{50}{97}Previously on Stargate SG-1: {100}{272}- It was unlike any warrior we have previously encountered.|- We could be dealing with an entirely new kind of technology. {275}{372}- Who is the first Goa'uld to find the device?|- His name was Tel'chak. {375}{497}If the device was kept hidden near a water source|it could be the basis for the fountain of youth mythology. {500}{702}It might be possible to engineer a weapon|we could use against these warriors. {950}{1027}What is your planet of origin? {1050}{1129}He just gave us his home world. {1300}{1422}The state department has received a ransom demand for Dr Jackson and Dr Lee. {1425}{1522}- We've been given 72 hours to pay or they will be killed.|- Do they know who's behind it? {1525}{1747}The kidnappers haven't identified themselves but Intel indicates we're dealing with Honduran anti-government revolutionaries. {1750}{1822}They're following the book on this one. Officially they have no intention of paying any ransom. {1825}{1897}- Unofficially?|- Our ties with the Honduran government are at stake. {1900}{2022}No one's ready to risk breaking policy over this. {2025}{2122}So we send a team in to extract them? {2125}{2197}- We've done it before.|- Obviously the rebels are betting... {2200}{2322}that our tenuous relationship with the Nicaraguan government will prevent us from taking action. {2325}{2397}They're wrong. I called the President and he's agreed to help. {2400}{2522}As we speak he's requesting that the CIA gather whatever Intel they can. {2525}{2597}But whether he's willing to risk an international incident... {2600}{2779}- Thank you, Sir.|- I'll let you know the second I hear anything. {3325}{3436}You have not had water or food for two days. {3700}{3764}Mmm. Pick of the season. {3800}{3849}This is very good. {3900}{3989}Today, we are going to start slow. {4025}{4094}I'm going to ask you again. {4175}{4224}What is this? {4325}{4452}And this is the part where you do not talk. Okay. {4650}{4699}For you. {4750}{4861}And your friend if you tell me what this is. {4900}{4972}I don't know how long someone can go without food, but {4975}{5122}I believe the human body needs water every 3 or 4 days. {5125}{5189}It's an ancient artefact. {5275}{5344}- An artefact?|- Yeah. {5350}{5447}I'm an archaeologist, it's what I do. I look for... {5450}{5499}artefacts. {5525}{5576}And now, found one. {5650}{5772}Seriously, I'm an archaeologist.|You guys can look me up on the internet if you want. {5775}{5897}- You have a computer?|- It all makes perfect sense. {5900}{6047}You're nothing more than an archaeologist and you find and study artefacts. {6050}{6109}It makes perfect sense. {6150}{6239}I'm going to ask you one last time. {6300}{6349}What is this? {6400}{6487}And again you're not so talkative. {6550}{6697}What gives you the right to come into our country and steal valuable artefacts? {6700}{6822}You call yourself a scientist?|You're nothing but a thief. {6825}{6897}And you think you're better than me. {6900}{7057}- But I have reasons for what I do.|- I don't doubt that. {7525}{7647}There is something else you should not doubt com padre. {7650}{7744}You will tell me what I want to know. {9300}{9351}EVOLUTION PART 2 {9375}{9522}The CIA operative in Honduras, an Agent Burke believes he knows where Dr Jackson and Dr Lee were taken. {9525}{9599}- Burke?|- You know him? {9650}{9697}- Yes, I do.|- Anything I should know about? {9700}{9771}He's the only agent on this. {9775}{9916}- We're stuck with him regardless, right?|- Right. {9950}{10022}- Nothing you should know about.|- I see. {10025}{10147}He's requested that you participate in the extraction.|The President has green lit the op. {10150}{10272}There's a C130 waiting for you at Peterson. It leaves for Honduras in 2 hours. {10275}{10324}Yes, Sir. {10650}{10744}- Sir?|- I'm going after Daniel. {10775}{10822}Good. {10825}{10972}- This other mission...|- Shouldn't be a problem, Sir. {10975}{11047}- When do you leave?|- Now. {11050}{11121}- Good luck.|- You too. {11600}{11716}I don't know anything, I don't know anything! {11975}{12072}We've confirmed that Anubis has a base on Tartarus. {12075}{12197}A powerful sensor array prevents anyone from approaching the planet unnoticed. {12200}{12322}The Stargate on Tartarus is inside the structure and has a powerful force field protecting it. {12325}{12397}We need to know how Anubis created this new soldier,... {12400}{12497}confirm what we believe his intentions are and if possible, stop him. {12500}{12547}- Any ideas?|- Even if we could defeat the force field,... {12550}{12697}we have to assume the Stargate would be heavily guarded.