{142}{208}Previously on "Stargate SG-1": {210}{291}- This is the sun that Vorash is orbiting.|- We wanna blow it up. {457}{531}- What the hell was that?|- We're under attack. {556}{628}Hyperdrive is down. We're sitting ducks. {680}{750}(Apophis) We must not|allow Tanith to escape. {827}{881}Teal'c, pull up! {906}{947}(O'Neill) Mayday, mayday! {950}{1026}- We are so goin' in!|- Jack, can you hear me? {1213}{1267}So? Now what? {1501}{1561}Four minutes before the sun|begins to supernova. {1564}{1621}Daniel, just get me the hell outta here! {1772}{1840}Engaging hyperdrive. {1940}{1992}Sir. Where's Teal'c? {2000}{2024}I think he's dead. {2027}{2093}We've travelled|over four million light years. {2095}{2184}- That's impossible.|- It's gonna take us 125 years to get back. {2284}{2309}It's Apophis. {2633}{2676}(narrator) And now, the conclusion. {2678}{2738}- He's arming weapons.|- Shields? {2774}{2850}Not responding. Not that|they'd do much good anyway. {2853}{2944}That ship has weapons powerful enough|to penetrate shields at full power. {2947}{2992}Hyperdrive? {2994}{3085}Not responding. The blast wave that|propelled us here did some damage. {3088}{3152}Can we communicate with them? {3154}{3226}- And say what?|- I don't know. "Don't shoot"? {3312}{3361}(distorted) Kree, Lord Apophis. {3364}{3455}I am Selmak of the Tok'ra,|commander of this ship. {3476}{3530}"Commander"? {3551}{3611}You wanna bicker about rank now? {3671}{3722}Onak rak, shel Apophis! {3746}{3836}- He's looking a little pissed.|- We did just destroy his fleet. {3843}{3956}Rak lo najaquna, shel re hara kek! {3962}{4007}He says it's time for us to die. {4010}{4123}Wait. I don't know if you checked your|dashboard, but we're both way off course. {4131}{4207}Harek rel kree lo mak! {4212}{4259}He's saying he knows everything. {4262}{4312}Onak rak shel na! {4315}{4393}He's also saying|there's nothing we can do to help him. {4395}{4444}He's going to destroy us. {4447}{4515}- We surrender.|- What? Daniel? {4535}{4599}He'll blow us to pieces.|I'm trying to buy time. {4601}{4665}Kla mel ha rak. {4718}{4765}What'd he say? {4768}{4822}"Too late." {6576}{6650}I can't stand it. What's he waitin' for? {6921}{7022}- What happened?|- I'm picking up another ship on sensors. {7040}{7085}It's coming in fast. {7109}{7169}They're firing on Apophis. {7186}{7283}- What are you doing?|- Getting the hell outta here. {7494}{7566}That ship is unlike anything|in the computer records. {7569}{7628}We are in an uncharted part|of the universe. {7635}{7749}I'm enjoying their style -|shoot first, send flowers later. {7752}{7806}- Works.|- But it only fired at Apophis. {7809}{7868}Well, his ship's a much bigger threat. {7871}{7937}- Think they were trying to save us?|- It's possible. {7939}{8019}We may still find out. We won't|get far on sublight engines. {8022}{8111}And whoever wins the fight|will probably come looking for us. {8192}{8270}- Now what are you doing?|- This system is centred on a blue giant. {8273}{8349}If we can move close enough|to the coronasphere, {8352}{8411}the radiation should|keep us off their sensors. {8414}{8467}Excuse me? Radiation? {8491}{8569}Well, the ship's hull will protect us. {8578}{8636}For a while. {8826}{8884}We're entering the coronasphere. {8909}{8995}The good news is that we won't show up|on anyone else's sensors. {8998}{9062}The bad news is|our sensors will be blocked as well. {9064}{9173}So when we're ready to go, we won't|know if someone's waiting for us. {9205}{9285}- How long do we have?|- About an hour without full shields. {9292}{9331}Ten hours with them. {9342}{9406}Sam, you wanna give me a hand? {9467}{9549}- I'd fix the shields first.|- (Jacob) Right, Jack. {9589}{9638}Just a suggestion. {9847}{9921}- Are you OK?