{167}{233}Previously on "Stargate SG-1"... {374}{444}- What is it?|- You tell me. {469}{574}"Under no circumstances|go to P4C-970, Colonel Jack O'Neill." {576}{668}- This looks like your handwriting.|- That is my handwriting. {671}{780}- And it's my signature.|- That looks like blood, sir. {783}{874}I want P4C-970 removed from|the dialling computer immediately. {877}{939}I wonder why you sent it. {943}{992}I wonder when. {1246}{1296}Welcome back, SG-1 . {1299}{1379}Break out the fishing gear, General!|Our job here is done. {1401}{1481}- I take it your mission was successful?|- In a word, sir, yes. {1484}{1558}In two words, yes, sir. {1561}{1644}Your report said the Volians|were a simple agrarian society. {1655}{1725}- That they are.|- They introduced us to another race. {1727}{1824}Who, while lacking a sense of humour,|make up for it in advanced technology. {1826}{1898}They just wanted to make sure|we were trustworthy first. {1900}{1991}Long story short, I think we just|carried out our standing orders, sir. {1994}{2072}Indeed. We may have found|a race both willing and capable {2075}{2153}of defending this world|against the Goa'uld. {2155}{2248}- If that outburst didn't convince you...|- I'm convinced. {2251}{2334}We just wrapped up several hours|of talks with a guy named... {2337}{2428}- Borren.|- Who really lacks a sense of humour. {2431}{2516}But he wants the negotiations|to move up to the state level. {2519}{2655}Well done. While I inform the president,|you prepare a mission briefing. {2657}{2716}Yes, sir. {2719}{2793}By the way,|what do our new friends call themselves? {2796}{2864}The Aschen, sir.|They're called the Aschen. {4435}{4529}So, out of security concerns,|the Aschen wish not to reveal the location {4532}{4606}of their home world|until we have an agreement. {4609}{4712}- They're a little paranoid.|- Appropriate, as they don't have an iris. {4715}{4796}We do know they've created|a secondary star in the Volian system {4799}{4890}by igniting a gas giant, thereby|doubling the Volians' growing season. {4893}{4942}They made a star? How? {4950}{5063}Well, theoretically, by increasing the|density of a sufficiently massive gas giant {5066}{5124}until a thermonuclear reaction took place. {5127}{5203}- In fact, Arthur C Clarke posited...|- Ambassador. {5206}{5324}You gotta be careful about using the word|"how" unless you really wanna know. {5334}{5385}My mistake, Colonel. {5388}{5468}My point is, the achievement|itself goes a long way to prove {5471}{5541}the Aschen are advanced|enough to take on the Goa'uld. {5543}{5592}The Aschen could be formidable allies. {5595}{5673}If they're Stargate capable,|why haven't we heard of 'em? {5675}{5786}Good question. They only use their ships|to go to planets in their confederation. {5789}{5839}Of which the Volian system is a part. {5842}{5935}Yes. Borren said the Aschen and Volian|gates were discovered buried, like ours. {5938}{5977}No DHD was ever recovered. {5980}{6054}The Aschen tried dialling|numerous symbol combinations, {6056}{6153}but without a DHD to compensate for|stellar drift, they were stuck, like us. {6156}{6211}- We could only go to Abydos.|- Exactly. {6214}{6282}Only after Daniel found|the cartouche on Abydos {6285}{6382}could we make the drift calculations|to successfully dial other planets. {6384}{6483}Add the database Colonel O'Neill|retrieved from the library of the Ancients... {6485}{6605}We can offer access to a galaxy of worlds|and races the Aschen never knew existed. {6608}{6670}The news must have|come as a shock to them. {6673}{6726}Oh, not really. {6729}{6813}Jack is saying that if they were surprised,|they'd never show it. {6816}{6872}They don't get excited in general,|General. {6875}{6936}It's like an entire planet of accountants. {6959}{7011}Colonel O'Neill mistrusts the Aschen. {7014}{7063}- I didn't say that.|- Indeed you did. {7066}{7094}No, I didn't. {7097}{7212}What I said was I didn't trust|people without a sense of humour. {7215}{7264}- Especially that boring guy.