{151}{220}My name is K'tano. {222}{323}The once first prime of Imhotep. {325}{375}A false god. {377}{463}A false god who has died|by my own hand. {490}{540}Now I am free. {563}{613}I am a free Jaffa. {671}{774}If you have come to this place,|then you wish to know freedom as I do. {803}{899}If you've come to hear me, then you know|in your heart and in your mind {901}{965}that the Goa'uld are not gods! {967}{1023}(cheering) {1087}{1165}Still, I am but one warrior. {1176}{1277}Only together, we are an army of warriors! {1279}{1355}(man) An army has weapons!|An army has food! {1357}{1405}In time, we shall have weapons, {1407}{1532}and enough food and drink to sustain us|for as long as it takes to achieve victory. {1559}{1643}Until then, we have our freedom. {1654}{1740}We have our brothers and sisters. {1742}{1795}I do not say that this will be easy. {1848}{1895}There will be sacrifice. {1897}{1982}But for each of you who dies|in the name of freedom, {1984}{2068}your soul shall be sent to Kheb, {2070}{2124}the place of freedom everlasting. {2185}{2231}Until then, {2233}{2293}if you seek freedom, {2317}{2367}if you seek sanctuary, {2387}{2463}know that this place is sanctuary. {2465}{2530}- This is Cal Mah.|- (cheering) {2561}{2634}I declare this world|a free world for all Jaffa! {2667}{2729}Let no Goa'uld challenge us! {2762}{2885}The time has come for Jaffa to claim|their rightful place among the stars {2887}{2996}as warriors who live|and as warriors who die free! {3007}{3121}What say you, Teal'c? Is he not|the means to our deliverance? {4975}{5025}"Deliverance"? {5054}{5122}Do you know what happened|to the guys in that movie? {5124}{5175}I do not. {5208}{5282}Master Bra'tac, that's|a very strong recommendation. {5284}{5387}Yes, it is. Yet the rewards|of such an alliance would be great. {5389}{5459}- Teal'c?|- Many of our allies have fallen, General. {5461}{5558}The Tollan may be gone for ever.|The Tok'ra are severely weakened. {5560}{5633}- K'tano offers an army.|- An army that needs our help. {5635}{5736}- Have not the Jaffa helped your cause?|- Teal'c, please don't misunderstand me. {5738}{5820}You and Bra'tac have done more for us|than anyone could ask. {5822}{5894}I owe you both my life.|That's not what I'm saying. {5896}{5997}What she's saying is, if this guy's come|to us, he's gotta be pretty desperate. {5999}{6070}We shouldn't underestimate|this opportunity. {6072}{6168}An army of Jaffa challenging|the power structure of the Goa'uld... {6170}{6277}It could inspire the Jaffa. Word of its|very existence is a threat to the Goa'uld. {6279}{6333}You think the Goa'uld will let it happen? {6335}{6370}We do not. {6372}{6433}Which makes K'tano's need so great. {6435}{6500}His army is drawn|from many different System Lords. {6502}{6578}More flock to him|with each raid he makes. {6580}{6644}But an army cannot live on courage alone. {6646}{6754}Dr Jackson, tell us about this Imhotep.|This is the first I've heard of him. {6756}{6806}In the third dynasty of ancient Egypt, {6808}{6878}Imhotep was credited|as the first pyramid builder. {6880}{6927}He was deified by the Egyptians, {6929}{7017}but among the Goa'uld|he never achieved power of any kind. {7019}{7063}He was never a System Lord. {7065}{7178}Imhotep was probably an insignificant|Goa'uld from a backwater planet. {7180}{7243}Which explains how K'tano|has managed to survive. {7245}{7320}- He took out a nobody.