{1}{1}25.000 {133}{204}{Y:i}Previously on "Stargate SG-1": {263}{330}- Do you not recognise us, Daniel?|- I'm sorry. {332}{421}You were a member of my team, SG-1 .|You're a friend of mine. {423}{526}- We are in position to ambush Anubis...|- Do not question me. Do as I say! {528}{610}{Y:i}(Carter) Activating hyperdrive. {718}{793}{Y:i}(O'Neill) Target is locked. Fox 4-2. {922}{1025}- You will suffer gravely.|- I won't tell you anything. {1027}{1078}Yes, you will. {1185}{1235}{Y:i}(alarm sounds) {1341}{1441}- Receiving lDC, sir. It's SG-1 .|- Open the iris. {1698}{1748}Colonel. Major. {1750}{1844}Our mission was a success. Anubis's|new weapon has been neutralised. {1846}{1881}Well done. {1883}{1958}- What about Jonas and Dr Jackson?|- Still on the ship. {1960}{2064}- Anubis went into hyperspace.|- Do we have any idea where they went? {2066}{2121}No, sir. {2400}{2495}You appear to be unharmed|by the mind probe. {2497}{2554}I appreciate the concern. {2556}{2651}You seem calm,|considering some lowly humans {2653}{2767}just put a serious crimp|in your plans for galactic domination. {2769}{2841}Your insolence amuses me. {2843}{2927}I've learnt many valuable things|from you, Jonas Quinn. {2929}{3040}I now know Dr Jackson|accompanied you aboard this ship. {3042}{3162}- Do you know where he is?|- He continues to elude our sensors, {3164}{3222}but his time is running out. {3224}{3370}- Nothing you learnt from me'll help you.|- Oh, we will see about that. {3372}{3432}Have a look out the window. {3597}{3665}{Y:i}(Jonas) We dropped out of hyperspace. {3667}{3775}I'm eager to find out more about|this powerful variation of naqahdah {3777}{3838}discovered on your planet. {3840}{3907}I believe you call it "Naquadria". {3945}{3985}Where are we? {3987}{4067}Welcome home, Jonas Quinn. {6019}{6155}I just got a report from the Tok'ra. They've|no news on the location of Anubis's ship. {6157}{6275}- What about Teal'c?|- We can only assume he's with Yu's fleet. {6277}{6336}Any idea why they didn't show? {6338}{6421}- I could make a guess.|- You think Yu hung us out to dry? {6423}{6481}I'm not gonna touch that, sir. {6483}{6605}- I don't think he made a deal with Anubis.|- Trust a Goa'uld, this is what you get. {6607}{6680}I understand how you feel,|but I approved this operation {6682}{6793}because I believed it was our best chance|to deal Anubis a crippling blow. {6795}{6907}{Y:i}- Yes, sir.|- (man) Unscheduled offworld activation. {7121}{7194}Receiving a radio signal, sir. {7196}{7271}{Y:i}This is Ambassador Dreylock|of the Kelownan High Council. {7273}{7333}General Hammond of Stargate Command. {7335}{7411}{Y:i}We request immediate assistance.|We are under attack. {7413}{7533}We've been over this. We can't interfere|in the internal affairs of your planet. {7535}{7685}{Y:i}You don't understand. We are under|attack from a Goa'uld called Anubis. {7796}{7841}{Y:i}(O'Neill sighs) {8288}{8340}Why have I been detained? {8417}{8462}Lord Yu is without honour. {8464}{8519}- Shol'va!|- Jaffa! {8545}{8595}Kree jel-na. {8840}{8885}We had an agreement. {8887}{8952}You have not been betrayed. {8972}{9022}Not deliberately. {9049}{9104}I do not understand. {9172}{9232}My master is not well. {9256}{9350}He spends most of his time|in the sarcophagus. He is there even now. {9352}{9408}Why does he not take another host? {9410}{9490}I believe he has reached the point|where he is incapable. {9531}{9610}Lord Yu is the oldest of the System Lords. {9612}{9684}He has reigned for countless centuries, {9686}{9790}but now I'm beginning to fear|that even gods cannot live forever. {9792}{9841}Lord Yu is not a god. {9921}{10018}Once I would have struck you down|for speaking those words. {10020}{10070}But now? {10131}{10227}He was convinced that Anubis|was in the Chodawa system. {10290}{10407}And even though I knew this was|not the case, I could not contradict him. {10409}{10497}But you have seen that|Lord Yu can make mistakes. {10499}{10583}He has become increasingly|paranoid and confused. {10585}{10676}He speaks to himself,|but his words make no sense. {10678}{10857}He forgets key details of our attack plans,|and grows angry when I remind him. {10859}{10981}If what you say is true,|you and your Jaffa are in grave danger. {10983}{11090}- You must do something.