{154}{224}Previously on "Stargate SG-1": {233}{286}I am Tanith. {288}{399}It is my honour to pledge|my allegiance to the Tok'ra. {401}{473}If we allow Tanith|to believe he has deceived us,... {476}{545}..we will be able to use that|against the Goa'uld. {547}{596}- Disinformation.|- Yes. {607}{710}I hope one day we will meet again, Teal'c. {735}{782}You have my promise. {784}{833}Argh! {845}{942}- (woman) What did it show?|- The murder of my father. {947}{977}So what now? {980}{1087}Apophis will easily absorb|Heru-ur's forces into his own. {1090}{1170}He is now a bigger|threat than ever before. {1261}{1357}Cronus came in his ship and said that|our planet now fell under his domain. {1363}{1402}He commanded we worship him. {1405}{1489}What do we do with the other Jaffa|once we've dealt with Cronus? {2028}{2079}Go tell your people Cronus is dead. {2730}{2822}- What is happening?|- There's a mother ship entering orbit. {3025}{3117}- We must evacuate immediately.|- We have been expecting it. {3327}{3376}Hey, kids. {3392}{3457}We're not parked in a red zone, are we? {5140}{5243}- Tanith was surprised to see us.|- We didn't want to give him any warning. {5246}{5347}- He doesn't suspect you're on to him?|- We'll see soon enough. {5364}{5405}Of what do you speak? {5408}{5488}Thanks to the mother ship|you're so graciously lending us... {5490}{5558}Not me. Hammond.|It was an order, remember? {5560}{5675}Anyway, we can move the Stargate to|a planet not currently on the Goa'uld map. {5677}{5767}We can finally ensure the security|of a more permanent Tok'ra base. {5770}{5864}As useful as Tanith has been in|relaying false information to Apophis,... {5867}{5955}- ..we can't afford to take him with us.|- What will become of him? {5958}{6009}We have a little surprise planned. {6011}{6060}Shall we? {6184}{6289}Colonel O'Neill, Teal'c, allow me|to welcome you back to Vorash. {6301}{6403}- High Council Per'sus sends greetings.|- Always a pleasure. {6422}{6527}I must say, Colonel, I was most|intrigued by your means of arrival. {6539}{6600}Yeah, it's a sweet ride. {6603}{6675}A little rusty, but it's still got zip. {6695}{6783}How exactly did a Goa'uld|mother ship come into your possession? {6821}{6909}Well, it was kind of a... trade deal. {6937}{7027}- How so?|- Cronus gave us his ship,... {7030}{7093}..and he got what was comin' to him. {7141}{7202}Really? Cronus is dead? {7301}{7420}Now we have access to a mother ship we|can move our people and our Stargate,... {7423}{7517}..and thereby establish|a completely new and secure base. {7558}{7599}I don't understand. {7602}{7690}Why have I been excluded|from such important information? {7703}{7774}The Tok'ra did not wish|Apophis to be informed. {7854}{7928}We've been aware of your|duplicity from the beginning. {7931}{8023}You deceived and then murdered|the Jaffa Shan'auc. {8026}{8156}You took the host Hebron, and have been|acting as a spy amongst us ever since. {8193}{8277}You have been used|to channel misinformation to Apophis. {8280}{8364}He will be most displeased|when he learns the truth. {8450}{8507}This is absurd. {8663}{8718}You will never escape. {8758}{8886}The System Lords will hunt|you down to the ends of the galaxy. {9158}{9222}That guy is a living cliché. {9437}{9492}I wish to speak to the prisoner. {9739}{9844}I wasn't aware I was allowed guests.|How kind of you to visit me, Teal'c. {9852}{9928}My presence here is|not motivated by kindness. {9930}{10032}I am here to deliver your sentence|as decreed by the Tok'ra High Council. {10034}{10089}Death, I suppose. {10092}{10197}You are to be extracted from the host|Hebron, and left behind here on Vorash. {10199}{10341}If fortunate, you will die before Apophis|discovers you were used by the Tok'ra. {10343}{10454}I am sure that you would like|to kill me with your bare hands,... {10457}{10526}..as I did your beloved Shan'auc. {10562}{10642}You, of all, would appreciate|how much more satisfying it is... {10644}{10757}..to see the fear and pain|in the eyes of your victim as they die. {10792}{10876}You took great pleasure|in the murder of Shan'auc,... {10878}{10956}..but you