{145}{198}Move {201}{272}- Yes, sir. Set it up.|- Go, go, go. {274}{400}(Fraiser) lmmobilise with a cervical collar|and let the symbiote heal the damage. {403}{462}Pressure dressing, stat. {498}{584}Airway's compromised.|Corpsman, priority one. Let's move {889}{935}(O'Neill) Hey Hey {1038}{1128}- What's that?|- Equipment essential to our security. {1131}{1188}That wasn't the question. Open it up. {1309}{1360}A Zatarc detector. {1375}{1442}See, that's all you had to say.|Move out. {1686}{1741}- Pierce?|- Colonel. {1743}{1800}SG-12 was wiped out|in the first wave, sir. {1803}{1912}- The Goa'uld knew exactly where to hit.|- Where's my father? {1915}{2038}He insisted on disabling the DHD at|the Tok'ra base and ordered us to leave. {2076}{2132}See to your men. {2253}{2290}Jacob. {2471}{2544}- ls the gate secure?|- lf the Chaapa-ai is reactivated, {2546}{2596}we will have the answer. {2599}{2712}l set a charge equivalent to a tactical nuke|to detonate ten seconds after we left. {2714}{2762}No one's following us. {2764}{2826}- You're sure about that?|- l'm positive. {2864}{2934}Stand down.|Help the wounded. {2990}{3036}What happened? {3038}{3114}(distorted) Anubis overran|our position in the Risa system. {3117}{3198}We tried dialling the SGC gate,|but it must have been active. {3201}{3306}Jonas and SG-2 were returning from|P36-231 with artefacts they'd gathered. {3308}{3408}Jack, l know you wanted to keep|the location of the Alpha site top-secret, {3411}{3468}but we had no alternative.|We couldn't wait. {3470}{3587}- You dialled the coordinates yourself?|- Yeah. l was careful. Nobody saw. {3589}{3646}To whom do l owe thanks for this refuge? {3648}{3750}Colonel O'Neill, this is Malek, commander|of the Tok'ra base we evacuated. {3752}{3860}- And Ocker, chief of security.|- Your people were brave in aiding us. {3862}{3936}- How many made it?|- Less than a quarter of our number. {3938}{3979}l'm sorry. {3982}{4070}This is the base of the Tauri.|Why are there Jaffa? {4073}{4116}Rebel warriors. {4119}{4206}Jaffa who have|turned against the Goa'uld. {4208}{4284}l did not realise their ranks|had grown to such a number. {4286}{4370}Many more are operating|as a fifth column among the Goa'uld. {4372}{4433}Just like you. {4436}{4536}Many of these Jaffa had to evacuate|their rebel base several months ago. {4538}{4590}l see. {4612}{4664}ls that going to be a problem? {4730}{4790}Not for us. {4793}{4838}Good. {6924}{6980}Arik tre-ac te kek. {6982}{7058}''We do not surrender, even in death.'' {7061}{7143}Tak mal arik tiak. {7158}{7212}''You will not be forgotten.'' {8012}{8062}(men shouting) {8150}{8240}- Nemeth kree|- Hey. Hey {8284}{8368}What the hell is goin' on?|This is a funeral, for cryin' out loud {8371}{8488}- l asked a question of this Tok'ra.|- No one may speak during the ritual. {8491}{8556}For this, you guys are fighting? {8602}{8658}- l'm sure he's sorry.|- l am not. {8660}{8732}- On the inside.|- lt does not matter. {8735}{8784}Look, it does not matter. {8816}{8920}Come on, a lot of people lost their lives.|Show a little respect. {8962}{9048}- They are no different than the Goa'uld.|- Jaffa {9272}{9374}All right, break it up Go on home.|There's nothin' to see here. {9376}{9426}Go on. {9497}{9585}There's no need to apologise|on their behalf, Colonel. {9588}{9680}- Apologise?|- We understand the Jaffa. {9694}{9812}Actually, l was gonna remind you that|without Bra'tac and Teal'c and other Jaffa, {9814}{9898}all your little Tok'ra folks|would be pushin' up daisies. {9900}{10025}l need not remind you that the rebel Jaffa|and the Tauri are equally indebted to us. {10054}{10092}How so? {10095}{10164}We have been fighting the Goa'uld|for millennia. {10167}{10248}Yeah. Just when should we expect|some progress on that? {10345}{10424}lt's been a bad day.|Let's... move on. {10640}{10688}Sir. {10690}{10808}Several of the Tok'ra have expressed|concern about their temporary quarters. {10811}{10896}Explain to them the meaning|of the word ''temporary''. {10899}{10956}lf they don't like it, they can leave. {10968}{11024}- You really want me to tell them that?