{175}{233}No... Listen to me now. {236}{328}If you can't confirm my observations,|you must have the coordinates wrong, {331}{415}because there is definitely|something up there. {418}{483}For the tenth time, it is in Cassiopeia. {512}{572}Declination 61 degrees, six minutes. {575}{635}Right ascension two hours, 48 minutes. {690}{739}That's impossible. {754}{803}Yes, I'm sure. {842}{951}Listen. Listen, I am not some|crackpot phoning in a UFO here. {954}{1024}I am the cofounder of|the Northern Susquenita County {1028}{1136}Amateur Astronomical Society. I've been|tracking this thing for three nights. {1139}{1211}Whatever it is, it is very big,|it is very close, {1214}{1314}- and I will not shut up about this until...|- (vehicles approach) {1667}{1716}Never mind. {1853}{1969}This image was generated from satellite|observations made in the last few hours. {1972}{2021}The asteroid has an irregular shape, {2024}{2088}but we've calculated its length|from end to end {2091}{2152}to be approximately 137 kilometres. {2177}{2270}I've seen this movie. It hits Paris. {2277}{2388}It'll strike somewhere in the Arctic Circle.|Probably Greenland or the Barents Sea. {2391}{2461}Nobody knows this but us?|How is that possible? {2464}{2517}The asteroid was discovered by a civilian {2520}{2584}who's since been "persuaded"|to keep it quiet. {2587}{2707}The reason no one else has detected it|is that the object's path is highly atypical. {2710}{2767}It's outside the plane|of the solar system {2770}{2832}occupied by the planets|and the asteroid belt. {2835}{2915}In fact, it's a fluke that anyone|saw it at all. We got lucky. {2918}{2978}I don't see how in any way this is lucky. {2981}{3071}Well, seven or eight years ago,|there'd be nothing we could do about it. {3074}{3142}The Stargate opens other options for us. {3145}{3196}A little help from our friends? {3202}{3267}- Yes, sir.|- Perhaps the Tok'ra could assist. {3270}{3367}They've been on the run since the Goa'uld|attacked their base at Revanna. {3370}{3470}We've already sent a message asking for|their help. There hasn't been any reply. {3473}{3516}The Asgard owe us a favour. {3523}{3582}We could contact them through the K'Tau. {3585}{3698}The treaty with the Goa'uld means the|Asgard cannot prevent natural disasters. {3701}{3784}The Goa'uld tried to make the|Tollans send a bomb through the iris. {3787}{3874}- Screw the treaty.|- Well, one of our allies will help. {3877}{3923}I hope you're right. {3926}{4065}Otherwise, in 11 days and 16 hours,|all life on Earth will be wiped out. {5707}{5752}I'm afraid the answer is no. {5757}{5821}Come on, guys. Throw me a bone here. {5823}{5912}The Protected Planets Treaty|leaves no room for interpretation. {5916}{5961}They tried to attack us. {5964}{6080}It was the Tollans who attempted to send|the explosive device through your iris. {6083}{6111}By whose order? {6114}{6182}The System Lords|deny knowledge of this incident. {6188}{6237}Of course they deny it. {6240}{6350}The Treaty does allow|for the arbitration of such disputes. {6353}{6422}We would need to assemble|a commission of inquiry, {6425}{6540}consisting of equal numbers of|Asgard and Goa'uld representatives. {6581}{6668}We would also need corroborating|testimony from the Tollans. {6671}{6720}That's gonna be a problem, {6723}{6785}as they've been wiped out by the Goa'uld. {6791}{6823}That is unfortunate. {6826}{6918}And I suppose, when Earth gets hit|by that rock and we're all wiped out, {6921}{6978}that's gonna be unfortunate too? {6985}{7017}Very. {7235}{7365}- And after that I kind of lost my temper.|- What exactly does that mean? {7375}{7462}Let's just say Jack made|a reference to Freyr's mother. {7511}{7576}We'll discuss his diplomatic|shortcomings later. {7579}{7633}Right now I'd like to know our options. {7639}{7684}I say we nuke it ourselves. {7695}{7767}We have sufficiently large-yield|warheads to deflect it, {7770}{7860}but we don't have a delivery system|which can reach the asteroid in time. {7863}{7958}The cargo ship I crashed|on Revanna must still be there. {7964}{8003}In how many pieces? {8006}{8116}Our understanding of Goa'uld technology|has improved. We might be able to fix it. {8124}{8183}- How much time?