{1}{1}25.000 {274}{386}- Receiving a signal. It's the Kelownans.|- Open the iris. {635}{745}- Mr Quinn. It's good to see you again.|- It's good to see you too, sir. {747}{846}I only wish it was|under better circumstances. {880}{925}We need to talk. {952}{1096}For several months we've been analysing|data on the crystal left behind by Thanos. {1098}{1207}It was the Goa'uld|that occupied our planet 3,000 years ago. {1209}{1389}Our progress at first was slow, but we|recently made a major, major discovery. {1428}{1563}It turns out that naquadria|was not originally present. {1582}{1627}- Here.|- What do you mean? {1641}{1694}It's not native to our planet. {1696}{1769}It exists|in the mineral deposits underground. {1771}{1814}I know it does now, {1816}{1949}but we believe that those deposits were|originally made up of ordinary naqahdah. {1951}{2064}- I assume this makes sense to you.|- Actually, no, it doesn't. {2066}{2144}We found a reference|to a process the Goa'uld discovered {2146}{2250}which let them convert raw naqahdah into|naquadria while it's still in the ground. {2252}{2385}It started a chain reaction which has|continued on down through the veins, {2387}{2488}getting deeper and deeper,|and we believe the process is ongoing. {2490}{2582}Are you saying that right now there are|deposits of naqahdah on your planet {2584}{2634}being transformed into naquadria? {2636}{2718}Yes. One very large one in particular. {2720}{2829}We only recently discovered it|because it's so far beneath the surface. {2831}{2940}But as the conversion process goes|deeper, the heat and pressure get higher. {2942}{2993}And naquadria is highly unstable. {2995}{3099}We believe that when it reaches|a certain depth, it's going to explode. {3101}{3156}With enough force to obliterate Kelowna. {5109}{5247}The first few references to the conversion|process that we found were pretty vague. {5249}{5339}I was half-convinced|I'd made a mistake in the translation. {5341}{5407}Then we came across test results {5409}{5567}which show the ratio of naqahdah|to naquadria achieved in the process. {5569}{5619}Check this out. {5665}{5746}The unconverted naqahdah|breaks down into lighter elements. {5748}{5890}I was wondering why we never found any|naquadria anywhere else in the galaxy. {5892}{5964}Now I think it's because|it doesn't exist in nature at all. {5966}{6091}That's why none of the Goa'uld knew|about it until Anubis probed your mind. {6093}{6187}We've got the latest geological data.|It looks like... {6189}{6278}- Oh. Hello.|- Hi. {6308}{6433}Oh... Samantha Carter, this is|Kianna Cyr. This is... Sam Carter. {6435}{6520}- She helps me out on the translations.|- I've heard a lot about you. {6522}{6599}- We could use your expertise right now.|- What you got? {6601}{6680}The naquadria has progressed|deeper than we thought. {6682}{6779}- How much time do we have?|- A few weeks, a month. It's hard to say. {6781}{6889}We must understand how the conversion|process works if we want to stop it. {6891}{6964}Yeah, but the information|on the crystal's incomplete. {6966}{7063}Then we're gonna have|to figure it out for ourselves. {7343}{7411}Ambassador, welcome to Earth. {7413}{7494}- Actually, it's First Minister now.|- First Minister. {7518}{7578}This is Vin Eremal and Lucia Tarthus, {7580}{7647}the Tiranian and Andari representatives|on the council. {7649}{7699}Councillors. {7720}{7770}Right this way. {7915}{7983}I assumed Jonas Quinn|would be joining us. {7985}{8098}He sends his apologies. He's devoting|his attention to the naquadria problem. {8100}{8158}Has any progress been made? {8160}{8217}So far very little, I'm afraid. {8219}{8291}I believe that with the participation|of our friends from Earth, {8293}{8333}a solution will be found. {8335}{8464}We all hope that's the case, but you may|want to consider some contingency plans. {8466}{8540}We can offer you limited relocation|through the Stargate. {8542}{8577}Limited? {8579}{8676}A full evacuation of an industrialised|world is a practical impossibility. {8694}{8748}I'm not sure I understand. {8750}{8871}You invited us here|to propose that we abandon Langara? {8905}{8956}Langara is the new name of our planet. {8973}{9042}It's from an ancient dialect|common to all three nations. {9044}{9094}A symbol of our new unity. {9119}{9215}- Has a nice ring to it.