{142}{200}Previously on "Stargate SG-1": {203}{320}Finally, you have resumed|your rightful position as my first prime. {380}{487}- Apophis is dead.|- Gods cannot be killed. {489}{581}You got his body back. Getting|his mind back may not be as easy. {864}{909}It is good to see you, O'Neill. {936}{1012}- You too.|- You appear to be well. {1014}{1084}Well... forget appearances. {1087}{1186}The back's gone, the knee's shot.|Forget curling. {1229}{1290}- You?|- I am well again. {1329}{1386}So I hear. {1405}{1454}Welcome back. {1519}{1667}I again pledge you my allegiance, and ask|forgiveness for succumbing to Apophis. {1670}{1771}Well, he did sorta have you over a barrel...|you bein' dead an' all. {1773}{1880}The power of the sarcophagus forced|me to believe that Apophis was my god. {1882}{1932}Sarcophagi will do that. {1971}{2076}- Dr McKenzie convinced me otherwise.|- You convinced yourself, Teal'c. {2079}{2186}All I did was shine a light on|something you already knew. {2200}{2249}You know, just for fun... {2307}{2381}I'd love to hear you say it out loud. {2384}{2504}That Apophis is a false god? That the|Goa'uld are nothing more than parasites? {2507}{2540}Yeah, that stuff. {2543}{2650}I hope to one day restore|your trust in me, O'Neill, {2652}{2741}and to return to your service,|General Hammond. {2782}{2831}What do you think? {2961}{2994}After you. {3255}{3354}- Hello, old friend.|- Master Bra'tac. It has been too long. {3357}{3493}So it has. Your friends of Earth|took great pains in bringing me here. {3585}{3640}He is deceiving you. {3810}{3859}Teal'c. {3966}{4011}Shol'va! {4222}{4296}- (squelch)|- Hoh! What are you doin'? {4299}{4439}If Teal'c won't hear the truth in words,|he must learn of it another way. {4441}{4490}(squealing) {4523}{4572}The only way left to us. {6326}{6409}- Master Bra'tac, before we proceed...|- We waste time! {6412}{6515}Please explain what you hope to achieve|by depriving Teal'c of his symbiote. {6517}{6579}I hope to save him. {6588}{6660}- By killing him?|- If necessary. {6662}{6786}See... I think we disagree on|the meaning of the word "save". {6789}{6934}You would have him remain this way,|loving a false god, spitting and cursing? {6937}{6957}No... {6960}{7059}- There may be other methods.|- I have seen your methods. {7062}{7149}You underestimate the hold|Apophis has on Teal'c's heart. {7152}{7247}In time, you will have little choice|but to lock him away, {7250}{7369}for he is far too dangerous an enemy|to have in your midst. {7413}{7526}- The rite of M'al Sharran is the only way.|- Last rite? {7529}{7654}To save Teal'c's soul, first we must|take him to the very threshold of death. {7657}{7729}On Chulak, it is said that|when a warrior is dying, {7732}{7820}the events that forge him|wash over his mind like a great wave. {7823}{7911}His whole life passes before his eyes.|We have a similar... {7914}{7959}What does that get us? {7961}{8056}Through his fever and hallucination,|he will relive his true path, {8059}{8108}buried beneath this lie. {8111}{8160}You've done this before? {8186}{8262}Twice... in my 137 years. {8264}{8328}So you know it works? {8330}{8419}Neither Jaffa had the strength|to turn back from the precipice, {8422}{8496}but I am content they died free. {8503}{8597}Teal'c would ask for nothing more.|I owe him that. {8638}{8691}Do you? {9001}{9048}He's in and out of consciousness. {9051}{9117}His temperature is rising, his BP is falling. {9124}{9223}His immune system is failing. If we don't|return his symbiote within a few hours... {9225}{9297}- Do nothing.|- I can't do that. {9299}{9391}Bra'tac made his case.