|- Borren. {7267}{7321}I know his name. He was boring. {7324}{7452}The Aschen have agreed to meet|our representative on P3A-194 tomorrow. {7475}{7526}Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter {7529}{7610}are to be available|to the ambassador as consultants. {7619}{7668}- Yes, sir.|- Dr Jackson, {7671}{7741}I'd like you and Teal'c|to confer with the Volians. {7744}{7804}Find out how they feel about the Aschen. {7809}{7866}- I can tell you that now, sir.|- Dig deeper. {7869}{7959}Find out from the Volians if the Aschen|are the good neighbours they seem to be. {7962}{8017}You'll embark at 0700. Gentlemen? {8150}{8245}Major Carter? Since we're trading|knowledge of the Stargate, {8248}{8342}I could probably use a little more|of that knowledge myself. {8345}{8399}After you, Ambassador. {8541}{8638}- This place never ceases to amaze me.|- Anything yet? {8640}{8731}The computer should have it down|to a handful of candidates by tomorrow. {8734}{8783}- Candidates?|- Yeah. {8786}{8874}We're trying to determine|the location of the Aschen home planet. {8877}{8928}How can you, without the coordinates? {8931}{8988}- How?|- Oh, I asked that question again. {9022}{9115}In my early work with the Stargate|programme, I theorised that {9118}{9239}the limit for a lock between two Stargates|without a DHD was 300 light years. {9242}{9296}We are searching for viable coordinates {9299}{9392}within that radius|of the Volian system, P3A-194. {9395}{9506}- As the Aschen world is in this area?|- There's a 70 per cent probability. {9509}{9561}Why don't the Aschen want us to know? {9564}{9656}Until we share our database, they have|only our word of what's out there. {9659}{9768}They're vulnerable. If we didn't have|an iris, I think we'd do the same. {9785}{9884}You know what?|I have not eaten since, uh... oh, today. {9937}{10030}The mess is this way.|If you'd like, we can talk more there. {10033}{10085}I'd like that very much. {10400}{10449}Chevron three, encoded. {10692}{10741}Morning. {10836}{10937}- This is what you're wearing?|- What's wrong with it? {10939}{11025}- Nothing.|- Chevron four, encoded. {11043}{11119}- You look fine.|- They said I didn't need a uniform. {11122}{11216}- I just wanna make a good impression.|- Chevron five, encoded. {11219}{11285}- You look great. Very sharp.|- Thank you. {11299}{11355}Chevron six, encoded. {11358}{11415}It's the shoes. {11460}{11517}They're gonna get ruined. {11533}{11588}It's a farm planet. {11617}{11656}Chevron seven, locked. {12039}{12128}Enjoy the ride, Ambassador.|We'll look forward to your return. {12196}{12245}- After you.|- Thank you. {13379}{13436}- It looks just like, uh...|- Oh, yeah. {13445}{13542}Just when you think you're not|in Kansas any more, turns out you are. {13597}{13669}- We'll see what we can dig up.|- Have fun. {13744}{13847}You said the Volians and the Aschen|enjoy a long-standing trade relationship, {13849}{13965}but there aren't any signs of trade|infrastructure around the Stargate. {13968}{14034}- What is that sound?|- Have a look. {14372}{14473}It's a harvester. The Aschen provided|hundreds of them all over the planet. {14476}{14530}When a field is ready, it harvests the crop {14533}{14642}and then brings it to the Stargate|for transport to the Aschen home world. {14887}{14930}We're gonna want a few of those. {14964}{15030}I'm sure that can be arranged, Colonel. {15055}{15111}- Borren!|- Colonel. {15155}{15247}I thought I made it clear|your weapons were unnecessary. {15250}{15304}I thought you were jokin' around. {15334}{15387}You know, like you always do. {15453}{15536}Borren, may I introduce|our official representative, {15539}{15603}Ambassador Joseph Faxon|of the United States. {15605}{15671}- I bring greetings...|- I am not your counterpart. {15673}{15778}The harvester possesses a suitable|compartment. This way, please. {15878}{15927}Shoes. {16007}{16069}- You have something?