{921}{945}Hello. {948}{1019}- Is this Major Samantha Carter?.|- Who is this? {1021}{1111}My name is Richard Flemming.|You don't know me, but l need your help. {1137}{1204}- lt's two in the morning.|- l know what happened to you. {1207}{1256}l know about Adrian Conrad. {1337}{1408}- Who are you?|- They never shut the project down, {1410}{1466}- and now it's out of control.|- What project? {1469}{1522}You have to protect me. They know l... {1608}{1662}Hello? Hello? {3466}{3516}His name is Dr Richard Flemming. {3519}{3621}He's a biologist, formally a professor|of advanced genetics at Stanford. {3623}{3753}He's famous for developing hybrid strains|of disease-resistant corn and cotton. {3846}{3962}l read an article on him in The American|Journal for Evolutionary Science. {3996}{4057}The base library has a subscription. {4083}{4190}Well, what the article didn't say is that|two years ago he accepted a position {4192}{4251}with a company|called lmmunitech Research, {4254}{4360}which, it turns out, is a wholly-owned|subsidiary of Zetatron lndustries. {4362}{4412}Adrian Conrad. {4443}{4498}Who? {4501}{4556}You don't know? {4582}{4678}Adrian Conrad was a man who had|himself implanted with a stolen symbiote {4681}{4752}in order to cure himself|of a deadly disease. {4754}{4860}That was ten months ago. At the time|lmmunitech was located in Phoenix. {4863}{4966}One week after we took Adrian Conrad|into custody, operations were scaled back {4969}{5070}and they moved to a small town|on the coast of Oregon called Steveston. {5103}{5170}We need to talk to this Dr Flemming. {5173}{5306}He was reported missing this morning.|They found his car totalled, but no body. {5309}{5372}This warrants further investigation. {5374}{5452}l'll have transportation|arranged for the three of you. {5454}{5500}Colonel O'Neill won't join us? {5502}{5590}The Tok'ra are still looking for|a suitable host for his symbiote. {5592}{5672}You'll have to do your best|without him. Dismissed. {5853}{5932}You knew who Adrian Conrad was,|didn't you? {5934}{6076}l've memorised all mission reports. l just|don't want people thinking l'm... strange. {6097}{6152}People don't think you're strange. {6193}{6252}What about Colonel O'Neill? {6277}{6336}Let's get some lunch. {6915}{6974}- What are you doing?|- Keeping a visual record. {6977}{7050}l'll catalogue the images|when we get back to the base. {7053}{7098}Teal'c. {7120}{7193}See? The image appears|right there on the back. {7213}{7298}l'm gonna go talk to the sheriff.|Keep an eye on Teal'c. {7353}{7407}Keep an eye on Jonas. {7633}{7732}- Excuse me. Hi.|- Hi. Can l help you? {7734}{7828}Major Samantha Carter with the Air Force.|l'm looking for Sheriff Knox. {7831}{7884}l'm Sheriff Knox. {7886}{7980}Welcome to Steveston, Major.|Hey, those doughnuts? Want anything? {7987}{8036}Oh, no, thank you. {8051}{8098}Sure thing. {8123}{8178}Have a seat, Major. {8234}{8352}So, you're looking for information|about Dr Richard Flemming. {8355}{8416}That's right. l understand he's missing. {8418}{8512}We found his car in a ditch|outside of town. {8514}{8598}lt was pretty badly smashed up,|but there was no sign of him. {8600}{8654}Can l see the car? {8876}{9016}- You think he walked away from this?|- Look, no offence, but this is my problem. {9018}{9072}The Air Force has no jurisdiction here. {9162}{9248}l know l can't force you|to tell me anything, {9250}{9384}but Flemming may have had information|pertaining to a matter of national security. {9416}{9466}l'm asking for your help. {9579}{9664}We haven't had a murder|in this county in eight years. {9667}{9726}So you don't think it was an accident? {9729}{9814}Well, at the very least,|someone didn't want us to find the body. {9871}{9916}Did you know him? {9918}{10008}The people at lmmunitech|didn't mix too much with the locals, {10010}{10122}but according to his co-workers|he was acting a little strange lately. {10150}{10244}- Strange, how?