must understand|the price you paid. {10982}{11091}While Apophis was being diverted|by your unwitting deception,... {11094}{11217}..the Tok'ra were able to move freely|through Goa'uld territory untouched,... {11219}{11313}..rescuing stranded agents,|freeing captured allies. {11316}{11419}Hundreds of lives were saved|by the false information you spread. {11447}{11523}The Tok'ra owe you|a debt of gratitude, Tanith. {11525}{11613}Were it not for the ease with which|you let yourself be manipulated,... {11615}{11676}..Apophis may have eliminated the Tok'ra. {11678}{11749}All they have done is win a respite. {11751}{11876}Inevitably, the Tok'ra-Tauri alliance|will fall, like so many others. {11878}{11933}Not by any action of yours. {11936}{12061}I will watch you die like all the other false|gods whose demise I have witnessed. {12099}{12158}Sokar, Seth,... {12175}{12210}..Hathor,... {12212}{12273}..Heru-ur, Cronus. {12276}{12360}I am sure they died with|more honour than Shan'auc. {12363}{12478}She cried out for you|like a baby weeps for its mother,... {12481}{12557}..as I slowly extinguished her life. {12598}{12674}You are attempting|to goad me into killing you,... {12676}{12750}..thereby avoiding the extraction process. {12814}{12923}I understand it to be|excruciatingly painful for the symbiote. {13052}{13136}I am far more valuable|to you alive than dead. {13203}{13258}The Tok'ra do not believe so. {13324}{13379}And I am inclined to agree. {13793}{13912}Take that to the secondary cargo hold.|We need to make room for the Stargate. {13914}{13963}Hey! {13966}{14015}Don't scuff the walls. {14055}{14129}- I want the ship back the way we found it.|- We know, Jack. {14132}{14199}I still don't think it's necessary|for you to be here. {14201}{14258}Sorry. Not lettin' her out of my sight. {14260}{14367}My mission is to oversee the relocation|of the Tok'ra base. What's yours again? {14370}{14444}Protect Earth's big, fat asset. {14447}{14556}We've got 1 ,000 engineers and scientists|just droolin' to go through this thing. {14559}{14647}- You really think that's wise?|- Don't start with me, Jake. {14650}{14740}Remember when you tried|to retrofit a death glider? {14742}{14857}- Yes, I have that memory.|- This is vastly more complicated. {14877}{14977}Which is exactly why we're "Ioaning" it|to you in exchange for flying lessons. {14979}{15046}You know what I mean.|Leave the ship with us. {15048}{15130}- Not a chance.|- This is me talking. Jacob, not Selmak. {15132}{15191}You have no idea|how dangerous this thing is. {15194}{15264}Hey! We were smart enough|to steal it in the first place,... {15266}{15367}- ..which is more than the Tok'ra could do.|- We don't operate that way. {15369}{15447}Well, maybe it's time|you took a more direct approach. {15449}{15502}The Tok'ra have been around 2,000 years. {15505}{15579}In all that time, how many|System Lords have you taken down? {15582}{15707}Yeah, things have gotten better since you|started killing Goa'ulds off one by one(!) {15710}{15821}In each case, more warlike Goa'ulds|have stepped in to fill their place. {15824}{15873}There's more chaos than ever before. {15876}{15925}With the power Apophis now has... {15928}{16039}..we are on the brink of losing|any chance of ever defeating the Goa'uld. {16085}{16144}- At least we're doin' something.|- We are, too. {16146}{16257}Maybe our plan is a little more|long-term, but at least we have one. {16272}{16307}What plan? {16317}{16411}Undermine the Goa'ulds' power,|keep them fighting among themselves... {16413}{16511}..until we have a way of|eliminating them once and for all. {16513}{16562}Go on. {16577}{16626}We're working on it, Jack. {17217}{17320}You think you can save my host Hebron|by separating him from me? {17322}{17389}I will not allow you to kill me. {17409}{17530}Hebron's life is in my hands.|If I am to die, he will die with me. {17730}{17777}(thud) {17832}{17889}The prisoner just collapsed. {18036}{18069}Lower the shield. {18071}{18180}Lower the shield! We cannot just|stand by and allow him to kill the host. {18445}{18494}He's already dead. {18561}{18672}We've finished loading the ship. It's time|to start transporting your people up. {18675}{18745}- We'll begin immediately.