{412}{478}lt's a blip. A shadow on the ultrasound. {480}{574}Too deep to tell.|You know, maybe a dead seal. {576}{666}Anyway, we're gonna rule it out|and pack up for the season. {669}{806}Another week or two, it'll be dark most of|the time, much too cold to work outside. {808}{892}As far as coming back next year,|well, it's not up to me. {894}{1004}The Pentagon re-evaluates our presence|here every year. Take it up with them. {1007}{1114}Maybe my conclusions about the DHD|will convince them we should continue. {1116}{1180}I´m sure coming from you|it'll hold more weight. {1183}{1284}The one found with the Antarctic gate|died shortly after it was brought back. {1286}{1354}lt was used a few times|and then just ran out of energy. {1356}{1474}That was the first indication that the|power sources have a limited life span. {1477}{1586}We've run a number of tests comparing|the power source to other offworld DHDs. {1589}{1653}We think we have evidence|that the gate down there {1655}{1710}is one of the oldest in the entire system. {1713}{1778}lt could be as much|as 50 million years old. {1780}{1874}The Antarctic plate wasn't|covered by a glacier back then. {1877}{1936}The gate didn't|necessarily originate there. {1938}{2044}lt could have been moved at any time.|That's what we need to try and determine. {2046}{2090}How? {2093}{2184}There has to be|something else down there. {2187}{2238}We've been here four years running. {2241}{2328}Since we dug out those two Jaffa|we've found nothing. {2331}{2419}- lf this latest lead turns out to...|- Michaels, the thing in the ice. {2422}{2472}lt's something. {4234}{4288}Why's the plane leaving? {4291}{4360}The cold's no good for|the electronics. lt'll be back. {4363}{4428}- When?|- Let's ask these folks. {4431}{4550}- Hi. Nice to finally meet you, Major.|- You too. Dr Michaels, Dr Fraiser. {4552}{4618}Drs Woods and Osbourne. {4633}{4714}- All right. That's enough.|- Welcome to Antarctica, Colonel. {4717}{4792}- Thanks. Great to be back.|- Let's go inside. {4794}{4874}- How long's this gonna take?|- A few days, maybe more. Why? {4876}{4954}- Long-range forecast isn't good.|- Bit of a weather freak. {4956}{5008}He'll love it here. {5136}{5248}Leave your coats on. The lab's below|freezing to maintain the specimen. {5251}{5312}We thought|you'd wanna see it right away. {5315}{5416}As you can see, we're well-equipped.|We have a research lab, {5419}{5480}observation room, {5483}{5573}and in here... the quarantine lab. {5767}{5902}After digging up those Jaffa the first year,|we expected to find a lot more a lot faster. {5987}{6052}l named her Ayiana.|lt means ''eternal bloom''. {6054}{6142}- Native American lndian?|- My grandfather was a quarter Cherokee. {6145}{6198}- How do you know it's a ''she''?|- Ultrasound. {6201}{6270}- You're guessing.|- The form appears to be female. {6272}{6332}Although, l admit, it's hard to tell for sure. {6335}{6400}Have you made a guess about her age? {6403}{6436}25 to 35. {6439}{6521}Give or take several million years. {6524}{6554}Several million? {6556}{6652}That's what the analysis of|the oxygen content in the ice indicates. {6654}{6757}But didn't humans evolve on this planet|between 800,000 and 900,000 years ago? {6760}{6822}- That's what we thought.|- This could be big. {6825}{6925}As you said, evidence points to the|Stargate found here predating the glacier. {6927}{6996}The Jaffa could not have been|frozen there that long ago. {6999}{7029}Not even close. {7031}{7134}Dr Jackson theorised that when the gate|from Giza was buried 2,000 years ago, {7137}{7194}that the Goa'uld|opened the Antarctic gate. {7197}{7264}A crevasse formed.|lt allowed the wormhole to connect {7266}{7312}and create a larger opening. {7315}{7398}- The Jaffa were frozen after that.