{405}{524}We're gonna make it to the gate,|but we're under fire. Teal'c's taken a hit. {816}{865}What's your situation? {963}{1025}Tyler's hit and we're cut off,|so get outta here. {1028}{1096}- We can hold the gate.|- Negative. {1098}{1186}- We're not leaving without you.|- Carter, don't argue with me. {1189}{1248}Get reinforcements. {1384}{1433}Sir. Receiving IDC. It's SG-1 . {1436}{1485}Open the iris. {1684}{1733}Close the iris! {1760}{1819}- Report.|- We were attacked by several Jaffa. {1822}{1909}Lieutenant Tyler went down|and Colonel O'Neill went back for him. {1912}{1973}Let's assemble a rescue team and return. {1976}{2050}Hold on. Who's Lieutenant Tyler? {2052}{2128}- He's a member of SG-1 .|- What? {2130}{2210}You assigned him yourself last month, sir. {2250}{2351}Tyler, sir. We've been training him|for weeks. This was his third mission. {2353}{2437}Major, I have no idea|what you're talking about. {4256}{4305}We gotta move, Lieutenant. {4308}{4357}- Can you walk?|- I can try. {4395}{4444}Let's go. {4595}{4642}We must return to the planet. {4645}{4725}No one's going anywhere until|I find out exactly what happened. {4727}{4824}O'Neill and Lieutenant Tyler were cut off|from the gate. I already told you. {4826}{4937}- I've never heard of this Lieutenant Tyler.|- How can you say that? {4939}{5020}- Report to the infirmary.|- There is nothing wrong with us. {5023}{5120}- We'll leave that up to Dr Fraiser.|- General, Jack is trapped on that planet. {5122}{5213}Sergeant. Escort them to the infirmary. {5216}{5282}With or without reinforcements,|we are going back. {5285}{5349}The hell you are!|Relinquish your weapons. {5408}{5447}Airmen. {5483}{5619}Major, I will authorise the use of force|unless you relinquish those weapons. {6409}{6481}- You are heavier than you look.|- Sorry, sir. {6483}{6532}That's no problem. {6760}{6816}How's the leg? {6838}{6887}It's no problem. {6905}{6961}Yeah, right. {7531}{7585}What is this place? {7588}{7689}Well, I wouldn't buy a time-share,|but it's defendable. {7713}{7824}- Until Major Carter returns?|- Yeah, and a whole lot of her friends. {7906}{7990}Colonel... you could have|made it to the gate. {8014}{8074}You came back for me. {8077}{8153}- What's your point?|- I guess I'm grateful. {8198}{8328}I wasn't gonna let you die, Lieutenant.|It's, like, a ton of paperwork. {8355}{8404}Paperwork? {8434}{8492}It's a joke. {8512}{8611}My way of deflecting attention|from my own obvious heroism. {8675}{8786}- You'll get used to it.|- Oh, right. I understand. {8862}{8905}Right. {8929}{8976}(Fraiser) General Hammond. {9003}{9127}Teal'c is going to be fine. It's a bad burn,|but his symbiote should take care of it. {9190}{9258}Any word from Colonel O'Neill? {9260}{9326}We've been trying to raise him|using the MALP as a relay, {9329}{9387}but apparently it's been disabled. {9390}{9481}I've completed my preliminary exams|of Major Carter, Teal'c and Daniel. {9484}{9533}So far I've found nothing wrong. {9536}{9610}They're obviously agitated,|but that's understandable. {9612}{9715}They have come back talking about|a lieutenant who doesn't exist. {9718}{9811}- You can't tell me there's nothing wrong.|- I can't explain it, sir. {9814}{9928}- Some kind of hallucination?|- Hallucinations aren't normally shared. {9979}{10028}There's never been a Tyler here. {10031}{10111}Yes, sir, and we're still|waiting for test results. {10114}{10169}I want them quarantined in the infirmary. {10172}{10234}Already done that, sir, as a precaution. {10237}{10346}But they did insist I ask what|you're gonna do about Colonel O'Neill. {10367}{10447}If SG-1 has fallen under|some kind of an alien influence, {10450}{10555}anyone I send back to the planet|would be compromised as well. {10557}{10664}Until we know exactly what's going on,|P7S-441 is off limits. {10695}{10745}Yes, sir. {10820}{10898}This is ridiculous. We should|never have left the damn planet. {10901}{11010}- You were ordered to by Colonel O'Neill.|- Who could be dead, for all we know. {11013}{11133}There's nothing we can do. There are|heavily armed men just outside that door. {11136}{11185}Well, we have to do something. {11188}{11241}OK. Let's think this through. {11244}{11322}Why would Hammond say he doesn't|remember Lieutenant Tyler? {11325}{11406}I don't think he's just saying it.