{1}{1}25.000 {591}{719}Oh, God. Three months on this rock,|and I still can't get a decent cup of coffee. {721}{785}Core sample analysis coming in,|but so far, {787}{884}the highest concentration|is 2.3 parts per million. {886}{936}2.3 parts. {938}{1051}Major Lorne, we need enough|naqahdah to manufacture 303s. {1053}{1132}- You know how big a battle cruiser is?|- It's pretty big, sir. {1134}{1224}If we start mining these deposits|right now, today, {1226}{1373}your great-grandchildren're still gonna be|trying to pull out enough ore to make one. {1375}{1434}Colonel Edwards? {1436}{1524}- Menard.|- Latest analysis shows a concentration {1526}{1650}50 times higher than anything we've seen|so far. It's increasing as we go deeper. {1652}{1713}This could be the one, sir. {1733}{1885}Yeah. If this pans out, your|great-grandchildren might be off the hook. {1887}{1942}Yes, sir. {2148}{2198}{Y:i}(snarling) {2418}{2463}{Y:i}(rustling) {2756}{2806}{Y:i}(snarling) {3006}{3056}{Y:i}(growling) {3201}{3251}{Y:i}(screams) {4801}{4851}Colonel Edwards? {4901}{5030}I'm glad you're here, Jack. Ritter's|been missing now for three hours. {5032}{5148}- I assume he has a compass and a radio.|- The planet has strange magnetic traits, {5150}{5246}which make a compass useless|and limit the range of our radios. {5248}{5378}We need him back, now that we may have|found a significant deposit of naqahdah. {5380}{5481}- How significant?|- We won't know until after our analysis. {5483}{5573}The Pentagon wants battle cruisers|and F-302s. We find the rocks. {5575}{5699}- And we find the rock... finders.|- There you have it. {5701}{5775}Major Lorne will show you|where Ritter was last seen. {5777}{5827}If you'll follow me. {5889}{5942}What's this? {6060}{6127}- Artefacts?|- Yes. {6129}{6245}- You found all this and didn't contact me?|- We were going to. {6247}{6334}- They've been moved.|- Well, they were in the way. {6345}{6385}Daniel. {6408}{6470}Go to your happy place. {6515}{6567}Go. {6749}{6828}Lieutenant Ritter was mapping|the surrounding area. {6830}{6943}When he didn't show up for chow, we got|worried and went out looking for him, sir. {6945}{7024}Sent up flares, hoped he'd see 'em,|get his bearings. {7026}{7133}Is it normal for guys|to wander away from camp? {7135}{7267}He might have been placing markers.|Multiple sightings, you get turned around. {7286}{7367}- Teal'c?|- The ground is extremely firm, O'Neill. {7369}{7426}- No tracks?|- Not in the immediate area. {7428}{7542}But there is damage to the underbrush|moving off in several different directions. {7544}{7593}{Y:i}(Daniel) Jack, come in. {7595}{7639}Yeah. Go ahead. {7641}{7728}{Y:i}(speech muffled by static) {7730}{7788}I'm not reading you. Say again. {7790}{7880}{Y:i}I said I've got something here|you need to see. {7882}{7927}All right, on my way. {7929}{7990}You guys keep looking. I'll be back. {8153}{8215}- What you got?|- Mostly mining equipment. {8217}{8332}Could be several hundred years old.|Hard to date it till I get it back to the SGC. {8334}{8411}- Remember these?|- Ever so fondly. {8486}{8563}- Still has power.|- Just keeps going and going. {8565}{8642}I want to show you|the truly fascinating part. {8644}{8787}It's a yoke, capable of pulling great|weight. It predates the harness on Earth. {8789}{8865}- Fascinating. Truly.|- I was getting to that part. {8867}{8927}It's too big, too heavy. {8929}{9007}- Meaning?|- It wasn't made for a human being. {9009}{9086}- Who was it made for?|- It's too small for an animal. {9088}{9186}Based on what I know about the Goa'uld,|I'd say it was made for an Unas. {9188}{9256}The Goa'uld used the Unas|as slaves before humans. {9258}{9356}They're predominantly cave dwellers|and can work in harsh environments - {9358}{9483}- perfect labour for this kind of mining.|- This day just gets better and better. {9485}{9520}Teal'c, come in. {9566}{9601}Proceed, O'Neill. {9603}{9658}{Y:i}- Find anything?