|- Which probably only buys us time. {7322}{7411}If we don't help, the Goa'uld will|see this as the threat it really is. {7413}{7536}Imhotep may have been a minor Goa'uld,|but K'tano is a great leader of men. {7538}{7657}I believe he will lead his army to victory|over those who would deny us freedom. {7659}{7752}I've already ordered food and|medical supplies for transport. {7754}{7836}What we need to discuss is|what kind of weapons and how many. {7838}{7915}Your projectile weapons|have proven effective in battle. {7917}{7974}P-90s, MP-5s, SPAS-12s... {7976}{8030}For several hundred warriors. {8032}{8074}That may take some doing. {8076}{8166}General Hammond, if we may send|a smaller number of weapons, {8168}{8243}as a gesture of good intentions. {8332}{8402}I think we owe these folks... to a point. {8422}{8486}Very well. You have a go. {8642}{8740}O'Neill, you should know that some|of the Jaffa you are about to meet {8742}{8823}you may have met before, in battle. {8843}{8893}Yeah... I thought about that. {8895}{8940}The Jaffa have long memories. {8942}{9007}That's all right because... I don't. {9117}{9187}It's... It's a... joke. {9312}{9407}Master Bra'tac, let's hope your faith|in this man is well deserved. {9417}{9467}I would stake my life on it. {9570}{9620}Ours too, apparently. {10081}{10143}I am Master Bra'tac, of Chulak. {10175}{10228}I have come with warriors of the Tauri. {10366}{10416}Hi, guys! {10445}{10480}Tek mat'ek. {10493}{10571}It means "Friends well met."|He's saying we come in peace. {10613}{10702}- Rak'nor.|- Teal'c. Tek mat'ek. {10739}{10820}It was Teal'c who gave me|my first taste of freedom. {10901}{10974}It is because of you I am here.|Tek matte. {10976}{11033}"Tek matte" is a greeting of respect. {11035}{11078}- OK.|- I'm just saying. {11080}{11118}- I don't care.|- OK. {11187}{11305}These are among the great warriors|of the Tauri. Daniel Jackson, Major Carter, {11312}{11366}and their leader, Colonel O'Neill. {11453}{11505}Tek mat'ek. {11507}{11548}Back at ya. {11577}{11627}Back at ya. {11676}{11728}- You've come to speak with K'tano.|- Yes. {11730}{11795}He's on a mission|and will return very soon. {11797}{11853}- What is this?|- The first shipment of many. {11855}{11941}We brought food, supplies, {11943}{11993}and last... {12120}{12163}weapons. {12188}{12258}(murmurs in crowd) {12352}{12413}- What?|- Your gesture is appreciated but... {12415}{12520}they had hoped you would bring|staff weapons. Zat'n'ktels. True weapons. {12522}{12590}- True weapons?|- It does not matter, friend. {12592}{12669}Come. See how our numbers are growing. {12814}{12860}You see, O'Neill, {12862}{12931}these Jaffa were once|sworn mortal enemies, {12933}{13007}each serving different false gods. {13009}{13059}Now they work in harmony. {13061}{13132}Our numbers grow|with each successful campaign. {13134}{13212}And you just trust|every new arrival to your cause? {13226}{13343}Isn't it possible that some of these Jaffa|are still loyal to their gods {13345}{13409}and are acting as spies|within your ranks? {13444}{13502}A warrior of K'tano's experience {13504}{13601}can see within the very soul of|another Jaffa and know his allegiance. {13603}{13649}Kind of a leap of faith, isn't it? {13651}{13730}No more than when Teal'c went through|the rite of M'al Sharran. {13732}{13831}I saw into his heart and knew|he no longer worshipped Apophis. {13833}{13887}That's not quite the same, is it? {13889}{13977}Our ways are different|to you, O'Neill. Accept that. {14748}{14804}This discipline is called Mastaba. {14806}{14881}All of Imhotep's Jaffa|were required to master it. {14883}{14951}And now we require it of ourselves. {15486}{15563}Bashaak. Training staffs. {15565}{15661}Out of necessity, Teal'c. There are not|enough staff weapons for all. {15681}{15743}(battle cries) {15776}{15827}You overcommit! {15924}{15982}This young warrior's name is Tara'c. {16039}{16123}- Tek matte, Master.