|- I'll show you on the star map. {16072}{16142}We've calculated five|possible Stargate coordinates {16145}{16246}within a 300 light year radius|of P3A-194, the Volian system. {16249}{16313}And there's a good chance|one is the Aschen world? {16315}{16393}These three were just calculated,|so they're unexplored. {16395}{16485}This one was determined uninhabitable|by a MALP probe three years ago. {16488}{16562}But, sir, this gate was locked out|of our dialling computer {16565}{16623}by your order seven months ago. {16626}{16675}So there's a one in four chance {16678}{16761}that the Aschen home world|is a planet that I ordered off limits? {16764}{16788}Yes, sir. {16791}{16888}Have SG teams 3, 12 and 15 report to|the briefing room as soon as possible. {16891}{16940}Yes, sir. {17349}{17398}Keel. {17406}{17459}It's Dan Jackson and Teal'c. {17466}{17528}You said you'd not likely|be this way again. {17531}{17607}We wanted to learn about|your relationship with the Aschen. {17610}{17684}- What would you like to know?|- If they are honourable. {17725}{17799}Yeah. I wouldn't have put it|quite that way, but... {17801}{17871}They've been friends to us|since I remember. {17873}{17962}I was raised by an Aschen family. Orphan. {17989}{18119}They give medicine freely, machines|freely... Light and heat for our homes. {18132}{18210}So they've never been|unreasonable with you in any way? {18213}{18347}They just float around in their harvesters|mostly, what few of them there are. {18356}{18494}- You maintain freedom from their world?|- If freedom is bein' left alone, we have it. {18566}{18619}OK. Well, thank you. {18660}{18798}Uh... when next you speak to one,|tell 'em I got iron root in my south field. {18800}{18881}Can't dig it out myself.|Need one of their machines. {18884}{18968}Iron root?|Well, maybe... maybe we can help. {19128}{19177}Stand here. {19657}{19741}Oh, yeah... we're gonna|want a few of these too. {19993}{20082}Let me introduce your|counterpart from our confederation. {20085}{20170}- Mollem.|- I offer greetings from our president, {20173}{20259}in the hope we can forge a friendship|to enrich both our peoples. {20262}{20369}This seating arrangement is suitable|for our negotiations. Please. {20466}{20532}I assume there are facilities on board? {20544}{20599}In the next compartment. {20636}{20706}Just wanted to make sure|before we flew off somewhere. {20708}{20846}The harvester will remain in the vicinity of|the Stargate throughout the negotiations. {20870}{20921}Mind if I check out the view first? {21479}{21576}Daniel, Teal'c, we're on board|one of their harvesters. {21578}{21669}When you get back, report to Hammond.|Let him know proceedings have begun. {21685}{21740}Copy that. And good luck. {21926}{21975}Here it is. {22071}{22125}It goes deep, I'll tell you that. {22172}{22273}Keel, we can probably take care of this|for you with Teal'c's staff weapon. {22275}{22357}General Hammond's request|was to gather information. {22360}{22434}He also said we should dig a little deeper. {22474}{22542}There's a jug|of my best sweetwater in it for you. {22544}{22593}OK. {22788}{22871}- Have you discovered something?|- Oh, God, I hope not. {22898}{22954}Probably, though. {22981}{23037}Our position is straightforward. {23071}{23160}You discovered means of travel|between Stargates all over the galaxy. {23163}{23243}- Several hundred worlds, I am told.|- Yes. {23260}{23324}And you seek technologies|for purposes of defence {23327}{23428}against hostile races you|have encountered on these travels. {23431}{23472}Yes, we do. {23475}{23599}We agree, in principle, to provide you|with these defence technologies, {23602}{23754}and much more, in exchange for your full|disclosure of this Stargate network. {23809}{23875}And we also agree, in principle. {24290}{24351}An ancient city once stood here. {24385}{24471}I don't know about ancient.