|- Nervous, agitated. {10284}{10346}We found these in his glove compartment. {10397}{10476}- Amphetamines.|- He had no history of drug use. {10498}{10557}l'd like to see his lab, if l may. {10592}{10690}There was a fire last night at lmmunitech.|The place was gutted. {10841}{10910}Flemming's lab was destroyed in a fire. {10912}{10982}- So what now?|- We check out his house. {12720}{12792}- Find anything?|- Nothing of interest. {12802}{12905}Me neither. There's nothing on|the hard drive, there's no disks, no notes. {12908}{13010}There's not even a credit-card bill.|This place has been cleaned. {13132}{13187}Major Carter. {13596}{13648}- Can you sign for this?|- Uh, sure. {13739}{13788}- Thanks.|- Thank you. {13965}{14045}- Well, this is odd.|- What is it? {14047}{14159}This package to Dr Richard Flemming|was sent from Dr Richard Flemming. {14161}{14262}- Why'd he send something to himself?|- Maybe he knew they'd search the house. {14264}{14348}lt's a good way to hide something|for a couple of days. {15287}{15373}Police found amphetamines.|We found a syringe. {15375}{15512}There's a possibility Flemming suffered|from some kind of drug-induced paranoia. {15520}{15612}Perhaps his paranoia was well-founded.|He is missing. {15615}{15716}His place of work was destroyed and|all evidence was removed from his home. {15719}{15841}Conrad's scientists were studying this|symbiote to create a kind of superdrug. {15844}{15900}Maybe this is what they came up with. {15919}{16041}Well, if that's true, then a lot of people|would kill to get their hands on it. {16065}{16163}We won't know anything for sure until|we send a sample of this back to base. {16166}{16237}Tomorrow we'll talk to|other people at lmmunitech. {16239}{16314}We need to figure out|what was going on at that lab. {17367}{17519}As some of you may already know,|we have three uninvited guests in town. {17540}{17606}They are asking questions. {17609}{17684}The chances are they won't find anything. {17687}{17756}But if they do, {17789}{17848}then we will have to deal with them. {18325}{18370}Hey. {18542}{18586}Mm. {18589}{18630}Nice lunch. {18633}{18752}Mm. l'm really starting to enjoy|this traditional American food. Mm. {18755}{18856}We have another tradition.|lt's called hardened arteries. {18903}{19006}- Were you able to learn anything?|- No one at lmmunitech wants to talk. {19009}{19106}Our attempts to gather information|from locals prove equally fruitless. {19108}{19162}l wouldn't say that. {19267}{19376}Don't tell me you haven't noticed how|strangely people have been acting here. {19378}{19428}What are you talking about? {19430}{19534}Well, for instance,|that man there, right behind Teal'c. {19536}{19614}He doesn't realise it,|but he put eight sugars in his coffee. {19616}{19746}And that lady over at the counter has been|reading the same article for half an hour. {19763}{19842}Since we sat down,|that waitress has dropped her tray twice, {19844}{19920}the cook has gotten three orders wrong,|including my burger, {19923}{19988}which l ordered medium-rare,|but is well-done. {19990}{20120}l've been noticing similar behaviour all|morning. lt's like the town's half-asleep. {20157}{20212}Major Carter, sorry to bother you. {20214}{20268}Sheriff Knox would like to see you. {20438}{20524}You and your colleagues have been|asking questions around town. {20530}{20584}Yeah. ls that a problem? {20628}{20720}We found gasoline residue at the lab.|A lot of it. {20723}{20840}- So the fire was deliberate.|- lt means the stakes have gotten higher. {20842}{20922}- lf you know something...|- Sheriff, l already told you. {20924}{21058}- My investigation pertains to a matter of...|- National security. l know. {21061}{21176}- l didn't get any useful information today.