{271}{359}All right, everyone, on your toes.|Major Gant, report. {362}{462}A ship just exited a hyperspace window.|Goa'uld vessel. Ha'tak class. {465}{596}- Sound general quarters.|- Goa'uld vessel is closing on our position. {598}{730}Shields at maximum. Load missile bays|and charge the primary weapons system. {732}{778}(alarm) {836}{888}Excuse me {924}{958}That's annoying. {961}{1038}Colonel Ronson has issued a call|for battle stations. {1040}{1076}Again. {1078}{1142}Aren't we participating in damage control? {1145}{1238}Yes, and if there's ever any damage,|l'll do my best to control it. {1241}{1294}Right now l wanna talk to Ronson. {1366}{1498}- Goa'uld vessel is within range, sir.|- Weapons Officer, prepare to fire. {1500}{1572}He's weapons officer.|You'd think he'd be prepared. {1574}{1598}lndeed. {1601}{1683}The bridge isn't where you should be|during a battle drill. {1685}{1767}No. l've been meaning|to talk to you about that. {1770}{1838}Can it wait until|we're not in the middle of a drill? {1840}{1933}When are we not in the middle of a drill? {1987}{2058}OK. We'll talk about it later. {2061}{2134}Teal'c, prepare to assist|in damage control. {2136}{2220}- l am prepared, O'Neill.|- See how melodramatic that sounds? {2222}{2276}lt's unnecessary. {2378}{2430}Where were we? {4027}{4106}Sir, l feel like|we're getting in the way here. {4109}{4240}SG-1 has valuable experience with both|hyperspace travel and the ''Prometheus''. {4242}{4396}Besides, your mission to P7X-009|shouldn't take more than a few hours. {4399}{4476}General Greer and l|just want you there for the shakedown. {4478}{4576}- ln the unlikely event of an emergency?|- Something like that. {4579}{4650}Enjoy the ride, Colonel. Hammond out. {4724}{4814}This is Prometheus|requesting go-ahead for mission start. {4817}{4936}This is Vandenberg. You've an affirmative|for hyperspace window activation. {4938}{5026}Roger that. Major, we have a go. {5029}{5094}Yes, sir. Activating window. {5354}{5444}Run level-one diagnostics|on all weapons systems. {5446}{5496}- Ring transport?|- Hit all of them. {5498}{5610}Also set up a hull-breach simulation|for 0500. That's all. {5613}{5662}Yes, sir. {5681}{5720}Jack. {5805}{5862}You've got a fine crew here, Ronson. {5864}{5956}- You've got a pretty solid team yourself.|- Speaking of that... {5959}{6068}Jack, l know that in the event|of a real situation with the Goa'uld, {6070}{6120}you feel your place is on the bridge. {6122}{6216}You'd be a fool not to take advantage|of Teal'c's expertise. {6219}{6344}You're absolutely right, but you're|just along for the shakedown cruise. {6347}{6484}My crew needs to be able to count on me|and on each other after you're gone. {6486}{6538}l guess l can respect that. {6541}{6616}Besides, l highly doubt|we'll run into the Goa'uld. {6704}{6775}We just dropped out of hyperspace. {6802}{6852}Carter, Teal'c, meet me on the bridge. {6928}{6994}- Major?|- We were supposed to be in hyperspace {6997}{7080}for another 90 minutes, sir.|l don't know what happened. {7082}{7193}- What's our position?|- 40.62 light years short of the target, sir. {7195}{7259}Something caused the hyperdrive|to shut down. {7261}{7368}That would only happen if the computer|detected instability in the naquadria. {7371}{7482}He's right, sir. Diagnostics show|a massive power surge in the hyperdrive. {7485}{7582}- Have you begun restart procedures?|- The computer won't allow start-up. {7618}{7676}Carter? {7679}{7752}- You promised me it would work.|- lt did work. {7754}{7857}- No, it didn't.|- The hyperdrive was fitted with a buffer, {7860}{7958}designed to modulate fluctuations|in energy from the naquadria. {7961}{8032}- This shouldn't be happening.|- Yet it is happening. {8035}{8123}- Yet it is.|- Something must've damaged the buffer. {8126}{8226}- Sir, with your permission, l'd like to look.|- Yeah. Me too. {8228}{8300}Take Major Gant.|Report back to me as soon as possible. {8303}{8352}Yes, sir. {8439}{8533}We were right. Something caused|the buffer to overload. lt's fried. {8536}{8618}But it was created|to handle massive amounts of energy. {8621}{8696}Gravity waves.