{1}{1}25.000 {475}{560}Sorry I haven't changed, sir.|The message said it was urgent. {562}{635}Hello again, Major Carter. {637}{682}Warrick. {703}{793}- It's good to see you again.|- You too. What brings you here? {795}{907}When last we spoke, you reiterated your|desire for access to Serrakin technology. {909}{945}Yes, of course. {947}{1079}Yet diplomacy between our respective|leadership has been slow to develop. {1081}{1200}- I'm sure they're just being cautious.|- As I told Hammond and Dr Jackson, {1202}{1309}{Y:i}I am here to offer you full access to|the ion propulsion engine on the Seberus. {1311}{1356}Well, that's great. {1358}{1423}- Sir, this could...|- I read your report, Major. {1425}{1535}I won't debate the value of the technology,|but there's more. {1576}{1653}In return, I would like your help... {1655}{1715}to win a race. {3276}{3354}It is called the Loop of Kon Garat. {3356}{3455}Every year, the largest corporation|on my planet, known as Tech Con Group, {3457}{3574}awards an extremely lucrative contract|to the winner of the Loop. {3576}{3642}{Y:i}(Daniel) A contract? {3644}{3763}It is a time-tested method to find the most|able pilot with the best ship for the job. {3765}{3830}The race is open to anyone.|There are few rules. {3832}{3904}The winner's ship|must arrive first and intact. {3906}{4014}The government of your planet is letting|you share advanced technology with us {4016}{4106}in exchange for us|helping you to win a race? {4137}{4182}Not exactly. {4184}{4296}I have arranged for a small group of you|to come to Hebridan on a diplomatic visit. {4298}{4370}There is no rule|preventing you from helping me, {4372}{4429}and what you learn while you're there... {4431}{4498}So, unofficially. {4518}{4591}- How can we help?|- Major! {4593}{4668}Can't hurt to ask, can it, sir? {4723}{4805}{Y:i}The power you used to recharge|the Seberus when I was stranded... {4807}{4905}{Y:i}- A naqahdah generator.|- The Seberus has been through a lot. {4907}{5011}But my diagnostic analysis of its systems|showed greatly improved efficiency {5013}{5078}when supplemented|by the naqahdah generator. {5080}{5132}I'd like to participate. {5195}{5291}Well, actually,|I was not asking you to join me. {5293}{5360}Why not? I'll have to|interface the generator. {5362}{5424}Could you not just show me? {5426}{5529}Naqahdah generators are valuable to us.|We won't let one out of our sight. {5531}{5611}Besides, you never know|what issues could arise on the fly. {5613}{5707}I feel compelled to warn you of|the danger. It's not for the fainthearted. {5709}{5802}We take risks to attain|advanced technology all the time. {5804}{5946}For me, there'd be no better way to learn|about your ship than to see it in action. {5948}{6005}A victory would mean a great deal to me. {6007}{6082}I am not above accepting your offer. {6106}{6168}With your approval, sir. {6212}{6325}Major, I expect you to evaluate the risk|of this mission on an ongoing basis {6327}{6412}- and act accordingly.|- As always, sir. {6562}{6621}- Hey.|- Hey. {6623}{6693}- You ready?|- Yeah, just about. {6695}{6825}Warrick has set us up some meetings with|high-ranking members of his government. {6827}{6939}- I bet O'Neill's looking forward to that.|- Oh, yeah. {6941}{7036}- You really think this is worth it?|- Absolutely. {7038}{7085}Why, don't you? {7087}{7134}No... Yeah... I just... {7136}{7235}- You just seem unusually gung ho.|- Gung ho? {7237}{7322}This is more than about|attaining new technology for you. {7324}{7404}You mean helping Warrick?|He did once risk his life for me. {7406}{7456}Yeah, I heard that. {7458}{7509}I think there's something else. {7511}{7624}Look, I know that|this could be dangerous, {7626}{7706}but this is our job, right?|It's what we signed on to do. {7708}{7824}We take risks in the hopes of|achieving new levels of technology. {7826}{7902}If - and I stress "if" - {7904}{8027}participating in this race|happens to be a little bit, I don't know... {8029}{8071}Fun? {8073}{8195}- What's a girl to do?