{400}{447}OK. {449}{505}What was that? {508}{557}Carter? {573}{660}I don't know, sir. The margin of error|in calculating planetary shift {663}{733}used to cause the rough ride,|but we fixed it. {758}{799}Carter. {802}{896}We did have to override some of the|dialling protocols in order to get a lock. {899}{982}I'll check the dialling computer|when we get home. {985}{1038}- It's bright.|- Yes, sir. {1041}{1125}This planet's much closer|to its sun than Earth. {1162}{1211}Festive. {1230}{1281}This is interesting. {1362}{1447}I couldn't see these writings|through the MALP. {1450}{1475}What's it say? {1478}{1529}The symbols are like those on Cimmeria. {1532}{1592}There could be a connection|here to the Asgard. {1595}{1655}- What's it say?|- I don't know. {1675}{1730}You think it's a protected planet? {1733}{1784}Well, Teal'c wasn't zapped away. {1787}{1837}There is no Thor's hammer here. {1840}{1949}Well, they wouldn't need one if it was|named in the Goa'uld-Asgard Treaty. {1999}{2048}Hey! You! {2099}{2148}Come on out. {2171}{2265}We're not here to hurt you.|We're explorers from a place called Earth. {2268}{2387}You might know it as Midgardr.|I'm Daniel Jackson. This is, uh... {2390}{2489}I am Elrad, flamen of|the 39th Order of K'Tau. {2542}{2618}My congregation and I were|on our way here for morning prayer {2620}{2714}when we saw a great wave|burst forth from the Annulus. {2724}{2796}Annulus. I like that. {2806}{2865}He is an enemy of the gods. {2951}{3033}Not any more. Thor loves this guy. {3036}{3106}- You know of Thor?|- Oh, yeah. He's a buddy. {3183}{3266}Come forth. It is a time for rejoicing. {3269}{3333}Freyr has sent us visitors from Midgardr. {3342}{3404}Freyr is the god of sun and rain, right? {3407}{3489}Yes, our protector. Ally of Thor. {3492}{3560}Friends of the gods are welcome here. {3573}{3676}- What have you got here?|- Please, come. Our village is this way. {4251}{4323}It's as if Norse culture|evolved into modern times {4325}{4399}while continuing to worship|the ancient gods. {4461}{4553}This is Brother Malchus.|He is chief acolyte within our order. {4556}{4628}You must leave. At once. {4630}{4706}- We just got here.|- These are not just any strangers. {4709}{4764}They came through the Annulus. {4767}{4860}- This one bears the mark of evil.|- He is a friend of Thor. {4890}{4939}The people will not stand for this. {4942}{5051}You mean you will antagonise them|until they agree with you. {5180}{5229}Friendly guy. {5272}{5354}You must forgive Malchus.|He has a suspicious nature, {5357}{5425}and we have never before|been visited by elves. {5482}{5519}Elves? {5555}{5652}You travel by way of the gods.|You say you know them well. {5654}{5784}In Norse mythology, Freyr was the ruler of|the elves. They bring good or bad tidings. {5787}{5865}We certainly hope|you have come to wish us well. {6350}{6399}Carter, what just happened? {6447}{6494}The eye of Odin grows dim. {6507}{6629}- Some sort of shift in the light frequency.|- Good. I thought I was havin' a stroke. {6632}{6684}You did this! {6687}{6734}- What?|- Be calm. {6736}{6797}- Is it true?|- No. {6800}{6870}- Is it?|- I don't know, sir. {6930}{7031}It is no coincidence that this happens|moments after they arrive. {7033}{7105}The elves are the harbingers of our doom! {9158}{9199}Leave us or be driven out. {9201}{9273}The darkening of the eye of Odin|is the will of the gods. {9275}{9329}You cannot blame the messengers. {9332}{9437}We must go to the hall of wisdom|and pray for forgiveness. {9689}{9808}That sounds like the place where|the Cimmerians communicated with Thor. {10033}{10109}Carter, what the heck's goin' on? {10111}{10201}Somehow the light spectrum of the sun|has shifted toward infrared. {10204}{10268}If it continues,|all the green plants will die. {10271}{10345}With the plants goes the oxygen supply... {10348}{10451}The MALP should give us more detailed|data. Its sensors are more sophisticated. {10453}{10537}Good. You and Teal'c|head back to the... Annulus. {10550}{10603}See what you can find out. Daniel. {10606}{10665}See if these folks|have got an Asgard phone. {10697}{10780}(Elrad) We beseech thee, O Freyr,|to have mercy upon us. {10789}{10881}Make peace with our great father Odin,|and, in doing so, {10884}{10983}remove the terrible curse|from our gentle land. {10985}{11055}In the name of our Lord Freyr, be it so. {11091}{11140}We... {11169}{11218}(whispering) {11325}{11399}Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt. {11401}{11490}- Haven't you done enough damage, elf?