|- Yes. {11040}{11090}No. {11118}{11168}l'll do it. {11575}{11640}Hey. How's the leg? {11663}{11742}lt's better. One of the perks|of being a Tok'ra. {11794}{11844}lf you say so. {11901}{11956}What was all that crap at the funeral? {11982}{12034}l wouldn't read too much into it. {12048}{12116}Why do you guys have to be so dang... {12135}{12192}- Arrogant?|- Yeah, OK. {12195}{12250}lt's complicated, symbiote and host. {12261}{12362}The blending of two personalities|does sometimes have its drawbacks. {12381}{12438}Tell me about it. {12487}{12564}Jack, there's no denying|you had a bad experience. {12588}{12652}But if you hadn't had|a symbiote implanted... {12654}{12704}Please, don't use that term, huh? {12706}{12810}lf you hadn't been blended with Kanan,|you'd be dead right now. {12859}{12942}By the way, if l hadn't become a Tok'ra,|l'd be dead too. {12984}{13074}Kanan broke one of our highest laws.|He used you. {13090}{13148}Even Selmak was sickened by it. {13151}{13236}There's no way he could have hidden|those feelings from me. {13238}{13350}But Kanan did something terribly wrong|while trying to do the right thing. {13352}{13422}- You can't forgive him for that?|- No. {13460}{13544}lt's a shame a true blending|never really occurred. {13546}{13603}You might understand the Tok'ra better. {13606}{13677}Oh, l think l understand 'em just fine. {13680}{13736}You don't like us much any more, do you? {13738}{13795}l like you. {13817}{13868}l see the Jaffa differently. {13871}{13966}Most of the Tok'ra hosts come from|worlds conquered by the Goa'uld, {13969}{14077}born into a feudal system where their|only choices were forced labour or death. {14080}{14155}So it's the host's fault? {14158}{14210}lt's history. {14212}{14316}For 2,000 years, every time a Tok'ra died|at the end of a staff weapon, {14318}{14368}a Jaffa was holding it. {14371}{14496}We just got our asses kicked|by an army of Jaffa loyal to Anubis. {14498}{14550}You think that helps? {14553}{14584}No. {14587}{14678}There's talk among the Tok'ra|that the end is closer than we think. {14681}{14748}And l don't mean the end of the Goa'uld. {14751}{14830}l mean the end of us. All of us. {14916}{15038}The Jaffa rebellion isn't rolling along as|well as could be expected either, l take it. {15079}{15136}No. lt's not. {15138}{15197}Then at least we have|that much in common. {15546}{15671}lt seemed like a power fluctuation in|the cycle output of the naqahdah reactor. {15674}{15792}But l discovered the absorption port and|its redundancy had been tampered with. {15795}{15873}Carter l haven't had coffee. {15875}{16002}Sir, if no one had noticed it,|the reactor would have overloaded. {16004}{16098}- Any chance this was an accident?|- Not a chance. {16101}{16202}Would not such an explosion destroy|an area several miles in circumference? {16205}{16254}Yeah, it would. {16257}{16355}- Who knows about this?|- Except for the guards l posted, just us. {16375}{16444}How long would it have taken|for an explosion to occur? {16447}{16518}An hour. Maybe less. {16565}{16610}Pierce? O'Neill. {16613}{16682}No one goes near the gate|till l get there. {16692}{16748}Yes, sir. {16770}{16820}What are you considering, O'Neill? {16822}{16910}Well, if you'd rigged a reactor to blow... {16913}{16994}wouldn't you want to get offworld|before it... blew? {17034}{17068}lndeed. {17169}{17296}- l could send reinforcements.|- We've got enough people here as it is. {17298}{17354}Colonel, at least let me rejoin the team. {17356}{17424}An incoming wormhole -|what risk could there be? {17426}{17494}Sorry, Jonas, you'll have|to sit this one out. {17496}{17628}Until we know what's goin' on, General,|l recommend no gate travel either way. {17631}{17726}Understood, Colonel. l'll have|SG-3 standing by, just in case. {17739}{17834}We'll report back in 24 hours.