{1}{1}25.000 {133}{193}{Y:i}Previously on "Stargate SG-1": {195}{252}General Hammond?|This is Mr Bregman. {254}{343}No one around here wants to be|part of your little reality show. {345}{457}The President of the United States|invited me to do this. {459}{548}Look, Mr Bregman. You are here|strictly to document what is going on. {550}{631}Not to pursue anything prejudicial|to Air Force personnel. {633}{658}Call me Emmett. {660}{719}I'm gonna get you|on camera sooner or later. {721}{818}Even if all I get is a series of shots|of you avoiding being got. {820}{880}I hope shots of my ass serve you well. {882}{942}Well, I'll be damned. {968}{1045}- It's my unborn son, sir.|- Take cover! {1107}{1186}After it engaged weapons|it activated a long-range communicator. {1313}{1370}Taking fire! Wells has been hit. {1383}{1446}- Are you flirting with me?|- Ah, well... {1448}{1512}Excuse me, ma'am.|You're required in the ready room. {1514}{1567}That's why we're not allowed to film. {1569}{1654}Every time they open that gate,|something could go wrong. {1656}{1702}All because I wanted an aerial survey. {1704}{1779}Took me too long to figure out|it sent a transmission. {1781}{1849}None of that matters now. {1936}{2001}{Y:i}And now, the conclusion. {2137}{2217}What's going on? You were scheduled|to get shots of the gate. {2219}{2283}- We got bumped again.|- Something's up. {2285}{2367}- You just missed SG-1 in full gear.|- You got it on tape? {2369}{2434}- It's unauthorised.|- Ongoing activity, I know. {2436}{2525}But SG-1? Dr Jackson wasn't going|offworld for days. What's changed? {2527}{2579}- I don't know.|- Something big? {2581}{2639}Something big happens all the time. {2641}{2706}- What's this?|- Follow me. {2751}{2834}- Dr Fraiser!|- I'm sorry, I have to go. {2836}{2941}You're not allowed, Mr Bregman.|And you know that. {4526}{4621}There are days when you feel|the pressure. I'm trained to handle it. {4623}{4662}With all due respect, {4664}{4785}how can anyone be trained to handle|an alien encounter where the stakes, {4787}{4887}if what I'm told is correct,|could be the survival of the planet? {4889}{5002}It's important to remember|that it's not just about this planet. {5004}{5101}Countless humans throughout the galaxy,|that originated here on Earth, {5103}{5175}have been enslaved|for thousands of years. {5177}{5252}We're taking the fight to the Goa'uld|on their behalf. {5254}{5337}How do you think the world is gonna react {5339}{5453}when they discover that an alien war|has been waged without their knowledge? {5498}{5576}I don't think that that's for me to... {5625}{5677}Are you suggesting we shouldn't do this? {5679}{5818}No, I'm not saying we shouldn't defend|ourselves, I'm simply asking your opinion. {5820}{5882}I don't think that's for me to, um... {5918}{5978}No. Stop it right there. {5980}{6027}{Y:i}(Carter) I don't know... {6058}{6118}You see, this is not her fault. {6120}{6250}I backed her into a corner and I don't want|to make this thing look antagonistic, so... {6252}{6301}OK, so lose this? {6303}{6416}Well, skip ahead to after the apology. {6437}{6507}There. That's it. {6509}{6628}{Y:i}(Bregman) One day this secret will come|out. How do you think people will react? {6630}{6731}{Y:i}- Much better way of asking the question.|- (Carter) I honestly don't know. {6733}{6885}{Y:i}I hope they can appreciate everything|we've been through. What it all means. {6887}{7011}{Y:i}I hope that they will understand why the|people in charge chose to keep it a secret. {7013}{7097}{Y:i}(Bregman) Is it difficult|to keep the secret? {7099}{7229}{Y:i}Yeah. Of all the things I do around here,|in many ways that is the hardest. {7231}{7383}{Y:i}Sometimes you look at what's going on|here on Earth and it makes you scream. {7385}{7464}{Y:i}You want to tell people|it is all so much bigger. {7466}{7595}Stop it right there and go right to|Dr Jackson saying "Whether I was right..." {7597}{7669}And you're gonna put me|into the Carter interview. {7671}{7802}Especially the line "Is it difficult|to keep the secret?" All right. Move on. {7804}{7895}{Y:i}(Daniel) Whether I was right|doesn't matter, given the truth. {7897}{7965}{Y:i}- (Bregman) Truth matters to you?|- To everyone, I hope. {7967}{8103}What truth? For the people here on Earth?|Or are we talking about another planet? {8105}{8183}People on other planets|are no less human. {8185}{8301}People who've had their freedom usurped.|People forced to worship false gods. {8303}{8394}But what about people here on Earth?|Are they entitled to the truth? {8396}{8498}- Is that what this is about?|- This? I'm not in control of when this airs. {8500}{8566}{Y:i}Do you think this should get out?