{1043}{1092}O'Neill. {1180}{1241}Footprints. They are recent. {1243}{1335}- How many?|- Several. Some are that of Jaffa. {1359}{1397}(rustling) {1399}{1431}Agh! {1433}{1472}Take cover! {1698}{1766}Drop your weapons and surrender! {1803}{1852}They don't look like Jaffa. {1918}{1967}He does. {2012}{2094}There is no escape.|Stand and identify yourselves. {2121}{2170}They need not. {2202}{2251}I know who they are. {2315}{2374}I'm sorry. Have we... Have we met? {2386}{2493}They are warriors from a planet|called Earth. They are known as SG-1 . {2653}{2708}How dare you return here. {4666}{4740}Look, I think there's been|a misunderstanding. {4763}{4860}They are the ones who led us in the|rebellion against the servants of Heru-ur. {4862}{4913}You told us to bury our Stargate. {4928}{5025}You said that the gods would not return,|but that was not true. {5027}{5096}Cronus came in his great ship. {5098}{5163}He claimed our planet,|commanded that we serve him. {5168}{5287}- I'm sorry, but you don't understand.|- Why do you insult me, Major Carter? {5290}{5351}Would you have me believe|you have not been here? {5355}{5404}I know who you are. {5423}{5553}And you are Daniel Jackson, Teal'c,|and that is Colonel O'Neill. {5622}{5671}Where is he? {5705}{5760}Find him. {5763}{5816}Bring them. {6525}{6605}Hail, Sindar, high servant of Cronus. {6627}{6719}- Who is this?|- They came through the Chaapa-ai. {6722}{6841}They are the ones who came before and|fought against the servants of Heru-ur. {6905}{6960}You are the shol'va Teal'c. {7023}{7080}My master will be most pleased. {7085}{7187}There is another who was with them.|He escaped into the forest. {7195}{7271}- He is their leader.|- Find him. {7288}{7335}We will not fail you. {8112}{8182}- Good night, Hira.|- Good night, husband. {8237}{8286}Cronus comes tomorrow. {8342}{8451}I pray that he will reward us kindly for|having captured the warriors from Earth. {8494}{8621}I fear Cronus is disappointed our search|parties have not captured their leader. {8679}{8753}Is something wrong?|You behave strangely. {9296}{9359}That Darian guy called me "Major". {9365}{9453}- Well, this was a majorscrew-up.|- How could we know? {9456}{9546}There is always the risk that planets|may be occupied by Goa'uld forces. {9549}{9623}Yes, but one we've|actually been to before? {9650}{9722}Is it a bad sign that O'Neill|hasn't communicated yet? {9727}{9830}No. I do not believe we should|attempt to communicate with him either. {9833}{9878}The Goa'uld may track our signal. {9890}{9957}Mission time's nearly eight hours.|What do we do? {9967}{10032}Well, we can't tell them the truth. {10165}{10214}I do not understand. {10259}{10300}I know how you feel. {10303}{10356}There are two of you? {10359}{10400}Uh... {10402}{10451}It's more complicated than that. {10454}{10528}Please, do not harm my wife. {10569}{10624}I'm not gonna hurt either one of you. {10627}{10742}I just want someone to explain to me|what's happened here before I arrived. {10790}{10839}You mean... {10842}{10891}..the first time you were here? {10954}{11003}Mm-hm. {11006}{11121}You came through the Chaapa-ai. You|said our god, Heru-ur, was a false god. {11127}{11232}You organised a rebellion. With|your help, we banished Heru-ur's Jaffa. {11235}{11348}You said we were free and that|the false gods would not bother us again. {11351}{11402}We did live in peace for a time,... {11405}{11514}..but then Cronus came in his ship and|said our planet now fell under his domain. {11524}{11664}- He commanded that we worship him.