{866}{915}(camera clicks) {3715}{3828}As you know, over the past year I have|been studying the Unas of P3X-888. {3831}{3907}I've made some amazing discoveries|about their culture. {3910}{4019}I've also been able to categorise almost|70 individual words from their language. {4022}{4142}But, during a review of the latest batch|of digital images, I came across this. {4166}{4281}These men, whoever they are,|abducted the Unas I refer to as Chaka. {4290}{4362}- That's the one that kidnapped you.|- Same one. {4393}{4481}Their dress is pre-industrial but|they don't have any Jaffa tattoos, {4484}{4548}so their Goa'uld weapons|seem contradictory. {4551}{4578}Indeed. {4588}{4691}- What would they want with an Unas?|- I don't know. But I'd like to find out. {4693}{4783}- What are you suggesting?|- Like Jack said, what do they want? {4786}{4852}For the record, I don't care. {4981}{5030}I care. {5037}{5122}It might be relevant to investigate|how they got Goa'uld weapons. {5127}{5180}They may have other Goa'uld technology. {5183}{5235}Now, see, that I really care about. {5238}{5316}If possible, I'd like to make|every effort to rescue Chaka. {5331}{5355}The Unas? {5358}{5446}Many Unas we've encountered|had Goa'uld symbiotes controlling them. {5449}{5496}Chaka is an ungoa'ulded Unas. {5499}{5593}An intelligent being who learned|to trust humans because of me. {5596}{5645}And? {5689}{5755}These images were taken|just prior to the abduction. {5758}{5838}Every time I went back with SG-1 1|to retrieve the video footage, {5840}{5889}I would leave Chaka a gift. {5974}{6019}It's... It's an energy bar. {6022}{6121}It's something that helped me|break through when we first met. {6163}{6217}I left the bait for their trap. {6302}{6376}How do we find out|where these men took him? {6523}{6634}If they've got Goa'uld weapons,|you gotta wonder what else they got. {6717}{6764}You have a go. {6766}{6814}Thank you. {7119}{7220}The UAV shows the nearest town|to be three clicks in that direction. {7223}{7334}Evidence of a substantial population -|Iots of cultivated fields. {7336}{7388}Farmers? {7391}{7440}Farmers with staff weapons. {8066}{8126}- Domestication.|- Yeah. {8187}{8237}We'll check things out down there. {8240}{8368}Carter, you and Teal'c hang back. Cover|us in case these folks don't like visitors. {8395}{8440}Any ideas? {8442}{8526}Well, let's see how far honesty gets us. {8614}{8663}OK. {8749}{8823}This animal comes from|an excellent bloodline. {8866}{8967}He can crush grain at the stone mill|from first light to day's end. {9000}{9101}He can haul any cart,|with any load, any distance. {9147}{9177}(Unas growls) {9180}{9232}And he has spirit. {9235}{9284}(growls) {9399}{9448}Who will start the bidding? {9464}{9513}(growling) {9522}{9571}(woman) Watch out! {9747}{9806}(Unas growling) {10147}{10211}Do not fear. It's dead. {10221}{10260}Yeah. {10263}{10345}- Shoot somethin' like that in the back...|- Who are you? {10372}{10426}We're travellers. Peaceful travellers. {10431}{10503}Where do you come from?|I've not seen your kind before. {10506}{10598}Well, actually,|we came through the Stargate. {10606}{10655}The, um... {10699}{10763}- Chaapa-ai.|- Chaapa-ai. {10776}{10832}- Really?|- Yes. {10902}{10980}No one has come through|the Chaapa-ai in living memory. {10983}{11043}Now you'll have a story|to tell your grandkids. {11046}{11099}We come from a planet called Earth. {11141}{11226}- What do you want?|- Actually, we came to trade. {11229}{11260}Hm? {11281}{11361}- Really?|- We're looking for an Unas. {11369}{11420}Well, then. {11423}{11484}You've come to the right place. {11487}{11574}I'm the most respected dealer|of Unas in this land. {11600}{11649}My name is Burrock. {11668}{11757}I'm Daniel Jackson|and this is Colonel Jack O'Neill. {11760}{11789}Colonel? {11792}{11851}Yes. It means he's our head... trader. {11886}{11934}"Head trader"? {11937}{12017}I like that. And you can|call me Colonel Burrock. {12099}{12191}It is our custom to welcome visitors|with a drink. Will you join me? {12196}{12268}It is our custom to drink. Of course. {12482}{12535}- "Honesty", huh?