{206}{255}Cassandra! {273}{335}I'm not imagining it.|She was here, was she not? {338}{398}Almost the entire time|she was opening presents. {401}{459}- Cassie!|- What? {523}{604}I thought you were wearing|the top that Sam bought you. {626}{686}OK.h. Well, that's, like, for school. {689}{743}- Hey. Make a wish.|- Yeah. {758}{816}- Dominic's waiting.|- Fine. Invite him in. {819}{924}I'm sure he'd love a piece of birthday cake|that Sam went to all the trouble to bake. {926}{959}- Buy.|- Bring. {961}{1027}- I'd love to meet him.|- You said I could go. {1036}{1085}Yeah, I did. After. {1100}{1154}We're meeting a bunch of people. {1157}{1289}Considering you have not been feeling|well, you're lucky I'm letting you out at all. {1474}{1529}Fine. {1621}{1673}- You know, I could just...|- No. {1676}{1799}She is going to have a piece of birthday|cake. You stay right where you are. {1845}{1888}- Coffee?|- Yes, please. {1950}{2059}They're not letting me leave yet, so if you|wanna go and meet up with everybody... {2062}{2112}Wait a second. Here. {2125}{2179}Happy birthday. {2546}{2658}- It's just like the ones from class.|- Yeah, well, you said it was pretty, so... {2700}{2822}This one's for decoration, though.|I thought you could put it in your room. {3544}{3608}- (Cassandra drops to ground)|- Cassandra? {3621}{3670}Help! {3772}{3840}- What happened?|- Nothing. She just fell. {3862}{3934}She has a temperature.|What was she doing when she "fell"? {3937}{3970}- I kissed her.|- Kissed her?! {3973}{4084}It's her birthday, all right? Look, the light|just exploded and she just passed out. {4087}{4188}I wanna get her to the infirmary.|Get the car keys. Cass? Baby? Cassie? {4249}{4294}Cassie. {6232}{6313}- How's she doing?|- Her fever still hasn't come down. {6361}{6460}Sam, I need to get a sample of your blood. {6463}{6560}Cassandra's blood work shows|the presence of a retrovirus. {6562}{6673}- Didn't she just get over the flu?|- Whatever this is, it isn't the flu. {6684}{6775}Is there a causal relationship|between the retrovirus and the EM field? {6778}{6827}Possibly. {6830}{6865}What? {6867}{6951}Cassandra's body is generating|a low-level electromagnetic field. {6954}{7047}It's been spiking. That could be|why the light exploded on the porch. {7050}{7188}And why I can't do an MRI to find out what|other effects this retrovirus is having. {7191}{7251}- Mom?|- I'm here. {7279}{7338}I couldn't finish the harvest. {7395}{7451}That's OK.K. {7454}{7512}I have to go into the forest. {7589}{7638}It's OK.K, Cassie. {7944}{8028}- Do I need to quarantine the base?|- I don't think it's contagious. {8031}{8107}Major Carter and I show|no evidence of the retrovirus. {8110}{8172}Then where did Cassandra contract it? {8175}{8268}- I'm guessing her home planet.|- She has not been there in several years. {8271}{8388}Retroviruses can exist in the body for|years before the first symptoms appear. {8391}{8494}When it emerges, it starts to rewrite|the individual's DNA in order to replicate. {8497}{8609}I've compared this with every retrovirus|on record. It doesn't match any of them. {8612}{8665}So there's obviously no vaccine. {8668}{8758}I've been giving her antiviral|medications, but her tests show {8761}{8833}that the virus is spreading|into her cerebrospinal fluid. {8835}{8919}At this moment, I'm more|concerned about brain damage. {8942}{9041}I just finished going through|SG-7's reports from P8X-987. {9061}{9111}- Morning.|- Morning. {9114}{9221}OK.n Cassandra's planet, SG-7 witnessed|two incidents of fever and hallucination {9223}{9274}in teenagers Cassandra's age. {9277}{9396}The villagers called it the "mind fire".|I found some digital video footage. {9460}{9521}Hurry! This way! She's overhere! {9527}{9595}- What happened?|- We werejust walking along... {9598}{9699}Shejust dropped and started convulsing.|What's wrong with her?. {9883}{9976}- There's more, but you get the idea.|- How did they treat it? {9983}{10080}SG-7 offered medicine, but they believed|the children were touched by gods {10082}{10170}- and interfering would tempt retribution.|- What happened to 'em? {10173}{10307}They were sent alone to the forest nearby.