|-We must gain access to the planet by somehow temporarily shutting down the sensor array. {12700}{12797}- I agree. The question is how?|- I will walk through the Stargate. {12800}{12847}- Selmak?|- Yes. {12850}{12972}- Come again?|- I will wear the armour of Anubis' assassin. {12975}{13072}According to your account on Ramius' planet, it passed through the force field trap. {13075}{13147}But at what physical cost? We have no way of knowing. {13150}{13222}The force field around that Stargate has got to be more powerful than the one we used. {13225}{13322}I'm sorry kid; I'm with Selmak on this one. {13325}{13376}He'll keep me alive. {13450}{13541}Does anyone else have a better idea? {13575}{13697}Once I've deactivated the sensor array a scout ship can then approach the planet. {13700}{13797}Radioactive isotopes taken before hand will permit us to move around freely... {13800}{13872}without being detected by internal sensors inside the base. {13875}{13947}- What's your exit plan?|- The scout ship. {13950}{14122}During the mission, I will conceal it in one of the planet's many low lying chasms, powering down to further avoid detection. {14125}{14182}Major, you have a go. {14750}{14822}You don't look very happy to see me. {14825}{14972}I would have given anything to see your face when you heard my name. {14975}{15072}- Hey, it's okay man, it's okay.|- It's not okay. {15075}{15172}I've got 48 hours to find my friend before he's killed. {15175}{15347}- Just tell me what you know.|- Okay, all business, all the time. {15350}{15447}I can dig that station. This was the last place Daniel Jackson was seen before he hired a guide named Durant... {15450}{15572}to take him into the jungle.|And a short time after that he was snatched by... {15575}{15697}anti-Honduran extremists.|- And you know this how? {15700}{15797}It's how this particular splinter group does business.|Last year they kidnapped an important engineer... {15800}{15897}working on the Cohune river dam. Big American contract. {15900}{16022}Insurance pays off and they finance their little war against the Government with the ransom. {16025}{16097}- This engineer, did he live?|- Yeah, he did. {16100}{16154}Sometimes they don't. {16175}{16247}- What about weapons?|- Okay, this is colourful. {16250}{16322}Honduras and Nicaragua are in the middle of a territorial dispute. {16325}{16397}I know what you're thinking, when are they not? {16400}{16522}So because of this, anyone in the "I Hate Honduras" fan club can seek shelter behind the Nicaraguan borders and buy guns. {16525}{16622}- What kind of guns?|- AK's, AK's for days. {16625}{16747}Nicaragua gets their stuff directly from Russia now but in the 80's they inherited all the old stuff from Cuba. {16750}{16797}How do you like that?|They let us fight Cuba from their shores,... {16800}{16897}we got our asses kicked and Cuba gives them the guns. {16900}{17047}You know we could get shot at by an AK-47 that was fired at the Bay of Pigs attack? {17050}{17147}- You been down here too long Burke.|- Hey, you think so. {17150}{17247}- You know why I got this crappy posting in this sinkhole...|- No. Here's comes the blame. Are you gonna try and blame me now? {17250}{17322}Yeah, I do. You could have stood up for me. Hilary left me. {17325}{17397}What do you think happens in a friendly fire incident,... {17400}{17497}when one team member gets killed and the other doesn't vouch for him?|- I didn't see what happened to Woods. {17500}{17547}I told them what I knew. I wasn't gonna lie. {17550}{17822}I'm not talking about lying. I'm talking about my head, you, me, Woods, we were buddies man. You knew me. {17825}{17897}- I told them what I knew.|- Well, you didn't tell them enough. {17900}{18022}And now you're here stuck in my part of the world. You need me. {18025}{18097}- And I'm calling it on this one.|- I don't think so. {18100}{18247}I know how to get over the borders; I know where these rebels operate. Oh yeah, I'm in charge. {18250}{18347}- No. You're just the guide.|- Just the guide?! {18350}{18447}- Is that what you think of me now?|- That's right. {18450}{18572}You're not so gone you don't understand the need for a clear chain of command are you? {18575}{18654}You want to know how gone I am? {18925}{19034}I am a guide. This? It's just my day job. {19500}{19672}- I never thought I would die like this.|- Ah, you're not dead yet. {19675}{19772}I'm sorry Daniel. I couldn't take it. {19825}{19952}- I told them.|- What? What'd you tell them? {19975}{20024}Everything. {20975}{21072}- How's that, Sir?