|- We have not. {9660}{9771}Heads up. Daniel just found evidence|an Unas might have been in the area. {9861}{9911}Acknowledged. {10013}{10131}You want me to delay this operation|because you found a shoulder harness... {10133}{10208}- Yoke, actually.|- ..that could be built for a creature {10210}{10293}that probably disappeared|or died off a long time ago? {10295}{10383}The Goa'uld left slaves behind|once they lost interest in a planet. {10385}{10478}In three months we haven't seen|anything like what you describe. {10480}{10610}- Maybe that's the way they want it.|- Doctor, the Pentagon wants results. {10612}{10721}You don't understand. Unas are territorial,|and when provoked can be dangerous. {10723}{10804}- Is he always like this?|- Yeah, pretty much. {10806}{10908}If they are here, do you think they had|anything to do with Ritter gone missing? {10910}{10963}Yes, I do. {10965}{11025}I'm not closing down this operation, {11027}{11176}but I do think we should bring in|some extra troops, help secure the area. {11549}{11589}What is it? {11591}{11741}The Unas wear these to prevent the|Goa'uld from burrowing into their necks. {12104}{12234}I believe these figures|are intended as a warning to stay away. {12804}{12854}Lieutenant Ritter. {12916}{12966}{Y:i}(retches) {13231}{13319}All right! I want extra ammo for everyone. {13321}{13407}Keep your eyes open|and stay in radio contact. {13409}{13474}What are you intending to do? {13498}{13598}These things killed one of my men|and strung him up like a scarecrow. {13600}{13701}- What the hell do you think I intend to do?|- You may have provoked them. {13703}{13828}We didn't even know they were here. How|the hell could we have provoked them? {13830}{13948}If the mine extends as far as you estimate,|then this other entrance is in the network. {13950}{14019}It's an alternate entrance|to the same mine. {14021}{14107}It has to be something|about this area, this mine. {14109}{14210}- They don't want us here.|- The feeling's mutual. {14212}{14266}Jack? {14268}{14306}Look, {14308}{14390}I know he can be a little... {14392}{14454}but he's usually right about this stuff. {14456}{14565}My orders are to determine the potential|of this site as a mining operation. {14567}{14678}Until those orders are rescinded,|I will ensure the safety of my people. {14680}{14786}So, are you gonna help me|secure this area or not? {15008}{15083}- This is a mistake.|- It's his command, Daniel. {15085}{15178}He's never encountered the Unas.|He doesn't know what he's dealing with. {15180}{15230}{Y:i}(shouting, gunfire) {15348}{15403}{Y:i}(roaring) {15443}{15480}Argh! {15831}{15869}Aaagh! {16299}{16335}{Y:i}(growls) {16365}{16418}Ka Keka! {16420}{16477}Ka Keka! {16517}{16577}Ska nat? {16579}{16628}Ka Ko Keka? {16732}{16771}Benna! {16773}{16819}Benna Ka Cha! {16878}{16940}Benna Ka Cha! {17218}{17268}Help him. Help him. {17447}{17554}My men'll take care of the wounded.|They're on the run. Let's take 'em now. {17556}{17600}{Y:i}(distant wailing) {17602}{17724}- What's that? What are they doing now?|- They're mourning their dead. {17726}{17820}This may be our best chance.|We're not gonna let 'em get away, are we? {17822}{17888}We won't pursue an enemy|into unknown terrain. {17890}{17947}You think they're capable of tactics? {17949}{18034}We know them. They're|far more intelligent than you think. {18036}{18103}I don't care. They attacked us. {18105}{18156}Edwards, we're not going in! {18158}{18248}This is my command.|You are here at my request. {18250}{18357}- You're in charge of a mining operation.|- Your standing orders no longer apply. {18359}{18451}Let's take it back to SGC|and we'll figure it out there. {18453}{18498}Fine. {18712}{18749}Ow! God! {18751}{18811}Get away. {18918}{19001}- How's the arm?|- Good. {19003}{19072}How's the science project? {19074}{19149}You mean my overhaul|of the gate diagnostic system? {19151}{19247}- I guess that's what I mean.