|l just checked the ship's sensor log. {8698}{8790}We passed through an intense|gravity wave from a collapsing star. {8792}{8844}That would explain it. {8846}{8914}But the engines are intact|and we have naquadria. {8916}{9014}But we have no way to regulate it|or to calculate the distance we travelled {9017}{9072}because of naquadria's instability. {9075}{9152}We could end up anywhere. {9280}{9356}lf he was gonna help out,|he'd have shown by now. {9358}{9438}- Who?|- Thor. {9452}{9528}- Little guy, grey.|- l know who Thor is. {9530}{9630}The Asgard have proven valuable|in similar situations. {9633}{9706}- Carter?|- l'm afraid it doesn't look good, sir. {9709}{9808}Even if we could write a subroutine|into the computer to bypass the buffer, {9810}{9878}we'd still risk the reactor going critical. {9881}{10000}Use whatever you need to repair|the buffer. Cannibalise any other systems. {10003}{10060}With all due respect, Colonel, l can't. {10102}{10200}- Carter?|- Sir, l helped design the buffer module. {10203}{10340}There is no way l can make it operational,|not with what we have on this ship. {10353}{10454}lt's like a light bulb that's burned out -|you can't just fix it. {10490}{10600}- Do we have any extra bulbs?|- There's no redundancy for that system. {10603}{10668}So you're saying there's no redundancy? {10671}{10799}Even if we plotted a course for Earth using|maximum sublight thrust, it'd take years. {10801}{10902}- We don't have the supplies.|- Not to mention the relativistic effects. {10904}{10968}That buffer has to be repaired. {10971}{11050}Actually, there may be another solution. {11064}{11226}According to the cartouche, there's a|planet .38 light years from here - P3X-7 44. {11228}{11356}We've dialled it unsuccessfully before, but|if it's on the cartouche it must have a gate. {11358}{11398}Perhaps it's buried. {11400}{11472}lf we get there, we can get|what we need to fix the ship. {11474}{11570}lt's a four-month journey using|sublight engines. We'd never make it. {11573}{11664}- We use the hyperdrive.|- l thought we couldn't do that. {11667}{11746}For a protracted period of time, no. {11748}{11820}7 44 would be a pretty short hop. {11855}{11938}The shorter the energy burst,|the less chance of instability. {11941}{11990}That's what l'm thinking. {11993}{12057}lt's your call. {12078}{12164}But l don't see how we have much choice. {12190}{12280}Major Gant, plot a course for 7 44. {12522}{12612}Now orbiting P3X-7 44, sir. {12614}{12704}- Any port in a storm, eh?|- Good work, people. {12746}{12830}Sir, there's an energy build-up|in the naquadria cells. {12833}{12974}- Shut down power to the reactor.|- The controls will not respond, sir. {12976}{13082}The jump must have triggered a surge|that overloaded the control systems. {13085}{13160}Sir, without the buffer|we can't stop the build-up. {13163}{13253}We have a few minutes|before the naquadria reactor goes critical. {13256}{13363}- Stand by to jettison the reactor module.|- Yes, sir. {13366}{13473}lf there's no gate on this planet,|we lose our only means of getting home. {13475}{13604}- lt would appear there is little choice.|- Get shields and sublight engines on line. {13607}{13668}We won't get very far away|before it blows. {13670}{13755}Then we're about to find out|just how good our shields are. {13758}{13819}- All hands, brace for impact.|- (alarm) {13822}{13945}Reactor-module separation on my mark.|Three, two, one, mark. {14126}{14218}- Module jettisoned.|- Get us clear. Full military thrust. {14547}{14576}(alarm) {14951}{15026}- Damage report.|- An electromagnetic pulse hit the shields. {15029}{15126}Primary computers down. All we have|is artificial gravity and life support. {15129}{15214}- Casualties?|- None reported. {15217}{15310}- How soon till systems are back on line?|- lt's too early to say. {15313}{15378}- l'd like to assist if l may.|- Please do, Major. {15381}{15533}Colonel, picking up incoming bogies from|the planet's surface heading this way. {15536}{15662}- (Ronson) Can you identify them?|- A long-range ballistic weapon, sir. {15665}{15720}We're under attack. {15995}{16080}- Missiles are on an intercept course.|- (Ronson) Leave orbit. {16083}{16194}- We can't manoeuvre, sir.