{169}{244}Dial the gate Dial it now {424}{512}I swear, sir, I thought|they wanted to smoke a peace pipe. {909}{946}- Morning.|- Morning. {948}{1028}- When is SG-1 due back?|- Hour and 22 minutes from now, sir. {1030}{1104}- Tell Major Carter I have a message.|- Yes, sir. {1127}{1176}Incoming wormhole. {1259}{1318}Receiving SG-1's identification code. {1320}{1406}It's a code red, sir.|Looks like they're under fire. {1408}{1482}Defence unit and medical team|to the gate room. {1506}{1556}Opening the iris. {1941}{1984}Next. {2040}{2090}I've been shot. {2190}{2300}Some sort of... tranquilliser. {2360}{2436}Steady pulse.|He's just unconscious, sir. {2438}{2558}Classify P2X-374 as unfriendly, sir.|Fairly primitive from the looks of it. {2561}{2638}I presume Captain Hagman|will need to be reassigned? {2640}{2738}- I'd say so, sir.|- We'll debrief in one hour. Dismissed. {2740}{2792}Major. {2794}{2900}I got a call this morning|from area 51. It's done. {5133}{5157}Jonas. {5196}{5276}Major. How's Colonel O'Neill? {5278}{5358}Partially torn ligament in his knee.|He'll be OK. {5361}{5434}- Captain Hagman?|- He'll make a full recovery. {5436}{5484}What does that make? Eight now? {5486}{5572}Nine, if you count the two hours|Captain Matthison lasted. {5574}{5652}Right. So there's no need|for Ancient Babylonian? {5654}{5752}Not exactly.|Do you think you can spare a few hours? {5754}{5834}- Sure. For what?|- You've been here three months. {5836}{5928}General Hammond thought|you might finally like to leave the base. {5931}{6036}Yes. That would be great.|Where we going? {6039}{6126}- Nevada.|- Clear skies, 73 degrees. {6141}{6214}There are at least|500 other channels, you know. {6216}{6280}But this one, this one is fantastic. {6282}{6378}You have all of your weather|from all over your planet right here. {6393}{6492}Even long-range forecasts.|It's like... predicting the future. {6514}{6625}- Well, there is some science involved.|- I know. What's in Nevada? {6653}{6739}- Do you like surprises?|- Sure. I love 'em. {6790}{6842}Hey, Major? {6910}{6974}How do I know what colour to wear? {7093}{7157}We call each other|every morning. {7676}{7764}I thought you'd like to see the prototype|as soon as it was completed. {7766}{7830}Wow. You're way ahead of schedule. {7892}{7948}- Very impressive.|- Thank you. {7971}{8068}Oh, no, no, no, no. {8071}{8120}I'm sorry? {8123}{8194}Dr Larry Murphy, Colonel Jack O'Neill. {8231}{8344}This is Teal'c. This is Jonas Quinn, the|man who introduced us to the naquadria. {8347}{8388}Pleasure to meet you. {8391}{8478}In case there was some doubt|about what I was just saying- no. {8493}{8538}I'm sorry. To what exactly? {8540}{8638}O'Neill believes you are going|to request that we test-fly this aircraft. {8641}{8716}Of course. Sir, I wasn't around for it, {8719}{8818}but we're all familiar with your experience|with the X-302's predecessor. {8820}{8881}Are you, now? Really? {8884}{8970}Well, sir, I can tell you that|this is a very different ship. {8989}{9106}Sir, the X-301 was a modified glider.|Now, while many of the 302's systems {9109}{9206}were retroengineered from|Goa'uld technology, it is human built. {9208}{9276}So was the Titanic. {9278}{9356}This could be the most important|breakthrough for Earth {9358}{9418}since the discovery of the Stargate. {9421}{9480}- Why's that?|- It has four sets of engines- {9482}{9592}air-breathing jets, modified aerospikes|for high altitude, and a rocket booster. {9595}{9640}You said four, right? {9643}{9731}The fourth engine is|a hyperspace-window generator. {9734}{9806}Even Goa'uld gliders|can't enter hyperspace. {9808}{9890}They're too small to carry|the Goa'uld version of the generator. {9893}{9980}Ours are much more compact.