|- Some respect, Malchus. {11493}{11547}They are sent by the gods. {11550}{11602}We should hear their words. {11605}{11702}We were just wondering|if you ever speak directly to Freyr. {11705}{11771}He hears us always. {11794}{11901}Right. You mentioned a hall of wisdom.|This is it, isn't it? {11908}{11969}No. This is a temple. {11972}{11999}Right. {12002}{12060}Malchus and I were about to go to the hall {12063}{12129}to seek Freyr's wisdom|on behalf of our people. {12131}{12192}- Could we go with you?|- We could put in a good word. {12195}{12244}By all means, come. {12536}{12596}Bow your heads|and prepare to meet our Lord. {12670}{12759}Lord Freyr, Lord of the Aesir,|God of K'Tau, {12776}{12860}grant us an audience|that we may share your wisdom. {13137}{13186}I'd better get it back. {13371}{13464}I am Freyr. For what reason|have you come before me? {13467}{13580}OK. Lord Freyr, forgive us for disturbing|you, but we seek your wisdom. {13583}{13676}The arrival of these outsiders has|caused the eye of Odin to grow dim. {13679}{13765}- We fear it is Ragnarok.|- That's the end of time. {13778}{13806}Thank you. {13809}{13881}We beg you to restore Odin's light. {13890}{13962}You are wise to seek my counsel, {13964}{14054}but only through faith will you|prove worthy of my benevolence. {14057}{14169}Do we put them to death? They could be|drawn and quartered before nightfall. {14172}{14219}That's a bit harsh, isn't it? {14222}{14314}In time, I will sail to the plain of Vigrid, {14317}{14379}where my battle|will be fought with Surtur. {14382}{14469}- He fights Surtur. It is the end time.|- Patience. {14493}{14567}Likewise, you must face your own fears {14569}{14635}as you now enter the ultimate conflict. {14637}{14718}How you deal with fear|will prove your worthiness. {14737}{14796}I wish you well on your voyage. {15004}{15053}It's a recording. {15076}{15125}Really? {15311}{15370}I told you. {15428}{15560}It is Ragnarok. Lord Freyr|tells us to prepare for our death. {15619}{15697}That's a bit of a negative spin|with the old paraphrasing. {15700}{15791}I have been interpreting|the word of the gods for many years. {15794}{15858}I'm afraid I must agree with Malchus. {15961}{16002}Hang on. {16027}{16099}Look, I know I'm the outsider here... {16102}{16182}You dare question the will of the gods? {16184}{16244}No, just your interpretation. {16292}{16411}- Sure you wanna get into this?|- I'm not sure how to get out of this. {16497}{16553}Look, folks, {16556}{16644}does Freyr plant your crops for you? {16647}{16696}(congregation) No. {16719}{16779}Does he harvest them? {16782}{16836}Does he build your homes for you? {16839}{16903}Those are the tasks of our own hands. {16906}{17024}Exactly. You've always had|free will before. Why not now? {17043}{17169}Maybe this ultimate conflict is just|a test of your... ingenuity and courage. {17182}{17233}Why do you tolerate this? {17236}{17292}- Jump in.|- I don't think this is a good idea. {17295}{17377}In the past, Lord Freyr|has always told us to face our fears {17380}{17446}and not interfere with|the ways of the gods. {17448}{17508}I agree, Malchus.|We must do the gods' will, {17511}{17573}but perhaps these strangers|are a part of their plan. {17576}{17681}Nonsense! They are|the harbingers of our doom! {17726}{17796}Elves cannot change the will of the gods. {18148}{18197}Elrad, listen to me. {18219}{18304}We can help your people.|We've been in this situation before. {18307}{18367}Trust me. We can work miracles. {18370}{18419}I trust in Freyr. {18448}{18567}If you are here to do his bidding,|either to doom us or to save us, {18599}{18648}then so be it. {18780}{18829}Miracles? {18862}{18956}Yeah. That's what it'll look like to them. {18979}{19109}- That's what what will look like to them?