{1}{1}25.000 {415}{531}Possibly the beacon we detected with the|MALP was activated remotely on impact. {533}{616}If anyone is in those forward sections,|I doubt they survived. {618}{768}There should be an indication somewhere|about how long ago they crashed. {1063}{1141}Sir, these people are alive. {1143}{1232}At least, they're in|some form of cryogenic sleep. {1234}{1330}Any civilisation without faster-than-light|technology would resort to this {1332}{1394}to cross the vast distances between stars. {1396}{1484}Otherwise, it'd take an entire generation,|and given the effects... {1486}{1563}We've got a shipload of frozen people. {1586}{1649}That would be|the more succinct way of putting it. {1651}{1783}Their current states probably|protected them from the impact. {2042}{2086}How many do you think there are? {2088}{2207}From the configuration of the ship's|exterior, four sections of varying size. {2209}{2311}We'll do a quick head count, see what|we're dealing with, then call for support. {2313}{2418}Carter, Teal'c, you pair up.|Daniel and I will start in this compartment. {2420}{2472}Yes, sir. {3235}{3272}Five. {3274}{3315}Six. {3405}{3447}105. {3477}{3527}{Y:i}(whirring) {3581}{3624}Jack! {6661}{6706}O'Neill? {6806}{6844}Major Carter? {6873}{6931}Daniel Jackson, respond. {7836}{7861}O'Neill. {8272}{8325}Major Carter. {8968}{9018}Daniel Jackson. {9151}{9189}{Y:i}(screams) {9203}{9318}It's SG-4's IDC, sir.|They're signalling that they've got SG-1. {9320}{9426}Defence and medical team, stand by.|Open the iris. {9800}{9870}- What have we got?|- Both unconscious, but stable. {9872}{9983}Get them to the infirmary|and maintain security protocols. {9985}{10036}Daniel? {10038}{10132}I have to go back. I have to go back. {10168}{10262}I have to go back.|I have to go back to the ship! {10264}{10331}- No! No!|- Daniel. {10333}{10408}Daniel... It's OK. Don't be afraid. {10427}{10479}Sergeants! {10517}{10571}It's OK. {10573}{10623}Who are you? {10644}{10704}What is this place? {11068}{11170}Notify me the moment|they regain consciousness. {11356}{11491}Who is responsible for this?|I demand to know why this has happened! {11514}{11574}Why am I a prisoner? {11576}{11637}Those may be removed|when you calm down. {11639}{11701}Calm? How do you expect me to be calm? {11703}{11801}I was made promises|that nothing could go wrong. {11803}{11880}All right, let's start there.|Tell me what has gone wrong. {11882}{11933}What has gone wrong.|What has gone wrong. {11935}{12054}{Y:i}Well, this is not the Stromos, you are not|a member of my staff, and that is not me! {12056}{12133}All right, listen carefully.|We did not do this. {12135}{12225}We're in the dark about what|has happened as much as you are. {12227}{12349}- If you cooperate...|- I will undergo no more of your tests. {12371}{12448}- Are you in pain?|- Yes! {12489}{12536}Yes, a great deal. {12538}{12602}All right. I'll get something. {12604}{12699}In the meantime, try to stay calm,|or you'll be restrained further. {12701}{12781}You have no idea who I am, do you? {12954}{13057}- That is not Daniel Jackson.|- But is he a Goa'uld? {13059}{13138}No, sir, although at the moment|he's every bit as arrogant. {13140}{13219}Then is he suffering from|some sort of mental illness? {13221}{13334}I don't know yet, sir. His preliminary EEG|readings are like nothing I've ever seen. {13336}{13406}There's indication of coma,|but at the same time, {13408}{13530}we're seeing readings like those of|a dozen people all jumbled together. {13532}{13642}- Is his condition life-threatening?|- I couldn't even guess. {13714}{13816}He claims to be a passenger from|the crashed alien vessel we discovered. {13818}{13902}- How's that possible?|- I have no idea, but Teal'c is right. {13904}{13973}And we're dealing with|more than one passenger. {13975}{14076}Daniel's behaviour in the gate room|and throughout the preliminary testing {14078}{14138}was distinctly different than now. {14140}{14241}I'd say we've witnessed at least two,|maybe even three, personalities. {14243}{14280}Could there be more? {14282}{14397}We discovered several hundred|passengers in cryogenic suspension. {14642}{14730}O'Neill requested an enumeration|of the cryogenic chambers. {14732}{14882}We separated and I lost consciousness|momentarily. For what reason, I'm unsure. {14884}{15003}When I returned, I found Daniel Jackson,|O'Neill and Carter in their current states. {15005}{15103}Speaking of which, sir, I'd like|to check in on the colonel and Sam. {15105}{15151}- Keep me apprised.