|I think he doesn't remember. {11409}{11508}Yesterday we were all in the briefing room|for two hours going over the mission. {11510}{11560}I do not believe he would lie to us. {11563}{11621}So he's suffering from|some kind of amnesia? {11624}{11686}If that's the case,|they're all suffering from it. {11689}{11746}Dr Fraiser didn't seem|to remember him either. {11749}{11863}Perhaps General Hammond is correct|and there is something wrong with us. {11891}{11972}OK. When I went through|the quantum mirror on P3R-233, {11975}{12057}I came back to a base|that looked just like this one. {12060}{12132}Everything was the same,|except no one knew who I was. {12135}{12222}Because the Daniel Jackson|in that reality never joined the SGC. {12225}{12316}Right. So, what if this is a reality|where Tyler never joined? {12319}{12380}Or maybe he was killed|in an earlier mission. {12383}{12443}- Maybe he was never even born.|- I don't know. {12446}{12540}There was nothing on 441 that even|remotely resembled a quantum mirror. {12543}{12596}Perhaps the Stargate malfunctioned. {12599}{12743}We've never had any evidence to suggest|the gate can access a parallel universe. {12752}{12851}If Lieutenant Tyler does exist, there|would be a record of him in the computer. {12853}{12902}Yes. His personnel file. {13168}{13224}My access code isn't working. {13235}{13327}They must have decided that|we're a security risk and locked us out. {13330}{13394}- So you can't get in.|- I didn't say that. {13565}{13623}Where's your weapon, Lieutenant? {13626}{13696}I'm sorry, sir. I dropped it when I got hit. {13734}{13874}Well, we've still got four mags, two clips,|a little C4, some grenades and a launcher. {13876}{13925}Is that enough? {13979}{14020}It's a start. {14094}{14172}No record of a Lieutenant Tyler|on active duty at the SGC. {14175}{14243}- Impossible.|- Even day-pass visitors are logged in. {14246}{14332}There is no way he could have been|on the base and not be in the computer. {14335}{14446}I configured a search for the name Tyler|anywhere in the database. Nothing. {14449}{14511}Obviously someone is wrong here.|Could it be us? {14514}{14654}- I think we have to admit the possibility.|- In either case, O'Neill remains in danger. {14686}{14812}This is weird. Somebody else configured|an identical search less than an hour ago. {14815}{14897}- Somebody outside the base.|- Outside? How do you know that? {14900}{15007}Because it's not a base ID.|It's just a user number: 4574. {15140}{15264}He's been busy. Over the past two weeks,|he's accessed a number of secure files. {15267}{15335}Mission logs, briefings, personnel files. {15349}{15404}Whose personnel files? {15459}{15508}Ours. {16135}{16265}All right, listen up. We got a couple of|MREs left, but we're runnin' low on water. {16267}{16324}I'm gonna check the area. {16327}{16376}Take the P90. {16477}{16569}Wouldn't it be safer just to wait?|The others should be coming soon. {16572}{16650}They should have been here by now.|Somethin' musta happened. {16653}{16752}- Are you saying they're not coming?|- No. It might take longer than we thought. {16755}{16841}- What if they never made it back?|- Hammond'll send someone else. {16844}{16928}- How do you know?|- We don't leave our people behind. {16947}{17034}- You should know that.|- Yes, sir. {17051}{17100}Good. {17133}{17182}Stay off the radio. {17218}{17313}Keep the channel open. I'll give you|three clicks when I'm on the way back. {17316}{17380}- So don't shoot me.|- I won't. {17820}{17859}- Sergeant?|- I'm sorry, sir. {17862}{17982}The second MALP was struck by zat fire|shortly after reaching the planet. {17985}{18036}- Launch the UAV.|- Yes, sir. {18039}{18080}Stand clear. {18190}{18275}UAV is airborne|and beginning search pattern. {18650}{18699}Try to raise Colonel O'Neill. {18735}{18795}SG-niner, this is Stargate Command.|Please respond. {18813}{18894}SG-niner, this is Stargate Command.|Please respond. {18897}{18949}We're still here. Over. {19003}{19073}This is General Hammond.|What's yoursituation? {19076}{19177}We could use some backup, sir. Tyler's|immobile and there's Jaffa all over... {19179}{19228}(interference) {19298}{19386}- Sir, we lost the signal.