|- Because of the naquadria. {9982}{10040}Jonas, this was possible because of you. {10043}{10150}It's still a few weeks away from a practical|test, but all indications look good. {10152}{10204}If this performs the way it should, {10206}{10344}the X-302 will be the first human-built|spacecraft capable of interstellar travel. {10488}{10526}The deal made by our... {10528}{10628}I am aware of every aspect|of the arrangement, Colonel. {10631}{10680}Jack, come in. {10757}{10904}Colonel, you know Colonel Chekov,|the Russian envoy to the SGC. {10907}{10935}We've met. {10938}{11018}Colonel Chekov feels that|as a symbol of our joint efforts, {11020}{11104}a Russian officer|should be assigned to join SG-1. {11145}{11214}Over my rotting corpse, sir. {11216}{11250}Colonel? {11282}{11352}I'm sorry. Did I say that out loud? {11355}{11454}I said I would discuss it with you|and that you would give it careful thought. {11457}{11566}And that I will, General.|But I'm still pretty sure I'll say "Bite me." {11613}{11670}Colonel, would you excuse us? {11673}{11718}General. {11808}{11854}So sorry. {12010}{12104}I'm sorry, General. You know|I mean no disrespect toward you. {12106}{12190}I know. I should have reprimanded you|in front of the colonel, {12193}{12254}but I agree with|your sentiments in this case. {12257}{12344}Who decided every team|has to have four people? {12346}{12392}No one says they do. {12395}{12504}But Daniel Jackson provided SG-1 with|invaluable knowledge, linguistic skills, {12507}{12590}and, in my opinion,|a very beneficial viewpoint. {12592}{12658}One I think is important|enough to replace. {12661}{12738}- But not with a Russian.|- I agree. {12741}{12813}But my patience is starting|to wear thin on this matter. {12816}{12916}I think I've given you a great deal|of latitude lately, given the situation. {12918}{12962}- Sir...|- Jack. {12964}{13048}You're off the mission list anyway|until that knee fully heals. {13050}{13109}Use the time to try|and get some perspective. {13112}{13176}Find someone qualified|you can work with. {13178}{13288}I'll have all available personnel files|forwarded to you. Dismissed. {13374}{13424}Yes, sir. {13635}{13676}- Major.|- Yeah? {13679}{13769}I realised I never actually thanked you|for letting me see the X-302. {13772}{13856}Well, General Hammond|ordered me to invite you. {13859}{13914}I'm glad the naquadria's gonna be useful. {13917}{14011}- Yeah, looks that way.|- Can I see the plans for it? {14014}{14040}Yeah. {14043}{14145}Hammond says I should give you what|you want regarding the naquadria, so... {14147}{14192}He's a man of his word. {14195}{14287}I doubt it'll mean much to you|without an understanding of our science. {14289}{14370}Maybe you can recommend|some related reading. {14372}{14445}Yeah, sure. I'll type up a list. {14447}{14486}Great. Thanks. {14575}{14696}You know, Major... I'm as physically fit|as anybody on this base, {14699}{14780}and I've committed to memory|almost all of Dr Jackson's work. {14783}{14802}Everything? {14805}{14924}According to the tests, I am able to learn|much quicker than the average human. {14927}{14978}All very interesting, but... {14981}{15058}I wanna join you, explore other planets, {15060}{15177}discover new worlds, new cultures,|help rid the galaxy of the Goa'uld. {15180}{15228}I get the picture. {15231}{15318}I can't stay here the rest of my life.|I can't go back to my planet. {15320}{15404}They don't realise the threat.|I can help them by helping you. {15407}{15476}I can also help finish|what Dr Jackson started. {15478}{15612}Jonas... I understand|why you wanna join SG-1. {15648}{15766}And I'm sorry, but...|I just don't see it happening. {16225}{16282}He trusts you. {16285}{16354}I believe it is you he must learn to trust. {16402}{16488}How can he learn to trust me|if he won't even speak to me? {16491}{16618}He holds me responsible|for what happened to... Dr Jackson. {16637}{16696}I believe you are correct. {16787}{16910}How can I even begin to make up for it|if he won't give me the chance? {17030}{17100}- This really a sport on this planet?