{151}{206}Previously on ''Stargate SG-1''; {209}{249}Colonel Maybourne, sir, NlD. {252}{334}General Hammond, request permission|to beat the crap out of him. {337}{416}l'm not gonna hit you, Maybourne.|l'm gonna shoot you. {419}{483}Why didn't you try to escape|when you were with me? {485}{516}Come on, Jack. {519}{566}You trusted me. {568}{618}You rat bastard {620}{714}- Hey, take it easy.|- l'm so gonna kick your ass {716}{744}Gonna turn me in? {746}{840}Actually, that overwhelming desire|to shoot you has come back. {1420}{1492}l helped myself.|l hope you don't mind. {1494}{1564}You're eating my dog. {1567}{1609}You want it back? {1612}{1671}Would you like a beer to wash it down? {1674}{1722}Already got one. {1748}{1794}What are you doing here? {1796}{1856}l can't drop by a friend's house|for a barbecue? {1859}{1933}Well, there's that little treason thing. {1946}{2010}Have me arrested.|That's why l'm here. {2081}{2132}This is gonna be good, isn't it? {2150}{2234}The administration is coming|to the end of its second term. {2237}{2332}l was hoping the president might consider|one of those special pardons {2335}{2414}they do when one doesn't care|about re-election any more. {2417}{2476}Really good. {2479}{2571}- l heard what happened with Prometheus.|- What are you talking about? {2574}{2646}- Nice delivery.|- Yeah, l gotta work on that a little. {2648}{2776}Simmons used the Goa'uld|in Adrian Conrad to hijack the X-303. {2779}{2867}He intended to fly to a planet|with a cache of alien weaponry. {2870}{2936}l was really broken up|when l heard Simmons died. {2939}{2998}Yeah, we all shed a tear. {3000}{3056}What you don't know... {3059}{3178}is the planet Simmons was intending|to fly to has a Stargate. {3203}{3262}- Simmons knew?|- Sure. {3264}{3416}lt proved easier to grab the X-303 than|take and hold the SGC just to use the gate. {3419}{3488}Oh, the NlD's known about|this planet for a while. {3490}{3556}l don't have to explain|why they didn't tell you. {3558}{3640}lnstead, they're hoarding a secret|that could save the planet. {3642}{3744}Oh, l'm sure they would have come clean|if push came to shove. {3746}{3900}But... the address can be yours right now,|for what's behind door number one. {3903}{3974}A presidential pardon. {3976}{4056}This is the full-price package, Jack. {4077}{4128}l wanna go with you on this one. {4131}{4184}You must have had a few. {4186}{4264}Look, l know you've questioned|my methods in the past, {4267}{4322}but we were fighting for the same thing. {4324}{4404}l just wanna help make the world safe|from the Goa'uld. {4406}{4526}- Nice delivery.|- Well... thanks for the beer. {4612}{4730}- Nothing l like more than a good wiener.|- Yes, you are what you eat. {4781}{4864}Guess l won't be needing this any more. {4885}{4936}What is it? {4939}{5022}The address to the planet|with the Ancient weapons. {5024}{5070}For God's sake {5147}{5240}- Won't do you much good without me.|- Why not? {5243}{5328}Simmons also didn't know that|there's an impenetrable doorway {5330}{5402}protecting the weapons storage facility. {5404}{5454}And l have the key. {7203}{7278}(Jonas) Did he say how|he came across this key? {7280}{7306}Nope. {7309}{7442}lt's doubtful the Pentagon would authorise|Maybourne's presence on a mission. {7444}{7530}Should we not explore the planet|to which he provided the address? {7532}{7604}He did risk his butt|just to make the proposition. {7607}{7661}Maybe we can get through without him. {7663}{7780}lf Maybourne thinks it's worth a pardon,|what's on the other side must be good. {7782}{7814}Do it. {8392}{8440}There's nobody home. {8639}{8690}Are you able to translate any of this? {8692}{8798}lt's not Ancient, but it's a language|of one of the races of the Ancient Alliance. {8800}{8874}- Nox? Asgard?