|the generator'll keep running? {50427}{50478}I'm not... I'm not sure. {50552}{50607}You're not sure? {50609}{50678}- Who refuelled it last?|- Dr Thompson. {50706}{50815}- I'm sure he filled it this morning.|- We don't know that. {50817}{50883}That would give us|another eight or so hours. {50885}{50949}- But you cannot be certain.|- No. {50951}{51004}All right, where is it? {51006}{51072}On the other side of the compound,|down by the creek. {51074}{51148}Basically, it could run out at any time. {51327}{51430}- Carter?|- I think I may have a way out of here, sir. {51433}{51540}The creatures are being held back by|the electrical field around the building. {51542}{51659}We need to create a field big enough|to repel them from the entire area. {51661}{51722}- Yeah?|- The Stargate, sir. {51724}{51831}It's a giant superconductor. The field|it generates would be more than enough. {51833}{51884}So somebody's gotta go and dial out. {51886}{51953}Anyone attempting to reach it|will be killed. {51955}{52060}(Carter) Not necessarily. The human body|has an electrical field of its own. {52063}{52172}Do you remember what happened when|Dr Hamilton was hit by Teal'c's zat fire? {52175}{52311}The creatures must have left his body,|because his electrical field was altered. {52313}{52382}- How long will it last?|- I don't know, sir. {52397}{52497}- Shoot him again.|- A second shot from a zat'n'ktel kills. {52606}{52744}It's just a guess. I'm not sure you'd make|it to the gate before you were vulnerable. {52746}{52814}Hey, why'd they attack in the first place? {52816}{52898}It's possible they were reacting|to the capture of one of their own. {52900}{52976}- That's not it.|- What? {52979}{53053}I've gone over Dr Thompson's|astronomical observations. {53056}{53159}Did you know this moon wasn't formed|from the accretion disc of the planet? {53161}{53210}No. But I suspected. {53272}{53389}Dr Thompson thinks it was a rogue that|got pulled into an eccentric polar orbit. {53392}{53495}A planet's magnetic field emanates from|the poles. It's where it's the most intense. {53497}{53600}We entered into the polar phase|of the orbit a couple of days ago,... {53602}{53661}..at the time the creatures|were encountered. {53663}{53770}They became violent right at the moment|we were directly over the pole. {53773}{53832}It's possible, sir. {53834}{53935}- Go on.|- We're beyond the point of peak intensity. {53937}{54015}If we wait, the creatures will go back|to the way they were before. {54018}{54108}- How long would that take?|- A couple of hours. No more than that. {54111}{54178}The generator will most likely|not last that long. {54180}{54260}We'll hold them off|with those phaser things. {54311}{54393}- What do you think?|- Well, sir, if I'm right... {54396}{54519}..and their behaviour is retaliatory,|waiting will just make things worse. {54521}{54617}- You're not right. I am.|- You don't know that, Cadet. {54619}{54676}The creatures are affected|by electric fields. {54679}{54765}You think it's a coincidence that|they go berserk as we pass over the pole? {54768}{54893}Is it a coincidence that they attacked us|after one of their own was captured? {54995}{55104}Sir, we can't both be right.|The theories are mutually exclusive. {55106}{55194}There's evidence to support both,|but not enough to reach a conclusion. {55199}{55269}Don't dismiss my idea|because you expect her to be right. {55271}{55332}It doesn't matter who's right, Cadet. {55363}{55453}Colonel,|you're risking your life for nothing. {55481}{55536}Decision's made. {55558}{55623}How could it not matter who's right? {55648}{55730}If he makes a run for the gate,|he's risking his own life. {55732}{55797}If he waits, he risks everyone's life. {55799}{55848}He can't do that. {56042}{56110}As soon as I get the gate open,|head straight for it. {56112}{56202}- Don't bring anything with you.|- We can't just leave weeks of research. {56205}{56308}Carter, if he so much as brings|a file folder, shoot him. {56311}{56360}Yes, sir. {56412}{56484}- Are you ready, O'Neill?|- No. {56487}{56552}Give me a warning. {56554}{56626}I'm going to shoot you. {56628}{56712}I was thinking more|along the lines of "On three..." {56734}{56783}One... {56886}{56939}Two! {56942}{56995}God! I said "On three"! {57053}{57102}God! {57137}{57208}- Good luck, O'Neill.|- Wish me luck. {57210}{57259}Good luck, sir. {57282}{57331}Thank you. {57365}{57429}Go! {58941}{59005}I'm at the gate. I'm gonna start dialling. {59744}{59803}(Carter) Colonel? Colonel! {59939}{59988}Quickly, O'Neill. {60449}{60539}I'll never complain|about mosquitoes again. {60944}{61008}We owe you our thanks, Colonel. {61010}{61059}I suppose. {61088}{61168}And I owe you... an apology. {61211}{61270}I suppose you do. {61362}{61458}- Is it always like this?|- No. Sometimes it gets really exciting. {61460}{61523}Will I ever find out|which one of us was right? {61525}{61628}If you stick around long enough, maybe.|Besides, there'll always be other planets. {61631}{61721}- It's a moon.|- OK. You're right about that. {62867}{62972}Visiontext Subtitles: Sally Lewis