|After several days they came back, cured. {10320}{10365}- How?|- SG-7 tried to find out, {10367}{10464}but the elders insisted the child|had to go alone as a religious rite. {10466}{10530}Cassandra talked about|going into the forest. {10532}{10631}- She was delirious.|- Well, it's worth checking out, sir. {10639}{10734}When we saw P8X-987, the atmosphere|was contaminated by the Goa'uld Nirrti. {10737}{10842}Well, that was four years ago.|The toxin could be nonpersistent. {10845}{10909}But we can send a MALP to be sure. {10945}{10994}Sir? {11012}{11070}It's worth a try. {11643}{11698}(Daniel) Here's something. {12129}{12193}It's a hand print. {12283}{12341}A fire burned here. {12366}{12436}Maybe we should collect|samples of local vegetation. {12439}{12497}There might be|a natural cure around here. {12500}{12561}Yeah. Let's collect some of that flora. {12826}{12875}Hello? {13636}{13685}Carter? Daniel? {13762}{13822}I believe we are in a Goa'uld laboratory. {13825}{13893}- Whose, do you think?|- Nirrti. {13919}{13968}Yeah. {14106}{14157}It's OK.K. It's just... It's us. {14240}{14333}- So where are we?|- I believe we're in the laboratory of Nirrti. {14554}{14613}Sir, if this is where|the children ended up... {14616}{14713}- You're right about that.|- She didn't finish her sentence. {14726}{14807}This place is what|the initiation rite was all about. {14838}{14949}Hankan children with the mind fever|wander alone into the forest. It gets dark. {14952}{15043}They're drawn to the hand print|on the tree, then to the warm fire. {15046}{15153}- Then the rings sweep them to this lab.|- And then they come back cured. {15155}{15221}- Nirrti cured 'em?|- Yeah. It makes sense. {15224}{15335}- No, it doesn't.|- Indeed. It seems a plausible explanation. {15337}{15403}No. She killed everyone|on this planet except Cassie. {15406}{15460}Why would she cure a bunch of kids? {15463}{15537}If I'm reading this right,|it was part of some experiment. {15539}{15593}Now, see, that sounds like a Goa'uld. {15600}{15664}Nirrti was a prisoner of the System Lords. {15667}{15761}Which means she's in no position|to help us, even if she would. {15810}{15867}OK.h, boy. {15918}{15967}I did that. {16347}{16378}Let's take it with us. {16695}{16744}Cassie? {16766}{16836}- Cassandra, what are you doing?|- I have to go. {16839}{16895}- You're not well.|- I have to go to the forest. {16898}{16986}- I need you to get back into bed, OK.K?|- You're not my mother. {16989}{17053}Then what have I been to you|these past few years? {17056}{17105}- You don't understand.|- Listen to me. {17108}{17172}If nothing else, I am your doctor. Let's go. {17175}{17214}So what? {17227}{17349}I care about what happens to you. Honey,|don't you know what you mean to me? {17352}{17440}- Don't you get it? It doesn't matter!|- It's all that matters. {17443}{17519}- Please, let me try and help you.|- You can't. {17522}{17611}- If you wanna help me, then let me go!|- OK.K. Just hear me out. {17641}{17752}Let's get you back into bed,|and then we'll talk, OK.K? {17759}{17839}- SG-1 will be back soon. Then...|- No! Leave me alone! {17842}{17901}Cassie! {17928}{18019}No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.|Let me go, let me go, let me go. {18038}{18139}- I can't do that!|- You're killing me! {18246}{18295}(alarm) {18487}{18563}- Major.|- Colonel OK.'Neill wanted me to report. {18566}{18644}Daniel and Teal'c wanted|more time to search the lab. {18646}{18733}- Let's hope they find something.|- Is she getting worse? {18811}{18860}You should see for yourself. {19118}{19167}We had to move her in here. {19170}{19244}- Is she still running a fever?|- It seems to have peaked. {19246}{19303}But her blood work says otherwise. {19306}{19431}There's no antibodies. No indication her|body's fighting this. Just more retrovirus. {19434}{19527}- Does she know what's happening?|- She seems driven to go to the planet. {19530}{19639}I don't know if that's instinctual|or a side effect of this retrovirus. {19662}{19711}What are we gonna tell her? {19932}{20002}Hey. How are you feeling? Any better? {20048}{20105}Why are you keeping me in here? {20108}{20211}We have to. Your body is generating|something called an EM field. {20214}{20280}You can see the effect|it's having on the monitors. {20283}{20357}So this room is shielded|from the rest of the base. {20370}{20475}If you let me go back to the planet,|then that won't happen any more. {20508}{20580}- That's not true.