|- It was chosen by a committee. {9217}{9278}We understand|that if this problem cannot be solved, {9280}{9330}Kelowna will suffer severe devastation. {9332}{9419}At which point we are prepared|to offer the survivors humanitarian aid. {9421}{9518}We have limited resources,|but we pledge to do what we can. {9544}{9634}- Are you kidding?|- Has no one explained this to you? {9636}{9711}We have tried.|They seem unwilling to accept the truth. {9713}{9756}If you knew our history, {9758}{9835}you'd understand our reluctance|to believe Kelownan propaganda. {9837}{9896}Our own scientists|have studied the problem. {9898}{9956}While Kelowna|will bear the brunt of the explosion - {9958}{10048}in fact, almost half the country's|landmass will be destroyed - {10050}{10136}you're not taking into account|the debris in the upper atmosphere. {10138}{10242}It will block the sunlight and lower the|average surface temperature significantly. {10257}{10344}Your entire planet will be uninhabitable. {10539}{10660}It makes no sense. Naquadria is a heavier,|less stable isotope than naqahdah. {10662}{10744}Conversion should require|the continuous input of energy. {10746}{10811}But it seems to be continuing on its own. {10813}{10888}- Which is impossible.|- Not necessarily. {10890}{11020}Low-energy fusion can occur in the|presence of certain catalysts like muons. {11022}{11121}I believe that only works for extremely|light materials such as deuterium. {11123}{11227}Kelownan understanding of particle|physics seems to have come a long way. {11229}{11279}We're quick learners. {11281}{11347}I wasn't thinking|about muons specifically. {11349}{11446}Other subatomic particles|could have catalysed this reaction. {11448}{11555}The real question is why didn't this planet|blow up a long time ago? {11557}{11587}What do you mean? {11589}{11639}You haven't figured out the process {11641}{11751}because you've assumed that this|transformation began 3,000 years ago. {11753}{11836}- That's what the historical data indicates.|- Maybe so. {11838}{11922}If you put that aside and assume|the presence of the right catalysts, {11924}{11975}you can account for this reaction. {11977}{12063}- It's just a lot faster than you thought.|- How much faster? {12065}{12128}A deposit|the size of the one you discovered {12130}{12225}could take as little as a few years|to transform completely. {12258}{12308}(rumbling) {12694}{12744}What was that? {12827}{12904}Receiving video transmission, sir. {12930}{12980}Major, what's your situation? {12982}{13064}Most of the fires caused|by the earthquake are under control. {13066}{13145}Dr Fraiser's organising|the distribution of medical supplies. {13147}{13238}- It's hard to believe it was a coincidence.|- It wasn't. {13240}{13323}We traced the epicentre|to a small pocket of converted naquadria {13325}{13378}located about 20km below the surface. {13380}{13415}A small pocket? {13417}{13558}When the main deposit goes, the|explosion will be 100,000 times greater. {13660}{13715}- This planet?|- Madronas. {13717}{13811}- And how far away is it?|- Approximately 14,000 light years. {13860}{13901}Give or take. {13903}{13963}The Madronans|are a peaceful, advanced society {13965}{14029}with resources|to accept thousands of refugees. {14031}{14148}Quinn's reports refer to uninhabited|planets capable of sustaining life. {14150}{14235}The Andari government might consider|relocation if one were available. {14237}{14309}Without infrastructure,|any uninhabited planet {14311}{14381}would not be able to sustain|as many Langaran refugees. {14383}{14451}I'm not suggesting one planet for all of us. {14472}{14517}You want your own planet? {14519}{14625}The Andari people would welcome a fresh|start, given the oppression we've suffered. {14627}{14714}All you suffered under Tiranian rule|was peace and good government! {14716}{14775}And mass arrests, summary executions! {14777}{14874}- In response to terrorist acts!