{1}{1}25.000 {133}{214}{Y:i}Previously on "Stargate SG1": {216}{332}They are so cool.|Savour the moment, gentlemen. {389}{416}They're in trouble. {418}{502}- What would O'Neill do if he was here?|- You want me to shoot you? {565}{666}- We're here to rescue you.|- We allowed ourselves to be captured... {668}{697}on purpose. {699}{812}This is great. Sneakin' around with you|in a Goa'uld pyramid on an alien planet. {814}{872}The one thing missing|is some Jaffa chasing us. {953}{1010}{Y:i}(Coombs) Felger?. Jay? {1028}{1073}- What?|- Snap out of it. {1075}{1148}- Sorry.|- Calibration scales for the power source? {1150}{1235}Right there. Right... there. {1558}{1585}What time is it? {1587}{1664}It's two minutes past|the last time you asked me. {1666}{1752}- She should be here any second.|- Relax, Jay. {1754}{1852}Relax? We are on the verge of|a major scientific breakthrough. {1854}{1945}This weapon could be the key factor|in our fight against the Goa'uld! {1947}{2046}Is it defeating the Goa'uld you're worried|about or impressing Major Carter? {2048}{2149}Unlike some people in this room, I've seen|what the Goa'uld can do first-hand. {2151}{2207}I know. You've told me a thousand times. {2209}{2301}You rescued SG-1|from the evil Lord Whatshisname. {2303}{2378}Her'ak. He wasn't an evil lord.|He was a first prime. {2380}{2502}Jay, you're a brilliant scientist.|Some day you'll win the Nobel prize. {2504}{2578}What do you care|what these military types think of you? {2580}{2713}You don't get it. When you've stood side|by side with someone and faced death, {2715}{2770}it creates an unspoken bond. {2772}{2866}An understanding|that transcends simple friendship. {2868}{2949}Colonel O'Neill and I|have been to hell and back together. {2951}{3024}When the mission was over,|you know what he said? He said... {3026}{3085}Is this gonna take long? {3114}{3176}- Colonel O'Neill.|- Folger. {3178}{3270}- Felger. I wasn't expecting you, sir.|- Yes. {3273}{3340}Well, Major Carter said this was important. {3342}{3465}D-d-d-d-don't touch it, please.|This is a finely calibrated device. {3467}{3565}It fires a focused plasma pulse.|Whoo... {3567}{3612}boom! {3711}{3852}It's an energy-based weapon, sir. It could|perhaps replace the missiles on the X-303. {3854}{3929}- Phaser?|- More like a photon torpedo. {3931}{3979}My assistant Chloe. {4004}{4061}There you are. {4063}{4148}- Chloe.|- This is all based on a Goa'uld design. {4199}{4355}If you'll join me to the rear of the weapon,|we'll proceed with the demonstration. {4480}{4547}My friends, I present to you... {4549}{4589}{Y:i}(chuckles) {4591}{4646}..the 22nd century! {4699}{4749}{Y:i}(humming) {4816}{4866}{Y:i}(humming crescendoes) {5362}{5439}That wasn't supposed to happen. {7057}{7180}{Y:i}I am really sorry, General. I assure you|nothing like this will ever happen again. {7182}{7254}It won't, because I'm pulling|the plug on your research. {7256}{7374}No, please, General. It was a minor glitch.|We are so close to a working prototype. {7376}{7496}You've said that for the last six months.|In fact, I've reviewed your records. {7498}{7587}Most of the projects you've overseen|during your tenure here {7589}{7680}have been similarly|long on promise and short on results. {7682}{7735}What exactly are you saying? {7737}{7838}I'm saying it may be time for the Air Force|to rethink your position here. {7840}{7983}That'd be a mistake. It just so happens|that I'm working on a line of research, {7985}{8088}and it's... Well, I'm on the verge|of a major breakthrough, really. {8090}{8185}- Really?|- Really, yes, yes. It's gonna be huge! {8187}{8284}It's gonna make the plasma weapon|look like a squirt gun, sir. {8286}{8316}- What is it?|- Hm? {8318}{8445}- What is it?|- Well, I'm not ready for a presentation yet. {8447}{8533}I still gotta crunch a few numbers|and dot a few i's. {8535}{8621}I could probably have something ready|by the end of next week. {8623}{8705}- You have 24 hours.|- More than enough time. {8707}{8762}- Dismissed.