|Certainly, extinct. {24474}{24546}I don't wanna talk semantics,|but even if this was a city {24549}{24607}just a few hundred years ago, {24633}{24682}what happened? {24882}{24950}What is the current population of Earth? {24956}{25030}Well, forgive me.|I don't know the exact number. {25051}{25125}Somewhere in|the neighbourhood of six billion? {25136}{25195}Growing at a rate|of several million a year. {25198}{25292}- That growth rate is unsustainable.|- We agree. {25301}{25392}- You represent the dominant nation?|- That is a fair assessment. {25395}{25484}And so are you taking military action|to curtail this growth rate? {25487}{25578}No. We respect|the sovereignty of our neighbours. {25605}{25659}We are pleased to hear that. {25676}{25768}The worlds of the confederation|are a partnership of equals. {25774}{25823}(clanking) {25834}{25937}Do not be alarmed. The harvester|is continuing its normal operations. {25974}{26056}While you may respect these neighbours, {26085}{26186}you have not yet revealed to them|the existence of your Stargate. {26188}{26238}Not to all. {26241}{26340}Any treaty between the Aschen|Confederation and the people of Earth {26342}{26395}must be with all the people of Earth. {26547}{26611}I think we can agree to that. {26690}{26804}The level of technology appears|to be similar to Earth, circa 1910. {26870}{26965}There appears to be|no sign of battle, Daniel Jackson. {26968}{27036}But I can tell you that,|barring a natural disaster, {27039}{27109}it takes nature|several centuries to bury a city. {27111}{27189}This place looks like|it was just ploughed over recently. {27192}{27299}- Perhaps to create farmland.|- Or the Volians had a Luddite movement. {27301}{27418}Whoever did this, they probably did it|long after the city was abandoned. {27441}{27507}- There are no human remains.|- Exactly. {27510}{27565}So the question is: why? {27658}{27784}This looks like a public building of some|sort. I'm gonna go and take a look around. {27925}{27979}It may be extremely dangerous. {27982}{28031}Yes, it may. {28086}{28164}I'm gonna go inside|and take a look around. {28300}{28388}Several months ago we received|a message through the Stargate {28391}{28533}that simply stated "Under no|circumstances go to P4C-970." {28536}{28598}- The warning from the future.|- That's the theory. {28601}{28662}We don't know|the circumstances it was written in, {28665}{28793}only that the signature and the blood|found on the note match Colonel O'Neill's. {28795}{28851}We've determined that the race of people {28854}{28926}we're currently in trade|negotiations with, the Aschen, {28928}{28992}may be from one of these four planets. {29004}{29120}Then the only way to rule out 970 as the|Aschen world is to check the other three. {29127}{29182}That's your mission.|Have your teams ready {29185}{29243}once the MALPs|determine you're good to go. {29270}{29336}Just out of curiosity, {29338}{29439}what kind of defence technologies|are we talking about? {29442}{29532}Space guns? Force fields? Motherships? {29640}{29760}This is an example of a bioweapon|we can make available to you. {29779}{29867}A living, radioactive|genetic material that may be designed {29870}{29959}to attack and destroy|only the specific DNA of your enemy. {30027}{30107}We have a number|of efficient delivery systems. {30110}{30162}(clears throat) {30165}{30210}We'd want certain assurances... {30212}{30331}That we take military action only against|your enemies, and not your friends. {30334}{30389}Of course. {30392}{30474}The question arises,|why have these "friends" of Earth {30477}{30586}not already provided you with the defence|technologies that you seek from us? {30588}{30658}Most advanced races that|we've befriended hesitated {30661}{30803}to share their technology with us for fear|that we could use it to destroy ourselves. {30814}{30888}True friends would|endeavour to prevent that. {30891}{30961}You have changed|the way in which we view the universe. {30964}{31053}Do not underestimate|what we offer in return for that gift. {31056}{31141}We can put an end to disease.