|- But she wasn't. {7401}{7488}- Much before that.|- So she's neither Jaffa nor Goa'uld. {7490}{7614}Well, she was probably around when|the Antarctic gate was first being used. {7617}{7718}We need more core samples to determine|if she was frozen in the same vein. {7721}{7811}- Did you do a tissue sample?|- Mm-hm. l'd like you to have a look. {7813}{7879}Listen, could somebody|bottom-line this for me? {7881}{7930}We could be looking at evidence {7933}{8014}that human beings evolved|long before we thought they did. {8017}{8096}And maybe not even|originally on this planet. {8099}{8164}Darwin would be crushed. {8238}{8288}Doh {8312}{8402}- What is it, O'Neill?|- l forgot to tape The Simpsons. {8493}{8542}lt's important to me. {8699}{8802}- This is incredible.|- l know. No adipocere. {8830}{8856}What's that? {8858}{8984}lt's a residue that forms on dead|animal tissue when exposed to moisture. {8987}{9098}But that's not the most amazing part.|These tissue cells are intact. {9100}{9221}That's what l was hoping you'd say.|l thought maybe l was losing my mind. {9224}{9272}I´m sorry. What...? {9274}{9378}When you freeze live cells, crystals form|and destroy the integrity of the cell. {9381}{9478}That's why we haven't been able to|develop human cryogenic preservation. {9480}{9574}- So...|- So, these cells are perfect. {9576}{9648}They could be from you or me. {10561}{10664}Right hand, right arm|and partial head exposed. {10667}{10759}The clothing appears tailored.|Material unknown. {10776}{10928}Peeling back what appears to be|the right sleeve covering the face. {11070}{11110}- You got it?|- Yeah. {11186}{11244}She is remarkably preserved. {11572}{11656}l got a cortical response.|Sam, l need your help. {11658}{11712}- Let's go.|- What's going on? {11715}{11800}Electroencephalogram.|lt measures brain-wave activity. {11861}{11910}Go, Sam. {12041}{12071}Delta waves. {12074}{12122}- lmpossible.|- We've seen stranger. {12124}{12198}- We gotta get her out.|- Sir, crank up the heat. {12428}{12506}On three.|When you're ready, Jonas. {12509}{12568}One, two, three. {12571}{12620}Easy. {12769}{12818}OK. {12887}{12946}- Temperature is 73°.|- Good. {13009}{13070}No sign of frostbite. {13073}{13127}- l assume you don't have bypass?|- No. {13130}{13248}Let's try warm saline,|one milligram epi, and do a blood gas. {13327}{13436}The medics have a saying here- ''You're|not dead till you're warm and dead.'' {13438}{13556}lt's because anything below 82°|and life signs are often undetectable. {13578}{13642}We've got disorganised electrical activity. {13644}{13703}I´m intubating. {13729}{13778}Tilt her head, Sam. {13883}{13942}I´m in. Give me the tube. {13977}{14040}That's it. {14042}{14086}OK. {14131}{14190}There's a heartbeat. {14193}{14252}Hey. She's bleeding. {14285}{14350}- Sam, will you take over bagging?|- Got it. {14435}{14478}pH is 6.9. {14481}{14544}She's acidotic but her PO2 is 98. {14579}{14634}Ten beats per minute. {14701}{14748}She's in V-fib. {14750}{14811}Charging to 200. {14837}{14874}And clear. {14877}{14930}Wait {14949}{15002}Sinus bradycardia. {15004}{15102}30 beats per minute.|BP's 60 over 40 and rising. {15104}{15163}l can't believe this is happening. {15224}{15283}She's conscious. {15416}{15475}She's breathing on her own. {15542}{15598}I think we're scaring her. {15601}{15698}lt's OK. lt's OK. lt's OK. {15738}{15816}- Can we take the tube out?|- Yeah. {15818}{15888}lt's OK. Sam, give me a hand. {15891}{15960}Easy. Easy. Hang on. {15983}{16032}Take it easy. {16080}{16130}lt's OK. lt's OK. {16175}{16224}There you go. {16291}{16355}Michaels, 2.5mg Valium. {16376}{16442}Easy. Nobody's gonna hurt you. lt's OK. {16456}{16510}OK. Here we go. {16542}{16592}Here we go. Yeah. {16782}{16850}We didn't do anything, sir.