|- We're traders. {12538}{12612}We've traded. We trade. We're trading. {13027}{13076}Thank you. {13140}{13191}You thank a beast? {13194}{13247}Yes. Positive reinforcement. {13250}{13314}We find it a successful method of training. {13356}{13420}I'm curious to learn more|about your methods, {13423}{13493}and to learn more about|where you came from. {13561}{13637}So no one else has actually|come through the Chaapa-ai? {13647}{13727}I have wondered why there are|so many symbols on the pedestal. {13729}{13830}I have stood for hours pressing different|combinations, but nothing happened. {13833}{13938}The fact that you have come here from a|place we do not know proves I am right. {13941}{14015}The Chaapa-ai goes|many places, does it not? {14021}{14109}- Haven't you travelled to other worlds?|- I have been to one place. {14112}{14172}Just one time, so far. {14175}{14278}I had to press seven different symbols|to get the Chaapa-ai to open. {14280}{14331}How'd you learn those symbols? {14334}{14398}I paid dearly for them.|They have been passed down {14400}{14503}through the lineage of certain|families since the Beast Wars. {14506}{14528}Beast Wars? {14531}{14632}Long ago, the beasts enslaved our|forefathers through terror and oppression. {14634}{14706}They served "the one|with the glowing eyes". {14733}{14784}And what happened to him, her? {14804}{14891}No one knows. One day|he went away, did not return. {14914}{15030}Our forefathers learned how the beasts'|weapons worked and led an uprising. {15033}{15111}The war was bloody,|waged for many years, {15114}{15164}but eventually the slaves triumphed {15167}{15220}and the masters became the slaves. {15223}{15304}Since then, the beasts have served us. {15408}{15457}(roars) {15615}{15734}Like the one at the auction that got away,|this one comes from our local stock. {15754}{15814}I believe him to be untrainable. {15817}{15879}His head is not right, even for a beast. {15887}{15959}Maybe he's just pissed|cos you keep torturing him. {16000}{16084}The unfortunate result|of generations of inbreeding. {16087}{16142}I'm afraid he'll have to be put down. {16197}{16300}- Do you not have this problem at home?|- We've made some progress, actually. {16308}{16343}Interesting. {16374}{16456}The only choice we had|was to introduce new blood. {16459}{16516}Fortunately, I was able to find some. {16977}{17082}This one will make me|the wealthiest beastmaster in the land. {17287}{17336}(huskily) Daniel. {17368}{17446}- He speaks?|- Yes. {17452}{17532}- Your name.|- Yes. That's because he's mine. {17592}{17640}You deceived me! {17643}{17744}You said you came here to trade for|an Unas, not to claim one of your own. {17747}{17852}I just wanted to make sure he was here|before we made an issue out of it. {17891}{18006}These beasts, all of them... bear my mark. {18017}{18089}- Yours had no identification.|- You heard him say my name. {18092}{18151}I caught him in the wild|of the other place. {18154}{18244}It was part of an experiment I was|conducting. Sorry, but I need him back. {18247}{18306}Well, I'm sorry. You cannot have him. {18729}{18801}Does Colonel O'Neill|require our assistance? {18826}{18869}He hasn't signalled yet. {19004}{19089}I could offer another Unas in exchange. {19123}{19199}This one is of good stock,|and he's already trained. {19202}{19296}You don't understand. This one's name|is Chaka, and he is coming with me. {19417}{19462}- Uh, Daniel.|- Jack. {19464}{19556}Why don't we discuss|what we can offer the man in return? {19676}{19731}Shall we? {19734}{19783}Outside. {20082}{20131}(roars) Daniel! {20187}{20290}Daniel, I am not gonna get|into a firefight over this right now. {20293}{20398}If you expect to trade for that Unas,|do not think it will come cheap. {20494}{20551}So what's your price? {20554}{20607}Two Unas of equally pure lineage. {20639}{20684}Two for one? {20686}{20764}Your Unas is worth it, or you|would not have travelled so far. {20767}{20891}Besides, you have more sophisticated|methods for capturing and training them. {20936}{20989}We'll... think about it. {21088}{21137}Come on. {21391}{21440}Excuse me. {21504}{21597}You, uh... have some sort of|plan to do something about this? {21617}{21699}Well, right now I'm not sure|I'm gonna do anything. {21749}{21810}How can you say that? {21813}{21910}Daniel, you wanna go out and catch|a couple of Unas, trade 'em for Chaka? {21912}{21968}- I think you're missing the point.