{151}{206}Previously on ''Stargate SG-1''; {209}{249}Cassandra? {252}{310}What are you doing? {313}{350}lt helps, to do this. {352}{407}''Hok'tar'' is a hybrid|of two Goa'uld words. {410}{524}''Hok'', which means advanced, and|''tar'', which l believe is a sort of slang. {527}{582}- For...?|- Human. {584}{660}So essentially,|it's ''advanced human''. ''Hok Tauri.'' {663}{736}An advanced human would be|a powerful host for the Goa'uld. {739}{798}Which explains why Nirrti|was experimenting. {1295}{1418}A few thousand years on another world|have changed you more than you know. {1433}{1525}l can make you more powerful|than you could imagine. {1544}{1614}The powers you have seen|in Wodan and the others? {1616}{1670}Only a fraction of what l could give you. {1739}{1792}l must apologise, Colonel. {1795}{1896}This is a meagre feast to offer|visitors from another world. {1934}{2052}No need to apologise.|lt appears delicious. {2055}{2168}We are a poor people. We are forced|to spend most of our time in the mines. {2170}{2262}- For the greater glory of Baal.|- Of course. {2304}{2370}According to our information, {2372}{2466}Baal abandoned this planet 100 years ago,|when the naqahdah mines went dry. {2469}{2570}The naqahdah is scarce and difficult|to extract, but there are deposits. {2572}{2652}Are you feeling unwell, Jonas Quinn? {2655}{2722}l'm fine. Just... lt's hot. {2745}{2812}We have not seen Lord Baal|for many generations, {2814}{2914}but we continue to offer him tribute|through his emissary Lord Mot. {2916}{2960}You expecting this guy soon? {2962}{3064}He will arrive in 12 days,|at the rising of the full moon. {3223}{3321}Stop talking like an old fool.|lt would be madness to defy Lord Mot. {3379}{3481}With each passing year,|the mining grows more difficult. {3484}{3576}Soon it may be impossible|to meet Lord Mot's demands. {3578}{3674}But we have no choice.|They are gods, after all. {3677}{3731}Are they not? {3769}{3829}They have great power. {3832}{3897}- That is true. However...|- Ellori. {4027}{4102}However... what? {4164}{4218}We have an ancient prophecy {4220}{4298}that one day strangers would|come through the Chaapa-ai {4300}{4372}to slay the gods and free our people. {4389}{4442}Now you have arrived. {4445}{4522}And you also carry|weapons of great power. {4525}{4640}Stop talking like an old fool.|lt would be madness to defy Lord Mot. {4797}{4827}Jonas? {4874}{4922}l need some air. {4961}{5010}Jonas. {6812}{6912}Preliminary tests seem to indicate|that Jonas is in perfect health. {6914}{7025}But given his history with naquadria|research, l decided to do an MRl. {7028}{7125}Now, it shows an area of unusual|brain activity right about here. {7128}{7184}- Any explanation?|- No, sir. {7186}{7266}l don't know if this is linked with|what happened on the planet. {7268}{7356}l had a dizzy spell.|lt was probably the food. {7358}{7432}Maybe, but l don't wanna|take any chances. {7435}{7522}- l've scheduled some follow-up exams.|- Very well. {7732}{7832}According to Tok'ra intelligence,|not only did Baal abandon P4S-237 {7834}{7871}over a hundred years ago, {7874}{7980}but he no longer receives any|naqahdah shipments from the planet. {7982}{8075}- Where's it going?|- Perhaps Lord Mot is keeping it himself. {8078}{8146}What do we know about him? {8148}{8240}He was the Canaanite god of death.|According to mythology, {8242}{8328}he was defeated by Baal|and forced to live in the underworld. {8331}{8400}ln all likelihood,|there was a power struggle. {8402}{8482}Baal defeated Mot and|forced him into servitude. {8484}{8548}Maybe he doesn't want to serve any more. {8551}{8628}lf he is stockpiling naqahdah|without Baal's knowledge, {8631}{8672}he may move against him. {8675}{8772}lf Baal no longer has any knowledge|of what's happening on the planet, {8775}{8832}we could possibly free these people. {8835}{8950}lf the System Lords think the planet's|worthless, nobody will take his place. {8952}{9022}Did they ask for our help? {9024}{9118}- Mm... not exactly.