{611}{650}Calm yourself, Commander. {652}{738}We are about to meet an alien race|in person for the first time. {741}{829}lf you are correct they are advanced|and capable of being a threat. {832}{886}That gives me reason to be on the alert. {889}{969}Since the discovery of the ruins|we have had reason to believe {971}{1092}that there are other inhabited planets|in the galaxy, and now we have our proof. {1094}{1174}l am relieved that the very|first contact that we have made {1177}{1246}is with a race of humans|that seem to be very like us. {1248}{1316}Maybe you trust them|without suspicion. l cannot. {1319}{1394}Nevertheless, Commander,|we must proceed. {1607}{1694}They are sending their most|respected team of representatives. {1697}{1825}No doubt the leader of this group|will be a brilliant and savvy negotiator. {1827}{1891}We must be at our best|to match the challenge. {1893}{1998}Personally, l cannot wait|to meet a man of such genius. {2120}{2182}Howdy, folks. {2601}{2658}- Nice.|- Thank you, Colonel. {2661}{2726}We would be happy to take you|on a tour of our city, {2729}{2836}but first we'd like to spend a little|time talking about our mutual interests, {2838}{2902}so please, please, sit. {2990}{3076}To be honest, we are still trying|to adjust to the fact {3079}{3156}that our Stargate, as you call it, {3159}{3246}is no longer a mere relic of a bygone era. {3248}{3336}lt was a shock when your communication|machine appeared last month. {3338}{3396}First contact can be unnerving. {3399}{3496}We are all very pleased to finally|get the chance to talk face to face. {3499}{3562}From our study of the temple|we were able to deduce {3564}{3647}the Stargate was an interplanetary|transportation device. {3650}{3708}We haven't determined|how to make a connection {3711}{3788}with the many worlds described|in the writings in the temple. {3791}{3858}lt took us a while to get the hang of it, too. {3861}{3922}We know the symbols|on the Stargate are the key, {3925}{4017}but as for the number sequence|to enter in the dialling device... {4020}{4094}We can definitely help you out there. {4097}{4156}Once we get to know you a little better. {4199}{4254}Oh, yes, well, of course. {4256}{4377}We intend to allow you full access|to our citizens, our history, our culture, {4380}{4432}so that you may come to trust us. {4435}{4500}l hope we can reciprocate. {4516}{4620}We also want to make it clear that we|intend to offer all that we can in trade {4622}{4718}for any knowledge or technology|that you are willing to share. {4956}{5062}- Qu'est-ce que c'est?|- We call it tretonin, Colonel. {5065}{5172}- lt is our greatest scientific discovery.|- How so? {5189}{5310}Major Carter, from what you|have told me about your world, {5313}{5434}your people suffer from a myriad of|illnesses. Many of them are untreatable. {5436}{5560}Tretonin makes our immune systems|impervious to any ailment. {5616}{5675}We live in perfect health. {7444}{7508}What is it you hope to achieve here? {7510}{7593}lf we're gonna learn about these|people, start at the beginning. {7595}{7648}(woman) Earthans. {7650}{7718}Uh, Earthlings... sort of. {7768}{7871}l am Zenna Valk, supervisor|of the temple research project. {7874}{7946}lt is a pleasure to meet|the explorers from Earth. {7948}{8002}We're not originally from there. {8004}{8114}However, we have dedicated|ourselves to the cause of the Tauri. {8154}{8190}Earth. {8193}{8260}Am l at least correct|in assuming you are Jaffa? {8262}{8350}- lndeed.