|Hammond gave the go-ahead. {9408}{9498}I see. Then I will take this up with him. {9564}{9618}Do you call yourself Teal'c's friend? {9621}{9660}Of course. {9662}{9717}Then stay. {9720}{9854}When the time comes, he may need|your help to find his way back to us. {10243}{10297}Can you hear me, old friend? {10364}{10409}Kal kek ma'l, shol'va. {10412}{10492}- Then where is your god now, Teal'c?|- He will come. {10495}{10544}I don't think so, buddy. {10571}{10680}I know we've been over this a few times,|but in case you weren't listening, {10683}{10744}I am 100 per cent sure... {10836}{10893}99 per cent sure Apophis is dead. {10896}{10945}He has deceived you, O'Neill, {10948}{11073}as I have deceived you all these years,|claiming to be in the service of the Tauri. {11076}{11169}I have never left the service of|my lord Apophis, and I never will. {11172}{11253}So all that time you were|savin' the world, killin' Goa'ulds... {11256}{11322}- Subterfuge.|- Savvy. {11324}{11425}You can take my life, but you can|never take away my loyalty to my god. {11428}{11478}I die in his name. {11492}{11568}- I die for you, my lord!|- Enough. {11614}{11692}- Do you know me, Teal'c?|- You are the shol'va, Bra'tac. {11694}{11810}There was a time I was once the first|prime, loyal servant of your lord Apophis. {11813}{11901}- You were my apprentice.|- Kek tal shree, shol'va. {11904}{11947}Remember? {11949}{11998}Remember, Teal'c! {12097}{12151}It was glorious. {12168}{12230}For years we fought side by side. {12233}{12294}- In battle.|- In his name. {12348}{12377}My lord Apophis. {12431}{12520}My lord Apophis, your enemy is defeated. {12523}{12572}You have won the day. {12608}{12657}Shal met, Bra'tac. {12708}{12760}Rise. {12896}{12962}You have done well,|and will know my gratitude. {12964}{13013}You do me honour. {13068}{13134}In displaying great skill and cunning, {13136}{13222}these three most honoured|your name in battle. {13286}{13367}- Tell me of this one.|- His name is Teal'c, my lord. {13370}{13492}My apprentice... and,|with your blessing, my successor. {13495}{13557}Who was your father? {13590}{13666}- He is the son of...|- Let him speak. {13668}{13806}If he is to take your place as my first|prime, I must know he has a tongue. {13809}{13879}My father was Ro'nak,|first prime of Cronus, {13881}{13953}who was murdered for|failing to win an unwinnable battle. {13955}{14006}My family was exiled to Chulak. {14009}{14064}He failed his god. {14105}{14155}He did not. {14158}{14197}Shek kree, Teal'c! {14199}{14250}My lord, I speak only the truth. {14253}{14306}The battle could not have been won. {14309}{14399}Your father should have died trying. {14438}{14521}- He was a coward.|- My lord, my father was not. {14576}{14624}Aargh! {14650}{14699}Aargh! {14799}{14848}Uh... what was that? {14884}{14965}A conjured memory. The first of many. {14974}{15036}He's obviously in a lot of pain.|At least let me... {15039}{15109}Pain is what we seek. {15126}{15192}Teal'c's path was|laid down with suffering. {15195}{15300}- It is the path he must take to return to us.|- At the moment he's unconscious. {15302}{15355}- All the better.|- All the better? {15358}{15424}It is his unconscious mind we must reach. {15516}{15578}I know my ways are foreign to you, {15581}{15700}but I have known Teal'c longer than any|of you have lived. I have walked his path. {15703}{15804}You cannot hope to understand|the darkness in his heart as I do. {15881}{15930}Trust in me. {15957}{16011}All of you. {16014}{16072}- We do.|- Whatever you need. {16133}{16232}For the moment...|I must meditate in kelno'reem. {16264}{16394}This rite will take most of the night|and I am tired from my long journey here. {16396}{16479}In the meantime,|stay with him, speak to him. {16482}{16560}- He won't be able to hear us unless...