|- Thank you. {8860}{8925}- What were you thinking?|- I don't know! {8927}{9003}I had to say something.|They were gonna fire me. {9005}{9068}Besides, all we have to do|is think of something {9070}{9147}to change the balance of power|in the galaxy by noon tomorrow. {9149}{9214}You have anything in mind? {9271}{9336}As a matter of fact I do - Avenger. {9338}{9426}You gotta be kidding.|It's nowhere near ready. It's just an idea. {9428}{9503}- We can make it work.|- Jay, this is exactly your problem. {9505}{9632}You try so hard to impress people, you|always bite off more than you can chew. {9634}{9764}OK, yes, you're right. I have to start|setting more realistic goals for myself. {9766}{9828}Right after this project, OK? {9945}{10064}- A computer virus?|- The gate system's just linked computers. {10066}{10172}Delivering the virus is as easy as dialling|the target gate, uploading the program. {10174}{10240}The virus would scramble|the DHD's coordinates. {10242}{10357}So the symbols no longer|correspond with the proper coordinates. {10359}{10484}- And the target gate would be useless.|- The Goa'uld rely heavily on gate travel. {10486}{10561}It would be a tactical advantage for us,|don't you think? {10563}{10623}- It's interesting.|- Really? {10625}{10679}But you don't have a finished program. {10681}{10785}Uh, well, not "finished" per se, no.|I really still have to... {10787}{10863}- Crunch a few numbers, dot a few i's.|- Exactly, yeah. {10865}{10949}I'll look at it. If it shows promise,|I'll take it to Hammond. {10951}{11019}- Oh, yes, OK!|- Whoa, whoa. {11021}{11149}- Don't celebrate yet. It's not a done deal.|- Of course not. Of course not. {11279}{11329}Yes! Yes! {11380}{11448}Where am I?|How did she get me here? {11620}{11722}You'd rather stay and geek out|a computer program than come with us? {11724}{11807}Don't take it personally, sir.|This research shows promise. {11809}{11849}It's Felger. {11851}{11938}- He did save our lives, Colonel.|- Yeah, don't remind me. {11940}{12079}The ability to disable any gate we choose|is a valuable weapon against the Goa'uld. {12081}{12193}- If it works.|- That's what I intend to find out. {12195}{12264}Don't forget your safety glasses. {12266}{12340}Marines, thanks for joining us. {12342}{12392}Let's move out. {12439}{12542}To be honest, Major, I share|some of the colonel's scepticism. {12544}{12662}I know Dr Felger's record is a little|sketchy, but I think he shows potential. {12664}{12731}All he needs is a little support. {13057}{13114}{Y:i}(knock at door) {13116}{13166}Just a minute. {13455}{13505}Oh, jeez. {13542}{13664}I'll be with you in a second.|Just, you know, putting the dogs out. {13762}{13854}- Oh, Major Carter.|- I was in the neighbourhood. {13890}{13983}- This isn't a bad time, is it?|- Oh, no, no. Please, come in, come in. {13985}{14094}Just, you know, just, uh,|really wasn't, uh, expecting anyone. {14096}{14136}Sorry. {14138}{14230}- Nice place.|- Oh, thank you. I was having it fumigated. {14232}{14313}- Can I offer you anything?|- No, no, I'm fine. {14315}{14365}Oh, all righty. {14388}{14433}Please, please. {14572}{14663}Uh, what, uh, what brings you by? {14665}{14739}I took your proposal|to General Hammond. {14741}{14806}- And?|- He's agreed to give you another chance. {14808}{14888}Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God.|That's great. That's great. {14890}{14984}Cos I thought I was so done for|after that little incident thing. {14986}{15047}- There is one condition.|- Sure. OK. {15049}{15120}He wants me to work|on the project with you. {15210}{15260}That'd be, uh, you? {15262}{15361}- Yeah. That's not a problem, is it?|- No, no, no. God, no, no. {15363}{15398}What about SG-1? {15400}{15511}- Daniel's working on a relocation project.|- The moon in the decaying orbit? {15513}{15618}They're experiencing severe seismic|disturbances and weather anomalies. {15620}{15672}What about Colonel O'Neill? Teal'c? {15674}{15756}They've some negotiations|with the rebel Jaffa leaders. {15758}{15906}- There's been some infighting, rivalries.