|- Pretty good. Reminds me of my old football days. {21075}{21197}- They had helmets back in those days, Sir?|- Funny. {21200}{21272}- Jacob, you okay in there?|- It's surprisingly light. {21275}{21347}- I guess it's time.|- Good luck. {21350}{21399}Thank you, George. {22425}{22472}You. {22475}{22524}Come with me. {22775}{22824}Sit. {23075}{23124}You seem damaged. {23675}{23822}- Come on Dad.|- The array is yet to shut down. We are helpless to act. {23825}{23922}- Even if we were to attempt secure communication...|- We would have to leave our position from the dark side of this moon... {23925}{24014}making us visible to their sensors. {24375}{24447}- Thoth.|- Lord Anubis. I was not expecting you. {24450}{24597}- Tell me how this one has fared.|- This one has just returned, my Lord. {24600}{24747}- I need time to finish my preliminary analysis before I can make a proper report.|- It can wait. {24750}{24872}There is a remote probe malfunctioning. It requires your attention. {24875}{24924}Yes, my Lord. {25175}{25247}So many things could have gone wrong. He's so stubborn. {25250}{25372}Major Carter, perhaps it is time to consider... {25375}{25459}The sensor array is powered down. {25500}{25591}No doubt your father's stubbornness. {25750}{25872}- Dad we're on the way.|- Good. When you touch down, proceed to the exhaust port assemblage. {25875}{26004}- I think I found a way to get you in.|- Copy. {26250}{26301}All right, hold up. {26350}{26447}- This is it.|- As I told you, there is nothing here. {26450}{26647}There is this well in the middle of nowhere. Standard US military boot tread all around. {26650}{26699}Make a wish. {26800}{26947}What took you so long?|How hard could it be to track their GPS locators? {26950}{27047}I'm just kidding. I've only been here a couple of minutes myself. {27050}{27179}- Change your mind?|- In a manner of speaking. {27325}{27497}This is the end of the road, man. I mean you didn't think these guys were gonna make it easy on you did you? {27500}{27597}- I'll take you where you need to go.|- For old time's sake? {27600}{27697}You know, I took an emotional inventory and I realised that I have some issues. {27700}{27797}Thought maybe we could put our petty differences aside on this one. {27800}{28044}You're gonna need me when this one goes down. Come on, give me a chance, I won't let you down. {28300}{28377}Now we're talking sports fans. {28425}{28597}Okay, my name is Burke and I'll be your guide, today we'll be looking at indigenous vegetation of Central America. {28600}{28759}- Watch your step ladies, we're not in Minnesota.|- Easy. {28825}{28972}If you value the life of your friend you will tell me what I want to know. {28975}{29097}Your friend told me this device may be the origin of the fountain of youth myth. {29100}{29147}- Maybe.|- How does it work? {29150}{29297}I don't know. Look, you grabbed us 5 minutes after we found it. {29300}{29354}Who is this Tel'chak? {29375}{29497}He's a mythological figure, a Mayan god that may or may not have lived here thousands of years ago. {29500}{29597}So this device is many thousands of years old? {29600}{29722}- Possibly.|- And this Mayan god brought this device to his temple... {29725}{29774}for what purpose? {29950}{30047}- To hide it, to use it, I don't know.|- Use it? On whom? {30050}{30147}- People. Mayan people.|- And what would it do to them? {30150}{30247}Look the research I used to find it just gave a cryptic warning that the device was... {30250}{30364}dangerous, even harmful. That's all I know. {30375}{30456}I do not think it is so harmful. {30500}{30644}I have never in my life felt as strong as I do right now. {30775}{30847}- You turned it on?|- Yes. {30850}{30922}Turn it off! You don't know what you're dealing with. {30925}{31047}The effects of the device may be unstable. It's very dangerous. {31050}{31122}Look, it's beyond our comprehension, turn it off. {31125}{31197}- You're lying.|- What if he isn't? The device is cursed. {31200}{31297}- Raphael, we should turn it off.|- Turn it off? {31300}{31471}- Do you not feel different as well?|- I do, and it scares me. {31500}{31641}Please, Raphael, if you will not turn it off, I will. {32500}{32522}What happened? {32525}{32572}I fooled the exhaust port into thinking it needed to purge the system. {32575}{32647}- I mean with the sensor array.