|- With the right team, two days. {8187}{8242}I'll assign anyone you need, Major. {8245}{8323}Assuming we can fix it, how long|will it take to fly back to Earth? {8326}{8379}Revanna's not exactly next door. {8382}{8473}Even pushing the engines past 100%,|it would take eight, nine days. {8486}{8581}- Leaving little margin for error.|- Then let's get started. Dismissed. {8656}{8749}Colonel, I have every confidence|in SG-1's abilities. {8752}{8838}However, as a contingency plan,|the president has ordered me {8842}{8912}to begin Alpha team evacuations|through the gate. {8915}{8997}Major Davis will be arriving from|the Pentagon to coordinate. {9006}{9091}- Yes, sir.|- If Major Carter cannot repair the ship, {9094}{9196}you will report immediately to|the Alpha site and assume command. {9199}{9282}- General?|- No debates on this one. That's an order. {9355}{9379}Yeah. {9656}{9725}- Good to go, sir.|- Teal'c, show 'em the way. {9764}{9808}This way. {9811}{9911}- This, uh... big enough?|- 1,200 naqahdah-enhanced megatons. {9914}{10017}- That's a lot?|- It's the most powerful warhead there is. {10020}{10088}It's the equivalent of|one billion tons of TNT. {10141}{10185}That's a lot. {10196}{10246}Hey! What are you doing? {10249}{10338}I'm sorry, I can't do this. I can|give you a list of some good engineers. {10341}{10396}Come on, Spellman. I do this every day. {10399}{10496}You don't understand what happens to|your body when you go through it. I do. {10499}{10587}- We need you for this mission.|- It defies the laws of physics. {10590}{10639}Spellman, you're going. {10676}{10700}(groans) {11686}{11742}It doesn't look so bad. {11745}{11855}Our first priority is auxiliary power.|Then it's hyperdrive and life support. {11858}{11907}Right. {11955}{12004}Is there a rest room? {12049}{12098}My first priority. {12233}{12280}Ah, they'll fix it up. {12283}{12342}- I'm confident.|- Me too. {12345}{12394}As am I. {14016}{14067}I looked again. I still can't find it. {14070}{14130}- Did you check the guidance system?|- Twice. {14133}{14227}OK, I guess we'll have to assume|that there isn't one on board. {14297}{14368}- One what?|- We're ready to attempt an engine start. {14371}{14436}Yeah, fine. Assume there isn't one what? {14445}{14496}Recall device. {14504}{14598}The X-301? That was you guys? {14601}{14652}You must admit it performed beautifully {14655}{14722}until you and Teal'c|were sent into... deep space. {14730}{14750}Yeah! {14791}{14822}Nice work. {14885}{14949}- Carter.|- Attempting engine start. {15516}{15565}Carter? {15569}{15620}(electronic beeps) {15683}{15758}(power surge/engine starts) {15871}{16003}That's got it, sir. We're good to go. I'll|repair the remaining systems on the way. {16006}{16102}Once you get to the Revanna gate, dial|the Alpha site. They're expecting you. {16105}{16210}I think I speak for about six billion people|when I say "good luck". {16246}{16295}You too. {16337}{16438}- I'm gonna wanna talk to you guys.|- Teal'c, try to take it easy on the engines. {16441}{16467}Why? {16470}{16558}I'm slightly concerned that if we|push them too hard and they burn out {16561}{16630}before we reach escape velocity, {16681}{16736}we'll come crashing back to the planet. {16836}{16903}- I'm confident.|- Me too. {16918}{16967}As am I. {17287}{17352}I appreciate that, but if|we don't hear from SG-1... {17355}{17433}- We're getting a message, sir. It's SG-1.|- You were saying? {17436}{17514}The signal's being relayed through|AF SATCOM. Audio only. {17524}{17584}- Pipe it through, Sergeant.|- Yes, sir. {17631}{17689}(Carter) Please respond. {17692}{17779}SG-1. This is General Hammond.|Please respond. {17782}{17844}Sir, we've just|dropped out of hyperspace. {17848}{17906}We should reach the asteroid|in a few minutes. {17909}{17961}We're relieved to hear that, Major. {17964}{18025}You sent engineers|to the Alpha site ten days ago. {18068}{18155}The ship's barely flying as it is, sir.