{156}{229}Previously on ''Stargate SG-1''; {231}{340}The X-302 will be the first human-built|spacecraft capable of interstellar travel. {343}{444}Colonel Chekov feels a Russian officer|should be assigned to join SG-1 . {446}{489}Over my rotting corpse, sir. {491}{550}- l wanna join you.|- l don't see it happening. {552}{606}There's an energy build-up|within the gate. {609}{686}The Tauri are in danger.|They are under attack from Anubis. {688}{754}We're talking about a blast|2,000 to 3,000 megatons. {756}{815}- There's worse?|- We have no idea how to stop it. {818}{888}lf the X-302 fails,|this planet will be destroyed. {890}{984}Even if we contact the Asgard, there's|a chance they won't be able to help us. {986}{1092}Anubis has grown powerful, but still|only defends a small handful of planets. {1095}{1164}lf one of those Stargates|also cannot be contacted... {1167}{1212}lt is the origin of the attack. {1270}{1326}Mission command,|we missed the window. {1328}{1440}We thought we'd compensated for the|energy fluctuations, but apparently not. {1442}{1468}We're on our own. {1470}{1536}Prepare to meet your doom. {1538}{1588}Oh, please. {1665}{1714}And now, the conclusion. {1736}{1817}Has a real flair for the dramatic,|doesn't he? Very theatrical. {1819}{1892}Yeah. Pretty much|all the Goa'uld are like that. {1895}{1983}But why wait? Why does the guy show up|a day and a half after this starts {1985}{2074}to do his whole|''prepare to meet your doom'' thing? {2077}{2148}Maybe he wanted to make sure|it was gonna work. {2151}{2250}That'd be embarrassing. ''Nothing can|stop the destruction l bring upon you.'' {2252}{2316}Then the gate shuts down.|''Oops. Never mind.'' {2319}{2442}Yeah, well, that didn't happen,|and we only have 54 hours left. {2444}{2504}Major, can l see you for a second? {2507}{2604}When the gate was connected, a shaped|charge disengaged the wormhole. {2607}{2662}- An outgoing wormhole.|- True, but... {2664}{2736}- The blast would detonate the gate.|- Wait a minute. {2739}{2844}- lf you'd just let me finish...|- You're wrong, but you gave me an idea. {2847}{2948}We know certain waves can travel|in both directions through a wormhole. {2951}{3058}- Radio signals, for one.|- We call Anubis up and ask him to stop? {3060}{3148}''Hey, Anubis, this is your agent.|You're playing it way over the top.'' {3151}{3208}- ''Can you get serious?''|- You were saying? {3211}{3276}We send a massive EM pulse|back through the wormhole, {3279}{3354}knock out whatever is making|this happen on the other end. {3356}{3396}Will that work? {3398}{3508}No. l already thought of it. l didn't mention|it because it is far too problematic. {3510}{3579}- More than the gate exploding?|- The iris'd have to be open. {3582}{3676}- The gate room's shielded.|- Are you saying it absolutely won't work? {3678}{3742}What I´m saying, sir,|is that we have no idea {3745}{3806}how much EM would be required|to knock this out. {3808}{3858}So let's all just go home. {3892}{3976}- How long will it take to set up?|- Four hours, tops. {3978}{4068}That's how long you have|to come up with a better idea. {5886}{6010}l have tried to connect to this world twice.|lt is the only one which l cannot contact. {6013}{6108}Then we must hope that is|the location of the weapon. {6156}{6224}I´m coming with you. {6226}{6320}lf the Goa'uld truly can be defeated,|then l wish to be a part of it. {6322}{6406}You said l could not judge this war,|for l'd yet to fight a battle. {6409}{6482}You've trained me. Now let me fight. {6617}{6684}- You said you did not doubt me.|- l do not. {6687}{6734}Then l will join you. {6908}{6957}Be quick. {7033}{7082}Very well. {7142}{7224}Sirs, l've calculated that opening the iris {7226}{7312}will increase the flow of energy|to the gate by at least ten times. {7314}{7436}lf this doesn't work, we'll be cutting|half the time before the gate detonates. {7439}{7512}No better idea yet? {7514}{7556}No. {7559}{7653}- You and Dr McKay don't see eye to eye.