|- (alarm) {18927}{18993}It's Tanith. He's escaped. {19913}{19980}Tanith could not have|escaped through the Stargate. {19982}{20041}It has been heavily|guarded the entire time. {20044}{20143}Yeah, what, by the same guys who|were guarding him in the first place? {20145}{20190}No offence. {20192}{20247}He is out here somewhere. {20250}{20311}Ah, well, he's boned without water. {20331}{20401}His symbiote will sustain him|for a considerable time. {20403}{20454}Big desert. {20456}{20505}I will continue looking. {20529}{20578}Keep in touch. {20907}{20983}So how do you guys|know where to stand anyway? {21022}{21081}(screeching, mechanical humming) {21255}{21357}- Any sign of him?|- Nope. He's still lookin'. {21365}{21443}You guys have been|out there for hours already. {21445}{21504}Yeah, it's a Jaffa revenge thing. {21800}{21890}Tanith's been busy. We've received|word from one of our operatives... {21893}{21971}..that Apophis has|been given our location. {21973}{22070}- He's making up for the last few months.|- An attack fleet is being assembled. {22072}{22150}- How long will it take 'em to get here?|- Less than a day. {22152}{22240}- We have to speed up the evacuation.|- We'll send them through the gate. {22246}{22310}I thought we were gonna|take 'em on the ship. {22314}{22377}Sam and I have come up with a new plan. {22379}{22482}If it works, we could wipe out a significant|part of Apophis's fleet in one shot. {22594}{22649}This is the sun that Vorash is orbiting. {22652}{22746}It's a main-sequence star with a|core temperature of 15 million degrees... {22749}{22839}..and enough hydrogen|to burn for another five billion years. {22889}{22940}Yeah? {22945}{23008}We wanna blow it up. {23010}{23059}- Wow.|- That's, uh... {23087}{23126}(both) Ambitious. {23167}{23286}Every star is a delicate balance between|the force of fusion going on in its core,... {23288}{23341}..which tends to wanna blow it apart,... {23344}{23461}..and the gravitational force of its mass,|which tends to wanna crush it into a ball. {23464}{23546}If we disrupt that balance|by removing some of the star's mass,... {23549}{23617}..we could create an artificial supernova. {23619}{23688}The blast wave would expand|at nearly the speed of light. {23690}{23772}It would destroy this system|within minutes. {23775}{23855}How are we supposed|to remove some of the star's mass? {23892}{23976}Well, uh, this is|gonna sound a little crazy,... {23979}{24057}..but we dial P3W-451 . {24059}{24137}It's the planet where|we encountered the black hole. {24141}{24171}Wow. {24174}{24248}- That sounds a little crazy.|- Yeah. {24250}{24344}We take the Stargate in the mother ship|and bring it as close to the sun as we can. {24355}{24485}Then we dial the black hole, enclose|the gate in a force field and jettison it. {24487}{24573}The sun's gravity will pull it in,|the force field will disintegrate... {24575}{24688}..and stellar matter will be sucked through|that wormhole like water through a hose. {24691}{24777}The gate won't last long,|but we figure it'll be long enough. {24787}{24939}Excuse me, wasn't the gate on P3W-451|sucked into the black hole long ago? {24942}{25030}Not necessarily. That planet|was probably ripped to pieces,... {25033}{25121}..but it can take years for matter|to spiral into the event horizon,... {25123}{25193}..especially given the time distortion. {25226}{25287}Either way, we'll know|when we try to dial out. {25289}{25388}If we can't make a connection, we abort|the plan and get the hell outta there. {25394}{25439}Whoa. {25457}{25514}Let me think about this a moment. {25544}{25611}You wanted to take|more direct measures, Jack. {25613}{25672}Council's already approved the plan. {25739}{25821}But it's your ship,|which means it's your call. {25854}{25889}Still thinking. {25900}{25994}Sir, this solar system is|completely abandoned and barren. {26009}{26066}Apophis's fleet is on the way. {26075}{26147}We may never have another|opportunity like this again. {26228}{26273}OK. {26600}{26645}Hey, Teal'c. {26647}{26735}I've been lookin' for you.