|- It's going well, sir. Thank you for asking. {19249}{19387}If we go back to this planet,|you're not coming with us, are you? {19389}{19472}- It's doubtful.|- Yeah, that's too bad. {19474}{19557}I was hoping|you'd take command of the mission. {19559}{19628}Colonel Edwards|has no experience with the Unas. {19630}{19680}Nor you. {19730}{19806}He's an OK guy, Daniel.|He's just under a lot of pressure. {19820}{19913}Yeah. Yeah. I guess I just spent|a lot of time breaking you in. {19915}{20009}I just didn't want to|have to start with a new colonel. {20011}{20073}It'll be fine. {20152}{20234}Just try not to be so... {20285}{20364}- What?|- Oh, you know. {20454}{20540}{Y:i}(groans and sighs) {20604}{20673}Colonel, General Vidrine|is down from the Pentagon. {20675}{20758}He's been put in charge of|BC-303 production. {20760}{20872}We've read your report, Colonel, and we|agree that the evacuation was warranted. {20874}{20966}{Y:i}Unfortunately, with the Prometheus|stranded across the galaxy, {20968}{21052}Earth is currently vulnerable|to orbital attack. {21054}{21172}If someone can show me another way|to acquire naqahdah, I'm listening. {21174}{21251}Otherwise, we've got to|go back to P3X-403. {21253}{21349}With enough men and firepower,|I can take care of your problem, sir. {21351}{21436}We've dealt with these creatures before, {21438}{21524}and I can guarantee you|it won't be as easy as you think. {21526}{21624}Be that as it may, the Pentagon's|position is quite clear on this. {21626}{21722}Colonel Edwards will return to the planet|and begin mining operations. {21724}{21811}SG personnel will provide security|on a continuing basis. {21813}{21879}- If this leads to hostilities...|- It will. {21910}{22029}Dr Jackson, I don't believe|you were invited to this meeting. {22031}{22144}Yes, General, I know.|I'm sorry, but please hear me out. {22146}{22232}- The situation can be resolved peacefully.|- How? {22234}{22292}We've been on this planet a long time. {22294}{22399}It wasn't until we encroached on|this one region that the Unas attacked. {22401}{22471}Can't we just mine|away from this one area? {22473}{22577}All the other mine sites we've surveyed|have been void of significant deposits. {22579}{22693}This is the only site we've found thus far|that might satisfy production quotas. {22695}{22783}- And if this leads to another dead end?|- Then we won't have a problem, {22785}{22872}but I'm not going to walk away from this|until I know for sure. {22874}{22962}Then can we at least|try to negotiate with them? {22964}{23049}- They're animals, sir.|- They are not. They are intelligent. {23051}{23108}If you underestimate them, more will die. {23110}{23178}Who would negotiate on our behalf? You? {23180}{23281}I have a limited vocabulary and a|rudimentary understanding of their ways, {23283}{23361}but this has gone too far|for me to handle myself. {23363}{23471}- What are you proposing, Doctor?|- I suggest we use Chaka as a liaison. {23473}{23543}- Chaka?|- An Unas we met on a different planet. {23545}{23664}I've had contact with him. He's made|progress in his understanding of us. {23666}{23762}We've interacted with these beings before|and lived. Chaka saved my life. {23764}{23886}This is their planet. We're the invaders.|We don't have to provoke or kill them. {23888}{23985}- I'm sure no one wants that, Dr Jackson.|- Yes, I'm sure. {23987}{24092}If talks are resolved in the time allotted|to determine the viability of the mine, {24094}{24165}you're giving up nothing by letting him try. {24219}{24260}All right. Proceed. {24262}{24386}Dr Jackson, you'll contact Chaka|and return him here without delay. {24388}{24465}{Y:i}(Vidrine) One more thing,|so that there's no confusion. {24467}{24583}If negotiations fail|and it comes down to us or them, {24585}{24635}I choose us. {24657}{24737}The use of deadly force is authorised. {24988}{25070}IDC received, sir.|Dr Jackson, plus one. {25072}{25125}Open the iris. {25430}{25485}Stand down. {25512}{25611}Chaka's never been in|a structure like this before. {25824}{25874}{Y:i}- Um...