{169}{255}Sir, if you don't mind,|I've got a couple of questions. {258}{307}Talk fast. {310}{409}Well, do you have any idea|how the Goa'uld escaped from the SGC? {412}{490}- None whatsoever.|- What weapons might we be facing? {492}{551}Not a clue. Anything else? {654}{747}Sorry, sir, I'm just...|trying to assess the situation. {750}{843}Two of my team were chasing a Goa'uld.|They've been missing four hours. {846}{900}That's the situation. {1007}{1131}This building was the last-known location|of Major Carter and Daniel Jackson. {1169}{1259}Elliot, have your team secure|the perimeter. Keep your channel open. {1262}{1311}Teal'c, you're with me. {1314}{1388}Sir! We're not going in with you? {1420}{1512}Have your team secure the perimeter.|Do you understand the order? {1515}{1583}- Yes, sir!|- Then do it, Lieutenant! {1671}{1747}Grogan, Satterfield.|Cover the other side of the building. {1749}{1808}- Yes, sir.|- Hailey. {1818}{1867}You're with me. {2077}{2100}(beeping) {2103}{2125}Hold position. {2134}{2202}- They're taking fire.|- Grogan, stay where you are. {2205}{2320}(O'Neill) Backup! Elliot, get off|the channel. I say again, we need backup. {2323}{2378}OK. Move in. Move in! {2987}{3076}- Drop your weapon, Major!|- (distorted) Daniel's become a Goa'uld! {3079}{3178}- She's the Goa'uld. Listen to her voice.|- Major, drop that weapon! {3181}{3262}I'm Tok'ra. Now listen carefully.|Daniel has become a Goa'uld. {3265}{3350}- We need to get him back to the SGC.|- She's already shot me once. {3353}{3425}- If she shoots me again...|- Drop it, Major! Now! {3609}{3673}Grogan. What the hell was that? {3680}{3769}She was gonna shoot Dr Jackson.|Two shots from a zat kills. {3772}{3846}That's true,|but you're wrong about one thing. {3848}{3922}(distorted)|She's the Tok'ra. I'm the Goa'uld. {4228}{4277}OK! {4305}{4344}So! {4385}{4480}We're all dead, and there's|an armed Goa'uld on the loose. {4483}{4540}I got a problem with that. {4576}{4644}Anybody else got a problem with that? {4676}{4779}Think it over.|Report to the ready line in 20 minutes. {4782}{4821}Dismissed. {4938}{4977}Move! {5068}{5144}(distorted)|Aren't you bein' a little hard on 'em? {5146}{5232}- Will you turn that thing off?|- (distorted) Sorry. {5235}{5305}No. I wasn't bein' too hard on 'em. {6844}{6943}- You hesitated, Lieutenant.|- I was assessing the situation, sir. {6946}{7027}OK. We all ended up dead. Assess that. {7050}{7116}I stopped to argue with Grogan|and lost control. {7119}{7195}And that wasn't even your first mistake! {7225}{7274}What's your excuse? {7277}{7358}I didn't believe|Dr Jackson was the Goa'uld. {7361}{7455}- Why not, Satterfield?|- I don't know. That was just my instinct. {7458}{7515}She thinks he's cute. {7569}{7659}You let your personal feelings|for the host, in this case Dr Jackson, {7662}{7713}get in the way of what needed to be done. {7716}{7747}Yes, ma'am. {7766}{7851}- Hailey?|- I was awaiting Lieutenant Elliot's order. {7854}{7912}- To do what?|- Shoot 'em both. {7915}{8033}If you don't know who's Goa'uld or Tok'ra,|disable them and sort it out later. {8036}{8075}Thank you! {8109}{8222}That was your mistake.|It's not always one or the other. {8225}{8279}I understand that, sir. {8302}{8368}May I ask how you and Teal'c|were taken out? {8370}{8448}- It was part of the scenario.|- I don't buy it, sir. {8506}{8555}- Excuse me?|- You're special-ops trained. {8558}{8661}Teal'c is a former first prime. There's no|way you'd allow yourself to be taken out. {8664}{8761}- We were taken by surprise.|- So you couldn't have called for backup. {8763}{8855}- There had to be something else.|- And that's why you hesitated? {8858}{8895}Yes, sir. {8905}{9027}OK. One of your team members distracted|you into getting shot by the enemy, {9030}{9102}and you want to poke holes|in the training scenario. {9104}{9131}It wasn't a fair test. {9134}{9222}There's such a thing as|overthinking a situation, Lieutenant. {9225}{9289}When you're dealing|with what we deal with, {9291}{9372}you've got to think on your feet,|and think fast. {9491}{9561}These... and other clichés {9564}{9665}will be available to you all|for one more day of training with me. {9684}{9832}After that... you'll either be|assigned to an SG team... or not. {9941}{9980}Dismissed. {10176}{10234}You realise he's right|about the scenario, sir. {10237}{10313}Yeah, we'll have to fix that for next time. {10316}{10392}- See you at the garage.