|- I got held up. {32650}{32704}You worried about me? {32800}{32847}Help me get this off. {32850}{33004}Rebels move around a lot. They're self taught bush fighters. {33075}{33239}Most likely holding up about 20 clicks N-W of Okatala. {33700}{33927}Well, this wasn't supposed to be on the tour. At least we know we're on the right track. {34025}{34074}I've been shot. {34100}{34149}No, no, no, no. {34175}{34224}You have been shot. {34300}{34372}A rescue should be here in about an hour. {34375}{34447}I've been lying here for days. What's another hour? {34450}{34499}Who did this? {34600}{34697}All right. We're looking for two scientists. {34700}{34747}- Dr Jackson?|- Yeah. {34750}{34872}They have them. They went north. Across the border. {34875}{34922}- Go.|- We're not just gonna leave you. {34925}{35022}Sure you can, Senor. Help will be here soon. {35025}{35166}Don't worry, this is not the first time I've been shot. {35175}{35224}Save your friends. {35275}{35364}Please. They owe me lots of money. {35575}{35626}I love American gum. {35700}{35749}Good guys. {36225}{36372}- Speak.|- Lord Anubis. One of the Cal warriors is missing. {36375}{36447}What is the reason for this behaviour? {36450}{36497}There was damage, {36500}{36572}but I believe our method of governing the symbiote mind is still flawed. {36575}{36752}Unacceptable. Determine the origin of the flaw and report back to me. {36775}{36824}Yes, my Lord. {37025}{37097}He moved, I killed him. It was as simple as that. {37100}{37197}- Thought he was a hostile.|- It's all history, Burke. {37200}{37322}- Now's not really the time.|- I know we were out of position. {37325}{37397}I wanted to cut the angle down to cover you as you approached the objective. {37400}{37447}I guess Woods was doing the same. {37450}{37572}So, you both took it upon yourselves to improvise at the same time? {37575}{37624}That's right. {37925}{38047}- That's the third one I've seen.|- How many do you think Anubis has? {38050}{38197}There's no way of telling yet. I'm just guessing at least a handful. {38200}{38314}The lab I was in was made to service several. {38750}{38859}- Symbiote holding tanks.|- All empty. {38900}{38949}This one is not. {39525}{39647}- Shouldn't we at least wait till night time?|- I don't think we have that long. {39650}{39747}- We won't get a hundred yards before they kill us.|- Yeah, if we stay they'll definitely kill us. {39750}{39822}I saw the short term affects of that device. {39825}{39897}I know what a sarcophagus does to a person's sanity and this is far more powerful. {39900}{40111}I don't think we want to stick around to find out what long term exposure does. {40725}{40872}Judging by the number of holding tanks in this room, Anubis must be planning to have the Queen spawn thousands of Goa'uld. {40875}{40997}But why. A symbiote is spawned with the genetic memory of the maternal bloodline. {41000}{41122}They're ego maniacal and power hungry.|It's not exactly a good combination for a foot soldier. {41125}{41197}That's right. But look at this. {41200}{41247}This Queen, whoever she is, must be in league with Anubis. {41250}{41372}She's preparing for a spawn cycle yet her brainwave pattern is minimal. {41375}{41497}She has no intention of passing on her genetic memory. The symbiotes will be blank slates. {41500}{41547}Much like Egeria on Pangar. {41550}{41647}And Anubis will be free to imprint them however he see fit. {41650}{41747}No free will, they're drones. They make the perfect soldier. {41750}{41822}Deadly. Fearless. Unquestioning loyalty. {41825}{41922}But this is too similar to what happened on Pangar to be a coincidence. {41925}{42019}How did Anubis find out about Egeria? {42025}{42074}Jonas Quinn. {42100}{42172}Anubis must have acquired this information when he scanned Jonas Quinn's mind. {42175}{42247}If Anubis had any designs on creating a drone soldier,... {42250}{42347}that information would have been the final piece of the puzzle. {42350}{42447}This Queen must not be permitted to spawn again. {42450}{42499}Teal'c's right. {42525}{42622}We take what time we have remaining and try to find out what else Anubis is up to. {42625}{42749}Then we detonate the C4 and get out of here. {42950}{43047}Should be just a couple of clicks now. {43100}{43197}- How can you trust me?|- I don't. {43200}{43272}Think I asked you to come down here so I could shoot you too? {43275}{43334}Why would I think that? {43350}{43447}- Forget I said anything.|- You've had plenty of opportunity before now. {43450}{43547}- What's worse is that you think I'm just incompetent.|- For crying out loud, Burke. {43550}{43647}So you're perfectly willing to go into a hot situation with me watching your back? {43650}{43722}I have no choice. And I was thinking of sending you in first,... {43725}{43822}me watching your back.