|- l think they were afraid to ask directly. {9121}{9212}But they did hint that they no longer|believe the Goa'uld are gods. {9215}{9320}- What do you think, Colonel?|- We'll need a lot more intel. {9424}{9474}Hey. {9498}{9564}You wanna get some lunch?|lt's Mexican today. {9585}{9672}Ellori says Mot isn't due to|return for another 12 days. {9674}{9762}- That gives us plenty of time.|- l'll contact the Pentagon. {10048}{10086}Hey. {10089}{10186}You wanna get some lunch?|lt's Mexican today. {10234}{10302}- What?|- l knew you were gonna say that. {10304}{10354}What are you talking about? {10357}{10449}Before, when we were in|the briefing room, l had a... {10452}{10526}l don't know. lt was like a vision. {10528}{10598}l was standing here holding this notebook. {10600}{10657}You came in and said what you said. {10660}{10744}When you think you're reliving|a moment, it's called déjà vu. {10746}{10840}lt's normal. lt's caused by|a split-second delay in sense perception. {10843}{10892}No, this was different. {10920}{11041}lt was the same on the planet.|l saw something, and then it happened. {11061}{11130}- When?|- Just before l passed out. {11170}{11302}l didn't think anything of it at the time,|but now it's happened twice. {11468}{11570}Sir? We just completed a second MRl. {11572}{11678}There's nothing to suggest that Jonas'|exposure to naquadria is linked to this. {11680}{11770}According to Major Carter,|he claims to be having visions. {11773}{11838}He's also beginning to|suffer from headaches. {11841}{11922}The symptoms are similar to|those of the scientists on Kelowna, {11925}{11998}but there are no indications|of schizophrenia. {12001}{12116}There is, however, a small spot|on this MRl that has me worried. {12119}{12226}- You know what it is?|- l'm not sure, but it could be a tumour. {12229}{12336}- ls this what caused him to pass out?|- lt's possible. {12375}{12467}Sir, l think it would be best|if you took Jonas off active duty. {12542}{12648}- This is ridiculous.|- Fraiser's just coverin' all the bases. {12651}{12752}Something else has to be going on here.|Whatever she saw in that MRl {12754}{12884}has to have something to do with these|visions. lt can't be just coincidence. {12955}{13083}You guys didn't believe me when l saw|those alien creatures. They were real. {13109}{13192}So you're seeing things|before they happen. {13283}{13360}- That's right.|- Like what's for lunch? {13440}{13526}No, l can't control it. lt just flashes. {13557}{13624}We have encountered|many strange phenomena, {13627}{13723}but we have yet to meet anyone|that could see the future. {13725}{13820}lt goes against all the laws of physics|as we understand them. {13823}{13890}Have you had any more? {13985}{14034}Jonas? {14103}{14158}The Tok'ra are coming. {14228}{14273}(Stargate alarm) {14275}{14359}(man over PA) Unscheduled|offworld activation. {14516}{14560}Her name is Sina. {14701}{14768}SG-1 , this is Sina of the Tok'ra. {14771}{14859}We have further information|about the System Lord Baal. {14914}{15008}- ls there a problem?|- No, sir. {15038}{15088}Please. {15303}{15386}Baal has suffered a recent|military defeat by Lord Yu. {15388}{15430}Anubis is very disappointed. {15432}{15504}lt's hard to believe that|Yu hasn't been destroyed. {15506}{15580}As he is the only System Lord|still in opposition to Anubis, {15583}{15680}- his persistence is remarkable.|- You go, Yu. {15811}{15891}Baal's recent campaign|was meant to be a final blow. {15894}{15976}But Yu escaped, and Baal suffered|heavy losses in the process. {15979}{16073}So he screwed up,|and his boss is pissed at him now. {16109}{16230}lf l understand you correctly,|yes, that would be a fair assessment. {16250}{16380}Clearly Baal is vulnerable. This may be|an ideal time for Mot to move against him. {16382}{16426}lf he becomes a System Lord, {16428}{16530}he won't have to keep his operation on|237 secret. He could garrison the planet. {16533}{16610}So if we're gonna help them,|we'd better do it soon. {16838}{16892}Another headache? {16916}{16966}Yeah. {16999}{17138}None of us had met that Tok'ra before.