|- Whatever Carter comes up with. {19290}{19339}Hey, fellas. {19390}{19448}I got a theory, sir. {19451}{19500}Is it miraculous? {19525}{19605}Actually, it is. I think the wormhole|that we used to travel here {19608}{19674}passed directly through this planet's sun. {19676}{19752}That might be why we had|a problem dialling here. {19754}{19801}We should never have connected? {19803}{19879}At least not with the current|planetary alignment. {19882}{19985}The light from the sun suddenly shifted|to the red spectrum after we got here. {19988}{20106}The only way that could happen|was if an unstable superheavy element, {20109}{20216}probably plutonium, was introduced|to the sun's nuclear reaction. {20218}{20308}- Sort of a subatomic poisoning.|- OK. How did we do that? {20311}{20360}Well, somehow, {20363}{20458}the plutonium piggybacked onto|our wormhole from another star system, {20461}{20535}then bonded with their sun|as we passed through it. {20537}{20597}I hope that doesn't mean it's our fault. {20600}{20657}We could not have known, O'Neill. {20660}{20721}The fact that the gate wouldn't dial here {20724}{20816}Ieads me to believe that some safety|protocol was built into the gate system, {20819}{20875}designed to prevent this sort of thing. {20878}{20936}So, design flaw? {20962}{21003}No. {21006}{21101}Sir, we bypassed some of|the normal dialling protocols. {21104}{21196}The fact is, this planet is dying|and it's probably because of us. {21199}{21247}But you can fix it, right? {21836}{21893}Hey, Teal'c. Maybe you should|hang out here. {21896}{21970}These Asgard devices|don't know you like we do. {22434}{22522}OK, let's see. They bowed|their heads and said a prayer. {22525}{22630}Lord Freyr, Lord of the Aesir...|Or we could just go straight to that. {22850}{22944}I am Freyr. For what reason|have you come before me? {22971}{23070}We'd like to talk to the real Asgard.|Thor, if he's available. {23073}{23133}You are wise to seek my counsel. {23136}{23230}But only through faith will you|prove worthy of my benevolence. {23233}{23314}Yada-yada. Carter, you wanna|pull the plug on this guy? {23317}{23407}It looks like this is the emitter|that's generating the... {23553}{23627}(Daniel) We've either made contact|with the Asgard or... {23630}{23714}trapped ourselves deep|within a vault of solid rock. {23798}{23917}- (O'Neill) Much better.|- I am Freyr, protector of the K'Tau world. {23958}{24050}Yeah, so listen, sorry to bother you.|Can we talk to Thor? {24062}{24178}Commander Thor is in a distant part|of the galaxy and unavailable. {24181}{24240}You are the one called O'Neill. {24261}{24296}I am the one. {24298}{24393}We named a warship after you,|short-lived as it was. {24449}{24484}Yes. That one. {24487}{24553}Why have you come to this world? {24555}{24605}Exploring. That's what we do. {24618}{24721}K'Tau falls under our protected planet|treaty with the Goa'uld. {24724}{24817}I would hope you have not dispelled|their current belief system. {24820}{24934}- The Asgard felt it was essential.|- No, we haven't blown your cover. {24969}{25109}However, we... do have|a small little problem {25112}{25182}that could use some of|that Asgard magic. {25185}{25284}Are you implying that our technology|is some kind of trickery? {25343}{25444}- You sure Thor's not around somewhere?|- Sir, if I may. {25446}{25510}Yeah. Knock yourself out. {25571}{25637}We may have inadvertently,|totally accidentally, {25640}{25720}caused a foreign element|to enter the K'Tau sun. {25738}{25766}How? {25769}{25841}Well, actually, I was hoping|you could help us on that one. {25844}{25914}Is it possible that|we picked up a superheavy element {25916}{25980}and carried it into the sun|as we passed through? {25983}{26069}There are safety protocols|in place within the Stargate system {26072}{26183}to prevent wormhole connections|that would result in such events. {26186}{26262}Yeah. See, we have|our own dialling computer {26264}{26354}and sometimes we bypass|a few steps in order to get a lock. {26383}{26447}- We're still experimenting.|- I see. {26467}{26578}- We could really use your help here.|- I'm afraid I cannot assist you. {26607}{26635}Why not? {26638}{26747}It is not the Asgard's responsibility|to undo every error you make {26750}{26820}with technology that is advanced|beyond your knowledge. {26822}{26873}Excuse me! {26884}{26977}There is a whole planet|full of people that are going to die. {26999}{27079}This may be our mistake,|but the K'Tau people depend on you. {27082}{27179}You set up their belief system. They think|you're their god and will protect them. {27182}{27236}From the Goa'uld, yes. {27239}{27309}Forget all that! Come on, we're friends. {27311}{27410}We help you, you help us.