|- Furlings. {8877}{8944}Oh, no Not those guys. {8947}{8992}- Why?|- Oh, l don't know. {8994}{9142}l just can't imagine cute little furry things|making big powerful weapons, that's all. {9154}{9208}l don't even know what they look like. {9210}{9290}''Furling'' - sounds cute and fuzzy to me. {9363}{9506}This section says something like|''Only the righteous may pass.'' {9509}{9599}(Carter) This looks like where|Maybourne's key would go. {9602}{9738}l'm getting energy readings.|There's a power source in this arch. {9825}{9866}Here. {10106}{10190}Sir. This is definitely something. {10193}{10288}- What?|- l don't recognise the technology. {10303}{10360}But can you make it work? {10539}{10628}General Maybourne's story|checks out so far. {10631}{10722}There's a doorway there that|Carter thinks might be a transporter. {10725}{10810}But she can't get it to work|without Maybourne's key. {10813}{10858}What do you recommend? {10893}{10960}- Jack.|- Harry. {10962}{11012}l'm trusting you. {11014}{11134}You turned yourself in. What happens|from here on out is up to you. {11258}{11330}You can remove the cuffs, Airman. {11333}{11390}General. Nice to see you again. {11392}{11530}Despite your prior transgressions, you've|been willing to help us out recently. {11532}{11616}That is why the president is willing|to proceed in this matter. {11619}{11666}You're welcome. {11668}{11732}Let's see what you've brought. {12230}{12300}- When do we leave?|- l leave right now. {12303}{12386}- We'll let you know how it turns out.|- Jack {12406}{12488}l thought l was pretty clear.|l go with you, or no deal. {12490}{12602}Harry, you're under arrest. l've got|the stone and l'm walkin' out that door. {12605}{12674}You're not in a strong bargaining position. {12677}{12740}The mission will only|be successful if l'm on it. {12742}{12834}That stone is useless|without the combination. {12836}{12873}How's that? {12875}{12972}lt was originally found over 80 years ago|in a pharaoh's tomb in Egypt. {12974}{13077}lt was wrapped in a scroll with writing|on it that no linguist could decipher. {13080}{13182}l was recently able|to get it translated, though. {13211}{13237}By whom? {13239}{13366}lt contained instructions for how to use|the stone to access the power of the gods. {13368}{13466}That information exists in one place.|Right here. {13492}{13544}A deal's a deal. {13546}{13640}You wanna go through the door,|l'm gonna be the one who opens it. {13780}{13854}There's gotta be more going on here|than he admits to. {13856}{13988}Of that l have no doubt, sir. But if he's not|willing to tell us, we can't force him. {13990}{14056}As much as l'd like to try. {14059}{14112}Now this is more like it. {14188}{14238}Shall we? {14453}{14481}Yes? {14484}{14558}You know the real reason l wanna do this? {14560}{14648}l've never actually been through|this thing before. {14650}{14680}Really? {14682}{14803}l ran the offworld operation from Earth,|using a Goa'uld communicator. {14806}{14874}- Nervous?|- Me? No. {14893}{14942}l'm just taking a moment. {15012}{15040}- Done?|- Yeah. {15043}{15092}Good. {15411}{15454}- Carter.|- Colonels. {15456}{15500}- Major.|- Jonas? {15502}{15604}He finished cataloguing the writing|and went to do a sweep with Teal'c. {15607}{15704}- He translated everything?|- He needs some reference from the SGC. {15707}{15788}- He says it'll take a while.|- Harry. {15790}{15840}Right. {16396}{16453}- What?|- l'm sure l got it right. {16478}{16522}Harry {16524}{16578}lt should have worked. {16601}{16660}Let me take a look. {16819}{16868}God {16998}{17046}Harry {17285}{17368}- You rotten no-good-for-nothin'...