|You couldn't have known her name. {17140}{17232}l can't explain it.|l saw her in the briefing room, {17234}{17324}General Hammond said her name,|then a few minutes later it happened. {17326}{17434}Teal'c said you've never encountered|aliens with precognitive abilities. {17437}{17486}Yeah, we haven't. {17488}{17578}But we have come across|other psychic powers. {17616}{17654}On P3X-367. {17656}{17742}Wodan was telekinetic,|Eggar was telepathic. {17795}{17866}- Then Cassandra...|- You think Nirrti is involved? {17869}{18012}lt's very possible. She had me in that|gene-splicing machine for over an hour. {18014}{18082}What if she did something to me? {18203}{18250}lt's hard to say without a biopsy, {18252}{18352}but all tests indicate that the tumour|is not made up of cancer cells. {18355}{18426}- Then what is it?|- l'm not sure. {18429}{18536}But l do know that it's grown|by over 50 per cent since the last test. {18538}{18588}l've never seen anything like it. {18591}{18666}- What can we do?|- l recommend immediate surgery. {18668}{18792}lf we don't get it out of him soon,|the intracranial pressure will kill him. {18913}{19022}l've called in a neurosurgeon,|Dr Sandy Van Densen. She's the best. {19025}{19144}l'm not completely convinced that surgery|is the right way to deal with this. {19147}{19224}- Jonas, it's going to kill you.|- You don't know that. {19227}{19288}We don't even know what it is. {19291}{19396}Jonas and l think it's possible that|this has something to do with Nirrti, {19399}{19463}that it's a step towards|the creation of a Hok'tar. {19465}{19550}So you think this is the result|of genetic manipulation. {19579}{19638}Jonas thinks the new tissue in his brain {19640}{19716}is somehow giving him|precognitive abilities. {19719}{19766}For all l know, you may be right. {19768}{19896}But if this tumour continues to grow at|its current rate, it is still going to kill you. {19898}{19946}lt may stabilise. {19948}{20036}Nirrti never did anything to anyone|that didn't turn out badly. {20039}{20186}Colonel, you of all people should realise|what an advantage this could be. {20188}{20282}lmagine if we knew in advance when|the next Goa'uld attack would come. {20284}{20356}You have yet to provide|such valuable information. {20359}{20452}All l'm saying is just|give me some more time. {20455}{20508}At least 48 hours. {20511}{20590}Make it 24, and you'll remain|on base for observation. {20593}{20676}- What about the mission?|- You're going to sit this one out. {20678}{20780}Colonel, l want you to take the rest|of SG-1 and SG-15 back to the planet {20783}{20838}for a full tactical assessment. {20840}{20952}lf there's a chance we can free these|people from the Goa'uld, l wanna know. {20954}{20978}Yes, sir. {21062}{21090}Dismissed. {21275}{21342}Blood pressure's a little high. {21345}{21435}- How are the headaches?|- Not good. {21447}{21510}Jonas, why are you doing this? {21541}{21656}Even limited precognitive abilities|would be invaluable to our work. {21680}{21776}You still think you have to keep|proving yourself, don't you? {21832}{21960}You should consider the possibility|that you're valuable enough already. {22042}{22114}- Let's run another EEG.|- Yes, Doctor. {22354}{22404}Jonas? {22454}{22532}- How's she doing?|- Respirations are shallow, pulse weak. {22534}{22595}Sam, can you hear me? Sam? {22598}{22684}- l've lost the pulse.|- She's in V fib. {22687}{22726}- Anything?|- Nothing. {22729}{22820}- Charge to 200.