|That's the way it works. {27412}{27480}Carter's idea saved you|from the replicators. {27513}{27571}Now we're calling in the marker. {27582}{27667}Ultimately, the decision is not mine. {27730}{27804}Then may I speak to whomever decides? {27828}{27877}It is possible. {27880}{27952}Prepare to meet the Asgard High Council. {27954}{28013}I'm prepared. Right now. Let's go. {28061}{28114}Step into the place where I stand. {28256}{28306}- I'm sort of prepared.|- Do you want me...? {28309}{28358}I got it. {28619}{28668}(echoes) Hello? {28753}{28802}(echoes) Echo! {29122}{29240}Colonel Jack O'Neill of Earth, welcome|to the Asgard High Council chamber. {29243}{29323}Yeah, listen, thanks for|seeing me on such short notice. {29326}{29382}I assume you can see me. {29395}{29449}Yes. {29462}{29532}- Did Freyr mention why I'm here?|- Yes, Colonel. {29534}{29627}They're aware of the circumstances|surrounding your request. {29630}{29675}Oh, hey. There you are. {29678}{29758}Didn't see ya. You guys all kinda look... {29877}{29947}- Thor's not here, right?|- He is not. {29968}{29985}OK. {29988}{30116}As Freyr explained, we are unable|to assist you in this matter, O'Neill. {30118}{30252}Though your actions were unintentional,|it will mean the K'Tau people will perish. {30255}{30362}Hey! This is not entirely our fault. {30365}{30491}I mean, you could have warned us about|this crazy gate-through-the-sun thing. {30494}{30576}You could have given us a list|of all the planets that are off limits. {30579}{30628}Both points are true. {30631}{30711}However, neither is reason|enough to interfere. {30729}{30786}You're interfering right now! {30789}{30849}These people think you're their gods! {30852}{30959}You're not the Goa'ulds, but you're still|pretending to be something you're not. {30962}{31009}You are correct. {31012}{31109}However, when we saved|these people from the Goa'uld, {31112}{31204}they were not ready to have|their beliefs completely stripped away. {31207}{31296}In time, when they are ready,|the K'Tau will learn the truth. {31299}{31385}Yeah, see... there's the snag. {31407}{31464}They won't. They'll be dead. {31504}{31587}I don't get it.|You obviously saved them once. {31590}{31639}Why not this time? {31642}{31714}- It is not that simple.|- Yes, it is! {31716}{31786}- You've got the technology, don't you?|- Yes. {31789}{31838}OK. Fine. {31887}{31992}We made a mistake, a big mistake. {31994}{32153}And we're very sorry. But we also saved|your little grey butts from the replicators, {32156}{32203}and now we want your help. {32206}{32286}I'm not asking you to change the course|of their cultural development. {32288}{32344}Just fix the damn sun! {32347}{32444}No one'll know. We won't tell. {32457}{32523}Unfortunately, we cannot. {32589}{32742}OK. At the risk of sounding like|the petulant inferior race, why not? {32810}{32853}(alien language) {32940}{32999}- "Little grey butts."|- Yeah. {33106}{33195}It would be in violation|of our treaty with the Goa'uld. {33224}{33273}What? {33289}{33390}The treaty states that the people|of a planet categorised as "protected" {33392}{33460}will be free from Goa'uld domination. {33462}{33559}However, subsection 42 states|that the people on those planets {33561}{33677}cannot be artificially advanced|through Asgard technological means. {33680}{33810}Using our technology to prevent a natural|disaster would be a violation of that order {33812}{33872}and would nullify the treaty as a whole. {33875}{33989}The Goa'uld would be free to invade|any of the protected planets, {33992}{34051}including Earth. {34075}{34124}Oh. {34157}{34210}- You sure?|- Yes. {34213}{34314}The war with the replicators|wages on here in our galaxy. {34317}{34449}We do not have the forces to defend|every planet covered under the treaty. {34452}{34526}You would be vulnerable|to Goa'uld attack. {34555}{34666}OK. What if I were to say|we're willing to take the risk? {34677}{34770}Even if you could make that decision|on behalf of your planet, {34773}{34872}you cannot make it for every|other planet that would be affected. {34875}{34934}I suppose not. {34965}{35085}We are all greatly disturbed|that this disaster cannot be averted. {35088}{35152}We wish there was a way. {35175}{35270}Well, they're not dead yet. Maybe there is. {35273}{35367}If that is the case,|the solution will be up to you. {35394}{35435}Fine. {35582}{35631}That went well. {35981}{36080}- Sir, I've been thinking.