|- Jack {17371}{17428}- You son of...|- Jack {18245}{18294}Major Carter {18384}{18434}What happened? {18564}{18684}- Where the hell are we?|- Dammit, why'd you have to do that? {18763}{18854}- Where's the zat?|- l don't know. l don't have it. {18857}{18914}- Where is it?|- lt's not here {18916}{18988}- l guess it didn't come through with us.|- Why not? {18991}{19074}How should l know?|Maybe the doorway filters out weapons. {19100}{19180}- Goa'uld weapons.|- You listen to me. {19183}{19266}l want a straight answer from you. {19269}{19366}Since you're here...|l might as well just show ya. {19432}{19489}- Hey.|- Come on {19583}{19636}l'm getting nowhere here. {19639}{19698}Jonas, head back to the SGC. {19700}{19756}Ask General Hammond to send up a UAV. {19758}{19934}lf O'Neill has activated his tracking device,|we should be able to pinpoint his location. {19936}{20022}- You couldn't just let me go.|- You shot me. {20025}{20076}Zatted. {20078}{20132}- l'm not goin' back, you know.|- Where? {20135}{20210}Anywhere. To the Stargate or Earth. {20248}{20340}- What are you talkin' about?|- Maybe they got a way to send you back. {20343}{20412}No one's supposed to leave.|That's part of the deal. {20414}{20512}- Who are you talkin' about?|- The people at the place we're going. {20515}{20643}Have you lost your mind? lf you're|suffering, l'll put you out of your misery. {20645}{20764}lt's an alien Utopia. According to|the scroll, it's supposed to be paradise. {20766}{20790}What? {20793}{20892}A long time ago some people|from an advanced alien society... {20894}{20994}they chucked it all and they formed|this isolated Utopian community. {20997}{21021}(birdsong) {21024}{21104}They met and evaluated|people from all over the galaxy {21106}{21156}and offered them a chance to join 'em. {21158}{21232}The scroll and the stone|were the invitation. {21235}{21346}And this is nothing to do with|the weapon Simmons was after? {21349}{21426}l figured it was my only way|of getting through the gate. {21428}{21538}You know, Harry, it's not that|l can't believe you lied to me again, {21541}{21598}it's that you lied to me again {21601}{21686}Come on. No one would have|let me through the gate for this. {21688}{21782}- Would you have even believed me?|- You're sure this is all worth it? {21784}{21868}Couldn't be much worse than|where l've been hiding lately. {21871}{21936}They're closing in on me. {21939}{22012}Besides, l got nothin' left|on Earth any more. {22017}{22114}The money l was to get from selling|the Russian symbiote to Adrian Conrad {22116}{22170}was my last shot at making a life on Earth. {22173}{22199}(birdsong) {22202}{22296}Do something good.|lt turned into a disaster. {22298}{22348}Of massive proportion. {22350}{22490}l'm tired of runnin'. Why should l when l|can have a chance of retiring in paradise? {22492}{22584}l see trees, Harry.|You get that in Colorado. {22712}{22762}Ready for launch, sir. {22765}{22814}Thank you, Sergeant. {22851}{22943}Still nothing from Colonel O'Neill|and Colonel Maybourne, sir. {22946}{23006}They've been gone over two hours now. {23009}{23058}We're ready to go. {23061}{23122}- Sir, l'd like to apologise.|- What for? {23124}{23200}l allowed Colonel Maybourne|to take my weapon. {23202}{23278}Major, let's just focus|on finding them right now. {23297}{23352}Yes, sir. {23477}{23584}- You are so lost.|- No. l'm sure this is the right way. {23587}{23664}- How's that?