|- Sir, this has nothing to do... {7656}{7798}l believe if this plan has any chance|of working, it's with your cooperation. {7801}{7850}Yes, sir. {8345}{8468}- l know what I´m doing.|- We are nearing the planet. {8760}{8796}It is guarded. {8799}{8874}A good sign we have|the correct location of the weapon. {8877}{8922}There are rings on the surface. {8924}{9030}We must hope to catch any Jaffa|on the ground by surprise. {9033}{9097}Right here. {9099}{9200}You just wanna be able to|take credit for it when it works. {9203}{9318}- For the record... l hate you.|- Well, it can't get any worse, then, can it? {9320}{9388}Oh, no. I´m rapidly|working up to ''despise''. {9391}{9464}We have to get over|this physical-attraction thing {9467}{9512}if we're gonna work together. {9514}{9596}l think l can act as though it never existed. {9599}{9650}Shall we save the world? {9652}{9722}Before l take the credit for this, {9724}{9820}shouldn't the EM pulse generator|be pointed at the gate? {9833}{9888}You're good. Very good. {10054}{10104}Rya'c. {10151}{10218}- You remain on board with Shaq'rel.|- Why? {10221}{10334}One day, you will be a great warrior.|This day, the danger is too great. {10336}{10400}l am prepared to die. {10481}{10540}l am not prepared for you to die. {10644}{10738}- Two gliders in pursuit.|- How is it possible? Are we not cloaked? {10741}{10810}Anubis must now have means|of detecting cloaked ships. {10813}{10890}l am decloaking|and diverting power to shields. {11095}{11166}- Entering range of surface rings.|- Teal'c. {11169}{11268}ls it not equally dangerous on the ship|as it will be on the planet? {11271}{11336}Go. l will do my best to return for you. {11433}{11463}Come. {11466}{11586}Stay close. The forces on the ground|may have been alerted to our presence. {11634}{11678}Chel nok {11871}{11928}Identify yourselves. {12702}{12748}We must move {12805}{12877}- That's it.|- We're ready, sir. {13175}{13234}Close the blast doors. {13527}{13573}Open the iris. {13819}{13986}Energy transfer is increasing.|Seven times greater. Eight. Ten. {14007}{14062}- Go. Yeah, go.|- Do it. {14065}{14122}Activating electromagnetic pulse. {14388}{14505}Energy transfer is still increasing.|Look, if this was gonna work... {14770}{14834}Close the iris. {15031}{15066}We're off line. {15068}{15128}She's not gonna be happy|when she wakes up. {15131}{15248}- Medical team to the control room.|- She is going to wake up, isn't she? {15677}{15752}The path is well-travelled.|We must stay under cover. {15754}{15809}Many gliders patrol the skies. {15811}{15896}This wound is not small.|You must be in great pain. {15898}{15957}Nothing l cannot bear. {15978}{16037}You could easily be dead. {16087}{16166}l do not understand.|There was at least eight of them. {16168}{16250}- Ten.|- How did neither of you get hit? {16252}{16320}lt is always more difficult|to hit a moving target. {16323}{16388}lt is also helpful to be lucky. {16467}{16532}There is little time to waste. {17037}{17072}Hi. {17075}{17126}And l was just startin' to feel better. {17129}{17178}Are you gonna be OK? {17181}{17242}At least until the gate explodes, yeah. {17244}{17332}Look, l... never meant for anyone|to get hurt, much less you. {17335}{17388}lt's OK. We had to try something. {17457}{17528}l always wanted to be a pianist. {17531}{17586}- Excuse me?|- A concert pianist. {17588}{17642}A guy who plays piano in front of people. {17645}{17682}Right. {17684}{17745}- What'd you think l said?|- Never mind. {17791}{17870}l had a not-so-comfortable childhood. {17872}{17948}My parents hated each other|and blamed me. {17950}{18073}Music was my salvation.|lt had this perfect order for me. {18108}{18170}That's nice. Really. {18173}{18237}When l was 12,|my teacher told me to quit. {18239}{18350}A fine clinical player, he said,|but no sense of the art whatsoever. {18386}{18488}- Why are you telling me this?|- I´m just tryin' to bond. {18490}{18576}- Why?