|- (nurse) Charging. {22823}{22878}(Dr Fraiser) Clear {23010}{23050}Jonas {23276}{23326}Colonel Colonel {23348}{23400}You have to scrub the mission. {23402}{23502}- Why?|- Major Carter gets hurt. l saw it. {23505}{23594}Colonel O'Neill, what the hell's|going on down there? {23648}{23690}lt was a medical emergency. {23693}{23826}Major Carter was rushed to the infirmary|with what looked like a staff blast wound. {23852}{23940}According to the villagers,|we won't encounter Jaffa for days. {23942}{24036}Maybe they're wrong or maybe|they lied. We can't know for sure. {24039}{24122}That's just it, Jonas.|There's no way we can know. {24147}{24194}Maybe it won't happen this time. {24197}{24276}- lt could be weeks from now.|- l can't see that far ahead. {24278}{24348}We can't second-guess every decision. {24350}{24411}lt's a risk every time|we step through that gate. {24414}{24502}l agree. But until we have a better|understanding of what's going on, {24505}{24560}l'd prefer to err on the side of caution. {24562}{24626}Was anybody else hurt on this thing? {24652}{24718}l only saw Major Carter. {24721}{24832}Then she can sit this one out,|just to be on the safe side. {24867}{24942}Agreed, but, Colonel, be careful. {24944}{24994}Yes, sir. {25256}{25302}Major Pierce, report. {25305}{25406}We swept the whole village, sir.|There's no sign of any Jaffa activity. {25409}{25492}As l said, Lord Mot|will not arrive for many days. {25535}{25590}All right, stay sharp. O'Neill, out. {25592}{25656}Have you decided to help us? {25707}{25786}- Are you sure you want this?|- lt is as the prophecy foretold. {25789}{25853}Now, screw the prophecy. {25855}{25956}l need to know your people are|willing to follow through on this. {25959}{26060}Last winter, there was|a terrible sickness in the village. {26062}{26108}Many could not work. {26111}{26220}When Lord Mot arrived and there was not|enough naqahdah, we tried to explain. {26222}{26322}We begged his forgiveness,|but he would not listen. {26349}{26498}He took ten of the sickest,|including my daughter's husband, {26533}{26621}and executed them|in front of the whole village. {26647}{26741}We would do anything|to be free of this burden. {28230}{28284}(alarm) {28287}{28410}(man over PA) We have|a medical emergency on level 25. {28594}{28618}What happened? {28621}{28716}We were overhauling the gate generator.|The capacitor blew. {28719}{28784}- Anybody else hurt?|- Major Carter. {28941}{29027}- How's she doing?|- Respirations are shallow, pulse weak. {29029}{29094}Sam, can you hear me? Sam? {29097}{29164}- l've lost the pulse.|- She's in V fib. {29205}{29240}- Anything?|- Nothing. {29243}{29295}- Charge to 200.|- Charging. {29326}{29376}- Clear|- Clear. {29405}{29492}- What do we got?|- Pulse is back. Regular signs. {29494}{29576}OK. Let's get them both into|the infirmary. Let's move. {29866}{29908}Thanks. {29911}{29988}- Hey.|- How you feeling? {29991}{30068}Slightly overcooked.|Janet says l'll be fine. {30154}{30230}- Sam, l'm sorry.|- For what? {30233}{30304}lf l had kept quiet,|you would've gone on the mission. {30306}{30346}This wouldn't have happened. {30349}{30428}l envisioned it,|but l didn't understand it. {30430}{30536}l misinterpreted the vision.|l won't make that same mistake again. {30539}{30656}- Don't do this to yourself.|- l've been thinking about this a lot. {30659}{30710}l've always been hyper-observant. {30712}{30806}l see details that other people miss.|l see patterns. {30808}{30889}Maybe predicting the future|is just an extension of that. {30892}{30948}lt doesn't work that way. {30962}{31022}According to Newtonian physics, yes. {31025}{31094}lf you knew the position|and velocity of every particle {31097}{31148}in the universe at any given time, {31150}{31222}you could predict|all of their interactions for ever. {31225}{31338}So the future is predetermined.