|Double the human life span. {31166}{31253}Provide the means to cross|entire continents in a single step. {31256}{31368}Much more than simply a means to|defend yourselves against your enemies. {31371}{31484}We offer Earth membership|within the Aschen Confederation. {31756}{31834}- Chevron one, encoded.|- Sir? Pentagon, line one. {31889}{31938}This is Hammond. {31941}{32040}- Yes, sir, we were just about to de...|- Chevron two, encoded. {32042}{32091}May I ask why? {32121}{32172}Understood. {32175}{32303}- Sergeant, abort the dialling sequence.|- Yes, sir. Aborting dialling sequence. {32306}{32424}SG-15, your recon mission is scrubbed|until further notice. You may stand down. {32427}{32508}- Sir, what's going on?|- That's what I aim to find out. {32637}{32738}It would not be wise to attempt|that again, Daniel Jackson. {32803}{32943}OK. Now, if I'm right,|these are newspapers. {33261}{33310}There seems to be faint pictures. {33313}{33393}Yes, and hopefully|they'll paint a thousand words. {33441}{33548}It's similar to an ancient Celtic text I found|in Wales. I can make some of this out. {33550}{33597}(falling masonry) {33599}{33656}We need to look for big headlines first. {33659}{33725}This cavern may be unstable. {33727}{33791}It would be best|if we returned to the surface. {33794}{33843}Oh, I don't think so. {33846}{33929}If this doesn't help us,|we'll have to take another look around. {33932}{33998}If the Aschen really|do have something to hide, {34001}{34075}I don't think|we're gonna get a second chance. {34119}{34206}Colonel, you seem pensive. {34248}{34300}No, I was just thinking. {34352}{34428}You're offering|a lot more than we asked for. {34430}{34485}Our motives are not entirely selfless. {34488}{34556}Perhaps you offer more|than you give yourself credit for. {34559}{34666}- Access to the Stargate network.|- And the promise of much more, Major. {34669}{34741}An introduction to advanced races|you have befriended, {34744}{34822}just as the Volians introduced you to us. {34825}{34901}Your ways and culture will enrich ours. {34909}{35008}The Aschen are not the natural explorers|that you so obviously are. {35020}{35145}Fortified by our technology,|you can continue your exploration, {35148}{35224}share with us what you learn. {35226}{35309}You understand I have|to present your offer to our leaders? {35312}{35409}You'll find we are|a very patient people, Ambassador. {35528}{35654}In the meantime, I will also confer with|my leadership, and recommend to them {35657}{35750}the immediate commencement|of trade between our worlds. {35906}{35964}I look forward to our future together. {35988}{36037}As do l. {36117}{36158}Well, {36160}{36246}that was... easy. {36258}{36307}This was just the first stage. {36310}{36393}If you thought it was too easy,|you won't feel that when we're done. {36396}{36488}So I'm the only one|that has a bad feeling about this. {36536}{36571}Yes. {36714}{36763}Just checking. {36787}{36892}The headline says something|about a pandemic. Some sort of... {36907}{36967}I can't translate that. Maybe "fever". {36994}{37072}If the Aschen are the "newcomers"|in this article, they provided a... {37075}{37158}Can't translate that, but it|appears to have been a sort of vaccine. {37161}{37241}And the Volian people|were immensely grateful. {37250}{37314}Which serves to prove|the Aschen are honourable. {37317}{37457}All it proves is the city was abandoned|after they made contact with the Aschen. {37459}{37540}Cities are usually abandoned|when civilisations fall. {37543}{37615}Perhaps they relocated|in the Aschen Confederation. {37617}{37722}I don't like the sound of that either.