|- He said Tyler. {19389}{19523}Obviously he's been affected by the same|hallucination as the rest of SG-1 . {19525}{19601}That rules out sending a retrieval team|until we know more. {19604}{19684}Well, sir, if you like,|we could try sending a second UAV. {19686}{19754}I don't know if that's a good idea, General. {19756}{19837}- Those things aren't cheap.|- Colonel Simmons. {19848}{19933}- You might wanna take a look at that.|- My office. {20012}{20128}Colonel, I understand you've been|ordered to investigate a security problem. {20131}{20215}When three of your team voice concerns|about an imaginary friend, {20218}{20266}it does tend to raise eyebrows. {20269}{20335}Your own report suggests|some sort of mind control. {20338}{20387}- I have people working on it.|- I'm sure. {20390}{20507}But we think that an independent|investigation is called for. {20510}{20578}I'm sure we'll have your full cooperation. {20667}{20757}You can use the red phone, but one day|you'll play that card once too often. {20760}{20811}I have an officer trapped off world {20814}{20903}and there's nothing I can do for him|until I get to the bottom of this. {20906}{20982}Well then, sir,|you should welcome my help. {21355}{21404}Dr Jackson. Sit down. {21454}{21503}Why? {21539}{21636}I thought I'd give you an opportunity|to explain what happened on that planet. {21638}{21691}I filed a report. {21699}{21802}Yes, you did.|And a very interesting read it is. {21805}{21899}Full of amazing events|and fictional characters. {21938}{21987}Sit down. {22354}{22413}Wait a minute. Let me see that. {22603}{22690}Dr Fraiser? We got|the blood work and DNA results. {22693}{22752}- No anomalies detected.|- Thank you. {22788}{22882}I found this residue on Teal'c's jacket.|I want you to have this analysed. {22885}{22934}Yes, Doctor. {23302}{23434}This is a video tape of your briefing|before the mission to P7S-441 . {23443}{23560}I see four members of the SG-1 team,|I see Dr Fraiser, I see General Hammond. {23563}{23656}- But I don't see any lieutenants.|- This could be any briefing. {23659}{23718}Take a look at the time code. {23765}{23824}This is a waste of time. {23901}{23985}This is not a waste of time.|This is an official investigation. {23988}{24079}No, I mean I get it. We obviously|have Lieutenant Tyler issues. {24082}{24141}I mean, I say he exists,|you say he doesn't. {24144}{24258}- This is not just about Lieutenant Tyler.|- Someone else doesn't exist? {24298}{24403}I'd like you to explain your relationship|with Dr Sarah Gardner. {24601}{24652}What does that have to do with this? {24655}{24756}Dr Jackson, I am here to investigate {24758}{24846}potential alien influences|over Stargate Command. {24849}{24979}A Goa'uld taking your ex-girlfriend|as a host has everything to do with this. {24982}{25031}What? {25044}{25108}- You were very close.|- That's none of your business. {25110}{25211}- Your entire life is our business.|- Do I need to call an attorney? {25231}{25317}Serious questions have been raised|concerning your viability here. {25320}{25375}I am giving you|an opportunity to respond. {25378}{25427}OK, respond. Fine. {25445}{25501}I lost someone I care about. {25504}{25565}And not for the first time, I might add. {25568}{25632}You think that makes me|sympathetic to the Goa'uld? {25635}{25709}That makes you someone|whose judgment can be easily clouded. {25711}{25797}And for a man in your position,|that's unacceptable. {25890}{25951}What's your position again? {26140}{26189}I need to speak to Major Carter. {26215}{26264}Thank you. {26472}{26544}- What's going on, Janet?|- I need to ask you something. {26546}{26649}This Lieutenant Tyler you keep|talking about, what does he look like? {26686}{26795}- African-American, mid-twenties.|- About five ten, five eleven? {26858}{26930}I'm not sure, but I think I remember him. {26933}{26982}Two hours ago you'd never heard of him. {26985}{27071}I know. I can't explain it,|but I can remember his face. {27074}{27158}- Does anyone else remember him?|- I don't know. {27222}{27356}OK. Maybe something did happen to us,|but you were never even on that planet. {27415}{27499}- I have to report this to Hammond.|- Janet, wait. {27564}{27638}If you come forward,|they'll start suspecting you as well. {27640}{27708}You need to find evidence.