|- Look. Neither one of those guys is a god. {11667}{11724}I will not believe you this time! {11749}{11866}The punishment my people suffered|for our prior indiscretion was my fault. {11869}{11967}I asked them to follow you,|and they were forced to pay dearly for it. {11969}{12028}It was not an indiscretion. {12046}{12134}It was the right thing to do,|no matter how it turned out. {12136}{12185}Do what you will. {12206}{12360}Tomorrow Cronus comes, and you and|your kind will face the consequences. {12368}{12407}Yeah, whatever. {12416}{12467}There will be no escape. {12477}{12534}Close your eyes. {12587}{12644}Close your eyes, please? {12913}{12974}How long are we to remain like this? {13586}{13656}My lord, your presence honours me. {13668}{13731}(distorted) Tell me of|the intruders from Earth. {13740}{13822}There were three. And the Jaffa Teal'c,... {13832}{13889}..the shol'va. {13895}{13991}The one called O'Neill|has thus far eluded capture. {14182}{14233}Warriors of Juna! {14244}{14289}We are called before Cronus! {14853}{14962}Warriors of Juna, for your loyalty|you shall be rewarded. {14994}{15043}Bring in the prisoners. {15463}{15588}The treaty between the System Lords|and the Asgard does not protect you here. {15609}{15703}I once told you that if|you were ever at my mercy... {15728}{15777}..l would not be kind. {15858}{15929}You will not be fortunate enough... {15931}{16036}..to die as quickly as|your father did by my hand, shol'va. {16102}{16192}Your fate will be much worse. {16263}{16330}You will all pay for your sins. {16523}{16572}Come forward. {16657}{16743}- You lead your people in my name?|- I do, my lord. {16901}{16950}Take it. {17565}{17624}In honour of your god,... {17651}{17700}..kill him. {17799}{17838}Hashac cree! {18025}{18074}Kill him! {19766}{19815}(alarm) {19925}{19974}Receiving IDC. {20026}{20095}Sir, we're receiving a signal|on the IDC frequency,... {20097}{20156}..but this is not an authorised SGC code. {20237}{20296}It says "Comtrya". {20311}{20444}- What does it mean?|- Ah, it's kinda like "shalom" or "aloha". {20446}{20481}That stuff. {20483}{20567}It was the greeting used by the|artificial life form Harlan on PX3-989. {20572}{20629}- The one who duplicated you?|- Yes. {20632}{20712}Sir, please don't open the gate. Please? {20722}{20808}I admit he was annoying,|but he wasn't a serious threat. {20908}{20957}Open the iris. {21279}{21351}Oooh! I have no weapons. {21354}{21403}Stand down. {21445}{21537}Oh, thank you for opening|the doorway device which you call iris. {21540}{21603}Just for the record, I was opposed. {21640}{21714}Welcome. I'm General Hammond,|leader of this facility. {21723}{21830}Comtrya! Yes, I have|heard so much about you. {21884}{21999}- What's wrong, Harlan?|- Oh, please, yes, it is a big emergency. {22002}{22069}Um, you must help... {22071}{22116}..you. {22683}{22730}What are you? {22804}{22847}Speak! {23087}{23186}Speak, or I shall have you torn apart. {23246}{23301}Bring them to the ship. {23345}{23429}- Find the other one.|- Yes, my lord. {23473}{23553}I told them not to go. I begged them. {23555}{23645}Going through the Stargate,|it is dangerous, no? Very dangerous. {23648}{23753}You told me all about the Goa'uld,|you did. And you must help. Yes? No? {23755}{23802}- Harlan!|- Yes? {23804}{23853}- Sit.|- Yes. {23947}{24019}Now, from the beginning. {24035}{24084}The beginning? Yes. {24087}{24183}They were not happy.|They could not stop being you. {24185}{24257}- The portable power pak you invented...|- The robot me? {24260}{24342}Oh, it was ingenious. Even Hubald|would have been impressed. {24344}{24405}I have one in my chest now.|Would you like to see it? {24408}{24446}- Yes.|- No! {24482}{24574}- You can show her later.|- Later, yes. Help first. {24584}{24676}- What type of help do you require?|- Oh, not me. You. {24678}{24719}Um, I mean the others. {24757}{24828}- What exactly has happened?|- They have not returned. {24849}{24917}- Where are they?|- Away. They go away. {24920}{24996}Are you saying they go|through the Stargate on missions? {25003}{25048}Missions, yes. {25050}{25097}What for? {25099}{25191}I do not really know.|What is it that you do? {25260}{25375}It was my understanding that|the robots agreed to bury their Stargate... {25377}{25434}..and never leave their planet. {25457}{25481}Yes, sir. {25484}{25614}It would seem your robot counterpart is|equally as good at obeying orders as you. {25616}{25692}They have always returned|after 24 hours, for safety. {25694}{25776}The power paks only last 48 hours,|then they must be recharged. {25787}{25844}- How overdue are they?