|- I cannot betray him. {11092}{11147}I have devoted my life to his service. {11149}{11239}If this continues,|Lord Yu's empire will fall. {11241}{11306}Millions of Jaffa will die. {11308}{11395}Lord Yu will be remembered as a fool. {11397}{11477}What meaning will your life have then? {11975}{12056}- Have they agreed to help us?|- Not yet. {12246}{12320}Colonel O'Neill. Major Carter. {12322}{12387}- Ambassador. Commander.|- Thank you for coming. {12389}{12477}- What's going on, kids?|- A ship is hovering over the city. {12480}{12572}Alien troops have taken|the capitol building and other positions. {12574}{12609}Where are we? {12611}{12731}This bunker is several hundred feet below|an army base on the outskirts of the city. {12733}{12819}The communicator should work.|It can transmit from Tok'ra tunnels. {12821}{12932}- I don't understand.|- Two of our people may be on that ship, {12934}{12984}one being Jonas Quinn. {13046}{13083}Daniel? {13085}{13145}Daniel, come in. It's O'Neill. {13186}{13236}{Y:i}Daniel? {13269}{13339}- Jack?|- What's your situation? {13415}{13509}- I'm hiding. What's yours?|- Carter and I are on the planet. {13511}{13599}Be more specific. I haven't had|a chance to look out a window. {13601}{13696}- You're hovering over Jonas's home.|- Why? {13698}{13767}I wish I knew.|Are you in any immediate danger? {13769}{13830}Depends on what you mean|by "immediate". {13832}{13886}{Y:i}- Daniel.|- I'm fine. {13888}{14005}I got a location on Jonas's cell,|but first I've got a couple of problems. {14007}{14048}Like what? {14050}{14162}I'm not sure how to shut off|the force field protecting his cell yet. {14164}{14212}You said a couple? {14214}{14339}Yeah, actually, I'm a little lost.|And I've only got about three hours left {14341}{14434}before the Tok'ra isotope wears off|and I'm visible to the sensors. {14436}{14532}- So business as usual then, huh?|- I don't know. Is it? {14581}{14727}- Yes, we do this kind of thing all the time.|- Oh, well, good. That's comforting then. {14824}{14891}This is a mistake. {14893}{15010}Lord Yu can no longer be permitted|to command the opposition to Anubis. {15012}{15093}His Jaffa will follow your orders|in his name, but others will not. {15095}{15155}We need the combined force|of the System Lords. {15157}{15261}- None of them can be trusted.|- Nonetheless, one must be chosen. {15263}{15318}{Y:i}(beeping) {15320}{15385}The signal is coming through. {15549}{15606}- What is the meaning of this?|- Lord Baal... {15608}{15714}Where is your master? Why do you|allow this shol'va to appear before me? {15716}{15810}- I am here to present an offer.|- I will not listen to a traitor. {15812}{15954}Then you will miss an opportunity|to rid yourself of Anubis forever. {16007}{16113}When the ship appeared,|we were caught completely off guard. {16115}{16207}There was widespread panic.|Before we knew what was happening, {16209}{16311}most of the High Council|had been taken hostage. {16313}{16426}When we wouldn't give in to his demands,|Anubis had the First Minister executed. {16428}{16516}He also fired a volley|into our industrial sector, {16518}{16660}destroying several factories|and killing many innocent citizens. {16683}{16778}After that, we gave him what he wanted. {16810}{16874}- Which was?