|- Perhaps not in his mind. {16562}{16667}But in his heart. Even in silence|he will know of your presence, {16669}{16743}but your words will|force him to remember. {16745}{16844}Challenge him when he does.|Question his beliefs. {16887}{16955}Without his symbiote {16957}{17037}he will not resist reason so readily. {17104}{17199}Carter, maybe you could|show Bra'tac to the VIP room? {17208}{17257}Yes, sir. {17417}{17485}I hope you understand|how difficult it is for us {17487}{17596}to just stand by while Teal'c is in such|obvious agony, especially Dr Fraiser. {17598}{17670}Humans concern themselves|too much with pain. {17672}{17746}Yeah, we also don't approve of torture. {17748}{17822}The greater torture|would be to leave him as he is. {17824}{17888}Teal'c is strong, stronger than l. {17890}{17962}I don't know.|You're the fittest 137-year-old I know. {17965}{18045}Perhaps, but I am|nearing the end of my time. {18048}{18120}Kelno'reem is more and more difficult. {18123}{18246}The symbiote I carry within|will mature within two years. {18249}{18301}It will be my last. {18304}{18347}Why? {18349}{18483}Even if I could procure another,|the new symbiote would reject me. {18485}{18557}It is how old warriors die. {18560}{18611}Maybe we can find some way to help you. {18614}{18727}Life for the sake of life means nothing,|neither for me, nor for Teal'c. {18776}{18877}- Do you understand?|- I think I do. {18883}{18957}Either he will return to us|as we know him, {18959}{19008}or he will not return. {19296}{19343}You wanna go first? {19346}{19391}Sure. {19827}{19882}- I'll go.|- Yeah. {19930}{20014}So... explain this to me one more time. {20041}{20144}You believe that from the moment you|broke us out of that prison on Chulak, {20147}{20206}that you've been serving Apophis? {20209}{20314}Because I gotta tell ya, as your best|friend, at least in this whole wide world, {20316}{20388}that makes absolutely no sense at all. {20390}{20474}I mean, that would make you the most... {20477}{20560}ineffective double agent|in the history of double-agenting. {20563}{20598}Va'lar. {20647}{20717}- What?|- Va'lar. {20832}{20902}- Va'lar.|- Teal'c, are you all right? {20922}{20986}I met him. I spoke to him. {20989}{21057}With Apophis himself?|You were granted an audience? {21060}{21118}As a reward for my deeds in battle. {21121}{21193}A reward? When they brought|you here, you were so weak. {21196}{21278}- He punished me.|- Then you must have failed him. {21285}{21357}This day I struck down|one hundred of Apophis's enemies. {21359}{21435}You fought well, Teal'c.|None would deny that. {21453}{21517}But he is a god, and if you fail him, {21529}{21610}by sparing even one enemy's life|that was yours, he will know. {21613}{21730}This was not for the battle. What god|would punish a son for loving his father? {21733}{21776}- Your god.|- Yes, but... {21779}{21849}- Never question that again.|- (guard) Quiet! {21950}{22020}Today you served Apophis well in battle. {22022}{22138}Serve him well again tomorrow|and you may live to see another day. {22446}{22493}"Valar." Is that what he said? {22496}{22577}- I thought he said "velour".|- Velour? The fabric? {22580}{22629}- That's what I heard.|- Why say that? {22632}{22677}- Why say "valar"?|- I don't know. {22680}{22739}Va'lar was my friend. {22756}{22805}- What?|- Teal'c. {22855}{22904}O'Neill. {23049}{23139}What is happening? Why am I restrained? {23168}{23292}Well, you were sort of trying to...|kill everyone these past few weeks. {23295}{23365}I could never have harmed you. {23368}{23504}The rite of M'al Sharran has been|successful. Please release me. {23506}{23584}Yeah. Nice try, but no. {23590}{23699}I am not your enemy.