|- 16 hours. {25846}{25930}They do not have much time left. (moans) {26074}{26117}What is it? {26119}{26168}What has happened? {26182}{26243}It was unlike anything I have ever seen. {26487}{26615}Cronus brought the prisoners before us.|I was given a weapon of the guards. {26625}{26672}To demonstrate my loyalty,... {26675}{26778}..Cronus instructed me to kill|the one called Daniel Jackson. {26780}{26858}- And so?|- I fired the weapon. {26909}{26981}What happened next was unholy. {27006}{27119}I have seen men decapitated in battle.|What I saw was not human. {27121}{27205}- That was not the most disturbing thing.|- What was? {27212}{27354}Cronus was as shocked by the fact Daniel|Jackson was not human as the rest of us. {27378}{27442}He sent us away immediately. {27444}{27524}But how could a true god|be surprised by anything? {27535}{27590}That is what I ask myself. {27671}{27784}General, I really don't think we are|responsible for retrieving these robots. {27789}{27887}- But you must. They are you.|- Not me, they're not. {27906}{27994}- Where's Dr Jackson? He will help.|- He's on a mission at the moment. {27998}{28053}Oh, you do that so much. {28055}{28131}The fact is, I don't want|to risk any of my people... {28133}{28225}..for the sake of some androids|you created without authorisation. {28262}{28313}- However,...|- However, yes? {28315}{28399}..l am concerned that|information about this facility... {28401}{28458}..could fall into the wrong hands. {28460}{28503}Ah. An excellent point. {28506}{28594}Sirs, if I may. Our robots|are really so much like us... {28596}{28688}..they probably couldn't resist|the chance to use the gate to explore. {28690}{28774}I think we can also assume|they'd guard top-secret information... {28777}{28826}..as closely as we would. {28859}{28970}Besides, they don't have our IDC codes,|so they can't give those away. {28972}{29070}Colonel O'Neill, if you don't want|to take this on, I won't make it an order. {29072}{29117}Thank you, sir. {29119}{29242}But I have grown accustomed.|I cannot go on without them. {29264}{29299}Sorry. {29355}{29429}Then I will just have|to help myself. (chuckles) {29612}{29675}This one, this one, that one,... {29677}{29751}..this one, that one and this one. {29770}{29815}Hm. {29831}{29886}"Hm" what? {29977}{30026}That's what I thought. {30028}{30093}P3X-729. We've been to this planet before. {30102}{30196}We engaged in battle with Heru-ur|and liberated the people of Juna. {30198}{30292}That's right. We told them|to bury the gate after we were gone. {30309}{30352}Are you sure it's right? {30355}{30491}I could do a full diagnostic of my system,|but it'd be quicker to just dial the address. {30494}{30549}- Proceed.|- Yes, sir. {31169}{31226}(technician) Chevron six encoded. {31337}{31372}Chevron seven locked. {31496}{31531}The gate isn't buried. {31537}{31627}It is possible the Goa'uld went there|by ship to reinstate command. {31630}{31751}But Heru-ur is dead, the naqahdah mine|was dry... Those people posed no threat. {31753}{31853}Another Goa'uld may have claimed|the planet for different reasons. {31855}{31900}Why? {31902}{31999}- Possibly strategic military position.|- We told them they'd be OK. {32013}{32066}Send a probe. Let's find out. {32075}{32124}Yes, sir. {32263}{32322}(weapon firing, screams) {32452}{32497}Receiving MALP telemetry. {32924}{32950}Wow. {32989}{33071}- Never get used to that.|- This is General Hammond of the SGC. {33078}{33148}Hey, George. How ya doin'?|Who else you got with you? {33152}{33251}Major Carter, Teal'c,|Colonel O'Neill and Harlan. {33287}{33373}Harlan! I told you to stay away from Earth! {33375}{33426}Well, I told you to bury your gate! {33434}{33512}You seem to think that|solves a lot ofproblems, don't you? {33515}{33620}- (Hammond) SG-1 followed my orders.|- I'm sorry. I did not know what else to do. {33622}{33671}Please return to our planet. {33674}{33719}I can't do thatjust yet. {33787}{33859}Do not shoot. I wish to help you. {33873}{33897}Why? {33900}{34017}I now believe you spoke the truth|about everything, including the gods. {34040}{34165}- Why should I believe you?