|She revived herself. {16853}{16945}lt was as if the thawing process|just triggered an internal response {16948}{17032}telling her body to come back to life. {17035}{17094}- But not a snake-head, right?|- No, sir. {17096}{17194}- Then what are we dealin' with here?|- Something not humanly possible. {17197}{17291}- Not as far as l know.|- She may indeed be not of this world. {17325}{17400}As far as we knew up until now,|all human life in the galaxy {17403}{17486}was transplanted to other planets|from Earth by the Goa'uld. {17489}{17550}The odds of a totally alien life form {17552}{17658}evolving to look exactly|like us are astronomical. {17660}{17780}Actually, if she's as old as we think she is,|wouldn't it be us evolving to look like her? {17782}{17844}- True.|- We need to check out the site again. {17847}{17912}Get another core sample|to prove the age of the ice. {17914}{17980}- You guys need some help?|- We can handle it. {18062}{18120}She's awake again. {18143}{18202}Think l'll try talking to her. {18586}{18612}Hey. {18655}{18704}lt's... {18761}{18791}Jonas. {18825}{18880}Francine. {18883}{18966}We don't need these restraints|any more, do we? {19021}{19070}lt's all right. {19139}{19196}lt's better, huh? Wanna sit her up? {19508}{19558}Can you speak? {19581}{19626}Speak? {19629}{19690}Maybe she just doesn't understand us. {19693}{19826}l'd be very surprised if she did, but that|doesn't mean we can't communicate. {19855}{19916}I´m Jonas. {19940}{19990}Jonas. lt's my name. {20032}{20100}Jon... Jonas. {20102}{20134}Yeah. {20137}{20186}l guess she can speak. {20222}{20350}Jonas, though, Jonas is my name.|lt's my name. {20353}{20418}Francine is her name. {20420}{20476}Do you have a name? {20550}{20652}- ls that bothering you?|- That's my fault. I´m sorry. {20672}{20728}S.. sorry? {20730}{20851}lt's what you say to somebody when|you have caused them pain or sadness, {20854}{20942}- or done something you feel bad about.|- We didn't know. {20958}{21022}Let me have a look. lt's OK. {21312}{21371}That's amazing. {21406}{21492}Amazing. {21530}{21580}Yes. You are. {21640}{21732}Amazing. {21964}{22078}The weather system is blowing in|more quickly than first predicted. {22081}{22134}Woods, Osbourne.|This is O'Neill. Come in. {22137}{22186}Yeah, Colonel. l read you. {22189}{22242}That storm is headed our way. {22245}{22314}Roger. We're almost done.|lt'll be dark soon anyway. {22317}{22386}Be back in a couple of hours. Woods out. {22442}{22510}Well, we didn't really learn anything. {22513}{22586}- Nothing?|- No, not even her name. {22588}{22694}There's obviously a communication|barrier. She can speak, but... {22696}{22778}There's no telling what the effects|of being frozen that long are. {22781}{22871}Even with her ability|to preserve or heal herself physically, {22874}{22934}her mind could have been|damaged beyond repair. {22937}{22988}The wound on her arm|is completely gone. {22991}{23012}What? {23015}{23072}lf we can figure out|how she regenerates... {23074}{23144}Could she not be|deliberately hiding something? {23147}{23208}What reason would she have|to hide anything? {23210}{23256}Fear. {23510}{23582}Thought you might be hungry. {23584}{23658}l brought you some food. {23775}{23832}You eat it. {23909}{23958}lt's not very good, but... {23997}{24046}Try it. {24277}{24326}That's not much... {24365}{24414}better. {24432}{24526}l guess if you've been frozen|for that many years... {24686}{24730}- Are you all right?|- Yeah. {24733}{24834}l just think we have the heat|turned up a little high in here now. {24837}{24902}l wanna show you something. {24905}{24954}Here. Look. {25026}{25076}Have you ever seen this? {25157}{25208}Yes or no? {25245}{25304}Amazing. {25387}{25446}We're gonna try something else. {25570}{25648}- Look at this.