|- Just thinking about Teal'c. {10006}{10055}Five minutes. {10058}{10132}And nine hours.|The shields are back on line. {10367}{10416}- Oh, boy.|- How bad is it? {10419}{10516}It's bad. The hyperdrive control crystals|are all completely shot. {10546}{10605}We already used the backups. {10765}{10866}I don't suppose you wanna...|talk about what happened on Vorash? {10983}{11038}Not really. {11041}{11095}Didn't think so. {11179}{11245}We were ambushed at the rings. {11271}{11330}Teal'c took one in the back. {11377}{11436}I should have seen it comin'. {11500}{11624}I thought the key to a good ambush was|to make sure that you don't see it comin'. {11725}{11814}My point is that I'm...|I'm sure that you did your best. {11897}{11956}Apparently it wasn't good enough. {12161}{12215}(Stargate alarm) {12373}{12447}- Receiving Tok'ra IDC, sir.|- Open the iris. {12631}{12686}Stand down. {12702}{12774}Welcome to Earth. I'm General Hammond. {12776}{12850}I am Councilwoman Ren'al of the Tok'ra. {12852}{12911}Would you please come this way? {12952}{13009}- I assume you have news.|- Yes. {13074}{13171}We had two scout ships as close|to the region as safety permitted. {13174}{13273}Sensors confirmed the star|did go supernova as planned. {13276}{13412}As far as we can tell, Apophis' fleet|was in close proximity as it happened. {13414}{13469}As far as you can tell? {13485}{13570}Our data only covers|the time prior to the blast wave. {13573}{13680}An energy burst of that magnitude|blacks out sensor readings for some time. {13683}{13796}However, I can assure you there's no way|for a mothership to have survived. {13807}{13873}And there's been|no communication from SG-1? {13875}{13920}No. {13922}{13998}A one-man pod was launched|from Apophis' mothership {14000}{14059}- minutes prior to the explosion.|- Apophis? {14062}{14151}It is possible. But that would mean|he had anticipated the explosion, {14154}{14224}- and his fleet should have escaped.|- Then who was it? {14235}{14340}We tracked the pod into Goa'uld-occupied|territory, but could not follow further. {14343}{14446}There was one, possibly two subspace|distortions during the explosion {14448}{14549}that could be explained by ships|attempting to enter hyperspace. {14551}{14683}However, we're fairly confident they did|not make it out prior to the blast wave. {14685}{14804}- So you're saying SG-1 did not survive?|- The possibility is extremely remote. {14827}{14914}If they had, they should|have contacted us by now. {14917}{15003}You can rest assured,|whether or not SG-1 survived, {15006}{15080}their action has thrown|the Goa'uld into chaos. {15083}{15134}The resultant void in dominant power {15137}{15267}will have the remaining System Lords|fighting each other for years to come. {15270}{15317}Thank you. {15405}{15514}The Tok'ra are officially considering|Selmak a fallen war hero. {15516}{15596}You'll forgive me for|holding out hope a little longer. {15598}{15695}SG-1 has a surprisingly|good habit of beating the odds. {16063}{16118}This is not gonna work. {16121}{16197}(O'Neill) Hey, it's gettin'|a little hot up here, kids. {16199}{16236}We're running out of time. {16340}{16457}- The hyperdrive is history.|- Retrofitting other crystals didn't work. {16460}{16538}But it'd take 100 years to get home|even with the hyperdrive. {16540}{16610}- Yeah.|- So, long term, what's the difference? {16612}{16709}Well, in the short term, it'll be|hard to avoid enemy ships. {16711}{16785}- Weapons and shields?|- Good for now. {16788}{16876}- Good enough to cover our butts?|- We'll see. {16897}{16954}Moving out of the coronasphere. {16975}{17039}The sensors are coming back on line. {17064}{17123}I'm picking up one ship. {17183}{17249}- It's Apophis.