|- l cannot tell you how exciting this is. {8352}{8402}We have learned much from this site, {8404}{8488}but it must pale in comparison|to what you can teach us. {8490}{8558}l don't know, but we'd love it|if you showed us around. {8560}{8630}By all means. That was my intention. {8634}{8750}We first discovered these ruins|over 100 years ago, and since then {8752}{8868}we've dedicated ourselves to studying|the secrets the Goa'uld left behind. {8871}{8948}This area was obviously|some sort of reception colonnade {8950}{9040}for greeting travellers|who came through the Stargate. {9043}{9118}The real discovery|was made just over here. {9156}{9240}Although we fully admit tretonin|is not without side effects, {9242}{9367}we assure you, the good it can do|far outweighs any negative aspects. {9370}{9420}What kind of side effects? {9422}{9514}Depends on the individual. Most people|experience almost no reaction. {9517}{9598}Those who do merely require|more regulated doses. {9601}{9708}- We'll need a decent amount for testing.|- On Earth, of course. {9710}{9754}Yes, certainly. {9757}{9860}Of course, we need something in return|from you, as a measure of good faith. {9863}{9982}We can give you these ten addresses|and a lesson in gate technology. {9985}{10052}These are peaceful worlds,|safe from hostile forces, {10055}{10126}rich with historical relics|and natural resources. {10128}{10208}Well, this is a very generous offer,|Major, very generous. {10210}{10292}However, based on our studies|of the writings in the temple, {10295}{10412}we have compiled a list of the names|of the worlds that we would like to visit. {10555}{10598}Do you recognise any? {10601}{10690}l'll have to cross-reference|the Goa'uld names with our database, {10693}{10772}but offhand, l recognise these three, sir. {10798}{10870}They're classified off limits,|Goa'uld home worlds. {10872}{10920}Yeah, uh... fellas, {10923}{11024}you really don't wanna go here.|lt's not exactly a walk in the park. {11026}{11162}We know the Goa'uld are a hostile race|that once ruled this planet centuries ago. {11165}{11214}You're new, so l'll cut you a break... {11217}{11272}Those are the worlds we wish to explore. {11275}{11365}We believe that they are|significant to our history. {11368}{11498}Guys, we're not lying to you about this.|You don't wanna go there first time out. {11500}{11594}lf you have been to these worlds|and survived, can we not? {11628}{11734}All l'm trying to say to you|is it would be stupid. {11736}{11834}We are aware of the risks and believe|the rewards are worth the consequences, {11836}{11908}as you and your people|obviously do, Colonel. {11911}{11998}Please, Colonel,|in exchange for the tretonin, {12001}{12091}we are simply asking|that you respect our wishes. {12303}{12402}There is an underground tunnel system|that leads to the main temple. {12405}{12508}lt is most likely a means of escape|to the Stargate in case of attack. {12511}{12580}That's exactly what l thought. Please. {12725}{12862}The writing in this chamber seems to tell|the story of the Goa'uld who ruled here. {12936}{13034}We've been attempting to decipher|this section of the wall for months, {13037}{13094}thus far with limited success. {13096}{13180}lt is written in a rare dialect|of ancient Goa'uld. {13201}{13260}An account of the warlord Shak'ran. {13262}{13374}He was a System Lord who was defeated|by Apophis about 300 years ago. {13377}{13414}lndeed. {13417}{13511}Until his defeat, it appears Pangar|served as Shak'ran's home world. {13514}{13639}And what of the Goa'uld Apophis,|the one who conquered Shak'ran? {13642}{13710}He was killed in battle not long ago. {13712}{13800}As l suspected, you have|much wisdom to share. {13817}{13944}Teal'c and l will help with the translations.|l've got a dozen ancient ciphers l can try. {13946}{14074}Please, l do not wish to be overheard|by the Pangar security contingent. {14105}{14196}There is something you need|to know about the tretonin. {14199}{14318}Please, come with me and l will finish|showing you the rest of the ruins. {14376}{14448}l will try to talk to you later. {14745}{14827}She said there was something|we needed to know about tretonin. {14830}{14888}She seemed to be worried|about these guys, {14891}{15005}like she was going out on a limb talking|about something other than hieroglyphs. {15008}{15072}(O'Neill) Keep digging.