|- Well, they have to settle that. Yeah, yeah. {15908}{15970}I guess that means|you get stuck with me, then. {15972}{16036}No, no, I wouldn't put it that way. {16038}{16155}I think the basic idea behind the virus|is actually quite brilliant. {16157}{16197}No... {16220}{16271}- Really?|- Yeah. {16564}{16637}- A tie?|- I wear ties. {16639}{16684}{Y:i}And cologne? {16686}{16808}There is nothing wrong with a man taking|pride in his appearance... and smell. {16810}{16893}This wouldn't have anything|to do with Major Carter, would it? {16895}{16977}- Don't be ridiculous.|- Here. Let me. {17016}{17066}Of course, you do have to admit {17068}{17201}she possesses one of the most|brilliant scientific minds of our generation. {17203}{17261}And a pair of legs that won't quit...|Agh! {17263}{17318}- OK. OK.|- Sorry. {17320}{17441}Well, anyway, what chance has|a guy like me got with a woman like that? {17443}{17497}She barely notices me.|Know what that's like? {17499}{17531}A little. {17533}{17598}- Morning.|- Oh, hi. Hi. {17654}{17704}- Nice tie.|- Oh, thanks. {19859}{19904}We think the virus is ready. {19906}{20019}Of course, there's no real way to test it,|except on another gate. {20021}{20095}- Do you have a target in mind?|- P5S-117. {20097}{20152}Ba'al's main naqahdah mining site. {20154}{20237}If we can disable the gate,|we'd disrupt his supply network. {20239}{20293}How will we know if it's successful? {20295}{20438}A Tok'ra operative there can relay the|results via their communication network. {20440}{20485}Send the virus. {20487}{20537}Yes, sir. {20632}{20682}You'll wear a hole in the floor. {20684}{20752}Those Tok'ra are taking their sweet time. {20754}{20811}We should've heard something by now. {20813}{20922}{Y:i}(technician) Major Carter to the control|room. Major Carter to the control room. {20924}{20974}That's it. {21344}{21421}{Y:i}(technician) Chevron seven locked. {21446}{21500}- What are you doing here?|- What's going on? {21502}{21588}Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c|missed a scheduled radio contact. {21590}{21651}Getting a video signal, sir. {21653}{21722}Colonel O'Neill, this is Hammond.|Do you read? {21724}{21804}{Y:i}- Nice to hear from you, General.|- What's your status? {21806}{21915}{Y:i}The mission was going according to plan,|then we hit a little snag. {21917}{21967}{Y:i}We can't dial the gate. {21993}{22095}{Y:i}- Say again?|- We cannot get an outgoing wormhole. {22097}{22178}{Y:i}We've tried all kinds of addresses,|but we can't get a lock. {22180}{22233}Stand by, Colonel. {22246}{22338}Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.|This is just a coincidence. {22340}{22428}There's no way this could have|anything to do with my virus. No... {22430}{22480}Could it? {22678}{22768}There's no way Avenger|could have anything to do with this. {22770}{22856}- Avenger?|- That's what I call the virus. {22858}{22972}{Y:i}It's named after a comic book I read|when I was a kid. The Amazing Avenger?. {22974}{23054}Green tights, purple cape.|He was super strong, super fast. {23056}{23121}Not as fast as The Flash.|That would be ridiculous. {23165}{23275}Of course, this isn't ringing any bells|with anybody, is it? {23303}{23413}- Could we have sent it to the wrong gate?|- No, sir. We double-checked. {23415}{23500}The virus was sent here - P5S-117. {23502}{23579}Colonel O'Neill is on P3C-249,|which is here. {23581}{23733}Within the gate systems the planets|are close together - about 400 light years - {23735}{23785}but that doesn't mean anything. {23787}{23931}{Y:i}- And until we hear back from the Tok'ra...|- (man) Unscheduled offworld activation. {23933}{23983}{Y:i}(Stargate alarm) {24124}{24210}Sir, we're receiving an audio|transmission. It's the Tok'ra. {24212}{24315}{Y:i}- This is Theless of the Tok'ra.|- This is Hammond of Stargate Command. {24317}{24459}{Y:i}General, I'm afraid I have to report a|series of malfunctions in the gate system. {24461}{24506}Malfunctions? {24508}{24592}{Y:i}Several gates have gone offline.