|- What about the other one? {17275}{17357}- It's not out there.|- Can Apophis see us yet? {17360}{17416}He should be able to, but he's not moving. {17419}{17489}Maybe his ship|was damaged in the battle. {17534}{17571}That's impossible. {17612}{17719}- Care to share?|- It says there's no life signs on board. {18032}{18096}What if the other ship|comes back while we're there? {18098}{18157}We're sitting ducks|no matter where we are. {18160}{18230}If Apophis' ship is damaged|and we can repair it, we should. {18232}{18322}It's faster, has more advanced weaponry,|and superior shields. {18325}{18413}- It still got its fanny whupped.|- We won't know why until we get there. {18416}{18510}At the very least, we need|hyperdrive control crystals. {18788}{18883}(computer) Kree, arak ushtrak.|Oona karak. {18886}{18967}Kree, arak ushtrak. Oona karak. {18970}{19063}- What's he saying?|- The self-destruct is set. {19066}{19152}We have four minutes. I'll try|and shut it off from the peltak. {19155}{19247}- Sam, you know where the crystals are?|- We'll get 'em. {19379}{19428}This way, sir. It's not far. {19431}{19501}Carter, how do you know|where to go in a place like this? {19504}{19599}I studied the Tok'ra specs of this ship|while we were on Vorash. {19602}{19694}- You know how to have a good time.|- I'm havin' a good time now, sir. {19697}{19751}You go, girl. {20132}{20181}(Carter) Clear. {20230}{20263}Eeuw. {20292}{20341}(scurrying) {20406}{20474}- What was it?|- I don't know. {20494}{20545}But it sounds eerily familiar. {20751}{20803}Jacob, do you read? {20806}{20888}- Yeah.|- Uh, we should get outta here. {20909}{20961}Yeah, I figured that. {21157}{21256}- Guys, what's goin' on?|- (Sam) It's crawling with replicators. {21259}{21327}(Jacob) Sam, I can't|shut down the auto-destruct. {21330}{21412}- I'll meet you in the ring room.|- We'll try to get the crystals. {21415}{21454}You have three minutes. {21456}{21548}Daniel, you'll have to fly that ship|as soon as we ring back aboard. {21551}{21617}And you'll have to tell me how to do that. {21766}{21816}Sam, Jack. One minute. {21844}{21889}Sam! Jack! Do you read? {21892}{21939}(gunfire) {21942}{21996}Activate the rings! {22373}{22432}- We got 'em.|- Go, Daniel! {22675}{22723}No time to fix the hyperdrive. {22726}{22796}Let's hope the sublight engines|get us far enough away. {22798}{22872}It won't matter if the replicators|stop the auto-destruct. {22874}{22961}They'd have to learn to reprogram|a Goa'uld computer awfully quick. {22964}{23059}- If they get control of that ship...|- Hey! You guys are being too negative! {23062}{23144}- We're not gonna make it!|- We're going as fast as we can. {23234}{23291}Shut down engines!|Divert power to the shields! {23294}{23337}Be my guest. {23585}{23641}That was close. {23696}{23789}I believe someone said|"We're not gonna make it." {23805}{23862}Sam, let's get the hyperdrive running. {23865}{23912}Excuse me. {23914}{23986}I distinctly remember someone saying {23989}{24048}"We're not gonna make it!" {24069}{24125}- I think we made it.|- I'm sorry. {24128}{24211}I overreacted. It looked very much|like we weren't going to make it. {24217}{24307}Yes, well, maybe next time|you'll just wait and see. {24312}{24403}And blow the last chance|I might ever have to be right? {24488}{24512}What? {24535}{24594}Welcome to my life. {24628}{24677}What? {24973}{25023}We're good to go. {25026}{25109}(Daniel) Engine room, this is peltak.|Come in immediately. {25112}{25195}- We've left him in charge once too often.|- What is it, Daniel? {25205}{25265}I'm picking up a ship on the sensors. {25286}{25336}Now what? {25493}{25577}Someone must have escaped|Apophis' ship before the bugs took over. {25580}{25650}- Who?