|See what you can find. {15074}{15159}Carter and l will take this|sample back to the SGC. {15466}{15516}(footsteps) {15544}{15604}- Jonas.|- Dr Valk. {15607}{15682}- Please, call me Zenna.|- How's it coming? {15698}{15790}lt's slow and painstaking. Any|help you're willing to give me... {15792}{15890}Certainly. l brought those|ciphers l was telling you about. {15935}{15984}Looks like we're alone. {16052}{16122}What do you suppose this means? {16124}{16240}You said that there was something|we needed to know about the tretonin. {16265}{16332}l'm sorry. You must have misunderstood. {16379}{16452}No, l think you were pretty clear. {16480}{16606}No one's coming. Teal'c is up there|standing guard. You can talk to me. {16609}{16684}- l don't have anything to say.|- Hey, Zenna. {16686}{16754}- lf you know something...|- No, l don't. {17082}{17180}- That was strange.|- What did Zenna Valk have to say? {17183}{17232}Nothing. {17234}{17304}Someone must have gotten to her. {18595}{18644}(man) Right away. {19181}{19245}l think l got something. She's on tretonin. {19247}{19340}- lt looks like she has regular injections.|- Continue. {19343}{19428}l was thinking we go and check out|the place they get their shots. {19430}{19510}l found a map of the city.|l'm pretty sure l can get us there. {19513}{19562}Let's do it. {20505}{20634}Looks like this is where they actually|make the drug, as well as administer it. {20637}{20688}This way. {20874}{20926}(Jonas) What is it? {20929}{20994}(Teal'c) l am not sure. {21056}{21136}(Jonas) Well, something tells me|this isn't the rec room. {21139}{21204}(Teal'c) No, it is not. {21597}{21694}- There's something living in there.|- Goa'uld symbiotes. {21739}{21806}- Are you sure?|- Yes. {21808}{21878}And there are a great many. {21923}{21984}What are they doing? {21986}{22068}Who's there? ldentify yourselves. {22070}{22124}(alarm) {22193}{22248}Stop {22395}{22446}Teal'c {22553}{22592}(hissing) {23489}{23550}- He's got one in him.|- Stand aside. {23572}{23622}Lower your weapon {23654}{23764}- This man is a Goa'uld.|- Teal'c, something's not right. {23766}{23870}- This guy's completely out of it.|- (man) Lower your weapon now {24234}{24306}Care to say why you were|at the tretonin facility? {24309}{24397}You wanna tell us why you have|a pool full of Goa'uld symbiotes? {24400}{24486}- You've betrayed our openness with you.|- Openness? {24489}{24556}You're raising Goa'ulds.|When were you gonna tell us? {24559}{24638}The symbiotes are a critical|component to making tretonin. {24640}{24674}Excuse me? {24677}{24782}lt is a complicated process, one which|is better explained by our scientists. {24784}{24882}Frankly, we intended to tell you how|the tretonin was made, eventually. {24885}{24977}We just wanted to first assess|how you might react. {24980}{25056}- Not well.|- l don't know why you're taking offence. {25058}{25166}You've told us. The Goa'uld are enemies|who have enslaved countless humans. {25169}{25270}Where is the harm in using them|to enhance our quality of life? {25272}{25329}Do you really understand the risks? {25332}{25428}We have used the same method|to produce tretonin for nearly 30 years. {25430}{25550}- We take every precaution possible.|- How were these symbiotes procured? {25552}{25678}For people who haven't mastered gate|travel, you've sure got a lot of them. {25681}{25769}We require answers before sharing|any further information. {25772}{25868}We have already told you|everything that is necessary. {25887}{25958}Tegar, the colonel is right. {25982}{26046}There is no reason to keep more secrets. {26084}{26184}The drug was developed and is now|manufactured and administered here. {26186}{26268}And since its use has spread|to more of the general population, {26271}{26356}we've implemented treatment|centres throughout Pangar. {26358}{26494}Through here is the reason we were able|to create tretonin in the first place. {26497}{26586}The symbiotes were not|procured through gate travel. {26642}{26748}Our symbiotes are all bred|here, in captivity. {27028}{27078}(Teal'c) A queen. {27095}{27144}No kidding. {27275}{27330}ls there nothing you can do to help him? {27333}{27425}- What's his condition?