|- Hospital gowns turn me on. {18692}{18790}l thought science would be different|than music, but it's just the same. {18793}{18876}lt's just as much|of an art as anything else. {18879}{18966}Look, it's not your fault|that the EM pulse didn't work. {18968}{19068}You're an artist, Major,|maybe the best l've ever seen. {19090}{19200}- I´m just critical because I´m jealous.|- I´m touched. Really. {19203}{19262}l wish l had a brilliant plan|to draw for you. {19265}{19390}And you're funny, too. Even electrocuted.|Me, l got... l got nothin'. {19420}{19498}- You're creepin' me out.|- lt's just self-preservation. {19500}{19570}I´m beginning to realise|that I´m not gonna solve this, {19573}{19698}and that one of your typically insane ideas|is probably gonna be our best chance. {19701}{19791}- How much time until detonation?|- You were right. We cut it in half. {19794}{19844}25 hours. {19870}{19962}- What now?|- Well, first l thought l'd get dressed. {19981}{20018}Right. {20081}{20122}Leave. {20124}{20224}Right. Do you want me|to hold anything, or...? Yeah. {21062}{21134}This weapon is unlike|any Goa'uld design l have seen. {21136}{21248}l have seen similar construction. lt seems|to have been built by the Ancients. {21250}{21284}Who are they? {21286}{21360}An advanced race of beings|who created the Stargates. {21362}{21436}- But l thought...|- The Goa'uld steal their technology. {21438}{21552}lf this is not Goa'uld technology and|Anubis has merely learned to operate it... {21555}{21616}Perhaps he will not be able|to rebuild it quickly. {21618}{21716}- But do we have sufficient explosive?|- That is our concern. You remain here. {21719}{21766}- But l...|- You are injured. {21768}{21827}You will slow our pace|and risk giving us away. {21830}{21926}- My symbiote heals me. l can go.|- Rya'c, listen to him. {21942}{22028}This is but one of many|battles to be fought. {22031}{22136}Remain here until sundown.|We will try to return before then. {22255}{22360}lf we encase the gate, it could reduce|the effects of the explosion by 40 per cent. {22363}{22470}There isn't time to implement that plan.|lf we detonate the gate ourselves now, {22472}{22528}we could reduce the damage|by 20 per cent. {22531}{22598}The damage to the atmosphere|would be irreversible. {22601}{22691}Any survivors would be stuck|on a world incapable of sustaining life. {22694}{22772}So far, we've been unsuccessful|in our attempts to reduce... {22774}{22874}- What you thinkin'?|- Besides the fact that they are morons? {22876}{22972}What do you think|the little alien guy's doing down there? {23536}{23650}- Bet you regret coming here now.|- Can't really look at it that way, can we? {23652}{23711}So... what are you doin'? {23735}{23808}lt's the stupidest thing,|but it's been bugging me. {23810}{23894}- What's that?|- We're inside a mountain. {23896}{23962}The gate can't fit through|any of these doors. {23964}{24018}- So how did we get it in here?|- Yeah. {24020}{24108}The ceiling retracts. Above it is a shaft|that leads to the surface, {24110}{24190}and inside is a crane mechanism|that hoisted the gate down. {24192}{24244}- lnteresting.|- Yeah. {24247}{24336}- Does it go up?|- Moving the gate won't shut it off. {24339}{24408}l mean, there is nowhere on Earth that... {24599}{24664}l knew you'd think of something. {25059}{25147}The shield most likely extends|around the perimeter of the weapon. {25150}{25200}The path. {25311}{25440}Just hear me out. All we need|to do is get it far enough away from Earth. {25443}{25526}The X-302 can achieve that|without having to enter hyperspace. {25528}{25616}- That's crazy.|- We have less than 24 hours. {25618}{25666}Two to get the gate to the surface, {25668}{25772}four to get it to Peterson and loaded onto|a C-1 7, and two more to fly it to area 51 . {25774}{25846}The 7 47 meets us in Nevada,|which leaves us 16 hours {25849}{25900}to get the rig mounted and airborne. {25903}{25983}And none of this is gonna happen|if we're just standing around. {25985}{26092}l think that this is gonna save the planet,|and we are gonna do it. {26095}{26144}Move, people. {26180}{26274}- Well done, Major.|- lt wasn't all my idea, sir. {26277}{26332}- And l dare say it's not done yet.