|As yet, we have no idea why. {24594}{24644}{Y:i}We are gathering information. {24646}{24788}This is Major Carter. Do you have any data|on a planet we've designated P5S-117? {24790}{24840}{Y:i}One moment, please. {24892}{24968}{Y:i}We're still waiting for|a sub-space transmission. {24970}{25072}{Y:i}- Can you send us any data you do have?|- Affirmative. {25162}{25217}Transmission received. {25270}{25337}Sir, I'll need a few minutes to analyse this. {25339}{25384}Go. {25580}{25636}I'll go help. {25687}{25737}{Y:i}(Carter) There it is. {25764}{25870}- I still don't see how this is possible.|- Automatic correlative updates. {25872}{25937}I thought those happened|once every 200 years. {25939}{25984}{Y:i}That was the theory. {26021}{26090}Major Carter, report. {26092}{26199}Sir, first I recommend you recall|all of our offworld teams immediately. {26201}{26296}It's already being done. The mining team|from P4F-221 is coming through now. {26298}{26423}- You might wanna tell them to hurry it up.|- What have you got? {26552}{26678}This is the original target gate.|This is Colonel O'Neill's position. {26680}{26776}These are the gates|first reported offline by the Tok'ra. {26822}{26892}A few minutes later... several more. {26894}{26963}They're spreading out|from the original gate. {26965}{27000}Yes, sir. {27021}{27105}You still think this is a coincidence? {27107}{27196}Well, sir, we think|we may have an explanation. {27198}{27290}We know the gate network|undergoes periodic correlative updates {27292}{27347}to compensate for stellar drift. {27349}{27465}We've never witnessed it, but we believe|the gates dial each other automatically {27467}{27533}to transmit|the new coordinates that apply. {27535}{27644}And you believe Dr Felger's virus|initiated one of these updates? {27646}{27771}It may have triggered|an automatic internal protocol in the DHD. {27773}{27825}Before adapting the new coordinates, {27827}{27915}it dialled out and transmitted them|to a few neighbouring gates, {27917}{27993}who then transmitted to a few more,|and so on and so on... {27995}{28082}- And so on.|- Is there any way we can stop it? {28084}{28214}No time, sir. If each gate only dials two|others before adapting to the new system, {28216}{28301}the entire network will be infected|in less than two hours. {28303}{28429}We need to focus on getting|as many people back as possible, sir. {28548}{28603}He's really mad, isn't he? {28711}{28766}That's the last of the miners, sir. {28768}{28818}Shut it down. {28909}{28959}What's next? {28985}{29046}P3L-997. {29048}{29134}- That's Daniel's team, sir.|- Dial it. {29273}{29343}OK, breathe. Everything's gonna be fine. {29345}{29399}- Grover Cleveland High School.|- What? {29401}{29486}Chemistry 201.|I had an incident with my midterm lab. {29488}{29616}They got the fire under control, but poor|Mr Hoffman's eyebrows never grew back. {29618}{29723}I should have got out of science right then|and saved everybody the trouble. {29725}{29817}This is SGC. You wouldn't be here|if you weren't good at what you do. {29819}{29875}You tell that to Colonel O'Neill! {29877}{29931}{Y:i}(clears throat) {29933}{29995}- How many teams came back?|- Three. {29997}{30073}- Out of how many?|- 15. The rest are stranded. {30075}{30177}- And Dr Jackson?|- His team's still offworld. {30179}{30215}Oh, this is awful. {30217}{30316}The flood waters are rising,|but they're safe for the time being. {30318}{30368}{Y:i}(phone rings) {30390}{30438}Carter. {30440}{30488}- General.|- General Hammond. {30490}{30575}Yes, sir. I understand. {30649}{30702}We contacted the Tok'ra. {30704}{30804}According to their intelligence,|the entire gate network is down. {31120}{31186}{Y:i}(Hammond) Colonel O'Neill, report. {31188}{31246}{Y:i}The mission's been compromised, sir. {31248}{31345}{Y:i}Looks like one of the Jaffa|commanders sold us out. Go figure! {31347}{31452}{Y:i}- What happened?