{1}{1}25.000 {356}{464}- What's going on?|- Getting MALP telemetry from P3X-289. {466}{520}Atmosphere is completely toxic. {522}{594}Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide,|methane, ammonia. {596}{670}If there was a gate,|there was life there at some point. {672}{752}Yeah, I think that's a safe assumption.|Look at this. {754}{832}We got these images two hours ago|after the MALP went through. {834}{944}The dome seems to be the only thing that|withstood the effects of the atmosphere. {946}{1076}- How big is it?|- About 2.2km wide and 500 metres high. {1091}{1153}The MALP's giving us a proximity alert. {1155}{1248}Three metres,|and we're picking up a static charge. {1250}{1288}Stop. {1308}{1360}Extend the arm. {1463}{1546}- It went right through.|- Whatever it is, it's not solid. {1548}{1596}Move forward. {1895}{1966}We've lost contact.|The MALP's not responding. {1968}{2023}Bring up that last image. {2165}{2258}- How is that possible?|- I have no idea. {4042}{4173}- Colonel O'Neill, report.|- We're good, sir, but not much of a view. {4175}{4264}{Y:i}- What about suit integrity?|- (Carter) The hazmats could withstand {4266}{4347}12 hours of exposure|before any serious degradation. {4349}{4455}{Y:i}(O'Neill) Not a problem, sir. We can make|it to the dome and back inside an hour. {4457}{4517}Understood. Hammond out. {4760}{4900}{Y:i}- (Carter) Picking up a static charge.|- (Daniel) Yeah, I can feel it. {4970}{5060}{Y:i}(O'Neill) So what do we do,|just walk through? {5062}{5161}{Y:i}- (Carter) The MALP met no resistance.|- But it disappeared. {5163}{5311}It did transmit for a while before we lost|the signal, which suggests it got through. {6071}{6198}{Y:i}(Carter) I'm reading normal atmosphere -|oxygen, nitrogen. {6239}{6299}We're clean, too. {6301}{6391}{Y:i}(Daniel) Seems the barrier scrubbed|the suits when we passed through. {6393}{6524}{Y:i}(Carter) The inside of the barrier|seems to be some kind of hologram. {6526}{6595}You can feel the resistance. {6597}{6695}That, combined with the static charge,|must act as a warning, {6697}{6777}so you don't accidentally step through. {6914}{6976}The MALP appears to be fully operational. {6978}{7040}The barrier must block the signal. {7082}{7171}This is an amazing piece of technology. {7173}{7283}Permeable to solid objects, but won't|allow the poisonous atmosphere in. {7285}{7375}We really need to study this further. {7377}{7427}{Y:i}(twig snaps) {7720}{7790}All right, come on out. Let's go. {8089}{8134}Hello. {8181}{8244}We're not gonna hurt you. {8278}{8365}- You came from outside.|- Yes, we did. {8398}{8448}- What's your name?|- What's yours? {8450}{8510}I asked you first. {8555}{8637}- I'm called Nevin.|- Hello, Nevin. {8639}{8734}I'm Jack. That's Sam, Daniel and Teal'c. {8777}{8848}You wear strange clothes. {8850}{8906}You caught us on a bad day. {8908}{9002}- Nevin, where are your parents?|- My father's in the town. {9004}{9109}- Can you show us?|- We just want to talk to him. {9111}{9165}Maybe we could trade. {9616}{9763}You know, sir, we probably could have|found the town without his help. {10442}{10508}- Nevin?|- I found some people in the garden. {10510}{10595}Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c. {10651}{10771}- I'm Kendrick, Nevin's father.|- I assume you don't get many visitors. {10773}{10871}We thought we were the only survivors. {10873}{10938}Survivors of what, exactly? {10988}{11050}You'd better speak to the council. {11288}{11417}{Y:i}- You came from outside the dome?|- (O'Neill) That's right. {11419}{11550}But the atmosphere is toxic. Anyone who|went outside would die almost instantly. {11552}{11664}- We wore protective suits.|- But where do you come from, originally? {11666}{11793}From a planet called Earth.|It's about 6,000 light years from here. {11795}{11903}- You came in a spaceship?|- No, we came through the Stargate. {11905}{12042}It's that big, circular object with symbols|carved on it. It's right outside the dome. {12103}{12212}- There must be a historical reference to...|- One moment, please. {12501}{12580}The Gate of Mahg Mar.|Discovered 563 years ago. {12582}{12678}Believed to have been of significance|in the worship of Goddess Morrigan. {12680}{12778}Taken from Danaan and displayed|in the National Museum of History. {12780}{12879}- So you do know about the gate?