|- Arm weapons. We'll try to take them out. {16196}{16262}Weapons control is down, sir. {16265}{16338}- How long before they hit?|- Three minutes. {16341}{16406}Not enough time|to get systems back on line. {16408}{16498}They only launched missiles|after we exploded our hyperdrive. {16501}{16582}lt could have looked like an attack|from their point of view. {16585}{16710}l agree, sir. Based on the weapons|they fired, they're a sophisticated race. {16712}{16833}The EM pulse that hit our computers may|have had the same impact on their planet. {16836}{16897}Then how could they launch missiles? {16900}{17002}Ballistic missile sites on Earth|are shielded for EMP. {17023}{17100}- Let's talk to 'em.|- Two minutes to missile impact. {17103}{17206}l can broadcast on multiple frequencies.|They could pick it up. {17209}{17260}Do it. {17300}{17384}This is Colonel O'Neill|of the US Air Force vessel Prometheus. {17386}{17468}- Can anyone hear me down there?|- (static) {17494}{17598}The explosion that just happened|over your planet was an accident. {17601}{17726}The resulting EM pulse damaged our ship.|We are defenceless against your attack. {17729}{17770}(static) {17829}{17898}We've come a long way to meet you folks, {17900}{18024}so if there's anything you could do to,|you know, stop those missiles... {18063}{18160}- One minute to impact.|- Lock down compartments and brace. {18162}{18196}(alarm) {18198}{18326}We'd very much like the opportunity|to land and introduce ourselves, {18328}{18490}but if you destroy our ship,|that's going to be... very difficult. {18492}{18551}(static) {19198}{19264}Missiles self-destructed at 1 7,000 metres. {19364}{19442}This is Commander Kalfas|of the Tagrean security force. {19445}{19539}We will transmit landing coordinates.|Kalfas out. {19542}{19634}Not exactly an engraved invitation, but... {19660}{19780}l would prefer not landing until we have|our shields and weapons back on line. {19782}{19898}We should have systems back up|within a few minutes, sir. {20250}{20336}The guy you talked to is|Commander Kalfas. The planet is Tagrea. {20338}{20402}Kalfas. Tagrea. Got it. {20404}{20540}Sir, l've scanned for naqahdah traces|to determine the location of the Stargate. {20542}{20592}So far l've got nothing. {20594}{20676}- Could the cartouche be incorrect?|- lt hasn't been yet. {20678}{20824}lf they don't accept our apology, finding|the gate'll be the least of our problems. {21561}{21610}Drop your weapons immediately. {21630}{21732}Howdy, fellas.|Colonel Jack O'Neill, United States... {21734}{21808}Powerful weapons|are aimed at you and your ship. {21810}{21924}- Air Force.|- Disarm yourselves, or you'll be fired on. {21926}{22051}- This is not negotiable.|- l believe he is being sincere in his threat. {22054}{22148}l guess we have to start|trusting them at some point. {22246}{22292}Yeah. {22529}{22630}l take it we've you to thank for destroying|the missiles before they hit, {22633}{22697}thus saving our lives? {22699}{22788}There was something in your voice|that l trusted. {22834}{22900}Did l mention we're sorry? {22902}{23020}Knowing the EM pulse damaged your|ship l'll accept it was unintentional. {23023}{23130}- l'm not so willing.|- Power has been restored to the cities. {23133}{23202}There was much impact|on our economic systems. {23204}{23296}- They will recover.|- We don't know the extent of the damage. {23299}{23348}Nothing... {23350}{23490}compared to the event of meeting people|from another world for the very first time. {23547}{23611}lt is a profound moment for us. {23637}{23740}You have said Tagrea holds the key|to returning to your home planet. {23742}{23812}- Could you be more specific?|- Chairman Ashwan... {23815}{23971}we believe you have alien technology that|can transport matter across the galaxy. {24112}{24184}We'd like to borrow your Stargate. {24198}{24350}- l'm sorry, our ''Stargate''?|- A ring thing? Comes with a dialler. {24352}{24516}You hit the symbols, it spins around,|lights come on and it flushes sideways. {24518}{24568}lt looks like... {24631}{24682}this. {24685}{24752}Once activated, {24754}{24854}it is able to transport you from|one planet to another instantaneously. {24857}{24928}ln this case,|from Tagrea to our planet, Earth. {24931}{25008}They seek the Ring of the Gods. {25010}{25098}lf that's what you wanna call it.