|Keel said he'd never been anywhere else. {37724}{37796}This city has been|abandoned for many years. {37798}{37915}Yes, but long enough ago for Keel to have|absolutely no idea it was ever here? {37995}{38125}Welcome back. As per your instructions,|Ambassador, an air-force jet is waiting {38128}{38213}to take you to Washington|as soon as you're cleared by our doctors. {38216}{38329}Thank you, General. History will|remember your contribution to this. {38338}{38404}O'Neill. Two Ls. {38435}{38488}And, Major, next time I'm here, {38491}{38561}I know a restaurant that|beats your mess, hands down. {38564}{38619}I'd like that. {38762}{38876}Well, General, it might be time|to reconsider this retirement thing. {38879}{38951}Not yet, Colonel. Come with me. {39069}{39155}The president doesn't want to risk|a potentially rewarding alliance {39158}{39239}on the basis of a note that may or may not|be a warning from the future. {39242}{39320}I knew that thing|was gonna come back to haunt me. {39322}{39423}General, to confirm the Aschen are from|a world other than 970 is only prudent. {39425}{39522}And if we encounter the Aschen|on one of those other worlds? {39524}{39621}- They wouldn't be too happy about it.|- It could jeopardise the treaty. {39624}{39675}- Send a probe.|- Maybe sending a probe {39678}{39800}was what caused the problem you were|trying to avoid by sending your note. {39803}{39857}Technically, I haven't sent it yet. {39860}{39928}But if I get a chance again,|I'll add a lot more detail. {39931}{40054}You were probably trying to limit the|causality violation by keeping it simple. {40057}{40123}I wonder whose idea that was. {40156}{40255}You know me. I wouldn't have sent|that note without a damn good reason. {40258}{40328}- The president should know that.|- He's under pressure {40331}{40434}to present a real benefit of the Stargate|programme before the next election. {40436}{40520}- Oh, here we go.|- The bottom line is, he wants us out of it. {40523}{40593}From now on, this treaty is a state matter. {40614}{40719}- What did Daniel and Teal'c find out?|- They haven't returned yet. {40767}{40899}The Aschen vaccine had a side effect.|I don't know what. {40902}{40976}It might be an Aschen word,|but I know it was big news here. {40979}{41053}- How would you know this?|- It's in big black letters. {41056}{41124}"Aschen vaccine causes... " something. {41126}{41178}I don't know what, but it's not good. {41181}{41276}These pictures appear to be like|those we saw of people celebrating. {41279}{41334}I don't think they're celebrating. {41337}{41386}I think they're rioting. {41404}{41463}(O'Neill overradio) Daniel? Teal'c? {41533}{41626}We're in an underground cavern.|Do the Aschen know we're down here? {41634}{41722}Negative. Keel said|you were digging a hole around here. {41725}{41820}Yeah. Um, stay put. We'll come meet you. {42010}{42059}Boy, when they dig a hole... {42143}{42186}Daniel, where exactly are you? {42188}{42279}We're in the buried ruins|of the Volian union's capital city. {42282}{42334}By all accounts, a thriving metropolis. {42337}{42434}That is, I think,|until the Aschen wiped them out. {42632}{42679}(Daniel) OK, here's what we know. {42701}{42785}200 years ago, the Volians|were a thriving urban civilisation, {42788}{42882}approximating turn-of-the-century|North America in terms of technology. {42885}{42941}- That wasn't very long ago.|- No, it wasn't. {42944}{43024}- What happened to them?|- We know there was a flu pandemic, {43026}{43096}Iike the one on Earth in 1918|that killed over 20 million. {43099}{43177}- Now that is when the Aschen came.|- Through the Stargate? {43179}{43265}In ships. The Volian gate|wasn't discovered until years later. {43268}{43367}They befriended the Volians, offered|them a vaccine and saved their world. {43370}{43471}So the Aschen were heroes to the Volians|and their friendship lasted years. {43473}{43522}But then something happened. {43555}{43602}- What?|- I don't know. {43605}{43681}- We found no evidence of battle.