|- Am l? {21971}{22028}- You saw how they treat them.|- Daniel. {22031}{22124}I'm not saying any of this is right.|I just don't know what to do about it. {22127}{22185}I don't want to change|their way of life, but... {22188}{22266}Chaka wasn't born into|this kind of domestication. {22269}{22380}He's known freedom all his life. The Unas|of his planet live together in families. {22385}{22453}- They have art.|- Oh, yes. I've seen the cave drawings. {22455}{22509}I will not leave him here like this. {22565}{22617}Even if it means risking human lives? {22699}{22769}We should be able|to avoid that, shouldn't we? {23226}{23306}- So what's going on?|- They're using Unas as slaves. {23309}{23377}They were inbred for so long,|they're untrainable. {23379}{23453}They needed new blood|so they're not giving Chaka up. {23455}{23506}- What shall we do?|- (O'Neill) Wait until dark. {23509}{23599}Daniel and I'll go in and extract him.|You'll provide cover. {23619}{23699}And we're gonna do it|without taking human lives. {24068}{24115}Down. {24117}{24166}(growls) {24344}{24393}Down. {24400}{24464}(growls) {25344}{25398}Chaka. {25539}{25589}Chaka. {25960}{26024}Chaka. {26231}{26280}(door creaks) {26543}{26584}- Chaka.|- Daniel. {26586}{26635}Tell him to move back. {26655}{26713}- Chaka!|- (Chaka growls) {26716}{26786}- He's not moving.|- Move back. {26790}{26860}- I could have said that.|- Keka. Keka. {26863}{26912}Danger. {27036}{27085}(roaring) {27127}{27191}Crap. Come on, we gotta go. {27209}{27258}Come on. {27290}{27364}- It's OK, it's OK.|- Wok tah! {27366}{27455}- What? I don't know what's wrong.|- Wok tah! {27458}{27574}He says this one's marked for death.|Come on, it's OK. He's not. Let's go. {27577}{27624}Wok tah! {27627}{27705}- Wok tah!|- He says that they're all marked for death. {27707}{27804}- No, Chaka.|- Daniel, with or without him, we gotta go! {28132}{28193}Sir, you've got company. {28340}{28427}At least ten men heading your way.|We're laying down cover fire. {28642}{28691}(moaning) {29089}{29157}(Carter overradio)|Colonel, come in. Over. {29278}{29333}Colonel, do you read? Come in. Over. {29581}{29674}Chaka must have grabbed that|from my vest before it was taken away. {29677}{29753}- Why would he do that?|- He's seen me using it. {29756}{29801}Chaka. {29848}{29908}- Give.|- Ko? {29922}{29976}"Ko". I don't know that word. {30017}{30089}"Ko", it's give. Yes, yes, Chaka. Ko, ko. {30343}{30380}Thank you. {30397}{30475}- Aka.|- Aka. Thank you. {30484}{30517}Daniel. {30526}{30575}Right. {30605}{30688}- Sam, it's Daniel. Do you read?|- Daniel, are you OK? {30691}{30763}- Uh, been better.|- Colonel O'Neill? {30815}{30926}Physically fine, but I'm not expecting|a birthday present any time soon. {30929}{30972}Ko. {31000}{31029}Ko. {31056}{31104}Chaka. {31129}{31178}Ko. {31645}{31694}Thank you. {31738}{31792}Carter. Report. {31795}{31925}There were too many ofthem, sir.|You ordered us not to shoot to kill. {31928}{32008}- Yeah, I know.|- We're being pursued by a search party. {32011}{32098}Attempting to make it|to the gate to get reinforcements. {32114}{32159}Roger that. Out. {32259}{32307}Daniel. {32310}{32400}- Chaka.|- Chaka. {32491}{32540}Aka na. {32543}{32613}Ma. Ma kan. {32674}{32756}Aka na. Keka. {32763}{32839}- Ma! Kan.|- Aka na. {32842}{32887}Kan cha na. {33132}{33175}Chaka. {33244}{33293}Chaka. {33337}{33389}What's he saying? {33432}{33508}Actually, it means a lot of different things. {33511}{33566}In this particular case, I'd say... {33592}{33693}"Thank you for trying to free me.|Sorry for getting you into this mess." {33726}{33775}Chaka. {33793}{33867}Chaka full of nuts. Whatever. {33884}{33952}- Jack, it's not his fault.|- Daniel... {33955}{34045}I'm chained up in a madman's barn|with a bunch of Unas. {34048}{34157}Who's to blame is not at the top|of my list of concerns... just yet. {34258}{34285}Chaka. {34353}{34394}Chaka. {34502}{34555}Chaka. {34623}{34685}- That's amazing.