|- We do now. {12922}{13030}We've accessed the relevant information|through the Link. {13032}{13110}It's a direct neural interface|with a databank. {13112}{13139}Ow. {13141}{13212}The Link contains|the sum total of our knowledge - {13214}{13286}all our history, our culture,|our science. Everything. {13288}{13358}You can call up this information|whenever you need it? {13360}{13410}Precisely. {13662}{13705}Think this'll work? {13707}{13794}The signal was lost only when|the transmitter crossed the barrier. {13796}{13919}We need only manoeuvre the MALP|into the correct position. {14095}{14130}Nice. {14187}{14254}We have a scheduled|radio contact with SG-1, sir. {14256}{14322}Dial the gate. {14348}{14431}{Y:i}SG-1, this is General Hammond. Come in. {14448}{14527}{Y:i}Yes, sir. We read you, loud and clear. {14529}{14605}{Y:i}- Loud and clear.|- Colonel O'Neill, report. {14607}{14691}{Y:i}It turns out this planet's|not so dead after all, sir. {14693}{14750}{Y:i}- I take it the dome's inhabited.|- Yes, sir. {14752}{14862}{Y:i}So far the natives are very friendly,|if a bit odd, if you know what I mean. {14864}{14965}{Y:i}- Will they share information?|- They'll show Carter the technical stuff. {14967}{15046}{Y:i}In the meantime,|they've offered to put us up for the night. {15048}{15115}All right, next contact in 24 hours. {15117}{15173}{Y:i}Yes, sir. {15517}{15579}Thank you. {16175}{16263}- What?|- How many planets have you been to? {16323}{16382}I don't know. Lots. {16384}{16447}- More than ten?|- Yeah. {16449}{16496}- More than 20?|- Yes. {16498}{16536}- More than 30?|- Yeah. {16538}{16577}- More than 40?|- Yes. {16579}{16611}- More than 50?|- Maybe. {16613}{16669}Nevin... {16671}{16734}Let the poor man eat. {16736}{16800}It's more than 50, isn't it? {16883}{16965}You think it's too late to pitch a tent? {17213}{17327}- Are you sure you've had enough to eat?|- Yes, it was delicious. {17329}{17389}You've obviously no trouble growing food. {17391}{17494}- Everything in the dome is self-sufficient.|- What about power? {17496}{17576}We draw energy from geothermal vents|beneath the town. {17578}{17633}Tomorrow I can show you the generators. {17635}{17720}Pallan's one of the technicians|who maintains the system. {17722}{17837}Your level of architecture seems to be|out of step with your level of technology. {17839}{17897}Technology destroyed our world. {17899}{17986}The dome was created because|industrial growth poisoned the air. {17988}{18138}Our people were dying, so the survivors|made a choice to simplify their lives. {18140}{18260}We have environmental problems. If we|learned your history, it might help us. {18262}{18394}The easiest way for you to learn|about our history is through the Link. {18396}{18448}- Is that possible?|- Of course. {18450}{18538}Thousands of historical books are on file. {18589}{18662}Maybe that isn't such a good idea. {18692}{18809}We don't know if our brain physiology|is compatible with the technology. {18811}{18848}Ah. {18902}{18954}Thanks. Maybe later. {19423}{19473}{Y:i}(electronic warble) {21129}{21179}{Y:i}(heavy breathing) {21241}{21294}Hello, Nevin. {21296}{21418}I'm not Nevin. I'm Colonel O'Neill|from Stargate Command. {21479}{21534}All right, Colonel O'Neill. {21576}{21650}Will you please take off my hood? {21721}{21809}Nevin, time for school.|Go to your room and access your lessons. {21811}{21896}When I grow up, can I be an explorer? {21921}{21981}We'll talk about it later. {22204}{22292}- None of you has been out of the dome?|- Not in over 400 years. {22294}{22383}We monitor the levels of toxicity,|but we've never seen it. {22385}{22460}- What's it like?|- It's not very pretty. {22462}{22589}I've seen images on the Link of a great|city with tall buildings of glass and steel. {22591}{22686}I'm afraid there's not much left but rubble. {22688}{22738}I suppose... {22762}{22826}that's why they created this. {22984}{23045}So we're not always reminded|of what happened. {23047}{23144}A pretty convincing illusion.