{1}{1}25.000 {147}{210}Previously on "Stargate SG-1": {212}{301}This is the base of the Tauri.|Why are there Jaffa? {303}{399}- Rebel warriors.|- Jaffa who've turned against the Goa'uld. {401}{494}- Is that going to be a problem?|- Not for us. {556}{654}Somebody want to tell me|what's going on here? {656}{682}It's history. {684}{817}For 2,000 years, every time a Tok'ra died|by a staff weapon, a Jaffa was holding it. {841}{931}This was obviously intended|to be a new form of foot soldier. {933}{1027}I serve Anubis. {1029}{1113}He's got the strength|and healing powers of a normal Goa'uld, {1115}{1173}but none of the normal personality traits. {1175}{1280}(Selmak) This being was not alive|when it was first grown. {1282}{1323}Frankenstein's monster. {1325}{1437}(Selmak) Thousands of years ago Goa'uld|found a device created by the Ancients. {1439}{1591}With it, maybe we can devise a weapon|to counteract its life-giving energy. {2057}{2123}- Where's the matrix crystal?|- By the primaries. {2125}{2212}I can't find anything in here.|I had a system at the Alpha site. {2214}{2310}Its location was compromised when|Anubis used his mind probe on Jonas. {2312}{2434}- Did you really want to hang around?|- I want to work as efficiently as possible. {2436}{2527}Anubis' drones are kicking the crap|out of the System Lords. We're next. {2529}{2591}This prototype should've|been done weeks ago. {2593}{2729}- It's done. It's just not... finished.|- Interesting distinction. {2731}{2840}We just got Telchak's device. I'm amazed|we came up with something so quickly. {2842}{2970}In this form, it's only 70% effective|in countering the reanimation technology. {2972}{3086}That's because your power unit hasn't|been properly calibrated. This'll be better. {3088}{3147}Maybe. {3149}{3236}Have you not had|your coffee this morning? {3272}{3340}Selmak doesn't like coffee. {3342}{3429}You gave up coffee for your symbiote? {3455}{3532}- I didn't know that.|- We never talk any more, Sam. {3534}{3569}(sighs) {3571}{3627}(alarm) {3650}{3703}- What's happening?|- We're under attack. {3705}{3814}Goa'uld ships entering the atmosphere.|Colonel Riley's ordered evac to Beta. {3816}{3874}We're bugging out right now. {5729}{5772}(O'Neill) What happened? {5774}{5853}Approximately 20 minutes ago,|the approach of Goa'uld ships {5855}{5958}- prompted evacuation of the Alpha site.|- Sam was doing research there. {5969}{6074}She and Jacob were working on a weapon|to neutralise Anubis' new soldiers. {6076}{6140}We have no idea what|happened to either of them. {6142}{6241}- How many people got out?|- Casualty reports are still coming in, {6243}{6336}but 90 are still missing, including|the base commander, Colonel Riley. {6338}{6410}I thought the location|of the Alpha site was secret. {6412}{6467}It's a completely new address. {6469}{6543}Evidently the Goa'uld|have discovered its whereabouts. {6545}{6600}Chevron seven locked. {6723}{6818}Wormhole stable, sir.|No radio chatter. {6837}{6924}- Send the MALP.|- Yes, sir. {7173}{7238}MALP is en route. {7247}{7307}Receiving MALP telemetry. {7353}{7414}My instruments say|the MALP is on its side. {7416}{7504}- You still have camera control?|- Yes, sir. {7712}{7839}If the Stargate fell over and it's face down,|the event horizon would've dug a cavity. {7841}{7902}When the MALP came through|it fell into the hole. {7904}{7969}There's no way to know|if the DHD survived. {7971}{8043}- If we had another power source...|- We can dial out manually. {8045}{8135}- Possibly under enemy fire.|- We'll be fine, sir. {8137}{8210}The gate dug the perfect foxhole. {8231}{8336}- You have a go. Good luck, Colonel.|- Thank you, sir. {9303}{9345}Wow. {9347}{9429}This destruction does not|appear to be from aerial assault. {9431}{9480}Single-radius blast. {9482}{9550}Quite possibly the self-destruct... {9567}{9667}to prevent the Alpha site|from falling into enemy hands. {9830}{9980}- So, we'll split up, search for survivors.|- Who could've survived this? {10016}{10100}- Start with the tree line there.|- Copy. {10119}{10169}Move out. {11098}{11143}O'Neill? {11266}{11321}What do you got? {11451}{11543}This is the armour|of one of Anubis' drones. {11687}{11714}Reynolds? {11818}{11909}- Go ahead.