|- You must trust me, as I must trust you. {34238}{34303}I am sorry about the one called Daniel. {34411}{34460}Get overhere. {34572}{34621}- To whom do you speak?|- It's Darian. {34624}{34722}Earth. George Hammond|and the other SG-1. {34733}{34809}Hey! You're the other, pal. {34822}{34894}Do we really have time|forsemantics here? {34970}{35031}What exactly is the current situation? {35054}{35124}- Our Daniel is dead.|- Oh, my. {35126}{35194}Carterand Teal'c have|been captured by Cronus. {35201}{35283}He's got a ship in orbit|and his Jaffa are everywhere. {35304}{35365}So it's just Darian and me. {35407}{35462}Please, help us. {35573}{35630}You have a go. SG-1 is on its way. {35633}{35682}Thank you, George. Harlan! {35698}{35747}You stay there! {36086}{36158}They appear to be|a fascinating technology. {36160}{36219}(Cronus) Find out how they work. {36375}{36449}I wish to know all|the information they contain. {36457}{36506}My pleasure. {36940}{36989}This way. {37169}{37230}- They look very much like you.|- (Carter) We know. {37233}{37327}Listen, for what it's worth,|I'm sorry about what's happened here. {37345}{37410}Oh, I'm sure that makes him feel better. {37465}{37510}Hey! {37579}{37676}- What the hell do you think you're doin'?|- Same thing you do. Only better. {37691}{37748}- What does that mean?|- Better? {37751}{37806}It means better,... {37808}{37859}..stronger, faster. {37881}{37938}You're not me and|don't work for the Air Force. {37947}{38027}No. But that doesn't mean|I can't do the job. {38068}{38164}- What job?|- Explore the universe, fight the Goa'uld. {38169}{38243}- What? Like now?|- Hey, you made this mess. {38245}{38364}- What we did was help these people.|- Come on! I know you better than that. {38389}{38461}You screwed up and|now you're embarrassed. {38511}{38591}- That's not the point.|- And like I'm gonna spend my eternity... {38594}{38639}..on that lame-ass planet! {38642}{38747}- You gave me your word!|- Is it the first time you've lied to yourself? {38765}{38878}I told you what you wanted to hear.|Besides, were you gonna destroy me?! {38881}{38994}- I might have.|- All right, come on. Bring it on, flyboy! {38996}{39047}Oh, you little... {39049}{39096}Sirs! {39099}{39202}Much as I'd like to see how this plays out,|don't we have something important to do? {39362}{39485}- What can so few of us possibly do?|- Hammond won't spring for more troops? {39487}{39567}I didn't ask! This is our problem. {39597}{39685}- We can't expect help from your people?|- No. {39688}{39776}We convinced your people|to oppose the Goa'uld once before. {39779}{39869}Most, including myself,|had never seen an actual god before. {39879}{39940}Heru-ur had not come|to Juna for generations. {39947}{40060}And when Cronus arrived and displayed|his great power, he instilled much fear. {40130}{40169}The people are terrified. {40175}{40265}Then we must demonstrate|once and for all that Cronus is not a god. {40267}{40380}I assume you have a plan to back up|that rather bold yet cryptic statement? {40383}{40436}Yes! Yes, we do. {40479}{40524}(horn call) {40527}{40603}It is not safe here.|The forests are heavily patrolled. {40657}{40745}- We're not done, pal.|- I so own you. {41048}{41163}There is a device in the chest that|sensors indicate may be a power unit. {41166}{41238}Current status: deactivated. {41309}{41366}Can it be reactivated? {41674}{41723}Do you feel pain? {41895}{41944}Affirmative. {42188}{42243}Do you sympathise with him? {42348}{42393}No! {42441}{42515}Both units appear to show|concern for each other. {42738}{42810}Tell me how to reactivate|this one's power unit. {42903}{43035}Then tell me which one of you would like|to feel sympathy, and which one the pain. {43050}{43115}The only rings I've seen|were in that pyramid. {43124}{43239}- There is a way into the main chamber.|- Yeah. By putting the robot at risk. {43260}{43323}Fine. I'll do it. {43344}{43463}- It's all right. I can handle it.