|As long as we're locked up, {27711}{27820}we can't do anything to help|Colonel O'Neill. It's up to you. {28157}{28206}I'd like to speak to General Eastman. {28209}{28279}I'd like to know|who this man is working for. {28348}{28424}I appreciate that, sir. I needto know. {28426}{28492}Mr Secretary,|I wouldn't be making this call {28494}{28558}if I didn't consider it|of the utmost importance. {28560}{28609}I know he's with the Joint Chiefs. {28612}{28707}Do you have any idea|when he might become available? {28760}{28809}I see. {28812}{28861}All right. Thank you. {29768}{29829}Where are you from, Tyler? {29847}{29888}Texas. {29891}{29965}Mostly. We moved around a lot. {29992}{30041}You? {30074}{30144}Born in Chicago. Raised in Minnesota. {30207}{30256}Is it nice there? {30291}{30340}"Is it nice there?" {30425}{30497}Do you know what the Goa'uld|really want from us? {30500}{30559}Minnesota, that's what. {30562}{30613}For the fishing, mostly. {30628}{30686}I'll take you sometime. {30689}{30750}- Fishing?|- Oh, yeah. {30753}{30812}Ask Teal'c. He can't get enough. {30925}{30991}When do you think|we'll get outta here, sir? {30993}{31116}If not tomorrow, we'll head up into the|hills and wait until the Jaffa lose interest. {31181}{31240}They'll never stop hunting us. {31317}{31366}What makes you say that? {31392}{31462}Isn't... that the way they are? {31574}{31633}That may be the way they are. {31667}{31776}But... we're the way we are, so... {31834}{31883}There you are. {31978}{32027}Get some sleep. {32286}{32395}Tell me, Teal'c, how does it feel|knowing you betrayed your friends? {32397}{32446}I betrayed no one. {32470}{32532}You led Apophis into the mothership, {32535}{32640}which was occupied by SG-1|and the Tok'ra Selmak. {32642}{32710}You could have gotten them all killed. {32712}{32811}At the time, I was made to believe that|my time with the Tauri was a subterfuge. {32813}{32883}- And now?|- I am loyal to the Tauri. {32885}{32922}Why should I believe you? {32925}{33005}If I were still loyal to the Goa'uld,|you would know it. {33008}{33150}It would be immediately apparent. I would|not hesitate to kill you where you sit. {33442}{33506}(aircraft approaching) {33837}{33886}Ah, crap! {33933}{34005}- What is it?|- Glider. Stay here. {34953}{35021}- Nice shot.|- Where in the hell did that come from? {35023}{35147}Could be the glider we saw when we were|checking out the crashed troop transport. {35187}{35236}Right. {35249}{35323}Anyway, it's made our position.|Can you move? {35341}{35390}- Not yet.|- Not yet. {35461}{35516}All right. Time to dig in. {35616}{35665}We have a problem here, Major. {35689}{35763}You say that this was your third op|with Lieutenant Tyler. {35766}{35849}But based on your own report|of SG-1's last mission, {35852}{35908}you make absolutely|no mention of his name. {35911}{36014}Daniel's name doesn't appear in all of my|reports. It doesn't mean he wasn't there. {36016}{36104}Don't you think it's odd that no one|can corroborate your story? {36107}{36216}Yes, I do. But what difference does|it make? Colonel O'Neill is still out there. {36218}{36267}You want us to send a rescue team, {36270}{36328}based on your word|that he's not been compromised? {36331}{36412}- We'll go ourselves.|- I can't trust you to do that. {36430}{36524}Dr Jackson's motives for being here|are coloured by his emotions, {36527}{36568}and always have been. {36570}{36658}Teal'c changes sides more often|than I change the oil in my car. {36661}{36720}- What about me?|- Well, let's see. {36784}{36862}You were briefly taken over|as a host by the Goa'uld. {36865}{36943}Once you fell under the control|of an artificial intelligence. {36946}{37039}And last time we met, you harboured|an alien in your own home. {37042}{37147}I'm beginning to wonder whether all of|this might have some residual effect. {37149}{37279}Yesterday you violated base security by|trying to get into one of the mainframes. {37281}{37365}I could nail you on that alone. {37497}{37623}You're user number 4574, the one|who's been accessing our personnel files. {37634}{37750}You don't care about Tyler. You've been|waiting for something to use against us. {37753}{37837}Who are you getting|your orders from, Colonel? {37961}{38010}This interview is over. {39284}{39333}Right, trips are set. {39361}{39470}Take the nine mil.