|- What are they? {25650}{25756}EEGs l took of Cassandra|after Nirrti's genetic experiment. {25758}{25823}Cassie started developing|telekinetic abilities. {25826}{25858}These are of O'Neill {25860}{25958}with the knowledge of the Ancient|repository downloaded in his brain. {25960}{26046}Now, l've been|comparing them to Ayiana's. {26109}{26158}Connection. {26184}{26276}Nirrti was trying to create|genetically enhanced human beings. {26278}{26356}The Ancient device was rewriting|Colonel O'Neill's memory. {26358}{26450}lt was doing more than that. lt was|activating dormant areas of his brain. {26452}{26586}Sam, look. What if there's more than just a|coincidental similarity in these patterns? {26589}{26622}So this woman is... {26625}{26758}She's another example of an advanced|stage in the human evolutionary process. {26788}{26847}Leading to what? {26915}{27026}Antarctic cod can live in water so cold|other fish'd develop ice in their blood. {27028}{27112}They've had 40 million years|to adapt to the change of temperature {27115}{27188}and developed this protein|that acts like antifreeze. {27191}{27233}They're fish. {27235}{27338}Given enough time, evolution|can do some pretty amazing things. {27341}{27408}We know humans can become|much more powerful beings. {27410}{27504}- We've seen it happen with Daniel.|- With the help of other powerful beings. {27506}{27538}Yes. {27541}{27648}This woman might predate human|evolution on Earth by 50 million years. {27651}{27742}That would put her behind us in|the evolutionary time line, not way ahead. {27745}{27786}Unless... {27789}{27878}Unless our evolution|isn't the first time it's happened. {27901}{28014}- That's not big. That's huge.|- lt's just a theory. We have no evidence. {28016}{28126}But if you're right, this woman could be|part of the race that invented the gate. {28128}{28202}- One stage of their development, anyway.|- A living Ancient. {28205}{28238}And we look like her. {28240}{28350}That could mean that our evolution|wasn't just some biological accident. {28353}{28400}Dr Fraiser/ {28759}{28876}Michaels fainted. She's running|a high fever. l need to do more tests. {28878}{28937}- Ayiana?|- She's fine. {28963}{29032}- l know what you're thinking.|- And? {29059}{29134}lt's possible she may be carrying|a contagion of some kind. {29137}{29182}Would she not also be ill? {29184}{29300}There are diseases that have no effect|on the carrier but can still infect others. {29303}{29411}lt may be that her healing abilities|are fighting off the infection {29413}{29468}without eradicating it completely. {29471}{29536}Should Jonas still be in there? {29538}{29663}He wants to be. Chances are he's already|been exposed. lt's possible we all have. {29666}{29745}lf this did come from her, we need|to know as much as she can tell us. {29748}{29820}C-130 is scheduled|to pick us up tomorrow. {29823}{29906}- Better call it off.|- They can't fly in this weather anyway. {29909}{30037}Until l know a lot more about|what's going on here, we're quarantined. {30245}{30314}Woods, Osbourne.|This is O'Neill. Come in. {30440}{30536}Osbourne, Woods.|This is O'Neill. Come in. {30596}{30648}- How is she?|- Not good. {30650}{30736}Fever won't come down.|She's not responding to antibiotics. {30738}{30794}Whatever this is, it's fast. {30797}{30878}Woods and Osbourne|aren't responding on the radio. {30881}{30992}lf they've developed the same symptoms,|they could be weak or even passed out. {30995}{31054}You definitely think|this came from Ayiana? {31057}{31202}Well, Michaels has been affected first, and|she was working with the tissue sample. {31602}{31652}Help {31735}{31802}- Core samples.