|- It's a Goa'uld cargo ship. {25666}{25732}I'm sending a hailing signal. {25802}{25849}Nothing. {25851}{25933}(distorted) I am Selmak of the Tok'ra,|commander of this ship. {25936}{26029}You know, we really should talk|about this "commander" thing. {26032}{26091}Identify yourself. {26200}{26264}- Teal'c!|- O'Neill. {26275}{26372}- You made it!|- Apophis revived me in his sarcophagus. {26398}{26483}We fled his ship|when the replicators attacked. {26486}{26573}- "We"?|- There are other life signs on the ship. {26595}{26650}Who ya got with ya, Teal'c? {26653}{26767}A few Jaffa who supported our cause.|They helped me escape. {26877}{26945}Opening the cargo bay doors. {26947}{27023}- Welcome back.|- Thank you, O'Neill. {27420}{27469}Hey! {27548}{27573}Buddy! {27708}{27767}What ya got goin' here, Teal'c? {27810}{27859}Well done, Teal'c. {27862}{27973}Finally you have resumed|your rightful position as my first prime. {28419}{28504}All right, this is feeling|like a strange plan, {28507}{28602}but just let me know what to do|and when. {28799}{28915}Come on, Teal'c. You don't really think|that you're still first prime of Apophis? {28922}{29008}I have never ceased|to be in the service of my god. {29011}{29092}All right, that's sounding|a little brainwashy. {29189}{29278}You don't believe that guy's a god|any more than I do. {29378}{29456}What the hell's that supposed to mean? {29465}{29568}Come on, we're friends. Are you|tryin' to tell me you don't remember {29571}{29672}- what's happened these past four years?|- I remember everything. {29687}{29790}It makes me ill to think I was forced|to pretend to be your friend. {29792}{29887}So many times I saved your life|when I wished I could watch you die. {29933}{29995}It hurts me that you would say that, {30021}{30099}but that's OK, because I know it's not true. {30109}{30206}- Your belief is not necessary.|- It doesn't make any sense. {30229}{30305}Come on! You and I have|taken down half a dozen Goa'ulds. {30307}{30389}- Enemies of Apophis.|- And we kicked his ass twice! {30392}{30468}- Hell, you watched him die once.|- I knew he would be reborn {30471}{30547}- more powerful than ever.|- I'm talkin' to a wall. Anybody? {30549}{30641}Teal'c, you remember when Apophis|brainwashed your son, Rya'c? {30729}{30787}Consider the possibility. {30892}{30941}Or don't. {31059}{31162}Unload the sarcophagus|and the crates from the cargo ship. {31277}{31345}Gotta wonder why|they didn't put us in the brig. {31348}{31467}It's on one of the lower levels. It was|probably damaged in the firefight. {31528}{31587}Think you can hot-wire this thing? {31618}{31703}I'd assume there's some safety|mechanism to ensure against that. {31706}{31805}Otherwise it'd be pretty stupid|to lock us in here, wouldn't it? {31836}{31910}Of course, I could give it a shot... sir. {31923}{31972}Thank you. {33936}{34030}- Disgusting decoration.|- Course has been plotted for Delmak. {34033}{34152}Diverting all power from shields and|weapons, and entering hyperspeed. {34421}{34489}The Tok'ra Selmak|has thus far eluded capture. {34554}{34622}I will see to it personally, my lord. {34625}{34686}I am sure you will not fail me, Teal'c. {35084}{35146}I really have no idea what I'm doing here. {35163}{35250}- Keep tryin'. You might get lucky.|- Sir, I hate to sound negative, {35253}{35360}but I think without a little more insight|into how these things actually work, {35363}{35435}I've got pretty much|zero chance of hitting... {35467}{35518}OK, maybe not zero. {35564}{35618}Come on. {35908}{35945}Inside. {36088}{36183}Come on, Teal'c.