|We are brothers, Daniel Jackson... {23702}{23763}Tell us about Va'lar. {23766}{23846}I have not heard that name in many years. {23849}{23981}I trained with him under Bra'tac. We|served in the personal guard of Apophis. {23983}{24080}If you do not return|my symbiote to me, I will die. {24083}{24137}What happened to him? {24240}{24294}He failed his god! {24327}{24391}His god? {24393}{24442}You mean that... {24456}{24559}scumsuckin', overdressed,|boombox-voice snake-in-the-head? {24562}{24657}Latest on our long list of dead bad guys? {24699}{24760}Colonel, his heart rate just doubled. {24776}{24825}Ha'shak! {24863}{24922}That I understood. {24925}{25019}Do you think I don't know|what you're doing to me? {25022}{25121}- We hope you do.|- No Jaffa can survive M'al Sharran! {25124}{25173}You are allowing Bra'tac to kill me! {25176}{25217}Where is he? {25220}{25313}- Shol'va! Where are you?|- BP is crashing. Let's start an IV. {25316}{25405}Where are you, shol'va?|Are you afraid to face me? {25472}{25521}Where are you? {25606}{25655}Where are you? {25672}{25721}Kel mak! {25786}{25880}(Bra'tac) Were I truly your enemy,|you would be dead. {25935}{26001}This is pointless. I am not blind. {26004}{26076}In battle, you must use all your senses. {26110}{26199}- Once again.|- You have died enough for one day. {26202}{26263}We'll begin again in the morning. {26288}{26337}Without this! {26433}{26523}Do you believe you can defeat the|first prime of Apophis in a challenge? {26526}{26581}I am the stronger. {26928}{26998}Shall I fire, and stop this waste of time? {27003}{27058}Or will you learn? {27061}{27147}- I was not prepared.|- There are no second chances in battle. {27150}{27268}You have ears to hear and eyes to see,|but you will not learn. {27271}{27339}Shall I put us both out of our misery? {27384}{27456}The choice is mine. Who can stop me? {27496}{27546}- Apophis?|- Yes. {27549}{27641}So you believe our lord Apophis|is all-seeing, all-powerful? {27644}{27701}- He is a god.|- Is he? {27766}{27850}In battle, Teal'c, faith will not save you. {27874}{27922}Blind faith least of all. {28081}{28147}Rely on your own strength|and your own wits, {28198}{28252}or you are of no use to me. {28425}{28557}I think the point Jack was trying to make|is that you're generally a logical person. {28559}{28701}Your assertion that you never left the|service of Apophis is completely illogical, {28704}{28766}almost to the point of|making no sense whatsoever. {28769}{28861}Do you not know the meaning of faith,|Daniel Jackson? {28864}{28901}I think I do. {28903}{29010}Then you should know that my faith|in Apophis is beyond question. {29013}{29089}Still, if you remember me|and you remember Jack, {29092}{29164}then you must remember|questioning your faith. {29167}{29212}Never! {29229}{29299}- Apophis is a god.|- False god. {29354}{29413}Dead false god. {29436}{29488}Your words cannot change the truth. {29491}{29569}They're not my words, Teal'c.|They're yours. {29572}{29688}You were wrong at the time - he wasn't|dead - but that's neither here nor there. {29691}{29738}- Lies!|- The point is, {29740}{29841}there was a time in your life when you|realised the Goa'uld can't all be gods. {29843}{29961}Every symbiote a Jaffa carries will try to|take a human host and become a Goa'uld. {29964}{30018}How can they all be gods? {30021}{30074}Do not test my temper, woman. {30077}{30151}- I know you honour Bra'tac.|- I said, do not test my temper! {30153}{30252}But you have no choice|but to tell Apophis of his betrayal. {30305}{30373}- Bra'tac is my master.|- Apophis is your god. {30432}{30531}If I am ever to be first prime of Apophis,|I must first honour Bra'tac. {30534}{30587}You have seen the power of Apophis. {30590}{30658}You have seen his chariots|rise from the ground, {30661}{30729}- walk through the Chaapa-ai...