|- Yes, sir. Good luck with them. {10531}{10570}Colonel! {10598}{10705}- Something on your mind, Lieutenant?|- I apologise for the attitude I gave you. {10708}{10801}I like people with attitude. I much|prefer them to people who suck up. {10804}{10863}That's not what I was doing, sir. {10901}{11000}You want my approval?|You're a fine officer. {11002}{11103}The Air Force has already decided that|or you wouldn't be here. {11105}{11177}But not everyone|is cut out to go off world. {11180}{11246}- I am.|- You don't decide that. {11270}{11398}What I'm trying to say, sir, is that I feel|like I've trained for this my whole life. {11400}{11460}I don't intend to let it slip by. {11463}{11517}See that you don't. {11690}{11791}Maybe he's not on our side.|Either that or he just doesn't like you. {11800}{11882}- Oh, but he loves you.|- I don't think he likes anybody. {11885}{11953}You're wrong about that.|He'd do anything for his team. {11956}{12008}- How do you know?|- I saw him in action. {12011}{12095}- He put his life on the line for us.|- Yeah. Tell us again, Hailey. {12098}{12162}May be some detail|you left out the last ten times. {12164}{12228}Hey. Nobody gets assigned to an SG team {12231}{12295}without the recommendation|of an SG team commander. {12298}{12412}It just so happened to be Colonel O'Neill's|turn, and I don't have a problem with that. {12415}{12458}Why not? {12460}{12544}It means if we get chosen,|we were chosen by the best. {12589}{12659}What happens if we don't? {12662}{12779}Then let's all decide, right here right now.|We all make it. Together. {12897}{12983}Like the man said, it's not up to us. {13006}{13065}You're wrong about that, too. {13119}{13191}I'm going for a run. Who's in? {13208}{13257}I'm in. {13274}{13323}All right. {13592}{13631}Later. {13756}{13824}Colonel. Thought you'd have|gone home for the night. {13827}{13893}I... thought about it. {13895}{13976}But I wanted to finish up|these training reports. {13979}{14031}What do you think of Lieutenant Elliot? {14034}{14151}He... thinks too much,|which makes him indecisive. {14154}{14241}He's trying to figure out what I want|instead of trusting his instincts. {14244}{14359}Or... he's very intelligent, recognises the|whole point of this training programme {14362}{14498}is to introduce non-terrestrial factors,|and he respects you more than you know. {14517}{14587}You bought his excuse for hesitating,|didn't you? {14589}{14670}Well, he was right.|You would never have let it happen. {14673}{14734}I think he was giving you|the benefit of the doubt. {14737}{14784}I think he was tap-dancing. {14787}{14857}Well, you have to admit|he's got leadership potential. {14860}{14909}Do l? {14931}{15009}Grogan. He'll make a fine addition|to an SG team one day. {15012}{15071}He'll make a fine target. {15074}{15150}- He's good at gettin' shot.|- OK. Satterfield's bright. {15153}{15267}I gave her high marks for her... high|marks. I'd never go into combat with her. {15319}{15418}- Then there's Hailey.|- Yeah. Four-foot-nine fightin' machine. {15438}{15486}- Colonel.|- All right, fine. {15489}{15621}They're the future of the Air Force,|the programme, the planet. God help us. {15623}{15728}- Try to remember being in their shoes.|- I wore boots. {15730}{15837}- Think back to when you were their age.|- I was never their age. {15938}{15981}Good night, sir. {16010}{16049}What? {16079}{16178}Inside that building|is a valuable piece of alien technology. {16181}{16296}Two things stand in your way.|Opposing fire and time. {16314}{16444}The Stargate is only open for another 12|minutes and it's a half a mile away. Clear? {16446}{16495}Yes, sir! {16503}{16583}Conduct yourselves|as though this were the real thing. {16585}{16697}The clock starts... now!|Move 'em out, Lieutenant! {16700}{16764}Sir! Two by two advance! Go! {17868}{17925}Ten o'clock! Second level! {18531}{18615}- Yeah, sure, he's on our side!|- Grogan, you're with me! {18618}{18692}Hailey, Satterfield! Cover fire! Now! {19110}{19176}He broke contact. {19178}{19283}- What the hell was that?