|We're lucky we made it this far. {18158}{18224}Understood. Proceed with your mission. {18227}{18276}(Carter) Yes, sir. {18350}{18476}All right. 39 minutes before impact, the|asteroid will reach the fail-safe position. {18481}{18588}After that point, it'll be too close|to Earth for the explosion to deflect it. {18591}{18653}That leaves us three and a half hours. {18656}{18711}So we just drop off the bomb and... what? {18763}{18873}Our scans show that the asteroid|is pitted with impact craters and fissures. {18876}{18979}We fly the ship into the deepest crater we|can find at a right angle to its trajectory. {18987}{19102}The crater should direct the explosive|force of the bomb like a rocket nozzle. {19107}{19194}When we're just above the surface,|we bring down the MALP with the bomb. {19197}{19269}Then we land, and two of us go EVA. {19272}{19313}That would be you and me. {19316}{19430}We walk the MALP down into a fissure at|the bottom of the crater to focus the blast. {19433}{19515}We set the timer|and then we get out of there. {19543}{19607}- Piece of cake.|- There is one other thing. {19609}{19715}We're about to pass through the Leonids:|a cometary trail Earth crosses sometimes. {19718}{19772}The shields should help protect the ship. {19775}{19853}Anyone caught outside|is gonna have to find cover, and fast. {19870}{19926}(rumbling) {19991}{20015}What was that? {20018}{20097}I'm having difficulty|with the sub-light engines. {20100}{20148}(rumbling) {20197}{20254}Yes, you are. {20257}{20297}Sir? {20646}{20725}- What is it?|- An overload in the control systems. {20765}{20826}- Backups?|- We don't have any. {20965}{21029}Sir, we just lost SG-1's signal. {21135}{21202}SG-1, this is Hammond. Do you read me? {21229}{21290}SG-1, please respond. {21434}{21483}How's the head? {21554}{21636}The sub-light engines have shut down. {21662}{21720}Big asteroid problem here. {21908}{21969}Try using manoeuvring thrusters|to slow us down. {21972}{22021}I am. It's not working. {22165}{22253}Daniel is correct. Manoeuvring|thrusters appear to be insufficient. {22257}{22316}They're all we've got. {22378}{22450}Sir! Deep-space tracking|still has a fix on the ship, {22453}{22538}but we show them approaching|the asteroid way too fast. {22702}{22784}- Any time now.|- The thrusters are in full reverse, O'Neill. {22789}{22846}- We're coming in faster than we should.|- Yes. {22849}{22927}Faster than we should|with thrusters at maximum. {22930}{22979}90 metres per second. {23004}{23117}80. This rate of deceleration|isn't gonna cut it. We're gonna hit. {23594}{23664}- What happened?|- We're inside a deep crater. {23679}{23746}50 metres per second. {23749}{23787}40. {23852}{23901}30. {24310}{24360}We stopped descending. {24457}{24506}No, I understand. Thank you. {24572}{24618}Sir? {24621}{24698}We got a message from NASA.|According to their calculations, {24701}{24801}SG-1 has crashed into the asteroid|at over 60 metres per second. {24848}{24916}- Do they have confirmation?|- No, sir. {24924}{25000}It's an estimate based on|the ship's last known position. {25008}{25085}Any chance of survivors? {25114}{25183}At that velocity, sir, it's... {25186}{25236}it's very unlikely. {25343}{25392}Sir. {25422}{25536}If this is true, and the mission is down, {25588}{25657}we're out of options. {25690}{25755}It's time to call the president. {26018}{26107}- The sub-light drive is down.|- As are shields and communications. {26110}{26174}It might be easier to list what is working. {26202}{26258}- The bomb?|- It's good to go, sir. {26261}{26351}If it comes right down to it,|we can detonate it right here. {26354}{26440}- What's our position?|- Personally, I'm against it. {26443}{26527}We're about five metres above|the surface at the bottom of the crater. {26530}{26604}The rings will be functional|at that distance. {26607}{26666}All right. Here goes. {26962}{27011}Let's suit up. {27139}{27214}- Carter, you all right?