|''Ring of the Gods'' is good. {25153}{25282}Please, understand.|This device you seek - the ''Stargate''. {25305}{25356}- l regret to tell you...|- lt's a myth. {25359}{25462}There has never been a shred of evidence|to prove its existence. {25511}{25572}Have you looked around? Just... {25574}{25683}lf you grant us access to historical data,|we might be able to shed light on this. {25685}{25742}Your freedom of movement|is not negotiable. {25745}{25858}Once this meeting is over, you are|to return to your vessel and stay there. {25861}{25950}ln the meantime, l will have|some historical data delivered to you. {25953}{26086}- Mr Chairman|- lf you prove the existence of a Stargate, {26104}{26255}we will be glad to help you locate it as an|act of good faith between our two worlds. {26286}{26336}Thank you, Ashwan. {26552}{26636}They may well be gathering|information for an invasion. {26639}{26750}Even if you're right,|knowing our history will do no harm. {26753}{26808}But, Kalfas... {26811}{26888}what if this ring does exist? {26910}{27036}lmagine, after all these centuries,|finding a piece of our past. {27080}{27194}And what if our past|was buried for a good reason? {27196}{27306}Travellers from another world|are seeking our help. {27532}{27572}How goes the homework? {27574}{27661}There's almost nothing|to indicate how these people got here. {27663}{27792}No archaeological data, no ancient|writings, no documentation of artefacts. {27794}{27910}l have found no mention of the Chaapa-ai,|nor other technology used by the Goa'uld. {27912}{28016}That's a little weird.|The Goa'uld are damn litterbugs. {28019}{28078}They usually leave a lot of crap behind. {28080}{28136}That is most often the case. {28138}{28206}lf this is a comprehensive history,|it's a joke. {28209}{28296}l know. There's nothing|dating back further than 300 years. {28299}{28408}- Maybe a year is longer on this planet.|- Maybe, sir, but even so, {28411}{28508}with no idea of where the Tagreans|came from, we can't find the Stargate. {28511}{28623}So, either they are|hiding something from us, or... {28626}{28712}Or their entire past has been erased. {28960}{29048}- You invited them for dinner|- l was thinking more of a brunch. {29051}{29133}We offered it in exchange|for access to their archives. {29135}{29256}- A library pass for a tour of the ship.|- When were you going to inform me? {29297}{29400}- Now.|- l can appreciate you wanna get home, {29402}{29477}but my priority is the security|of this ship and crew. {29479}{29600}Ronson, your ship and crew are going|nowhere unless we find that gate. {29603}{29695}l just don't like the idea|of giving a guided tour of Prometheus {29698}{29770}to the same people|with gun batteries aimed at us. {29772}{29836}We'd do the same damn thing. {29839}{29911}Colonel Ronson,|we need these people to get home, {29913}{29998}and we didn't exactly make|a good first impression. {30037}{30156}We'll do this little barbecue of yours,|but that's as far as l go. {30306}{30384}Do we have a barbecue? {30621}{30712}- How many planets has SG-1 been to?|- 133. {30715}{30783}On each of them,|those inhabited by humans at least, {30785}{30880}there's been some indication|of their origins - a temple, ruins. {30883}{30938}lt is indeed a mystery, Jonas Quinn. {30940}{31060}A Goa'uld would not bring Tauri to a world|and not force them to build monuments. {31062}{31180}l don't care how hard you try, you can't|erase history. Something has to remain. {31183}{31248}We just need to find it. {31303}{31442}- We are being watched.|- The guy half-hiding behind the shelf? {31445}{31522}He's been casing us since we got here. {31648}{31694}And not very well either. {31734}{31768}Most impressive. {31771}{31936}And you say much of the technology|included in your vessel is of alien origin? {31938}{32032}- Yes.