|- This is very strange to me. {43466}{43535}This kind of thing|happens to us all the time. {43537}{43604}How many Jaffa do we|have to deal with on that ship? {43613}{43691}As many as one thousand.|But that is not the problem. {43710}{43786}- What is?|- The rings are activated from the ship. {43802}{43901}- You didn't mention that before.|- We had little time to formulate this plan. {43903}{43987}It's all right. Carter and Teal'c|might be able to help. {44151}{44245}- The other ones.|- How'll they know what to do and when? {44267}{44322}I can communicate with them. {44352}{44438}I've been maintaining radio silence|to protect my location. {44444}{44538}- I don't see a radio.|- They're internal. {44541}{44629}- So you can actually send a signal...|- Wait... Excuse me. {44776}{44825}A little static. {44876}{44987}- They said they'd do what they can.|- What about the Jaffa on the ship? {44989}{45073}Once we reach the peltak level,|the other levels can be sealed off. {45076}{45131}Cronus will have few Jaffa remaining. {45135}{45217}What do we do with the other Jaffa|once we've dealt with Cronus? {45228}{45283}We offer them freedom. {45643}{45766}My lord, the machine that resembles|Teal'c requests an audience with you. {45824}{45896}- For what purpose?|- He wishes to bargain with you... {45899}{45971}..for the freedom of the one called Carter. {45973}{46080}- What have you learnt so far?|- They have been unwilling to cooperate. {46082}{46193}However, their behaviour|is curiously similar to that of humans. {46196}{46315}Perhaps you will be more successful|in extracting the necessary information. {46328}{46396}Bring the one that|resembles Teal'c before me. {46815}{46854}Report. {46862}{46927}The intruder has been captured. {47412}{47457}Agh! {47515}{47632}Tell me how to operate the power core|on that unit and I will stop damaging you. {47674}{47723}It's simple. {47741}{47835}Just touch the two crystals|on opposite sides of the converter. {48122}{48157}Interesting. {48281}{48342}Cronus will be very pleased. {48364}{48475}Truth be told, I do not think|Cronus will be pleased at all. {49428}{49494}- You all right?|- I am. {49532}{49620}I'm fine, too. Thanks for your concern. {49654}{49703}Are you all right? {49770}{49819}A little gas. {49865}{49910}Yeah, got gas. {50030}{50135}What is it you wish to tell me|in exchange for the other one's freedom? {50215}{50264}My only wish... {50350}{50421}..is to seek revenge|for the death of my father. {51090}{51170}- Is it now active?|- In a way. {51293}{51398}- What does this mean?|- I designed it with special sensors... {51400}{51488}..that would detect when someone|was tampering with the power core. {51490}{51535}For situations just like this. {51565}{51624}It's a self-destruct mode. {51852}{51901}(alarm) {51943}{51988}Go! {52708}{52753}- Nice work.|- Teal'c's in trouble. {52766}{52836}- Where?|- He's on the peltak with Cronus. {52902}{53015}- We need to seal off this level.|- There's a control centre for all the doors. {53017}{53084}Kinda like a circuit panel. {53279}{53328}Jaffa, cree! {53534}{53583}(buzzing) {54053}{54104}I've got your six. {55106}{55163}The crystals are protected|by a force shield! {55166}{55211}Switch with me. I'll do it. {55214}{55249}(firing) {55379}{55448}- What do I do?|- Pull the green crystals out. {55453}{55525}The doors should close|and lock automatically. {56784}{56833}For our father. {57677}{57726}That's it! {58474}{58566}- You are very badly damaged.|- Yes. {58594}{58662}But you are a machine.|Can you not be mended? {58686}{58735}Possibly. {58821}{58872}Darian. {58890}{58941}I'm running out of energy. {59009}{59066}I will shut down soon. {59113}{59205}I promise... you will never be forgotten. {59758}{59809}Go tell your people Cronus is dead. {59859}{59949}If they still think he's a god,|have 'em come take a look. {60176}{60225}Carter and Teal'c? {60446}{60501}Yours don't look so good. {60559}{60641}The real ones... are OK. {60667}{60737}Are we still so far from real to you? {60825}{60864}No,... {60867}{60916}..l guess not. {60933}{60982}Then I believe... {61039}{61088}..we are done. {61835}{61940}Visiontext Subtitles: Natasha Cohn