|- l'm not surprised. {21178}{21304}Everyone at the lab had a confidentiality|agreement. Nobody wants to get sued. {21307}{21404}Now we know it was arson, maybe|the company will be willing to cooperate. {21407}{21458}l wouldn't be too sure about that. {21470}{21568}Well, they're gonna wanna know|who burned their lab down. {21571}{21626}There's something you don't know. {21685}{21818}Two months ago, another lmmunitech|researcher named Peter Stofer vanished. {21820}{21888}- The case was never solved.|- Why didn't you tell me? {21890}{21970}The town's been through|some rough times, Major. {21972}{22056}Shipyard shut down two years ago,|put everybody out of work. {22058}{22134}When lmmunitech came,|they brought a lot of money to the area. {22137}{22284}- So nobody says anything bad about 'em.|- There was no solid evidence of foul play. {22287}{22392}Stofer just didn't show up for work|one day and hasn't been seen since. {22394}{22494}But l did get the feeling|the company had something to hide. {22496}{22550}What do you mean? {22628}{22684}We subpoenaed documents from them. {22775}{22830}This is what we got. {23096}{23150}Did Stofer work with Dr Flemming? {23153}{23212}They were partners. {23266}{23325}l'm gonna need to borrow these. {23392}{23482}Well, this is interesting.|lt's a shipping invoice. {23485}{23582}Flemming and Stofer ordered all|the latest material on stem-cell research. {23584}{23652}Really? Hm. {23654}{23744}There's no record of lmmunitech|doing research in that area. {23747}{23835}- l know.|- Why would they keep that a secret? {23838}{23914}Stem cells can be used|to create skin grafts or organs, {23916}{24032}but, theoretically, they can also|be used to create human clones. {24037}{24090}Which is illegal. {24093}{24178}So if they were cloning and|Flemming decided to blow the whistle... {24180}{24234}He would have to be silenced. {24285}{24336}But why would he call you? {24338}{24430}lt must have something|to do with Adrian Conrad. {24447}{24552}We should go through the rest|of this stuff, see if anything turns up. {24777}{24846}This town certainly|does get quiet at night. {25237}{25284}Evening. {25724}{25792}What can l get you? {25795}{25842}Ginger ale. {25880}{25934}l'll have the same. {26101}{26150}lt does not appear we are welcome. {26153}{26267}Well, it's natural for small-town people|to be suspicious of strangers, right? {26270}{26330}We just have to give it more of an effort. {26407}{26446}Hey, guys. {26796}{26910}- You have much to learn about humans.|- That's kind of my point. {26912}{26992}How are we supposed to fit in|when we spend all our time on base? {27104}{27134}Thanks. {27276}{27384}- l have a sufficient grasp of Earth culture.|- But you'll never be one of them. {27387}{27432}This is not my home. {27434}{27559}When my time with SG-1 is done,|l will return to Chulak with my son. {27577}{27639}l guess that's the difference between us. {27698}{27772}l don't think l'll be able to go back. {27969}{28024}You're in our seats. {28027}{28091}There are many empty seats. {28093}{28144}But these are ours. {28528}{28587}ls there a problem here? {28672}{28722}No. {28724}{28778}Apparently we were in their seats. {29309}{29412}- What was that?|- They're not fit to be in our presence. {29425}{29534}lf you do anything|to jeopardise this operation, {29537}{29592}l will kill you myself. {29962}{30072}l spoke with Janet this morning. She did a|preliminary analysis on the sample l sent. {30074}{30183}She thinks the liquid in the syringe might|be some sort of sulphur-based antibiotic. {30185}{30264}So, some kind of miracle drug. {30267}{30372}We won't know anything for sure|until we get more test results back. {30500}{30555}That's the guy from the bar. {30616}{30677}- Hi.|- Hello. {30686}{30770}Sorry about our...