|- Most of the key systems, in fact. {32034}{32126}lt's one thing to build a ship,|another to fly it across the galaxy. {32128}{32194}We haven't got that part|straightened out yet. {32197}{32336}We use the element naquadria to power|our hyperdrive engines, but it is unstable. {32338}{32434}ln fact, that instability|led to the explosion above your planet. {32436}{32486}We had to eject the reactor. {32489}{32566}Why use such a dangerous substance|to power your ship? {32568}{32648}l've asked the same question. {32650}{32732}For now, naquadria is our short cut|to interstellar travel. {32734}{32856}More stable forms of energy don't provide|enough power to run the hyperdrive. {32859}{33004}My advisors have expressed concern this|is a military ship. What do l say to them? {33006}{33066}That they're right. {33069}{33140}Prometheus was designed|for defensive purposes. {33143}{33188}- From these ''Goa'uld''?|- Yes. {33190}{33306}- Without your main source of power?|- With or without the naquadria reactor, {33308}{33428}this ship is more than capable|of defending itself against attack. {33430}{33542}May l introduce Colonel William Ronson,|commander of the Prometheus. {33545}{33586}lt is an honour. {33589}{33674}l assure you we would not attack|without provocation. {33677}{33754}There are several gun batteries|aimed at my ship, sir. {33757}{33838}We must defend ourselves|from any action you might take. {33841}{33956}For instance, should Chairman Ashwan|and l fail to appear at a specific time, {33958}{34042}my men have orders|to fire those batteries. {34045}{34132}Then perhaps we had better|continue the tour. {34178}{34260}- Please, Major Carter, after you.|- Thank you, sir. {34263}{34310}Sir. {34873}{35006}- May we be of assistance?|- Forgive me. l did not want to intrude. {35008}{35136}l am Tarek Solamon. l am a professor|of mathematics at the university. {35139}{35244}l'm Jonas Quinn. This is Teal'c. lf you|were curious about us, just come over. {35247}{35394}With respect, Mr Quinn, it is not you|l was curious about, but what you seek. {35397}{35422}Continue. {35425}{35562}l've heard you seek evidence of the Ring|of the Gods. l believe l can help you find it. {35880}{36020}l hope it's satisfactory. We didn't expect|to host a formal dinner on this mission. {36023}{36124}lt's fascinating to realise|we are eating food {36126}{36216}grown and prepared on a world|millions of light years away. {36218}{36314}And frozen millions of years ago. {36357}{36432}lt's the best we have on board. {36469}{36538}Mr Chairman, we noticed in our research {36541}{36644}that your history seems limited|to the last 300 years. {36676}{36746}Prior to our recorded history, {36748}{36808}our people endured a... {36811}{36896}a long and terrible dark age. {36926}{36994}One they desperately wish to forget. {37013}{37104}Thus, only after Tagrea|emerged from this black era {37107}{37200}did historians begin again|to record events. {37203}{37268}lt means you're missing|many years of your past. {37270}{37316}Yes. {37339}{37410}Aren't you curious? {37428}{37482}lt's hardly a question of choice. {37485}{37562}Even if we wished to know our history,|there's none to study. {37565}{37656}All evidence of it was destroyed|centuries ago. {37659}{37772}We believe what came before Year Zero|has no intrinsic value to our society. {37774}{37882}The society of the new era|has no need to know how they suffered. {37884}{38006}On Earth we study our past|to learn from it. {38009}{38122}Whereas we believe|that nostalgia's a sign of weakness. {38251}{38320}l'm sure both points of view have merit. {38322}{38378}Well said, Major. {38521}{38582}A drink to history. {38651}{38716}And to the future. {39030}{39156}Colonel O'Neill, Major Carter,|the meal was... interesting. {39159}{39210}Glad you liked it. {39213}{39305}- He didn't say that.|- Well, l did. Thank you. {39334}{39418}Now that we've gotten|to know each other a little better, {39420}{39528}do you think having those guns|pointed at us is completely necessary? {39530}{39604}Would your Colonel Ronson|not be as vigilant? {39656}{39724}Yes, l'm sure he would be. {39775}{39866}- Mr Chairman?