|- Be advised. We may not be alone here. {11911}{12020}At least one of Anubis' goons might|have been on the planet when it blew. {12022}{12078}Use extreme caution. {12080}{12130}Understood. {12241}{12291}(twig snaps) {12590}{12633}Colonel. {12667}{12722}Major Green. You all right? {12724}{12823}I'm fine, sir.|We got some serious injuries here. {12881}{13001}- Any other survivors in the area?|- As far as I know, we're the only ones, sir. {13014}{13110}- O'Neill?|- Go ahead. {13112}{13198}- Found 12, but they're not in good shape.|- How bad? {13200}{13281}Some can walk, but most need|immediate medical treatment. {13283}{13340}Major Carter with 'em? {13435}{13485}I'm afraid not. {13592}{13668}(O'Neill) SG-3's gonna need help|to get the gate back up. {13670}{13792}SGs 11 and 21 are assembling now.|I'll be sending them through momentarily. {13794}{13914}However, that means a delay before I can|send any other resources to help search. {13916}{13973}Getting the wounded out is our priority. {13975}{14073}Agreed, but if there are any other|survivors they may not have a lot of time. {14075}{14135}Understood, sir. We'll keep trying. {14287}{14332}Jacob! {14592}{14674}- (Jacob) Anubis' drones.|- We know. {14676}{14788}Take this. It's not 100%,|but it's all we've got. {14816}{14886}It only has a few more shots. {14924}{14983}Sam has a fully-charged power unit. {14985}{15043}- Where is she?|- I don't know. {15096}{15171}I don't even know if she's still alive. {15775}{15870}- How are you doing?|- It's nothing Selmak can't handle. {15872}{15934}We need to know what happened. {15936}{16009}How did Anubis get the location|to the new Alpha site? {16011}{16068}I have no idea. {16070}{16150}I was with Sam when|the self-destruct went off. {16152}{16252}One of the drones was|chasing us into the forest. {16254}{16403}George, if I survived the blast,|you know that thing survived as well. {16470}{16562}- What about the prototype weapon?|- I gave it to Colonel O'Neill. {16564}{16659}But it's only semieffective|in its current configuration. {16661}{16717}The upgraded power unit was with Sam. {16719}{16805}- And we have no idea where she is?|- She's still missing. {16807}{16904}Is there anything else we can use|against these drones? {16906}{16997}Their armour is impervious|to energy weapons and regular firearms. {16999}{17057}What about the drones killed in the blast? {17059}{17160}Kinetic energy, an explosion of that size...|They can't ignore physics. {17162}{17280}- So with enough kinetic energy...|- It would have to be a lot. {17282}{17418}- How about a missile?|- That might do it, if you get close enough. {17420}{17467}Sergeant Siler. {17529}{17630}- Prepare a UAV with UCAV specs.|- Yes, sir. {17878}{17921}Am I in trouble, sir? {17923}{18060}The Alpha site has been compromised,|indicating we've got a security breach. {18062}{18174}The Pentagon is demanding|I launch a formal inquiry immediately. {18176}{18229}Just tell me what happened, son. {18231}{18354}To tell you the truth, I'm not entirely sure. I|was still at chow when the alarm went off. {18356}{18460}By the time I got to the command centre,|Colonel Riley had ordered the evacuation. {18462}{18544}- What about the Stargate?|- It was hit by an Alkesh bomber. {18546}{18633}We were cut off. That's when|the drones landed in scout ships. {18635}{18698}They took all we threw at them|and just kept coming. {18700}{18763}So Colonel Riley|ordered the self-destruct? {18765}{18829}He knew there was|sensitive material on the base. {18831}{18924}He stayed with the device|so the enemy couldn't disarm it. {18926}{19066}He told the rest of us that we had|one minute to make it to the tree line. {19089}{19226}- I should've stayed with him.|- You were following orders, Major. {19254}{19299}Yes, sir. {19301}{19415}Was there any unusual activity|at the Alpha site in the last few days? {19417}{19517}Any unscheduled gate activations|or unexplained signals? {19519}{19629}- No, sir.|- What about the Jaffa and the Tok'ra? {19654}{19765}They haven't been getting along very well,|but there's nothing unusual about that. {19767}{19854}I want a list of all personnel -|human, Tok'ra and Jaffa - {19856}{19936}who've used the Alpha site gate|in the last 48 hours. {19948}{19988}Yes, sir. {20121}{20160}(Teal'c) Footprints. {20358}{20410}Standard issue from the SGC. {20412}{20533}Indeed. The depth of the impression|is consistent with Major Carter's size. {20535}{20618}- There's another set over there.