|O'Neill out. {17943}{17998}Pierce, l want the guard doubled. {18011}{18060}Yes, sir. {18107}{18156}What is happening? {18159}{18230}Uh, looks like we're gonna be|stuck here for a while. {18242}{18322}lt is imperative that we seek|another location for our base. {18324}{18426}Yeah, you might want to put that on hold.|We... have a situation. {18449}{18498}There is a saboteur among us. {18501}{18610}Our naqahdah reactor almost went|critical. l discovered it just in time. {18612}{18704}- And if you hadn't?|- We wouldn't be having this chat. {18741}{18765}l see. {18768}{18864}We chose this planet as our Alpha site|because it is unknown to the Goa'uld. {18866}{18954}And it is imperative|that this base remain secret. {18956}{19012}We will be questioning everybody. {19030}{19104}- Of course.|- Starting with the Tok'ra. {19228}{19278}For what reason? {19281}{19336}Everything was fine until you showed up. {19367}{19434}lf what you say is true,|we would have perished too. {19437}{19484}lt'd only take one. {19487}{19536}Selmak? {19586}{19704}(distorted) We have no choice. The Zatarc|detector will reveal any lie or deception. {19706}{19776}Yeah, but a spy within|the Jaffa or Tok'ra ranks {19779}{19856}wouldn't have to be a Zatarc|to attempt this. {19858}{19990}Any deception will be detected, whether|we are dealing with a Zatarc or not. {20087}{20180}That is when l requested to leave|and you informed me of the sabotage. {20279}{20343}Do you know why the Tok'ra base fell? {20345}{20466}Exactly how Anubis was able to defeat|our defence system remains a mystery. {20522}{20578}OK, we're done. {20666}{20725}Thank you. {20728}{20784}No. Thank you. {21202}{21252}Jaffa {21316}{21410}(Jacob) l'll screen the wounded,|but l doubt they could have done it. {21413}{21538}After that, if we still have nothing,|base personnel will have to be screened. {21540}{21608}- OK.|- And the Jaffa. {21610}{21654}Bra'tac? {21674}{21740}l had hoped it would not come to that. {21743}{21834}lf the Jaffa won't submit to the screening,|after the Tok'ra have, {21837}{21894}we're just askin' for trouble. {21897}{21972}The very purpose of this device|questions one's honour. {21974}{22036}Or you could say|it confirms one's honour. {22039}{22124}- lt is also of Tok'ra design.|- Oh, come on {22126}{22198}l have learned much in my 137 years. {22221}{22316}Can you look me in the eye and tell me|you trust the Tok'ra entirely? {22342}{22399}No. Not entirely. {22402}{22508}But enough to allow myself to be|screened along with everybody else. {22532}{22624}l will convince the Jaffa to submit.|You have my word. {22627}{22726}Perhaps once the Tok'ra see|how big Jaffa hearts can be, {22728}{22800}they will finally look upon us as equals. {22802}{22846}(Malek) Colonel O'Neill {23370}{23462}- You killed Ocker.|- l would have, if he'd challenged me. {23465}{23532}- Are you not responsible for this?|- l wish l was. {23534}{23620}- Answer him directly.|- l will not explain myself to him. {23623}{23676}Then explain it to me. {23767}{23826}Please. {23829}{23946}- l was across the compound.|- l insist that he be screened immediately. {24127}{24180}Yeah. {24192}{24230}l will not {24243}{24296}l will not {24586}{24650}- Carter, l want you in there.|- Yes, sir. {24677}{24760}- l need to know the cause of death.|- l'll get on it, sir. {24783}{24864}You both know this,|but l'm gonna say it out loud anyway. {24867}{24992}l need every bit of influence you two have,|or this whole thing's gonna blow up. {25208}{25304}l was alone outside the compound,|eating my ration in private. {25373}{25432}Do you know who killed Ocker? {25434}{25482}No. {25587}{25679}- Did you kill him?|- No, l did not kill him. {25879}{25934}We're finished. {25966}{26034}- Holding cell.|- Yes, sir. {26036}{26122}Master Bra'tac, l did not kill him. {26166}{26230}Go with them. {26259}{26316}Do not attempt escape. {26563}{26612}Deception. He is guilty. {26615}{26688}All we know is|that he's lying about something. {26691}{26776}- What more proof do you need?|- This device is not infallible. {26778}{26852}lt can give false positives.