|- (snarls) {25950}{25985}A Cha' Aka. {26004}{26109}"A Cha' Aka" is a greeting.|In this case, he's saying hello. {26145}{26203}'Ell... o. {26219}{26254}Pfft. {26306}{26351}Pfft. {26353}{26411}Um, I've had a chance to talk with Chaka. {26413}{26484}He's managed to accomplish|some remarkable things. {26486}{26592}On the planet where Chaka lives humans|used Unas as domesticated slaves, {26594}{26695}- but Chaka led an uprising, and...|- You neglected to mention this before. {26697}{26754}How many were killed in this uprising? {26756}{26870}That's not the point. Chaka brokered|a truce and established a fragile peace {26872}{26948}between the humans and Unas|who were formerly their slaves. {26950}{26995}If he managed to do this, {26997}{27091}I know he could act as a peaceful liaison|between us and the Unas of P3X-403. {27093}{27205}- Does he even want to help us?|- I've informed him of what we need to do. {27207}{27276}He's eager to meet Unas of other worlds. {27278}{27328}Tar Ma Kan Ko? {27517}{27604}'Uman 'elp Chaka. {27636}{27733}Chaka 'elp 'uman. {27815}{27898}{Y:i}(Lorne) Looks like the Unas had a party|while we were gone. {27900}{27953}You're right, Dr Jackson. {27955}{28044}They're much more advanced|than what I thought. {28046}{28116}They have command of fire. {28118}{28208}Major Lorne,|as soon as this place is cleaned up, {28210}{28355}I want you to begin a resonance scan|analysis of the lower mine shafts. {28386}{28457}How do you intend|to find these Unas, Doctor? {28459}{28536}I think Chaka will lead us to them. {28638}{28688}{Y:i}(snarls) {28810}{28860}Chaka. {28957}{29021}Colonel, he knows you don't like him. {29023}{29133}Keep staring at him like that,|he's gonna take it as a challenge. {29144}{29191}Chaka, Ka Kreeka. {29452}{29521}Just keep him away from me. {29571}{29670}Hanson, Penhall, you're with them. {29672}{29742}The rest of you,|I want this perimeter secured. {29744}{29842}Antipersonnel and|overlapping fields of fire. Move it! {29844}{29953}- He's getting ready for a war.|- He's responsible for protecting his camp. {29955}{30045}Yeah, or he's looking for revenge|for Lieutenant Ritter. {30607}{30667}'Uman tatack? {30679}{30736}Ka. No. We're not gonna attack. {30738}{30776}Tonok. Shesh. {30778}{30834}'Uman tatack. {30836}{30910}He says our weapons|and the size of our group create fear. {30912}{30975}It seems like we intend to attack. {30977}{31078}Ka. Dan'el, Chaka Ka cha. {31080}{31159}- He wants me to go with him alone.|- Ka. Keka. {31161}{31207}Unarmed. {31209}{31281}{Y:i}- (Teal'c) You will be helpless.|- I'll be all right. {31283}{31366}- This is unwise.|- We can't make contact if they fear us. {31368}{31433}Are you certain? {31458}{31540}Yeah. Yeah, I'm... I'm certain. {32372}{32517}Staff weapons, torture sticks, manacles -|symbols of pain and death. {32581}{32676}Chaka? Here, got a new toy. {32826}{32876}- Aka.|- You're welcome. {32932}{33039}A Cha' Aka, A Cha' Aka. {33041}{33092}A Cha' Aka... {33094}{33174}"Come sit by my fire" - Unas diplomacy. {33198}{33292}A Cha' Aka, A Cha' Aka. {33294}{33397}A Cha' Aka, A Cha' Aka... {33399}{33449}{Y:i}(clears throat) Chaka? {33462}{33508}How long is this, um... {33545}{33614}Kel Nok. Ma Kan Ska nat? {33616}{33673}- Nok.|- Now. {33685}{33745}- Ka Nok.|- Later. {33798}{33854}A Cha' Aka, A Cha' Aka... {33856}{33926}It will take as long as it takes. {33999}{34059}{Y:i}(continues chanting) {34130}{34200}A Cha' Aka, A Cha' Aka... {34351}{34401}{Y:i}(low growl) {34522}{34568}{Y:i}(snarls) {34676}{34726}Hello. {35292}{35363}I hope you know what you're doing. {35426}{35486}Down. Good idea. {36822}{36862}Trade. {36977}{37030}{Y:i}(snarling) {37032}{37077}{Y:i}(growls commandingly) {37239}{37300}Aka. {37302}{37366}A Cha' Aka. {37368}{37418}Te Chaka. {37441}{37530}- Ta?