|- Whoa! {14904}{14966}We're getting a bit off-topic here. {14990}{15072}Three separate relocations|is just not practical. {15074}{15147}Madronas is your best bet|to save as many lives as possible. {15485}{15541}Jonas. Major Carter. {15543}{15612}You've discovered something|about the conversion process. {15683}{15758}We determined that the transformation|must have begun {15760}{15834}with a massive bombardment|of subatomic particles {15836}{15922}which catalyse the reaction and allow it|to continue without energy input. {15940}{16015}It's possible|to create these particles in the lab. {16017}{16094}But there's only one way|they could have been produced {16096}{16180}with enough energy to penetrate|several miles into the crust of the planet. {16182}{16244}It was the naquadria bomb test. {16264}{16326}The test|that was conducted two years ago. {16358}{16411}We did this to ourselves. {16665}{16768}Historical documents indicate that Thanos|was destroyed in some cataclysmic event. {16770}{16840}Maybe this explosion|triggered the chain reaction. {16842}{16922}It did. At least with the naqahdah deposit|near the surface. {16924}{17084}Thanos managed to create naquadria|in the lab, but something went wrong. {17086}{17176}The resulting explosion|released the subatomic particles {17178}{17249}which catalysed the conversion|of the first vein of naqahdah. {17251}{17319}The rest of the deposit|transformed in less than a year. {17321}{17374}After that it lay in the ground. {17376}{17459}Another 10,000 years and it would have|decayed back into naqahdah - {17461}{17511}if you hadn't mined it first. {17513}{17656}Then we set off the bomb, which started|the conversion of the second, deeper vein. {17778}{17828}This is outrageous. {17830}{17930}If what you say is true, the Kelownan|government bears full responsibility {17932}{17982}for the imminent destruction of Langara. {17984}{18058}Your governments formed an alliance|to attack Kelowna. {18060}{18110}We were looking to defend ourselves. {18112}{18191}We went to a heightened war alert|after we learned of your research. {18193}{18288}- Which proves you were spying on us.|- What choice did we have? {18290}{18370}We weren't going to rely on the|Kelownan government to tell us the truth. {18372}{18407}Councillors, please. {18409}{18483}These talks must be suspended|until I confer with my cabinet. {18485}{18547}- For crying out loud!|- Jack. {18549}{18599}Who cares whose fault it is? {18601}{18679}Your planet is gonna blow up.|The whole damn planet, Daniel! {18681}{18747}I think it's best if we all take a little recess. {18820}{18870}(groans) {18872}{18934}General. {18936}{18986}- I say we send 'em packing.|- Indeed. {18988}{19054}We still have the potential|to save thousands of lives. {19056}{19125}And yet|they don't seem to understand or care. {19127}{19213}This is diplomacy, the way|the game is played. It takes patience. {19215}{19279}Yeah? Well, I'm fresh out. {19281}{19331}As am I. {19376}{19431}I think you're on your own. {19701}{19783}However many times you go over this,|we'll come to the same conclusion. {19785}{19867}There is simply no way|to reverse the process. {19869}{19924}Maybe we don't have to. {19926}{19986}According to the latest geological data, {19988}{20057}there's a minor fault line|crossing the vein of naqahdah {20059}{20121}about a kilometre above the large deposit. {20123}{20207}If we could somehow|trigger a move along the fault line, {20209}{20314}we could isolate the advancing naquadria|and break off the chain reaction. {20329}{20407}- How do we do that?|- Set off a large explosion near the fault. {20409}{20501}Stargate Command|could provide a small nuclear device. {20503}{20571}The only problem is|we'd have to get it down there, {20573}{20654}which means drilling|through 20 kilometres of solid rock. {20753}{20859}- What?|- There's something I wanna show you. {21466}{21516}It took us 2.5 years to build, {21518}{21602}at a cost of over half|the annual Kelownan research budget. {21636}{21721}A deep-underground excavation vehicle. {21771}{21798}Cool. {21883}{22044}The fore and aft sections have both|been outfitted with titanium cutter heads, {22046}{22190}each of which can withstand or apply|thrusts of up to 50 metric tonnes. {22221}{22276}What kind of advance rate? {22278}{22355}Uh... about 80 metres per hour. {22380}{22502}I know it's not fast enough, but I do have|an idea for a little adjustment {22504}{22569}that'll give us a lot more speed. {22571}{22621}Tok'ra tunnel crystals. {22623}{22699}Modified to work|in conjunction with the cutter heads. {22701}{22774}Pretty impressive.|Mind if I look at your power systems? {22776}{22838}After you. {22986}{23069}- Do we have to show her everything?