|- Nothing. That's just what I thought. {8333}{8368}{Y:i}I'm Ardal Hadraig. {8370}{8515}{Y:i}Welcome back to TCNN's exclusive|coverage of the 59th Loop of Kon Garat. {8517}{8572}{Y:i}With the Loop set to begin tomorrow, {8574}{8660}{Y:i}we have a startling|new development to report. {8662}{8735}{Y:i}Perennial also-ran Warrick Finn|announced today {8737}{8851}{Y:i}that his copilot will be a human from|the planet we've come to know as Earth. {8853}{9011}{Y:i}Major Carter's participation will mark the|first inclusion of an alien in Loop history. {9013}{9081}{Y:i}A band of explorers happened upon him {9083}{9177}{Y:i}when his ship, the "Seberus",|crashed on an uncharted planet {9179}{9260}{Y:i}while transporting convicts|to the outlying prison colonies. {9262}{9324}{Y:i}The question on everyone's mind is {9326}{9432}{Y:i}will these earthlings bring Warrick luck|a second time around? {9456}{9529}{Y:i}Continuing coverage|of the Loop of Kon Garat {9531}{9618}{Y:i}is brought to you|by Tech Con Ultra Sport Beverage. {9620}{9785}{Y:i}When you've got an ultrabig thirst to|quench, only Tech Con Ultra Sport will do. {9977}{10043}May I introduce you all to Eamon? {10045}{10126}{Y:i}He is responsible for making|the Seberus what it is today. {10128}{10191}And he is my younger brother. {10193}{10259}Ah, yes. I see the family resemblance. {10261}{10317}It's uncanny, boys. {10319}{10359}It's like... {10443}{10551}- Colonel Jack O'Neill. This is...|- You just had to do it, didn't you? {10553}{10584}Eamon... {10586}{10699}- You think we'd lose without their help?|- Eamon! {10701}{10802}They saved my life and are responsible|for my getting back home to Hebridan. {10804}{10914}- I suggest you show some respect.|- My apologies. {10916}{11000}I am honoured to meet|my brother's saviours. {11002}{11141}And you must be Major Carter. The one|without whom we could not win the Loop. {11143}{11214}You know, I feel all warm and fuzzy.|How about you? {11216}{11337}Major Carter, if you are to be my copilot,|you'll need to know how the ship works. {11339}{11417}{Y:i}- What is this?|- The operations manual for the Seberus. {11419}{11504}- I had it translated for you.|- Thank you. {11506}{11566}That's not our language. {11568}{11619}It's mine, sir. {11621}{11671}Right. {11693}{11782}The long-range scanner control unit|didn't come in again today. {11784}{11871}- When I called, they said our credit...|- I will go and pick one up, {11873}{12008}after I escort Colonel O'Neill, Dr Jackson|and Teal'c to our capitol building. {12010}{12144}- T, you coming?|- Carter requested I remain to assist her. {12189}{12239}- She did?|- I did? {12279}{12319}Indeed. {12321}{12390}Right. Yes, thank you. {12392}{12477}I do not wish to disappoint Major Carter. {12514}{12574}Yes, I know the feeling. {12616}{12687}- Shall we?|- Stay in touch. {12829}{12913}- I am in your debt, Major Carter.|- Indeed. {13087}{13202}With all your science, I'm surprised you|don't have a power source that rivals this. {13204}{13298}Oh, they exist.|We just couldn't afford one. {13300}{13345}Ah. {13382}{13476}- Warrick is desperate, Major.|- How do you mean? {13478}{13557}He was gone a long time.|We all thought he was dead. {13559}{13673}His wife, Athea, remarried,|and has children of her own now. {13675}{13747}Since his return, work has been scarce. {13804}{13877}He thinks this race|is his chance to get his life back, {13879}{13954}and he will do anything to win it. {13956}{14031}- What about you?|- Me? {14033}{14078}I work for Tech Con. {14080}{14189}I design garbage disposal units|for their food service division. {14202}{14247}Need I say more? {14269}{14350}{Y:i}- No.|- (Warrick) Eamon, I'm back. {14352}{14454}{Y:i}- Did you get the...|- No. They just transmitted the race data. {14619}{14755}{Y:i}(announcer) Tech Con Group - progress|and people working in total harmony. {14757}{14850}{Y:i}I'm Miles Hagan,|President of Tech Con Group. {14852}{14961}{Y:i}I wish to welcome you as an official|contestant to the Loop of Kon Garat. {14963}{15033}{Y:i}Congratulations on qualifying. {15054}{15193}{Y:i}As always, the Loop will run through|a course that consists of four stages. {15195}{15316}{Y:i}- Defence...|- We know that. Skip to the competition. {15318}{15348}{Y:i}(fast-forwards tape) {15350}{15435}{Y:i}Let's meet your fellow pilots, shall we? {15523}{15587}I don't believe it. Jarlath. {15589}{15647}Jarlath? {15699}{15769}I know him from my days|of transporting convicts. {15771}{15890}He was caught running illegal weapons.