|- You don't know that. {20582}{20679}You don't know anything. You're just|keeping me here because you're afraid. {20681}{20766}We found the place where the initiation|rite was supposed to happen. {20769}{20817}Then let me go there. {20820}{20923}We think the place you feel drawn to|led to a Goa'uld laboratory. {20925}{21022}- OK.ne that belonged to Nirrti.|- She killed everyone in my village. {21043}{21121}- Yeah.|- She also tried to use you to kill us. {21124}{21238}We think she used your initiation ritual to|experiment on the children of your planet. {21241}{21297}- Why?|- We don't know. {21305}{21404}It's possible the retrovirus you're|carrying was part of her experiment. {21407}{21473}What was the experiment? {21484}{21544}All we know so far|is that this retrovirus {21547}{21636}is changing the way your cells|generate electrical fields. {21650}{21800}So your body's generating heat, and your|EEG shows your brain activity increasing. {21803}{21852}You don't know why, do you? {21960}{21997}No. {22009}{22093}- And now she's gone.|- Yes, she is. {22118}{22215}So... you won't be able to stop it. {22260}{22321}We didn't say that. {22621}{22678}What's this for? {22681}{22730}What do you think it is for? {22815}{22889}- (Daniel) "Evolution..."|- What? {22902}{22995}"of the Hok'tar... Hok'tar..."|Teal'c, what's Hok'tar? {22998}{23064}I have not heard that word in many years. {23066}{23140}It refers to children|that underwent the initiation rite, {23142}{23228}so it obviously has something|to do with the children... {23384}{23437}Hello? {23471}{23531}Sorry, guys.|I think I may have just done that. {23534}{23614}Do it again. It's time to go. {24315}{24364}Hey, kiddo. {24410}{24476}- It's Saturday.|- So? {24499}{24594}So, every other Saturday, at least|while I'm on Earth, we play chess. {24597}{24675}And since I'm on Earth and it's Saturday... {24678}{24727}I know what's happening to me. {24745}{24825}OK.h. OK.K. What? {24841}{24902}I'm changing... into something. {24927}{24999}And there's nothing you can do to stop it. {25002}{25115}You know how me and your mom feel|when someone issues a challenge. {25118}{25171}Dr Fraiser isn't my real mother. {25192}{25282}She died when Nirrti poisoned my village. {25361}{25429}I know that. Janet knows that too. {25431}{25530}- And please, don't call her Dr Fraiser.|- Why? {25544}{25629}Because she loves you|and she deserves better. {25632}{25757}- We all love you, for that matter.|- That doesn't change anything. {25778}{25827}You're wrong about that. {25866}{25924}It's different now. {25927}{25991}I'm different now. {25994}{26043}I can do things. {26278}{26340}- How did you do that?|- I just... {26379}{26428}thought it. {26444}{26520}I thought I wanted a knight|and it flew into my hand. {26541}{26590}Jack calls 'em horses. {26612}{26676}Yeah, well, that's Colonel OK.'Neill for you. {26678}{26756}He always pretends|he's not as smart as he really is. {26800}{26903}You know, if you take a close look,|they really are horses. {26986}{27060}What do you see|when you look at me now? {27150}{27202}I see you. {27232}{27315}Until your head starts spinning|around, and probably even then, {27318}{27378}I will still see you. {27875}{27924}How can she do that? {27953}{28002}Magnets. {28017}{28093}Magnets. Each of those pieces|has a tiny magnet in the bottom {28096}{28219}to hold it on the board, like when|you're driving, so they don't rattle off. {28222}{28319}Anyway, every one of those magnets|has a little electrical field around it. {28321}{28420}That's how she was able|to manipulate 'em. Magnets. {28485}{28541}They do look like horses. {28599}{28696}I have no idea how she was able|to do it physiologically, sir. {28698}{28787}Actually, Teal'c filled me in|on something that might explain that. {28790}{28844}"Hok'tar" is a hybrid|of two Goa'uld words. {28847}{28963}"Hok", which means advanced, and|"tar", which I believe is a sort of slang. {28971}{29020}- For...?