|We've seen it before. {26854}{26928}You were all willing to stake|the security of the base on it. {26931}{27020}Artok's hostility towards the Tok'ra|could throw off the readings. {27023}{27124}- His hostility is the reason Ocker is dead.|- What if we verify his alibi? {27127}{27205}He's right. Maybe someone saw him|where he said he was. {27207}{27284}Tok'ra and Jaffa deliberately|ate apart from each other. {27287}{27356}l will not accept the word of a Jaffa|in his defence. {27359}{27467}Of course you won't. So, why don't|we see what the autopsy says? {27470}{27500}Why? {27503}{27620}Because we don't convict people|just because some damn light turns red {27666}{27742}- How long will the autopsy take?|- lt's hard to say. {27754}{27861}The report may offer tangible evidence|proving or disproving his guilt. {27863}{27951}Look, he's not goin' anywhere.|You've got my word. {27954}{28014}And mine as well. {28072}{28142}Many Tok'ra have died in recent days. {28144}{28274}To lose another of our number in a place|we had thought was refuge, it is difficult. {28356}{28408}l'm sure it is. {28530}{28589}There is some bruising|around his mouth. {28592}{28712}The killer could have stopped him calling|out by covering his mouth from behind. {28731}{28850}The trauma to the back of the neck|was done with a blade of exotic design. {28853}{28920}The blade was used to sever|the host's spinal column {28923}{28988}between the first and second|cervical vertebrae, {28991}{29064}while severing|the spinal column of the symbiote {29067}{29140}between the 33rd and 34th|precloacal vertebrae. {29143}{29196}Death would have been instantaneous. {29241}{29292}No Jaffa did this. {29294}{29360}- How do you know?|- Jaffa do not kill in this fashion. {29362}{29424}Jaffa could not be trained to do this? {29427}{29500}A Jaffa would not. {29503}{29586}Vengeance is exacted face to face,|not from behind. {29589}{29644}Face to face, a Jaffa may not survive. {29647}{29723}lt is a Tok'ra or a Goa'uld|who has committed this act. {29726}{29812}- l disagree.|- (alarm sounds) {30561}{30634}This is different.|This was a frontal attack. {30637}{30704}The only similarity|is that it was done by a blade. {30706}{30742}The same one? {30744}{30814}l won't know until l inspect|the internal organs. {30817}{30898}- Was the door locked, Sergeant?|- Yes, sir. {30901}{30966}- Did you hear anything?|- No, sir. {30968}{31050}(Carter) lt's unlikely|that someone defeated the lock, {31052}{31161}stabbed him without a fight,|and then re-locked the door as they left. {31168}{31283}What if they attacked through the bars|and pushed him back to where he is now? {31285}{31349}Why are there no defensive wounds? {31351}{31420}He'd have to be standing|in front of the bars. {31423}{31510}A Jaffa would never expose himself|to such a vulnerable position. {31512}{31616}Unless he knew his killer...|and did not fear him. {32106}{32156}Artok is dead. {32158}{32262}Only yesterday he helped to carry|your wounded, and then you killed him {32265}{32317}- Now is not the time.|- You know the truth. {32320}{32389}- l do not.|- (Malek) A Tok'ra did not kill him. {32402}{32458}Of this l am certain. {32493}{32542}You carry a blade. {32544}{32630}To defend myself,|when the Tok'ra finally come for me. {32678}{32730}He was defenceless {32785}{32813}Malek {32816}{32910}Somebody wanna... tell me|what's goin' on here? {33019}{33056}Anybody? {33156}{33238}Why don't we put the weapons... down? {33276}{33340}Teal'c O'Neill {33369}{33478}Should we go check this out,|let these folks talk among themselves? {33734}{33818}Footprints. Recently made, and alone. {33833}{33908}Whoever did this|fled quickly in that direction. {33945}{34042}The footprints...