|- His lower-brain functions seem intact, {27428}{27542}his breathing and heart rate are normal,|but he is unresponsive to any stimulus. {27545}{27608}lt doesn't make sense. {27610}{27666}Teal'c? {27669}{27761}Prior to the process of incubating|Goa'uld symbiotes using Jaffa, {27763}{27872}the blending between Goa'uld and host|had only a one-in-two chance of success. {27875}{27992}Jaffa were created to improve the ability|of the symbiote to take human hosts. {27994}{28117}The fact that this symbiote was raised in|a tank could explain the comalike state? {28120}{28206}To the best of my knowledge,|a failed blending results in death {28208}{28282}to both Goa'uld and host. {28284}{28352}This man is very much alive. {28381}{28522}Our understanding is that this is a typical|reaction to contact with Goa'uld offspring. {28525}{28628}A Goa'uld offspring is born with the|intellect and knowledge of its queen. {28630}{28684}Normally the personality emerges, {28686}{28794}allowing the symbiote to control|the host immediately upon blending. {28796}{28872}Glowing eyes, cliché behaviour, evilness. {28874}{28967}- That kind of thing.|- This one's more of a blank slate. {28970}{29104}ls it possible that the production process|hinders the development of the symbiote? {29106}{29150}l do not know. {29152}{29222}(Carter) l recommend|we contact the Tok'ra. {29224}{29344}They may understand this condition. They|might be able to take the symbiote out. {29346}{29417}Uh, l'm sorry, who are the Tok'ra? {29420}{29538}An offshoot of the Goa'uld who oppose|them philosophically in every way. {29541}{29633}You propose to bring these Goa'uld here? {29636}{29756}They're different. They coexist with their|hosts in a truer symbiotic relationship. {29758}{29811}They are, in fact, allies. {29862}{29932}- And they can help?|- We'll see. {30101}{30150}- Hi.|- Hello. {30185}{30334}l have an admission. You know Teal'c|and l tracked down the tretonin facility. {30337}{30382}Yes, l heard. {30384}{30423}Yeah. {30441}{30526}Well, l did it by going through|your stuff when you weren't here. {30528}{30587}- l was wrong.|- l know. {30590}{30672}- You know it was wrong or...|- l know what you did. l saw you. {30674}{30744}Really? Cos l thought that we were... {30754}{30818}- Not so good.|- No? {30845}{30922}- But you didn't try and stop us.|- No. l wanted you to know. {30924}{30980}ln some ways, l'm glad|you did what you did. {30982}{31074}ln others, l'm disappointed|you were so willing to betray me. {31106}{31206}Well, no, l never would have done this|had you not come to me first. {31208}{31295}l should have told you|outright. l was afraid. {31327}{31406}Tretonin is not available|to everyone in Pangar yet. {31408}{31502}Taking it is a privilege,|one that can be revoked. {31537}{31612}- l hope l didn't get you in trouble.|- No. {31615}{31700}But our relationship,|our peoples' relationship, {31718}{31780}if we ever are to trust each other... {31819}{31894}we're not off to a very good start. {31896}{31953}l know. {31956}{32018}You could make it up to me. {32085}{32155}- How?