|- Kianna. {23071}{23121}Everybody has an agenda, Jonas. {23123}{23213}Her people have made no secret|of their interest in our naquadria deposits. {23215}{23288}Look, I've wanted to come forward|with this for a long time, {23290}{23353}but I always got overruled by the cabinet. {23355}{23438}- Now we have no choice.|- We don't need her. {23440}{23511}We can go to the Tok'ra ourselves. {23513}{23603}I worked with these people|for over a year. {23605}{23673}I trust them with my life. {23996}{24034}Don't worry. {24226}{24276}The machine was designed|to mine naquadria. {24278}{24383}In the terms of our alliance, information|relating to naquadria is to be shared. {24385}{24415}We were misled. {24417}{24497}We intended to tell you|once the prototype was fully operational. {24499}{24563}Do you take us for idiots? {24565}{24639}It was you that created this disaster. {24641}{24729}And now you expect to benefit|by acquiring alien technology? {24731}{24854}It was unfortunate the Kelownans|didn't reveal this information sooner. {24856}{24948}However, regarding the Tok'ra crystals,|you really have no choice. {24950}{25038}Without them we won't reach the|naquadria vein in time to save your world. {25040}{25090}It's that simple. {25275}{25333}Wow. Jonas. {25335}{25408}This technology|is beyond anything I've seen in Kelowna. {25423}{25539}I made some adjustments based on|what I learned in Stargate Command. {25541}{25581}Pretty amazing. {25583}{25661}Yeah, I tell you,|most of the credit goes to Kianna. {25663}{25715}- Kianna?|- Oh, yeah. {25717}{25805}She took what she learned from me|and made modifications to the hydraulics, {25807}{25901}the shielding mechanisms, everything. {25903}{26023}Without her, this thing would be|months away from being operational. {26044}{26104}You two|have been working closely on this. {26119}{26186}Yeah, I guess. {26198}{26286}- What?|- Come on, Jonas, I'm not blind. {26288}{26345}What's going on? {26347}{26422}Let's just say|that it's in the development stage. {26424}{26475}Although I do find her interesting. {26496}{26550}I bet you do. {27857}{27943}Teal'c.|I trust your mission was a success? {27945}{28031}Indeed. The crystals you requested. {28033}{28103}Thank you. {28105}{28167}How are the negotiations progressing? {28169}{28265}Well, they finally agreed to send|a three-person delegation to Madronas {28267}{28319}to evaluate it as an evacuation site. {28321}{28371}What of Jonas and Major Carter? {28373}{28445}They're adjusting|the Kelownan excavation machine. {28447}{28530}It should be ready for launch|within 24 hours. {28740}{28874}Hey. Just in time to help me|run a few diagnostic programs. {28969}{29004}What? {29006}{29110}Jonas, did you design|the primary power distribution circuits? {29112}{29162}I didn't really design anything. {29164}{29220}I did make suggestions for upgrades. {29222}{29309}Based on advanced technology|you encountered with SG-1? {29311}{29367}Yeah, that's right. {29369}{29419}Why, what's wrong? {29421}{29473}The hardware's different, {29475}{29561}but the basic principle|is very similar to a Goa'uld design. {29577}{29645}- That's impossible.|- I went over it three times. {29647}{29700}I probably wouldn't have noticed {29702}{29882}if I hadn't calculated that the generators|were operating at 130% efficiency. {29884}{29946}No. {29948}{30055}- There's some mistake.|- Jonas, who did design the system? {30308}{30372}Jonas, what's going on? {30374}{30440}- We know.|- What are you talking about? {30442}{30530}- Who do you serve?|- Jonas, whatever you think... {30532}{30628}- Whatever she told you is a lie.|- They searched your quarters. {30630}{30733}Do you want to explain why they found|a Goa'uld communication device? {30940}{31000}(deep voice) Very well.|You know the truth. {31002}{31071}Now how shall we proceed? {31262}{31357}I'm assuming this is the drug|that allowed you to escape detection. {31359}{31446}It somehow masks the presence|of a symbiote, right? {31467}{31535}I'm sending this|back to the SGC for analysis. {31537}{31588}How long have you been on this planet? {31590}{31653}We knew Anubis came here for a reason. {31655}{31761}After his defeat I was despatched to find|out why he was so interested in this place. {31763}{31835}So you work for Baal? {31837}{31892}I gained access to Kelowna's research {31894}{31984}by implanting myself|in a scientist on the naquadria project. {31986}{32033}Let me talk to Kianna. {32064}{32131}In a small way|I've grown to admire this host. {32133}{32252}She is exceptionally astute.