|- Human. {29045}{29135}So, essentially,|it's "advanced human". "Hok Tauri." {29148}{29201}Nirrti studied the children of Hanka {29204}{29274}because she believed|they were evolving into Hok'tar. {29276}{29367}You're saying Cassandra is becoming|some form of advanced human. {29370}{29438}And the retrovirus is the catalyst. {29440}{29514}An advanced human would be|a powerful host for the Goa'uld. {29517}{29576}Which explains why Nirrti|was experimenting. {29579}{29655}Also why she exterminated|the population when we came. {29658}{29720}She didn't want her experiment exposed. {29747}{29862}Prior to our arrival on P8X-987,|and for as long as SG-7 was there, {29865}{29976}no villager showed advanced intelligence|or the ability to manipulate EM fields. {29978}{30100}So Nirrti created the retrovirus|in an attempt to engineer her own host. {30103}{30167}It seems inconceivable|anybody could do that. {30169}{30239}It never worked.|According to all the reports, {30241}{30317}the children went into the forest sick|and came out well. {30319}{30393}If this was a transformation|or evolutionary process, {30395}{30445}at some point it was stopped. {30448}{30501}By Nirrti. {30519}{30568}Why would she do that? {30571}{30624}The retrovirus rewrites DNA. {30627}{30774}If the carrier died before they passed on|the altered genes, no evolution. {30777}{30889}- So the experiment was long term.|- With each generation closer to a Hok'tar. {30905}{30954}So how far along is Cassandra? {30957}{31075}What if maybe she really is|transforming into something else? {31078}{31191}- She thinks so.|- Whatever she thinks, her fever is rising. {31194}{31301}Admittedly more slowly, and she seems|to be able to handle it better, but... {31303}{31358}I can't control it. {31499}{31548}Let's find the answers. {31551}{31586}Dismissed. {31765}{31806}Cassandra? {31809}{31867}What are you doing? {31870}{31930}It helps, to do this. {31933}{31970}How? {31973}{32094}It's almost like the heat is leaving|my body and going into the chess piece. {32164}{32234}You haven't found a cure, have you? {32263}{32331}- No. We're still trying.|- It's all right. {32384}{32518}No, it's not. We may still learn something|from the biosamples SG-1 brought back. {32520}{32588}They might help your body|produce antibodies. {32590}{32647}I want this to happen, Janet. {32665}{32735}- Don't say that.|- It's going to happen anyway. {32737}{32809}- You're ill.|- You know that it's more than that now. {32811}{32864}I can feel a power inside me. {32867}{32915}It's only the beginning. {32952}{33032}And your body is undergoing|an enormous physical strain. {33034}{33125}- You think it's gonna kill me?|- I am worried about that possibility, yes. {33128}{33196}- I don't care.|- Well, you should. {33199}{33286}- I know the limits of the human body.|- Maybe I'm not human any more. {33289}{33375}- OK.f course you are.|- Dying may be part of the transformation. {33378}{33435}I don't care whether it is or not! {33597}{33646}- I'm sorry.|- (sighs) {33767}{33859}Sweetheart, sometimes|when a person is sick, {33862}{33921}it's important for them to fight. {33924}{33973}I want you to fight this. OK.K? {34632}{34693}That can't be right.|The EM field is interfering. {34696}{34760}No. She'll be able to control that now. {34762}{34890}I ran the test three times. The results were|consistent, and it agrees with the EEG. {34930}{35017}That's a 25 per cent higher|level of activity than normal. {35020}{35131}- How can her body sustain that?|- She can channel the heat from her body. {35134}{35235}Don't ask me how. But I don't know how|long she's gonna be able to keep it up. {35238}{35351}What I'd like her to do is sleep.|She's been awake for 30 hours straight. {35354}{35424}- I was about to go and see her.|- Thank you. {36199}{36234}Hey. {36285}{36366}I hear you don't wanna sleep.|You want some company? {36369}{36416}You wouldn't leave. {36473}{36585}When the Goa'uld planted the bomb|inside me, you wouldn't leave. {36588}{36713}Even though your orders were to|leave me there alone, you stayed with me. {36755}{36813}- Yeah.