|- If you would allow me. {16205}{16302}The weapon is balanced,|but the warrior is not. {16332}{16441}When one overcommits, one becomes|vulnerable to counterattack. {16448}{16588}When one achieves balance in combat,|one will survive to achieve balance in life. {16744}{16794}Forgive me, Master, but K'tano teaches {16796}{16873}that one must strike with|single-minded purpose to victory, {16875}{16943}without regard for one's survival. {17056}{17106}Show me. {17433}{17511}- Hey, easy, easy, easy.|- Leave them, O'Neill. {17766}{17801}Hey! {17837}{17922}- What the hell are you doin'?!|- We are training. {17924}{17988}I'd call it beatin' the crap|out of each other! {17990}{18060}The boy's symbiote|will heal his injuries, O'Neill. {18062}{18147}K'tano teaches that we must be|willing to die if we are to be free. {18149}{18242}Well, if you all die, you won't|have an army. That's kinda stupid. {18244}{18279}- Kek mattet, kree!|- What?! {18281}{18349}You insult our ways, O'Neill. {18351}{18411}- He is challenging you.|- Kek mattet! {18452}{18496}Yeah, just... {18498}{18554}Easy, stick boy. I'm just here to help. {18556}{18601}(man) K'tano returns! {18680}{18758}Where... Where are you goin'? {19054}{19100}(cheering) {19371}{19452}You know, we never get this|when we come home. {19608}{19666}Jaffa! {19668}{19779}This day, three of our warriors|have fallen in the name of freedom. {19796}{19871}They fought fiercely|against Zipacna's forces, {19873}{19918}and they died bravely, {19920}{20003}and have secured for themselves|a place in Kheb. {20005}{20123}So, too, have they strengthened|our ability to fight back at the enemy. {20129}{20204}(cheering) {20220}{20273}True weapons. {20349}{20413}Tek mal tiak. {20415}{20484}- Tek matte.|- You flatter me, Master Bra'tac. {20593}{20652}Ya duru Arik kek Onac. {20668}{20791}I honour he who would kill his god.|And to his brethren of the Tauri. {20800}{20875}Slayers of Ra, Hathor, Setesh, Heru-ur, {20877}{20934}Sokar, Cronus and Apophis. {20936}{21016}Well! Somebody's been keepin' score. {21087}{21152}- Colonel Jack O'Neill.|- A familiar name. {21154}{21204}Cursed by every Goa'uld. {21206}{21287}Imhotep himself declared|your days were numbered. {21297}{21398}Well, that's fine. As long as|it's a really big number. {21428}{21542}Because of you, the armies of these|fallen System Lords now swell our ranks. {21544}{21631}- We owe you thanks.|- Tek mat'ek, K'tano. {21706}{21801}- We also offer an alliance.|- Then you are most welcome. {21805}{21862}And food and supplies for your people. {21864}{21908}- Glorious!|- (cheering) {21992}{22079}And, of course, weapons. {22122}{22182}Earth weapons. {22184}{22289}Take no offence, my friend, but your|weapons are primitive by comparison. {22352}{22491}Carter, I think a little demonstration|is in order. Don't you? {22542}{22588}This weapon is called a P-90. {22590}{22682}It carries a 50-round, top-loading|magazine of Teflon-coated ordnance {22684}{22766}with a cyclical rate of fire|of 900 rounds per minute. {22801}{22906}- Who here can handle a staff weapon?|- Rak'nor is among our best marksmen. {23033}{23123}Carter, that target.|What... 60, 70 yards down? {23133}{23183}Give or take, sir. {23240}{23290}Fire away, son. {23800}{23850}Well done. Ta'i kree. {23935}{24016}Two out of three. That's... not bad. {24070}{24123}- Carter?|- The female? {24140}{24234}- Major Carter is a formidable warrior.