|misunderstanding last night. {30815}{30903}- Excuse me?|- At the bar, our little confrontation. {30906}{30965}My friend and l were in your seats. {31048}{31127}l'm afraid you've got me mistaken|for someone else. {31152}{31212}l don't think so. {31215}{31278}Last night l was home in bed. {31346}{31439}That's a little strange.|He didn't seem to remember us. {31442}{31560}- Perhaps he'd had too much alcohol.|- l thought of that, but he wasn't hungover. {31562}{31670}- Or didn't tell his wife he was in the bar.|- He didn't have a wedding ring. {31696}{31750}We are being watched. {31752}{31805}The silver car. {31860}{31961}He's from the sheriff's office.|He was outside when we first got in town. {31963}{32024}He was in the restaurant yesterday. {32735}{32782}OK, take it easy. {32807}{32884}- Why are you following us?|- l don't know what you mean. {32894}{32966}- Teal'c.|- All right, all right, all right {32969}{33038}- l wasn't sure if you could be trusted.|- With what? {33090}{33172}l was a security guard at lmmunitech. {33235}{33338}- I think Dr Flemming was murdered.|- Why would you say that? {33350}{33428}About a week ago he wanted to know|if l could get him a gun. {33430}{33514}Said he was in danger and|l was the only one that could help him. {33516}{33576}- Why you?|- Well, that's the weird part. {33579}{33692}He said the people after him only come|out at night while everyone's asleep. {33695}{33800}Since l worked a graveyard shift,|l guess he figured l wasn't one of 'em. {33842}{33908}First l thought that he was crazy, {33910}{33960}and then he went missing. {33962}{34064}That's when l decided that working|for lmmunitech was a little too dangerous. {34067}{34132}Why didn't you tell the sheriff? {34135}{34210}Flemming said that|no one in the town could be trusted, {34213}{34286}but l figured l owed the guy|to tell someone. {34288}{34374}lf it hadn't been for him,|l would have died in that fire. {34523}{34636}''They only come out at night.''|What exactly is that supposed to mean? {34638}{34742}Maybe this has something to do with|what happened to us at the bar. {34745}{34842}- What did happen to you at the bar?|- We were met with hostility. {34875}{34952}You didn't say anything weird, did you? {34954}{35008}Why are you looking at me? {35040}{35112}Anyway, random aggressiveness|in a bar isn't unusual. {35115}{35176}But why didn't the man remember me? {35178}{35244}- Are you sure it was the same guy?|- Positive. {35246}{35342}Jonas Quinn is correct.|lt was the same man. {35344}{35438}You said there was evidence Flemming|and Stofer were researching cloning. {35441}{35516}No. There was evidence|they were reading up on stem cells. {35519}{35594}Which can be used|to create human clones. {35609}{35732}What if the man doesn't remember|because the man in the bar wasn't him? {35802}{35920}- He was a clone.|- No, you can't create fully grown people. {35922}{35976}They'd be infants. {35979}{36050}Still, the people of this town|are behaving strangely. {36092}{36146}Even for humans. {36177}{36226}The town's been through a lot. {36229}{36316}First the shipyard was shut down,|then the lab was destroyed. {36318}{36392}The entire future of the town's|in jeopardy. {36422}{36472}What? {36661}{36760}- You noticed these marks from the road?|- l didn't think much of 'em at the time. {36762}{36836}This area has been well travelled,|and recently. {36838}{36914}There are many footprints|as well as tyre tracks. {36916}{36956}Let's check it out. {37317}{37380}You have got|to teach me how to do that. {37382}{37456}Wormhole theory,|motorcycle riding and lock-picking. {37459}{37518}Not necessarily in that order. {37812}{37862}ln there. {38440}{38494}Somebody's been busy. {38721}{38780}These appear to be schematics. {38845}{38912}Yeah, but for what? {38950}{39009}l got a pretty good idea. {39758}{39872}Near as we can tell, sir, it's some|kind of alien ship, partially constructed. {39898}{40014}No, sir. We shouldn't do anything drastic|until we have more information. {40017}{40064}Yes, sir. Understood. {40096}{40216}Hammond won't call in the troops until we|figure out who built this thing and why. {40218}{40324}All the disks we got from the shipyard|are encoded. l can't read any of them. {40327}{40376}- Let me try.