|If it were up to you. {8568}{8625}Right there. Cut together. {8627}{8677}Well, that's a complicated issue. {8679}{8845}I'm asking you. Do you think people on|Earth should know about this right now? {8847}{8945}- What do you think would happen?|- People don't care much what I think. {8947}{9036}Cut that line. Nobody cares that|nobody cares what I think. Lose it. {9038}{9106}- OK. It's gone.|- Moving on. {9108}{9205}{Y:i}I haven't done what you've done.|I think people care what you think. {9207}{9344}{Y:i}Well, I think it's a relative question.|And it depends on your point of view. {9366}{9429}No, stop it. This is just terrible. {9431}{9533}Really? I think it's pretty interesting stuff.|You did a good job of... {9535}{9573}Yak, yak, yak, yak. {9575}{9680}- A bunch of talking heads is what it is.|- I could watch Major Carter talk all day. {9682}{9780}We need images to tell this story.|What these people are doing, good or bad, {9782}{9875}makes the lunar landing look like|we were testing our toes in the ocean. {9877}{9969}And what have we got to show for it?|Yak yak yak. Nothing. {9971}{10054}Where's the equivalent shot of Shepherd|golfing on the moon? {10056}{10128}We don't have it.|This is unbelievably boring. {10597}{10713}- Hi, Jack. Thanks for coming.|- I was told you said there were six Jaffa. {10715}{10779}Where'd you learn to count? {11152}{11299}Ships didn't start coming down till|you radioed you were through the gate. {11407}{11538}Something tells me they're throwing|this party in your honour. Got those clips? {11540}{11607}{Y:i}(man) Our position is being compromised. {11609}{11677}{Y:i}We're not gonna be able|to hold the gate for long. {11679}{11772}It doesn't matter. We're not gonna be|able to hold this position for long. {11774}{11874}{Y:i}(Fraiser) I need more time to stabilise|this patient. He can't be moved yet. {11876}{11952}Sir! We gotta fall back! {12266}{12329}Sir! {12916}{13017}That's 50 calibre, right? You can get|really shaken up with that thing. {13019}{13079}- Our guys are trained...|- I'm kidding. {13081}{13165}What is this? Get a shot of this.|Can you explain how this operates? {13167}{13218}Uh, sure. {13220}{13348}Our guys like to play a little Space|Invaders when there's not much going on. {13350}{13455}- Ha ha. Very funny.|- No, obviously I'm kidding. {13457}{13568}It would be completely inappropriate for|any airman to play video games on duty. {13570}{13642}Can we move on?|What's that on the wall here? {13644}{13727}- Here is the manual override for the Iris.|- Are you kidding now? {13729}{13831}- No, I'm serious. Incoming wormhole!|- We're gonna have to leave now. {13833}{13884}- No, keep shooting!|- I can't do that. {13886}{13957}{Y:i}- I can do it.|- (Hammond) Remove that camera crew! {13959}{14004}{Y:i}Now! {14073}{14166}{Y:i}(Carter) We are under fire and have|serious casualties. Coming in hot. {14168}{14246}{Y:i}(man) Receiving SG-1's Iris code, sir. {14248}{14305}{Y:i}(Hammond) Open the Iris. {14307}{14402}{Y:i}- This way, sir.|- (PA) Medical team to the gate room. {14479}{14544}We have to clear this area. {14783}{14865}Sorry about that.|Here, take the damn thing. {14983}{15071}In future, sir, could you leave|the camera work to me? {15095}{15159}I'll leave it to you.|Here she comes. Let's go. {15161}{15275}Don't look at him, we're cleared to shoot|here. Just follow me. Bring the sound! {15277}{15329}- Major! What happened?|- Please. {15331}{15414}I know at least one person was injured.|All I want to say is... {15416}{15518}Look, leave me alone.|And shut that damn thing off! {15520}{15597}No, I just want to say how sorry I am... {15706}{15820}Why is that camera off? You don't know|what you're doing here, maybe I do. {15822}{15877}These people risk their lives for us. {15879}{15972}I want to see what they go through,|even if they don't want us to. {15974}{16027}And I want other people to see it. {16029}{16135}What do you think they're doing out|there? Protecting and defending secrecy? {16137}{16197}That's the world of Mao, of Stalin. {16199}{16331}The world of secret police,|secret trials, secret deaths. {16377}{16514}You force the press into the cold|and all you will get is lies and innuendo. {16516}{16596}And nothing is worse for a free society {16598}{16725}than a press that is in service|to the military and the politicians. {16727}{16772}Nothing! {16793}{16905}You turn that camera off|when I tell you to turn it off! {16931}{17015}You think I give a damn|what you think about me? {17017}{17092}You serve the people. So do I. {17534}{17594}Hey, how you doing? {17596}{17701}I don't suppose you know anything|about what's going on here? {17703}{17790}There are multiple injuries.