|- Yes, sir. {15153}{15216}Maybe you should head down|to the infirmary. {15218}{15291}I intend to remain here. {15293}{15333}Very well. {15501}{15590}- I'm ordinarily a very rational man.|- Of course, Dr Jackson. {15592}{15677}I am a sovereign of Talthus.|My name is Martice. {15690}{15731}Beg your pardon, sir. {15733}{15803}Oh, "sir". Well, that's a start. {15919}{15975}Pupils are still a little dilated. {15977}{16079}It's as though they were struck with|some sort of powerful zat weapon. {16081}{16162}- At least their EEGs are still normal.|- Oi! {16164}{16214}Doctor? {16237}{16330}Inform General Hammond|the colonel's awake. {16350}{16431}- Hey, Doc.|- How are you feeling, sir? {16433}{16478}Headache. Bad. {16494}{16626}I can take care of that, but first|I need to know if you're feeling... yourself. {16628}{16748}Well, other than this nail|through my head, I'm fine. {16750}{16809}- Why?|- I'll explain later. {16811}{16924}Teal'c got the three of you to the Stargate|from the ship. My team took it from there. {16926}{16975}Carter and Daniel? {16977}{17102}Major Carter is suffering|the same aftereffects as you, sir. {17104}{17138}Janet? {17140}{17171}Sam. {17197}{17324}Hey. It's gonna be fine. You've both|suffered some sort of neural shock. {17449}{17508}Colonel, Major, how are you feeling? {17510}{17624}- Got a nail in my head, sir.|- That sounds like our Colonel O'Neill. {17626}{17731}Their EEGs show normal brain activity.|They appear to be unaffected. {17733}{17782}Unaffected by what? {17889}{17954}Where's Daniel? {17969}{18059}I need you to stay where you are,|at least until you're strong enough. {18061}{18123}- I'm fine.|- No, you're not, sir. {18147}{18187}Ow. {18220}{18270}No, I'm not. {18312}{18429}Just find the small woman and tell her that|what she gave me is not good enough. {18431}{18481}It isn't working. {18570}{18630}Do you speak? {18866}{18946}- How are you feeling now?|- Your medicine is worthless. {18948}{18998}Are you still in pain? {19000}{19085}- This body must be damaged.|- I doubt that. {19087}{19153}Dr Jackson was in perfect health. {19155}{19230}I assume Dr Jackson was the former. {19292}{19442}Not that I have anything against it.|It's younger and stronger than my own. {19464}{19547}Did something happen to my own body? {19573}{19679}In times of disaster, people need their|sovereign. How will they recognise me? {19681}{19793}- I've already told you we didn't do this.|- How else could I be in this situation? {19795}{19838}We don't know. {19965}{20039}How useful you are. {20140}{20254}- What is this place?|- It's one of our medical isolation rooms. {20256}{20305}Could you be less specific? {20308}{20398}In a military facility|on a planet called Earth. {20419}{20462}Earth. {20464}{20550}The ship was bound for Ardena.|How far are we from Ardena? {20552}{20602}I don't know. {20670}{20730}The other passengers... {20764}{20827}they will be concerned for me. {20829}{20901}As I am for them, of course. {20931}{21096}Most of them are still on the ship, but we|think several of them may be with us now. {21098}{21199}- As prisoners?|- No, we think they may be in this room. {21210}{21340}We don't know the reason, but several of|the passengers in cryogenic sleep have... {21379}{21442}What's happening? {21444}{21485}Martice? {21602}{21692}No, Martice is a sovereign.|I'm just a crew member. {21892}{21942}Is that...? {22263}{22373}- How can this be?|- It's all right. I'm here to help you. {22375}{22438}No, no. This is wrong.|This is a mistake. {22440}{22525}Yes, it is, one that we want to correct. {22527}{22577}I'm Dr Fraiser. {22621}{22674}I am Tryan. Engineer, second rank. {22676}{22778}All right, Tryan, why don't we start again? {22844}{22889}Again? {23054}{23119}{Y:i}I don't recognise this man. {23231}{23306}Or, rather, myself. {23308}{23410}His name is Daniel Jackson. The body|you're inhabiting belongs to him. {23412}{23496}{Y:i}- He wasn't aboard the Stromos.