|- Right. {26334}{26377}Sir. {26379}{26464}You do realise that if this works|we won't have a Stargate any more. {26467}{26522}lt did occur to me. {27093}{27148}Drop your weapons {27600}{27710}Yeah, this is Sergeant Siler.|We're ready. Activate the crane. {27941}{28052}l have been instructed by my superiors|to offer you the following compromise. {28054}{28120}ln exchange for|your continued cooperation {28122}{28196}and full disclosure|of the X-302 technology, {28199}{28292}we are willing to facilitate|the use of our Stargate. {28295}{28319}Facilitate? {28322}{28396}A financial arrangement to be negotiated. {28430}{28522}- You want us to rent it?|- A simplistic way of putting it. {28524}{28596}The X-302's hyperspace|technology doesn't work. {28599}{28728}lt will someday. The reason l am here in|the first place is because my government {28731}{28852}is unwilling to incur the expense and risk|of running a Stargate programme. {28855}{28967}- We are simply trying...|- Here's the part you don't understand. {28970}{29082}Even if - and l stress if - we're able|to successfully dispose of this gate, {29084}{29186}there's nothing to stop Anubis starting|all this over again with a second gate. {29189}{29256}No one's going to be running|a Stargate programme. {29259}{29334}The second gate has to stay buried. {29589}{29648}What did you hope to accomplish here? {29651}{29752}You thought you could destroy something|created by a god as powerful as Anubis? {29754}{29842}He did not create the weapon|and he is not a god. {29903}{29990}Your god may have been weak, shol'va.|Mine is not. {29993}{30054}lf you know of me,|then you know of our cause. {30056}{30113}The Jaffa rebellion grows strong. {30131}{30180}All Goa'uld are false gods, {30183}{30290}and their only real power comes|from the Jaffa whom they oppress. {30346}{30467}The next time you open your mouth to|speak, it will be to answer my questions. {30547}{30622}You did not kill all the Jaffa at the rings. {30624}{30688}We know there are three of you. {30691}{30745}Where's the boy? {30811}{30924}Evidence of how desperate|your pathetic little rebellion is. {30945}{31012}You bring a boy to fight the war of men. {31071}{31136}Or is it something else? {31196}{31290}Maybe he's someone to whom|you wish to prove yourself. {31349}{31408}Bring me the old man. {31448}{31514}Wherever the boy is, he will not escape. {31516}{31590}Unlike you, he's of little value to Anubis. {31614}{31695}However, on your behalf,|l'll be happy to demonstrate to him {31698}{31752}how a real warrior fights... {31778}{31820}to the death. {31953}{32002}ls there anything else l should know? {32007}{32088}There's some concern that the 302s|may not have the fuel capacity {32090}{32150}to exit the atmosphere|carrying the Stargate. {32153}{32236}- How is that possible?|- The engines were designed for a craft {32239}{32342}with an alien inertial dampening system|that reduced its overall mass. {32345}{32395}Yes. And? {32398}{32470}- You'll be carrying a very heavy load.|- How heavy? {32472}{32589}- The gate weighs 64,000lbs, sir.|- That's heavy. {32592}{32658}You'll need to reach|an altitude exceeding 180km. {32660}{32798}At minimum escape velocity before|l release the gate, or it'll fall back to Earth. {32801}{32898}Based on the X-302's rocket-fuel capacity,|even a full burn won't do it, {32901}{32964}so the other engines|have to get you partway, {32966}{33040}hauling something six times greater|than they were made to. {33043}{33130}- Yeah. Carter...|- The whole rig isn't exactly aerodynamic. {33133}{33232}Carter I´m not so sure|l want to know any of this. {33234}{33316}They're lightening the 302,|but that's why you're going alone. {33319}{33376}Believe it or not, every pound counts. {33378}{33439}Shouldn't have had that cake. {33460}{33532}Wish l could go with you, sir. {33535}{33622}Yes, I´m sure you do.|And l find that quite bizarre. {33666}{33748}- Anything else?|- lf this works, Jonas really deserves... {33751}{33788}What? {33790}{33874}- Deserves what?