|Jaffa or Tok'ra? {34122}{34178}(Bra'tac) They could be either one. {34336}{34400}All right, let's do a head count. {34589}{34650}All right, listen up, folks. {34653}{34728}We can stop pointing fingers|at each other. {34730}{34786}Everyone's been accounted for. {34789}{34874}However, that does mean|that someone... {34901}{35020}or, dare l say it, some thing|is still floatin' around, tryin' to do us in. {35023}{35160}We will search in groups of three,|a Tok'ra, Jaffa and Tauri in each. {35162}{35226}This thing wanted to|turn us against each other. {35229}{35336}The fact that we're onto him makes him|more dangerous. Keep that in mind. {35387}{35436}Let's move out. {36918}{36968}(Teal'c over radio) O'Neill? {37026}{37064}Go ahead, Teal'c. {37066}{37166}We have located Captain Grier's|search team. They are dead. {37301}{37344}Any tracks? {37347}{37442}Each team member appears to have been|killed separately and dragged here. {37445}{37492}What's your position? {37495}{37550}Near the base of the north cliff. {37553}{37610}(twig snaps) {37682}{37730}Stand by. l got somethin' here. {37936}{38040}Carter, hook up with Teal'c|at his position. Secure the area. {38042}{38082}Yes, sir. {40803}{40893}- What happened?|- l could not defend against it. {40896}{40948}l had no choice. {40951}{41008}Where's Bra'tac? {41039}{41100}He is dead. {41387}{41442}Tell me why l should not kill you here. {41444}{41518}He was swept away.|There was nothing l could have done. {41521}{41600}You could have pursued him|Bra'tac could have been saved. {41603}{41674}l believed it more important|to report what l saw. {41676}{41772}How can we trust the Tok'ra|if they would abandon a Jaffa in battle? {41775}{41850}- (Malek) lf l had not, l would be dead.|- (fly buzzing) {41852}{41902}Jack. A little help. {41956}{42006}Teal'c. Stop. {42008}{42046}(Malek choking) {42236}{42308}Teal'c, don't do this. {42311}{42380}Bra'tac would want us to stick together. {42476}{42526}He's right, Teal'c. {42929}{43040}Bra'tac pushed me out of the way|just before the attack. {43042}{43150}Somehow, he knew whoever it was|had a personal cloaking device. {43153}{43210}He was invisible. {43253}{43312}lnvisible? {43354}{43496}Nirrti has stealth technology. She could've|come through the gate with the Tok'ra. {43498}{43564}That would explain why|there were no defensive wounds {43567}{43652}and how Anubis was able to defeat|the defences of the Tok'ra base. {43655}{43720}An invisible spy|could operate with impunity. {43723}{43790}That woman continues|to get on my nerves. {43793}{43885}l doubt Nirrti would be in league|with Anubis. She's a renegade. {43888}{43972}Well, whoever it is,|we're dealing with an enemy we can't see. {43974}{44068}Without TERs to counter that technology,|we're helpless. {44070}{44170}Do you have the means to generate|a high-frequency electromagnetic field? {44173}{44230}l could modify the naqahdah reactor. {44232}{44292}Within a range of 400 to 700 nanometres? {44313}{44394}That might bring the phase particles|into our visible spectrum. {44397}{44464}- Carter?|- The invisibility field must operate... {44466}{44536}- Can you make the invisible guy vis...?|- Yes, sir. {44539}{44638}- That's all l need.|- lf you can see it, you can shoot it. {44654}{44708}Right. {44710}{44762}l will assist you. {44862}{44912}Fine. Let's move out. {45295}{45408}- We need to bring the reactor out.|- Do it. Everybody else guards the gate. {45458}{45508}All right, listen up {45568}{45722}Our enemy has a device that can|render himself, or herself, invisible. {45766}{45854}He or she may have come through|the gate with the wounded Tok'ra. {45856}{45930}Whatever it is, it tried|to play us against each other. {45933}{46030}That's not gonna work any more,|because now we know it is among us. {46205}{46274}Bra'tac is gone. {46315}{46412}His death will have been in vain|unless we trust each other, {46414}{46486}and work together to defeat this enemy. {46779}{46878}Do what you have to do, but that son|of a bitch does not get through that gate. {46880}{46926}Yes, sir. {46962}{47050}lf this creature leaves,|this base will have to be abandoned. {47053}{47126}- Yeah, l know.|- (engine hums) {47512}{47612}The same bladed weapon killed|both of them. Probably the others too. {47615}{47736}A single thrust, up through the symbiote,|continuing up, piercing the Jaffa's heart. {47738}{47814}- He died instantly.