|- Are you injured? {17103}{17148}Lt'll take more than that. {17150}{17296}Tell you what, if I knock you down,|you gotta talk to Colonel O'Neill for me. {17322}{17366}OK. {17544}{17614}I'm OK. I wasn't ready. {17719}{17770}I'm ready now. {18209}{18258}Little snack? {18367}{18476}The universities of this great nation|are getting lax in their admissions. {18479}{18526}To whom are you referring? {18529}{18619}I can be as diplomatic|and open-minded as anyone. {18622}{18696}Hammond is insisting SG-1|needs a sociopolitical nerd {18698}{18780}to offset our overwhelming coolness. {18783}{18852}Have you considered Jonas Quinn? {18855}{18954}Now, I know you've been practising,|but I still can't tell. {18957}{19022}Is that a joke? {19025}{19082}He wishes to fight against the Goa'uld. {19084}{19140}He's an ali... {19186}{19244}...en. {19247}{19316}He's an alien. {19347}{19418}I don't think we need|someone else on the team. {19420}{19476}You, Carter and I can|handle things just fine. {19479}{19556}- You learned to trust me, O'Neill.|- That's different. {19558}{19612}I do not believe it is. {19614}{19688}Like me, Jonas Quinn|may be an alien to this world, {19690}{19747}but he is committed to the Tauri's cause. {19750}{19832}That doesn't mean I want him|watching my back in battle, OK? {19835}{19912}Unscheduled incoming traveller. {20151}{20200}Bra'tac, what's up? {20230}{20272}Tek matte, Master Bra'tac. {20274}{20372}I am sorry I did not come sooner, Teal'c.|Drey'auc is gravely ill. {20415}{20474}No need to ask. Go. {20574}{20670}- I didn't know he had a wife.|- Yeah. And a son, Rya'c. {20672}{20762}They were banished from their home|on Chulak when Teal'c defected. {20764}{20858}At one point, Apophis brainwashed Rya'c|and tried to use him against us. {20860}{20954}- Bra'tac's been looking out for them.|- Why didn't Teal'c bring them here? {20956}{21013}Drey'auc wanted|to stay with her own people, {21016}{21096}and Teal'c was away on missions|most of the time anyway. {21099}{21174}He tries to get home as often he can,|but it's not easy for him. {21176}{21258}- You'd never know.|- Teal'c's not exactly an open book. {21261}{21322}Still, I'm usually better at reading people. {21324}{21362}Major {21365}{21424}Why was I not informed about the X-302? {21427}{21562}For example, it might not be that obvious|to everyone, but he is actually very upset. {21608}{21658}How did you find out about the X-302? {21661}{21736}That is not the issue.|Article 3A clearly states... {21739}{21796}The X-302 has nothing|to do with the Stargate. {21799}{21904}The naquadria being used to power|the hyperspace-window generator was... {21907}{21986}- Unauthorised incoming wormhole.|- What now? {21989}{22058}I'll take anything over this. {22285}{22396}We're not receiving an IDC, sir.|In fact, there's nothing, sir. {22434}{22486}What's up? {22488}{22544}Apparently, nothing. {22547}{22606}- Nothing?|- So it would seem. {22655}{22714}- That's a twist.|- Gate's functioning. {22716}{22830}- We're looking at an incoming wormhole.|- But nothing is incoming? {22833}{22923}- As far as I can tell.|- The Goa'uld used that tactic before. {22958}{23050}To block our escape while|they attacked in ships. Yeah. {23053}{23117}Nothing from deep-space watch either. {23119}{23168}This doesn't make any sense. {23170}{23246}To keep a wormhole open,|you have to send something through - {23248}{23298}a radio signal, anything. {23300}{23356}We're getting... nothing. {23394}{23488}- Figure it out, Major. I'll call the president.|- Yes, sir. {23527}{23612}Don't look at me. I got nothin'. {23839}{23910}As you see, conditions are harsh. {23912}{23971}But they have been safe here. {23974}{24054}They must be moved|to the new outpost built by the Tauri. {24057}{24116}All Jaffa who support|our cause are welcome. {24118}{24182}Drey'auc is in|no state to be moved. {24185}{24226}Why did you wait? {24228}{24312}As it is, I have brought|you here against her wishes. {24315}{24374}She has always been proud. {24516}{24584}She refused to accept the new symbiote. {24586}{24628}- Was one procured?|- No. {24631}{24740}She did not wish us to sacrifice|the life of another Jaffa to save her own, {24742}{24836}even one who still foolishly|worshipped the false gods. {24839}{24898}- We would all choose the same.