|I thought he was in prison. {15892}{16026}- Looks like he's been paroled.|- He's not our biggest problem. {16028}{16124}La'el Montrose, independent cargo runner|from the Parallel Colonies. {16126}{16218}Her ship is very fast.|And worse still... {16311}{16407}- Hm. Muirios.|- His skill as a pilot is legendary. {16409}{16483}- Can we beat him?|- You'll lose in the navigation phase {16485}{16555}without a long-range scanner control unit. {16557}{16617}I will get one. {17026}{17076}What's this? {17105}{17155}Expensive. {17174}{17255}Hello, Warrick. Who's your friend? {17257}{17322}Hi. Major Samantha Carter. {17324}{17378}Ah, one of the earthlings. {17380}{17436}I heard about you. {17453}{17511}We're here for the scanner control unit. {17513}{17567}- Look, Warrick...|- Taupen. {17569}{17630}I'm running a business, not a charity. {17632}{17704}Your credit's been over|the maximum for months. {17706}{17773}The best chance of my paying you back|is for me to win. {17775}{17891}I'm sorry, Warrick. I can't give you|a new one, but you're in luck. {17893}{18005}I just picked up this|reconditioned unit this morning. {18007}{18057}It should work fine. {18114}{18170}I will take it. Thank you. {18172}{18271}{Y:i}- I promise. I will settle up things after...|- (man) After you lose. {18310}{18393}You don't think he's good for it, do you? {18395}{18498}He doesn't stand a chance|of winning the Loop. {18500}{18546}Jarlath. {18548}{18633}Still avoiding personal hygiene, I see. {18635}{18710}Who's your friend, Warrick? {18712}{18767}She looks nice. {18801}{18960}{Y:i}Golon Jarlath, Captain of the Oran,|very much at your service. {18962}{19012}lgnore him, Major. {19077}{19218}Stay out of my way, Warrick,|or I'll blow your pathetic ship to pieces. {19229}{19274}Warrick. {19337}{19403}You're right. He is not worth it. {19582}{19642}That's it. We're done. {19644}{19694}She's ready. {19776}{19850}{Y:i}(Teal'c) Do you believe|the Seberus can win this race? {19852}{19991}I'd like to think we'd have won without|the naqahdah. With it, I'd guarantee it. {19993}{20038}Hungry? {20040}{20097}That depends. {20099}{20201}I'm sure we can find something|that will suit you. {20802}{20881}{Y:i}With the Loop set to begin|only minutes from now, {20883}{20995}{Y:i}I'm joined by race expert|and two-time champion Coyle Boron. {20997}{21074}{Y:i}Coyle, what's going through|the pilots' minds right now? {21076}{21185}{Y:i}Well, at the starting buoys there's nothing|else to do but run your preflight check {21187}{21263}{Y:i}and hope all your hard work pays off.|It's a tense time. {21265}{21327}{Y:i}There's no question the stakes are high. {21329}{21391}{Y:i}The winner receives|a lucrative contract {21393}{21461}{Y:i}with Tech Con's|deep-space-exploration project, {21463}{21595}{Y:i}while anything else means massive debt|and the acrid taste of bitter defeat. {21597}{21693}{Y:i}It's an interesting group of pilots this year,|Coyle. Who do you like? {21695}{21751}{Y:i}You gotta like this kid Muirios. {21753}{21829}{Y:i}He's got the talent|and the ship to take it all. {21831}{21936}{Y:i}What about Warrick and the human|woman? Any potential for an upset? {21938}{21999}{Y:i}They don't stand a chance. {22001}{22098}{Y:i}Well, the gaming experts agree.|You can wager on the outcome {22100}{22170}{Y:i}at any of Tech Con Group's|friendly gaming kiosks, {22172}{22250}{Y:i}conveniently located|throughout urban centres near you. {22252}{22373}{Y:i}Tech Con Gaming Kiosks -|if you don't play, you definitely won't win. {22422}{22527}I'm getting the feeling that even|a long look at an ion drive isn't enough. {22529}{22666}We'll need a compression coil to have any|chance of reproducing the technology. {22668}{22725}If we win, I'll buy you one. {22727}{22775}{Y:i}If we win? {22777}{22890}{Y:i}(Flight Control) Prepare for race start.|All pilots check in now. {22892}{23024}{Y:i}Flight Control, this is the Seberus,|preparing for race start. {23078}{23187}{Y:i}- What do you want, Jarlath?