|A part of you has to know the truth. {36188}{36258}The truth is, you are|a prisoner of Apophis. {36261}{36360}When the symbiote that I carry matures,|you will become its host. {36400}{36459}OK, l... I meant the other truth. {36511}{36564}(O'Neill) Look out! {36838}{36937}We shall die long before we reach Delmak|without new symbiotes! {36971}{37012}Apophis will live on, {37014}{37113}and we shall serve him well|until we die with honour in his name. {37313}{37387}My lord, the internal sensors|have shut down. {37531}{37587}Power is being diverted|from the hyperdrive. {37689}{37726}We're out of hyperspeed. {37748}{37806}My lord, the ship's systems are failing. {37809}{37866}I am unable to bring|the engines back on line. {37870}{37924}Harak, kla mel. {38940}{38989}Odd. {39043}{39070}Uh-oh. {39213}{39267}Uh, excuse me. {39724}{39798}- This could be a problem.|- Sir, if they've got control {39800}{39876}- of the primary systems...|- This could be a problem. {39994}{40066}It won't attack unless you threaten it. {40158}{40220}Yeah. Still, maybe we should, um... {40543}{40617}(Teal'c) My lord, the ship|is infested with replicators. {40619}{40674}- How?|- I am unsure. {40677}{40735}- They control the engine room.|- Destroy them! {40738}{40835}We cannot. There are too many ofthem|and too few ofus. We must... {40837}{40894}Kree, Jaffa! {41368}{41417}Kree hak! {41693}{41742}(agonised screams) {42507}{42561}(Daniel) Hello. {42598}{42684}It's been, what, 10, 1 1 hours|since we picked up the cargo ship? {42687}{42770}The replicators have had time to|reach unmanageably large numbers. {42773}{42839}Let's just hope they left|the cargo ship alone. {42841}{42934}Chances are they have. They'd focus|on controlling the mothership. {42937}{42994}Brainwashed or not,|we can't leave Teal'c. {42997}{43122}I know. You and Jacob secure|the cargo ship. Carter, you're with me. {43334}{43395}You know how to use one of these? {43523}{43537}Sure. {43544}{43612}We must ensure that Apophis|reaches the cargo bay. {43615}{43693}He is a god. Is he powerless|against these demons? {43696}{43774}What you say is blasphemy.|If I hear it again, I will kill you. {43777}{43834}If our weapons have no effect,|what can we do? {43837}{43924}Human weapons will work.|There are crates of them in storage. {43927}{43976}(scurrying) {44477}{44526}Jaffa. {45375}{45445}Teal'c! We've got to get off this ship! {45448}{45483}Now! {45752}{45855}(Jacob) Atmospheric shield is on line!|Cargo bay is pressurised. {46102}{46156}Looks clear. {46274}{46335}I have what may seem|like a dumb question. {46338}{46414}Don't we need to open|those cargo bay doors to fly out? {46417}{46487}This ship has remote access|to the door controls. {46489}{46590}- Hopefully, the bugs haven't overridden it.|- You... you don't want to check? {46599}{46667}I don't wanna tip 'em off|before we have to. {46780}{46821}Sir, we gotta move! {47772}{47824}He's alive. {47832}{47891}Hope Junior keeps him that way. {48484}{48525}Yeah, here you go. {48527}{48597}- He's been shot!|- He resisted a little. {48626}{48750}- I thought you weren't gonna make it.|- I didn't say it, though. {48777}{48827}Better tie him up. {49034}{49114}- What was that?|- The mothership jumped to hyperspeed. {49234}{49291}- Now what?|- Now nothin'. {49294}{49412}We can't open the cargo bay doors|and fly out while we're in hyperspace. {50077}{50184}According to this, the ship is headed|towards the last coordinates entered: {50187}{50244}Sokar's old planet, {50247}{50307}Apophis' new base. {50310}{50365}- Uh, Dad.|- I see. {50385}{50475}The ship is travelling at ten times|its capable hyperspeed? {50478}{50572}And the speed's still increasing.|20 times... 30... {50587}{50663}This is incredible. The bugs|must have modified the engines. {50665}{50731}- They can do that?|- They can do almost anything. {50733}{50871}Blocks come together to form whatever|pattern they need to achieve their goals. {50874}{50961}- But they don't care about travelling fast.