|There's been a change of plans. {26754}{26834}I have been informed of|Major Carter's intentions. {26940}{27037}So you understand then that|there's nowhere for Tanith to run. {27056}{27123}This whole planet|is gonna be incinerated. {27167}{27238}If all goes according to plan, yes. {27259}{27326}What, you don't think we can pull it off? {27347}{27431}I have great confidence|in both Selmak and Major Carter. {27445}{27486}But? {27498}{27607}Twice I have had the opportunity|to avenge the murder of Shan'auc. {27609}{27683}Twice I have let Tanith|slip through my grasp. {27726}{27783}I have failed Shan'auc. {27795}{27844}That's not true. {27863}{27957}You let Tanith live so the Tok'ra|could use him, and it worked. {27978}{28118}Now we're gonna take down Apophis and|the largest Goa'uld fleet ever assembled. {28154}{28211}It will be a great victory. {28214}{28263}That's right. {28275}{28376}And yet, knowing what Apophis did|to Sha're, would you not trade it all... {28378}{28483}..for the opportunity to crush the life|from his throat with your bare hands? {28627}{28666}Well,... {28688}{28782}..l'd be lying to you if I said|I'd never thought about it, but... {28803}{28854}..that doesn't mean I'd do it,... {28857}{28935}..given a more rational option. {29040}{29130}In the future I will not|be capable of such restraint. {29815}{29917}All the Tok'ra have been evacuated and|the Stargate's loaded into the cargo bay. {29919}{29968}We're good to go. {30045}{30090}Oh! {30175}{30220}Shotgun. {30476}{30519}Setting course for the sun. {30808}{30886}I'm picking up the fleet|on long-range scanners. {30907}{30981}At current speed,|they'll be here in 68 minutes. {30991}{31040}The timing has to be precise. {31043}{31129}Close to the sun we'll slow to|5% light speed and release the gate. {31139}{31198}That should give us|enough time to get away. {31200}{31264}How much advance warning|is Apophis gonna have? {31270}{31346}They won't be able|to detect the gate on their screens. {31349}{31456}And they won't know Vorash|is deserted until they're in orbit. {31458}{31507}By then it'll be too late. {31870}{31915}(Jacob) We're in position. {31917}{31976}Slowing to 5% light speed. {32044}{32130}(Carter) Cargo bay's gravity|generators at maximum. {32305}{32364}Initiating remote dial-out sequence. {32630}{32679}Ready when you are. {32883}{32998}It worked. The gate|on P3W-451 is still active. {33001}{33050}Engaging force field. {33107}{33156}(exhales) {33184}{33239}- Something wrong?|- No. {33298}{33372}I've just never blown up a star before. {33387}{33465}Well, they say the first one's|always the hardest. {33532}{33581}I say that. {33643}{33698}Opening cargo-bay doors. {33786}{33831}Releasing the clamps. {34024}{34075}And the gate is away. {34538}{34608}Gate trajectory on course. All right. {34627}{34719}Time to go. Prepare for hyperspeed. {34868}{34921}(rumbling) {34956}{35027}- (explosions)|- What the hell was that? {35275}{35384}- What the hell was that?|- We're under attack. Teal'c, weapons. {35580}{35635}Shields are inoperative. {35660}{35726}It can't be Apophis. It's too soon. {35738}{35787}Acquiring target. {35851}{35906}It is an al-kesh. {35930}{36022}- A Goa'uld midrange bomber.|- It must have been cloaked. {36032}{36089}Weapons are charged. Returning fire. {36294}{36343}She's too quick. {36428}{36483}Here she comes again, Teal'c! {36844}{36893}Jacob? {36940}{36989}We've lost main power. {37018}{37067}Hyperdrive is down. {37122}{37181}We're sitting ducks. {37554}{37657}- Why haven't they finished us off?|- They may be just as damaged as we are. {37660}{37711}Hey, who's "they" anyway? {37754}{37799}I have no idea. {37840}{37891}Tactical indicators are down. {37894}{37972}- Weapons?|- Inoperable. {37999}{38087}- I'll have to go check it out.|- Hey! Whoa! {38089}{38183}- We've still got an enemy ship out there.|- When that gate reaches the sun... {38185}{38240}What if we get blown out of the sky? {38243}{38323}What do you want us to do, Jack?