|- No. {23515}{23599}Then how can I have|ended up in his body? {23601}{23702}Your ship crashed|on a planet that we call P2A-347. {23704}{23759}We don't know how or why|the crash occurred, {23761}{23839}only that the only survivors|were those in cryogenic sleep. {23841}{23943}When Daniel Jackson and the other|members of his team boarded your ship, {23945}{23995}this happened. {24039}{24154}- I have no memory of coming here.|- What do you remember? {24199}{24276}Brace for acceleration. Tryan? {24278}{24365}- Compartment is secure, sir.|- Very well. {24558}{24720}Leaving Talthus, entering my sleep|chamber, then seeing your face here. {24756}{24816}- Why am I restrained?|- It wasn't you. {24818}{24929}You're the fourth personality to emerge|since being brought back. {24931}{25046}We believe that there are others|from your ship in there along with you. {25048}{25107}- In one body?|- Plus Dr Jackson. {25109}{25199}No. The strain on the body|would be too great. It wouldn't survive. {25201}{25295}- Do you know that for certain?|- The only result would be insanity. {25297}{25407}- Then we should both hope you're wrong.|- What's happened is impossible. {25409}{25502}This can't happen. One cannot return|to any other body than one's own. {25504}{25577}There are fail-safes|to prevent that from happening. {25579}{25701}It has happened.|Look in the mirror to prove it to yourself. {25794}{25908}We don't have a lot of time, and you're|the first personality that's been helpful, {25910}{26025}so I need you to think, all right?|How could this happen? {26087}{26250}A sleeper's consciousness is stored in the|same memory that maintains their body. {26252}{26310}There is simply no way to separate them {26312}{26450}or send the consciousness to any other|than its corresponding body, unless... {26452}{26502}Oh, no. {26561}{26643}Unless the sleepers' bodies are dead. {26915}{27049}O'Neill. Major Carter.|I am pleased to see you have recovered. {27051}{27132}- How is he?|- Yet another personality has emerged. {27134}{27232}- Dr Fraiser seems to be making progress.|- How did he get stuck in here? {27234}{27341}Daniel Jackson's preliminary|electroencephalogram proved anomalous. {27343}{27408}I dare you to say that again. {27431}{27540}Dr Fraiser declared a code 17. Dr Jackson|has been under constant guard. {27542}{27662}Only she and a few of her staff have|had any direct contact as a precaution. {27664}{27767}- She thought he was a Goa'uld?|- Not any more, but I'm taking no chances {27769}{27877}until we determine how these persons|have found their way into Dr Jackson. {27879}{27951}I'd need another look|at their cryogenic systems. {27953}{28013}Schedule a mission briefing|with Dr Fraiser. {28015}{28086}Sir, I'd like to stick it out here with Daniel. {28088}{28158}Only medical personnel|are allowed access. {28160}{28225}- Yes, sir.|- Very well. {28552}{28612}Let's not jump to conclusions. {28614}{28704}I'm sorry. There's simply no other way|this could have happened. {28706}{28836}Only then can the fail-safes be overridden|and the consciousness leave the system. {28838}{28938}I am dead, as are the others|who may reside in this body. {28940}{29060}- We can't be sure till we go to the planet.|- Well, you will see. {29074}{29134}Help me out with something here. {29136}{29227}Why separate the consciousness|from the body in the cryosleep process? {29229}{29345}A consciousness can't survive restoration|without loss of memory and intellect. {29347}{29446}A person taking such a journey without|proper storage of their consciousness {29448}{29585}would arrive as a fraction of themselves.|The essence of that person would be lost. {29587}{29650}So the memory requirement|must be enormous. {29652}{29793}Each cryogenic capsule contains a matrix|memory module to sustain one mind. {29795}{29909}Its systems are connected with those that|sustain the corresponding sleeper's body. {29911}{30010}Then it may be possible to upload your|consciousness back into that memory. {30012}{30094}- Each module stores one consciousness.