|- Just to tell you to drop out now {23189}{23335}{Y:i}and save that worthless junk barge you|call a ship from being destroyed. (laughs) {23337}{23442}{Y:i}- Eat greeven, Jarlath.|- You piece of... {23444}{23517}- Greeven?|- Don't ask. {23519}{23645}{Y:i}This is Tech Con Flight Control.|Stand by for race start. {23647}{23696}Ready or not, {23698}{23767}here... we... go. {23975}{24077}The first stage is a test|of each ship's defence capabilities. {24079}{24119}Against what? {24383}{24460}- Those things are firing at us.|- Yes. {24689}{24737}Bring aft shields to full. {24763}{24837}- That is auxiliary power.|- Right. {24935}{25017}{Y:i}- Shields are holding.|- Captain Shibo of the "Tritan". {25019}{25086}{Y:i}Losing shield power.|Key systems are failing. {25088}{25143}{Y:i}Tritan, this is Warrick on the Seberus. {25145}{25245}Siphon primary power from your regulator|and boost your shield strength. {25247}{25302}{Y:i}I can't. I've lost my interchange unit. {25304}{25340}{Y:i}I... {25342}{25405}{Y:i}Tritan, hold on.|We're on our way to assist. {25512}{25607}{Y:i}Too late. My engines are fried.|I'm out, Warrick. Thanks anyway. {25609}{25708}- Is he gonna be OK?|- Drones cease firing if a ship is disabled. {25949}{26009}That's it, we're clear. {26011}{26067}Anyone ever die in this race? {26069}{26138}- I told you it was dangerous.|- I know. {26140}{26234}Are there no events such as this on Earth|where humans risk their lives? {26236}{26334}- Yeah, a few.|- No matter how much winning may mean, {26336}{26413}I'd never intentionally|endanger your life. This ship... {26415}{26457}{Y:i}(alarm) {26459}{26528}- What now? I thought we were clear.|- Stage two. {26530}{26595}We're entering|the coronasphere of our sun. {26597}{26709}It disturbs the communication|and navigation equipment. {26711}{26816}Eamon has designed shielding|specifically for this phase. {26837}{26917}{Y:i}And so, after stage one,|Muirios has the lead, {26919}{27016}{Y:i}followed closely by|La'el Montrose and Golon Jarlath. {27018}{27079}{Y:i}The "Oran" made quick work|of those drones. {27081}{27176}{Y:i}- We've got stage two coming up fast.|- That would be the coronasphere. {27178}{27294}{Y:i}It's made up of ionised gases, so you|fly though a layer of translucent plasma. {27296}{27414}{Y:i}- Wow. Sounds hot.|- At this stage it's all about the shields. {27416}{27501}{Y:i}Does your ship have what it takes|to survive that intense heat? {27503}{27573}{Y:i}- And if it doesn't?|- You'd be instantly vaporised. {27575}{27655}{Y:i}Interesting. In a horrifying sense! {27657}{27740}{Y:i}If you have a loved one|who's close to death, don't delay. {27742}{27813}{Y:i}Contact Tech Con Group|Funeral Services today {27815}{27893}{Y:i}and make your loved one's farewell|memorable beyond words. {27895}{28008}{Y:i}Tech Con Group Funeral Services -|helping you make peace with death. {28183}{28309}- Initiating coronaspheric shielding.|- Communication systems are inoperative. {28311}{28356}They will come back. {28419}{28465}{Y:i}(alarm) {28477}{28533}- What's going on?|- I do not know. {28535}{28602}We are losing engine power. {28627}{28662}Teal'c, Eamon. {28664}{28818}{Y:i}We are sending a distress signal.|Our key systems are inoperative. {28820}{28889}{Y:i}- Engines are failing.|- How does one respond? {28891}{28944}Here. {28946}{29016}{Y:i}- Major Carter, come in.|- We can no longer maintain... {29018}{29068}{Y:i}(static) {29070}{29138}They've lost all primary power. {29162}{29221}They're in trouble. {29241}{29358}Auxiliary power will not engage.|We are on emergency storage cells. {29360}{29464}- What are you doing?|- The blast shields will block the radiation. {29466}{29541}So much for not risking your life. {29811}{29918}- What happened?|- The power diverter overloaded. {29920}{29982}- Can you fix it?|- No. {29984}{30080}{Y:i}(Teal'c) Major Carter, Captain Warrick,|do you read me? {30082}{30156}- We're here. Can you hear us?|- Are you all right? {30158}{30212}{Y:i}The power diverter overloaded. {30214}{30306}Impossible. I ran a full diagnostic|three hours before the race. {30308}{30341}Unless... {30343}{30388}Unless what? {30430}{30543}It's hard to tell with all the damage, but|if someone cut the link to the system... {30545}{30647}- Somebody did this on purpose?