|- Colonel's got his intar on max. {19285}{19369}We've gotta keep moving.|Can you get out on your own? {19383}{19457}- Yeah, I think so.|- We've got seven minutes. {19460}{19554}We'll need three to get to the gate|at a dead run. Let's go. {19992}{20062}I'm picking up some sort of radiation. {20181}{20220}Here. {20467}{20537}All right. What do we got this time? {20957}{21017}Could be some sort of|Goa'uld power source. {21020}{21102}- Wrap it up. We don't have much time.|- Yes, sir. {21105}{21130}Whoa! {21133}{21172}- Dammit!|- What? {21174}{21223}Booby trap. {21258}{21328}- It's counting down in Goa'uld.|- How much time? {21331}{21403}- 90 seconds.|- I can try to disarm it. {21406}{21465}There's not enough time. {21532}{21602}Well, what do you want me to do? {22159}{22235}- Where is it?|- We couldn't get the device, sir. {22237}{22303}- It was booby-trapped.|- Really? {22338}{22379}Five seconds. {22555}{22642}- Did you try to disarm the device?|- Negative, sir. We only had 90 seconds. {22645}{22694}90 seconds. {22722}{22835}- Could you have disabled the device?|- I supported Lieutenant Elliot's decision. {22838}{22954}I don't care if you support him or not!|Could you have disarmed the device? {22957}{23044}- Possibly.|- I put the lives of my team members first. {23051}{23115}Really? Where's Grogan? {23193}{23245}- I ordered him to get out.|- Did you see him get out? {23248}{23334}- No, sir.|- Grogan was just killed in that explosion. {23378}{23461}- He should've been here by now.|- You left one of your team behind. {23464}{23545}That is one thing|I will not tolerate, Lieutenant! {23548}{23595}(phone rings) {23725}{23791}- O'Neill.|- Saved by the cell. {23794}{23885}Sorry. The colonel shot me again.|How did we do? {23888}{23975}- You were killed in the explosion.|- And I washed out. {23978}{24050}- You don't know that.|- Guys, something's going on. {24052}{24149}Sierra Golf niner.|Code Foxtrot Alpha six. {24177}{24251}- Maybe he's ordering our execution.|- Shut up. {24325}{24393}Confirm. Foothold Sierra Golf Charlie. {24455}{24517}Understood. Out. {24629}{24684}- Training's over.|- What? {24687}{24767}Training's over. Go home|until the Air Force contacts you. {24770}{24877}- Sir, I think we deserve to know...|- Dammit! What am I gonna have to do...? {25385}{25434}Wait here. {25648}{25745}- He said "Sierra Golf Charlie".|- Stargate Command. {25849}{25925}- He also said the word "foothold".|- Alien incursion. {26042}{26112}- Lieutenant.|- Everybody set their intars to maximum. {26114}{26178}- Those are our guys!|- Do it, Grogan. {26255}{26316}- We have to help him.|- Hold your position. {26534}{26598}- You're all dismissed.|- Colonel, you're injured. {26600}{26678}Stay together.|Don't trust anybody until I contact you. {26681}{26759}- You're injured. You need help.|- This is not an exercise. {26762}{26892}No, sir. It's a foothold situation. And it's|outside of the SGC. You need our help. {26894}{26980}Forgive my bluntness, Lieutenant,|but I was just about to fail you! {26983}{27064}- I'm not sure I want your help!|- I can't speak to that, sir. {27067}{27137}But at the moment we're all you've got. {27247}{27294}God help me. {27481}{27547}What's our first objective|once we make it down? {27550}{27604}- Armoury.|- Then what? {27640}{27764}Then we look for Major Carter, if she's|alive. She's the one who got the word out. {28132}{28198}What happens|if they change the access codes? {28201}{28250}Tear gas. {28580}{28641}- Clear.|- Lieutenant, take point. {28696}{28770}- Carter's lab's on sublevel 19.|- Yes, sir. {30070}{30204}- We're not authorised to use lethal force.|- I want you to have backup. Just in case. {30397}{30455}Major Carter has escaped custody. {30458}{30563}You will search sublevels 14 through 20|until she is located. {30608}{30705}Daniel Jackson. General Hammond|has been captured by my forces. {30708}{30842}And he's the last to be conformed. I've|dispatched units to locate Major Carter. {30845}{30921}She will be put to death|as you have ordered. {31731}{31803}Gather up any weapons you find|and lock them up somewhere. {31805}{31844}We could use 'em. {31846}{31922}You've got enough intar rounds|to take out everybody in the mountain {31924}{31984}three times over,|plus your backup weapons. {31988}{32056}I think I found something. {32125}{32189}All right. This is a problem. {32225}{32308}- The gate's active, sir.