|- Someone much larger. {20620}{20660}Perhaps a drone. {20699}{20725}Yeah. {20766}{20877}Do you believe this prototype weapon|will be effective against it? {20879}{20969}We'll jump off that bridge|when we come to it. {21060}{21167}- So how's the leg?|- Getting there, slowly but surely. {21169}{21249}Yeah, slowly. The way you heal,|it'll probably take a day. {21251}{21340}You didn't come here|to ask me about my leg. {21342}{21422}You want to know what happened to Sam. {21424}{21450}Yeah. {21545}{21695}The base was under attack. We could|hear the explosions getting closer, {21697}{21784}and the sound|of scout ships approaching. {21804}{21874}- We have to leave now!|- Just gimme a second! {21876}{21977}(Jacob) But we had to download the|weapon design into the matrix crystal {21979}{22025}and wipe the computer memory. {22027}{22154}- You have the prototype!|- We can't leave this data for them to find. {22156}{22231}- How much longer?|- Finished! {22643}{22693}It worked. {22756}{22809}Not good enough. {22892}{22966}Let's get the hell out of here. {22968}{23023}The Stargate was hit. {23025}{23104}We couldn't get out... {23106}{23174}so we ran for the hills. {23185}{23247}The drone followed us. {23293}{23396}If Sam is still alive, it's still after her. {23426}{23510}Maybe it was just hiding,|waiting to go back through the gate. {23512}{23662}Out of all the rooms on that base,|why did it come to that lab? {23702}{23786}And why did it chase us,|as opposed to anyone else? {23788}{23882}You think it knew about the prototype? {23884}{23990}I think that was|the whole reason for the attack. {23992}{24157}Anubis knows we have the only weapon|in the galaxy able to stop his soldiers. {24159}{24218}And Sam has the design. {24232}{24322}That thing won't stop until it finds her. {24549}{24613}- Sergeant Siler, report.|- It's ready to go. {24615}{24692}- Well done. I want it airborne now.|- Yes, sir. {24694}{24793}General, the leader of the Jaffa survivors|is cleared for debriefing. {24795}{24892}- I want to speak to him immediately.|- Yes, sir. {24983}{25089}- I do not know why I'm being questioned.|- We need to determine what happened. {25091}{25193}If you wish to know who betrayed|your base, I suggest you ask the Tok'ra. {25195}{25266}- Why do you say that?|- They are without honour. {25268}{25339}- They're your allies.|- Then why will they not help us? {25341}{25392}- What do you mean?|- Even as we speak, {25394}{25465}Anubis is moving against|the System Lord Olokun. {25467}{25532}Drones slaughter Jaffa|that stand against them. {25534}{25625}- They are dying for a hopeless cause.|- What's that got to do with the Tok'ra? {25627}{25746}We believe they have a spy in Olokun's|higher ranks, close enough to kill him. {25748}{25811}The Tok'ra inform us of their operations. {25813}{25909}I have no knowledge|of any spy in Olokun's ranks. {25911}{26011}Then they are lying to you too. With their|master dead, the siege would be over {26013}{26085}and Olokun's Jaffa would be|free to join our movement. {26087}{26253}Our logs show that a group of Jaffa left the|site less than 24 hours before the attack. {26255}{26326}- You sent your own people, didn't you?|- Yes. {26328}{26415}- Have they reported back?|- They have not. {26417}{26503}- If they were captured by Anubis...|- No Jaffa would yield to torture. {26505}{26563}Anubis doesn't have to resort to torture. {26565}{26679}He has technology that allows him|to simply read a prisoner's mind. {26681}{26803}When Heru-ur was killed, I was forced|to pledge allegiance to Apophis. {26805}{26871}The slayer of my master|became my master. {26873}{26944}So it has been for all Jaffa|for thousands of years. {26946}{27045}But now we can choose to fight our|oppressors. We can choose to be free. {27047}{27190}I ask only that the Jaffa who serve Olokun|be given that same choice. {27208}{27294}If you let me go to the Beta site|to speak to the other survivors, {27296}{27411}I may be able to discover|what happened to the Jaffa we sent. {27435}{27484}Very well. {27558}{27633}- (Hammond) Colonel O'Neill?|- General. {27635}{27678}Status report. {27680}{27771}We found tracks, sir.|They could be Carter's. {27773}{27847}- What direction?