|- Um, a Cha' Aka. {37532}{37590}Te... Daniel. {37592}{37641}Dan'el. {37670}{37705}"Dan'el" is fine. {37707}{37836}Te Kor Asek. Zo. {37838}{37923}"Kor" is "iron". "Asek"? {37986}{38060}lron Shirt. The alpha male. {38062}{38114}Kel, Ko Tar? {38116}{38164}Tar 'uman. {38219}{38308}'Uman ka ne. {38310}{38353}Kel Ko keka? {38355}{38460}Uh, yes, we brought death,|but we want to be friends. {38462}{38510}To preserve life.|Ska nat. {38512}{38661}Ska nat.|Unas, Kor Asek, A Chaka, A 'uman. {38663}{38743}- Ska nat Te.|- Right. We work this out, we all win. {38928}{38988}Cho'ee'che, Chaka. {39097}{39147}Dan'el. {39410}{39460}Cho'ee'che, Kor Asek. {39708}{39741}OK. {39743}{39788}All right. {39790}{39840}Now we're talking, huh? {39943}{39989}Dr Jackson, how'd it go? {39991}{40091}I figured out why they attacked us.|It's this mine. It's sacred to them. {40093}{40226}Their ancestors were worked to death|by the Goa'uld while they were mining it. {40228}{40289}I said I'd speak to my superiors|on their behalf. {40291}{40401}Burial sites are protected on Earth. Those|rules should apply here. We have to leave. {40403}{40465}We got the results of the resonance scan. {40467}{40612}The deposit is over 300 metres in length|and almost completely solid. {40679}{40737}53,000 metric tons. {40739}{40792}We're not going anywhere. {40969}{41021}{Y:i}My meeting with the Unas went well. {41023}{41097}{Y:i}They're reluctant to trust us,|but we're communicating. {41099}{41221}{Y:i}- How many of them are there?|- I only saw a medium-sized clan. Why? {41223}{41317}We need to know|if we're going to relocate them. {41319}{41394}{Y:i}They'll never accept it, sir.|They won't understand it. {41396}{41456}Then it's your job|to make them understand. {41458}{41567}If you don't, we'll have to go in there|with tranquillisers and capture them. {41569}{41662}{Y:i}They're not animals. I'm sure|Chaka and I can accomplish something. {41664}{41729}{Y:i}Just let me go talk to them again. {41731}{41823}You have 24 hours|to convince the Unas to come peacefully, {41825}{41892}or they'll be forcibly removed. {42098}{42162}'Uman Ko Keka Onac. {42164}{42211}Unas Ko Keka Onac. {42213}{42326}Right. We should not fight each other.|The Goa'uld are our common enemy. {42328}{42435}- Ka nay.|- Ka nay. Friend. Uh, clan member. {42472}{42518}'Uman Ka nay. {42520}{42587}That's right. That's right. {42589}{42629}So... {42725}{42795}We're going to give you food. {42886}{42941}'Uman Ko Nan Unas. {43252}{43303}{Y:i}(growls contentedly) {43350}{43400}And, in exchange, {43402}{43465}we need... this. {43489}{43520}Kada. {43522}{43624}Kada. Yes. We need Kada|to make war with the Goa'uld. {43626}{43696}'Uman Ko Kada, {43698}{43764}Tonok tok Onac. {43819}{43949}- Kel?|- How? We make ships out of it. {43999}{44048}Um... {44050}{44103}{Y:i}(makes rocket-engine noises) {44373}{44464}Right. Why would either of you|know what a ship was? {44518}{44563}Uh... {44593}{44641}This. {44656}{44706}You know what this is. {44708}{44745}Kekata. {44747}{44790}Kekata, yes. {44792}{44874}We can make Kekata with this - Kada. {44938}{45058}{Y:i}Now, with many Kekata, {45060}{45156}we can bring death to the Goa'uld,|the Onac. {45170}{45220}Ka Keka Onac. {45222}{45274}That's right. {45477}{45527}{Y:i}(rustle, twig snaps) {45582}{45627}Hold. {45748}{45841}'Uman A Unas Ma Kan Nok. {45875}{45939}- Kel?|- Why? {45941}{46074}Because if we don't come to|some sort of agreement, 'uman Zo... {46076}{46132}relocate you. {46171}{46201}Relocate. {46203}{46271}- Ta "relocate"?|- Shesh? {46413}{46456}Ka Ko Ka Cha. {46458}{46493}Ko Ka Cha. {46495}{46552}'Uman Ko Ka Cha Unas Ka No na. {46554}{46610}Away from your home. {46612}{46658}Ko Ka Cha Unas Ka No na? {46706}{46746}- Tok!|- No. {46748}{46823}Defiance will only lead|to Unas bloodshed. Ka tok. {46825}{46897}'Uman Ko Keka Te. {46899}{46954}Keka Unas. {46956}{47028}'Uman Ko Keka Te Unas. {47030}{47090}Unas Ko Keka Te 'uman. {47092}{47171}No, you won't give us death.