|- Naquadria. {16876}{16936}Our entire stockpile. {16963}{17081}Commander. We're receiving|a transmission from the surface. {17083}{17133}Excuse me a moment. {17227}{17348}Anubis must've used that mind probe on|Jonas and found out about the Naquadria. {17350}{17415}Then he knows the stuff|only works half the time. {17417}{17542}Just cos we can't establish a stable power|output doesn't mean he won't. If he does... {17544}{17616}Tadada-dah, ta-dah! {17839}{17961}The truth is my master is no longer fit|to lead the forces of the System Lords. {17963}{18032}How dare you judge your god? {18034}{18105}The shol'va has poisoned your mind. {18107}{18162}Clearly, Lord Baal is not interested. {18164}{18290}- We should contact another System Lord.|- Hm. Perhaps Bastet. {18292}{18420}If I assume command, how can I be|assured of the loyalty of Yu's troops? {18422}{18484}They will follow me in his name. {18486}{18526}And will you obey me? {18528}{18614}The destruction of Anubis|is in my master's best interest. {18616}{18730}I will support any action|that leads to this goal. {18732}{18850}If you are in agreement, I must contact|the Tauri to make the final arrangements. {18852}{18905}Then do so. {18940}{19010}Take me to the nearest Stargate. {19484}{19621}Commander, you said you gave Anubis|your entire stockpile of Naquadria. {19623}{19663}That's correct. {19665}{19727}So if he got what he wanted,|why is he still here? {19729}{19769}I have no idea. {19771}{19871}His men have rounded up archaeologists|from the Academy of Sciences. {19873}{19953}- He may be looking for the Stargate.|- How secure is this place? {19955}{20005}It's top secret. {20007}{20115}We had the gate moved here after the|Tiranians and Andaris began air strikes. {20117}{20162}{Y:i}So you did go to war? {20164}{20253}Yes, but we managed|to negotiate a cease-fire. {20255}{20328}I thought you were|outgunned and outmanned. {20405}{20483}We used the Naquadria bomb. {20485}{20541}On people? {20543}{20670}We instantly regretted it. The devastation|was beyond anything we'd imagined. {20672}{20779}{Y:i}(Commander) As many Kelownans|would have died had we done nothing. {20781}{20871}We were faced with our own destruction|and you refused to help us. {20873}{20980}And, as awful as it was, it managed to|bring Tiranians and Andaris to the table. {20982}{21059}Delegates had just arrived|in the city for peace talks. {21061}{21127}- Do they know about the Stargate?|- No. {21129}{21233}They may have noticed|the rather large ship floating in the sky. {21235}{21351}- You might as well tell them the rest.|- We were hoping it wouldn't come to that. {21353}{21454}Anubis has everything he came for.|He may just leave. {21456}{21554}If Anubis can figure out how to overcome|the instability of the Naquadria, {21556}{21638}it will give him a significant advantage|over all his enemies. {21640}{21748}- He's gonna want more.|- There is no more. The mine is dry. {21750}{21811}You think he'll take your word for it? {21813}{21919}He will occupy this planet and|enslave your people. We've seen it before. {21921}{21976}What can we do? {22050}{22126}If you want to fight, we'll help you. {22128}{22268}But we need the cooperation|of the other major powers on this world. {22536}{22637}My lord, I have completed|a preliminary analysis of the Naquadria. {22639}{22732}The potential energy output|is greater than that of regular naqahdah. {22734}{22796}It will be hard|to maintain a stable reaction. {22798}{22930}This ship must have full power again.