|- As I have done. {30731}{30847}Explain how light can leave his palm|and throw a warrior across the square! {30850}{30895}I cannot! {31105}{31179}Yet neither have I seen|a warrior greater than Bra'tac. {31181}{31296}- Then you are the servant of two masters.|- What am I to do, Drey'auc? {31596}{31645}Come to bed. {31811}{31900}(Daniel) "Woman"?|Did he just call me a woman? {31903}{31965}(O'Neill) Yes, I believe he did. {31968}{32044}He's still unconscious? {32046}{32126}(Daniel) ln and out. Obviously delirious. {32288}{32368}- How's Junior doing?|- The symbiote is fine for now. {32371}{32451}But I don't know what we're gonna do|with it if we let Teal'c die. {32454}{32563}But won't be my problem. I'll have|already resigned if we let this go that far. {32565}{32652}- Janet, I know how you feel...|- No. I'm a doctor, Sam. {32655}{32783}This goes against every part of me,|to just stand by and do nothing. {32786}{32860}I don't think that we're doing nothing. {32863}{32908}Yeah. {33158}{33224}So is it working? Has he said anything? {33227}{33287}He talked about fabric, briefly. {33290}{33383}- He just called me a woman.|- So I think it's working. {33415}{33474}Well, something's happening. {33519}{33624}It looks like we're in for the whole night.|We should take turns sitting with him. {33627}{33751}Yeah. I'll come back in a couple of hours.|Daniel, you go after me. {33778}{33839}Then I think we'll all wanna be here. {34131}{34180}Hey, Teal'c. {34213}{34302}Look, I don't know how good|I'm gonna be at this, but... {34329}{34409}I guess the important thing|is just to be there for you. {34466}{34515}Major Carter. {34568}{34649}- How can you allow them to do this?|- Teal'c... {34658}{34734}I have no wish to die, Major Carter. {34750}{34843}- You and Dr Fraiser could yet save me.|- You're not gonna die. {34851}{34921}- I am being murdered as we speak.|- We're helping you. {34923}{34972}Help me escape. {35019}{35068}- Please.|- Oh, God. {35115}{35183}Teal'c, we want you to remember. {35205}{35302}- Do you believe in a god, Major Carter?|- This isn't about me. {35304}{35419}How would it be if you were punished|for loving your god as I love mine? {35436}{35535}- It's not the same.|- I cannot help what I believe. {35545}{35599}You believe in freedom, Teal'c. {35621}{35720}You believe in justice,|in protecting people from false gods. {35722}{35792}You despise everything Apophis was. {35795}{35844}He failed his god. {35866}{35927}He... failed... {35959}{35998}God. {36045}{36071}Teal'c? {36141}{36184}Teal'c. {36187}{36253}- Why have you returned?|- I need to speak with you. {36255}{36349}- Speak now. Apophis has summoned me.|- Alone. Please. {36432}{36546}The battle did not go well.|Ra's warriors were in too great a number. {36549}{36658}- You were given a battalion.|- Ra sent gliders. We were bombarded. {36660}{36745}- There was no choice but to retreat.|- Shek kree, Va'lar. {36748}{36814}- It was the only way to save my men.|- And yourself. {36816}{36878}No! I intend to return,|and with greater numbers. {36881}{36949}I will drive Ra's warriors|from their foothold. {36952}{37020}Please... tell him I am no coward. {37022}{37086}If given the chance,|I will yet prevail, I swear it. {37088}{37166}Go to your sleeping quarters.|Wait for me there. {37189}{37325}Teal'c. It would have profited no one|merely to fight and die. {37327}{37381}You may yet wish you had. {37681}{37740}My lord, we are at your service. {37773}{37834}Who did you entrust with this campaign? {37837}{37936}Va'lar of Chulak, my lord.|A promising warrior. {37951}{38011}Yet he has returned in disgrace. {38075}{38199}Perhaps not in disgrace, my lord,|but as part of a cunning strategy: {38278}{38368}withdraw and return in greater numbers|to crush an overconfident enemy. {38371}{38456}Va'lar himself would like|to lead the second wave. {38459}{38513}- Does he?