|- Where's Woods? {31832}{31932}Got separated. l hoped|he'd have made his way back here. {31934}{31992}- The snowcat?|- lt's stuck in a drift. {31995}{32044}lt's minus 30. He won't last long. {32047}{32155}He's running a high temperature.|Help me get him back to the barracks. {32469}{32534}Sam, I´m gonna need your help. {32537}{32612}Hopefully Woods activated his EPlRB. {32916}{32986}- Stay in radio contact.|- Roger that. {33636}{33690}Dr Woods is lost. {33723}{33798}O'Neill and Teal'c|went out there to find him. {33838}{33890}Hope they do. {33893}{33996}Dr Michaels and Dr Osbourne|are both sick. {33999}{34104}Dr Fraiser thinks that we may have been... {34106}{34200}infected by some disease|that you're carrying. {34203}{34274}Eventually we're all gonna be very sick. {34276}{34400}But... you have no idea|what I´m talking about, so... {34584}{34634}Do you? {34762}{34821}You can understand me? {34934}{34993}You're a quicker study than l am. {35043}{35166}So is there anything at all that you can|tell me about this disease you're carrying, {35169}{35230}why you're not sick? {35242}{35326}You don't know?|You don't remember anything? {35362}{35446}Do you know how|you're able to heal yourself? {35600}{35716}l'll boost the dose of antibiotic, but there's|no sign of bacterial growth in the culture. {35719}{35784}lf this is a virus,|there is nothing else l can do. {35786}{35872}- How much time do they have?|- Days, hours. l don't know. {35874}{35986}Michaels' kidneys have started|to shut down, and that's a bad sign. {35988}{36094}The ice core sample places Ayiana|in the same vein as the Stargate. {36097}{36154}She's at least three million years old. {36156}{36254}But if she's from a race that predates|the glacier and your theory is correct, {36256}{36304}she could be a lot older. {36306}{36365}Carter, come in. {36427}{36528}- Colonel, this is Carter.|- We've found the abandoned cat. {36531}{36584}We'll continue the search on foot. {36587}{36698}Visibility is near zero and l keep losing|the satellite lock on the tracker. {36700}{36768}The cold must be affecting|the antenna on your SatNav. {36770}{36829}We'll keep looking. O'Neill out. {36914}{36964}Dr Woods {36982}{37032}Dr Woods {37057}{37094}Dr Woods {37370}{37422}- lt's unbelievable.|- What? {37424}{37500}She understands|everything I´m saying. Everything. {37502}{37563}l told her exactly what's been happening {37566}{37694}and she seems to know that she's|responsible for it, like it's her fault. {37697}{37764}- She told you that?|- Not in so many words, no. {37766}{37848}What about something that could help us? {37851}{37940}Not yet, but it doesn't mean|that her memory won't come back. {37943}{38014}The mind will take|longer than the body to heal. {38016}{38100}The problem is, Jonas,|we don't know how much time we have. {38103}{38154}Right. {38238}{38288}O'Neill {38745}{38796}Let's get him into the lab. {38799}{38872}On three. One, two, three {38913}{38996}He's in hypothermic shock.|We need to get his clothes off. {38998}{39072}We need to get him|wrapped in warm blankets. {39237}{39322}Sam, l need you|to hook him up onto the monitor. {39613}{39662}This can't be good. {39664}{39708}Oh, my God. {40015}{40076}He's in V-fib. {40078}{40166}You get the paddles, l'll get the gel. {40168}{40236}Charge to 200. {40355}{40416}OK. Everybody clear {40441}{40476}Whoa Hey {40501}{40566}- No, no, no. Wait. Wait.|- Jonas. {40568}{40632}Let's see. Let's see what she does. {40729}{40784}Wait. {41573}{41626}His vital signs are back to normal. {42366}{42416}You OK? {42466}{42525}Do you know what you did? {42649}{42714}Do you know how you did it? {42892}{42956}Can you do it again? {43002}{43072}Dr Michaels and Dr Osbourne are both... {43103}{43178}They're in very bad shape. {43181}{43248}And if you can't help them... {44302}{44356}Guess it worked. {44358}{44450}So this is good, right?