|- Why? {36852}{36903}I don't know. Just an instinct. {36906}{36991}- That I was gonna be OK.K?|- Yeah, I think so. {37002}{37055}But you didn't know for sure. {37067}{37104}No. {37145}{37194}Well... {37235}{37322}that's how I feel about|what's happening to me now. {37379}{37480}- Do you understand?|- Yeah, I think I do. {37531}{37630}- Want me to stay with you for a while?|- It's not time yet. {37635}{37696}Don't say that. {37699}{37790}Well, when it is... time, {37827}{37888}will you be here? {37915}{37976}I promise. {38010}{38104}I think I can sleep now, for a little while. {38140}{38189}OK.K. {41565}{41631}- Sam?|- I think she's asleep. {41633}{41722}Good. Listen. The bodies of the villagers -|what happened to them? {41725}{41779}They were cremated.|We sent a team back. {41782}{41831}So there could be a bone fragment. {41834}{41947}If we find one from someone who's been|through the initiation, antibodies may... {41950}{42026}- That was four years ago. The chances...|- (alarm) {42106}{42155}OK.h, no. {42248}{42297}Cassandra? {42318}{42365}- It was a Goa'uld.|- What? {42368}{42420}I was asleep. I thought it was a nurse. {42423}{42511}- But I did sense its presence.|- I haven't sensed anything. {42514}{42644}It was after you left. At first no one was|there. When it got closer, I saw someone. {42725}{42844}This is a code three alert. We need zats|and TERs in isolation room four - now. {42902}{42974}- Are you all right?|- It ran away when I screamed. {43017}{43098}- Major?|- It appears there's a Goa'uld on the base. {43101}{43160}- What?|- How is that possible? {43163}{43235}Nirrti possesses the technology|to become invisible. {43237}{43328}Cronus is dead. If he was|the System Lord holding her prisoner... {43331}{43372}So she's out. {43375}{43451}The rings. It was her.|She came through the Stargate with us. {43454}{43514}She was waiting for us|in her lab the whole time. {43517}{43620}We may have inadvertently triggered|a device alerting her to our presence. {43658}{43740}Go level by level. Check everything.|Keep in radio contact. {43743}{43802}If you locate her, do not shoot to kill. {43805}{43858}- Colonel?|- I'm stayin' here, sir. {43977}{44092}I figure, you fought her off the first time,|I'm safer here with you. {44112}{44197}She was here the whole time|you've been back. {44200}{44251}- We'll find her.|- No, she's right. {44254}{44332}Why did she wait until now|to come after Cassandra? {44541}{44590}Level 22 is clear. {44964}{45036}- (Teal'c) Level 21, clear.|- Roger that. {45038}{45130}- She wanted to check on her experiment.|- We don't know what she wants. {45133}{45248}No. If the transformation were going to|kill me, she would've just let it happen. {45251}{45294}- Don't you see?|- Honey, not now. {45297}{45359}- No, but it did work.|- Cassandra. {45412}{45455}No. {45458}{45501}Look out! {45907}{45956}Easy! We need her alive. {46143}{46242}Security to iso room four.|All search teams stand down. {46274}{46327}Cassie? Cassie, don't do this. {46347}{46396}Please get her outta here. {46419}{46514}Come on, let's move! Roll her over. Easy. {46964}{47058}- What's gonna happen to Cassandra?|- (distorted) What is her condition? {47061}{47125}She just lost consciousness. {47152}{47206}Then the end is very near. {47228}{47323}If she dies... so do you. {47331}{47392}And what do you offer in return? {47403}{47464}I don't think you're|in any position to bargain. {47467}{47564}I am in the position to save the life|of a child you hold dear. {47604}{47664}- Release me.|- We can't do that. {47752}{47795}General... {47830}{47904}With my invisibility device intact. {47952}{48041}I also require a sample of her blood. {48051}{48094}Absolutely not. {48124}{48188}Those are my terms. {48398}{48466}- She says she can help Cassandra.|- If we trust her. {48469}{48518}No, if we let her go. {48546}{48608}Do you believe that she can actually help? {48611}{48714}Seeing as how we don't have a choice,|I guess it's worth a shot. {48716}{48825}- What is General Hammond going to do?|- He hasn't decided yet. {48895}{48961}I really need to get back|and see Cassandra. {48991}{49096}We all know how tough this has been|for you, so if you need anything... {49147}{49196}Thanks. {49568}{49659}All right. Give me|70 milligrams of dantrolene. {49662}{49711}- Doctor?