|- Can we shut it down from here? {32311}{32416}No chance. The dialling computer's|isolated from the base mainframe. {32418}{32492}Then that's our first order of business. {32787}{32855}Looks like their leader is Dr Jackson. {32875}{32945}I always knew he wanted that office. {33195}{33269}- What is that?|- It's not our normal centrepiece. {33283}{33377}OK, so he's just possessed by something.|We gotta save him. {33398}{33460}Hailey.|Can you get me a closer view on that? {33463}{33510}I'll try. {33640}{33743}- I can't make out the writing.|- Maybe Dr Jackson took photos. {33752}{33847}Check out his office, one level up.|Grogan, make sure she gets there. {33850}{33903}- Report when you've got something.|- Yes, sir. {33906}{33978}Hailey. You and I'll shut down the gate. {34019}{34087}- Let's move out. Aagh!|- Sir. {34105}{34169}You're in no shape to do this. {34185}{34244}I've been worse. {34247}{34339}We can handle this, sir.|You're no good to us if you're dead. {34615}{34681}Stay on channel 12. {34702}{34757}This gets you anywhere in the base. {34760}{34857}Remember... those are|our people out there. {34859}{34952}- We'll get 'em back, sir.|- Yeah. {35187}{35222}Damn. {35633}{35674}Oh, wrong turn! {36592}{36664}We're not here on the tour, Satterfield. {36667}{36706}Right. {37371}{37445}- I didn't have a choice.|- You did the right thing. {37447}{37533}- I've never...|- Hailey! Let's get him outta sight. {37815}{37852}I've got it. {37855}{37925}- Lieutenant, Satterfield.|- What have you got? {37927}{37991}Photos of the device|that reveal an obscure dialect {37994}{38099}SG-1 found on the planet|Argos, P3X-8596. {38101}{38182}Rough translation: "Gift from on high." {38185}{38259}I think we're looking at|a Goa'uld Trojan Horse. {38261}{38377}- Colonel, are you reading this?|- Yeah, I read you. That's enough chatter. {38380}{38485}The Goa'uld Pelops used nanotechnology|to rapidly age the people on Argos. {38487}{38586}- Let's get a blood sample from an SF.|- First we shut down the gate. {38733}{38782}(phone rings) {38830}{38869}O'Neill. {38906}{38955}Yeah. I got 'em. {39022}{39131}- Elliot, get outta there! That's an order.|- Colonel, we're at the gate room. {39140}{39210}- Pull back to my position.|- Yes, sir. {39388}{39470}Oh, my God,|this blood is teeming with nanobots. {39473}{39545}The nanobots must somehow|make people responsive {39548}{39634}to the suggestions from the alien device|we saw in the briefing room. {39637}{39698}So the nanobots work together|as a receiver. {39701}{39796}Well, that's how they worked on Argos.|Right, Colonel? {39799}{39931}I was a hundred years old at the time.|The memory's the first to go. {39934}{40010}Maybe we can find out how|they communicate with the master. {40012}{40073}There are no signals being transmitted. {40076}{40140}We need to shut down|the device in the briefing room. {40142}{40200}That level's heavily guarded. {40203}{40279}We still need to|get control of the Stargate. {40335}{40407}If we take out the briefing room,|you'll have a better chance {40410}{40495}to get into the gate room|and lock out the dialling computer. {40498}{40552}That's the plan, then. {40555}{40608}Take corridor C-19. {40611}{40650}Sir. {41251}{41307}They're on their way. {41657}{41706}Major Carter. {41784}{41866}- What are you doing here?|- Just helping out, ma'am. {41869}{41972}- Check the major for weapons.|- She was captured. We can't trust her. {41975}{42037}I escaped. Where's Colonel O'Neill? {42040}{42104}We'll take you to him. {42125}{42170}She's clear. {42172}{42221}This way, please. {42533}{42572}Colonel. {42590}{42684}- I was about to interrogate the prisoner.|- No! You weren't. {42750}{42824}Step away from the prisoner,|please, Colonel. {42929}{42999}Colonel O'Neill's been compromised.|I'll take it from here. {43002}{43099}Lieutenant, you've only been gone|for two minutes. There's no way that... {43102}{43168}- You saw what he was doing.