|- Nirrti's been workin' out. {47816}{47890}Not Nirrti, an Ashrak. {47893}{48000}A Goa'uld assassin of great strength,|most likely in the service of Anubis. {48002}{48100}An Ashrak penetrated SGC security|and tried to kill Major Carter. {48102}{48218}lndeed. The Ashrak succeeded in killing|Jolinar, to whom Major Carter was host. {48221}{48288}That guy wasn't invisible. {48290}{48398}While in the service of Apophis|many Jaffa were killed in this manner, {48401}{48464}while working in the|naqahdah mines of Kawawn. {48466}{48520}Apophis ordered the mines sealed, {48523}{48620}and when the tunnels were opened|days later, a single Ashrak was found. {48623}{48694}Only one had killed so many. {48697}{48786}lf he's that powerful,|why didn't he just go on a killing spree? {48789}{48856}Divide and conquer. {49895}{49959}l wish that Bra'tac were here. {49989}{50038}Yeah, l know. {50099}{50150}Carter? {50153}{50218}- Are we there yet?|- Almost, sir. {50220}{50340}The reactor wasn't designed for a|sustained output at this frequency range. {51803}{51860}Medics, we've got wounded out here {51863}{51891}You OK? {51894}{51978}Colonel. l'm sorry, sir.|lt got my GDO during the firefight. {51981}{52032}- What?|- lt was moving in and around us. {52034}{52084}One casualty was hit by friendly fire. {52086}{52141}Re-establish a perimeter around the gate. {52143}{52220}- l'd like to take a team after it, sir.|- Negative. {52222}{52312}- You hold that gate. Go.|- Yes, sir. {52315}{52372}We should leave before he attacks again. {52375}{52444}lt took a GDO.|Nobody's goin' anywhere. {52446}{52516}- You saw what he was capable...|- Yes, l did. {52519}{52592}That's why l want all personnel|guarding that gate. {52595}{52650}That includes Tok'ra and Jaffa {52652}{52708}- Colonel...|- Go help Carter {53247}{53356}- A true warrior would show himself.|- Patience, Rak'nor. {53383}{53497}As Bra'tac would have said, a Jaffa|has many senses with which to fight. {53583}{53628}OK, Sam? {53642}{53714}- Malek, how close are we?|- 200 nanometres. {53716}{53824}- That's still ultraviolet.|- We need 400 to be in visual range. {53873}{53954}lf we perish, there'll be no one left|to carry on the fight. {53957}{54038}The Jaffa will fight side by side|with the Tok'ra. {54041}{54112}And, if need be, die side by side. {54160}{54253}- Malek, what's that read?|- 420 nanometres. {54256}{54341}Sir, we're there.|Powering up 50 per cent. {54383}{54432}Ooh {54458}{54502}Anybody else feel that? {54504}{54640}The tingling is caused by the energy field.|lt's not causing any physical damage. {54642}{54682}No, l like it. {54684}{54770}The power setting may not|counteract the cloaking device, {54773}{54863}but increasing it will reduce|our ability to sustain the field. {54866}{54958}- Crank it up.|- Yes, sir. Powering up 100 per cent. {55235}{55300}Hold your positions {55371}{55420}Carter, are we still in business? {55423}{55506}Yes, sir.|l just need to bring it back online. {55658}{55712}Watch those gaps {56319}{56364}Rak'nor {56571}{56616}Everybody down {57401}{57450}(machine powering up) {58451}{58509}Master Bra'tac {58823}{58938}- Pierce, stand down. We got him.|- Yes, sir. {59313}{59374}You're very lucky to be alive. {59391}{59476}lndeed. This Ashrak left me for dead. {59489}{59606}l was unable to move, and do not know|how long l was unconscious. {59608}{59726}My symbiote sustained me...|and l returned as soon as l could. {59745}{59802}Not bad. {59827}{59890}l owe you my life, twice over. {60020}{60118}l only hope that one day|l'm given a chance to repay that debt. {60120}{60170}Forgive me. {60802}{60880}(Bra'tac) This single blade|did what we could not. {60917}{60972}lt has brought us together. {61037}{61102}This blade has spilled|the blood of Jaffa... {61151}{61203}of the Tok'ra... {61222}{61278}and of the Tauri. {61399}{61489}By the hand of our common enemy... {61509}{61566}it has made us brothers. {61630}{61766}Together, we have ensured|it will never spill our blood again. {61994}{62041}Visiontext Subtitles- Stephanie Donohue {63123}{63172}ENHOH