|- Only while multiplying. {50964}{51055}Once they reach a critical number, they|look for new technology to consume. {51058}{51167}Then our data about Apophis' base|must make it look pretty appetising. {51170}{51264}This is great news. We'll be back|in our own galaxy in no time. {51267}{51323}When they exit hyperspeed,|we can fly home. {51326}{51416}I wouldn't exactly call that... great news. {51424}{51488}We can't let the bugs|get a foothold in our galaxy. {51491}{51569}They're relentless.|Even the Asgard can't stop them. {51572}{51636}- What about self-destruct?|- Right. {51638}{51730}Once it was set on Apophis' ship,|the bugs couldn't shut it off. {51733}{51805}Looks like the bugs|figured out Goa'uld computers. {51807}{51866}I can't get into the main system. {51899}{51965}Let's figure this out.|We got 'em on Thor's ship. {51968}{52025}- How?|- We destroyed the deceleration drive {52028}{52084}before the ship|entered Earth's atmosphere. {52087}{52155}It couldn't withstand|an uncontrolled re-entry. {52158}{52259}Goa'uld ships use sublight engines|to slow down after exiting hyperspace. {52262}{52348}- If we destroy the engine controls...|- The ship won't be able to stop. {52351}{52417}And it'll crash right into Apophis' planet. {52419}{52502}We'd have to wait until just after|the ship came out of hyperspace {52505}{52566}so the bugs have no time|to change trajectory. {52569}{52618}How do we destroy these engines? {52627}{52703}All we have to do|is eliminate the control crystals. {52706}{52795}- In the engine room.|- Which is Bug Central, probably. {52815}{52846}So we plant C4. {52849}{52939}The bugs could disable the detonator|by the time we leave and set it off. {52942}{52975}What are you saying? {52978}{53077}We would have to physically|destroy the crystals ourselves. {53079}{53160}- A P90 at close range should do the job.|- That doesn't sound... {53163}{53222}You got a better idea, Mr Positive? {53238}{53316}The ship's reached over 800 times|its previous maximum speed. {53319}{53412}One of us should get the cargo ship|charged up and ready to go. {53415}{53471}That would be you.|Carter, Daniel, with me. {53474}{53546}It's gonna be tight, guys.|You only have about 30 seconds {53548}{53605}to get from the engine room|back to the cargo bay. {53608}{53666}- Just keep it runnin'.|- All right. Good luck. {53968}{54017}Oh, crap. {54100}{54157}What the hell is that? {54292}{54362}That... is a big bug. {54428}{54479}I guess that explains the extra power. {54482}{54531}Uh, listen... {54534}{54584}Let's not wake it up. {54921}{54978}OK, the control panel... {55507}{55566}- Ready?|- Wait for it, sir. {56226}{56280}Go, go, go, go, go! {57479}{57538}That's the way we have to go. {57562}{57616}Let's go! {57918}{57973}Guys, we gotta go now! {58014}{58069}Jack! Sam! Daniel! {58072}{58148}Dad! We're cut offfrom the cargo bay. {58151}{58245}We've made it to the ring room on|level ten. Can you ring us up remotely? {58248}{58304}- I'll try.|- Hurry! {58538}{58597}- Thanks.|- Let's get outta here! {58796}{58908}- The doors are closing.|- They've overridden our controls. {58984}{59060}- Are we gonna make it?|- I don't wanna say. {59933}{59994}- I'm gonna check on Teal'c.|- Jack... {60022}{60129}You got his body back. Getting|his mind back may not be as easy. {60684}{60783}You may torture me all you wish.|I will tell you nothing. {60805}{60864}I'm sorry I had to shoot you. {60867}{60933}You didn't give me much choice, though. {61039}{61107}Apophis... is dead. {61336}{61395}I do not believe you. {61408}{61465}Trust me. {61509}{61562}Gods cannot be killed. {61836}{61895}Visiontext Subtitles: Paul Murray