|If we get into it, make every shot count. {39545}{39619}- I cannot let you do this, Colonel.|- Do what? {39635}{39695}I cannot let you die, protecting me. {39705}{39769}(Jaffa horn) {39853}{39906}What have you got for us, Doctor? {39909}{40008}I think I may have figured out|what's been happening to SG-1 . {40016}{40135}I found a foreign chemical on Teal'c's|uniform and I've completed my analysis. {40138}{40199}- What is it?|- Well, I'm not 100 per cent sure. {40202}{40276}But its structure resembles|cortical acetylcholine, {40278}{40363}a neurotransmitter that helps|regulate and process human memory. {40366}{40446}I believe that Lieutenant Tyler,|or the idea of him, {40449}{40521}is nothing more than a chemical implant. {40562}{40640}Here, take a look.|You see, the effect is greatest {40642}{40714}in the temporal lobe|associated with face recognition. {40716}{40796}It's possible that SG-1|encountered someone on the planet {40799}{40855}who exposed them to this,|to convince them {40858}{40950}that he, she or it|was somehow familiar. {40953}{41023}We're not talking about|a vague sense of recognition, {41025}{41111}but detailed memories from weeks|before they set foot on that planet. {41114}{41215}Their own minds provided the details|necessary to complete that illusion. {41217}{41316}Didn't your first report say|that their MRls were clean? {41319}{41409}They were. The chemical|dissipates fairly quickly. {41433}{41490}So what's that? {41503}{41639}That's me. I was exposed. The chemical|passed through a layer of plastic, {41641}{41725}which is probably why I experienced|only a diminished effect. {41728}{41773}This is how I figured it out. {41776}{41871}You were exposed to an alien chemical|and now you claim to have figured it out? {41874}{41977}Sir, knowing that the contamination|requires close proximity, {41980}{42089}I am confident that SG-1 could return|and avoid further contamination. {42092}{42141}We can't trust her. {42204}{42303}General, please. This could be|Colonel O'Neill's last hope. {42626}{42710}I counted 15. Could get interesting. {42731}{42803}Colonel, I'm not what you think I am. {42856}{42914}I am not a member of your team. {42917}{42993}I never was. I am not even human. {42995}{43052}- My race is the Reol.|- Take your position. {43055}{43131}I exposed you to a chemical that|made you think I was one of you. {43133}{43203}- Get back there.|- You don't believe me. {43261}{43391}Look at my leg. It's almost healed.|Would this be possible if I were human? {43394}{43472}- Would you get down?|- I'll show you. {43612}{43661}Jeez! {43664}{43763}- What the hell is that?|- A glimpse of my true nature. {43815}{43889}You mean, what you really look like? {43892}{43953}It's a natural defence mechanism. {43956}{44074}A chemical we produce in our bodies.|That's why I was a prisoner of the Jaffa. {44077}{44126}They were taking me to be dissected. {44129}{44244}I broke free of my cell and damaged|the guidance system of the transport ship. {44247}{44323}We crashed on this planet.|That's when you found me. {44326}{44382}I didn't know if you could be trusted. {44401}{44552}- You picked a hell of a time to tell me.|- Please... understand, Colonel. {44576}{44626}(explosion) {45510}{45565}Hit the C4. {45609}{45657}Again! {46538}{46571}Behind you! {47044}{47085}(speaks Jaffa) {47506}{47580}I think we're all clear. You all right, sir? {47583}{47632}Fine. {47718}{47761}Teal'c! {47771}{47835}Lieutenant Tyler is not|what he appears to be. {47838}{47897}I know. He told me. {47944}{47993}Stand down. {48091}{48140}Let's go. {48362}{48426}(O'Neill) Why didn't you just ask for help? {48429}{48497}(Tyler) I'm sorry,|but I couldn't take the chance. {48499}{48588}For generations, the Reol have met|with nothing but fear and mistrust. {48591}{48678}Well, sure, if you go around|trickin' people. {48681}{48743}My kind do not embrace technology. {48746}{48803}We've never been good fighters. {48806}{48900}Our ability to disguise ourselves|is our only advantage. {48932}{49004}Now the Goa'uld are trying|to learn our secrets. {49006}{49065}We're being hunted to extinction. {49100}{49158}You got someplace to go? {49161}{49293}A group of us have started a colony on|a planet in an isolated part of the galaxy. {49296}{49415}After I return, we'll bury the gate|and no one'll ever hear of us again. {49715}{49768}(distant shouts) {50272}{50344}- What have we got?