|You just need to figure it out. {31340}{31442}Yes, but quantum mechanics|blows that out of the water. {31445}{31564}The Heisenberg uncertainty principle says|it's impossible to see a subatomic particle {31567}{31645}and know both where it is|and where it's going at the same time. {31648}{31764}The more you fix its position, the more|uncertain its velocity, and vice versa. {31767}{31817}We can only calculate probabilities. {31820}{31930}OK, so then l'm seeing|probable futures. {31966}{32002}Maybe. {32004}{32114}But every vision l've had has|turned out exactly the way l saw it. {32117}{32194}lt doesn't mean they always will, Jonas. {32341}{32458}- Does Mot arrive through the Stargate?|- No, he usually arrives by ship. {32461}{32525}- Where does he land?|- Here. {32552}{32618}- (Teal'c) How many Jaffa?|- Eight, maybe ten. {32651}{32745}Clearly, he's not anticipating resistance. {32748}{32862}Colonel, we can do this.|There's plenty of cover here and here. {32865}{32962}- They'd never know what hit 'em.|- We'll do a sweep of the area tomorrow. {32964}{33025}- l will show you.|- Old fool. {33056}{33076}Chazen. {33078}{33178}These outsiders have led you astray,|but l've taken care of everything. {33180}{33234}- What'd you do?|- (spaceship overhead) {33277}{33314}A scout ship. {33317}{33380}Lord Mot is coming. {33472}{33544}Jonas, we need to go over|these test results... {33546}{33596}Jonas {33779}{33858}This is Fraiser. l need|a medical team to level 18 L-7. {34013}{34136}You know, every time|l wake up in Goa'uld cell, {34164}{34270}l can't help the thought that|something bad is gonna happen. {34359}{34424}You are the Tauri of Stargate Command. {34426}{34488}And you are Lord Mot, {34513}{34608}come to punish us for our insolence,|et cetera, yada, et al. {34624}{34698}- That is correct.|- Yeah. {34700}{34756}Mr Mot, we're onto you. {34758}{34842}We know what you've got planned|and we've informed the Tok'ra. {34845}{34912}lf we don't report back on schedule, {34915}{34982}they're gonna rat you out,|tell your boss. {34985}{35060}You intend to send a warning to Baal. {35141}{35206}l think that's what l said, isn't it? {35209}{35254}l said that. {35256}{35326}l think this is unlikely. {35329}{35430}You would not be here if you did not wish|to protect the people of this planet. {35433}{35538}lf Baal discovers the mines|are still active, he will return. {35540}{35626}- There will be no message.|- Baal is in the service of Anubis. {35629}{35690}lf you kill him, you will|have to answer for it. {35692}{35808}- You may be of assistance in that regard.|- l don't think so. {35810}{35904}lt is known among the System Lords|that an iris protects your gate. {35907}{36016}Obviously, you must transmit some code|before you return to your planet. {36019}{36104}l suspect you use one of these. {36197}{36332}You will tell me the code, and l will|use it to destroy Stargate Command. {36375}{36472}Anubis will congratulate me|on my... initiative. {36489}{36612}- We will tell you nothing.|- Not at first. But eventually. {36674}{36770}However, for the moment,|l must deal with these villagers. {36773}{36840}l cannot let their treachery go unpunished. {36842}{36964}- They had nothing to do with this.|- My spy tells me otherwise. {36999}{37120}Of course, l could be convinced|to spare them some discomfort. {37267}{37380}Very well, then.|l'll leave you to think about it. {37846}{37900}What am l doing here? {37902}{37990}You had a seizure.|We can't wait any longer, Jonas. {37992}{38108}lf this tumour gets much bigger,|we may not be able to remove it safely. {38138}{38208}- Right.|- What is it? {38302}{38370}Sir, l'm receiving an lDC. lt's SG-15. {38373}{38422}- Open the iris.|- Yes, sir. {38677}{38750}- SG-15, this is Hammond. Come in.|- (static) {38753}{38826}Repeat, this is General Hammond.