|- I'd be shocked if you ever stopped. {36115}{36164}Here. {36188}{36221}OK. {36290}{36387}Let's say these are the unstable plutonium|molecules that are poisoning the sun. {36390}{36420}OK. {36423}{36515}What if these are molecules|of a more stable superheavy element? {36518}{36598}Say, something with|an atomic weight above 200. {36600}{36728}- Sure. I can think of a few.|- They don't occur in nature, not on Earth. {36730}{36831}But I've read about such elements being|created in supercolliders - in theory. {36834}{36902}You realise you're mixing|your apples and your... {36904}{37022}Now, if we could introduce these stable|superheavies into the K'Tau sun, {37025}{37110}they would bind with the plutonium|molecules, rendering them inert. {37113}{37207}The sun could then be restored|to its normal nuclear reaction. {37210}{37266}How about that? {37269}{37329}Well, this is all very theoretical, sir. {37332}{37386}I have great confidence in you, Carter. {37389}{37492}Go on back to the SGC and...|confuse Hammond. {37518}{37567}Yes, sir. {37839}{37859}A rocket? {37862}{37924}With a payload of|the superheavy element. {37927}{38012}We send it in stages through the Stargate|to K'Tau and assemble it there. {38015}{38089}When it's complete,|we launch it into their sun. {38091}{38132}Will it get there in time? {38134}{38239}We have three months before the|plutonium reaction becomes irreversible. {38242}{38312}If we can launch inside three weeks,|we'll just make it. {38314}{38357}Any other options? {38360}{38454}The other option turned out to be|a one-in-a-million shot, sir. {38457}{38543}The rocket gives us|better than 50-50 odds. {38546}{38638}- Rockets don't exactly grow on trees.|- I know that, sir. {38641}{38731}However, the air force is currently|preparing a launch from Vandenberg. {38734}{38812}Do you realise how much|has been invested in that project? {38814}{38928}I'm aware of that, sir. It's hard|to put a price on the K'Tau people. {39209}{39258}Colonel. {39273}{39372}- Shouldn't you be off inciting a mob?|- Look at the sky. {39375}{39453}Ragnarok grows ever closer.|Your machine does nothing. {39455}{39496}It's a rocket. {39498}{39605}It won't work until we launch it.|We can't launch it until we build it. {39607}{39700}Time still remains before the sun|does permanent damage to your world. {39703}{39787}All they have done|is bring more outsiders. {39790}{39829}You have to be patient. {39831}{39928}The problem grows ever worse|as long as you are here. {39957}{40074}If you can't see that the gods wish you to|leave, we will be forced to make it clear. {40077}{40145}Malchus, this is not the way of the K'Tau. {40147}{40221}If the gods did not want them here,|they wouldn't be here. {40224}{40304}If their presence is truly part of a test, {40306}{40370}then we have failed... miserably. {41107}{41156}General, we're ahead of schedule. {41159}{41209}This should be the last shipment of parts. {41212}{41268}Any word yet on the HU-2340? {41271}{41368}Quite frankly, I never expected it|to be easier to get the rocket. {41371}{41474}Sir, without the superheavy element,|it will have been a giant waste of time. {41476}{41525}Don't worry, Major. {41772}{41807}Dr MacLaren. {41810}{41880}Very impressive operation|you've got here. {41911}{41987}I hope you consider yourself lucky, Major. {41989}{42098}Dr MacLaren finally decided a peek|at the SGC was worth the exchange. {42233}{42320}It took me five years|to make that much HU-2340. {42323}{42437}Well, maybe one day you'll be able to visit|the planet that your Maclarium is saving. {42449}{42517}Did you say Maclarium? {42520}{42644}Sounds like a good name to me. I'll use it|in my official report to the Pentagon. {42688}{42785}I don't wanna be in your way.|You've obviously got a job to do here. {42787}{42840}- Good luck, Major.|- Thank you, Doctor. {43105}{43183}That's the last of it, sir.