|- I found one clue. {43698}{43836}Here. This word loosely translates|as "medicine", "vaccine", "drug", {43838}{43895}Followed by "from the newcomers", {43898}{44012}Followed by "causes", followed by|some word I can't translate. {44026}{44108}This was the latest issue we found,|which most likely indicates {44111}{44185}the paper shut down|or was shut down the very next day. {44187}{44239}Vaccine causes what? {44242}{44291}I don't know. But it caused something. {44294}{44375}In 200 years, they went|from an urban civilisation of millions {44378}{44485}to an agrarian one of thousands,|after they were "saved" by the Aschen. {44598}{44678}- You have to speak to the president.|- I just tried. {44681}{44775}He's being briefed by|the ambassador and won't take my call. {44778}{44890}General, I never did cash in on that|open invitation to visit the White House. {44974}{45036}Remember?|Last time we saved the world? {45345}{45403}Driver. {45415}{45464}Pennsylvania Avenue is that way. {45471}{45527}We're picking up another passenger, sir. {45530}{45579}I beg your pardon? {45862}{45914}Colonel Starsky. {45960}{46040}Or is it Hutch?|I can never remember which one you are. {46042}{46104}Kinsey. {46107}{46175}What the hell are you doing here? {46178}{46233}I know it's more upscale|than you're used to, {46236}{46298}but I wanted a comfortable place to talk. {46571}{46622}Drink? {46625}{46676}I have an appointment. {46679}{46728}No, you don't. {46805}{46902}You shoulda heard the president when|he heard you want to change his mind. {46905}{46977}- He can be cruel.|- The treaty's a mistake. {46992}{47079}- You recommended it in the first place.|- I was wrong. {47095}{47161}Hell, this was worth it just to hear that. {47163}{47218}Let me tell you what it comes down to. {47221}{47346}Those of us who actually have been voted|into office would like the opportunity {47349}{47446}to make the damn decisions about|the governments we make treaties with. {47449}{47539}- You don't have all the information.|- I know all about the note. {47542}{47661}- That's why you should take it seriously.|- We have experts who know these things. {47664}{47742}They tell me that the ink on your note was {47744}{47880}a new biodegradable something-or-other|that hasn't quite been invented yet. {47882}{47989}- What's your point?|- What's the future like? You can tell me. {47992}{48091}- As far as I know, it hasn't happened yet.|- It has, for you. {48094}{48203}Hell, you've been back in time,|forward in time, you've seen it all. {48221}{48295}I just wonder how things turn out. {48297}{48394}You know, without you|being a hero any more. {48399}{48442}This has nothing to do with me. {48445}{48565}I wonder how far you'd go to stop me|becoming president of the United States. {48619}{48685}You think this is about you? {48721}{48795}- Of all the self-centred, egotistical...|- Egotistical? {48798}{48895}You're the one who can't stop|playing God with our future. {48897}{48971}The minute we try to make|a deal for alien technology, {48974}{49044}you decide that they're|the wrong kind of aliens! {49052}{49142}Even our current president's|begun to see the pattern. {49145}{49206}And, boy, he used to love you. {49221}{49324}We know all about the 70 per cent|probabilities, the one-in-four chances. {49327}{49407}Kinsey... you're in way over your head. {49414}{49463}Am l? {49490}{49626}This is really a political matter, Colonel,|which will require bilateral approval. {49628}{49764}And that's why the president put me in|charge of the next stage of negotiations. {49890}{49956}Driver, stop at the athletic club, please. {50003}{50102}Oh, you'll get your invitation|to the White House soon enough, Colonel. {50104}{50153}Just not tonight. {50220}{50294}Jonathan, when we get|to the athletic club, I'll step out. {50297}{50404}You go on and take|our guest back to Andrews. {50950}{51051}Apparently, we have agreed to make|a token gesture of our good faith. {51053}{51103}Ambassador Faxon will deliver it {51106}{51213}and return with an Aschen delegation|to meet Senator Kinsey. {51219}{51268}We're actually going ahead with this? {51271}{51356}- I'm told we're proceeding with caution.