|- Yes, of course. {24283}{24343}Actually, hold up a second. {24392}{24463}Hey, you! In the skirt! {24472}{24537}Get that target swingin' a little! {24672}{24722}A little more! {24811}{24859}All right. Step away. {24892}{24942}When you're ready, Major. {25288}{25381}Uh, Major, demonstrate|the weapon on single-shot. {25630}{25680}This... {25696}{25753}is a weapon of terror. {25755}{25854}It's made to intimidate the enemy. {25899}{25950}This... {25952}{25990}is a weapon of war. {25992}{26050}It's made to kill your enemy. {26052}{26189}And it's capable of doing so effectively at|five times the range I just demonstrated. {26191}{26312}We've used it to win skirmishes with the|Goa'uld and the Jaffa who served them. {26314}{26396}Those of you who have|gone up against us and survived, {26398}{26455}and you know who you are, {26457}{26517}you know what I'm talking about. {26519}{26626}We accept your gifts|with gratitude... and humility. {26645}{26716}Now, let us celebrate this new alliance! {26718}{26768}(cheering) {26853}{26938}- They really like doing that, don't they?|- Yes, sir. {27105}{27211}Your weapons are formidable, yes,|but they lack the endurance of a staff. {27250}{27304}- We have these.|- You provide them freely? {27306}{27407}- Isn't that the purpose of an alliance?|- It gives you power over us. {27409}{27436}How so? {27438}{27526}If K'tano does not do exactly as agreed,|you may withhold ammunition. {27528}{27595}OK, first of all, Teal'c, {27597}{27738}as long as you're a member of SG-1, you|should use the pronoun "we", not "you". {27743}{27847}And secondly, we're not holding back.|We're offering the best we've got. {27849}{27954}Now, you can either take it...|or leave it. {27956}{28068}Of course. It is only concern|for my people that I raise these questions. {28070}{28162}- Your people?|- No warrior here cannot say "my people". {28164}{28255}- As I also have done.|- Colonel O'Neill fears I may seek power. {28257}{28336}- Well, you are gathering an army.|- And I lead. {28338}{28429}But there is no warrior among us|who cannot claim Joma Secu. {28455}{28554}- Challenge of leadership.|- To determine the victor's worthiness. {28556}{28641}- To the death, I suppose.|- Of course. {28662}{28712}Of course. {28816}{28935}Yeah, well, where I come from,|we do things... a little differently. {28937}{28993}You want us to change our ways|to suit yours? {28995}{29089}- I didn't say that, but if it's no trouble...|- K'tano. {29101}{29222}Colonel O'Neill, it is my hope that|we can learn from our differences, {29224}{29299}that they bond us together,|make us stronger. {29339}{29399}Your words are wise, Master Bra'tac. {29407}{29481}Yes. Wise indeed. {29490}{29554}Tomorrow we will bond, in battle. {29594}{29679}You are familiar with|the System Lord Nirrti? {29697}{29760}- Oh, yeah.|- Tomorrow we raid a supply shipment {29762}{29836}intended for a battalion of Nirrti's Jaffa. {29838}{29948}- Join us.|- If we do, what's... in it for us? {29973}{30088}- I see you speak your mind, O'Neill.|- Yes, which is why I don't say much. {30164}{30214}A share of the spoils. {30257}{30319}Spoils are good. We like spoils. {30372}{30486}Teal'c has informed me that|you require several hours of sleep. {30488}{30554}There is no shame in doing so. {30657}{30709}Gee, thanks. {30739}{30789}(hearty laugh) {30930}{30980}- Shal met.|- Shal met. {31047}{31115}Have you chosen to join us, Teal'c? {31117}{31190}- K'tano has yet to ask.|- He will. {31192}{31291}You will take your place|as a leader in the Jaffa nation. {31293}{31377}I have long dreamed|Jaffa would one day be free. {31379}{31449}But I fear that day is farther off|than K'tano believes. {31451}{31516}We have come so far|because of you, Teal'c. {31518}{31618}K'tano could not have hoped to raise|such an army, had you not led the way. {31620}{31653}Perhaps. {31655}{31774}And we will grow even stronger now that|the Tauri have become our allies. {31787}{31847}Of that I'm not so sure. {31849}{31959}K'tano's ways are... difficult|for the people of the Tauri to understand. {31972}{32045}We shall gain our freedom|with or without them. {32081}{32107}K'tano. {32180}{32232}- Forgive me.