|- Do it one at a time. {30096}{30171}No, that's not possible. Here. {30354}{30455}Could these water molecules be returned|to this glass just as they were before, {30457}{30541}in precisely the same configuration? {30692}{30727}No. {30729}{30862}Our minds were blended, poured into one|vessel ill-equipped to sustain our volume. {30864}{30982}But if the computers on your ship can|separate the human mind from the body, {30984}{31058}- then surely they can isolate...|- Can you hear that? {31060}{31132}No, I can't hear anything. {31134}{31253}The others, their voices, I can hear them.|They're getting louder. {31255}{31327}I need you to stay with me.|We need to work together. {31329}{31393}- It feels incredible.|- The others can't help. {31395}{31449}- No one can help.|- Don't say that. {31451}{31546}They're pulling at me now.|I don't know how... {31750}{31793}Janet? {31795}{31886}- Daniel?|- What's going on? {31888}{32038}Something has happened. I need you to|just stay with me, OK? Just hang in there. {32099}{32210}That's it. A moment later, another person|emerged, but we learnt nothing from her. {32212}{32302}So, he only surfaced for a moment,|but it was definitely Daniel. {32304}{32369}- At least we know he's still in there.|- Mm-hm. {32371}{32477}Dr MacKenzie just did a detailed analysis|of his EEG and MRI readings. {32479}{32584}We think Daniel is in a sort of coma,|having been suppressed by the others. {32586}{32666}It's like his consciousness|has retreated, protecting itself. {32668}{32735}That's why he could|only surface for a short time. {32737}{32844}- The other signals are a jumbled mess.|- How many others are there? {32846}{32962}Dr MacKenzie believes Daniel could be|carrying the minds of as many as a dozen {32964}{33019}of the ship's passengers. {33021}{33110}Maybe I could reconfigure|the ship's systems to separate Daniel. {33112}{33166}You were attacked on that ship. {33168}{33268}{Y:i}- It may have been automated defences.|- (Teal'c) I think not, Major Carter. {33270}{33394}I discovered Daniel at the base of one of|the sleep chambers. The door was open. {33396}{33455}Daniel wouldn't have|stepped in on his own. {33457}{33526}Then someone else must have done so. {33528}{33630}Perhaps I regained consciousness before|his assailant could do the same to us. {33632}{33706}The question is, why? {33708}{33795}Tryan seemed absolutely sure|that his physical body was dead. {33797}{33840}So? {33842}{33925}What if this was a desperate attempt|to preserve these people? {33927}{34026}What if your attacker was trying to keep|these people alive the only way he could? {34028}{34101}The ship could not have|sustained them indefinitely. {34103}{34202}- So Daniel's a lifeboat?|- Yeah, it's possible. {34204}{34293}Sir, I recommend that SG-12|accompany us back to the planet. {34295}{34406}They can search the ship for whoever did|this while I study the cryogenic systems. {34408}{34470}You have a go. Dismissed. {34710}{34788}{Y:i}(Dr Fraiser) I don't think|we've had a chance to meet. {34790}{34840}{Y:i}Where's my father?. {34842}{34948}I'm sorry, I don't know.|Do you mind if I sit down beside you? {35007}{35047}{Y:i}OK. {35093}{35173}{Y:i}- There.|- What about them? {35175}{35231}Oh, no, they won't hurt you. {35353}{35479}Why don't I tell you everything I know,|and then we'll just take it from there, OK? {35518}{35568}What's your name? {35596}{35649}- Keenin.|- Keenin? {35651}{35741}That's a very nice name.|I'm Dr Fraiser. {35829}{35884}SG-12, move out. {35912}{35969}I know you'd do anything|to save Dr Jackson, {35971}{36039}but the last thing we need|is for this to happen to you. {36041}{36096}We intend to avoid that, sir. {36098}{36148}Good luck. {36308}{36425}Keenin, we're trying to figure out|all we can about how this happened. {36427}{36503}What's the last thing you remember? {36505}{36561}My father. {36646}{36722}Why can't I wait with you? {36724}{36863}The ship must accelerate to escape|the flare's radiation. You'll be safer here. {36865}{36946}You will dream sweet dreams, {36948}{37066}and when you awaken,|we'll be in orbit around Ardena, {37068}{37132}and I will be right here. {37148}{37208}Talthus will be gone. {37210}{37292}Hundreds of years|will have passed, Keenin, {37294}{37419}and all of this hardship|will be part of our distant history. {37450}{37510}Do you understand? {37681}{37726}Now... {37777}{37835}close your eyes. {37992}{38102}- I wanted to stay on Talthus.