|- They'd need knowledge of the systems. {30649}{30753}I think they knew exactly where to hit us|and how to cover their tracks. {30755}{30852}- Eamon, we're being pulled to the sun.|- I know. {30885}{31028}Bypass the diverter and manually regulate|power to the engines with the accelerator. {31055}{31188}- It's dangerous.|- More dangerous than flying into a sun? {31190}{31296}We have to reconnect the naqahdah|generator in order to bypass the diverter {31298}{31367}and supply power directly to the engines. {31388}{31463}- How much time do we have?|- Not much. {31558}{31659}{Y:i}And so, out of the ten ships|that started the Loop, only six remain. {31661}{31727}{Y:i}And that number|may soon dwindle to five. {31729}{31848}{Y:i}For those of you just joining us, all|I can say is where have you been hiding? {31850}{31954}{Y:i}Warrick Finn and his alien copilot|have slipped back into last place. {31956}{32045}{Y:i}- They ran into trouble during stage two.|- That's right, Ardal. {32047}{32124}{Y:i}Latest updates place them|dangerously close to the sun. {32126}{32223}{Y:i}Warrick must be disappointed to be|facing certain defeat so early in the race. {32225}{32323}{Y:i}You got that right. This is the moment|where every pilot has to dig deep {32325}{32430}{Y:i}in that reservoir of desire and fortitude|if they want to win. {32432}{32556}{Y:i}It sounds like maybe they could use|a couple of bottles of Radon Shield 55, {32558}{32604}{Y:i}new from Tech Con Cosmetics. {32606}{32726}{Y:i}Radon Shield 55 protects you and your|whole family from the sun's radiation. {32728}{32878}{Y:i}Day in, day out, Radon Shield 55 keeps|your fun factor up and lesion count down. {32880}{32980}{Y:i}Available at quality Tech Con|family outlets everywhere. {33123}{33218}Someone must have snuck in here,|got into the ship. {33220}{33283}- Who would know the ship well enough?|- No one. {33285}{33390}{Y:i}The Seberus is a common model,|but I've customised it significantly. {33392}{33497}Unless someone accessed the schematics|on my computer at Tech Con. {33576}{33626}I'm done. {33647}{33697}Me too. {33810}{33889}- Let's hope this works.|- If it doesn't? {33891}{33986}We fall into the sun and burn up,|or worse. {33988}{34054}- Worse?|- We could explode right now. {34074}{34110}Oh. {34133}{34183}Here goes. {34297}{34339}Let's get out of here. {34433}{34511}{Y:i}(Carter) Teal'c, we've got|the power back online. {34513}{34585}That is good to hear, Major Carter. {34641}{34705}- I can't believe it.|- What is it? {34707}{34818}- Someone did access my computer.|- Who? {34820}{34905}His name is Del Tynan.|He's my supervisor. {34907}{34959}I can't tell exactly what he got. {34961}{35046}If we're gonna prove anything,|we need to go to Tech Con. {35048}{35168}They won't let you in without clearance.|You'll need a hat. {35189}{35286}Three more ships have pulled out,|and we've fallen far behind the others. {35288}{35384}If you wish we can drop out now|and avoid any further risk. {35522}{35567}{Y:i}Carter?. You there? {35569}{35611}Colonel, sir. {35613}{35680}{Y:i}I got it to work.|How's it going up there? {35682}{35739}We had some trouble, but we're fine now. {35741}{35819}{Y:i}- You sure?|- Yeah. How's it going down there? {35821}{35911}{Y:i}Uh, good. We're gonna|help them bring a Stargate here. {35913}{35990}{Y:i}In exchange, we get an ion drive to study. {35992}{36107}{Y:i}- Really?|- Yes. So no need to take any chances. {36135}{36186}I made a deal. I'm sticking with it. {36188}{36269}{Y:i}Oh, having fun are we, Carter?. {36345}{36423}Um, gotta go.|We're pretty far behind at this point. {36425}{36488}{Y:i}All right. Be careful. {36490}{36570}{Y:i}- We will. Thank you.|- You're welcome. {36709}{36823}OK. If we use the gravity of the sun to|slingshot us around back onto the course, {36825}{36905}we could pick up enough speed|to get back into the race. {36907}{36942}Brilliant. {37310}{37360}- Hi, Eamon.|- Hello. {37400}{37448}This is my cousin... {37450}{37505}- Murray.|- Mm. Twice removed. {37507}{37575}I just forgot a data unit in my office.|Won't be long. {37577}{37652}You have to scan in. Company policy. {37765}{37870}- Sorry your brother isn't doing very well.