|- There is nothing to forgive. {32234}{32300}- I do not speak for O'Neill.|- What you say is true. {32302}{32403}They are different. Cynical of our ways.|O'Neill most of all. {32405}{32483}- Yet they are my friends.|- And we are your brothers. {32496}{32564}I am not a fool, Teal'c.|I know the Tauri are strong. {32566}{32618}An alliance can make us stronger. {32620}{32723}But I abandon nothing of who and what|we are, for neither human nor Goa'uld. {32975}{33056}I guess Teal'c's staying out all night|with his new buddies. {33058}{33138}Well, he did get in|all that quality kelno'reeming. {33166}{33216}What do you think? {33235}{33285}Of K'tano? {33304}{33398}You have to admit he's got presence.|His followers are almost fanatical. {33400}{33461}- "Almost"?|- It does make them formidable. {33463}{33553}Ancient Japanese feudal lords|recognised indifference to death {33555}{33605}as a very effective tool in battle. {33607}{33683}- What's with this "Jomo Sicko" thing?|- Joma Secu. {33685}{33735}Like anybody's gonna challenge him. {33737}{33852}K'tano's collected Jaffa from six System|Lords. He must be doing something right. {33854}{33953}Well, they have no problem with dying.|I have a problem with that. {33955}{34069}With dying? Or with the fact that|they don't have a problem with it? {34095}{34145}Both. I think. {34225}{34325}Get some sleep.|We have to bond in the morning. {34882}{34924}Kree! {34926}{35007}You are surrounded!|Relinquish your weapons! {35688}{35733}- Hey!|- He does not know fear. {35735}{35785}Well, he knows stupid! {36012}{36076}Hal mak! Hold your fire! {36133}{36266}I am K'tano. If you've heard that name,|then you know that there are other Jaffa {36268}{36331}who believe that the Goa'uld|are false gods! {36346}{36409}Join us in the struggle|against our oppressors {36411}{36463}and live to see freedom! {36722}{36822}If you do not believe in freedom|for our people, brother, {36857}{36907}then shoot me now. {37459}{37498}(cheering) {37717}{37781}Do you believe in him now, O'Neill? {37896}{37946}(sporadic cheering) {38267}{38317}Teal'c. {38492}{38557}I'm a little concerned about K'tano. {38577}{38654}- Explain.|- Oh, you know. That stunt he just pulled. {38656}{38721}K'tano is driven by|the power of his beliefs. {38723}{38838}His beliefs are very impressive, but|his tactics could've gotten us all killed. {38840}{38933}- K'tano was successful.|- I say he got lucky. {38945}{38995}Then it appears we disagree. {38997}{39047}(horn) {39049}{39099}K'tano summons us. {39184}{39263}- Sir?|- We got a problem with Teal'c. {39265}{39315}He's buyin' into K'tano's act. {39317}{39449}You don't really think it's an act, do you?|K'tano certainly believes in this cause. {39451}{39544}I think K'tano believes|he could walk on water. {39828}{39884}The fruits of our newborn alliance. {39899}{39977}The cutting edge that is|the sword of our rebellion. {39979}{40052}Weapons-grade naqahdah, sir. A lot of it. {40054}{40146}That's quite a haul.|What are you gonna do with it? {40148}{40229}I will give you as much as is fair.|I have plans for the rest. {40231}{40307}As for the zat'n'ktels, we require them all. {40309}{40408}I will be able to offer you many times|as much once the Ha'tak arrives. {40410}{40494}- You're expecting a mothership?|- You chose your allies well. {40496}{40619}Jaffa loyal to me are staging a mutiny, as|we speak, aboard a powerful mothership. {40621}{40684}Soon they will unite with us in our cause. {40686}{40791}A mutiny? That's a little risky, isn't it? {40861}{40931}- There are always risks in war.|- But if they fail... {40933}{41025}- They will succeed as their cause is just.