|- Help me finish the translations. {32199}{32272}lt is as though the symbiote|in this man has taken a host {32275}{32326}before it was mature enough to do so. {32328}{32433}And yet our scans indicate it to be|a full-grown adult. Most puzzling. {32435}{32506}Can you account for its lack of identity? {32508}{32576}Memory is passed on|genetically by the queen, {32578}{32661}so they are born with the|collective knowledge of their lineage. {32663}{32796}lt is possible the queen that spawned him|was unable to pass on this information. {32798}{32862}Unable? {32864}{32958}The knowledge imparted on her young|by a queen is done so voluntarily. {32960}{33110}lf nothing were passed on to a symbiote|it would be, as you say, an empty vessel. {33123}{33206}Can you remove it|without harming the host? {33208}{33322}Possibly, although such|a procedure would be dangerous. {33404}{33516}We would like to see the queen|that spawned this Goa'uld. {33612}{33698}Not a pretty sight,|even for a Goa'uld, huh? {33700}{33821}- She is extremely old.|- She has been kept this way for decades? {33824}{33940}The Pangarans began using her for|medical experiments over 50 years ago. {33953}{34080}She's been breeding symbiotes to make|tretonin for more than half that time. {34082}{34162}(O'Neill) All right. Now,|how is that possible? {34164}{34306}l mean, how does she make kids|without a... man friend? {34334}{34402}Symbiote queens can|fertilise their own eggs. {34404}{34484}lt is essentially an asexual process. {34486}{34566}ls that why you guys take hosts? {34568}{34706}lt is impressive that a primitive human|culture could develop such a drug. {34709}{34780}Does it bother you that|they use Goa'ulds like this? {34783}{34828}No. {34830}{34882}OK. {34885}{34992}The Goa'uld have done no worse|than this to humans for centuries. {35017}{35096}That Pangarans use them for|a beneficial result is surprising, {35099}{35193}but not morally objectionable to me,|if that's what you mean. {35256}{35382}l believe her condition is the reason|her offspring are not mentally developed. {35385}{35442}Most unfortunate. {35444}{35488}What is it? {35491}{35585}My scans indicate massive|cellular degeneration. {35588}{35658}Quite simply, she is dying. {35771}{35880}l am sorry. The Pangarans sugar-coated|the whole side-effect aspect of the drug. {35883}{35928}Well, that's a shock. {35931}{36059}While tretonin does cure most diseases,|it creates bigger problems than it solves. {36061}{36096}How? {36099}{36156}The drug acts like|a symbiote in many ways. {36158}{36298}Upon entering the bloodstream it takes|over, suppressing the immune system. {36301}{36384}The result is a powerful|resistance to disease. {36387}{36454}- But...|- The healing effect is not permanent, {36457}{36526}and the user's immune system|remains suppressed. {36529}{36596}You have to keep taking|the drug for it to work. {36598}{36678}We'd never create enough|to sustain our population. {36681}{36758}l don't know how the Pangarans|can make enough for theirs. {36760}{36824}They don't. Only about|20 per cent are on it. {36826}{36908}They're running into a wall|as far as production is concerned. {36910}{36978}They've sucked the queen dry, Doc. {36981}{37058}According to the Tok'ra, she's dying. {37061}{37180}As far as l know there's no way to reverse|the drug's effects. lf their queen is dying, {37182}{37300}it's a matter of time before anyone living|off tretonin will be facing death as well. {37303}{37374}OK? O'Neill out. {37569}{37646}So you wanted the gate addresses|to the Goa'uld worlds {37648}{37746}because you wanted|to snag another queen? {37766}{37852}Colonel, we have no choice|but to replace the one we have. {37854}{37928}Exactly how did you get to this point? {37968}{38104}60 years ago our archaeologists found|a secret chamber beneath the temple. {38135}{38232}We found a sealed Canopic jar|containing a living female symbiote, {38234}{38284}perfectly preserved in stasis. {38286}{38390}From our study of the temple, we knew|the Goa'uld never suffered from illness. {38393}{38462}We saw this discovery|as an opportunity to learn why. {38465}{38606}Once the queen gave birth, we began|experimenting on her offspring, {38609}{38718}searching for a way to mimic their|seemingly perfect immune system. {38720}{38824}After decades of trying, we|finally came up with tretonin. {38826}{38936}- lt seemed like a miracle at first.