|- Now! {49820}{49869}- Mom?|- I'm here. {49895}{49982}We're just giving you something else|to try and get your fever down. {49985}{50034}It's happening. {50048}{50184}OK.K. I want you to do what we talked|about, OK.K? I want you to fight this. {50187}{50263}- I don't wanna fight it.|- You have to. {50266}{50396}Honey, your body's not gonna be able to|survive what this retrovirus is trying to do. {50426}{50520}- Where's Sam?|- She's gone to try to get Nirrti to help. {50578}{50677}No. Let it happen. Let it happen! {50679}{50743}- (groans)|- Drop ten of Valium. {50881}{50930}(nurse) Valium's in. {50991}{51040}(DrFraiser cries out) {51093}{51142}Temperature's 106. {51171}{51220}The dantrolene is not working? {51539}{51650}General, with all due respect, it's not|like we're negotiating with terrorists. {51653}{51737}It's exactly that. You're letting|your emotions get in the way. {51740}{51849}- Yes, I am. Shouldn't you be?|- Jack... {51851}{51925}Until yesterday we didn't know|Nirrti was still alive. {51927}{51976}Exactly. {51979}{52045}Who cares if we let her go? {52047}{52150}What difference does it make?|It's just one more Goa'uld runnin' around. {52153}{52248}If we were to allow Nirrti to leave|with a sample of Cassandra's blood, {52251}{52400}she could well create an advanced host|and become dangerously powerful. {52403}{52477}- I agree with General Hammond.|- What? {52480}{52540}The life of a child may be sacrificed, {52543}{52669}but Nirrti possesses valuable information|that would be lost if we let her leave. {52862}{52948}General Hammond would like me|to check in on her. {53005}{53042}Argh! {53303}{53397}- Teal'c, we're talking about Cassandra.|- OK.f that I am aware. {53400}{53476}But her sacrifice would benefit|both of our peoples. {53479}{53560}Nirrti has information|that could help us defeat the Goa'uld. {53563}{53627}We'll find another way. {53685}{53761}We may never have a Goa'uld|as our prisoner again. {53763}{53854}Sir, you know what Cassandra has|gone through because of the Goa'uld. {53857}{53931}If we're gonna put|what might happen over her life... {53934}{53996}It's time to pack it in. {54071}{54116}I agree. {54224}{54288}(intercom) General Hammond|to the holding room. {54481}{54609}- Dr Fraiser, stand down.|- I can't do that, sir. I don't have a choice. {54611}{54675}Janet, don't do this. {54677}{54743}I can't help Cassandra. She can. {54778}{54897}SG-1 has convinced me to make a deal|for Cassandra's life. This isn't necessary. {54900}{54956}Then you agree to my terms. {54996}{55112}Just one. OK.nce you've cured Cassandra|of her illness, you'll be free to go. {55115}{55216}- And how do I know you will honour this?|- You have only my word. {55229}{55281}Not enough. {55368}{55488}Then I should remind you that the woman|holding the gun is Cassandra's mother. {56792}{56841}You have waited too long. {56850}{56897}You try again. {57819}{57916}- It is done.|- (Carter) Vital signs returning to normal. {58098}{58199}- Mom?|- It's OK.K. I'm here. {58298}{58350}I have honoured my part. {58602}{58661}Let's go to the gate. {59262}{59390}We've never dialled these coordinates. I...|sort of hope you know what you're doin'. {59399}{59459}It is not my final destination. {59462}{59590}Without a sample of her blood,|I will have to begin my experiment again. {59605}{59659}Aw, nuts. {59683}{59769}At least you have honoured|this much of our bargain. {59786}{59880}In your place, I doubt|I would have done the same. {59950}{60016}I'll keep that thought alive. {60919}{60979}Hey, Janet. How's our patient? {60982}{61021}Bored. {61023}{61110}The homework stacked up a bit,|but other than that she's just fine. {61113}{61204}- I get to take her home tonight.|- Ah... Dominic awaits. {61239}{61305}- Stop it.|- Come on. That last kiss was impressive. {61310}{61378}- Stop it!|- Lights exploded overhead. {61381}{61428}Stop it! {61453}{61492}- It's Saturday.|- OK.K. {61495}{61600}But... I won't be able to move the piece|around by thinking about it. Sorry. {61603}{61667}Good. Then we're even. {63137}{63213}Visiontext Subtitles: Doreen Trenerry