|- The negotiations were going just fine, {31454}{31508}{Y:i}then the gate broke down. {31510}{31643}{Y:i}After that, they all started accusing each|other of sabotage and all hell broke loose. {31645}{31768}Sir, we think we know what caused|your gate to malfunction. It was the virus. {31770}{31810}{Y:i}Felger's virus?! {31812}{31891}It created a new coordinate system|that spread to all DHDs. {31893}{32003}But, since we don't have a DHD,|we have the only gate that can dial out. {32005}{32121}{Y:i}I told you not to trust|that brown-nosing little weasel! {32123}{32192}He doesn't know|I'm standing here, does he? {32194}{32292}{Y:i}- Sir, I'm as responsible as anyone else.|- (Teal'c) O'Neill. {32294}{32364}{Y:i}We've got incoming, sir. It's Alkesh! {32421}{32476}- We lost video.|- Must have hit the MALP. {32478}{32600}- He was just standing a few feet from it.|- What's your situation? Please respond. {32788}{32849}{Y:i}- We're still in one piece, sir.|- Oh, thank God. {32851}{32908}{Y:i}We're gonna take cover, sir. {32910}{32971}Sir, we could send reinforcements. {32973}{33098}They'd be stranded too. I can't send|anyone until we fix this problem. {33145}{33203}Let's think this through logically. {33205}{33289}The entire gate network is paralysed,|but we can still dial out. {33291}{33391}We think the virus was spread due to|correlative updates initiated by the DHDs. {33393}{33451}We have no DHD,|so our gate was unaffected. {33453}{33572}Right. It also means another change might|result in another system-wide update. {33574}{33685}So if we can get just one DHD converted|back to the old coordinate system, {33687}{33753}the gate network would spread it for us. {33755}{33854}How, when the new one is|based on a completely random principle? {33856}{33966}There still must be a pattern. If we can get|one DHD to establish a lock with one gate, {33968}{34084}all we gotta do is compare the addresses|and extrapolate a translation program. {34086}{34140}That would mean random dialling. {34142}{34227}Seven symbols chosen from|a pool of 38 non-repeating candidates? {34229}{34331}That's about 63 billion|possible combinations. {34402}{34464}She's good with numbers. {34466}{34533}I was gonna get her to do my taxes. {34763}{34905}- Any word from Colonel O'Neill, sir?|- No. We hope he's just out of range. {34907}{34932}Yes, sir. {34934}{35047}According to our latest report, Ba'al is|trying to take advantage of the situation. {35049}{35127}- How so?|- At the moment he has the largest fleet. {35129}{35200}So with the gate system down|he has the advantage. {35202}{35304}He's attacking the other System Lords|on several fronts, and he's winning. {35350}{35400}{Y:i}(mobile phone rings) {35635}{35685}{Y:i}(phone rings) {35878}{35949}Stargate Command, Felger speaking. {35951}{36035}Mom, Mom, no, no, no.|I told you not to call me here. {36037}{36098}You're not supposed to have this number. {36100}{36190}I'm sorry I didn't call.|I had to work late. Something came up. {36229}{36324}If you must know, Mom,|I screwed up again. {36353}{36439}Yeah, and I think this is the worst one yet. {36441}{36508}No, no, it's worse than that one. {36552}{36619}No, worse than that one too, Mom. {36632}{36755}Mom, Mom, Mom, I don't need a list|of my personal failures right now, OK? {36757}{36835}To tell you the truth,|I don't know if I can fix this one... {36837}{36882}{Y:i}(clears throat) {36884}{37015}I'll have to get back to you on that,|Simon, OK? All righty, bye-bye... friend. {37065}{37115}It's Coombs. He says hi. {37148}{37260}- Jay, I know you feel bad about this.|- What's to feel bad about? {37262}{37391}It took the Ancients 1,000 years to build|the gate system, and I wrecked it in a day. {37393}{37498}I've also isolated us from all the resources|we'll need to defend ourselves, {37500}{37624}leaving us sitting ducks for|the next Goa'uld attack. But who cares? {37626}{37732}I need you to get past feeling guilty|and focus on finding a solution. {37734}{37811}- But you never make mistakes.