|- Yeah. {40497}{40586}Adrian Conrad illegally acquired|a symbiote from Colonel Maybourne. {40589}{40662}lt is possible he also|acquired alien technology. {40665}{40760}l don't know. This is unlike anything|the Russians or the NlD ever had. {40763}{40827}Then there must be|an alien presence in town. {40829}{40917}lt looks that way,|but how did they get here? {40932}{41066}- lt is not probable they used the Stargate.|- lf they came by ship, why build another? {41069}{41146}Perhaps an accident or a malfunction. {41149}{41218}They're not finished,|which means they'll be back. {41221}{41296}My guess is they work|under the cover of darkness. {41321}{41372}They only come out at night. {41423}{41530}OK. l think l can break this code,|but it's gonna take a while. {41969}{42032}Teal'c, is there any activity? {42048}{42122}Negative. How is the|decryption progressing? {42161}{42216}Slowly. {43219}{43278}Something's happening. {43574}{43628}Here we go. {43855}{43910}Oh, my God. {44005}{44052}Teal'c, come in. {44055}{44152}Major Carter. Many of the townspeople|have arrived at the shipyard. {44154}{44258}They're Goa'uld. Repeat;|the people building the ship are Goa'uld. {44284}{44372}- How is that possible?|- Flemming and Stofer were cloning, {44374}{44438}only it was Adrian Conrad's|symbiote they cloned. {44441}{44520}- Why did we not sense them?|- There's no naqahdah in their blood. {44593}{44648}There's way too many of 'em. {44667}{44732}Get back here.|l'll see if l can translate more. {44745}{44794}Affirmative. {44818}{44880}Hold it. Leave the weapons on the dash. {44899}{44970}Put your hands in the air|and get out of the car. {45231}{45290}- What is this?|- Get in the van. {46845}{46928}- Where are you taking us?|- Back to the motel. {46930}{46994}We want you out of town by daybreak. {47139}{47216}l'm Agent Cross. That's Agent Singer. {47218}{47266}NlD. {47389}{47500}- So you know what's going on here?|- We've monitored it for three months. {47515}{47640}- They are waiting till the ship is complete.|- lt'll be our first line of planetary defence. {47643}{47762}- You set this whole thing up?|- No, just took advantage of the situation. {47765}{47848}lmmunitech cloned the symbiotes,|then there was an accident. {47851}{47942}We figure Flemming got infected,|then went after the other townspeople. {47945}{47998}Flemming is the one who tipped us off. {48000}{48100}The symbiotes are immature. They are|too weak to assert permanent control. {48103}{48160}But when the hosts go to sleep|they take over. {48162}{48252}When people wake up the next morning|they're tired, but none the wiser. {48264}{48330}That's why Flemming|was on amphetamines. {48333}{48454}- You get a ship, but what of the people?|- We have ways of dealing with them. {48456}{48548}- We will report this to SGC.|- Go ahead. This is no rogue operation. {48550}{48611}We have the full support of our superiors. {48614}{48712}When it is over, we'll have succeeded|where the SGC failed for five years. {48714}{48773}We have all the angles covered. {50308}{50352}Sam? {50369}{50414}Sam? {50557}{50614}They took her. {50775}{50864}- You have to do something.|- We've a containment team on stand-by. {50867}{50936}We can have this town|quarantined in 45 minutes. {50939}{50978}Then do so. {51027}{51140}Your operation is blown, Agent Cross.|The symbiotes know we're onto 'em. {51171}{51270}This is Cross. We have a code six.