|- In the past... {24901}{25050}It is not the past. The dissent we have|bred has brought about many changes. {25053}{25168}The Goa'uld no longer trust the Jaffa|priests with their young as they once did. {25302}{25346}Rya'c. {25386}{25445}You dare show your face here? {25481}{25545}She's dead because of you. {25747}{25840}- Could it be a malfunction?|- It's possible, but highly unlikely. {25843}{25939}Chances are, somebody dialled|Earth from an offworld gate. {25942}{25980}Wrong number? {25982}{26048}Normally, the gate|shuts down after a short time {26051}{26148}if nothing's entering the event horizon|from the outgoing location. {26150}{26211}So what do we do? {26213}{26256}We wait. {26258}{26358}To my knowledge, no one's sustained|a wormhole for longer than 38 minutes. {26360}{26462}Could whoever's behind this redial|our gate just to keep us from using it? {26464}{26588}I've programmed the computer to dial|the Alpha site after the wormhole expires. {26591}{26727}We'll be able to recall our teams and|hopefully contact someone who can help. {27026}{27070}It's still on. {27073}{27142}38 minutes, give or take a few seconds. {27268}{27318}How many is a few? {27321}{27374}OK, now we have a problem. {28983}{29086}She believed in you...|in the fight you have chosen. {29111}{29184}As you once did. {29186}{29294}How long were we to live like this?|Are we all to die like she did? {29297}{29378}Nothing has changed.|The Goa'uld can be defeated. {29380}{29508}As long as we must carry symbiotes, we|will depend on the Goa'uld for our lives. {29511}{29583}We will find a way to be free. {29658}{29773}My mother will never know this freedom|you speak of. She had no choice. {29776}{29856}You brought this upon her.|You chose for the both of us. {29920}{30028}Now, as any warrior would,|I choose to avenge her death. {30088}{30145}Everything I have done|I have done for you. {30148}{30248}Then I am ashamed. For you have|done nothing but bring pain and misery {30251}{30330}and, above all,|false hope to countless Jaffa. {30374}{30435}Then fire your weapon. {31012}{31162}There's a rise in power being retained|by the gate's internal capacitors of 0.1%. {31164}{31246}While there's an open wormhole,|the value fluctuates anyway. {31249}{31310}Not for the last 12 minutes, it hasn't. {31348}{31409}Go to gate diagnostic screen four. {31492}{31572}Normal. No incoming energy readings. {31575}{31636}Increase sensitivity by 50 per cent. {31744}{31773}What was that? {31776}{31876}Could be interference in the line|between the gate and computer. {31893}{31970}There it is again.|Increase sensitivity by 200 per cent. {31972}{32048}That's well within|the margin of error for the sensors. {32050}{32107}I know. Try it anyway. {32261}{32364}It's a small anomaly, but it could be|contributing to the power build-up. {32367}{32428}- But...|- Errors are random, Lieutenant. {32431}{32492}Whatever this is, it has a distinct pattern. {32495}{32534}Right. {32684}{32788}Fight Or do you not consider me|a worthy opponent? {32890}{32994}You should be glad he does not,|for if he did, he would snap you in half. {33018}{33068}You have become skilled, Rya'c, {33070}{33156}but a true Jaffa warrior|does not let grief cloud his judgment. {33158}{33236}I choose my opponent|as foolishly as he chose his. {33238}{33314}Teal'c chose your mother's fate|no more than he chose his own. {33317}{33438}- We are all victims of the Goa'uld.|- No, Master Bra'tac. Rya'c is correct. {33440}{33516}I have failed both he and his mother. {33519}{33620}The boy passes judgment without|having fought a single battle. Hm? {33623}{33728}Fighting a war that appears unwinnable|does not make one's cause less noble. {33731}{33808}He cares more for dying|than for his own flesh and blood. {33811}{33910}So must all Jaffa, if any of us|are ever to taste freedom. {34248}{34366}We've detected an energy build-up. It's|being transmitted through the wormhole. {34368}{34464}Our sensors aren't calibrated|to measure something this small. {34467}{34528}- The iris appears to be holding.