|- I don't? {37813}{37919}- You're perfect. Everybody knows that.|- Jay, I'm not perfect. {37921}{37996}You have to say that|because you're modest, {37998}{38068}which is just another aspect|of your perfection. {38070}{38164}- Ever heard of a planet called K'Tau?|- That wasn't your fault. {38166}{38286}I bypassed dialling protocols that made|the wormhole pass through K'Tau's sun. {38288}{38363}It could have led to the deaths|of everyone on that planet. {38365}{38463}- That's it! Even your mistakes are perfect.|- What are you talking about? {38465}{38562}You bypassed a security protocol|because you created a dialling program. {38564}{38620}- So?|- So we can do that here. {38622}{38693}Instead of restoring the DHD program|to its original form, {38695}{38766}why not upload everything|from our dialling computer? {38768}{38904}Our program is not as sophisticated|as the one that exists in the DHDs. {38906}{38982}It doesn't have to be perfect, just accurate. {38984}{39064}The DHD will automatically|make all necessary adjustments. {39066}{39142}- How do you know that?|- Well, it's... {39144}{39252}OK, I don't, I don't. But the fact that|Avenger triggered a correlative update {39254}{39362}seems to indicate that the DHD program|is adaptive by its very nature. {39364}{39424}Plus, we have nothing else. {39459}{39518}Trust me, Major, this is gonna work! {39539}{39650}{Y:i}Yeah, sorry to rain on your parade, guys,|but it didn't work. {39652}{39688}It should have worked. {39690}{39781}{Y:i}We tried dialling Earth,|but we couldn't get a lock. {39783}{39902}Maybe there's something wrong with|the upload. You can upload better, huh? {39904}{40007}{Y:i}If you've got any other bright ideas,|now would be a very good time. {40009}{40112}{Y:i}- What's your status, Doctor?|- Flood water's rising pretty fast, {40114}{40177}{Y:i}seismic activity is causing rogue waves. {40179}{40284}{Y:i}We estimate that within 48 hours|the entire city will be under water. {40458}{40508}It should have worked! {40708}{40788}Have you and Dr Felger|made any progress? {40790}{40842}- I can't find him.|- Excuse me? {40844}{40932}Apparently he left the base.|The pressure was getting to him. {40934}{41060}- You said all he needed was support.|- I may have been wrong about that. {41108}{41170}OK, I admit it.|He's a complete screwup. {41172}{41275}He makes rash decisions based on|sketchy evidence, he's clumsy in the lab {41277}{41351}and it wouldn't kill him|to ease up on the aftershave, {41353}{41497}but the fact is he's at Stargate Command|because he's a brilliant scientist. {41499}{41580}No one understands that virus|better than he does. {41582}{41648}Then I suggest you get him back. {41650}{41680}Yes, sir. {42063}{42135}Jay, what're you doing here?|We've got work to do. {42137}{42217}- How did you find me here?|- I called your mother. {42219}{42308}She told me this is where you come|when you need to think. {42310}{42479}I stood here when I figured out how to|recombine epsilon particles in a matrix. {42481}{42559}Then I got mugged by some teenagers. {42561}{42636}Still, it's a nice spot, though. {42697}{42750}What are you doing? {42752}{42802}Feeding the ducks. {42915}{43014}I need you to come back|to Stargate Command. {43016}{43095}Before I joined SGC,|my idea of a high-pressure situation {43097}{43191}was defending a mathematical thesis|in front of a roomful of balding men. {43193}{43271}I don't do well when the fate|of the universe hangs in the balance. {43273}{43393}Jay, you designed the virus.|You're the man for the job. {43395}{43485}Forget about the big picture for a second,|and the consequences. {43487}{43552}Just focus on the problem. {43554}{43675}- Why didn't the upload work?