|- Didn't you foresee the negative effects? {38939}{39072}Of course. But what we couldn't predict|was our inability to refine the drug. {39074}{39170}We were confident we could solve|the problems. We limited the use, {39172}{39286}but ultimately we didn't see why|we shouldn't begin to reap the benefits {39288}{39342}while working to overcome the downside. {39344}{39401}We know the risks|in confronting the Goa'uld, {39404}{39510}but tens of thousands of lives|will be lost if we do nothing. {39513}{39577}Perhaps you could assist us. {39592}{39712}You have faced the Goa'uld many times.|You could give us a tactical advantage. {39715}{39844}No. There is no tactical advantage|when you're dealing with the Goa'uld. {39865}{39994}We've stayed ahead because we don't|bite off more than we can chew... usually. {39997}{40108}Besides, we need to get you off|the tretonin, not find another source. {40111}{40216}Our scientists have been trying for years|to find a way to reverse its effects. {40218}{40320}We've made very little progress.|We need more time. {40363}{40416}Or more help. {40562}{40626}This is important to you. {40656}{40736}More so than just curiosity|about your history. {40774}{40874}As you now know, the tretonin may|not be available to us for much longer, {40877}{40967}and when we run out, those|of us taking it are going to die. {40970}{41038}Not if we can help you|find some kind of antidote. {41041}{41135}- Do you think that's possible?|- Anything's possible. {41180}{41252}- lf we could find a new queen...|- Long-term. {41255}{41322}lt's not the answer|but it could buy us a little time {41325}{41436}until another option is available.|This has been my life's work. {41439}{41526}- My father's life's work.|- Your father? {41529}{41614}My father was the one who found|the jar that contained the queen. {41617}{41708}He was attempting to remove|a section of the ruins for further study {41711}{41788}when he literally stumbled|into the chamber. {41818}{41956}He had no way of knowing his discovery|would eventually doom so many people. {41966}{42036}The result is not his fault. {42066}{42100}No. {42328}{42368}Teal'c? {42418}{42486}Didn't you say this temple|was built by Shak'ran? {42488}{42520}lt was. {42523}{42618}Then why does this section|of the fresco mention Ra? {42687}{42764}- Who's Ra?|- Ra was a powerful System Lord, {42767}{42816}brother of Apophis. {42819}{42874}He, too, is dead. {42926}{42992}Well, according to this... {43027}{43096}Ra used to live here. {43136}{43234}- We will examine the drug.|- lf it acts as l suspect, {43237}{43324}it may be impossible to perfect|as the Pangarans would hope. {43326}{43408}The best we might be able|to do is provide an antidote {43410}{43474}to allow their immune|systems to regenerate. {43477}{43580}They would not possess|the superior health that they do now. {43600}{43728}How long would it take to go from|theoretical to enough for everyone? {43778}{43832}We can make no promises,|Colonel O'Neill. {43835}{43910}However, as you say, we are in your debt. {43913}{43980}We will begin immediately. {44027}{44140}lt is possible that Shak'ran|captured this world from Ra in battle. {44143}{44252}And built this entire temple on top|of whatever Ra had here before. {44255}{44372}lt goes on to say something about|this being some kind of prison, {44375}{44442}or a tomb... {44499}{44572}for one of Ra's enemies. {44666}{44723}Wait a minute. {44881}{44969}''Here lies... Egeria... {44987}{45038}betrayer of the Goa'uld.'' {45040}{45140}''May she... suffer... {45166}{45258}for all... eternity.'' {45389}{45428}Egeria. {45528}{45648}Dr Jackson's notes mention her.|lsn't she supposed to have been killed? {45650}{45744}lndeed she was, but this would|seem to indicate otherwise. {45776}{45808}That means... {45811}{45924}The queen the Pangarans|are breeding is not Goa'uld. {45926}{45996}She is the origin of the Tok'ra. {46085}{46174}- This could be a problem.