|- Oh, me too. {37872}{37932}Nice to meet you, Murray. {38142}{38237}- This is Tynan's office.|- Does he not keep his office secure? {38239}{38344}The company philosophy|encourages mutual trust. {38424}{38516}Besides, no one is|going to steal his plants. {38548}{38663}Everything of value is in here. The system|is protected by a secret pass code. {38665}{38721}Fortunately,|I put a program on my system {38723}{38827}that records an intruder's pass code|if someone attempts to access my files. {38829}{38922}Then it is good you do not subscribe|to the company philosophy. {38924}{38971}Mm. {39068}{39118}{Y:i}(beeping) {39137}{39228}{Y:i}(computer) This is an automated|distress signal. The following pilot: {39230}{39294}{Y:i}- (Jarlath) Jarlath.|- ..is in need of assistance. {39296}{39341}{Y:i}Current status is: {39343}{39435}{Y:i}(Jarlath) Die, you rotting scrap of jetsam! {39563}{39675}This is worse than I thought. He has|schematics for every ship in the race. {39677}{39755}For the purpose of|sabotaging the competition. {39846}{39891}But not this one. {39893}{39975}It has boosters from|Tech Con's prototype division. {39977}{40037}A private-sector pilot could not buy these. {40039}{40114}- To whom does that ship belong?|- Muirios. {40116}{40166}Tynan has set him up to win. {40168}{40223}We have to warn Warrick. {40251}{40311}I don't think so. {40601}{40740}{Y:i}Oran, this is the Seberus responding to|your distress call. Jarlath, do you read? {40742}{40833}{Y:i}- Warrick?|- We're close by. What is your status? {40835}{40925}{Y:i}My status is mind your own business. {40952}{41079}{Y:i}- You sent out a distress call.|- No, my computer did. Everything is fine. {41081}{41163}Transmission indicates|your life support is failing. {41165}{41215}{Y:i}My oxygen supply vented. {41217}{41315}That is what you get for having no shields.|The drones must have caused a leak. {41317}{41405}{Y:i}Shut up, Warrick.|Go back to losing the race. {41458}{41510}You'll die if you don't let us help. {41512}{41572}{Y:i}I don't need help, least of all from you. {41574}{41640}What about emergency reserves? {41642}{41731}{Y:i}I don't have any.|I needed the room for additional weapons. {41733}{41778}Imbecile. {41780}{41919}{Y:i}I would rather die kissing space debris|than board that barge you call a ship. {41980}{42056}He does not want to be rescued. {42058}{42136}Jarlath, hold on. We'll be there soon. {42866}{42920}I am not coming up there. {42922}{42972}We tried. {42992}{43027}Come on! {43029}{43079}{Y:i}(grumbles) {43252}{43325}Can you move any slower? {43327}{43389}You don't think you can still win, do you? {43391}{43482}We are only this far behind|because we were sabotaged. {43575}{43625}A likely excuse. {43648}{43733}- So was l, by the way.|- How so? {43735}{43827}The drones didn't cause the leak|in my life support. I was never hit. {43829}{43931}- Somebody fixed the whole race?|- It is not over yet. {43933}{43986}What planet do you live on? {44021}{44101}Told you we should have left him to die. {44131}{44254}{Y:i}(O'Neill) Teal'c, do you read?|Teal'c, you still at Tech Con? {44336}{44417}This is unfortunate.|You were a good employee, Eamon. {44419}{44498}- How could you do this?|- How could l? {44500}{44553}How could I not? {44555}{44683}Your new friend here doesn't want you|to know the Serrakin are not to be trusted. {44685}{44755}The Serrakin freed your ancestors|from the Goa'uld. {44757}{44880}For what purpose, hm?|Sharing technology? Living in harmony? {44882}{44922}All lies. {44924}{45014}The Serrakin are seizing control|of our world, piece by piece, {45016}{45100}taking power and opportunity away|from pureblood humans, {45102}{45216}polluting our race by crossbreeding,|weakening it, by design. {45218}{45309}Don't you see? The Serrakin|are no better than the Goa'uld. {45311}{45468}This is insane. Our society was built by|both races, for the good of all Hebridians. {45470}{45545}Is that why Serrakin|hold all the highest positions {45547}{45608}and humans are like|second-class citizens? {45610}{45660}That's not true! {45683}{45718}When Hagan finds out... {45720}{45842}Hagan is one of the primary architects|of human oppression on this planet. {45844}{45976}The winner of the Loop will be a