|- lt's in this valley. {23666}{23732}What's strange is|there's no greeting party. {23735}{23806}That's all that's strange about this() {23808}{23930}They're supposed to know when someone|uses the gate. l was expecting a welcome. {23933}{23984}- Mai tais, leis.|- Well, something. {23986}{24036}Cabana boys. {24038}{24150}l tell ya, Maybourne,|l don't hear any steel dru...ms. {24224}{24283}How old was that invitation? {24762}{24834}- There's no one here|- (birdsong) {24836}{24886}l noticed that. {25590}{25639}Harry? {26003}{26052}This in the brochure? {26452}{26530}This technology's unlike|anything we've come across. {26532}{26604}- l know.|- We've no reference, no way to interface. {26606}{26672}l'm working on it, Doctor. {26674}{26723}As you should be. {26749}{26788}Right. {27314}{27406}l guess l can see why|you'd wanna retire here. {27442}{27492}Given your choices. {27566}{27639}Find anything that|might be a doorway back? {27642}{27692}No. {27729}{27778}Are you gonna kill me? {27879}{27928}l'll sleep on it. {29010}{29064}l don't think we're walkin' outta here. {29067}{29130}No way of knowin' how far|we were transported. {29132}{29193}We could be on|the other side of the planet. {29196}{29268}Which is why we survive here|until we're rescued. {29271}{29362}Until we're rescued Jack|This place is supposed to be a secret. {29365}{29428}The doorway was designed|to keep it that way. {29430}{29520}Of course, we have|the only key known to man. {29566}{29690}The least you could have done|is eat that before you got here. {29731}{29786}(snaps twig) {29920}{29992}We're gonna need food|and drinkable water. {29995}{30076}- l've been drinkin' the lake straight up.|- That's smart. {30078}{30140}- l'm not dead yet.|- lt's early. {30202}{30289}Jack... they're never gonna find us. {30562}{30634}l covered as much territory|as the UAV's range allows. {30636}{30688}Have you received word from the Tok'ra? {30690}{30794}Yeah. They didn't know when one of|their operatives would be able to help us. {30797}{30908}- What are they doing?|- They have completed their analyses. {30934}{31012}Excuse me Where's Colonel O'Neill? {31014}{31108}l don't see him, do you?|Did you guys find him while l was gone? {31111}{31245}We've been here for a week. We could all|spend the rest of our natural lives {31248}{31305}trying to figure out how this thing works. {31307}{31402}But you know what? Even if l could|snap my fingers and turn it on, {31405}{31510}l doubt whether it would determine|where it sent Colonel O'Neill. {31512}{31570}l'd bet anything that the targeting data {31573}{31689}is in the artefact that Colonel Maybourne|used to open that doorway. {31705}{31760}l say when we're done here {31858}{31914}With all due respect, Major, {31927}{31988}l will submit my report|to General Hammond. {31991}{32138}lf he's prepared to commit to a long-term|analysis project, l'm happy to come back. {32141}{32220}But until then, if you'll excuse me... {32596}{32640}Anything? {32643}{32704}A couple of nibbles. {32706}{32778}They're down there, though. {32780}{32878}- Sleep OK?|- No. You? {32880}{32944}When we first came here|l thought it was quiet. {32947}{33075}Now it's like l can't keep the noise out.|lnsects, animals... l keep hearing things. {33104}{33188}- They're called birds.|- No, no, no, these are weird sounds. {33190}{33240}We're on an alien planet. {33254}{33300}Yeah... {33343}{33462}Jack, l can't live on this stuff.|Tastes like arugula. {33471}{33554}- l hate arugula|- Don't eat it. {33592}{33642}We have to eat. {33644}{33750}lf you keep standing there, yakkin' away,|l'm not gonna catch anything. {33811}{33862}What was that? {34096}{34162}That is just wrong on so many levels. {34379}{34430}Don't ever do that again. {34557}{34636}You're sayin' you don't hear things? {34638}{34668}No. {34670}{34782}Last night l swear l heard|someone runnin' around out here. {34785}{34858}l spent an hour wanderin' around,|tryin' to spot 'em. {34860}{34934}- Animals.