|l repeat- a code six. {51286}{51336}This is not a drill. {51370}{51472}We just lost 500 years|of technical advancement. {51474}{51524}It's much worse than that. {51921}{51970}Sam. {51996}{52046}You all right? {52144}{52184}What's going on? {52237}{52296}You should only speak when spoken to. {52352}{52397}OK. {53086}{53147}Welcome, brother. {53149}{53250}- Do you know where you are?|- l have the memories of my host. {53253}{53347}Good. When the|containment team gets here, {53350}{53474}you and Singer will take the symbiotes|and report back to NlD headquarters. {53477}{53562}- What about the rest of us?|- We'll be detained. {53564}{53670}lt'll only be a matter of days before|we've taken control of the organisation. {53673}{53722}That's an ambitious plan. {53761}{53820}Easy, OK? Sorry. {53876}{53976}The irony is we only wanted|to get off this pathetic planet. {53984}{54102}But when we realised they were|watching us, we came up with a new plan. {54288}{54404}Wait Major Carter was|writing a report on her computer. {54407}{54497}lt would be better if|the containment team didn't find it. {54580}{54630}Get the computer first. {54801}{54854}Should we use these two as hosts? {54905}{54954}No. {55017}{55082}This one is Jaffa. {55085}{55144}Shol'va. {55146}{55200}You should be serving your god. {55203}{55274}Apophis, the false god, is dead. {55282}{55341}Really? {55381}{55428}What about this one? {55431}{55512}He's an alien.|The humans don't really trust him. {55682}{55726}We'll have to kill them. {57245}{57291}Sergeant Krieger. {57293}{57364}- Agent Cross.|- What's our status? {57367}{57447}Perimeter's in place.|We're ready to round up the citizens. {57450}{57541}Excellent. Agent Singer and l|need transportation to headquarters. {57544}{57598}l'll call in the chopper. {57905}{57988}Get out of the car|Keep your hands where we can see 'em {58128}{58192}l'm Major Carter, United States Air Force. {58195}{58282}l have important information|for Agent Cross. {58284}{58334}Let her through. {58839}{58924}Why are you here? You were|supposed to be detained with the others. {58926}{59006}Major Carter's more valuable to you|if she hasn't been exposed. {59008}{59096}- That wasn't part of the plan.|- No, she's right. {59099}{59200}While we're taking over the NlD,|she can infiltrate Stargate Command. {59202}{59272}- lt's too risky.|- You worry too much. {59365}{59420}The humans have no idea|what's going on. {59422}{59472}Oh, l wouldn't exactly say that. {59674}{59753}You guys aren't nearly as smart|as you think you are. {59851}{59896}l translated enough of the writing {59898}{59998}to know lmmunitech had engineered|the symbiotes with a built-in kill switch, {60001}{60076}a susceptibility to a particular antibiotic. {60078}{60174}- The syringe. So we had it all along.|- When l saw the Goa'uld coming, {60177}{60288}l had nothing to lose, so l injected myself|and it acted like a vaccine. {60290}{60378}Took a few minutes to kill the symbiote,|then l just played along. {60394}{60498}We had similar results with the|townspeople. They responded positively. {60501}{60591}Each dead symbiote will break down|and be absorbed into the host body. {60594}{60659}Do the townspeople recall these events? {60661}{60780}As far as they know, they were inoculated|against an outbreak of meningitis. {60814}{60897}- So what about the ship?|- lt's been transferred to Area 51 . {60899}{60976}Even though it's not complete,|it may still prove valuable. {60979}{61038}All right. Dismissed. {61129}{61194}So when we were in the sheriff's office... {61221}{61300}- you were in complete control?|- That's right. {61336}{61447}And you felt it absolutely necessary|to really slap me? {61467}{61512}l had to make it look good. {61590}{61641}Let's get some lunch. {61731}{61841}Visiontext Subtitles- Natasha Cohn {62911}{62960}ENHOH