|- What are we offering? {51359}{51429}- Gate coordinates.|- There goes the neighbourhood. {51432}{51491}Ambassador Faxon has asked that {51494}{51601}Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter|accompany him again. {51603}{51692}- I thought we were out of it.|- Apparently, he's insisted. {51695}{51755}Senator Kinsey agreed,|but only to Major Carter, {51758}{51834}which presents us|with a window of opportunity. {51836}{51904}- What can I do?|- Force their hand somehow. {51958}{52032}If we accuse them directly,|they may simply lie. {52035}{52107}Maybe we don't have to.|I have an idea. {52229}{52307}Major, I can't order you to do this. {52334}{52400}I know, sir. When do we leave? {52708}{52790}- Chevron one, encoded.|- Historic day, General. {52800}{52901}- Let's hope so, Senator.|- I was referring to your retirement. {53102}{53153}Chevron two, encoded. {53156}{53236}- Ambassador.|- Major. Is that what you're wearing? {53324}{53385}Sir, I have a lot to tell you,|and not a lot of time. {53388}{53485}- So, please, listen carefully.|- All right. {53773}{53845}- Mollem, Borren.|- Ambassador, Major Carter. {53847}{53925}- Colonel O'Neill is not here?|- Duties require him elsewhere. {53928}{54033}- Of course.|- It is my pleasure to offer a gesture. {54049}{54158}Coordinates and Stargate symbols|to several new worlds. {54161}{54222}It is our honour to receive such a gift. {54387}{54461}The coordinates are|on the hard drive in the laptop. {54464}{54519}It'll just take a moment to display. {54675}{54805}Our leaders would also like to extend an|invitation to Earth to formalise our treaty. {54807}{54866}All in time. {54891}{55009}By the way, Borren.|Would you read this aloud for me? {55012}{55080}- I couldn't quite translate it.|- Of course. {55115}{55176}"Sterility." {55320}{55427}We knew what you were planning,|Mollem. This just confirms it. {55480}{55529}What are you talking about? {55532}{55627}"Vaccine Causes Sterility."|That was the headline. {55630}{55760}You wiped out most of the Volians and|turned their entire world into farmland. {55771}{55841}You'd do the same to Earth. {55896}{55955}Lock them in here.|We have a treaty to conclude. {55958}{56014}If we don't come back alive,|the treaty is off. {56017}{56085}That'll be your loss.|We have what we wanted. {56315}{56375}I'm sorry. {56424}{56504}- What do you think they'll do?|- I don't know. {56528}{56611}O'Neill sent the note|to prevent this from happening. {56711}{56760}We were so sure. {56763}{56812}Listen. {56829}{56885}They're dialling the Stargate. {57158}{57215}They're dialling Earth. {57233}{57274}(whoosh) {57277}{57355}- What is that?|- I don't know, but we gotta find out. {57541}{57615}OK, when I get to the bottom,|follow me down. {57617}{57678}We'll only have|a few seconds over the gate. {57681}{57732}What? {57793}{57900}Just do what I tell you,|when I tell you. Trust me. {57908}{57957}OK. {58595}{58620}Where's Major Carter? {58851}{58900}Ambassador! Now! {59240}{59301}Go! {59976}{60025}Close the iris! {60344}{60436}- What in God's name is going on here?|- When they knew we were on to them, {60439}{60488}- they launched a bioweapon.|- Colonel. {60491}{60561}I had to warn you.|I couldn't wait for the ambassador. {60563}{60647}- Colonel, I asked you a question.|- You did good, Major. {60650}{60724}- Thank you, sir.|- Let's get her to the infirmary, now! {60726}{60782}Colonel! {60785}{60896}I swear, O'Neill, there's gonna be|an investigation into this. {60917}{61022}Well, that'd be fine. O'Neill! Two Ls. {61174}{61215}I guess we dodged a bullet there. {61218}{61286}Senator Kinsey appears most displeased. {61293}{61357}Yeah, that's a crying shame, isn't it? {61381}{61478}- Will we regret giving the addresses?|- I don't think we will. {61481}{61551}First one being a black hole, and all. {61554}{61620}They get progressively darker after that. {61666}{61715}Carter, you all right? {62002}{62064}Visiontext Subtitles: Yasmeen Khan