|- Yes, sir. {34530}{34651}It's likely slowing the energy transfer,|but it's not stopping it completely. {34654}{34734}- Doesn't sound so bad.|- Actually, sir, it is. {34736}{34804}The gate itself is|one giant superconductor, {34807}{34874}capable of absorbing|huge amounts of energy. {34876}{34966}If that capacity is exceeded,|the naqahdah the Stargate's made up of {34968}{35028}will become charged and could explode. {35031}{35076}How long? {35078}{35162}A few days, maybe less.|We're calculating it right now. {35165}{35224}Is there any good news? {35257}{35322}Just bad and worse, sir. {35324}{35392}We're talking about a blast|2,000 to 3,000 megatons. {35395}{35462}Enough to take out Colorado. {35465}{35574}The resulting environmental effects|could destroy all life on Earth. {35600}{35650}There's worse? {35691}{35746}We have no idea how to stop it. {36302}{36376}Shel mak. Shel assah. {37492}{37560}Let him mourn. {37562}{37634}- He has grown to hate me.|- He does not. {37637}{37706}Nor does he truly believe|our cause is futile. {37709}{37786}Drey'auc would not allow it. {37788}{37847}Why does he speak as he does? {37878}{37924}Self-doubt. {37926}{38049}Since the day Apophis brainwashed him,|he has believed his own mind is weak. {38052}{38098}It is not true. {38101}{38148}You were no different at his age. {38151}{38256}After the death of your father|at the hands of Cronus, {38259}{38323}fear almost consumed you. {38325}{38426}Like Rya'c, it was desire for vengeance|that gave you strength. {38429}{38516}- Rya'c misplaces his blame.|- He directs his malice towards you {38519}{38600}because he believes you doubt him|as much as he doubts himself. {38603}{38670}Why would he believe such a thing? {38699}{38808}Because you are his father and|you have not told him otherwise. {40187}{40308}Not so long ago...|I was captured in battle, {40348}{40418}and Apophis took control of my mind. {40455}{40580}He made me believe that|I was once again his loyal first prime. {40614}{40708}And I turned on my friends|who trusted me. {40711}{40782}Were it not for Bra'tac|and the rite of M'al Sharran, {40784}{40894}I would have died...|believing that Apophis was my god. {41036}{41130}Whether you believe in me|or what I have chosen to do {41132}{41248}does not change the fact that|I have never doubted your heart, Rya'c. {41299}{41424}You need never win back my trust,|my son, for you have never lost it. {41745}{41804}- Shouldn't we cut power?|- Won't do any good. {41806}{41880}Incoming wormholes|draw their energy from the offworld. {41882}{41960}Major Carter wants|to monitor the gate through feedback. {41963}{42088}We can't use the Russian gate because|there's already an established wormhole. {42258}{42319}Energy build-up has reached 18 per cent. {42322}{42379}There has to be a way|to drain the capacitors. {42382}{42486}- Still sexy as ever, I see.|- What are you doing here? {42488}{42594}There's no point in building naqahdah|reactors for Russia if there's no Russia. {42597}{42674}The Pentagon thought|you might need some help. {42676}{42720}Not from you. {42722}{42856}OK. Well, then, I'll get a coffee|and a doughnut and wait for the big bang. {42858}{42919}- That's just what I needed.|- Major. {42954}{42998}Carter. {43019}{43096}This wouldn't be a problem|if you had a working alien ship. {43099}{43182}Hey I didn't wreck it. The Goa'uld did. {43213}{43268}And we barely escaped with our lives. {43271}{43363}What good is being a part of this|so-called Protected Planets Treaty {43366}{43426}if you can't even reach|the Asgard when attacked? {43429}{43538}Excuse me, sirs. I just got off the phone|with Dr Murphy at area 51. {43540}{43626}He says he can have the X-302|ready to go in six hours. {43629}{43734}- I thought it was weeks away from a test.|- We've tried everything else we can. {43737}{43816}Our only chance is|if we can contact the Asgard. {43818}{43886}I'd like to volunteer, sir. {43923}{43974}I'll go too, sir. {44010}{44084}- You sure you're up for it, Colonel?|- Yes, sir. {44110}{44192}I'll have transport prepped|and ready in 20 minutes. {45146}{45205}- Shaq'rel.