|- So you had to leave? {38104}{38201}They knew it was gonna happen|since a long time before I was born. {38203}{38320}- Do you know what a dark star is?|- Mm-hm. One that's burned out its fuel. {38322}{38414}They said it would pass|close enough to our sun to make it flare {38416}{38474}and that it would engulf Talthus. {38476}{38559}I knew my whole life|that the world was gonna end. {38561}{38625}{Y:i}So your people built the "Stromos". {38627}{38751}{Y:i}They built three ships, including|the Stromos, but it wasn't enough. {38753}{38845}They had a lottery, and they said|that was the only fair way. {38847}{38907}{Y:i}But my father was|an officer on the Stromos, {38909}{39016}so he was allowed to pick|one person from his family. {39040}{39113}M-m-my mother made him choose me. {39143}{39169}It's all right. {39171}{39315}My mother said she'd take her chance|with the lottery, but she wasn't chosen. {39317}{39394}The sovereigns were chosen,|but she wasn't chosen. {39396}{39468}No one I knew was chosen. {39499}{39571}I wanted to stay with her. {39664}{39739}It's OK. Shh. It's all right. {39741}{39805}{Y:i}It's all right. Shh. It's OK. {39937}{39999}What are you doing? {40023}{40068}Martice? {40180}{40300}You may address me as Sovereign,|and I will ask you never to do that again. {40345}{40445}Now, what have you done to resolve this? {40696}{40746}SG-12, this is Carter. Come in. {40748}{40884}{Y:i}- This is SG-12. We just began our search.|- Stay in radio contact. Carter out. {40886}{41026}These power levels are extremely low.|I don't know how it could still be working. {41028}{41121}Perhaps if we revived one of them,|they may be of some assistance. {41123}{41228}I don't think there's even|enough power to do that. {41276}{41338}{Y:i}I demand to speak|to someone in authority. {41340}{41402}{Y:i}Well, I'm sorry. You're stuck with me. {41404}{41469}{Y:i}Why have you involved the boy in this? {41471}{41525}What boy? {41527}{41607}The boy. You were just talking to him. {41644}{41694}Where is he? {41790}{41893}If we don't get these systems hooked up|to a power source, these people will die. {41895}{42010}I'll need a naqahdah generator,|and I'll have to build... {42012}{42062}{Y:i}(footsteps) {42161}{42238}{Y:i}(Carter) One generator should be enough. {42349}{42401}Please, don't hurt us. {42702}{42770}Tell them to stop shouting.|It is unendurable. {42772}{42815}I can't hear them. {42885}{42935}{Y:i}Be silent! {42937}{43008}- They're in your mind, Martice.|- No. {43010}{43045}No, no, no, no, no, no. {43047}{43179}What you say, it cannot be so.|I have responsibilities to attend to. {43181}{43236}- I cannot remain here.|- You cannot leave. {43238}{43335}3,000 of our people depend on me|to lead them. I am the sovereign. {43337}{43407}- I'm sorry.|- It is my destiny to rule over Ardena! {43409}{43485}You don't understand|the seriousness of your condition. {43487}{43584}- You don't realise who you are talking to.|- I don't give a damn. {43586}{43718}You don't belong in that man's body,|and I intend to take it back. {43862}{43922}{Y:i}(Teal'c) Are there other conscious people? {43924}{43961}No. {43963}{44023}The others still sleep. {44047}{44127}- Why have you come back?|- You did something to one of our people. {44129}{44192}{Y:i}- Is he here with you?|- (Teal'c) He is not. {44194}{44264}Are you the one responsible? {44305}{44385}There was... no choice... {44410}{44468}no other way. {44509}{44568}- You must do the same.|- I don't think so. {44570}{44700}The ship's power is failing.|It is the only way we can save them. {44742}{44856}Pharrin figured out a way|to override the fail-safes. {44858}{44933}It can be done. Don't you see? {44935}{45074}These souls are the last of an entire world.|They cannot be allowed to end like this. {45076}{45142}- Maybe there's another way.