|- We are not alone. {50859}{50912}Looks like they're gonna be there awhile. {50915}{50979}We must act before|further reinforcements arrive. {50982}{51054}I don't think so, Teal'c.|There's too many of 'em. {51056}{51153}I'll surrender. Once they have me,|they'll leave. I'm the one they're after. {51156}{51228}That's very brave of you,|but the last thing we need {51231}{51336}is for the Goa'uld to figure out|how you do that... thing you do. {51338}{51421}Then I won't surrender.|I'll just lead them away from the gate. {51424}{51525}- That'll give you a chance to get through.|- You said they'd never stop hunting you. {51528}{51598}Now, we've trusted each other this far. {51680}{51754}We could use a little more|fire power, however. {51829}{51876}Daniel. Stay with... {51954}{52034}- What is your name, anyway?|- Kaiael. {52132}{52221}OK. Daniel, you stay with... Tyler. {52256}{52375}Carter, give him your zat. Keep an eye out|for patrols. Stay out of trouble. {52871}{52945}The glider's cannon|may still be operational. {52965}{53014}I like the attitude, Teal'c. {53219}{53270}This is all my fault. {53273}{53382}If I had revealed myself to you from the|beginning, this could have been avoided. {53385}{53468}Well, we understand.|No one's blaming you. {53505}{53619}Please tell Colonel O'Neill|I appreciate everything he's done for me. {53671}{53730}What are you talking about? {53932}{54004}I take it you're waiting to see me, Colonel. {54007}{54081}Yes, sir. For the better part|of an hour, in fact. {54096}{54122}What about? {54125}{54232}You allow your personal feelings|to influence your command decisions. {54234}{54296}How I run my command|is none of your damn business. {54299}{54411}- The security of this country, sir.|- This has nothing to do with security. {54414}{54515}Offworld teams have been compromised.|Existing safeguards are ineffective. {54517}{54570}SGC is an accident waiting to happen. {54573}{54670}I don't know who issued your orders,|but I've got a pretty good idea. {54673}{54733}With all due respect, it doesn't matter. {54736}{54795}What matters is that,|in carrying out my orders, {54798}{54862}I have found things to be|very, very wrong here. {54865}{54908}You're being used, Colonel. {54911}{54998}I let this investigation go on long enough|to make a few phone calls. {55001}{55092}I learned enough to know|your orders are politically motivated. {55095}{55169}I think you're missing my point.|I don't care. {55184}{55287}If it's a fight you're looking for, my|connections go a lot higher than yours. {55289}{55372}- Administrations change, sir.|- So do orders. {55375}{55459}Now, do I need to have you|escorted off my base? {55483}{55542}That won't be necessary, General. {55582}{55648}I know how to leave gracefully. {55651}{55700}I only hope you do. {55894}{55943}Daniel? {55946}{55995}Hey, where's Tyler? {56044}{56114}I would've asked,|but I was too busy being unconscious {56116}{56197}after he shot me with|that zat you gave him. {56430}{56479}Oh, for crying... {56821}{56880}He's trying to be a hero. {57052}{57136}There's only a few Jaffa left.|We could take them out. {57139}{57229}This may be our best chance|for escape, O'Neill. {59846}{59951}Lucky you're not really a lieutenant under|my command. I'd have your ass for this. {59953}{60038}- You could have escaped.|- We don't leave our people behind. {60041}{60152}But... I am not one of your people. {60193}{60280}Could've fooled me.|Actually, you did fool me. {60408}{60457}Come on. Let's go. {60469}{60563}- What about the Jaffa at the gate?|- They weren't a problem. {60752}{60855}You know, before your people go|and bury your gate, or anything like that, {60858}{60965}you should know that not everyone|you meet is gonna try and hunt you down. {60968}{61042}We could be allies, you know. {61045}{61148}It's not my decision to make, but I will|tell the others what happened here. {61150}{61249}It might just convince them|that we don't have to hide for ever. {61440}{61514}And maybe then you can take me fishing. {63149}{63213}Visiontext Subtitles: Sally Lewis