|- What? {34690}{34742}Language is a learned behaviour. {34769}{34843}Chaka must have taught|this Unas this word. {34980}{35007}Chaka. {35022}{35071}Chaka. {35095}{35142}Chaka zo. {35158}{35203}Chaka zo. {35326}{35406}(growling) {35555}{35604}(growling continues) {35656}{35768}They're saying Chaka is their leader. They|recognise he wouldn't leave without them. {35771}{35899}Daniel, dogs sniff each other's butts|and they're friends for life. {35902}{35987}- We still keep them as pets.|- No. No, this is different. {36024}{36072}Chaka made a choice. {36075}{36211}Choice is freedom. These Unas pledged|their allegiance to him because of that. {36213}{36267}- What are you saying?|- They wanna be free. {36270}{36318}They recognise what that means. {36321}{36395}- All they said was "Chaka zo".|- Chaka zo. {36397}{36465}Chaka zo. {36467}{36522}(Daniel) Chaka isn't different. {36555}{36673}These Unas were born into domestication|but they know freedom enough to want it. {36678}{36766}- You said this is their way of life here.|- Well, it has to change. {36769}{36828}How? {36831}{36885}We've meddled in other cultures before. {36888}{36958}Well, now you're talking|about moving in an army. {36964}{37040}I'd like to think|that there was another way. {37042}{37131}Look, in principle, I agree with you. {37498}{37545}You injured my father. {37721}{37770}I'm sorry. {37783}{37824}I really am. {37939}{38038}We were just trying to take back|an Unas that's rightfully ours. {38094}{38155}Stealing is wrong. {38158}{38215}Yes. It is. {38509}{38558}Chaka. {38680}{38734}Chaka. {39008}{39119}Trust me. A whole lotta people are gonna|have to die before one Unas goes free. {39555}{39604}Colonel, do you read? {39670}{39762}- Yeah. What's your situation?|- We're at the gate, sir, but it's guarded. {39765}{39870}- Ifwe attempt to get through, it'll get ugly.|- Hold your position. {39872}{39921}Radio silence. Gotta go. {40346}{40420}Beast stealing is punishable by death. {40483}{40563}But it is my hope|that that will not be necessary. {40596}{40645}But that will be up to you. {40713}{40820}I also know there were others with you|and that they may try to rescue you. {40822}{40905}That would not be wise.|I will not hesitate to kill you. {40915}{40964}What do you want? {41141}{41205}Tell me of the places|where the Chaapa-ai can go. {41280}{41373}I do not understand why you|take such risks for this beast. {41376}{41470}He is very valuable to me, but you can|replace him with one of equal lineage. {41473}{41524}Because they're not beasts. {41545}{41611}They're self-aware, intelligent beings, {41613}{41710}and you have no right to use them|as slaves or treat them like you do. {41715}{41818}They used our forefathers as slaves and|treated them worse than we do our Unas. {41822}{41894}- And that makes you right?|- What would you have us do? {41902}{41954}- Free them.|- (Burrock laughs) {41996}{42052}Untrained, uncontrolled? {42055}{42121}A beast would rip me|limb from limb, eat me alive. {42124}{42180}Then send them to their home world. {42183}{42292}Our forefathers could have slaughtered|them all, wiped them from the planet. {42294}{42380}But, instead, they saw a way|to use their strength to our advantage. {42389}{42448}A way to coexist. For that, we thank them. {42451}{42525}You don't coexist.|You use them as slaves. {42528}{42621}Look. We're not gonna tell you anything,|so you might as well let us go. {42624}{42735}We'll go back to where we came from,|you can go on doing what you do so well. {42760}{42840}Because now I know for certain|there is more out there. {42842}{42912}Yeah, I know the grass|always looks cleaner. {42915}{42983}But a bunch of bad guys|with glowing eyes are out there, {42985}{43040}and you really don't|wanna mess with them. {43256}{43306}(screams) {43342}{43420}- Teal'c!|- I will not continue to do nothing. {43423}{43472}What are you gonna do? Teal'c! {43519}{43576}Stop it! He's not gonna tell you anything! {43799}{43828}(screams) {43835}{43880}Chaka keka! {43917}{43989}(roaring) {43991}{44019}Quiet! {44063}{44133}(roaring) {44136}{44185}Quiet down! {44212}{44261}Quiet! {44291}{44343}Quiet! {44781}{44824}- Ka keka!