|- I'm fine, sir. {27238}{27325}You took a pretty good shot.|Why don't you sit this one out? {27331}{27417}- No, I'm fine. Really.|- Teal'c and I can handle it. {27420}{27469}Yes, sir. {27586}{27661}No, sir. There's been|no response on the radio. {27664}{27788}If they crashed, there should have been|visible evidence. We've found nothing. {27829}{27934}Frankly, sir, if SG-1 survived and they|manage to complete their mission, {27937}{28024}then no one needs to know|any of this ever happened. {28027}{28169}If not, nothing anyone can do will|make the slightest bit of difference. {28172}{28249}Going public now would|only serve to create panic. {28305}{28357}Yes, sir. I know how you feel. {28360}{28409}My place is here. {28428}{28477}Thank you, Mr President. {29070}{29129}(Teal'c) Depressurising airlock. {29132}{29207}(Carter) You'll experience|very little gravity. {29218}{29302}The asteroid's surface is mostly iron|and your boots are magnetised, {29305}{29374}so you shouldn't go|spinning off into space. {29377}{29477}(O'Neill) That's very reassuring, Carter.|Thank you very much. {29502}{29585}(Teal'c) Depressurisation complete.|Opening outer door. {30308}{30357}(O'Neill) I'll drive. {32271}{32303}What is it? {32306}{32408}Our approach was a lot faster than it|should have been, even on thrusters only. {32411}{32460}I wanna check something. {32806}{32861}(Teal'c) We can proceed no further. {32926}{32975}(O'Neill) Then this'll do. {33373}{33426}Weapon is armed. {33722}{33835}Something's not right. The gravitational|field is stronger than we thought. {33850}{33876}So? {33882}{33987}Gravity is determined by mass. Mass|is determined by size and composition. {33990}{34006}So? {34009}{34106}So the core must be made of something|a lot heavier than nickel and iron. {34109}{34168}- (thud)|- What was that? {34219}{34296}We're passing through the Leonids|sooner than I expected. {34299}{34363}Colonel O'Neill, what's your position? {34366}{34430}We're almost out of the cave. {34445}{34542}Better stay where you are, sir.|We're taking meteor hits. {34589}{34671}Carter, any chance of getting|those shields in play here? {34679}{34725}We're working on it, sir. Stand by. {34728}{34823}Daniel, try to reroute|power from the hyperdrive. {34826}{34885}Bypass systems are all blown. {34995}{35062}Hull breach! We're venting atmosphere! {35421}{35470}Carter. {35496}{35556}Any progress on those shields? {35559}{35608}(Carter) Stand by, sir. {35849}{35898}(rocks crashing) {35934}{35964}That's it. {36033}{36090}And now there's two more. {36102}{36201}Carter! Daniel!|This is O'Neill. Please respond. {36302}{36341}Carter! {36739}{36795}It appears the meteor storm has subsided. {36798}{36837}Go. {37089}{37171}(O'Neill) Carter! Carter! Daniel! {37209}{37242}Report! {37481}{37614}O'Neill, these readings indicate|zero atmosphere within the ship. {37651}{37682}Hull breach? {37685}{37765}If that is the case, Carter and Daniel|could not have survived. {37784}{37833}Open it. {39051}{39094}I got nothin', Teal'c. {39203}{39277}The hull has been|damaged in several places. {39669}{39717}What are you considering, O'Neill? {40120}{40177}They're in the escape pods. {40226}{40310}I have identified|the breached areas of the hull. {40325}{40386}We can begin repairs immediately. {40591}{40624}All right. {40692}{40782}- General.|- Doctor. Shouldn't you be offworld? {40790}{40884}I'm leaving with the next group, sir.|Your name isn't on the list, sir. {40911}{40979}- That's correct.|- May I ask why? {40982}{41067}If that asteroid hits, the only chance|for the survival of the human race {41070}{41121}will rest with the Alpha site. {41124}{41220}We limited their number because|they'll have limited resources. {41223}{41281}Everyone will have to contribute. {41284}{41376}Your experience makes you|more than qualified, sir. {41415}{41548}I appreciate what you're trying to do,|Doctor. But my decision is final. {41606}{41655}Yes, sir. {42182}{42251}- (O'Neill) How you feelin'?