|- East, up into the hills. {27849}{27909}The high ground|is a more defensible position. {27911}{28045}Understood. I'll have the UAV fly a|search pattern in that area. Hammond out. {28249}{28299}(footsteps) {29162}{29212}(footsteps fade) {29497}{29540}Jacob. {29563}{29644}- Any news on Sam?|- Not yet. {29646}{29753}We have a UAV airborne|and all available SG teams are searching. {29766}{29916}I don't know anyone tougher or more|resourceful. She'll find a way out of this. {29967}{30022}How's the investigation going? {30024}{30084}I've been meaning|to talk to you about that. {30086}{30188}Do you know anything about|a Tok'ra operative within Olokun's ranks? {30190}{30217}No. {30219}{30286}The Jaffa say|you have a spy in his inner circle. {30288}{30328}They're mistaken. {30330}{30410}- (PA) Unscheduled offworld activation.|- (alarm) {30629}{30713}Did you learn anything at the Beta site? {30715}{30824}Of the Jaffa sent to recruit rebels from|Olokun's army, only one has returned. {30826}{30931}The fate of the others is unknown.|Anubis has won a major victory. {30933}{31050}Thousands of Jaffa have been killed, and|many of Olokun's commanders captured. {31052}{31120}- The Tok'ra spy among them.|- That's impossible. {31122}{31227}If we had someone on the inside,|I would've known about it. {31229}{31279}Are you sure? {33517}{33586}Thank you for|your cooperation in this, Delek. {33588}{33673}I do not see the need|to continue this investigation, General. {33675}{33741}The Jaffa have as much as|admitted responsibility. {33743}{33901}All we know is that some of the men|they sent to recruit rebels didn't return. {33903}{34028}They were captured in Anubis' latest|offensive. It is the logical explanation. {34030}{34120}According to the Jaffa,|a Tok'ra spy was also captured. {34140}{34241}We both know Jaffa intelligence|is not always as reliable as it should be. {34243}{34360}So you're saying you had|no operative in Olokun's ranks? {34385}{34455}I am unable to discuss|such matters at present. {34457}{34536}The terms of our alliance|dictate full disclosure. {34538}{34578}In matters of joint concern. {34580}{34654}Security of the Alpha site|is a matter of joint concern. {34656}{34789}The disposition of our operatives has no|bearing on the security of the Alpha site. {34791}{34858}So you claim. {34860}{34927}You have allies amongst|the other nations of Earth. {34929}{34957}Of course. {34959}{35038}Do you always practise|full disclosure with them? {35040}{35123}We gave you shelter|when you had nowhere else to go. {35125}{35241}Because you needed us. Just as you|brought us Telchak's reanimation device {35243}{35362}because you needed our help to develop|a weapon against Anubis' drones. {35364}{35437}But you are not always so forthcoming. {35439}{35603}For example, your programme to build|hybrid ships using Goa'uld technologies. {35631}{35697}A programme the Tok'ra feel|is extremely unwise. {35699}{35769}We need those ships|for the defence of Earth. {35771}{35831}And so you feel it is|none of our concern. {35833}{35915}You see, General, it works both ways.|You ask us to trust {35917}{36054}that your headlong pursuit of technologies|that you don't understand poses no threat. {36056}{36180}But you fail to offer similar consideration|with our policy on using covert operatives. {36199}{36254}Let me ask you something. {36256}{36380}How many Tok'ra from the Alpha site|are still unaccounted for? {36382}{36453}- Five.|- Do you know how many I'm missing? {36455}{36515}64. {36529}{36684}Believe me, I'm going to get to the bottom|of this, with or without your help. {37965}{38027}I've been expecting you. {38064}{38156}No doubt you've spoken|to General Hammond. {38225}{38321}(Jacob) He says he asked you|if we had a spy in Olokun's inner circle. {38323}{38360}Yes, he did. {38362}{38482}He asked me the same question.|Of course I told him no, {38484}{38581}because only the High Council|could make a decision like that, {38583}{38712}and since I'm on the High Council,|I would know about it. Wouldn't I? {38754}{38798}Got something to tell me? {38800}{38896}If you have a concern, you can|take it up with the Council yourself. {38946}{39031}- Who do you think you're talking to?