|- I wish it worked that way. {41027}{41114}Then they will succeed|with the strength of their resolve. {41141}{41225}Come with me to the Chaapa-ai.|See for yourself. Come. {41664}{41765}Nirrti must not learn of our raid.|She would surely hunt us down. {41767}{41817}We must cover our tracks. {42069}{42102}Tara'c. {42181}{42254}I chose you to lead this squad|of brave warriors {42256}{42336}because I know you will not fail me. {42415}{42527}Know that if you are struck down in battle,|you will live for ever in Kheb, {42532}{42599}free from Goa'uld oppression for all time. {42995}{43115}Fight your way as deeply as you can into|Nirrti's force. Show them your resolve. {43117}{43167}- Kalach Shal Tek!|- Kalach Shal Tek! {43194}{43263}Victory or death. {43358}{43473}- Sir, that's a naqahdah-enhanced bomb.|- He's sending them on a suicide mission. {43475}{43531}Jaffa, kree! {43541}{43591}Guys, wait a minute! {43727}{43768}What the hell are you doing? {43812}{43914}- You now see the strength of our resolve.|- I see the strength of your arrogance! {43916}{43974}Do not interfere in|what you know nothing about. {43976}{44072}- I know exactly what you're about.|- We are at war! It is our way. {44074}{44200}I suppose you feel all-powerful to know|how eager those boys are to die for you. {44202}{44296}- Their souls are going to a better place.|- I've heard that before. {44298}{44347}You would deny the existence of Kheb? {44366}{44418}That their souls will find paradise? {44420}{44505}What Colonel O'Neill means is,|we do things differently. {44507}{44558}Again you say your ways are different. {44560}{44678}We should abandon centuries of Jaffa|tradition and follow the ways of the Tauri. {44698}{44742}Which of us is arrogant? {44744}{44821}If we're to have an alliance,|we have to find a common ground. {44823}{44941}Soon the Ha'tak will come, and this army|will be a true force to be reckoned with. {44951}{45012}If you wish to ally yourselves|with that force, {45014}{45089}then accept us for who and what we are. {45133}{45208}If not, then leave us now. {45245}{45295}Teal'c. {45898}{45958}Expect resistance here and here. {45986}{46088}Daniel Jackson witnessed the|System Lord Yu being stabbed by Osiris. {46090}{46153}With his sarcophagus, he survived. {46155}{46218}Still, he was severely|weakened by the attack. {46220}{46311}His home world can be taken|if his personal guard can be eliminated. {46313}{46370}Now is when Lord Yu|will be most vulnerable. {46372}{46447}- Then now is the time to strike.|- Indeed. {46449}{46517}I have several loyal Jaffa among his court. {46519}{46593}Many of his Jaffa would join us|if he were to be struck down. {46595}{46639}We could commandeer his fleet. {46641}{46726}Ships filled with Jaffa|ready to flock to our cause. {46728}{46798}I have dreamed of it|but I never thought it possible. {46883}{46933}Teal'c. {46945}{47032}We're packin' up.|I'd like you to come with us. {47059}{47115}(K'tano) His place is here. {47235}{47285}Teal'c? {47413}{47477}K'tano has given me|a mission of great importance. {47479}{47566}- I'll bet he has.|- I have accepted this mission freely. {47612}{47662}Don't do it. {47697}{47775}Lord Yu's Stargate will be unguarded. {47777}{47853}The plan is bold enough|to succeed, O'Neill. {47948}{48002}More so if you join us. {48050}{48098}Can't do it. {48468}{48518}(O'Neill) Why him? {48587}{48659}Teal'c's participation|will guarantee our success. {48661}{48763}Teal'c is a leader in his own right.|You might not want him around. {48765}{48835}- He will be one of our greatest warriors.|- If he lives. {48837}{48887}- He will succeed.|- Because you say so? {48889}{49003}- Because he is Teal'c.