|Please respond. {38943}{38994}(alarm) {40596}{40662}l need to talk to General Hammond. {40690}{40747}Now {40798}{40857}When you closed the iris, it was too late. {40860}{40978}They set off a bomb that destroyed the|gate room, maybe the whole mountain. {40981}{41062}- You sure it was SG-15's iris code?|- Positive. {41064}{41096}We have to warn them. {41098}{41174}But maybe sending a message|causes this to happen. {41176}{41256}- Like when you warned Major Carter?|- Yeah. {41258}{41346}Jonas, we've been over this.|The future isn't predetermined. {41349}{41448}Without other information,|we have to follow normal procedure. {41451}{41518}lf l didn't have this vision,|we wouldn't be talking. {41521}{41613}- We're already beyond normal procedure.|- What do you suggest? {41616}{41718}We need more information. We need|to know how the Jaffa get the iris code. {41720}{41770}Maybe l can find that out. {41772}{41864}- You can't control the visions.|- l haven't tried hard enough. {41866}{41989}No. Jonas, if we don't get you into|surgery right now, you could die. {41992}{42060}l need just a little more time. {42226}{42332}Excuse me, miss. How about|sending a little of that our w... {42335}{42376}w... way? {42592}{42644}Or not. {42671}{42720}Wow. What'd you put in that stuff? {42723}{42798}Kelmina root. They will|sleep for many hours. {42801}{42884}l retrieved this. Chazen has|the rest of your belongings. {42887}{42984}- l dared not take more.|- Where's your father? {42986}{43066}He's being held. Lord Mot intends|to make an example of him. {43068}{43162}We can help him. But we have to get|to the gate to get reinforcements. {43164}{43216}l understand. {43218}{43300}- How do we get out?|- This way. {43302}{43342}Boys. {43518}{43575}You think that'll help? {43600}{43661}lt works for Teal'c. {43719}{43784}- Jonas?|- l'm OK. {45293}{45346}We're good to go. {45969}{46008}Teal'c {46866}{46920}Jonas? {46923}{46968}- (mumbles)|- What? {46970}{47028}Jon... l need some help in here {47044}{47138}Get him on the bed. We've gotta get|him into surgery. Grab the gurney. {47141}{47182}Easy. {47185}{47254}- Jonas? Jonas.|- (groans) {47311}{47362}Jonas, can you hear me? {47758}{47830}This path will take you|to the Chaapa-ai. {47853}{47976}Colonel, l fear Mot will execute my father.|There is not much time. {47978}{48050}Just stay out of sight until we get back. {48240}{48282}Not yet. {48340}{48399}- What happened?|- We can't wait any longer. {48402}{48460}Sam... Sam... {48527}{48594}l saw. l know what's gonna happen. {48633}{48710}Sir, they're walking into an ambush. {48713}{48830}Jonas says the Jaffa will be waiting for|them at the gate. We must warn them. {48833}{48898}- Dial P4S-237.|- Yes, sir. {49225}{49274}We're ready, Doctor. {49385}{49472}lt's OK. Just relax. {49474}{49522}- What's happening?|- lt's OK. {49525}{49564}- What's going on?|- lt's OK. {49566}{49628}Get the lorazepam. {49656}{49742}lt's OK, Jonas.|lt's not your problem any more. {49782}{49892}(over radio) Colonel O'Neill?|This is Hammond. Please respond. {49933}{49994}Major Pierce, do you read me? {50076}{50152}Jonas believes there may be|a Jaffa presence {50155}{50210}awaiting your arrival at the Stargate. {50224}{50306}Exercise extreme caution|when approaching the gate. {50309}{50424}l repeat. Exercise extreme caution|when approaching the gate. {50427}{50486}You may be walking into an ambush. {50489}{50554}- Do you copy?|- Sendear. {50628}{50698}- Check on the prisoners.|- Yes, sir. {50701}{50758}Colonel O'Neill, do you copy? {50782}{50852}Major Pierce, do you read me? {50855}{50894}They could be out of range. {50896}{50966}Maybe they received the message|but can't respond. {50969}{51072}- What about the MALP?|- Not receiving anything, sir. {51088}{51140}Sir, SG-3 is prepped and ready to go. {51142}{51274}l just can't risk it, Major. l could be|sending them into an ambush. {51277}{51386}We're just going to have to hope|that O'Neill gets the message. {51976}{52033}The prisoners have escaped. {52096}{52162}Sound the alarm. {52357}{52408}(bugle) {52472}{52506}Pierce. {52805}{52882}- Who ordered the alarm?