|- Why'd you pull us out? {43170}{43248}- It was an ambush. A trap.|- I don't buy it, sir. {43250}{43324}Look... I am your commanding officer. {43421}{43532}Return Satterfield's weapon,|please, Major. We've got a job to do. {43615}{43697}- How did you know to trust me?|- Hailey figured the Goa'uld markers {43700}{43809}in your blood wouldn't allow you to be|influenced by Goa'uld nanotechnology. {43812}{43853}Lucky me. {43856}{43947}- Yes, ma'am.|- I need to stay here to work on a cure. {43950}{44016}- Can you take out the device alone?|- Yes, ma'am. {44019}{44103}- You'll also need to...|- Shut down the Stargate. Yes, ma'am. {44106}{44180}- We're on it.|- Good luck, Lieutenant. {44467}{44502}Whoops. {44805}{44867}- Everybody clear on your assignments?|- Yeah. {44870}{44942}Grogan.|Just make sure you take out Daniel. {44944}{44993}It's done. {45383}{45455}"Colonel O'Neill|has been compromised?!" {45457}{45537}Well, they didn't take corridor C-19|like you told them to. {45539}{45580}Crafty little buggers! {45583}{45653}- At least we pulled it off.|- Yeah. {45656}{45695}Ow! {45729}{45807}You did order them to set their|training weapons to maximum stun. {45810}{45946}Yes, I did. But it was only because|Daniel's had it so easy on this one. {45948}{45983}Is everybody upstairs? {45985}{46111}General Hammond and the Pentagon staff|are monitoring from the security office. {46150}{46255}Sir, if you don't mind,|your wound is getting all over my lab. {46277}{46316}Sorry. {46355}{46410}Same wager as last time, George? {46413}{46510}That's hardly fair.|These young people are against SG-1 . {46512}{46617}- I'll give you double or nothing.|- Well, in that case, how can I refuse? {46620}{46669}You never could. {46695}{46817}So how's the pilot training programme|so far? The latest graduates working out? {46820}{46901}We believe they are faring better|than new team members in the past. {46904}{46999}Makes sense. Up to now we've only|trained people to defend this country. {47002}{47092}- Now that we're defending the planet...|- That's exactly right. {47095}{47204}In fact, in next year's SGC budget I am|proposing an offworld training facility. {47207}{47319}It must drive everyone crazy tying up|several floors to run these scenarios. {47322}{47390}My people are happy to cooperate. {47458}{47578}- Elliot certainly seems confident.|- Top of his class in the Academy. {47581}{47690}You should've seen him when I told him|about the training he'd been picked for. {47692}{47739}I can imagine. {47742}{47845}They should be emerging|from the access shaft on sublevel 27. {47847}{47954}Looks like they've split up, George.|Grogan just came out on sublevel 26. {47957}{48064}Apparently Lieutenant Elliot is planning|on assaulting the briefing room {48067}{48141}from several points of access. {48143}{48196}General. Generals. {48219}{48312}- What do you think of their strategy?|- It's hard to say. {48315}{48398}- I think he knows it's a test.|- How's that? {48401}{48496}I pulled him out of the gate room|just as SG-3 was coming back. {48499}{48584}What's with those marines? Don't they|know we've got a scenario here? {48587}{48651}They were under heavy fire|from a Goa'uld. {48654}{48745}Well, if he knows it's an exercise,|he won't show it. {48748}{48816}However, he did appear|to enjoy shooting me. {48819}{48924}In light of SG-3's emergency,|maybe we should call off the exercise. {48927}{48980}I don't think so. They all made it back. {48983}{49084}And besides, Elliot's team's almost ready|to launch their attack on Dr Jackson. {49142}{49247}I like this scenario way better than|the last one. Have you tried this chair? {49249}{49339}- This is, like, really comfortable.|- Indeed I have not. {49342}{49391}(phone rings) {49410}{49484}- Hello?|- Have fun, Daniel. {49498}{49605}You did tell them to take me prisoner|this time and not shoot me, right? {49607}{49646}Right? {49758}{49799}Hello? {49801}{49850}(shots fired) {50519}{50568}Dr Jackson? {50675}{50724}I'm so sorry. {50775}{50851}- Rig the charge. I'll get Grogan out.|- Got it. {50927}{50981}Come on. Let's go. {51058}{51117}That hurt a little. {51120}{51179}- Did we pull it off?|- Almost. {51396}{51445}15 seconds. {51562}{51601}Satterfield! {51748}{51783}Four. {52083}{52155}- Did you...?