|I will not accept failure. {22954}{23087}My lord, we've already learnt all we can|from Jonas Quinn. Why keep him alive? {23089}{23198}His physiology merits|further experimentation. {23200}{23294}He may still prove to be very useful. {24371}{24418}{Y:i}(whispers) Jonas. {24420}{24480}Jonas, are you there? {24482}{24553}- Daniel?|- Yeah. Are you all right? {24555}{24633}Yeah, I'm fine. Where are you? {24654}{24779}I'm in a storage room|about 20 feet from your current position. {24781}{24869}- Can you get me out of here?|- I'm working on it. {24977}{25024}Colonel O'Neill, Major Carter, {25026}{25124}may I present the leaders of the|Tiranian and Andari peace delegations. {25126}{25189}Ambassador Sevaarin|and Ambassador Noor. {25191}{25283}Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter|represent a planet called Earth. {25285}{25345}They don't look very alien. {25367}{25402}We get that a lot. {25453}{25536}And this, of course, is the Stargate. {25555}{25615}- How does it work?|- Let's have a look. {25751}{25796}Something like that. {25798}{25894}- Incredible.|- Isn't it? {25976}{26033}He is one of the enemy soldiers. {26035}{26093}Relax. He's one of ours. {26190}{26284}- It is good to see you both again.|- We got your message from Hammond. {26286}{26398}- Are you nuts?|- I believe it to be our only choice, O'Neill. {26485}{26634}I don't know quite how to tell you this, but|Anubis has taken the ship to your home. {26636}{26690}We're above the Kelownan capital. {26692}{26825}I know. He wants Naquadria. If it wasn't|for me, he'd never have found out about it. {26827}{26953}- Don't blame yourself.|- The point is l joined Stargate Command {26955}{27038}so maybe one day I could|protect my planet from the Goa'uld. {27040}{27121}- Instead, I brought them right to it.|- We'll find a way out. {27123}{27210}- Yeah?|- Apparently. {27248}{27334}We already trusted one Goa'uld.|Look where it got us. {27336}{27396}I do not trust Baal, O'Neill, {27398}{27530}but I believe, at least for the moment,|his goal is the same as ours. {27532}{27586}{Y:i}(sighs) {27588}{27653}All right. Have at it. {27676}{27741}Oh, yes, you do the talking. {27942}{28027}We have made an agreement|with another System Lord named Baal. {28029}{28122}If we give him your location,|he will bring a fleet and destroy Anubis. {28124}{28206}You propose to bring|more of these Goa'uld to our world? {28208}{28261}For now, Anubis is vulnerable. {28263}{28367}He has but one ship and is preoccupied,|but believes his position to be secure {28369}{28449}because he knows the other lords|are unaware of this place. {28451}{28563}And if Anubis is destroyed, how|do we know this Baal will leave us alone? {28565}{28619}That is part of the agreement. {28670}{28800}You say we cannot negotiate with Anubis|and these Goa'uld cannot be trusted. {28802}{28865}And yet you ask us to trust another? {28867}{28969}{Y:i}- Your world faces an imminent threat.|- (Sevaarin) Kelowna faces the threat. {28971}{29077}There are no alien ships|in the skies above Tirania. {29079}{29146}See what we have to deal with? {29148}{29291}Haven't you guys ever heard the story|of the dog and the dancing monkeys? {29293}{29421}Has something to do with|getting along and... dancing. {29524}{29579}Carter. {29581}{29639}With all due respect, Mr Ambassador, {29641}{29751}when Anubis comes looking for more|Naquadria, he won't respect any borders. {29753}{29841}He will tear this planet apart|piece by piece if he has to. {29843}{30001}I won't approve any plan unless I have|unanimous agreement from all parties. {30178}{30208}My lord. {30210}{30294}Have you found a way|to overcome the Naquadria's instability? {30296}{30336}I believe I have. {30338}{30490}Then use it to power one of the ship's|weapons arrays. I want it tested now. {30492}{30609}- We will need to select a target.