|- No tracks. {34936}{35002}You're losin' your mind. {35005}{35062}You don't find things spooky around here? {35065}{35114}Made so only by your presence. {35117}{35166}Yeah, well... {35168}{35280}l'm beginning to wonder if some of|the Utopians might still be alive. {35283}{35386}- There's no evidence of that.|- Maybe they're here in another way. {35388}{35440}All right, now you are gettin' spooky. {35443}{35516}Come on, Jack,|you've seen stranger things. {35519}{35576}Other dimensions, planes of existence. {35579}{35652}You said it yourself, this is an alien planet. {35655}{35734}- So what do you want me to do?|- Give me your nine mil. {35796}{35853}- No.|- Come on {35856}{35928}You got the P-90.|You sleep with it beside you {35931}{36014}- l just wanna be able to protect myself.|- Forget it. {36017}{36110}Jack... l want that gun. {36113}{36224}Forget it You don't like it here,|deal with it lt's your own damn fault. {36247}{36314}- You wouldn't care if l died, would ya?|- What? {36317}{36402}Some alien creature comes in|and attacks me in the night, {36404}{36456}hauls me out while you're sleeping... {36459}{36508}You and l are the only ones here. {36511}{36616}Trust me, the only thing you have to be|afraid of around here is me. {36618}{36650}Yeah... {37157}{37206}(high-pitched birdsong) {38079}{38206}A satellite capable of pinpointing O'Neill's|tracking device can cover a greater range. {38208}{38324}The Tok'ra could retrieve it later,|so the actual cost would be minimal. {38326}{38432}- Compared to what?|- To not getting the satellite back. {38434}{38484}What about the delivery system, {38486}{38607}and the manpower required to get it|through the gate and then reassemble it? {38610}{38696}Sir, l don't think you can place a value|on Colonel O'Neill's life. {38699}{38778}- No, but...|- (PA) Unscheduled offworld activation. {38780}{38832}We'll continue this later. {38882}{38932}(Stargate alarm) {39019}{39086}We're receiving a transmission.|Audio only. {39089}{39177}This is Jalrow of the Tok'ra.|To whom am l speaking? {39180}{39294}General Hammond. Major Carter, Teal'c|and Jonas Quinn are also here. {39296}{39396}Major, l received your message|regarding Colonel O'Neill. {39398}{39454}Do you have a ship|that can scan a planet? {39456}{39574}Yes. l've already taken the opportunity|to fly over the planet in question. {39576}{39635}There were no detectable|human life signs. {39650}{39736}- Are you sure?|- Quite sure. l'm very sorry. {39764}{39816}Thank you. Hammond out. {39818}{39870}Jalrow out. {40201}{40256}(high-pitched birdsong) {45019}{45068}(twig snaps) {45239}{45278}Maybourne {45280}{45322}(leaves rustling) {47846}{47892}Major Carter. {47895}{47956}(tearful) This is the women's locker room. {47959}{48074}lt appears there is no one else here|but you, and you are fully clothed. {48076}{48126}True. {48344}{48394}Are you all right, Major Carter? {48396}{48446}l'm fine, yeah. {48504}{48563}Have you given up hope of finding O'Neill? {48566}{48616}Hope? No. {48653}{48744}But l'm starting to think Dr Lee is right. {48747}{48828}l don't think the doorway is the answer. {48831}{48956}lt's been almost a month, Teal'c.|lf there were a way back... {49009}{49052}lt just... (sniffles) {49054}{49126}lt feels like we just lost Daniel, {49129}{49198}and l don't know if l can... (sobs) {50032}{50082}Argh Argh {50102}{50172}- God|- (animal grunting) {50301}{50358}Argh {50557}{50606}(gasps of pain) {51144}{51196}You shot me {51198}{51260}l didn't know you were there. {51290}{51340}Stay back {51391}{51448}Put that down. {51521}{51609}- You wanted to kill me from the start.