|We've got everything we need. {43186}{43234}- Good.|- Daniel and Teal'c? {43252}{43380}They're in the village. Still trying to|convince the folks we're friendly elves. {43383}{43467}I think the sooner|we get outta here the better. {43494}{43543}Is that smoke? {43801}{43854}- What happened?|- Somebody set a fire. {43857}{43878}Anybody hurt? {43881}{43938}Two members of SG-6.|The rocket was destroyed. {43941}{44040}- Stupid son of a bitch!|- The gods have spoken. {44043}{44117}You just killed two of my men|and screwed your whole planet! {44120}{44217}Two of our brothers also gave|their lives to serve the gods. {44219}{44318}You coward! Why didn't you|do it yourself? Why? {44320}{44419}- I would gladly die to serve the gods.|- Maybe you should. {44449}{44479}- Jack!|- Sir! {44482}{44562}Stop, please! I'm truly sorry|for what has happened, {44565}{44624}but Malchus acted without my knowledge. {44627}{44732}He will be punished,|but, please, more death serves no one! {45010}{45104}More death is exactly|what you people are gonna get. {45762}{45846}Jack, stop! We can't leave. {45849}{45944}The hell we can't. Carter, dial it up.|Get these people home. That's an order! {45947}{46025}- Jack, would you stop?!|- They killed two of my men! {46027}{46112}Yes, they did. But not all these people|are responsible for that, {46115}{46206}and even the ones that were were just|doing what they believed was right. {46209}{46268}- I really don't care.|- Well, I do. {46347}{46402}Leaving now would be irredeemable. {46405}{46485}In whose eyes? The Asgard?|They had their chance. {46488}{46560}I pressed the button|that could end this civilisation. {46563}{46662}All right! We made the first mistake,|but we were gonna fix it. {46678}{46746}Is it obvious only to me|that they don't want help? {46748}{46829}I couldn't live with myself|if I just walked away now. {46832}{46966}I do not believe the majority of people of|this world support the actions of Malchus. {47031}{47082}- What then?|- Relocate them. {47126}{47221}- Their ties to this world are strong.|- We have to give them the option. {47293}{47396}- Then it's their choice.|- Sir, we still have the Maclarium. {47398}{47528}With your permission, I'd like to return to|the SGC and run a few more simulations. {47652}{47746}OK. I know this world has been|your home for generations. {47777}{47878}But it looks now like the eye of Odin|will not be restored. {47880}{47931}That is for the gods to decide. {47934}{48060}Right. But consider this - that the gods|are giving you another choice. {48088}{48173}- What is that?|- The chance to move to another world. {48225}{48313}You can come through the Annulus|with us. It's very simple. {48316}{48388}If Freyr wished us to leave this world, {48391}{48471}he would come to take us away|in his chariot. {48493}{48549}He does. He wishes you to leave. {48552}{48663}He's very busy right now|and he sent us to take you our way. {48691}{48749}If you don't go, you will all die. {48776}{48825}Your efforts are noble. {48848}{48932}But if our destruction|is the will of the gods, {48935}{49009}we must face our fate bravely. {49428}{49477}Now can we go? {49522}{49581}- K'Tau were not convinced?|- No. {49605}{49662}Because you didn't say|what needed to be said. {49665}{49724}Well, what would you have said? {49773}{49832}Wait, what are you gonna say? {50011}{50081}Hey, folks! You wanna join me over here? {50113}{50162}Come on. {50202}{50286}Here, folks. I got a few things I wanna say. {50289}{50372}- What are you doing?|- Telling them the truth, Daniel. {50375}{50505}Whether God exists is not as important|as whether a belief in God exists. {50508}{50601}- What if we were talking about a Goa'uld?|- We're not talking about a Goa'uld. {50604}{50666}Have we not made our position clear? {50669}{50789}Yes. Yes, you have. I just don't think|we've made ourselves clear. {50801}{50875}- Jack, the Asgard...|- Are not gods. {51006}{51111}Hi, folks. Listen, you all know Freyr, right? {51114}{51217}Big guy, kinda good-looking,|a lot of fancy gold armour. {51241}{51346}Well, here's a flash for you.|That's not what he looks like. {51364}{51413}What do you mean? {51472}{51571}He's an alien who's been|pretending to be your god. {51573}{51616}(muttering) {51684}{51769}He doesn't have a chariot.