|- No! {44826}{44875}(gun clicks) {45022}{45080}Impressive weapon. {45083}{45138}But not as efficient as a fire stick. {45163}{45252}It seems to stop working|after it's been fired for a while. {45272}{45321}I assume... {45342}{45396}that's what these are for. {45402}{45482}- Tell me how to make it work again.|- Give it to me, I'll show you. {45544}{45620}It was simple enough|to learn how to shoot it. {45623}{45681}I will learn this part on my own as well. {45684}{45758}In the meantime,|hunger and thirst will weaken you. {45761}{45851}Perhaps tomorrow you will|tell me what I want to know. {46008}{46057}I do not understand why, {46106}{46226}but it seems that you care for beasts more|than you care for your own wellbeing. {46229}{46272}So be it. {46275}{46359}Every morning and night, I will|come here to learn what you know. {46362}{46456}If you do not tell me... I will kill a beast. {46486}{46550}It may cost me. {46552}{46605}But I believe it may be worth it. {46796}{46837}Until tonight. {47327}{47438}Maybe we could take out those four guys,|but then dozens more'd be all over us. {47441}{47511}Then we'd have to get through the gate. {47513}{47562}A diversion. {47900}{47954}Yeah, Carter. I got you. {48004}{48072}Sir, what's yourstatus?|We heard shooting. {48145}{48207}We're all right. One of the Unas took a hit. {48226}{48282}- (Carter) Chaka?|- No, he's OK. {48322}{48380}I told you to hold your position at the gate. {48383}{48464}Yes, sir. Teal'c thinks we can|create a big enough distraction {48467}{48516}to attempt a rescue, and I agree. {48519}{48576}But we can't guarantee zero casualties. {48579}{48661}Ifthat's still your concern,|please advise. Over. {48664}{48720}I don't think we can|talk our way out of this. {48723}{48780}For once, I'm not asking us to. {48828}{48904}- Damn it, Daniel.|- Let's get outta here. {48970}{49019}All of us. {49363}{49429}Sir, still awaiting your orders. {49449}{49532}Yeah. We've got three Unas|who are gonna be joining us. {49558}{49607}Do what you have to do, Carter. {49854}{49907}You! Leave it! {49941}{49990}Come here! {51109}{51195}Quick! Water! Before the fire|spreads to the buildings! {51692}{51717}Get him! {52203}{52267}- Where's Teal'c?|- Trying to be popular. {52904}{52968}- Stand back!|- Keka! {52996}{53045}Keka. {53287}{53322}Come on, come on. {53324}{53398}Ka cha. Ka cha! {53662}{53714}- Stop!|- Hey! {54440}{54489}Chaka! {54514}{54557}It's OK. Chaka. {54559}{54618}Ka-nay. Friend. {54775}{54833}Friend. {55143}{55215}I thought you said|the gate was heavily guarded. {55217}{55289}The men may have gone|to town to help put out the fire. {55291}{55340}Or we got an ambush here. {55401}{55453}Hey, hey! Stop. {55475}{55522}Keka! Chaka! {55577}{55610}Keka! {55729}{55793}I think he understands why we stopped. {55796}{55855}All right. Fan out. Cover 'em. {56611}{56648}Chaka! {57723}{57783}(Daniel) Chaka! No! {57793}{57842}(fires) {58246}{58314}Chaka. {58360}{58418}Chaka. {58426}{58490}We're all clear, sir.|Teal'c's dialling the gate. {58492}{58566}We should hurry.|There might be more men coming. {58601}{58650}Chaka! {58680}{58729}Come on. We're taking you home. {58894}{58976}- No-na.|- No-na. Home. {59011}{59068}- Aka.|- No-na! {59075}{59161}Ko. Aka. Kek. {59172}{59221}We did all this to save you. {59224}{59294}Aka. Kek. {59322}{59371}He never intended to come with us. {59374}{59459}Ska nat. Ka keka. {59525}{59611}- He thought he was helping us escape.|- So what does he wanna do? {59614}{59694}Stay and fight, and free the others. {59700}{59774}Daniel, we didn't come here to arm them. {59818}{59867}They did that themselves. {59899}{59965}I don't think we're gonna stop them. {60151}{60200}Ka kek. {60222}{60304}Ska. Ka kek. {60585}{60663}- Chaka.|- Chaka. {61033}{61082}You just sent him out to start a war. {61085}{61134}It was his choice. {61184}{61234}I told him they didn't have to kill. {61237}{61288}Do you think he understands that? {61319}{61413}They know what freedom is|and they're willing to fight for it. {61446}{61495}They deserve a chance. {62932}{62980}Visiontext Subtitles: Julie Clayton