|- No. No. {45144}{45214}Power is fading even now|in every compartment. {45216}{45340}If you carried a handful of souls, we could|route the remaining power to the others. {45342}{45410}That's not gonna happen. {45412}{45509}We do not know how many more|we can accommodate. {45511}{45556}"We"? {45587}{45671}I believe he too|carries the consciousness of many. {45673}{45756}13 souls now reside in Pharrin's body. {45758}{45841}I fear I can harbour no more. {45843}{45928}Why do you attempt to preserve|these lives? Their bodies are dead. {45930}{46047}We are the last of an entire world.|The other ships will come. {46049}{46162}We have sent a message.|They will hear it and they will come. {46164}{46234}And when they do|they will find a way to restore us. {46236}{46328}Why did you not attempt|to revive the others? {46374}{46494}{Y:i}(Pharrin) After the ship crashed -|we still don't know why it happened - {46496}{46625}{Y:i}he was revived by the computer, but|the power requirement of his restoration {46627}{46716}{Y:i}caused too great a drain|in the rest of the compartment. {46718}{46786}{Y:i}Power levels were dropping. {46788}{46904}{Y:i}Pharrin had only minutes to restore power|to 12 of the sleeper chambers {46906}{46985}{Y:i}before the occupants were dead. {46987}{47056}{Y:i}But there wasn't enough time. {47058}{47143}{Y:i}Pharrin was failing them one by one. {47165}{47260}{Y:i}There was no other choice. {47262}{47330}{Y:i}No other way to preserve us. {47419}{47533}{Y:i}There are over a thousand souls|aboard the Stromos. {47535}{47633}If Pharrin had attempted to revive the|others, then many more may have died. {47635}{47738}- Even one person to share the burden.|- Pharrin walked as far as he could see. {47740}{47794}There was little more than rock. {47796}{47929}Neither was there sufficient water or food|remaining aboard after the crash. {47931}{48011}Pharrin dare not revive another soul. {48073}{48131}We are not alone. {48133}{48222}We live in a democracy of one. {48224}{48302}It is strange, yes, {48304}{48405}but we are the chosen survivors|of an entire race. {48407}{48479}How could Pharrin have allowed|even one of us to be lost? {48481}{48549}Still, we could have helped you. {48571}{48649}There was... no time. {48651}{48734}We should have asked them.|No, we could not take the chance. {48736}{48783}You... {48785}{48860}would never have consented... {48886}{48950}would you? {48952}{48987}We would not. {48989}{49044}Then... {49046}{49101}we chose correctly. {49124}{49221}{Y:i}Our mistake was to flee when you|revived so quickly from our stun weapon {49223}{49275}{Y:i}and returned for your friends. {49277}{49358}{Y:i}But too many of us were afraid. {49386}{49449}{Y:i}(Carter) There are other ways|we can help. {49451}{49472}How? {49474}{49552}We could provide you with|an alternate power source, {49554}{49673}to bring your energy reserves up to where|they need to be to revive your people. {49675}{49771}It's possible I can retrieve it|and have it running within a few hours. {49773}{49873}There is no other way. Listen to her!|No. We must wait. The ships will come. {49875}{49990}We can take you anywhere you want|to go - another world, like Ardena. {49992}{50053}You have a ship? {50055}{50198}There's a device capable of transporting|your people instantaneously to any world. {50200}{50258}We call it a Stargate. {50279}{50369}- Such a device is not possible.|- Come with us and I'll prove it to you. {50371}{50490}However, we will only consent to do so|if you return our friend to his former state. {50492}{50587}- He is preserving life.|- At the expense of his own, unwillingly. {50589}{50682}Please... do not ask us to do this. {50684}{50733}We're not asking. {50753}{50859}The souls that your friend carries within|him are amongst the most precious of all. {50861}{50931}Our friend is equally as important to us. {50933}{51049}There will be nowhere for them to go.|They will be lost. {51051}{51111}But it is possible to undo this? {51194}{51260}How can I abandon them so easily? {51262}{51356}We have sworn to protect the sovereign.|But we may save hundreds of others. {51358}{51399}Pharrin! {51658}{51713}There is a way. {51760}{51857}Do you understand that what we're|offering could save everyone on this ship? {51859}{52019}And do you understand that one of the|souls that your friend carries within him... {52078}{52126}is my son? {52360}{52426}Please! Why does it hurt so much? {52508}{52608}All right.