|He's got a spaceship. {51855}{51894}Spaceship. {51896}{51995}Big machine, like the one we were|building, only his is way better, {51997}{52056}and not blown up. {52074}{52183}I'm not kiddin' you, folks.|This little fella is about three feet tall, {52185}{52245}got clammy, grey skin, big black eyes {52248}{52355}and skinny, tiny little arms and legs,|like toothpicks. {52519}{52577}They think you need to believe in a god, {52580}{52667}that you're not developed enough|as a culture to think for yourselves. {52670}{52720}- Enough!|- Elrad, listen to me. {52734}{52866}These aliens have the power to help you.|They chose not to. {52868}{52934}I am sorry for what happened|to your people. {52952}{53026}I know you think you are trying to help us, {53028}{53139}but, please, it is time for you to leave. {53527}{53564}OK. {53567}{53674}Sorry to bother you.|Thanks for your time, folks. {53780}{53864}There. Gave them a choice.|They chose. Let's go. {54335}{54426}I thought the odds of success for|this scenario were one in a million, Major. {54429}{54548}Yes, sir, but I now think that we can|increase that estimate to one per cent. {54580}{54625}It's your call, General. {54627}{54736}I only understand about one per cent|of what she says half the time. {54738}{54797}Run it by me again. {54990}{55073}We send the Maclarium|through the wormhole to K'Tau. {55092}{55178}Now, based on the distance from Earth|and the rate of travel, {55181}{55266}I've tried to calculate the exact time|we should shut down the gate {55269}{55333}so the Maclarium stops short|of reaching the planet {55336}{55412}and actually ends up in their sun. {55415}{55555}I thought when something was in|a wormhole, it existed only as energy, {55557}{55635}that you needed another Stargate|to turn it back into solid matter. {55638}{55722}Actually, you're absolutely correct, sir. {55761}{55816}- I am?|- Yes. {55819}{55878}It's the Stargate on the other side {55881}{55967}that actually reintegrates the matter|into its pre-organised form. {55970}{56075}Without it, the energy in the wormhole|would rematerialise in its base form. {56077}{56132}In the case of a person,|that would be bad, {56135}{56226}but in the case of an element,|it shouldn't be a problem. {56229}{56278}I was right. {56281}{56345}OK. You have a go, Major. {56577}{56636}(Carter) Sending the MALP through. {56787}{56818}Payload is en route. {56968}{57048}Executing controlled shutdown... now. {57154}{57228}Well, there's only one way|to know if it worked. {57346}{57443}Brothers and sisters,|in these troubled times, {57446}{57527}it is important for us|to come together as a family. {57530}{57627}We must remember|the great gifts of Freyr, {57653}{57758}and we must be grateful|for the lives that he has given us. {57780}{57889}In this troubled time,|we must still remember... {57903}{58041}He agreed to let us stay, so long as we|stop trying to tell them Freyr is not a god. {58043}{58095}I don't think we'll be staying. {58145}{58199}Did your method not succeed,|Major Carter? {58202}{58272}It doesn't look good. I think we missed. {58293}{58371}Are you sure it's not just taking|longer than you thought or...? {58374}{58454}We should have noticed|a change by now. {58456}{58505}Let's go. {58526}{58575}I'm gonna tell them. {58620}{58684}- And say goodbye.|- (Elrad) Let us pray. {58901}{58960}Sorry, it didn't work. {59017}{59097}But it's not too late|to change your mind about leaving. {59235}{59332}Great protector, O Freyr,|our Lord and Saviour, {59334}{59459}accept our frailties and forgive our sins. {59462}{59592}We beg you, grant us your mercy|and return the light that gives us life. {59747}{59796}Goodbye. {60183}{60251}Am I having a stroke? {60254}{60309}Blessed be Freyr! {60312}{60401}Bow your heads and thank him|for granting our prayers. {60509}{60608}I'm pretty sure we didn't do this, sir.|At least, not on our own. {60679}{60751}- The Asgard.|- They said they wouldn't help. {60753}{60802}Overtly. {60829}{60895}By starting the process,|we gave them the opportunity {60897}{60961}to step in without the Goa'uld knowing? {60987}{61076}A way of saving face. Technical loophole. {61086}{61135}Or not. {61222}{61294}Well, we'll never really|know for sure, will we? {63135}{63213}Visiontext Subtitles: Sally Lewis