|I'd love to see how it's made. {23146}{23281}The control room's underground,|but the entrance is this way. {23704}{23801}As you can see, Major, we haven't|abandoned technology altogether. {23803}{23848}Yeah. {23925}{24069}If using the Link is out of the question,|then this is your only option. {24201}{24288}We don't have much need|for books any more. {24378}{24442}These are all that's left from the old world. {24444}{24542}Interesting. The writing's similar|to a language we've seen before. {24544}{24611}Can you translate it? {24613}{24663}With your help? {24665}{24716}Let's get started. {24839}{24943}Atmospheric analysis,|dome integrity, power utilisation. {24945}{24997}Very impressive. {24999}{25141}If you don't mind, I just have|to check the coolant pressure. Please. {25329}{25374}Pallan. {25399}{25484}This looks like some kind of religious text. {25486}{25531}Evalla? {25576}{25621}Evalla. {25623}{25668}Pallan? {25818}{25862}Yes? {25864}{25934}- Are you OK?|- Of course. {25936}{25984}Let me see. {26209}{26269}- Did you see that?|- See what? {26271}{26352}The screens became filled|with some sort of streaming code. {26354}{26465}lmpossible. They always display|the status of these systems. {26467}{26592}- I know what I saw, Pallan.|- I'm afraid you must be mistaken. {26892}{26997}- So, what do we know?|- Well, their technology's incredible. {26999}{27149}Pallan and I are rigging up a computer|interface to download some of the specs. {27326}{27400}- Do they wish anything in return?|- Apparently not. {27402}{27546}- They seem happy with their situation.|- It makes no sense. They live in a bubble. {27548}{27619}They've managed to survive|for over 400 years. {27621}{27697}Sometimes there is more to life|than mere survival. {27699}{27769}We could offer them relocation. {27789}{27850}Yeah, I suppose. {27870}{27981}- Are you suggesting we leave the dome?|- We're just saying it's possible. {27983}{28051}There are many worlds|where your people can live. {28053}{28156}- But we have all we need right here.|- Except room to grow. {28158}{28241}We're talking about fresh water,|fresh air, mountains, trees. {28243}{28313}We can experience all these things|through the Link. {28315}{28373}You've gotta be kidding me. {28375}{28496}It is a very generous offer, Colonel,|but this is our home. {28498}{28563}What about the other folks in the town? {28565}{28627}Some of them have to think differently. {28629}{28744}The council speaks for the town,|and the council's decision is unanimous. {28746}{28884}What about the other council member,|the woman that was here? {28886}{28980}There hasn't been a woman|on the council since the last election. {28982}{29033}And that was two years ago. {29035}{29095}What? There was|a woman here yesterday. {29097}{29249}Colonel, I can assure you, the council|has always consisted of three members. {29660}{29789}I spoke to Pallan. He has no memory of|there ever being a fourth council member. {29791}{29842}She was just there yesterday. {29844}{29901}Maybe the Link|has something to do with this. {29903}{29973}If it can download data|into people's brains, {29975}{30094}maybe it can also be used|to alter their perceptions or memories. {30130}{30206}Perhaps she opposed the others|and they got rid of her. {30208}{30286}So they erased her from existence?|Seems a little harsh. {30288}{30366}The bottom line is|we can't trust these people. {30368}{30449}I'd still like to finish my research|on the dome technology. {30451}{30524}Maybe something in the archive|can shed some light on it. {30526}{30665}The behaviour of the people does seem|odd, but they don't appear to be a threat. {30701}{30776}All right, see what you can find out. {31063}{31104}How's it coming? {31106}{31228}I still can't find any historical reference to|the time period when the dome was built. {31230}{31294}By then, our people|had begun using the Link. {31296}{31409}It's possible not much written material|survives from that era. {31411}{31467}Let me ask you something. {31515}{31682}If you had a chance to leave the dome and|live on another planet, would you take it? {31684}{31758}Pallan told me about the talk|you had with the council. {31760}{31854}- And?|- We have everything we need right here. {31856}{31901}That's what they said. {31903}{32013}We hope someday the poison'll dissipate|and we'll be able to reclaim the planet. {32015}{32095}- But not in your lifetime.|- No. {32097}{32185}What about children? Don't you|and Pallan want to have a family? {32187}{32254}Of course. {32256}{32313}But there must be population controls. {32315}{32395}- A couple's allowed a maximum of two.