|- I don't know. It should've. {43677}{43814}Every gate in the galaxy should be|back online, except for P5S-117. {43843}{43893}What do you mean? {43895}{43963}Avenger's resistant|to that type of tampering. {43965}{44087}I didn't think it made a difference, since|P5S-117 was sabotaged in the first place. {44089}{44229}Jay, what if the virus replicated itself and|then travelled along to the other DHDs? {44231}{44287}No, it wasn't designed to do that. {44289}{44367}It wasn't designed|to trigger a correlative update either. {44369}{44484}You said it yourself, Jay.|The DHD program is adaptive. {44556}{44639}- Sir, we may have found a solution.|- Let's hear it. {44695}{44785}- You want me to tell it?|- It's your project. {44830}{44959}We think we know why we can't upload|our dialling program into the gate system. {44961}{45067}It now looks like the virus itself somehow|transmitted, with the new coordinates, {45069}{45141}to the entire DHD network. {45143}{45217}- The virus is blocking the upload.|- That's right. {45219}{45332}We need to neutralise it first,|but in order to do that, we have to find it. {45334}{45384}I don't understand. {45386}{45500}{Y:i}Well, the truth is, we don't know|how the virus was transmitted. {45502}{45628}If it piggybacked with the automatic|update, it's in the dialling program itself. {45630}{45725}Could be thousands of lines of code -|like looking for a needle in a haystack. {45727}{45897}But it exists within a specific sub-routine|in the original target DHD on P5S-117. {45899}{45987}The catch is, to make this work,|we have to reboot the system, {45989}{46053}which means|removing the control crystal. {46055}{46125}Someone's gonna|have to go to the planet, sir. {46127}{46220}- P5S-117 is controlled by Ba'al.|- Yes, sir. {46222}{46308}General, I'd like to volunteer. {46349}{46430}Major Carter has the experience|required for this mission. {46432}{46522}Come on, I've got offworld experience.|I battled the Goa'uld. {46524}{46564}I zatted a Jaffa. {46566}{46671}- Sir, it would be better if we both went.|- Major Carter's right. {46673}{46734}Nobody knows more|about Avenger than me. {46921}{47021}- Jay, this is crazy.|- I caused this problem. I'm gonna fix it. {47023}{47094}You're a research scientist,|not a field operative. {47096}{47223}Did that stop me from infiltrating|a Goa'uld mothership? I think not. {47234}{47321}They've sent the MALP.|The gate's not even being guarded. {47323}{47446}Probably cos it doesn't work any more,|but don't worry about me. {47448}{47500}I know what I'm doing, OK? {47512}{47562}- Jay?|- Mm? {47564}{47621}The antivirus. {47623}{47725}OK, yeah, yeah,|I'm gonna need that. All righty. {47727}{47772}What? {48011}{48051}Wh-what was that for? {48053}{48108}Good luck. {48110}{48160}Oh, right. {48992}{49046}You get set up. I'll be back soon. {49048}{49124}- Where are you going?|- I'm gonna check out the area. {49126}{49224}Shouldn't we stick together,|in case you need backup or something? {49226}{49287}I'll be fine. {49289}{49334}OK. {49383}{49433}I'm good too! {49816}{49956}{Y:i}(O'Neill) Jaffa landed the Alkesh. Teal'c|and I have organised a counterattack. {49958}{50060}Be advised, Colonel.|Major Carter has gone to P5S-117. {50062}{50131}She's attempting to get|the gate system back online. {50133}{50214}{Y:i}- That's occupied territory, sir.|- Yes, it is. {50216}{50261}{Y:i}What team did she take? {50263}{50335}She didn't want to risk|stranding anyone else. {50337}{50402}{Y:i}- She went alone?|- Not entirely. {50404}{50454}Dr Felger's with her. {50456}{50529}{Y:i}I'm inspired with confidence. {50687}{50732}{Y:i}(buzzing) {50751}{50853}There's no sign of|any Jaffa activity in the area. {50871}{50913}I'm in. I'm in. {50915}{50960}Whoo! {51021}{51076}Just a sec, just a sec. {51116}{51175}- OK, something's wrong.|- What? {51177}{51270}This isn't Avenger.|I mean, it is, but something's hinky. {51272}{51355}- Hinky?|- Point is, this isn't the program I wrote. {51357}{51420}It's been tampered with since it was sent. {51503}{51568}- Maybe it was Ba'al.|- Ba'al? {51570}{51638}Think about it. He stood the most to gain. {51640}{51742}He took your idea and modified it|to bring down the entire gate network, {51744}{51856}- knowing it would give him an advantage.