|- l did. The prisoners escaped. {52884}{52959}ldiot. l allowed that foolish girl|to help them. {52961}{53018}My Jaffa are waiting at the gate. {53021}{53082}l could not have known.|You must forgive me. {53085}{53144}You are mistaken. {53228}{53278}(gunshot) {53343}{53384}(thud) {53387}{53436}Scissors. {53623}{53732}There it is.|lt looks like an astrocytoma. {53801}{53834}lsn't that unusual? {53837}{53906}Given that the tissue isn't malignant, yes. {53909}{54041}We didn't see any evidence of it on|the MRl. This must be a recent formation. {54044}{54166}We've got reticular infiltrates.|This could get a little tricky. {54433}{54523}Blood pressure's dropping.|Heart rate's 120 and climbing. {54573}{54642}- He's haemorrhaging.|- l need more suction. {54729}{54759}l don't see it. {54762}{54850}Blood pressure's 80 on 60.|Heart rate's 160. {54852}{54909}We gotta find the bleeder. He's pre-arrest. {54912}{54976}Run a litre of saline.|Have dopamine standing by. {54979}{55026}Get a unit of O neg. {55190}{55268}- Pressure's 60 on 40.|- Doctor, we're losing him. {55280}{55370}Hold on. l see it. Retract this flap. {55574}{55641}l think l've got it. {55720}{55794}Pressure's coming up.|Heart rate's stabilising. {55841}{55938}OK. Let's get this thing out of him. {56001}{56054}Move, move {56625}{56659}Still no signal, sir. {56865}{56955}Sir, l'm receiving an lDC. lt's SG-15. {56958}{57038}SG-15, this is Hammond. Come in. {57098}{57196}Repeat, this is General Hammond.|Please respond. {57260}{57352}lf we don't open the iris and it is|Colonel O'Neill and SG-15, then... {57354}{57468}The second they step through,|they'll be killed. l'm aware of that. {57470}{57534}- Open the iris.|- Yes, sir. {57922}{57974}Got a wounded man here. {58069}{58118}(man) Clear the ramp. {58213}{58237}Good to see you. {58240}{58332}General, request permission to return|to the planet with SGs 3 and 10. {58335}{58424}- We have some unfinished business.|- Permission granted. {58572}{58656}- Expecting someone else, sir?|- We'll explain later. {59065}{59124}Hey {59127}{59206}l thought you were supposed|to be resting that brain. {59209}{59258}- (sighs)|- How you doing? {59260}{59372}l'm a little sick of staring at these walls,|but other than that l'm fine. {59375}{59441}Dr Fraiser thinks they got it all out. {59443}{59562}The post-op analysis said the tumour|was similar to ordinary brain tissue, {59564}{59638}but that the neurons were|five times more densely packed. {59640}{59730}Nirrti definitely had to have|something to do with this. {59732}{59797}This kind of thing doesn't|happen naturally. {59799}{59886}Are you still having visions, Jonas Quinn? {59889}{59934}Not since the surgery, no. {59936}{60056}So... no lottery numbers? {60077}{60174}- Afraid not.|- No trip to Vegas, just you and me? {60270}{60330}So how's it going on 237? {60333}{60394}They are planning a celebration|in our honour. {60396}{60453}They wanna thank us|for getting rid of Mot. {60455}{60526}- We're bringing the food this time.|- Good idea. {60528}{60624}All right, visiting hours are over.|Jonas, you need your rest. {60644}{60730}Well... get well soon. {60767}{60842}We need you out there. {60845}{60880}Yes, sir. {60967}{61018}ls he feeling all right? {61021}{61084}l knew he'd warm up to you eventually. {61145}{61266}You know, it is interesting.|We changed the way things played out, {61268}{61366}which would seem to indicate|that the future isn't predetermined. {61368}{61476}But by doing so, we fulfilled|an ancient prophecy. {61479}{61586}A thousand years ago, someone in that|village predicted this would happen. {61589}{61658}How do you explain that? {61660}{61709}Maybe it was just a lucky guess. {61712}{61762}Yeah. {61928}{61976}Visiontext Subtitles-|Tram Nguyen Zelniker {63057}{63106}ENHOH