|- You're OK with that? {32397}{32504}Limited resources dictate we maintain|the population at a certain level. {32506}{32612}- How many people are we talking about?|- At this precise moment? {32614}{32671}1,373. {32720}{32813}And what would happen|if someone decided to break the rules {32815}{32883}and have more than two children? {32885}{32933}I don't know. {32935}{32985}No one ever has. {33185}{33242}Try the interface now. {33270}{33320}We got it. {33432}{33507}You believe this technology|will be useful on your world? {33509}{33578}Why don't you and your wife|come see for yourselves? {33580}{33618}Oh. {33620}{33670}Just for a visit. {33690}{33770}- Do you have oceans?|- Oceans, deserts, rainforests. {33772}{33871}- It would take a lifetime to see it all.|- It sounds wonderful. {33873}{33923}Wait a minute. {33946}{34055}- These are the power utilisation figures?|- That's right. {34057}{34168}- What's a normal variation?|- Between 0.01 and 0.07%. {34170}{34222}Well, then, we've got a problem. {34224}{34308}These levels are 2% lower|than when we first came down here. {34310}{34360}No, that can't be. {34490}{34586}No, you're mistaken.|These figures are within normal range. {34588}{34693}- Do you have this morning's readings?|- Of course. {34738}{34824}You see? No variation. {34867}{34916}This is wrong. {34918}{35022}- These measurements are foreign to you.|- Doesn't mean I can't recognise a drop. {35024}{35139}Major, I can access 400 years of recorded|power utilisation figures on the Link. {35141}{35208}There's never been|more than a 0.1% variation. {35210}{35290}Hypothetically speaking, if there was, {35292}{35363}would it threaten|the integrity of the force field? {35365}{35451}I suppose it might, but it's never come up. {35714}{35761}Colonel O'Neill! {35763}{35852}Is it true you've offered to take us|through the gate to another world? {35854}{35898}Yeah, that's right. {35900}{35969}Then Nevin and I will come with you. {35971}{36089}I see the way he is with you. I realise he|deserves more than this world can offer. {36091}{36176}Are you certain?|This is not a decision to be taken lightly. {36178}{36223}I want my son to be in a world {36225}{36365}where the sky and the clouds aren't|part of an illusion created by computer. {36367}{36422}That's good enough for me. {36568}{36646}{Y:i}- Colonel, come in.|- Go ahead. {36648}{36752}Sir, I've run some calculations here|and I've discovered something. {36754}{36789}O'Neill. {36829}{36889}{Y:i}Sir, are you reading me? {36942}{37026}- Carter, the MALP's gone.|- Say again? {37028}{37129}The MALP is no longer parked|where we parked it. {37131}{37209}Someone does not wish us|to communicate with SGC. {37211}{37305}{Y:i}That's not our only problem.|The dome is losing power. {37307}{37422}I noticed a discrepancy with output levels,|but the computer data showed no change. {37424}{37563}{Y:i}I converted the units and compared the|current levels with yesterday's readings. {37565}{37590}And? {37592}{37708}In the last 24 hours|there's been almost a 4% drop. {37710}{37770}If this continues, the dome will fail. {37772}{37842}{Y:i}- How much time?|- It's hard to say. {37844}{37922}But when it does|everyone here will die. {38472}{38517}Evalla? {38920}{39030}The computer's giving me new data.|The power level is definitely dropping. {39032}{39122}{Y:i}(Teal'c) Major Carter,|should we not warn the townspeople? {39124}{39174}I'm not sure we'd convince them. {39176}{39236}{Y:i}Our only evidence is the readings, {39238}{39328}{Y:i}and, for some reason,|Pallan couldn't see they were changing. {39330}{39380}Maybe he's in on it. {39383}{39428}{Y:i}I don't think so. {39430}{39587}I think his memories are being altered.|The same may hold true for the others. {39637}{39682}Evalla! {39856}{39901}Evalla! {40820}{40917}I called out to her and she ignored me.|It was like she was in a trance. {40919}{40980}Perhaps she was|under the influence of the Link. {40982}{41053}Who knows what level|of manipulation is possible? {41055}{41138}- So... brainwashing?|- That's one way of putting it. {41140}{41221}We have to help them.