|- Go, Kalfas. l will join you in a moment. {40080}{40194}l apologise for Commander Kalfas'|behaviour. Diplomacy is not his strength. {40196}{40274}Yes. We share that quality in common. {40277}{40450}Since l took office, l have been perceived|as being weak in matters of civic defence. {40453}{40540}As a result, Kalfas has|growing political support. {40542}{40630}Our arrival hasn't|helped things much, has it? {40633}{40692}No. {40695}{40808}l only hope his mistrust does not interfere|with your quest for the Stargate. {40811}{40950}l believe finding it would be|a great discovery for our people. {41001}{41082}(Tarek) Please excuse|the state of my office. {41129}{41262}So you said you could help us|find the Ring of the Gods. {41265}{41336}- How?|- With these. {41338}{41410}l spent a lifetime collecting them. {41413}{41516}Relics from before my people|turned their back on their god. {41519}{41620}- To which god are you referring?|- Our creator. Horus. {41622}{41710}Only a few of us dare believe in him. {41750}{41830}- lt is the symbol of Heru-ur.|- You know him? {41832}{41932}Heru-ur is not a god. He is a Goa'uld. {41951}{42048}He is the one who made us. The relics|speak of him as the creator of all life. {42051}{42104}The one who spoke us into existence. {42106}{42212}More likely he enslaved your ancestors|and brought them here from Earth. {42214}{42344}Heru-ur must have abandoned your|people when resources were depleted. {42347}{42452}Then the Tagreans must have tried|to destroy all evidence of their former god, {42455}{42519}including everything|to do with the Stargate. {42521}{42596}They did not destroy everything. {42632}{42684}This remains. {43205}{43274}My understanding|of this language is limited, {43277}{43382}but it appears to be an etching|of something called a ''shap eye''. {43385}{43438}- Chaapa-ai.|- Ah. {43441}{43612}This text is a slight variation|of predynastic Egyptian. lt's beautiful. {43615}{43786}This section here says Heru-ur's Stargate|can be found in a great desert to the north. {43806}{43906}lt must mean the wastelands of Anhur.|They lie far beyond the city. {43908}{43992}- l have found many of my artefacts there.|- Really? {44080}{44178}Guys? We'd like to take a little field trip. {44220}{44298}- They want to go to the wastelands.|- Then take them. {44301}{44368}l think that's a mistake. {44370}{44462}Because they may find something|you do not wish them to find? {44465}{44557}- lf this is some sort of reconnaissance...|- You're being ridiculous. {44560}{44694}- And you are being reckless|- People from another world are here. {44697}{44748}Do you understand? {44751}{44866}- And what's more, they seek our help.|- We do not know their true intentions. {44869}{44952}Or what they can offer us -|an exchange of knowledge. {44954}{45016}The Stargate|could open up the universe to us. {45019}{45116}A universe of potential enemies.|l demand you reconsider. {45118}{45192}We cannot undo what has happened. {45227}{45336}The difference is, Kalfas,|l would not if l could. {45366}{45491}They are here, and we must|deal with them one way or another. {45494}{45544}- l prefer to help.|- And l prefer... {45546}{45634}Now have them taken to the coordinates. {45727}{45776}As you wish. {45846}{45950}The Stargate should be located|directly in the middle of the second... {45952}{46014}and third monument. {46017}{46072}Are you certain, Jonas Quinn? {46075}{46144}Well, that's what it says. {46340}{46390}Jonas. {46392}{46434}(clanging) {46460}{46534}- You think that's the cover stones?|- lndeed. {47056}{47138}''Here lies the Chaapa-ai of Heru-ur... {47177}{47270}false god to the people of Tagrea.'' {47318}{47402}''May it never know the daylight again.'' {47404}{47456}The ring exists. {47504}{47592}- (Teal'c) O'Neill.|- What's up, T? {47594}{47652}l believe we have located the Stargate. {47726}{47830}- That's good news.|- We will require assistance to retrieve it. {47832}{47896}l'll talk to Ashwan. {47918}{47968}Nice job. {48740}{48770}(Carter) Jonas {48773}{48848}lt looks good. lt looks intact. {50169}{50234}Well, let's give it a shot. {50877}{50914}Kalfas. {50942}{51052}- What are you doing?|- Taking back what belongs to my people. {51303}{51359}Kalfas' actions are outrageous. {51361}{51438}- Tell him to stand down.|- l've done that. He refuses. {51441}{51562}- He claims to be protecting our security.|- Have him arrested. {51564}{51632}Kalfas commands great loyalty|in the military. {51635}{51700}Challenging him|would only lead to civil war. {51702}{51834}Sir, we could use the Prometheus.