|- Teal'c. {45208}{45292}- It has been too long, old friend.|- It is fortunate you are here. {45295}{45359}I have brought word to Bra'tac|so he might warn you. {45361}{45440}- Of what?|- The Tauri are in danger. {45442}{45503}They are under attack from Anubis. {46156}{46213}- I assume you were briefed?|- Briefly. {46216}{46292}The target is Abydos,|the closest planet with a Stargate. {46294}{46394}You know our simulations for opening the|hyperspace window were done in space? {46397}{46500}- We have to leave the atmosphere.|- We have to leave the ground first. {46502}{46588}- It'll fly, Colonel. I bet my life on it.|- Wanna come with? {46590}{46649}Love to, but I'm needed here. {46673}{46730}Yes. Yes, you are. {46918}{46982}Even if we do manage|to contact the Asgard, {46985}{47046}there's a chance|they won't be able to help us. {47049}{47118}What's your point, Carter? {47121}{47194}I guess I don't have one beyond that, sir. {47197}{47246}Thank you. {47399}{47466}- You're missing the point.|- Can I have a minute? {47469}{47538}I wish I had one.|Carter and O'Neill are taking off. {47540}{47604}- That's what this is about.|- What do you mean? {47606}{47700}I'm no scientist, but I have studied|all the research done on naquadria, {47703}{47784}and Carter allowed me to see|the specifications on the X-302. {47787}{47846}- And?|- It's not gonna work. {47849}{47936}Really? That's just what I was saying.|Who are you? {47938}{48022}- Jonas Quinn.|- The alien with the wacky naqahdah. {48024}{48081}Naquadria. You are? {48084}{48150}McKay. Scientist. Earth. {48195}{48298}General... the instability of the naquadria {48301}{48412}increases exponentially as you attempt|to extract more energy out of it. {48414}{48464}This is even worse than I thought. {48467}{48544}- If you allow this test to proceed...|- This is not a test. {48546}{48612}If the X-302 fails,|this planet will be destroyed. {48615}{48692}- I understand your position.|- It's not just my position. {48695}{48768}You stand to suffer the consequences|with everyone else. {48770}{48858}If either of you have a more prudent|suggestion on halting this crisis, {48861}{48906}I'm willing to hearing it. {48908}{48978}Otherwise, I suggest|we all cross our fingers {48980}{49072}and hope Major Carter|and Colonel O'Neill can reach help. {49174}{49295}- Cross our fingers?|- An expression of desire for good luck. {49298}{49359}- Really?|- It's ridiculous, huh? {49721}{49790}- Navigation.|- Check. {49793}{49862}Oxygen pressure. Temperature control. {49890}{49950}- All check.|- Inertial dampeners. {50034}{50100}Cool. And check. {50126}{50190}- Engines.|- All check. {50211}{50314}- Phasers?|- Sorry, sir. All systems operational. {50444}{50566}Too bad we can't drive across|the galaxy. This handles like a Cadillac. {50569}{50626}Colonel, Major, this is Hammond. {50629}{50706}Jonas Quinn has voiced|some concern about this mission {50709}{50786}regarding the instability of the naquadria. {50788}{50900}Sir, the simulations we ran|anticipated every conceivable scenario. {50903}{50978}It's the inconceivable ones|I'm concerned about. {50980}{51040}The X-302 has hundreds|of safety mechanisms {51043}{51126}to compensate for anything|that can go wrong. {51128}{51202}Arming ejection system. {51204}{51276}That's good, that's good. That's funny. {51279}{51347}Mission Command,|all systems go, from Abydos One. {51349}{51404}Copy that, Abydos One.|Good luck. {51583}{51652}Well... here we go. {52165}{52253}- We have liftoff.|- Climbing. {52255}{52324}Velocity approaching Mach 2. {52327}{52372}10,000 metres. {52388}{52453}- Mach 3.|- Mission Command, over. {52455}{52540}- Looks good from here, Abydos One.|- Abydos One, over. {52701}{52797}Anubis has a weapon that uses|one Stargate to destroy another. {52800}{52882}If my information is correct,|the attack has already begun. {52884}{52956}- We cannot warn them.|- That is why I brought a ship. {52959}{53038}If the attack has begun,|a warning will do little good. {53041}{53136}- We must find a way to stop it.