|We have no weapons or shields. {38482}{38541}Gliders. This ship's got gliders, right? {38547}{38592}Of course. {38594}{38639}Teal'c. {39061}{39160}The al-kesh has a significant advantage|in both size and armaments. {39162}{39225}Hey, nice preflight there. {39227}{39303}However, we have|superior manoeuvrability. {39456}{39503}All right. There she is. {39529}{39619}Jacob was right.|The ship appears to have been damaged. {39639}{39727}Well, let's put her out of her misery.|Powering weapons. {39964}{40021}What the hell? {40033}{40107}They appear to have|repaired their engines. {40113}{40185}Jack, what's happening out there? {40187}{40252}- They're breaking off.|- So let them go. {40259}{40345}O'Neill, the ship appears|to be headed for Vorash. {40665}{40714}Uh, Teal'c? {40760}{40819}We must not allow Tanith to escape. {40958}{40999}Uh, Teal'c... {41001}{41083}..thinks the ship might|be going to pick up Tanith. {41115}{41226}That makes sense, Jack. He probably|had a ship waiting nearby the whole time. {41228}{41275}That's why they got here so fast. {41283}{41371}Yeah, well, seems we're goin' after him. {41469}{41524}It's a Jaffa revenge thing. {41547}{41627}Sir, you only have|a little more than an hour. {41630}{41714}Ah, Carter, relax.|We'll be back in plenty oftime. {41753}{41841}Right, Teal'c?|We'll be back in plenty of time? {41899}{41944}Buddy? {41974}{42009}Pal? {42011}{42050}God. {42179}{42282}Sam, I'll need help with the hyperdrive.|Dr Jackson, you have the peltak. {42303}{42360}Uh, wha... what exactly does that mean? {42363}{42412}We'll stay in touch. {42759}{42810}Target is in range. {42813}{42882}Weapons locked. {42906}{42955}Here we go. {44225}{44270}Pull up, Teal'c. Pull up! {44372}{44462}(Jack) Mayday! Mayday!|We are so goin' in! {44505}{44552}Jack, can you hear me? {44555}{44596}(crackling) {44599}{44670}Jack, I'm not reading you.|What's happening? {44723}{44768}Jack! {45135}{45227}Main power's back on line.|Weapons and shields are operational. {45229}{45286}What about the hyperdrive? {45349}{45379}Hm. {45381}{45430}The control circuit is fried. {45449}{45576}The engines are fine, but we'll have|to reroute through secondary systems. {45584}{45676}- Well, how long will that take?|- We'll have to move fast. {45696}{45745}- (Daniel) Sam?|- Go ahead. {45758}{45811}I just got a Mayday from Jack. {45837}{45921}- What's goin' on?|- I don't know. I lost the transmission. {45923}{45972}Hang on. We have to go back for them. {45975}{46043}- We can't. Not now.|- Why not? We have sub-light speed. {46047}{46154}I know, but I'm the only one that can fly|this ship and I have to make these repairs. {46156}{46209}- Well, I'll do them.|- Sam... {46214}{46302}Look, we're not leaving them behind.|You can talk me through it. {46319}{46422}OK. You can start by|pulling out the burnt crystals. {47122}{47227}Propulsion system and communication|array have been damaged beyond repair. {47230}{47275}That's good. {47278}{47397}Because, according to my calculations,|we are roughly in the middle of... {47399}{47464}..nowhere. Give or take. {47487}{47602}The cruiser was going to pick up Tanith,|so we cannot be far from the Tok'ra base. {47620}{47731}If we make it there, Carter and Jackson|can ring us aboard the mother ship. {47739}{47860}You're assuming they're assuming we're|alive and they're coming back for us. {47895}{47954}Care to make a wager, O'Neill? {47974}{48023}On which part? {48070}{48119}I believe it is this way. {48153}{48249}This is so the last time|I help someone move. {48322}{48435}- Good, the tactical display's back on line.|- Yeah, I think we have a problem here. {48437}{48502}I figured that flashing wasn't good news. {48504}{48594}And the fact that in Goa'uld|it says "Warning. Warning." {48618}{48675}It's Apophis. He's here. {48931}{49064}He's ahead of schedule. The other ship|must've warned him to pick up the pace. {49066}{49129}- What are you doing?|- Retreating. {49131}{49180}What about Jack and Teal'c? {49183}{49261}Apophis's ships are taking up|attack positions around Vorash. {49264}{49336}They'd destroy us|before we even got close. {49338}{49447}I'm not going to abandon them, Daniel.