pure|human. And that's merely the first step. {45978}{46107}You're just mad because you've been|passed over for advancement three times. {46109}{46209}You think I'm the only one? There are|enough of us to make a difference. {46211}{46319}Has it occurred to you maybe the reason|you've been passed over so many times {46321}{46437}is not because you're a human,|but because you're a moron? {46504}{46624}I am doing this to save my kind|from the likes of you. {46827}{46877}I guess not. {46974}{47131}{Y:i}Welcome back to TCNN's continuing|coverage of the Loop of Kon Garat. {47133}{47189}{Y:i}We have startling developments. {47191}{47316}{Y:i}Warrick and Samantha Carter have|re-entered the race with a vengeance, {47318}{47382}{Y:i}and are now pulling into|a close third position. {47384}{47497}{Y:i}- What does this mean for Muirios?|- He's had a commanding lead throughout. {47499}{47613}{Y:i}He's gotta be wondering what Warrick has|that let him make up that distance so fast. {47615}{47715}{Y:i}Well, Coyle, perhaps he's using Ion Pro,|a new engine additive {47717}{47782}{Y:i}- from Tech Con Propulsion Systems.|- Perhaps. {47784}{47906}{Y:i}Ion Pro is guaranteed to improve drive|performance, whatever class ship you fly. {47908}{48012}{Y:i}Whether you're competing in the Loop|of Kon Garat or taking the kids to school, {48014}{48071}{Y:i}use Ion Pro in your power source. {48073}{48142}{Y:i}Ion Pro from|Tech Con Propulsion Systems, {48144}{48228}{Y:i}your systemwide experts|in ion-drive technology. {48230}{48354}- I can't let you inside without clearance.|- We're looking for people in the building. {48356}{48414}If you give me their names, I'll check. {48416}{48481}- OK. One of them is named...|- Eamon. {48483}{48523}Eamon. {48525}{48611}- And his cousin Murray?|- Murray! Yes, that's them. {48613}{48676}- Yes, they're here.|- Can we come inside now? {48678}{48718}No. {48757}{48834}All right, here's what I'd like you to do. {48836}{48909}Pick up that phone,|call Mr Whoever-Runs-This-Place. {48911}{48970}- Hagan.|- I'm sorry, but I just can't... {48972}{49017}We're old friends. {49019}{49137}Tell him Mr Man-Who-Has-The-Stargate|is here to see him. He'll understand. {49139}{49189}Stargate. {49219}{49265}Go ahead. {49267}{49317}Buttons. Phone. {49361}{49431}Mr Hagan, please. {49433}{49491}Nice. {49542}{49697}What are you going to do, Tynan?|He's an alien. His people will miss him. {49716}{49796}{Y:i}- Tynan, respond.|- What is it, Muirios? {49798}{49948}{Y:i}It's the "Seberus". Warrick is still in|the race and he's gaining on my position. {50160}{50207}Hard left! {50329}{50384}What was that? {50422}{50518}- You said left!|- Oh, did l? Sorry. {50520}{50609}This is a waste of time.|We don't have a chance. {50611}{50669}{Y:i}- You're gonna get us killed.|- (both) Shut up! {50953}{51063}{Y:i}How did this happen? You said the|"Seberus" would be disabled and I'd win. {51065}{51155}You will win, Muirios.|Just focus on what you have to do. {51157}{51230}{Y:i}I'll take care of the Seberus. {51304}{51344}{Y:i}Tynan calling the Seberus. {51356}{51430}{Y:i}- I know you can hear me.|- What do you want, Tynan? {51432}{51570}I only intended to disable your ship, but|your stubbornness has forced my hand. {51572}{51644}{Y:i}I have your brother|and one of the visitors from Earth, {51646}{51735}so drop out of the race. Now. {52369}{52423}Dr Jackson. {52425}{52467}Colonel O'Neill. {52469}{52564}I'm sorry to keep you waiting.|What can I do for you? {52566}{52691}We think a member of our group might|somehow be lost inside your building {52693}{52744}with one of your employees. {52746}{52815}Lost? That seems unlikely. {52839}{52906}Well, you gotta know the guy. {52939}{52992}Of course. Come with me. {53163}{53239}We were gaining on them.|We had a chance. {53241}{53365}You'll let a little thing like your brother's|life stop you from winning the race? {53367}{53417}{Y:i}(both) Shut up. {53674}{53738}Muirios, La'el Montrose is gaining on you. {53740}{53853}{Y:i}- You were supposed to take care of her.|- She must have overcome the problem. {53855}{53902}{Y:i}- Lose her.