|- That means none of this is my fault. {51858}{51932}Avenger wasn't designed|to cause a correlative update. {51934}{52024}I wouldn't get too excited.|It also means our antivirus won't work. {52026}{52120}That's right.|It's designed for the original program. {52122}{52247}Which means that we are now stranded|on a Goa'uld-occupied world. {52249}{52365}So it's kind of|a "good news, bad news" situation. {52669}{52781}The Jaffa aren't as protective of the gate|as they once were, but there'll be a patrol. {52783}{52888}- We have to do something.|- Well, I'm open to suggestions here. {52891}{53004}You said the virus was modified. So we|need to modify the antivirus to match it. {53006}{53069}- Go for it.|- I was hoping you could handle it. {53071}{53147}- I was afraid you'd say that!|- You wanna do this instead? {53149}{53261}Do you know how many variations I went|through before I got the antivirus right? {53263}{53351}- This could take days.|- Then you'd better get started. {53448}{53488}Yep. {53522}{53567}Oh, yeah. {53569}{53638}{Y:i}Still no word from Sam? {53640}{53740}To be honest,|we should've heard back by now. {53742}{53839}{Y:i}We're gonna have to abandon|the Stargate and move to higher ground. {53841}{53911}Very well. Good luck, Dr Jackson. {54124}{54189}- How's it coming?|- We're getting there. {54191}{54245}It's pretty cool, us working together. {54247}{54354}We're sort of like the intellectual|Butch and Sundance of the SGC. {54356}{54471}Butch and Sundance got cornered|and killed by the Bolivian army. {54473}{54523}That's a good point, yeah. {54612}{54665}What? What? What? {54667}{54722}- We got trouble.|- What kind of trouble? {54724}{54796}- Think Bolivia.|- Oh! Jaffa? {54838}{54918}They made our position. Keep working. {55104}{55135}Oh. {55295}{55382}Concentrate, Jay. Concentrate.|Just background noise. {55564}{55589}Argh! {55695}{55754}How's it coming? {55756}{55806}I'm feeling a little rushed. Oh! {55884}{55945}There's not enough time.|There's not enough time. {56315}{56391}{Y:i}(engine rumbling) {56877}{56907}Argh! {56998}{57074}{Y:i}(horn blows) {57410}{57455}Whoa, whoa, whoa! {57735}{57850}O'Neill! It's Colonel O'Neill!|Thank God! Oh, you would not believe... {57852}{57952}Felger. Felger. Felger!|What did I say about touching? {57954}{58037}Absolutely. It's just that|we were over there, they came, {58039}{58109}then you... over there,|but now you're here. {58111}{58201}- Nice work.|- How'd you manage this one, sir? {58203}{58278}We got tired of waiting. {58553}{58637}- Major, Doctor, welcome back.|- Sir. {58639}{58721}I trust the solution you found|is of a permanent nature? {58723}{58885}Yes, General. I modified the antivirus to|neutralise the altered version of Avenger. {58887}{58944}But I also added a patch to ensure... {58946}{59040}The problem is solved, sir. Permanently. {59042}{59146}Dr Jackson managed to get the remaining|inhabitants of 997 to the Alpha site. {59148}{59250}- Good to hear it, sir.|- What about Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c? {59252}{59342}They found an alternate means|of transport. {59344}{59473}I promised the colonel I wouldn't say|anything. He wants it to be a surprise. {59762}{59824}- I was so worried about you.|- It was no big deal. {59826}{59897}Those Jaffa, they could have killed you. {59899}{59949}Not a chance, baby. {60169}{60210}What is this? {60212}{60252}Oh... {60254}{60299}Hi, guys. {60301}{60437}I know we're not really|supposed to be fraternising, but, hey. {60439}{60558}I turn my back for two seconds|and you take up with this... trollop? {60560}{60605}Oooh. {60607}{60727}Don't blame me just because you were|never woman enough to satisfy him. {60729}{60766}Ohh! {60768}{60808}That is it. {60851}{60901}{Y:i}(grunting) {61015}{61095}- Ladies, this isn't necessary...|- Sh! {61097}{61154}Don't talk. {61156}{61199}{Y:i}(Chloe) Jay? {61201}{61251}{Y:i}Jay? {61305}{61378}Jay. Jay! {61380}{61472}- What? What?|- What were you thinking about? {61540}{61590}Nothing.