|- l don't know. Something. {33877}{33948}He's the one who gave me|the idea to do this. {33950}{34030}Sir, he gave up everything|to bring us the naquadria. {34033}{34086}The hyperspace generator doesn't work. {34089}{34158}That's not his fault. {34212}{34268}Good luck, sir. {34271}{34336}Hey, what could go wrong, huh? {35025}{35080}The prisoners will not speak. {35082}{35198}Take them to the rings and|have them transported up to the Ha'tak. {35859}{35908}What exactly did you remove? {35911}{36026}Weapons, some of the life-support.|There's still more than a day's worth. {36029}{36110}Well, if we need more than an hour,|we're all in trouble. {36113}{36206}We also took out radar, some of|the safety mechanisms, landing gear... {36209}{36242}Excuse me? {36244}{36312}We had to accommodate|the clamping system. {36314}{36384}Once you re-enter the atmosphere,|you'll have to eject. {36387}{36470}After you target the 302|to splash down off the coast of Florida. {36472}{36531}- When were you gonna tell me this?|- Just now. {36534}{36616}We weren't sure any of this would happen|until five minutes ago. {36619}{36684}You're not gonna believe this. {36784}{36820}Holy crap. {36978}{37042}They're waiting for you. {37152}{37202}Good luck. {37961}{37998}They're airborne, sir. {38001}{38120}Mission Command, we're|approaching separation altitude. {38600}{38688}Colonel,|confirming altitude at 10,000m. {38691}{38728}Roger that. {38731}{38814}This is Mission Command.|You have a go for separation. {38816}{38873}Proceeding with separation. {39275}{39332}Separation complete. {39334}{39378}Good luck, sir. {39381}{39430}Stop saying that. {39433}{39504}Altitude reaching 30km. {39506}{39618}Velocity at Mach 6.|Engaging aerospike engines. {39894}{39954}lt's gettin' a little bumpy, Command. {39957}{40074}Roger that, Starflight. You're still|too shallow to fire the rocket booster. {40077}{40212}l may have been understating things.|lt feels like this thing's falling apart. {40310}{40433}Altitude is 42km. He needs to reach 50|before he can fire the main rocket engine. {40580}{40654}Command, l've got|a master caution alarm. {40656}{40698}Roger that, Starflight. {40701}{40728}Losing power. {40731}{40792}Starflight, your altitude is only 48km. {40794}{40906}Full port engine failure.|Starboard at six zero per cent. {40939}{40990}Preparing to ignite rocket booster. {40992}{41066}You're still too low, Starflight. {41091}{41200}I'm losing velocity, Command.|I´m going to start losing altitude. {41213}{41274}Command, please advise. {41342}{41408}OK, Starflight, go with main-engine burn. {41411}{41446}Roger. {41606}{41694}Velocity is 25,000km per hour. {41697}{41825}28. He's gotta reach 40 and sustain it|for at least 15 seconds now. {41892}{41972}Main-engine burn|at one zero zero per cent. {41975}{42063}Velocity approaching 40,000km per hour. {42066}{42148}Altitude one two zero kilometres. {42151}{42218}Five, six, seven... {42221}{42274}Preparing to release the gate. {42277}{42354}- Not yet, Starflight.|- I´m burning out here. {42549}{42620}All right. That's it. I´m out of gas. {42674}{42766}Starflight, your altitude is 130km. {42768}{42878}He's not gonna make it. He's slowing.|He had to fire the rocket booster too early. {42881}{42982}- lt didn't work?|- He's gonna fall back to Earth, sir. {43067}{43136}OK. Got any ideas? {43279}{43338}Anybody wanna wish me luck? {43340}{43406}We're working on it. {43462}{43600}Based on altitude, angle of ascent and|velocity, he'll hit Europe in 35 minutes. {43603}{43692}lf he puts the 302 in a nose dive,|he could cut his descent time in half. {43695}{43752}- Why?|- He can drop the gate in the Atlantic. {43754}{43832}I´m figuring there's time for it|to sink maybe 2,000, 3,000ft. {43834}{43906}- Will that do any good?|- lt'll reduce the devastation. {43909}{43966}- By how much?|- Not much, sir. {43968}{44042}Enough that it's worth a shot, isn't it? {44955}{44998}Rya'c. {45313}{45408}We can reduce the damage|by dropping the gate into the ocean. {45413}{45476}You have to put the X-302|into a nose dive, and... {45478}{45548}- What?