|When she wakes up, she can zap us all? {44453}{44546}Not necessarily.|Healing them really exhausted her. {44783}{44888}- What is it, Janet?|- lt's a blood sample from Ayiana. {44891}{44956}l'll know more in a little while. {45018}{45066}Hey, are you OK? {45069}{45108}Yeah. {45110}{45174}What do you think the problem is? {45176}{45246}Whatever or however|she's able to do what she does, {45248}{45312}it weakens her more each time. {45314}{45384}She's still carrying that virus herself, Sam. {45386}{45498}I´m afraid there's gonna be a point|where she puts herself at risk. {45530}{45584}- Good luck.|- Yeah. {45799}{45928}OK. l can't say for sure, but|her white-cell count is down significantly. {45930}{46000}White blood cells are a major part|of our immune system, {46003}{46058}and she's still basically human. {46094}{46140}What does that mean? {46142}{46234}You, me, Sam and Jonas will get|a lot worse over the next day or so, {46237}{46325}and l don't know what will happen|if we let her try to heal us. {46334}{46396}She could die. {46399}{46472}She could save some of us|or all of us. Who knows? {46474}{46540}Maybe she just needs time|to get her strength back. {46543}{46642}Well, for the moment, none of us are in|dire need, so l suggest we get some rest. {46645}{46682}l will stand watch. {46685}{46778}No. lf you don't kelno'reem, your|immune system will be vulnerable too. {46781}{46862}- We'll watch her.|- Yeah. lt's the least we can do. {46865}{46940}l'll run some tests on us,|looking for antibody markers. {46943}{47044}Hopefully whatever she did to us|means we're now immune to reinfection. {47046}{47138}And the rest of us'll get some sleep.|That's an order. {47518}{47568}Hi. {47621}{47670}Thank you. {47717}{47780}You saved my life. {47826}{47890}l have to admit, l feel a little guilty, {47893}{48014}being OK while Colonel O'Neill|and the rest of them keep getting sicker. {48193}{48262}lf we could just figure out how... {49141}{49205}The storm is passing. {49207}{49330}Good. Maybe now we'll be able|to get a disease-control team in here. {49357}{49416}- I´m gonna relieve Woods.|- OK. {49661}{49710}Norm, wake up. {49712}{49762}Norm... {49911}{49986}She's missing. Woods is unconscious. {50095}{50144}Check there. {50382}{50432}lt's OK, it's OK. {50473}{50522}He's burning up. {50909}{50988}You're gonna be fine, sir. l'll see you soon. {51344}{51434}Even though you don't have the disease,|you could still carry the virus. {51436}{51536}We'll all get properly cleared|once we get back to the SGC. {51733}{51868}Blood pressure's holding 80 over 40. Get|me the results of his latest blood work. {51871}{51970}- How's he doing?|- They're doing everything they can, sir. {51973}{52056}We talked to the Tok'ra. They said|this might be beyond their help. {52058}{52148}- They're sending someone anyway.|- His best chance is Ayiana, sir. {52151}{52220}She managed to halt|the virus in the rest of us. {52222}{52272}Why can't she stop it in herself? {52275}{52426}The virus acts like cerebrospinal|meningitis, by attacking the brain. {52429}{52547}Despite the physical similarities, Ayiana's|brain chemistry is different from ours. {52550}{52630}lt's possible she's able to trigger|an immune response in us {52633}{52726}that she can't muster in herself|once the disease reaches an end stage. {52729}{52796}What are the odds she'll survive? {53383}{53434}Hey. {53437}{53518}Glad to see you're awake. {53520}{53616}l had a feeling that|you were gonna make it. {53686}{53768}Thanks for what you did for me. {53771}{53847}You didn't have to do that.