|- Screw you, Maybourne {51612}{51659}l was joking. {51661}{51754}- Look what you did to my leg|- l set the trap for the pig. {51757}{51822}With a grenade? {51906}{51964}Where are you goin'? {51967}{52009}Harry {52021}{52080}l found somethin'. {52116}{52184}Stop eatin' that plant. {52186}{52260}lt's messin' with your head, Harry. {52337}{52390}Screw you. {52628}{52678}Argh {53200}{53320}General Hammond says he's considering|new SG-1 leaders. You included, Major. {53323}{53388}We know. Do you have anything? {53390}{53476}Yeah. Yeah, l was finally able|to come up with some photos {53478}{53550}of that artefact|that Maybourne got his hands on. {53552}{53641}lt's quite old, making the scroll|a bit difficult to read. {53644}{53776}l'm pretty sure that the markings|on the stone are just decoration, but... {53806}{53865}Teal'c, wind back that tape. {53926}{54040}- Stop. There.|- That was the first day we were there. {54042}{54134}lt was invisible after that.|l forgot it was even there. {54137}{54196}- What?|- The moon. {54199}{54272}The doorway device doesn't use|wormhole technology. {54274}{54342}lt wasn't designed|to send you across the galaxy. {54345}{54420}We thought they'd been sent|somewhere on the planet, {54423}{54491}but they've been sent to that moon. {54534}{54588}How do you know that? {54591}{54683}The big circle is the planet.|The little circle is the moon. {54686}{54784}The line between them|is the path of transportation. {55063}{55112}(twig snaps) {55492}{55541}Hey {55583}{55646}Hey lt was a Goa'uld {55661}{55772}He couldn't bring a weapon through|that door, so he brought a plant. {55807}{55872}lt's some kind of drug or something. {55874}{55930}Maybe it was an experiment. {55956}{56118}Maybe it was supposed to get the people|to serve him. l don't know, but it backfired. {56121}{56253}These people... they all killed each other|because of that plant. {56272}{56322}You're paranoid. {56371}{56486}lt's messin' with your head.|l'm not tryin' to kill you. {57094}{57144}(gun clicks) {57303}{57354}Drop it. {57472}{57522}Drop it now... {57525}{57574}or l will shoot you. {58057}{58124}l'm not tryin' to kill ya, Harry. {58148}{58214}You're losing a lot of blood. {58216}{58322}lf l don't do something right now,|you're gonna die. {58873}{58910}(groans) {58962}{59028}Some retirement this turned out to be. {59040}{59090}How're ya doin'? {59103}{59159}My head's a little clearer. {59196}{59250}How long have l been out? {59253}{59303}l don't know. A day or so. {59395}{59456}l really screwed up, didn't l? {59459}{59516}lt's not your fault. {59519}{59592}None of the people here|could stop themselves. {59595}{59664}Right from the beginning. {59666}{59764}Sorry, Jack. l never should|have dragged you into this. {59777}{59860}Yes, Harry, you've been a very bad boy. {59972}{60062}Hey, don't you die on me now. {60189}{60262}- (distant rumbling)|- What difference will it make? {60383}{60454}Because we're about to be rescued. {60566}{60654}- Oh, that's nice.|- lsn't it? {60666}{60734}l can't go back. {60736}{60830}l'd rather die here than spend|the rest of my life in jail. {60832}{60928}Yeah, um...|l've been givin' that some thought. {60998}{61059}l think you suffered enough. {61061}{61134}- Hell, l even got to shoot ya.|- Twice. {61191}{61297}l think the Tok'ra should be able|to find a nice planet for you. {61350}{61403}Thanks, Jack. {61445}{61503}Sure, Harry. {61506}{61556}Sure. {62606}{62676}Visiontext Subtitles- Stephanie Donohue {62902}{62952}ENHOH