|Prepare 100 micrograms of fentanyl. {52728}{52874}That won't be necessary. I seem to have a|higher threshold for pain than the others. {52876}{52938}- Tryan?|- Yes. {52940}{53002}Oh, thank God for that. {53030}{53074}Janet? {53076}{53160}- Can I have a word?|- I'll be back. {53478}{53608}- Are you sure you trust this guy?|- He has much to gain by assisting us. {53777}{53871}Officer Pharrin, sir.|Engineer Tryan, second rank. {53935}{54096}Tryan. Of course. Of all of our crew, you|would have thought this was not possible. {54098}{54207}Of all our crew, sir, you're the one who'd|find a way to do it. How did you manage? {54209}{54330}Our training, and a shared will to survive. {54332}{54470}It is a strange way of living with others,|but it is better than the alternative. {54520}{54605}What of our ship and her passengers, sir? {54754}{54823}Our ship crash-landed. {54825}{54884}We failed to reach Ardena. {54886}{55021}Her passengers may yet be saved,|but not without considerable sacrifice {55023}{55146}{Y:i}to you and to the others of the Stromos|that reside within you. {55204}{55271}I understand, sir. {55273}{55346}These people possess a device {55348}{55486}capable of transporting|all our people to another world. {55488}{55553}Perhaps even Ardena. {55555}{55658}It is very real, and it will save our people. {55708}{55855}But in exchange, they ask that their friend|be returned to them as he was before. {55887}{55990}I believe it can be done if we act quickly. {56001}{56061}It is a reasonable bargain. {56063}{56189}I will do whatever is necessary, sir.|Whatever you ask of me. {56257}{56347}No! There will be no sacrifice of any kind. {56349}{56458}As your sovereign, I demand|you return me to the ship immediately. {56460}{56534}- Forgive me, Sovereign.|- Pharrin. {56536}{56635}We have sworn an oath to do his will.|We cannot proceed. {56669}{56708}Officer Pharrin... {56758}{56858}I have given you a command.|Do you understand me? {56887}{56949}Oh, for crying out loud. {57031}{57086}- Get up.|- I swore to protect the sovereign. {57088}{57138}- He's dead.|- His soul lives. {57140}{57214}- Not if I cut him out.|- You would not. {57216}{57270}Oh, yes, I would. {57272}{57341}- Pharrin, you will listen to me.|- Don't listen. {57343}{57396}Just do what you came here to do. {57585}{57694}Forgive us, Sovereign.|It is the only way to protect our people. {57696}{57779}I will not surrender this body,|not at any cost. It is mine. {57781}{57845}It was never ours.|If you save anyone, you will save me. {57847}{57896}The people of Talthus will die.|Let them! {57898}{57945}- Forgive me.|- How dare you touch me? {57947}{58065}For 12 years we fought to save the people|of Talthus. We will do anything to do so, {58067}{58147}no matter how great the sacrifice. {58396}{58441}Father? {58471}{58516}Keenin. {58543}{58595}I am so sorry, my son. {58660}{58792}You must sacrifice as well,|and we will be together. {58809}{58864}Do you understand? {58929}{59068}The people of Talthus will be safe|and they will remember us forever. {59122}{59179}But we'll be together. {59236}{59289}We'll be together. {59727}{59757}Well? {59759}{59864}I can't tell yet if they made it into Pharrin,|but Daniel's readings are back to normal. {59866}{59948}- How did you do that?|- It wasn't me, sir. It was Daniel. {59950}{60043}His mind protected itself. He never|emerged for more than a few seconds. {60045}{60138}That's what let Pharrin separate the others|from Daniel and absorb them. {60140}{60201}The more the merrier, I guess. {60203}{60317}He'll stay in suspended animation until the|other passengers can take care of him. {60319}{60363}You mean them. {60542}{60608}The naqahdah generator|will sustain the power. {60610}{60675}We can begin|the restoration process within hours. {60677}{60750}- We can relocate them shortly after that.|- Good. {60752}{60861}We'll leave that for SG-4.|They love that kind of stuff. {60863}{60945}- How's Daniel?|- He'll be unconscious for a while. {60947}{61006}- It's best if...|- What? {61229}{61274}Daniel? {61296}{61336}That you? {61338}{61373}Jack? {61375}{61442}- How you doing?|- Bad headache. {61444}{61572}- Nail-in-the-head kinda thing?|- Yeah. Something like that. {61574}{61620}Yeah.