|A superior specimen. {32254}{32284}Let me talk to her. {32286}{32377}I made the major modifications|to the excavator. {32379}{32479}If you wish to complete this undertaking,|you will require my assistance. {32481}{32533}Why would you help us? {32559}{32656}We share a common goal.|I too wish to save this world. {32658}{32778}So you can hand it over to Baal?|I don't think so. {32780}{32861}(as Kianna) Jonas. {32905}{32949}Kianna? {32951}{33019}She's right. You're going to need her. {33094}{33157}Let her help you,|for the sake of our people. {33159}{33276}It's not her, Jonas. It's a Goa'uld|trying to fool us. We've seen it before. {33278}{33351}No. Jonas, please. {33396}{33472}Get her outta here. {33629}{33687}Depth is 2200 metres. {33689}{33775}Speed 1.5 metres per second. {33807}{33875}- The drills are running hot.|- All right. {33877}{33972}Bring down your RPMs.|Don't overcompensate. {33998}{34151}- I can't stay ahead of these adjustments.|- You're gonna stall us out. Power up. {34153}{34208}(drill stops) {34210}{34279}You stripped the drill heads. {34281}{34348}Control. End simulation. {34392}{34479}Jonas, we've got a problem. {34506}{34575}(Tarthus) Could this|be the result of Goa'uld sabotage? {34577}{34666}No. Major Carter believes|the Goa'uld's modifications {34668}{34753}have improved the speed|and efficiency of the drills. {34755}{34818}The system requires|constant adjustments {34820}{34887}according to the material|it's passing through. {34889}{34989}It's kind of like shifting gears in a racecar. {34991}{35084}Major Carter isn't confident|in her ability to run the drill. {35086}{35170}She thinks the best person for the job|is the Goa'uld. {35172}{35222}You can't be serious. {35224}{35301}We could overhaul the system|and eliminate the modifications, {35303}{35408}but that would reduce the speed|of the excavator and it would take weeks. {35410}{35460}We don't have that kind of time. {35462}{35525}The Goa'uld could have|sabotaged it any time. {35527}{35600}Instead she helped Jonas|improve several key systems. {35602}{35679}Only to preserve|the naquadria deposit for Baal. {35681}{35770}Maybe so, but averting the explosion|is our first priority. {35772}{35844}Without the Goa'uld, we have no chance. {36261}{36315}You've made the right choice. {36317}{36374}Your confidence in me|will not go unrewarded. {36376}{36488}We had no choice. And for the record,|our confidence in you is minimal. {36510}{36632}Which is, no doubt,|why the shol'va will be accompanying us. {36685}{36742}And why all of you are armed. {36802}{36892}- Who calibrated the primary inductors?|- I did. {36894}{36980}Launch now and you will burn|through them before you pass 100 metres. {37027}{37077}Right. I'll take navigation. {37079}{37150}Teal'c, take shields and life support. {37167}{37217}Indeed. {37395}{37488}(man) We are go for launch|in 30 seconds. {37527}{37590}Powering up. {37592}{37666}Engines are at 70%. {37719}{37769}80. {37794}{37889}- Shields are active.|- (Carter) Navigation computer is online. {37891}{37954}Engines are at full power. {37968}{38018}Control, we're set to go for launch... {38036}{38208}in five... four... three... two... one. {38536}{38610}We've just received word from Kelowna. {38612}{38723}Our security personnel monitored|a communication device of Kianna's. {38725}{38793}Apparently a message|has come through from Baal. {38795}{38895}She's overdue to report. He's waiting|for her to send a transmission. {38897}{38989}- And if she doesn't?|- They'll come to find out what happened. {38991}{39062}That's a distinct possibility. {39130}{39180}(beeping) {39238}{39268}What is it? {39270}{39338}We are losing coolant pressure|in one of the forward tubes. {39340}{39418}We must have broken a seal. {39420}{39495}Major Carter, take the controls. {39497}{39547}Where are you going? {39549}{39640}I can divert coolant from the aft,|but I have to do it from the engine room. {39642}{39687}I'm coming with you. {39752}{39828}You still do not trust me, do you? {39830}{39880}No. {39940}{40015}Is there any way to contact the excavator? {40017}{40112}They're too deep. No radio signal|could penetrate that much solid rock. {40114}{40212}Telling them about Baal's message|will not change anything. {40214}{40264}If the Goa'uld doesn't make it back? {40266}{40324}That would only happen|if the mission fails. {40326}{40394}If that's the case,|Baal will be the least of your problems. {40396}{40494}I suggest we get back|to planning your relocation. {40654}{40744}- Check it now.