|Her weapons would defeat Kalfas' troops. {51837}{51946}There is still that nagging problem|of all the guns pointed at it. {51948}{52082}l chose the commander of those|gun batteries myself. He is loyal to me. {52085}{52179}Colonel, l give you my word|he will not fire upon your ship. {52409}{52503}Kalfas, you've no idea|what you're dealing with. {52505}{52578}l know our ancestors|buried this device for a reason. {52580}{52682}Maybe they were wrong. Maybe|you should stop being afraid of the past. {52685}{52756}lt's not the past that concerns me.|lt's the future. {52759}{52862}Having assessed our strength,|you would return with greater numbers. {52865}{52952}- You have nothing to fear.|- (Quinn) We just wanna fix our ship. {52954}{53077}Our people can become friends, they can|exchange knowledge, even trade. {53080}{53160}We'll even teach you|how to use the Stargate. {53227}{53309}Yes. You will teach me how to use it. {53422}{53520}They're holding two of my men prisoner.|We need the ship. {53522}{53628}Our shields are down. lf we take off|and they open fire with those guns... {53631}{53695}Ashwan promised they wouldn't. {53697}{53830}He lost control of his government, and l'm|to trust the safety of my crew to his word? {53833}{53894}Yes. That's what you're going to do. {53896}{53997}Jack, you're asking me|to risk everyone on this ship. {54000}{54128}lf that is so, Colonel Ronson,|then l will be taking the same risk. {54131}{54244}You may launch your vessel when ready.|You will not be fired upon. {54312}{54358}- Major Gant.|- Sir? {54360}{54436}Fire up the sublight engines. {54438}{54586}Arm all available weapons and|prepare to return fire... on my orders only. {54589}{54666}That will not be necessary, Colonel. {54838}{54970}Let's hope the old man is right,|or this is gonna be a short ride. {55296}{55416}No sign of weapon fire from|the gun batteries, sir. l think we're clear. {55568}{55676}Very well. Proceed to the coordinates|at one-third thrust. {55679}{55724}Yes, sir. {56141}{56220}Are you sure you're up to this?|Things can get out of hand. {56222}{56306}l'm not afraid, Major.|l should have done this a long time ago. {56309}{56374}This is Ronson. We're in position. {56377}{56428}Roger that. {56876}{56974}Prometheus,|hold your fire until my signal. {56976}{57032}(Ronson) ''Prometheus'' has your six. {57293}{57358}This has gone far enough.|Release these men. {57360}{57490}Hold your positions. We cannot let him|hand this device over to the aliens. {57623}{57674}Commander Kalfas. {57707}{57794}He's a good man, a cautious man. {57822}{57878}But he thinks, as our ancestors did, {57880}{57959}that it is better to control|what we do not understand, {57962}{58038}to bury it so it cannot harm us. {58041}{58124}l, too, once thought as he does,|but no longer. {58186}{58284}These... ''aliens''|who Kalfas fears so much... {58316}{58390}are not conquerors. {58392}{58447}They are long-lost brethren. {58555}{58620}Look at it. {58623}{58698}This is where we came from. {58767}{58834}This is who we are. {58836}{58932}Our ancestors|erased our history out of fear. {58976}{59062}And yet, without our history... {59064}{59148}we cannot know who we are... {59151}{59222}or what we may some day become. {59251}{59326}l will not make that same mistake. {59451}{59515}l'm relieving you of your command. {59517}{59584}You and your men will stand down. {59722}{59794}l said lower your weapons {60116}{60166}Take him away. {60503}{60554}Didn't know you had that in you. {60557}{60608}Neither did l. {60713}{60800}We'll be back in a few days|with equipment to repair our ship. {60803}{60882}Until then Colonel Ronson|and his crew will be our guests. {60885}{60977}l hope you'll join us|at a state dinner upon your return. {61062}{61121}- Thanks, Tarek.|- No. Thank you. {61124}{61220}l hope you will soon return.|There is much to learn about our history. {61222}{61324}Yeah, but l think you know more|than most people on your planet. {61327}{61441}l have a feeling this guy's|gonna be getting a bigger office soon. {61826}{61876}Visiontext Subtitles- Natasha Cohn {62955}{63002}ENHOH