|- All right, let me see if I got this straight. {49005}{49106}You assassinate one System Lord after|another, take their ships and warriors, {49108}{49186}all of whom are willing to die for you. {49188}{49268}And this is different|than the way things are now... {49302}{49343}how? {49345}{49420}- The Jaffa will be free.|- To follow you. {49436}{49478}I grow tired of this. {49480}{49530}It is time! {49802}{49852}Teal'c? {49936}{50054}I'm not going to recommend an alliance.|Not as long as he's in charge. {50110}{50194}- We will speak of this when I return.|- I don't think so. {50214}{50288}Because if you do this,|I don't think you're coming back. {50290}{50366}When I return victorious,|will you reconsider? {50368}{50433}- Tough call.|- Trust in me, O'Neill. {50491}{50541}All of you. {50592}{50660}Teal'c, you are strong and you are wise. {50662}{50740}Upon your return you shall be|my second-in-command. {51894}{52016}(distorted) Teal'c, perhaps I am not|as weak as you were led to believe. {52029}{52144}My Jaffa has brought you before me|because I wanted it so. {52197}{52245}K'tano has sent you to kill me. {52322}{52427}Your faith is not blind.|I know this of you. {52449}{52514}I am going to offer you your life. {52525}{52614}I will even allow you|to return to your rebel army. {52655}{52740}But first, there is something|you must know. {52966}{53055}O'Neill, will you not reconsider? {53057}{53189}As Bra'tac said, we are stronger together.|Can we put aside our petty differences? {53244}{53364}I'm holding you personally responsible|for whatever happens to Teal'c. {53391}{53452}- Carter, dial us outta here.|- Yes, sir. {54202}{54252}Incoming, sir! {54330}{54383}- Teal'c!|- What happened? {54483}{54519}Thanks for the update. {54534}{54573}Deceiver! {54575}{54626}We have been deceived! {54628}{54678}Deceiver! {54693}{54820}I have deceived no one. The Ha'tak is just|now entering the system. All will be clear. {54822}{54907}Lord Yu knows Cal Mah|is the location of this rebel army. {54909}{54994}He knows our numbers.|He knows you have betrayed him. {54996}{55061}The mutiny on board|Lord Yu's ship has failed. {55063}{55160}The Ha'tak you await|brings doom, not salvation! {55162}{55246}The System Lords merely bided their time|to root out all rebel Jaffa, {55248}{55323}so that they may be crushed|in one all-out attack! {55325}{55395}The betrayer has been betrayed. {55471}{55504}Joma Secu. {55517}{55567}(murmuring amongst men) {55591}{55678}- You challenge me?|- Joma Secu! {55730}{55776}Very well. {56138}{56206}If you intervene,|the challenge will be forfeit. {56474}{56571}- Perhaps you think I will spare you.|- This is a fight to the death. Your death. {56573}{56604}Shol'va! {56815}{56876}Is that the best you can do? Hm? {57462}{57512}Beg for mercy. {57598}{57643}I die free. {57811}{57876}You die at the hand of your god... {57894}{57945}(distorted) Imhotep. {58380}{58430}(distorted breathing) {58714}{58764}(gasps) {59054}{59102}He is not Jaffa. {59104}{59154}K'tano is not Jaffa! {59175}{59265}He was a Goa'uld. The Goa'uld Imhotep. {59267}{59399}He used the Jaffa's desire for freedom|against them so he could gain power. {59463}{59596}K'tano was a lie.|What brought us to Cal Mah is not. {59602}{59672}Lord Yu's ship will attack at any moment. {59701}{59748}Follow us. {59754}{59813}Leave with us if you wish to live! {59823}{59914}Follow Teal'c. He speaks the truth. {59920}{60008}And he has won the right!|You all witnessed. {60037}{60191}K'tano has been beaten in the rite of Joma|Secu! Teal'c is our rightful leader now. {60234}{60290}- Carter?|- Way ahead of you, sir. {60389}{60419}Leave with us. {60451}{60525}Leave with us if you wish to live! {61344}{61394}Teal'c, let's go. {61537}{61603}Our time will come, old friend. {61605}{61655}But not this day. {63118}{63195}Visiontext Subtitles: Doreen Trenerry