|You can't win. {47173}{47244}A Unas Nay A Tok! {47258}{47322}All the tribes will fight. {47324}{47369}How many? {47371}{47424}Uh, Kel Ka Naya? {47426}{47492}Soseka. {47560}{47616}No. That's impossible. {47703}{47755}Teal'c, come in. {47757}{47838}Teal'c, this is Daniel.|Do you read me? Over. {47840}{47890}Dammit. Um... {47952}{48010}Just wait here. Lota. {48012}{48062}Lota. Lota. Lota. {49642}{49706}- Oh, God.|- What happened? {49708}{49792}It was coming up on my position.|It was attacking. {49794}{49852}It was attacking... {49890}{49942}The necklace. {50035}{50152}This necklace was precious to him. He|was coming back for it, and we killed him. {50154}{50206}- I didn't know.|- No need to apologise. {50208}{50259}{Y:i}(distant roar) {50261}{50306}Tatack. {50376}{50466}- They are preparing to attack.|- Let 'em. We're ready. {50468}{50518}No, you're not. {50633}{50721}- Colonel, we have to get out of here now.|- I don't buy it. {50723}{50823}- Are you hearing this?|- They'd have been seen by aerial scans. {50825}{50899}Unas live in caves|where aerial scans don't detect them. {50901}{50946}Our position will be overrun. {50948}{51033}I was close to working out an agreement.|They wanna be left alone. {51035}{51085}{Y:i}(roaring) {51137}{51182}{Y:i}(growls) {51218}{51275}Dan'el! {51507}{51568}{Y:i}(roars) {51581}{51685}- Hold your fire!|- If they attack, we will defend ourselves. {52379}{52439}{Y:i}(wails commandingly) {52492}{52562}{Y:i}(all quieten down) {52816}{52925}You're right, Dr Jackson.|Let's get back to the gate. {52927}{53030}No, it's too late.|If we move now, they'll run us down. {53249}{53329}- What's he doing?|- I don't know. {53537}{53599}Don't do anything stupid. {53663}{53749}- He's giving us a chance.|- A chance to do what? {53981}{54039}To surrender. {54041}{54111}Surrender? Not possible. {54113}{54163}Don't do it, Colonel. {54401}{54446}Kor Asek. {54469}{54534}'Uman A Ta Ka Keka. {54536}{54631}- What are you saying?|- That we don't have to kill each other. {54633}{54687}'Uman A Te A Ka Naya. {54713}{54758}We can be of the same tribe. {54760}{54826}A Ka Naya Keka Onac. {54854}{54929}Together we can bring death|to the Goa'uld. {54931}{54990}- Tak!|- Trick? {54992}{55076}Dan'el, cho'ee'che. {55095}{55190}'Uman Ko Keka Unas. {55192}{55319}He's saying that while we talk peace,|humans kill Unas. He doesn't believe me. {55346}{55409}We have to show respect. {55411}{55508}- We have to get down on the ground.|- On the ground? There's no way I'm... {55510}{55577}Colonel, this is the way|their social order works! {55579}{55662}We have to show submissiveness|to show we're not a threat. {55664}{55789}We have to get down on the ground,|and that is all we have to do. {56034}{56088}Colonel, everyone. {56090}{56124}Please! {56792}{56838}Benna? {56916}{57017}A Benna A Tar 'uman. {57261}{57299}On 'or. {57353}{57413}"Honour." {57415}{57464}He understands. {57525}{57575}Cho'ee'che, Kor Asek. {58735}{58797}Now we can negotiate. {58983}{59041}How long do we have to kneel? {59143}{59189}As long as it takes. {59529}{59608}A Cha' Aka, Dan'el. {59610}{59660}A Cha' Aka, Kor Asek. {59837}{59951}- I think we've got ourselves a deal.|- And what deal would that be? {59953}{60045}- We won't desecrate their sacred ground.|- We won't? {60047}{60149}In exchange, the Unas will help defeat|their ancestors' killers, the Goa'uld. {60151}{60220}And just how are they going to do that? {60222}{60297}They're gonna work the mine themselves. {60299}{60357}What? {60359}{60456}- Did you propose this?|- No, actually, it was lron Shirt. {60566}{60699}So the Unas are gonna mine this deposit|and turn all the naqahdah over to us? {60701}{60751}That's right. {60827}{60901}Can they work a jackhammer? {60903}{60990}I think you'll find|they're very intelligent and can learn. {60992}{61143}You treat them with respect and you'll|find out what kind of allies they can be. {61145}{61215}O'Neill was right about you. {61243}{61308}You are a pain in the ass. {61357}{61427}But... well worth it. {61680}{61730}Dan'el. {61778}{61826}Aka.