|- Are you sure? {46177}{46270}The writings in the chamber|are extremely clear. {46273}{46340}From what we can piece together,|Ra used this planet {46343}{46422}as his base of operations|in this sector of the galaxy. {46424}{46576}A rival Goa'uld, Shak'ran, captured this|world in battle, forcing Ra to abandon it. {46579}{46669}The question is, do we tell|Malek and Kelmaa? {46672}{46724}How can we not tell them? {46727}{46800}lf we remain silent, the|Pangarans will use Egeria {46802}{46870}as a source for their drug|until she is dead. {46872}{46990}lf we don't find a way to get them off|the drug they'll die eventually anyway. {47072}{47136}We have to tell them. {47169}{47246}(Carter) Understand we had no|idea who she was until now. {47248}{47326}lt is hard to believe. {47328}{47449}Many of our historians speculated that Ra|did not kill Egeria as was widely believed, {47452}{47502}but we... {47514}{47610}we never dared hope that|she would ever be found. {47612}{47740}She must be freed. Every moment she|is kept in this condition is an affront. {47743}{47812}We're going to talk to the Pangarans now. {47831}{47910}lt would help if you had|something to offer. {47913}{47968}Like, say, an antidote? {47995}{48130}Unfortunately, finding an antidote may be|more problematic than we'd first hoped. {48132}{48174}And why is that? {48176}{48306}There is something unusual about|the genetic structure of the symbiotes. {48308}{48426}The tretonin should work far better than|it does. We're not sure why it doesn't. {48428}{48492}We cannot seem to identify|the defective gene {48495}{48560}that is causing its effects to break down. {48562}{48644}But we can say you'll solve|this eventually, right? {48689}{48770}At this moment, all l can|say is it is a mystery. {48785}{48852}What, you're suddenly stumped? {48854}{48910}l understand the implication, Colonel. {48913}{49046}This revelation about Egeria is in no way|affecting our analysis of the tretonin. {49108}{49180}As of right now, we cannot|help the Pangarans. {49306}{49358}We could not have known. {49360}{49440}Surely the Tok'ra don't hold us|directly responsible? {49443}{49516}They're demanding|the release of their queen. {49519}{49594}How could we? lt would doom|thousands without a remedy. {49596}{49714}The Tok'ra have suffered great losses.|Their numbers are severely diminished. {49717}{49842}Restoring Egeria's health may be|their only hope of survival as a people. {49845}{49964}Have they made no progress at all|in reversing the effects of tretonin? {50082}{50148}- Sorry. You ask the impossible.|- She is our queen. {50151}{50258}- Her freedom is not open for negotiation.|- We deeply regret who she is, {50261}{50328}but freeing her would mean|death for many people. {50330}{50422}- Unless you offer an alternative.|- Malek and Kelmaa are having trouble {50425}{50514}locating a particular element|in the symbiote's genetic structure. {50517}{50605}Until they do, the chances of|synthesising an antidote are slim. {50608}{50698}- Then we have no choice.|- You do not understand. {50701}{50824}Her existence is a miracle to the Tok'ra.|We are also a dying race. {50827}{50904}You may lose thousands.|Our kind will become extinct. {51480}{51584}l am sympathetic to the Tok'ra, but what|you ask would amount to a holocaust. {51587}{51726}She is a sentient being. Using her in this|manner is an insult to our very existence. {51752}{51846}Someone has breached security|in the manufacturing wing. {52119}{52184}What has she done? {52199}{52248}Uh, is that... {52269}{52318}Was that... {52343}{52412}Kelmaa has given her life for our queen. {52441}{52510}Her host belongs to Egeria now. {52693}{52797}l bet the Pangarans would give up the|queen if the Tok'ra hand over the antidote. {52800}{52900}You think they know how to save the|Pangarans and are withholding a cure? {52903}{52967}To get what they wanted? Yeah, sure. {52969}{53041}Sir, with all due respect, l disagree. {53043}{53126}- Carter, they're pissed off.