|- How fortunate there is a city before us. {30611}{30677}I am unsure of the power of this weapon. {30679}{30771}The blast radius from one shot|could encompass the entire city. {30773}{30831}If it does, {30833}{30916}you will have my congratulations. {31193}{31253}{Y:i}Daniel, this is Sam. Come in. {31269}{31319}- Go ahead.|- Did you find Jonas? {31321}{31399}Yeah. I'm still having trouble|with the force field. {31401}{31471}{Y:i}You're gonna have|to find a way to cut the power. {31473}{31577}- How do I do that?|- Unsure. We've two hours to figure it out. {31579}{31653}{Y:i}- What happens then?|- Baal's fleet arrives. {31680}{31787}I've got 15 minutes till this isotope wears|out and I'm visible to the ship's sensors. {31789}{31884}I'll have to get back to you.|I've got company. {31976}{32026}Kel nor shol ak'ra. {32069}{32110}Reltac. {32112}{32189}Tel shek anfar, tel nor moklan n'ral. {32337}{32387}Jaffa! {32443}{32489}Sarit. {32616}{32700}Naquadria generator is online.|We are ready. {32702}{32742}Charge the weapon. {33507}{33599}- My lord, the generator is overloading.|- Abort the test. {33651}{33699}I cannot abate the overload. {33885}{33935}Jaffa, kree! {34349}{34438}This makes no sense.|I compensated for the instability. {34477}{34527}Kill him! {34585}{34635}{Y:i}(thud) {34865}{34921}Jonas! {34923}{34975}- What happened?|- I don't know. {34977}{35104}Whatever it was, there's not enough|power to maintain the force fields. {35106}{35146}Agh! {35148}{35203}- You OK?|- That hurt. {35205}{35265}- Your arm?|- A little numb. {35302}{35332}I think I can make it. {35334}{35451}You better. I don't want to have to|take you out of here in a dustpan. {35505}{35551}{Y:i}(moans) {35553}{35598}Nice. {35600}{35670}- How do we get off this thing?|- Cargo ship. {35672}{35764}- Which way?|- Uh... this way. {35766}{35797}- You sure?|- No. {35799}{35829}Right. {35977}{36031}- Report.|- We're in position, {36033}{36139}but the Kelownans want more troops|to deal with the Jaffa on the ground. {36141}{36215}I can't authorise that|without Pentagon approval. {36217}{36380}Yes, sir, but I was thinking maybe I could|take SGs 15 and 1 1 as technical advisors. {36382}{36486}- What if Baal doesn't show up?|- Could get a little screwy. {36488}{36586}But we talked these folks into this.|The least we can do is back 'em up. {36588}{36661}- Agreed. Put your teams together.|- Sir. {36663}{36708}Anubis has superior shields, {36710}{36833}but our intelligence says they're less than|40% effective in a planet's atmosphere. {36835}{36904}If Baal attacks while Anubis is weak,|he has a chance. {36906}{36951}That's not very reassuring. {36953}{37052}We just heard Anubis's men|are ransacking the Museum of Antiquities. {37054}{37155}- Why would they do that?|- They may still be looking for the gate. {37157}{37275}No. Anubis is smart enough to know|that it wouldn't be in a public place. {37277}{37327}- What was in the museum?|- Nothing. {37329}{37396}The exhibit was put into storage|when the war began. {37398}{37525}- OK, what was in the exhibit?|- Trinkets from the original Goa'uld sites - {37527}{37614}- pottery, statues.|- What about tablets? {37637}{37691}Those were classified top secret {37693}{37782}and given to the scientists|working on our Naquadria project. {37784}{37843}I'd like to see a list of exhibit objects. {37845}{37914}Anubis is looking for something.|I wanna know what. {37985}{38058}Cargo bay should be down the next hall.|How's your arm? {38060}{38110}I can wiggle my fingers. {38237}{38372}Those were all the Jaffa going into|the cargo bay, which is just down the hall. {38588}{38638}Eight men! {38668}{38728}That's all you brought? {38774}{38816}{Y:i}Eight good men. {38818}{38908}There are over 1 ,000 alien soldiers|in the city. {38910}{39015}Their weapons are more powerful|than anything our forces have ever seen. {39017}{39118}- We don't stand a chance.