|- You don't want to know the truth? {43825}{43922}I mean, come on, you really don't want to know? {43925}{43989}Man, it wasn't my fault. {44025}{44147}I mean I didn't choose, I just reacted. It stinks, the whole damn thing stinks. {44150}{44222}You want to know what really happened, fine. I'll tell you. {44225}{44347}Woods was ghosting us, he sold out, he was no good. {44350}{44447}He was sending out a rogue transmission, he was giving our position away. {44450}{44522}Woods realised that I was on to him and turned his weapon on me. And I just,... {44525}{44574}I just reacted. {44650}{44772}- Why didn't you come forward with this?|- Come on, man, you remember how close we were. {44775}{44897}The wives and the beers and the barbeques. I couldn't do that to Cindy. {44900}{44972}It comes out Woods was a traitor, she doesn't see a penny of that pension. {44975}{45047}A month away from his retirement. Woods wasn't gonna retire. {45050}{45147}He was setting himself up as a mercenary for that warlord. {45150}{45299}He made his choice, he's gone and that's all that matters. {46050}{46099}That's not good. {46925}{47009}No! No! you've let them escape. {47650}{47747}There must be a console that will let us access a log of recent activity. {47750}{47897}Even if it doesn't contain Anubis' long range plans we might be able to gather intel on the movement of his fleet. {47900}{48047}Nothing but labs, corridors and storage in this direction. {48050}{48159}I think Anubis' quarters are this way. {48925}{48999}Bill, you gotta keep moving. {49650}{49751}- I can't breathe.|- Yes, you can. {49800}{49849}Stay down. {51325}{51424}You are all my children. Cal warriors. {51450}{51561}You are the instruments of my conquest. {52000}{52049}Machete. {52100}{52171}I'm going to skin you alive. {52500}{52584}How many more are there? Daniel? {52675}{52749}That's it. You got them all. {52775}{52836}What are you doing here? {52975}{53047}There must be thousands of them. {53050}{53099}Fools! {53375}{53422}C4. {53425}{53602}- Bra'tac, we need that ride now.|- I will be there momentarily. {54050}{54159}- You be able to walk on this?|- Yeah. {54250}{54441}- Tel'chak's device reanimates the dead just as...|- Yeah, whatever. {54625}{54674}Hey, get down. {54975}{55064}What's with the guy from evil dead? {55100}{55167}- Classified?|- Yeah. {55250}{55347}You guys are into some crazy crap man. {55850}{55897}-Go.|- What was that? {55900}{55977}Can't be good. Just punch it. {56100}{56289}- Someone has opened the rear engine access hatch.|- We're mid flight. {57150}{57197}Teal'c. Are you hurt? {57200}{57247}- Indeed.|- Where? {57250}{57299}My pride. {57350}{57431}An old man did what I could not. {57675}{57789}Sam? Sam? No, don't move, just lie still. {57850}{57931}- What hurts?|- Everything. {57950}{57999}That's a good sign. {58275}{58397}Perimeters clear. Just heard from air rescue, they got the guide. {58400}{58571}- Ronhilio?|- Yeah, he's gonna be okay, they'll be here soon. {58600}{58739}- Hey. Nice back up.|- Buddy, any time anywhere. {58800}{58897}You know, I think I should recommend that you be posted to a nicer place. {58900}{59147}A temperate zone, not too hot, not too cold. Fine looking women that put out like broken candy machines. {59150}{59197}Whatever. I'll see what I can do. {59200}{59249}Thanks, buddy. {59325}{59372}Is that, that thing that made that guy do that thing? {59375}{59422}Yeah, it's okay, it's off now. {59425}{59474}Good, that's good. {59500}{59572}Yeah, at least we think it's off. It's not glowing any more so. {59575}{59722}Glowing thing really gives it away so if it's not glowing any more it shouldn't be on any more. {59725}{59822}- Do you want to hold it?|- Nope. {59925}{59974}It's crazy. {60300}{60397}- So. Miss me?|- Of course, Sir. {60400}{60472}Well it couldn't have been that bad. You're all still alive. {60475}{60547}- As are you and Daniel Jackson.|- Daniel? {60550}{60597}I'm fine. We got the device from Tel'chak. {60600}{60672}Good. Hopefully we can engineer a weapon from it. {60675}{60797}You must. Or we will be left helpless to combat these new warriors. {60800}{60897}We have some bad news, Sir. Anubis has an entire army of these super soldiers. {60900}{60947}There are thousands of them. {60950}{61022}The best we were able to do was delay his ability to manufacture more. {61025}{61144}We'll debrief fully in one hour. Welcome home. {61300}{61484}- Hey. So nice command.|- We did manage to make it out alive, Sir. {61550}{61604}There's that. Lunch? {61625}{61774}Timings from polish subs by Ours|English subs made by Balu