|- Starflight, it's all we got. {45574}{45652}- What about the hyperdrive?|- Colonel, it didn't work. {45654}{45712}We just don't know|where it'll send me, right? {45715}{45794}Who cares as long as|it's a galaxy far, far away? {45797}{45888}He's right. The window formed,|it was just unstable. {45891}{46026}We have no idea what would happen if we|opened a window within the atmosphere. {46028}{46104}Yeah, well, given the situation... {46183}{46260}We're taking it|under advisement. Please stand by. {46263}{46336}- Major, l can make a call.|- Do it, sir. {46339}{46454}You really are a lunatic. l said you were|an artist, but l haven't slept in three days. {46456}{46516}You're creating an interdimensional field {46519}{46620}around an already highly-charged|Stargate with an unstable burst of energy. {46622}{46698}- l realise...|- What l am suggesting has real benefits. {46701}{46788}Maybe it saves a few lives.|lf this works, we save the entire planet. {46791}{46902}- What chance do we have of that?|- Maybe we can reduce the risk a little. {46904}{46978}- How?|- The instability of the naquadria... {46981}{47068}ls relative to the size of the burst|you're trying to extract. {47071}{47130}We don't have to send the gate|across the galaxy. {47132}{47228}Even a second in hyperspace|potentially gets us millions of miles. {47230}{47280}Make the call. {47309}{47428}This is General Hammond. l need to|speak with the president immediately. {47475}{47548}Altitude seven six kilometres... {47550}{47604}and still falling. {47630}{47710}OK, we have orders, Starflight.|We're gonna try it your way. {47713}{47766}Thank you. Run me through it. {47768}{47834}We have to|override the safety protocol {47836}{47906}that will cause the 302|to avoid an unstable wormhole. {47909}{47976}We think we can increase|the chance of this working {47978}{48042}by only activating|the generator for one second. {48045}{48120}lt wasn't programmed|to work for such a short time. {48123}{48176}Hang on. {48206}{48242}Of course. Thank you. {48244}{48346}Sir, we're gonna write a new subroutine.|lt'll be ready to upload in a few minutes. {48348}{48474}All right, well, in the meantime,|l'll just... keep falling. {49218}{49248}Carter. {49250}{49300}We're done. Uploading the new program. {49303}{49366}All you'll have to do|is activate the generator. {49368}{49450}- Roger that.|- You won't have much time. {49453}{49506}- l know.|- Sir, if this works... {49508}{49544}l know. {49546}{49602}- Sir?|- What?/ {49604}{49628}Good luck. {49779}{49850}Activating hyperspace generator. {49852}{49892}Now. {50260}{50324}This is Observer One.|Visual confirmation. {50327}{50404}The X-302 has entered|the hyperspace window. {50451}{50490}Colonel? {50511}{50566}Colonel, do you read? {50660}{50762}This is Observer One.|There is no sign of a chute. {50810}{50908}There is, however,|a light show going on up here. {50933}{50972}lt worked. {50975}{51112}Deep Space is estimating that the gate|detonated three million miles from Earth. {51138}{51276}This is Observer Two. l have a visual|on a chute. Moving in for confirmation. {51291}{51370}Mission Command,|the cockpit module is intact. {51373}{51434}We are pinpointing splashdown position. {51436}{51502}Patching in satellite imagery. {51566}{51644}Observer Two,|pararescue team is on the way. {51647}{51752}Roger that. Colonel O'Neill|is conscious and waving. {52031}{52150}- The gate has shut down.|- Let us hope it is not too late. Look. {52507}{52544}Teal'c. {52603}{52668}Rya'c Rya'c {53052}{53132}So that's it? You're just givin' up,|closin' the shop? {53134}{53228}At least until we find a way to defend|ourselves against this kind of thing. {53231}{53338}- Shouldn't take you long.|- Yeah, right. l thought you'd be happy. {53341}{53422}Hey, l never said|we shouldn't use the Stargate. {53467}{53516}Well... {53540}{53618}- Let me know if l can help.|- l will. Thanks. {53689}{53776}- That means you don't hate me.