|- An interesting question. {39033}{39108}It seems I am talking to a human host. {39234}{39289}(Selmak) Make no mistake, Delek. {39291}{39437}I am still Selmak, and I was a leader of the|Tok'ra before you had even taken a host. {39439}{39507}Maybe you've been a leader too long. {39509}{39569}The Tauri are unlike|other humans in the galaxy. {39571}{39668}Their will has not been eroded|by thousands of years of slavery. {39670}{39779}This can be a valuable asset,|but it can also make them dangerous. {39781}{39824}Particularly as hosts. {39826}{39922}Jacob Carter has had no more|influence on me than any other host. {39924}{39978}There are those of us|who would disagree. {39980}{40062}You have allowed yourself|to get too close to these people. {40064}{40141}Your true loyalties are in question. {40176}{40266}You speak for the entire Council? {40268}{40409}You still have your defenders,|although their numbers are diminishing. {40411}{40523}So you did meet without me.|And you did send an operative. {40525}{40618}And if you had known,|would you have told General Hammond? {40620}{40695}They have a right to know. {40697}{40846}We knew you would feel that way, which|is precisely why you were not informed. {41035}{41112}So Delek admits that|this spy has gone missing. {41114}{41139}Yes. {41141}{41262}But the Tok'ra will never acknowledge|that he could have been responsible. {41264}{41356}Tok'ra operatives have orders|never to be taken alive. {41358}{41401}What about a sarcophagus? {41403}{41554}They take precautions to ensure the brain|is not left intact. No revival is possible. {41556}{41630}This is all assuming|the man wasn't taken unawares. {41632}{41730}The system isn't foolproof,|but they won't admit that. {41732}{41868}The truth is, I don't think you'll ever|find out who was responsible for the leak. {41881}{42001}It could've been the Tok'ra or the Jaffa.|It could've been both. Look... {42003}{42148}I've helped as much as I can with this, but|now I'd like to get back to join the search. {42150}{42236}- I need you here.|- I already told you, I'm out of the loop. {42238}{42341}They don't trust me any more. They think|my emotions are clouding my judgment. {42343}{42492}Ironic, considering I'm wasting time while|my daughter is being hunted by that thing. {42494}{42571}We have our best people on this.|They will find her. {42573}{42654}- What do I do until then?|- I just got a report from the Beta site. {42656}{42777}The Jaffa are blaming the Tok'ra for what|happened. There have been altercations. {42779}{42890}If I can't get the situation under control,|I have orders to expel them all. {42892}{42964}Our alliance is falling apart. {42987}{43096}I need someone to bridge the gap,|someone to be the voice of reason. {43098}{43151}I need you. {43379}{43434}(plane overhead) {44310}{44370}- (Reynolds) O'Neill?|- Go ahead. {44372}{44439}The UAVhas been|shot down in your area. {44441}{44611}It's four clicks away on a heading of|320 degrees from your present location. {44633}{44677}We're on it. {44928}{44994}Why have you asked me here? {45093}{45156}- You know what's happening at Beta site.|- I do. {45158}{45244}We need your help to put a stop to it|before it gets out of hand. {45246}{45335}You're a leader amongst the Jaffa.|They'll listen to you. {45378}{45503}What should I say? They must continue|to bear the arrogance of the Tok'ra? {45505}{45641}They must be subservient to those who|had sacrificed so many of their brothers? {45693}{45777}(Selmak) The Jaffa have always been|dependent on the Goa'uld {45779}{45857}because they need symbiotes|to sustain them. {45859}{45921}But now there is|a substance called tretonin, {45923}{45991}which can free the Jaffa|from this dependence. {45993}{46044}I am aware of its significance. {46046}{46191}Are you also aware that millions of|Tok'ra symbiotes died in its development, {46193}{46267}including our beloved Queen Egeria, {46269}{46369}the queen from whom|all our lineage can be traced? {46394}{46456}- I was not.|- For the first time, {46458}{46620}the Tok'ra have fought alongside the Jaffa|and the Tauri, and it's made a difference. {46622}{46784}More System Lords have fallen in the past|seven years than in the 700 years before. {46786}{46861}It is true that together we are strong. {46863}{46936}And, divided, we will die. {47174}{47234}(Jacob) We cannot let our alliance end. {47246}{47309}Your words are wise, {47311}{47422}but my time at the Alpha site|has taught me some bitter lessons. {47424}{47526}I suspect that you|do not speak for all the Tok'ra. {47601}{47627}No. {47651}{47782}Until the others feel as you do,|reconciliation may not be possible. {49319}{49470}Gentlemen, we need your help to keep the|situation at Beta from getting out of hand. {49472}{49596}I'm not sure what you expect of the|Tok'ra. We've had unprovoked assaults. {49598}{49705}Unprovoked? You refused to help us|and thousands of Jaffa died needlessly. {49707}{49823}- Assassinating Olokun was not an option.