|- My lord, allow me to... {38602}{38674}Would you have done the same|in his place, Teal'c? {38676}{38756}- No, my lord.|- You would have held your ground? {38758}{38793}Yes, my lord. {38968}{39063}Then return with him|to his place of shame and kill him. {39083}{39128}Yes, my lord. {40075}{40124}Jaffa! {40251}{40329}Kek shal kree, shol'va! {41089}{41161}You may take solace for|what you are about to do, Teal'c. {41163}{41237}I should have died on this battlefield. {41416}{41496}Please tell Apophis I died well,|honouring his name. {41897}{41946}Rise. {42529}{42636}There is a small village|two or three days' walk south of the city. {42638}{42780}You may find shelter. Do not allow|yourself to be captured by either side. {42788}{42856}Teal'c, you cannot do this, even for me. {42859}{42925}- He will know.|- We shall see. {42928}{43051}I'm more willing to face punishment than|to live knowing what he will do to you. {43054}{43120}For your sake, you must. {43123}{43207}Go now, and never show your face again. {43210}{43262}He is a god, Teal'c. {43290}{43344}He will know that you have spared me. {43347}{43396}We shall see. {43494}{43543}Go. {44614}{44659}It is done. {44833}{44882}You have promise, Teal'c. {45339}{45393}You didn't stay away long. {45453}{45502}You should talk. {45529}{45603}- You can go in there, you know.|- I know. {45725}{45834}General... if Teal'c were here,|he'd say you made the right decision. {45842}{45903}If he were here... {45922}{45980}He'll be back. {45995}{46046}If not, {46049}{46197}he will be sent to a high-security facility|and placed in solitary confinement. {46200}{46299}When his symbiote matures|in four or five years... {46364}{46425}I won't do that to him, Jack. {46700}{46751}No, sir. {46754}{46803}Of course not. {47258}{47317}What is wrong, Teal'c? {47399}{47460}Three days ago I led a battalion {47486}{47585}to retake a planet|that had been occupied by Ra's army. {47642}{47766}Apophis ordered me to burn a village|of Ra's followers to the ground. {47798}{47847}(Drey'auc) You did this? {47930}{47979}Yes. {48020}{48138}Then sleep well in the knowledge|that you have served Apophis. {48141}{48195}I cannot close my eyes {48238}{48368}without seeing the innocent faces of|women and children who lived there. {48403}{48457}A Jaffa lived there also. {48499}{48553}A warrior named Va'lar. {48601}{48638}No. {48640}{48739}I banished him to that village|to save his life, {48742}{48872}only to take it away, for fear that|Apophis would learn my secret. {48890}{48995}I put my own life before that of|an entire village, and that of a dear friend. {48998}{49087}- No. You had no choice.|- I did have a choice. {49161}{49262}A son will soon be born to us, Teal'c. {49358}{49438}You must ensure that he has a father. {49494}{49630}Our son will be born into a real home,|a gift from Apophis himself. {49673}{49749}It is the best life we can hope for. {49751}{49810}Then why am I so ashamed? {50325}{50395}Tek matte! Master Bra'tac! {50398}{50447}Tek matte! {50482}{50566}Apophis has made you his first prime. {50577}{50643}- You are not pleased.|- No. {50646}{50772}There's no greater honour among Jaffa|than to become first prime to one's god. {50775}{50853}You know as well as I|what the Goa'uld truly are. {50855}{50962}We pretend, men like you and l,|so we may advance in rank and privilege. {50965}{51025}But do not pretend to me now. {51028}{51127}You know the truth. Can you|look me in the face and say otherwise? {51129}{51222}My entire life you have|prepared me for this day. Why? {51240}{51378}I saw the spark of doubt in you, and the|wisdom to keep that doubt unto yourself. {51380}{51466}I saw you play the game|with those who would play god. {51469}{51531}If I do not believe in him, how can I serve? {51534}{51647}Because there is no other choice|but to serve. The Goa'uld are powerful. {51650}{51767}They have seen to it that we cannot live|without them, and so it may always be. {51770}{51848}But neither can they live without the Jaffa. {51850}{51936}- We are their true power.