|- Maybe. Too bad for you. {53790}{53818}Why? {53821}{53894}l was more attracted to you when l did. {53915}{53954}Really? {54029}{54110}- Colonel. I´m glad you're OK.|- Thank you, sir. {54113}{54174}You know the president|wants to see you in person? {54177}{54290}- Yes. We spoke on my way here.|- You can have any assignment you want. {54292}{54359}Actually, l've always wanted|to command my own boat. {54361}{54462}- The navy?|- No, somethin' a little smaller, with oars. {54486}{54545}You deserve it, Jack. {54589}{54662}- You sure you wanna take this?|- We're closed for business. {54664}{54722}l was supposed to retire five years ago. {54725}{54844}We don't know when we can re-establish|the Stargate programme, if ever. {54879}{54994}Actually, l just meant it says|''Property of US Air Force'' on it. {55124}{55245}l still feel responsible for the teams|stranded offworld, but there is nothing... {55312}{55368}Hammond. {55371}{55444}We're receiving a communication. {55582}{55641}What's up? {55643}{55694}Go ahead. They're all here. {55696}{55741}General Hammond. {55744}{55768}Teal'c {55771}{55904}O'Neill. lt's good to hear you are well.|The weapon used by Anubis is destroyed. {55907}{56006}- We feared it was too late for the Tauri.|- lt was close there for a minute. {56008}{56084}We approach in a cargo ship.|Request permission to land. {56087}{56180}- NORAD's aware of their approach.|- Permission granted. Welcome back. {56183}{56213}Good job. {56216}{56310}lt is in fact Rya'c|who deserves the honour. {56560}{56662}Sir, if you don't mind me asking,|what exactly did we give the Russians? {56664}{56750}- Good old American dollars, Major.|- You're kidding. {56753}{56828}And the plans for the X-302 and 303. {56854}{56903}Really? {56906}{56956}And one more thing. {56985}{57078}- So, l hear you're a pretty good pilot.|- Master Bra'tac taught me well. {57081}{57142}l hope to be as good|as my father one day. {57145}{57206}Just know that no one is that good. {57209}{57266}lt also helps to be lucky. {57268}{57322}Don't l know that. {57346}{57462}Listen, you sure you don't wanna|stick around for a while, kinda hang out? {57483}{57586}Rya'c has chosen to help Bra'tac|spread the word of our cause. {57630}{57684}Well, it's good to see you again. {58025}{58116}Colonel. Colonel, you got a moment? {58119}{58209}Carter told me everything you did|to help out. We all appreciate it. {58211}{58272}Thanks a lot. See you later. {58275}{58347}Colonel, Dr Jackson is gone. {58371}{58426}Yeah, l noticed that. {58429}{58498}Not a day goes by when|l don't think about what happened. {58501}{58580}l stood by and watched while|he saved my people from disaster. {58582}{58658}l should have jumped through the glass,|disarmed the device. {58660}{58759}He's gone because l didn't.|You have to live with that. So do l. {58762}{58882}You want me to make you feel better?|lt wasn't your fault. l don't blame you. {58885}{58978}lf l could go back and change what|happened, l would do that, but l can't. {58981}{59082}All l can do is try and change|what happens from now on. {59085}{59175}l don't want you to exonerate me,|l just want to be given the opportunity {59178}{59237}to prove that l can make a difference. {59809}{59873}You wanted to see me, sir? {59875}{59984}This is not what you want to hear, but part|of the deal to get the Russian Stargate {59986}{60096}involved agreeing to let|one of their officers join SG-1 . {60130}{60200}This is the thanks l get|for saving the world again? {60203}{60291}I´m sorry, Jack.|You're going to have to live with this. {60293}{60409}Sir, can't we just give 'em their own unit?|They'd be happy with that, wouldn't they? {60411}{60462}What about SG-1? {60540}{60644}Actually, General, l've already|chosen our new team member. {60733}{60792}Good luck, Colonel. {60795}{60844}Thank you, sir. {60906}{61006}- How do l look?|- You might wanna lose the helmet. {61101}{61156}- Good guess on the green.|- Thanks. {61158}{61209}SG-1 , you have a go. {61211}{61260}Thank you, sir. {61926}{61974}Visiontext Subtitles- Kerrie Slavin {63055}{63102}ENHOH