|- Forward pressure's rising. {40791}{40841}We're good. {40912}{40986}Maybe now you'll believe|that I wish this mission to succeed? {40988}{41040}Yeah - for the wrong reasons. {41042}{41166}Has it ever occurred to you that serving|Baal may not be my only interest here? {41168}{41295}I never thought I'd find|the company of a human so intriguing. {41324}{41390}And suddenly I repulse you? {41392}{41452}Not that long ago you felt differently. {41454}{41555}That was before I found out who you are.|What you are. {41557}{41706}And yet the fact remains...|you never knew the host before I took her. {41708}{41809}All this time it was never Kianna,|it was always me. {42015}{42093}(beeping) {42108}{42159}- What is happening?|- I'm not sure. {42161}{42236}We're still on course, still descending. {42454}{42513}Hull temperature is rising rapidly. {42515}{42567}300 degrees. {42569}{42618}400 degrees and still rising. {42620}{42680}Is there any volcanic activity in the area? {42682}{42752}Mount Kallan. But it's been dormant|for hundreds of years. {42754}{42850}Just because it's dormant doesn't mean|there couldn't be magma flows. {42852}{42922}Hull temperature is 700 degrees|and still rising. {42937}{43014}We're passing through a river|of molten rock. {43188}{43277}Daniel, how's the whole diplomacy thing|working out for you? {43279}{43334}The latest argument's about selection - {43336}{43455}a lottery, assigning positions or setting up|a committee to discuss the problem. {43457}{43613}I remind them they're facing annihilation,|but they can't face their own mistrust. {43615}{43739}- I think I can help you out on this.|- What do you mean? {43758}{43809}Hull temperature is 1100 degrees. {43811}{43918}- The ship will not take much more of this.|- Divert power to the shields. {43920}{43987}We have no way of knowing|how thick this vein of magma is. {43989}{44091}- If we turn back now, we may survive.|- I said divert power to the shields. {44247}{44376}Power diverted. Although I'm not sure|how much difference it will make. {44391}{44477}Hull temperature is 1200 degrees. {44513}{44605}Do you really want to risk your life|for the people of this world, Major? {44607}{44704}I am not so sure|they would do the same for you. {44788}{44852}We're losing hull integrity! {45080}{45130}Teal'c? {45145}{45243}Hull temperature is dropping.|1100 degrees and still falling. {45314}{45364}We made it through. {45465}{45515}Very impressive. {45616}{45696}Kelowna will accept nothing less|than equal representation. {45698}{45791}Really? Kelowna is solely responsible|for this problem. {45793}{45875}(Dreylock) Need I remind you|that the Stargate is in our possession? {45877}{45932}- (Tarthus) For the moment.|- Is that a threat? {45934}{46047}When it comes to the survival of our|people, we will do whatever is necessary. {46049}{46157}Now you want a war? We're trying to save|your world and you wanna destroy it? {46159}{46221}Save your breath, Daniel. {46271}{46355}- You folks are done.|- I don't understand. {46374}{46466}Well, you see,|we actually like the Madronans. {46468}{46518}They're nice people. {46520}{46634}We've decided there's no way|we'd subject them to the likes of you. {46668}{46724}Deal's off. You're toast. {46754}{46818}- General?|- Colonel O'Neill's right. {46820}{46895}You can stay until we hear back|from Jonas and Major Carter. {46988}{47043}It's what you get for dickin' around. {47144}{47192}Something's wrong. {47194}{47290}We're losing speed.|1.5 metres per second and slowing. {47292}{47390}It is the forward drills.|They were damaged by the magma. {47392}{47452}They are coming apart. {47580}{47657}- We stopped.|- Forward drill's finished. {47695}{47745}Cutting power. {47805}{47911}- It's as deep as we're gonna get.|- What is our position? {47948}{48043}We're still over a kilometre|from the target. {48107}{48156}What if we drop the bomb here? {48158}{48276}We're too far from the fault line.|It would be pointless. {48294}{48359}Then we have failed. {48670}{48769}- We have to go back and repair the ship.|- Too much damage. It'll take weeks. {48771}{48863}I'm sorry, Jonas,|but we don't have a choice. {48904}{48981}We still have crystals. We can use those|to tunnel the rest of the way. {48983}{49091}- They'd never make it far enough.