|Not for any of us. {53951}{54000}Take it easy. {54041}{54144}Gotta get your strength back.|Colonel O'Neill still needs your help. {54147}{54276}More than that, we want you to live.|l want you to live. {54457}{54492}Sorry. {54608}{54664}Ayiana {54862}{54930}- She just...|- Bag her. {54933}{54992}Give me one milligram epi. {55030}{55080}Charging to 200. {55139}{55188}Clear {55253}{55318}Nothing. Charging to 300. {55372}{55422}Clear {55466}{55523}Come on, come on. {55526}{55572}Again. Clear {55597}{55664}His condition is beyond|the healing of a hand device. {55667}{55759}However, there is a symbiote|who is in dire need of a host. {55762}{55796}What happened? {55798}{55870}The former host was|mortally wounded on assignment {55873}{55932}and the symbiote was unable to heal him. {55934}{56006}We believe that would not be|the case with Colonel O'Neill. {56009}{56094}Physical trauma is much more difficult|to deal with than disease. {56097}{56161}Colonel O'Neill would not choose|to become a Tok'ra. {56163}{56232}l am aware of the colonel's|dislike for our kind. {56234}{56334}However, l am surprised that you think|he would choose death over blending. {56505}{56641}Ayiana's dead. Dr Fraiser|did everything she could, but... {56644}{56730}She may have been|on borrowed time from the start. {56770}{56868}Jonas, this is Thoran of the Tok'ra.|Thoran, this is Jonas Quinn. {56871}{56966}The Tok'ra are offering a symbiote|in hopes that it can heal Colonel O'Neill. {56969}{57056}- What does Colonel O'Neill have to say?|- Colonel O'Neill's in a coma. {57059}{57142}The fact is, we may be in the position|of having to decide for him. {57145}{57178}How can we do that? {57180}{57276}No Tok'ra symbiote would choose to|blend with an unwilling host permanently. {57278}{57347}- What about a temporary arrangement?|- What do you mean? {57349}{57403}The symbiote Kanan|is someone l know well. {57405}{57524}l have no doubt that he would blend with|O'Neill, cure him and leave him again, {57526}{57583}if another suitable host can be found. {57586}{57610}lf not? {57613}{57736}He would ultimately sacrifice himself|rather than remain with an unwilling host. {57739}{57826}Kanan's former host died|before he was able to reveal the details {57829}{57950}of what we believe was vital intelligence|about the undercover mission he was on. {57952}{58048}l cannot stress enough|how important that information could be. {58051}{58134}Sir, we all wanna do anything we can|to help Colonel O'Neill. {58137}{58262}But l really think we at least have to give|him the opportunity to decide for himself. {58719}{58809}I´m administering .1 epi.|l don't know if this is going to work. {58811}{58864}Will it hurt him? {58867}{58916}Can't get much worse. {59081}{59160}Sir, l don't know if you can hear me. {59206}{59272}The Tok'ra have offered you a deal. {59274}{59341}There's a symbiote that needs a host. {59343}{59450}They think it could cure you.|Now, it may be your only chance. {59495}{59632}lt would only be temporary. lt would come|out as soon as they found another host. {59690}{59751}Sir, are you getting any of this? {59968}{60018}Carter. {60020}{60079}Yeah, I´m right here. {60103}{60170}Over my dead body. {60242}{60324}Sir, the symbiote's host died|while they were on a mission. {60326}{60424}The Tok'ra have reason to believe the|symbiote has vital information to reveal {60426}{60494}and this would give him that chance. {60496}{60594}They promised that if no other host was|found within a reasonable amount of time, {60596}{60720}the symbiote would sacrifice itself|rather than stay in an unwilling host. {60742}{60791}Sir, please. {61957}{62004}Visiontext Subtitles- Sally Lewis {63086}{63136}ENHOH