|- I'm trying. {53904}{53990}Try harder. Do whatever you have to. {54020}{54086}Get rid of them. Take them away. {54149}{54199}Hello, Del. {54221}{54276}Mr Hagan. {54413}{54479}Nice outfit. You guys OK? {54481}{54511}Indeed. {54513}{54633}How many times have I told you,|don't get caught by the bad guys? {54635}{54674}How could you do this, Del? {54676}{54798}He says he was defending his people from|a Serrakin conspiracy to enslave humans. {54800}{54894}I did what I had to.|Your kind are a disease. {54896}{54946}The only disease here is greed. {54948}{55061}He was protecting the deal he made with|Muirios, which I suspect was lucrative. {55063}{55134}The reason you've been|passed over for advancement {55136}{55233}is because you've been under|investigation for corruption for a year. {55235}{55307}We couldn't prove anything, until now. {55309}{55387}I intend to file a protest|with the Employment Council. {55389}{55504}Employment is the least|of your worries right now, Del. {55548}{55617}Warrick, Major Carter, it's Eamon.|Are you there? {55619}{55703}{Y:i}- Eamon, are you all right?|- Teal'c and I are safe. {55705}{55781}Now get back in the race and win. {55783}{55828}If you can. {56060}{56152}- You must be out of your mind!|- Do not say a word. {56154}{56222}Major, give me all you've got. {56224}{56269}Max power. {56336}{56399}I hate to say it, but Jarlath might be right. {56401}{56503}Muirios has too big a lead.|We'll never catch him. {56563}{56653}He cheated. I can't believe|they'll still let him take first prize. {56655}{56739}Unless we can keep Muirios|from crossing the finish line first. {56741}{56799}- How can we do that?|- That's easy. {56866}{56916}Just get me close. {57064}{57160}The closest we will get is when they|double back past us after the final turn. {57162}{57212}It'll have to do. {57249}{57359}- What are you doing?|- Rerouting the conduit from your device {57361}{57435}and doubling it back|through the communications array. {57437}{57527}- Why? So we can ask him to lose?|- Humorous. {57529}{57580}More like tell him. {57582}{57682}This will allow us|to send a blast transmission. {57719}{57883}If my aim is correct, it'll temporarily freeze|the command controls on Muirios's ship. {57885}{57985}- You are even crazier than I thought.|- Never was much of a pilot. {57987}{58037}But weapons? {58039}{58089}It's an art. {58136}{58208}They're coming around the final turn. {58448}{58562}- He's trying to take out La'el's ship.|- I don't think so. {58865}{58905}Well done. {58907}{58952}Ah, don't make me sick. {58978}{59038}{Y:i}Unbelievable! What a finish! {59040}{59127}{Y:i}La'el Montrose has won|the Loop of Kon Garat! {59129}{59222}{Y:i}- What happened to Muirios?|- It was his race to lose, and he lost it. {59224}{59295}{Y:i}Some kind of beam weapon|caused his ship's power to fail. {59297}{59368}{Y:i}Opening the door|for La'el Montrose to take it all. {59370}{59439}{Y:i}You have got to love|there are no rules in this race. {59441}{59501}{Y:i}It's what makes|this competition so special. {59503}{59561}{Y:i}I must say,|I haven't seen anything like it. {59563}{59660}{Y:i}You must be particularly surprised,|since you picked Muirios to win. {59662}{59707}{Y:i}Yes, I was wrong about that. {59709}{59777}{Y:i}You also said Warrick|wouldn't be in contention, {59779}{59846}{Y:i}and yet he came very close|to finishing this race. {59848}{59928}{Y:i}- I was wrong about that too.|- Predictions for next year?. {59930}{59980}{Y:i}Well, I'd rather not say! {59982}{60149}{Y:i}Back with interviews after a word from|our sponsor, Corso's Temporal Eatery, {60151}{60245}{Y:i}where your whole family can eat|what they want, when they want. {60247}{60314}{Y:i}Part of the Tech Con Group|family of restaurants. {60355}{60436}- Sorry we did not win.|- It was still worth it. {60984}{61026}Hey. {61028}{61068}Hey. {61088}{61204}Warrick just told me the winner of the race|hired him as copilot on her new contract. {61206}{61263}- That's great.|- Yeah, he sounded happy. {61265}{61329}- You don't.|- I'm fine. {61331}{61414}- You still got that ion drive to study.|- I know. Very cool. {61416}{61505}- You're just sore that you lost.|- Well, it wasn't fair. {61507}{61557}Bunch of cheaters. {61588}{61648}So what you gonna do? {61675}{61740}Next year, I'm gonna kick butt.