|- (Daniel) Not bad. {42254}{42355}- That's great. Let's go.|- Sir, I don't think we should leave just yet. {42374}{42429}Somethin' to do with gravity. {42432}{42494}It's too high. Higher than it should be. {42503}{42585}I need to reconfigure the sensors|to find what the core is made of. {42588}{42643}- Oh, here we go!|- I'm sorry, sir. {42646}{42727}Oh, come on!|We came, we saw, we planted the bomb. {42730}{42844}We had a little fun with a meteor shower,|we went home. It's a great story. {42872}{42921}Isn't it? {43183}{43222}I was right. {43225}{43289}- This could be a problem.|- Indeed. {43292}{43333}I don't wanna hear it. {43336}{43440}Sir, the asteroid's core is composed|almost entirely of naqahdah. {43448}{43485}Of course it is. {43516}{43612}- It makes up 45 per cent of the mass.|- Of course it does. {43615}{43679}Naqahdah does not occur naturally. {43681}{43751}Which is why I never|even thought to look for it. {43754}{43810}Sir, this must've been a Goa'uld setup. {43813}{43921}To betray the Protected Planets Treaty|with the Asgard is almost unthinkable. {43924}{43955}What? {43958}{44074}The Goa'uld set the asteroid on a collision|course to look like a natural disaster. {44077}{44164}They knew the only way|we could stop it would be with a nuke. {44167}{44246}So... what happens|when that bomb goes off? {44249}{44363}The explosion will be enhanced by the|naqahdah, to the force of a small nova. {44366}{44463}This close to Earth, it'd be enough to set|the atmosphere on fire and boil the seas. {44466}{44553}- OK. This was not in the movie.|- If we deactivate the bomb, {44556}{44663}and the asteroid passes the fail-safe point,|there's no turning back. Are you sure? {44666}{44721}Well, I... I can't be 100 per cent... {44729}{44776}We don't have a lot of choices here. {44779}{44852}We're damned if we do|and we're damned if we don't. {44855}{44948}The asteroid itself may be|sufficient evidence of a treaty violation. {44957}{45021}Right. The Asgard can intervene. {45023}{45102}- We have no way to tell them.|- We do if you get that radio on line. {45105}{45154}Teal'c, suit up. {45570}{45618}OK, try it now. {45621}{45714}Stargate Command, this is SG-1.|Do you read? Over. {45794}{45833}Nothing. {45918}{46003}I don't know what else to do.|The radio's working short-range, {46006}{46100}but there's no way the signal can|penetrate this much solid naqahdah. {46459}{46508}(beeping) {46511}{46560}Ah, crap! {47250}{47314}The bomb has yet to be deactivated. {47336}{47393}I can see that, Teal'c. {47691}{47745}Perhaps the code is incorrect. {47748}{47842}Yeah. Carter, come in. {47878}{47965}- Go ahead.|- Confirm the deactivation code for me. {48002}{48089}03310310. {48259}{48319}Yeah, that's it. Nothin'. {48343}{48402}- Is there a problem, sir?|- There was a cave-in. {48405}{48500}Seems to have damaged the keypad.|It's not accepting the code. {48503}{48570}Other than that, everything's... fine. {48600}{48694}- How much time is left exactly?|- Under three minutes. {48742}{48835}Sir, you're gonna have to open up|the bomb and deactivate it manually. {49218}{49349}First remove the casing around the timer.|There should be two screws. {49352}{49401}Yeah. I got 'em. {49797}{49817}Got it. {49820}{49931}Now find the wires leading from the timer|to the detonator, and cut the red one. {50124}{50200}Carter. They're all yellow. {50279}{50361}- Say again.|- There are five wires, all yellow. {50403}{50508}- Maybe I should cut 'em all.|- Sir, if you interrupt the wrong circuit, {50511}{50595}it's the same as telling the bomb|the timer has reached zero. {50614}{50648}Yeah. I knew that. {50658}{50765}I'm sorry, sir, but you're just|gonna have to cut them randomly. {50781}{50818}Yeah. I knew that too. {51541}{51615}- How's it coming, sir?