|- Why not? {49825}{49902}We didn't know how many Jaffa|would join the rebels. {49904}{49971}We could have delivered|an army into Anubis' hands. {49973}{50061}They deserved the right to choose.|Instead, they were slaughtered. {50063}{50128}We have fought the Goa'uld|for thousands of years. {50130}{50187}You have no right|to question our methods. {50189}{50251}You were alone.|You have allies now. {50253}{50298}What good has it done us? {50300}{50418}Since we have been allies, your tendency|to provoke confrontation with the Goa'uld {50420}{50515}has resulted in the deaths of more Tok'ra|than in the previous hundred years. {50517}{50584}I hate to admit it,|but he's got a point. {50586}{50705}When a human or a Jaffa dies,|more are born to take their place. {50707}{50752}Not so for the Tok'ra. {50754}{50870}Our Queen Egeria, from whom|all Tok'ra have spawned, is dead. {50872}{50934}Our numbers are dwindling. {50936}{51042}This alliance may simply|be something we cannot afford. {52994}{53051}(rubble moving) {54258}{54329}Carter, I need the... {54331}{54391}Thanks. {54899}{54955}Cover him. {54975}{55022}Is it... {55056}{55112}Yeah, he's dead. {55186}{55248}Right, Teal'c? He's dead? {55294}{55344}Yeah, he's dead. {55524}{55579}Wanna get up? {55581}{55646}I just need to rest for a minute. {56086}{56145}Come here. {56834}{56932}First of all, we'd like to congratulate|you on the recovery of Major Carter. {56934}{57004}- We are glad to know that she is safe.|- Thank you. {57006}{57114}I have spoken to the High Council with|regard to the situation at the Beta site. {57116}{57236}- They believe the best solution is to leave.|- Is that really necessary? {57238}{57298}If this partnership were to continue, {57300}{57381}you would insist on full disclosure|of our covert operations. {57383}{57440}I'm afraid that's non-negotiable. {57442}{57497}In that case, we must refuse. {57499}{57600}Secrecy is our only weapon.|It's all we've ever known. {57602}{57653}The Jaffa, too, will be leaving. {57655}{57769}- But with the Tok'ra gone...|- We are not leaving because of them. {57771}{57829}We are leaving because|it is what we must do. {57831}{57950}On your base, you dictate the terms. We|must consult you before we take action. {57952}{58047}There are those among us who feel|we simply traded one master for another. {58049}{58165}We're not trying to tell you what to do. We|simply think it's vital to coordinate efforts. {58167}{58282}Unlike the Tauri or the Tok'ra, the Jaffa|are still learning what it means to be free. {58284}{58402}To do this, we must have our own bases,|our own leaders, our own communities. {58404}{58501}We must do this for ourselves,|or it would have no meaning. {58503}{58570}Only then can we be|equal partners in any alliance. {58572}{58632}I'm sorry, this is nuts. {58634}{58740}My friend almost died so we could get|a weapon able to stop Anubis' soldiers. {58742}{58842}Now we're finally able to really make|a difference, and you want to walk away? {58844}{58895}I'm sorry, Dr Jackson. {58897}{58957}This is how it must be. {59422}{59472}Hiya, kid. {59504}{59569}You were asleep for a long time. {59588}{59640}You gave me quite a scare. {59642}{59681}Sorry. {59698}{59776}Jack told me what happened. {59778}{59833}I'm proud of you. {59892}{60041}Look, Sam... I may not be able to come|around as much for the next little while. {60073}{60175}- What do you mean?|- Things kind of got screwed up. {60204}{60260}The alliance is in trouble. {60262}{60354}- I don't understand.|- You don't need to know the details. {60356}{60471}Let's just say we're going|our separate ways for a while. {60495}{60621}If I stay with the Tok'ra,|I can at least try to mend some fences. {60671}{60722}Are you sure? {60724}{60802}I'm not ready to give up on this just yet. {61017}{61096}Don't worry, I'll be back eventually. {61147}{61201}I'll miss you. {61203}{61259}I'll miss you, too. {62103}{62212}Visiontext Subtitles: Katherine Appleby