|They're being held against their will. {41223}{41350}As long as they've got those things on,|they won't be convinced of anything. {41352}{41405}Is it possible to disable the Link? {41407}{41470}The same computer system|controls the dome. {41472}{41578}If we tamper with it, we risk|bringing the whole force field down. {41580}{41651}However, if I could use the computer|to access the Link, {41653}{41718}maybe I could reprogram|the data being sent out. {41720}{41781}Do a little brainwashing of our own. {41783}{41847}The only problem is, I need Pallan's help. {41849}{41951}If I can find historical evidence|in the library that contradicts the Link, {41953}{42015}some people may believe|they're being lied to. {42017}{42130}The records of council meetings will show|there used to be over three members. {42132}{42177}Exactly. {42276}{42354}All right. You two do what you do. {42356}{42451}Teal'c, you and I|are late for a radio contact. {42665}{42725}Colonel O'Neill! {42727}{42772}Where are you going? {42774}{42865}Back to the house.|We need those special outfits we had. {42867}{42966}- The house is this way.|- You are mistaken. It is in that direction. {42968}{43064}There's nothing over there.|It's the edge of the dome. {43088}{43143}Come on, I'll show you. {43501}{43583}Here it is. See?|Right where you left it. {43775}{43825}Hey. {43827}{43922}- Is this where we slept last night?|- It is not. {43959}{44009}What's going on here? {44047}{44095}Colonel. {44097}{44192}- Are you going back to Earth now?|- No, we were just gonna send a message. {44194}{44301}- Don't worry. We won't leave without you.|- Excuse me? {44303}{44391}Anyone who wants to leave|is welcome to come with us. {44393}{44465}Why would I leave? {44467}{44558}You desire to live in a world|where the sky is not artificial. {44560}{44650}You must have me mistaken|for someone else. {44700}{44772}Nevin, you wanted to be|an explorer, right? {44774}{44851}I'm going to be a gardener, like my father. {44896}{44995}- You are under the influence of the Link.|- What are you talking about? {44997}{45092}- Those things on your head - lose 'em.|- No, no. {45094}{45140}Yes. {45142}{45213}They're messing with your mind.|Get rid of 'em. {45215}{45346}- The Link gives us everything we need.|- Just take it off a minute. Just flick it off. {45348}{45386}I can't! {45388}{45479}To be disconnected from the Link|would cause instant death. {45481}{45597}Now, see, that's something|you've never said before. {45599}{45682}Colonel, I think you should leave now. {45828}{45935}{Y:i}- (O'Neill) Carter, what's your status?|- I'm on my way to the control room. {45937}{46029}{Y:i}Well, watch yourself.|They got to Kendrick. {46226}{46307}I've almost finished|downloading the generator design. {46309}{46381}- Pallan, we need to talk.|- All right. {46383}{46472}Do you remember earlier I said|I noticed a drop in the power levels? {46474}{46539}I remember you being mistaken. {46559}{46641}What about now?|Do you notice any change? {46643}{46708}- Power levels are constant.|- No, they're not. {46710}{46817}It's just that every time these screens are|updated, the data on the Link is as well. {46819}{46894}It alters your memory,|so you don't see what's happening. {46896}{46940}Major, this is absurd. {46942}{47033}Pallan, the dome is failing. {47035}{47143}- I told you you're mistaken.|- No. I am not mistaken. {47160}{47281}If you don't help me warn the others, you,|Evalla and everyone in this city will die. {47283}{47348}- Who?|- Evalla, your wife. {47373}{47502}Major, I don't know what's come over you,|but I've never been married. {48228}{48288}I need you to disconnect yourself|from the Link. {48290}{48340}That's insane. {48342}{48413}You believe that|removing that node will kill you. {48415}{48512}- I've known that since childhood.|- Evalla removed hers. Nothing happened. {48514}{48607}- Who is this Evalla?|- I told you. She's your wife! {48609}{48662}Your memories of her have been altered, {48664}{48744}just as you've been kept|from realising the dome's dying. {48746}{48869}I thought the council was responsible, but|the changes are happening too quickly. {48871}{48950}I think it's automatic.|The computer makes changes, {48952}{49043}then updates the memories of everyone,|so no one's the wiser. {49045}{49149}- Pallan, you have to disconnect.|- That would be suicide. {49151}{49264}No. That's just a lie|that's been planted by the computer. {49266}{49422}We need to reprogram the Link to|convince the others, but I need your help. {49424}{49474}{Y:i}- No.|- (Daniel) Sam! {49610}{49655}- Got it.