|- I've cut three. {51651}{51696}I've got two to go. {51977}{52042}I'd like to take this opportunity to say... {52045}{52175}this is a poorly designed bomb, and we|should say something when we get back. {52201}{52250}I agree, sir. {52439}{52481}(beeping stops) {52656}{52702}Sir? {52752}{52801}We're still here. {53022}{53076}20 seconds to fail-safe. {53136}{53195}Still no word from SG-1? {53212}{53260}No, sir. {53325}{53379}Ten seconds. {53648}{53709}Asteroid has passed fail-safe. {53724}{53858}Very well. Major, Sergeant, take your|positions with the last Alpha group. {53908}{53962}That's an order, Sergeant. {54014}{54063}Yes, sir. {54182}{54221}General. {54245}{54315}I haven't been relieved|of this command, Major. {54370}{54419}Yes, sir. {54498}{54547}Good luck. {54779}{54844}We get communications back yet? {54847}{54924}Sorry, sir. The only way would be|to pull the components {54927}{55013}we used to fix the hyperdrive.|It would take hours. {55016}{55076}- What, then?|- Well, we have a couple of options. {55079}{55183}Number one, give up. Use what's left of|the power to get to the nearest gateworld. {55186}{55244}We might make it.|Then we head to the Alpha site. {55247}{55311}- Number two?|- We take off and hope that our signal {55314}{55421}can be picked up by the Asgard in time|to inform them this was a Goa'uld attack. {55424}{55488}- There's not enough time for that.|- I know. {55512}{55585}- Is... there a number three?|- There's no three. {55588}{55708}Maybe there is. Teal'c, you said naqahdah|wasn't native to our solar system. {55711}{55781}Which means the Goa'uld|must've towed it by ship. {55784}{55844}- A mothership.|- Daniel, that's it. {55860}{55913}- What's it?|- We don't have a mothership. {55916}{56015}- It only has to last a few seconds.|- What only has to last a few seconds? {56018}{56139}Choice three, sir. Expand our hyperspace|field to encompass the entire asteroid. {56142}{56266}We take it out of normal space long|enough to avoid the collision with Earth. {56327}{56453}- Is there a four?|- I know it sounds far-fetched, and... it is. {56456}{56548}- Ride an asteroid... through Earth?|- Yes. {56551}{56658}To the observer, it would disappear|on one side and reappear on the other. {56661}{56729}The problem is it'd take|every ounce of power we've got. {56732}{56824}The field would have to be expanded|far beyond its usual envelope. {56827}{56927}- It could cause the engines to explode.|- Explode? {56930}{57018}Even if we survived the engine overload,|we couldn't take off again. {57027}{57132}We'd have a couple of hours|of life support, and that's it. {57144}{57237}But you think this is... the best shot|we have at stoppin' this rock? {57251}{57313}Yes, sir. I think so. {57426}{57484}Well, that's the plan, then. {57996}{58080}I really need more time|to make the calculations. {58172}{58245}Well, Carter, now might be a good time. {58262}{58308}Almost. {58333}{58368}Now? {58371}{58470}If I engage too soon,|we'll reappear right inside the Earth. {58646}{58714}Carter, I can see my house. {58717}{58799}Engaging hyperdrive... now. {59249}{59279}We're there. {59282}{59368}The computer confirms|we have emerged from hyperspace {59371}{59437}on the other side of the planet. {59514}{59548}Yep. {59551}{59604}Plan three. {59607}{59661}Works every time. {59790}{59855}Yes, Mr President. {59858}{59908}Yes, sir. {59911}{60035}From what NASA and SATCOM tell me,|it looks like the asteroid just disappeared. {60079}{60154}I don't know, sir,|it may have been the Asgard. {60157}{60248}But it's my opinion|SG-1 had something to do with it. {60387}{60463}So... two hours of life support, then what? {60507}{60560}(O'Neill) Hammond'll find us. {60578}{60650}- (O'Neill) I'm confident.|- (Carter) Me too. {60715}{60764}As am I. {60768}{60817}(whistling noise) {60872}{60941}The sensors are picking up|a vessel approaching. {60944}{61036}- It appears to be another cargo ship.|- Goa'uld? {61039}{61140}I do not know. The ship is taking up|position directly above us. {61156}{61302}I'm Jalen, of the Tok'ra. We received your|distress call. Can we render assistance? {61352}{61490}Well, you know, it's not like we don't have|everything totally under control here, {61493}{61532}but... {61566}{61620}Sure. Render away. {62632}{62710}Visiontext Subtitles: Kerrie Slavin