|- If we focus them, {49093}{49151}we can dig a passage|big enough for one person. {49153}{49228}- That will give us the distance we need.|- It might work. {49230}{49355}But at this depth, the heat and the gases|would penetrate even a Tok'ra tunnel. {49357}{49410}- It would be suicide.|- I will go. {49573}{49623}Do not worry, Major Carter. {49625}{49741}I may be intrigued by your willingness|to sacrifice yourself, but I do not share it. {49743}{49829}- My symbiote will protect me.|- Why take the risk? {49848}{49915}You still think of me|as nothing but a servant of Baal. {49917}{49974}You are mistaken. {49976}{50048}You haven't told him about the naquadria? {50050}{50100}Not yet. {50102}{50161}You want it for yourself. {50250}{50346}The fact remains that I am the only one|who can complete this mission. {50658}{50703}The tunnel is complete. {50705}{50756}You understand|the detonation procedure? {50758}{50840}Of course. It is a simple enough device. {52072}{52124}I am in position. {52259}{52309}I am setting... {52346}{52396}the detonator. {52584}{52634}(beeping) {52713}{52770}This is not good. {52944}{53000}Kianna, this is Major Carter. Do you read? {53036}{53061}Go ahead. {53063}{53135}We're losing power. I think|the generators have been damaged. {53149}{53255}I was afraid of that.|How much power do you have left? {53272}{53338}We're down to 70%. {53432}{53524}- So much for my empire!|- Say again. {53571}{53669}If you begin the ascent now, {53704}{53797}you may have enough power|to reach the surface. {53810}{53902}- We're not leaving you behind.|- You have no choice. {53904}{54007}If the power drops below 50%, {54009}{54144}you will not even be able|to restart the engines. {54160}{54210}I am already dead. {54221}{54291}If you wait, you die too. {54380}{54461}This is Jonas. There's still time left.|Start back immediately. {54477}{54589}If you are doing this|out of concern for the host, {54591}{54653}you need not bother. {54688}{54823}The body is already severely damaged. {54825}{54919}Even if we make it back, {54921}{54994}I may not be able to keep her alive. {54996}{55115}Listen to me. We're not going without you,|so shut up and get moving. {55785}{55895}- We should have heard by now.|- Something went wrong. {56037}{56100}Power's down to 53%. {56124}{56213}She's taking twice as long to get back|as she took to get down. {56215}{56266}Kianna? This is Jonas. {56268}{56322}Come in. Over. {56380}{56430}Please respond. {56467}{56538}I believe we have no choice|but to begin our ascent. {56613}{56663}(banging) {56903}{56962}(groans) {57121}{57203}I'll take care of her. Get us outta here. {57284}{57348}Powering up engines. {57376}{57450}Beginning ascent. {57547}{57635}- You waited.|- You held up your end of the bargain. {57637}{57705}Was that your only reason? {57808}{57875}I already know your answer. {57927}{57996}(groans) {58128}{58197}Unscheduled offworld activation. {58475}{58549}- Receiving a signal. Audio only.|- Put it through. {58551}{58640}- Gate control to First Minister Dreylock.|- This is Dreylock. Go ahead. {58642}{58729}We're receiving reports.|A major seismic disturbance. {58731}{58801}Survey places the epicentre|at the target coordinates. {58803}{58861}- They did it.|- Any word from the excavator? {58863}{58925}Negative. {58993}{59145}- The power reserves are near depletion.|- We're almost there. Ten seconds. {59190}{59345}Five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One. {59886}{59936}You miss it? {59982}{60051}Yeah. I do. {60120}{60207}Judging from what you've got to deal with|in Kelowna, I'm not surprised. {60209}{60298}I'd take danger over|one of those council meetings any day. {60300}{60345}Yeah. {60347}{60462}I don't know what Jack said to 'em, but|they are being a little more cooperative. {60464}{60524}Let's hope it lasts. {60580}{60673}- How are you feeling?|- Fine, I guess. {60675}{60765}I remember everything,|but it's like a dream. {60767}{60851}- The symbiote's dead.|- She saved me. {60853}{60920}She could have let me die with her,|but she didn't. {61000}{61124}You may find this hard to believe, but she|appreciated everything you did for her. {61126}{61187}That you tried to do. {61370}{61420}Time to go home. {62757}{62833}Visiontext Subtitles: Gill Parrott