|We need to buy more time. {49449}{49537}If we move around behind the sun,|the fleet won't spot us. {49643}{49698}Ah, this was a bad idea. {49714}{49837}I said that, remember? Remember|I said "General, this is a bad idea"? {49840}{49926}- I remember, O'Neill.|- "Let the Tok'ra get their own ship" I said. {49929}{50011}- They don't share with us.|- I remember. {50019}{50066}Yep, that's what I said. {50069}{50159}- How much time until the sun explodes?|- Huh? Oh. {50171}{50228}45 minutes. {50231}{50298}At least we have prevented|Tanith from escaping. {50300}{50365}Yes. At least we have that. {50692}{50778}Apophis sends his greetings|and bids you welcome upon his vessel. {50786}{50839}He is grateful for your service. {50868}{50962}There may still be one more thing|for which he can be grateful. {51042}{51132}- (Carter) OK, now what?|- Replace the last two crystals. {51135}{51223}The whole panel should light up|and you should hear a hum. {51414}{51488}Humming away. Hyperdrive's on line. {51568}{51633}It should be around here somewhere. {51635}{51700}Indeed. The rings are centred here. {51731}{51780}So? Now what? {53223}{53291}(Jacob) The Stargate just entered the sun. {53293}{53385}We only have 27 minutes|before it goes supernova. {53389}{53456}Why aren't we heading back to Vorash? {53458}{53544}Apophis is already there. There's|no way we can get near that planet. {53546}{53591}But we have to do something. {53627}{53734}Apophis wants the Tok'ra,|so let's give them to him. {54027}{54099}- You are injured.|- I will be fine. {54162}{54213}Where are the Tok'ra? {54215}{54270}The attempt to stop|their ship was thwarted. {54273}{54425}However, I managed to procure a gift|which will make the journey worthwhile. {54442}{54497}(footsteps) {54844}{54899}The shol'va. {55018}{55073}You have done well. {55219}{55293}Remote guidance engaged.|Launching gliders. {55619}{55740}Lord Apophis, scanners have picked up|gliders moving out from behind the sun. {55772}{55821}Surround them. {55852}{55946}The fleet is on course. They're heading|out of the system. Speed increasing. {55962}{56011}He's taking the bait. {56048}{56097}The fleet is leaving Vorash. {56216}{56283}We are approaching the enemy ships. {56303}{56399}My Lord, there are no life signs.|The ships are unmanned. {56438}{56487}A trick. {56643}{56737}Sensors are picking up a Hatak|now approaching the planet. {56985}{57067}Less than four minutes|before the sun begins to supernova. {57144}{57205}- (Daniel) Jack, come in.|- (crackling) {57256}{57303}Jack, come in. {57306}{57349}Yeah, I'm here. {57352}{57401}Hey, thanks for checkin' in. {57404}{57523}Yeah, we had trouble avoiding Apophis's|fleet. Are you in position to be ringed up? {57526}{57610}Uh, yeah, I suppose. I don't know. {57631}{57750}- Jack, ifyou're not in position...|- Daniel, just get me the hell outta here! {58005}{58083}- We gotta get out of here.|- If my calculations were correct... {58368}{58417}Arm the weapons. {58434}{58483}My Lord... {58673}{58716}Engaging hyperdrive. {59224}{59279}What just happened? {59281}{59373}We must have caught|the tail end of the blast wave. {59393}{59442}It knocked us off course. {59523}{59568}Sir. {59595}{59646}Where's Teal'c? {59648}{59695}I'm not sure. {59698}{59747}I think he's dead. {59871}{59945}- If Apophis has him...|- Well, we have to go back. {59959}{60014}That may not be possible, Sam. {60043}{60135}The navigational computer isn't|recognising any of the star patterns. {60151}{60219}According to these readings,... {60221}{60286}..we've travelled over|four million light years. {60288}{60385}- That's impossible.|- We're not even in our own galaxy. {60387}{60481}The explosion must have somehow|affected the subspace window. {60490}{60568}Wait a minute. What are you saying?|We can't get back? {60576}{60683}I don't know. This ship isn't|normally capable of going so fast. {60686}{60739}It only took us a few seconds to get here. {60752}{60850}Given our current position,|and maximum hyperdrive speed,... {60852}{60930}..it's gonna take us 125 years to get back. {61066}{61152}Long-range sensors|are picking up another ship. {61339}{61388}It's Apophis. {61831}{61938}Visiontext Subtitles: Natasha Cohn