|- What is that? {49657}{49747}Legal documents.|All I can say is, thank God for lawyers. {49749}{49847}When everyone else was converting|to the Link, they still used paper. {49849}{49964}When the dome was made, you all signed|a contract on land ownership rights. {49966}{50016}Look at the number. {50039}{50116}- That can't be.|- There were originally 100,000 people. {50118}{50193}lmpossible. The dome|can't sustain that many. {50195}{50278}- Not any more.|- Oh, my God. {50280}{50360}I thought the power loss|would cause the dome to fail, {50362}{50447}but the computer found a way|to compensate. The dome is shrinking. {50449}{50565}That's what happened to the MALP. It's|where we left it, but now on the outside. {50567}{50614}Wait a minute. {50616}{50734}If there were over 100,000 people|living here, where did they all go? {51170}{51215}O'Neill. {51636}{51786}There are other remains, but the bones|have been eaten by the corrosive air. {52061}{52146}I understand why|you're reluctant to believe us, Pallan. {52148}{52249}Things in your head must seem like|memories of a lifetime, but they're not. {52251}{52344}Yesterday you didn't know disconnecting|from the Link could be fatal. {52346}{52433}- You're lying.|- These documents are over 400 years old. {52435}{52545}They're in your language. How could we|fake this? Why would we fake this? {52547}{52646}They only exist because the computer|did not foresee outside interference. {52648}{52736}- To anyone on the Link, they're irrelevant.|- But why? {52738}{52811}The computer is programmed|to maintain the community. {52813}{52883}Individuals were sacrificed|for the good of the whole, {52885}{53012}only each time someone vanished no one|noticed because all memory was erased. {53024}{53064}Please. {53097}{53139}No. {53141}{53212}- It's all right.|- No. {53214}{53264}I... {53416}{53473}You see? {53532}{53594}Now we need your help. {53689}{53786}{Y:i}- (O'Neill) What's your status?|- Pallan's trying to access the Link. {53788}{53898}- We might be able to reprogram it.|- Understood. We're coming to you. {54139}{54201}- What did I do?|- It's another update. {54518}{54590}Nevin, I want you to stay here. {54592}{54635}Father? {54637}{54697}Is Colonel O'Neill sick? {54699}{54783}Yes, but we're gonna make him better. {55573}{55623}What is it? {55625}{55739}These systems are so complicated.|I'm not sure I know what I'm doing. {55741}{55797}You've been doing this your whole life. {55799}{55877}You just have to try|to remember the old-fashioned way. {55879}{55924}Right. {56267}{56337}- Maybe not that way.|- Agreed. {56483}{56536}Let's keep moving. {56572}{56683}- Carter, we may have a problem.|- They're controlled by the computer, sir. {57095}{57140}O'Neill. {57142}{57182}Hey. {57267}{57364}Everything's gonna be all right, Colonel. {57366}{57416}These are for you. {57469}{57514}I don't think so. {57571}{57677}You've been disconnected from the Link.|You're not well. {57679}{57729}Let us help you. {57757}{57829}Carter, now would be a good time. {57968}{58099}- I'm in. What do I tell them?|- There's no time to explain everything. {58101}{58178}Try to erase all memory of us completely. {58372}{58462}- Don't make me shoot you.|- You're not yourself, Colonel. {58464}{58540}Without the Link,|your mind is playing tricks on you. {59509}{59559}Who are you? {59643}{59693}I did it. {60224}{60314}We ran tests on the geothermal vents|that supply the town's power. {60316}{60378}They started to cool about 200 years ago. {60380}{60481}The dome started shrinking|some time after that. {60483}{60602}We should have the whole town|relocated in a couple of days. {60604}{60669}I think I'm going to miss this garden. {60671}{60765}- How much longer'll the force field last?|- It's difficult to say. {60767}{60878}Even with less surface area to maintain,|power would have failed eventually. {60880}{60985}And in the meantime,|more of us would have disappeared. {60987}{61054}You still don't remember her, do you? {61056}{61091}No. {61114}{61180}You know, in a way, I envy the others. {61182}{61306}They all must have lost somebody,|but I'm the only one who knows for sure. {61308}{61421}How do you mourn someone|when you can't even picture her face? {61423}{61503}I'm sorry, Pallan. I wish I could help. {61541}{61606}Maybe you can. {61608}{61653}How? {61676}{61736}Tell me about her.