|- I do not know the weapon's location. {53139}{53258}Anubis has grown powerful, but still|only defends a small handful of planets. {53260}{53326}If one of those Stargates|cannot be contacted... {53329}{53416}It is most likely the origin of the attack. {53418}{53528}Let us hope it is one of the planets|to which I can remember the sequence. {53677}{53741}Preparing for main rocket-engine burn. {53743}{53868}Roger that. We'll re-establish|contact after you exit the atmosphere. {53870}{53929}Engaging rocket engine. {54523}{54588}This is Abydos One.|Do you read? {54590}{54644}Loud and clear, Abydos One. {54646}{54740}Altitude- 500 kilometres and rising. {54743}{54809}Velocity- 40,000 kilometres per hour. {54840}{54934}I'm entering the coordinates|in the hyperspace generator. {54989}{55104}- Roger that, Abydos One.|- Godspeed, Colonel, Major, from us all. {55107}{55170}Thank you, sir. {55172}{55272}- Let's do this.|- Engaging hyperspace window. {55535}{55646}Abydos One, do you read?|We're still receiving your radio signal. {55663}{55714}- Carter?|- I don't know, sir. {55778}{55834}Mission Command,|we missed the window. {55837}{55872}Please explain. {55874}{56014}The autopilot engaged and we veered|off course. Should we try again? {56016}{56141}Negative. Return to base for|further evaluation. Mission failure. {56185}{56234}I hate hearing that. {56479}{56578}Colonel, Major. Glad to see you're OK. {56580}{56639}For the moment, sir. {56642}{56753}They're still analysing the flight data|recorder, but it looks like a 605-3 error. {56755}{56862}- Forgive me?|- It's the one after 605-2, sir. {56917}{57018}The X-302 couldn't get a lock|on its destination, so it auto-aborted. {57021}{57092}It's one of the built-in safety features. {57095}{57176}- What went wrong?|- The hyperspace window was unstable. {57178}{57300}We thought we'd compensated for the|energy fluctuations, but apparently not. {57303}{57362}I don't think you can. {57364}{57472}Apparently, Carter and I|could have been torn asunder. {57474}{57520}The possibility was remote. {57522}{57590}More likely is transportation|to an unknown location {57592}{57668}with limited fuel, oxygen,|and no way of getting back. {57671}{57776}- Can this problem be resolved?|- We don't understand why it exists yet. {57779}{57908}You're lucky. There's no telling what|an unstable hyperspace window could do. {57910}{57976}The bottom line is, we're on our own. {58129}{58247}Hey. How come you're not downstairs|with the rest of the eggheads? {58249}{58332}Not that you're... an egghead. {58406}{58465}Well, you are, actually. {58503}{58562}But in a good way. {58596}{58720}I couldn't think down there. They all|kept looking at me for the answer. {58723}{58856}Well, you do have a penchant for|pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt. {58871}{58916}Head. {58918}{58990}Out of your head, when we need them. {58992}{59078}- Not this time.|- You've still got two days to work on it. {59080}{59166}Sir, I don't think I could solve this|if I had a couple of years. {59169}{59228}Carter, am I sensing fear in your voice? {59230}{59341}- Yes, actually. A lot of fear.|- Well, stop it. You're making me nervous. {59344}{59409}What about you, sir? Any ideas? {59411}{59534}I mean, sometimes you have a way|of seeing things at... at their simplest. {59586}{59640}Thank you. {59740}{59809}I'm gonna go eat some cake. {59851}{59896}Think I'll join you. {60219}{60306}We're experiencing|a widespread loss of power, sir. {60606}{60680}I am Anubis. {60707}{60753}Looks like a hologram projection. {60756}{60898}Humans of the Tauri,|your end of days finally approaches. {60925}{60997}There will be no mercy. {60999}{61074}Come on. Who talks like that? {61101}{61203}Sir, this is Asgard technology.|He must have downloaded it from Thor. {61205}{61286}You will bow to my awesome power. {61289}{61409}There is nothing that can stop|the destruction I bring upon you. {61411}{61510}Prepare to meet your doom. {61630}{61670}Oh, please {61869}{61916}Visiontext Subtitles- Adrian Isaac {62998}{63046}ENHOH