|- Wouldn't you be? {53129}{53274}They just discovered the founder of their|race has been abused for over 50 years. {53277}{53352}Oh, come on, Carter, face it.|For all their high morals {53354}{53444}and fancy preaching about|coexisting with humans, {53447}{53511}we are just a nice place to live. {53513}{53606}l don't think they would lie and|doom thousands of innocent people. {53609}{53694}That Tok'ra laying on|that table in there just did. {53796}{53855}Egeria has awakened. {53943}{54044}- Egeria, it is an honour.|- Rise, Malek. {54063}{54141}You are not my servant. {54189}{54270}Kelmaa was generous in|giving her life to free me, {54273}{54350}but l am afraid it is too late. {54370}{54472}Save your strength, my queen. Your|people need you, now more than ever. {54475}{54570}Kelmaa's assessment of my|condition was correct, Malek. {54604}{54670}My time is almost done. {54673}{54778}l shall not live long enough|to see more of my children. {54891}{55012}My host has shared her knowledge|of the Tok'ra with me. {55118}{55230}You are beyond my greatest|hopes and dreams. {55288}{55374}These are the Tauri, who ally|themselves with the Tok'ra. {55376}{55426}l know. {55492}{55550}Come forward. {55636}{55734}My host tells me you seek|to help the Pangarans, {55736}{55791}despite what they have done to me. {55794}{55884}This has all been a terrible mistake,|but not a malicious act. {55886}{55956}Nor was mine, Major Carter. {56480}{56604}You know, back on my home planet,|my people discovered a substance {56607}{56706}that had an incredible potential|to generate energy. {56742}{56880}And after years of research and|a serious lack of moral fortitude, {56933}{57003}they used it to make a bomb. {57071}{57136}Well, that being the reason l left. {57151}{57282}But the point is that your|people had good intentions. {57293}{57385}We thought we had found|the cure for all disease. {57388}{57462}Now it may kill so many of us. {57535}{57618}l am not afraid to die,|but l am afraid that... {57675}{57750}my people will not have learned from this. {57812}{57876}l think they already have. {58085}{58206}l passed on the flawed gene|that gave the drug its weakness. {58221}{58297}You were unable to construct an antidote {58300}{58403}because of the manner in|which l sabotaged my young. {58429}{58486}l did it in the hope {58488}{58597}that they would ultimately prove|useless to the Pangarans. {58633}{58792}l wanted to force them to abandon their|research once the drug proved untenable. {58795}{58932}lnstead, they continued to make it|in ever-increasing quantities. {58948}{59018}And now they can't live without it. {59053}{59109}lt is not what l intended. {59130}{59194}Their fate is their own doing, not yours. {59197}{59253}You merely tried to free yourself. {59256}{59374}They do not deserve this end,|not when it can be prevented. {59512}{59564}You created the flaw. {59566}{59627}You can create the antidote|that will save them. {59630}{59697}l will tell you what you need to know. {59725}{59780}Thank you. {59782}{59900}On behalf of our people, please,|forgive us for what we have done to you. {59933}{59988}Had we known, we... {59990}{60113}The salvation of the Pangarans|shall be my final act. {60145}{60272}Such is the spirit of Tok'ra|that l wish to live on. {60901}{60976}Malek says he should have|a prototype antidote soon. {60979}{61070}We are grateful for his efforts,|Major, and yours. {61073}{61212}lt is our hope we can repair any mistrust|that may have developed between us, {61215}{61322}so that we can pursue a long-lasting|friendship between our people {61324}{61374}far into the future. {61376}{61426}Well said. {61927}{61976}Visiontext Subtitles- Abigail Smith {63057}{63106}ENHOH