|- The main problem is the ship. {39120}{39191}Once that's taken out,|we can deal with the Jaffa. {39193}{39287}Sir, I think I know|why Anubis hasn't left yet. {39289}{39355}He's looking for a crystal. {39357}{39455}The Kelownan archaeologists found it,|but they didn't know what it was. {39457}{39548}They classified it as a decorative object|and put it in the museum. {39550}{39603}I don't understand. What is it? {39605}{39670}The Goa'uld use crystals|to store information. {39672}{39718}What information? {39720}{39848}The original Goa'uld who occupied this|planet was experimenting with Naquadria, {39850}{39937}but there are no details -|no lab notes, no test results. {39939}{40028}- You think that's what's on the crystal?|- It makes sense. {40030}{40141}Your people, not knowing its importance,|never included it with the other material. {40143}{40196}That's why Jonas never knew of it. {40198}{40331}Sir, if Anubis gets ahold of this crystal, he|could use it to make the Naquadria work. {40333}{40402}Yeah, I get it. {40404}{40519}- Where is it?|- Everything was moved to a warehouse. {40521}{40586}- I can take you there.|- Wait! {40600}{40724}If this is as important as you say, let me|send a contingent to secure the building. {40726}{40823}We don't want to draw|any unnecessary attention to the place. {40825}{40892}I'll go, sir. I know what to look for. {40894}{40944}All right. Take Teal'c. {41496}{41546}{Y:i}(footsteps) {42091}{42148}Looks like patrols are closing in. {42150}{42262}And we've got one minute|before the isotope wears off. {42312}{42437}That planet you guys found me on was|nice - people were simple, life was quiet. {42439}{42536}- Why didn't you stay?|- I couldn't remember what this was like. {42538}{42582}It's fun, isn't it? {42584}{42634}Yeah. {42648}{42729}- If we get out of this...|- You can keep the office. {42731}{42793}Actually, I was talking about SG-1 . {42814}{42902}You took the position cos|you felt guilty about what happened to me {42904}{42972}and thought you'd make up for it|by finishing my work... {42974}{43078}- I love the job.|- Who'd argue? Bad hours, constant peril. {43080}{43181}On the bright side,|you do get to travel a lot. {43230}{43290}- You're very up.|- Yeah. {43333}{43484}Truth is, I don't think that Colonel O'Neill|was very comfortable having me around. {43486}{43564}That's not what he told me.|He said you were a good man. {43566}{43693}- Really? He said that?|- Yeah. You're shocked he never let on? {43743}{43809}Anyway, now that you're back... {43811}{43894}Let's worry about getting out of here first. {43896}{43985}- Rings?|- What good's that? Nowhere to ring to. {43987}{44052}We found a ring platform|when we found the gate. {44054}{44206}- So it hasn't been used in 2,000 years.|- Well, let's see if it still works. {44784}{44844}Looks like we got here first. {45065}{45095}Jaffa, kree! {45097}{45254}Two unauthorised personnel detected|on sensors approaching your sector. {45626}{45721}- This is hopeless.|- It has to be here somewhere. {45824}{45864}Major Carter. {45940}{45994}Bingo. {46058}{46108}Jaffa, kree! {46219}{46263}Shel-norak. {46508}{46605}- Do we know where it is we're going?|- Not a clue. {46773}{46823}Gal a'quel. {46933}{46968}Argh! {47356}{47406}- Nice timing.|- Thanks. {47408}{47486}- Jonas Quinn.|- Ambassador. {47488}{47528}- Where are we?|- Warehouse, {47530}{47619}where they keep Goa'uld artefacts,|including a ring platform. {47621}{47746}- And a crystal.|- Let's go. There's more Jaffa on our tails. {47847}{47971}{Y:i}Perimeter's clear. We've a visual on Major|Robbin's position across the square. {47973}{48053}OK, Sergeant. Sit tight. O'Neill out. {48075}{48130}{Y:i}- (Carter) Colonel.