|- I set it. Something's wrong. {52456}{52534}Modelling clay doesn't pack|much of a punch, does it? {52538}{52616}We've been watching your every move|since your arrival. {52619}{52683}- Welcome to Stargate Command.|- Yes, sir. {52727}{52824}You may have noticed I lied a little bit|about the foothold situation. {52840}{52899}- But you were shot.|- So it appeared. {52978}{53071}- Hailey killed an SF.|- The SFs were using blank cartridges. {53074}{53124}Same as your backup weapons. {53127}{53222}You staged the whole thing when you|shot that general at the training complex? {53225}{53280}- Yep.|- It was important for us to know {53283}{53402}how you'd react in a real-life situation|before you encountered one off world. {53420}{53504}- You weren't... a little bit suspicious?|- No, sir. {53550}{53628}- How did we do?|- The entire exercise was recorded, {53631}{53730}and will be properly reviewed|before making a final assessment. {53733}{53799}But I'm sure you did very well. {53811}{53860}We kicked ass! {53886}{53983}You got yourself shot again, Grogan.|Don't be so cocky. {54009}{54083}Yeah, thanks for the rescue, by the way. {54099}{54153}Where's Lieutenant Hailey? {54173}{54222}Hailey, report. {54264}{54303}Hailey. {54333}{54382}She must still be in the gate room. {54385}{54455}(technician)|Unscheduled offworld activation. {54457}{54506}(alarm) {54600}{54659}Hailey, evacuate the gate room! {55319}{55387}Sir, I can't close the iris. {55452}{55513}There's radiation|coming through the Stargate. {55516}{55594}Sir, you have to order|an evacuation of this level. {55596}{55688}This is Hammond. All personnel|evacuate level 28 immediately. {55691}{55763}This is not a drill.|I repeat, this is not a drill. {55765}{55819}What about Hailey? {55879}{55933}She's already dead. {56246}{56307}What kinda radiation are we talkin' about? {56310}{56409}Gamma. Probably from the Goa'uld|that SG-3 just barely got away from. {56411}{56499}I'd like to know why in God's name|we were unable to close the iris. {56502}{56599}In the test scenario, Lieutenant Hailey|was trying to shut down gate control. {56602}{56660}She must've taken our controls offline. {56663}{56737}- She's very smart, sir.|- Apparently. {56740}{56868}- We should head up to the security office.|- We'll monitor the gate room from there. {57054}{57145}I never thought she'd get around our|codes, and then we came under attack. {57148}{57205}- It's a worst-case scenario.|- What are our options? {57208}{57340}The only way is to manually close the iris.|At these radiation levels it'd be suicide. {57570}{57636}- Major?|- My access card, sir. {58108}{58157}There he is. {58246}{58318}Elliot, this is General Hammond.|If you enter that gate room, {58321}{58393}you're going to be killed|by radiation poisoning. {58395}{58452}Now, I'm ordering you... {59079}{59168}- He's gonna get it closed.|- That much radiation... {59171}{59235}He's already dead, isn't he? {59512}{59588}Hailey's still alive!|We need a medical team down here! {59591}{59661}I say again, Hailey needs help in here! {59938}{60002}You've gotta be kidding me! {60052}{60176}- You can put me down now, hero.|- You were in on it. {60179}{60305}How do you think I was able to show you|nanobots if they didn't really exist? {60308}{60345}I'm gonna kill you. {60347}{60417}You should've seen|what they put me through. {60572}{60664}SG teams require the commitment to go|above and beyond the call of duty. {60667}{60743}- You've just demonstrated that.|- Yes, sir! {60745}{60830}After a few days' rest,|you're to report back to the SGC, {60833}{60928}where you will be assigned to SG-17|under Major Mansfield. {60931}{61038}- If you think I was tough on you...|- What about the rest of the team? {61040}{61139}They will be assigned to SG teams|as positions become available. {61142}{61210}But the first assignment is yours. {61213}{61277}- Yes, sir.|- Congratulations, son. {61375}{61424}Good job. {61427}{61514}Hey! You knew it was a test|when you shot me, right? {61517}{61593}Well... maybe suspected. {61595}{61653}And you really think the test is over now? {61656}{61705}(alarm) {62228}{62294}Visiontext Subtitles: Kerrie Slavin