|- I do not understand. {51985}{52063}As first prime, that power will be yours. {52066}{52186}When Apophis throws his armies into the|fire, you will be there to temper his sword. {52189}{52296}In so doing, you may save countless lives,|as I have done in my time. {52303}{52397}And you have done all these things|against his will? {52422}{52476}His will can be made to bend. {52499}{52569}But not always. {52614}{52725}I have done deeds for which|I cannot forgive even myself, {52727}{52784}as will you. {52787}{52867}Men such as you and I have|only the comfort of those times. {52869}{52926}We make a difference. {53017}{53062}Make a difference. {53548}{53602}(crying) {53841}{53890}There. {53946}{54051}Those are the humans|who came through the Chaapa-ai. {54086}{54162}They do not appear to be|as formidable as I imagined. {54165}{54217}Their weapons are not of Goa'uld design. {54220}{54313}That may be so, Teal'c...|but they are only three. {54333}{54397}They have something more. {54400}{54449}A strength. {54470}{54550}They know the taste of freedom. {54552}{54664}Your dreams of freedom|will be your undoing, Teal'c. {54667}{54758}- Perhaps so.|- Pray they are not chosen as hosts. {54761}{54831}That is the best fate|you can wish for them. {55045}{55132}- What have I done?|- (monitorbeeps rapidly) {55239}{55288}He's in v-fib! Get the cart! {55305}{55385}- This is it.|- Get Bra'tac down here. {55599}{55663}- I'm returning the symbiote.|- Stand aside. {55666}{55726}- If I don't return it immediately...|- Stand aside! {55729}{55810}Or his suffering|will have been for nothing. {55850}{55918}This is the moment|when he must choose. {55920}{55969}Stand aside, Dr Fraiser. {56201}{56259}Choose now, Teal'c. {56262}{56390}Return to those who love freedom,|or die in the name of a false god. {56416}{56449}Choose! {56736}{56784}Shaka ha! {56787}{56865}Kree hol mel, Goa'uld! {56867}{56923}Choose to be the warrior we know! {56946}{57020}Renounce Apophis and return to us! {57027}{57076}It's now or never. {57152}{57205}Choose! {57586}{57635}- Very well.|- Let's move. {57668}{57729}- Kill the rest.|- (screaming) {57857}{57908}Symbiote's in. {57911}{57958}No change. {57961}{58037}- We waited too long. Charge to 200.|- Charging. {58103}{58138}Clear. {58182}{58238}(prisoners screaming) {58345}{58378}No pulse. {58381}{58470}- Make it 360. Give me five of epi.|- Charging. {58473}{58508}Clear. {58519}{58569}I can save these people! {58630}{58681}Help me! {58703}{58756}Help me. {58759}{58809}Many have said that. {58899}{58961}But you are the first I believe could do it. {59274}{59323}I choose freedom. {59864}{59923}The rite has succeeded. {59926}{59980}He has returned to us. {60004}{60053}Uh... {60056}{60117}Just out of curiosity... {60158}{60242}- How do you feel about...?|- Apophis is a false god. {60267}{60337}A dead false god. {60455}{60505}Huh? {60542}{60651}That's good enough for me.|Get him out of those restraints. {60676}{60731}Thank you, Doctor. Well done. {60734}{60787}Yes, sir. I'm glad it worked out too. {60852}{60911}- Hey, Teal'c.|- Major Carter. {60958}{61022}Daniel Jackson. {61148}{61207}- Tek matte.|- My friend. {61237}{61298}General Hammond. {61301}{61447}I once again pledge my allegiance|to you and the people of this world {61450}{61549}and I request permission|to return to SG-1 . {61598}{61662}Permission granted. {61829}{61943}Visiontext Subtitles: David Van-Cauter