|- Hey. {48177}{48277}- Where'd you find them?|- They dropped into the warehouse. {48279}{48366}- Nice. The crystal?|- Right here. {48368}{48421}I'll take that. {48423}{48563}- I think it'd be better if we held onto it.|- I'm afraid I must insist. {49121}{49171}What is this? {49173}{49234}I've made a separate arrangement. {49343}{49489}Put down your weapons, Colonel,|or I will be forced to destroy these people. {49881}{49931}The crystal. {50005}{50063}You're an idiot, you know that? {50065}{50181}In exchange for this, Anubis has agreed|to leave Kelownan territory untouched. {50183}{50260}Thus confirming my last statement. {50262}{50337}He knows our Naquadria supplies|are depleted, {50339}{50428}but I believe he may find|another mine on Tiranian territory. {50430}{50480}That's a lie. {50482}{50548}One of your scientists is a Kelownan spy. {50550}{50635}You've been trying to build a bomb|for the last three years. {50637}{50741}But we didn't mine the Naquadria.|We stole it from the Andaris. {50743}{50778}What? {50780}{50861}Don't you see what's happening here? {50863}{50922}- He's using you against each other.|- Enough! {50924}{51036}You can't afford to fight. This planet|is a target, not just Kelowna or Tirania. {51038}{51132}- You have to stand together.|- I said enough! {51321}{51420}You've gotta start trusting each other,|or you're all gonna become slaves. {51422}{51473}If you're lucky. {51557}{51607}The crystal. {51711}{51768}Thank you. {52235}{52297}As for the rest of you, {52299}{52466}you'll be publicly executed, as an example|to all those who would defy their god. {52534}{52609}Does it have to be publicly? {52735}{52785}I could kill you now. {52827}{52877}Publicly's fine. {52936}{52986}Jaffa! {53811}{53862}Aargh! {54065}{54115}Tel nor, hatak mal shee. {54872}{54956}Your ship is at my mercy.|You are defeated. {54958}{55008}Surrender now. {55388}{55445}Jaffa, kree! {55447}{55493}Daniel! {55554}{55589}Argh! {55905}{55955}Jonas! {56032}{56077}Agh! {56109}{56162}I owe you one. {56164}{56225}We'll call it even. {56662}{56754}The last time you returned to Kelowna,|you were considered a traitor. {56756}{56846}- That will not be the case this time.|- Are you sure? {56848}{56942}The Andaris and Tiranians|only participated in a joint ruling council {56944}{57013}on condition you were|the Kelownan representative. {57015}{57179}Your year's experiences will be vital to our|planet facing what awaits in our future. {57181}{57231}We need you, Jonas. {57267}{57362}Got everything packed?|Toothbrush, slippers, hair gel? {57380}{57430}Yes. {57552}{57590}Sir. {57592}{57670}- It was an honour, son.|- Yes, it was. {57765}{57901}When we first met you told me that|the issues between my planet's nations {57903}{58040}would seem insignificant once I found out|what was really going on up there. {58042}{58098}- Yeah, I remember that.|- You do? {58100}{58145}- Yeah.|- That's great. {58147}{58211}It's all kind of coming back. {58213}{58309}- I'm glad I had the chance to find out.|- Me, too. {58461}{58553}You have the heart of a warrior,|Jonas Quinn. {58594}{58640}Continue to fight well. {58780}{58830}Keep in touch. {58956}{58981}Uh... {58983}{59038}You earned it. {59209}{59259}Thanks. {59415}{59465}Hey, Daniel. {59467}{59517}Feed my fish? {60416}{60476}- You all right?|- Yeah. {60527}{60590}Well, dinner's at seven. Don't be late. {60592}{60712}Teal'c gets a little cranky|when his blood sugar gets low. {60714}{60784}- Jack.|- Yeah? {60786}{60915}It's not that I mind rejoining SG-1|and exploring the galaxy, {60917}{61063}meeting new cultures, jeopardy,|saving the world - that kind of thing. {61065}{61130}We get paid for this, right? {61235}{61295}Welcome back.