|At least two people were hit. {17792}{17872}There was a firefight.|One of the teams got ambushed {17874}{17963}so they sent in SG-1, SG-5,|Fraiser and the medical team. {17965}{18033}Someone from the original team|must be badly hurt. {18035}{18119}- A nurse said there was a casualty.|- Someone die? {18121}{18218}- She wouldn't say who.|- Carter wouldn't be crying unless... {18220}{18307}We hear somebody actually|may have died. What have you got? {18309}{18340}O'Neill. {18392}{18454}- You sure?|- No, I heard O'Neill's on a gurney. {18456}{18539}He took a blast. He's not moving. {18713}{18764}{Y:i}(knock at door) {18766}{18819}General Hammond. Mr Woolsey. {18821}{18866}General. {18936}{19083}I know these orders came from Kinsey's|office. Why don't you tell me the rest? {19085}{19141}As chairman of the Oversight Committee, {19143}{19277}Kinsey asked that I review your decision|regarding the attempted rescue of SG-13. {19279}{19371}- "Attempted"?|- There were several casualties, sir. {19373}{19416}I'd hardly call it a success. {19418}{19543}My decisions are reviewed by the Air|Force Chief of Staff and the president. {19545}{19638}As of yet I haven't even filed|a preliminary mission report. {19640}{19706}When I do, you're welcome to read it. {19708}{19786}I have been authorised to begin|a full investigation, {19788}{19919}as part of a larger examination of SGC's|strategic policy that we are preparing. {19932}{20067}I've enclosed a list of interviews I will be|conducting, and materials I will require. {20069}{20123}We expect your full cooperation. {20196}{20242}General. {20381}{20436}How are you holding up? {20459}{20555}- I'm OK, sir.|- Did you talk to Agent Barrett? {20557}{20664}He said as far as he knows, Woolsey|is clean. But he's sharp as they come. {20666}{20736}He's got an MBA and an LLB|from Harvard. {20738}{20866}He was lead counsel for the Corps of|Engineers and sat on the defence board. {20868}{20986}He resigned when it was disclosed that|he had financial ties to a large corporation {20988}{21112}that had been awarded over $800 million|in defence contracts by the Pentagon. {21114}{21164}He's been with the NlD since then. {21166}{21253}Barrett faxed me this internal NlD memo|Woolsey recently wrote. {21255}{21327}I think you should read it. {21352}{21426}What do we do, sir? {21428}{21499}- Just tell the truth.|- Yes, sir. {21525}{21618}There's going to be|a memorial service on Wednesday. {21620}{21720}I think it would be appropriate|if you said a few words. {21722}{21765}Yes, sir. {21767}{21808}Sir? {21905}{21965}How are you holding up? {22025}{22090}You try to tell yourself that... {22114}{22234}every man and woman under your|command means the same to you. {22257}{22373}Each has to be equally valuable if|you're gonna make the kinds of decisions {22375}{22464}that affect their lives the way I have to. {22493}{22565}But you can't help it. {22567}{22652}You get closer to some people. {22654}{22726}You never want to lose anyone. {23044}{23141}Have a seat, Major.|Let me explain why I'm here. {23143}{23203}I know why you're here. {23236}{23360}I believe classified military operations|require oversight. {23384}{23468}This isn't the first time we've been|scrutinised by the NlD. {23470}{23542}I know the stakes around here|are always high, {23544}{23609}but there were|serious casualties this time. {23611}{23676}Someone of great value|to this programme is dead. {23678}{23808}I know that. And don't you dare|think anyone is taking it lightly. {23834}{23891}You're a seasoned combat officer. {23893}{23971}This isn't the first time|you've lost a close colleague. {23973}{24046}Nor do I expect it will be the last. {24073}{24194}I just want to make sure|that it wasn't avoidable in this case. {24196}{24329}Despite what you might think,|the only reason I'm here is to get the truth. {24331}{24391}Did you have a question? {24443}{24511}Oh, yes. A few. {24513}{24637}What made you think it was safe|for SG-13 to remain on the planet? {24639}{24690}That's not really my call. {24692}{24787}But you thought it was worth risking|the lives of an SG team {24789}{24878}to get an aerial survey of these ruins. {24880}{24965}The device was damaged.|It took a while to get an interface. {24967}{25042}The memory contained|an enormous amount of information. {25044}{25151}So you would have me believe|that this was an acceptable risk? {25195}{25276}- This is what we do.|- Make bad decisions. {25278}{25345}It's easy to predict the score|when the game's over. {25347}{25474}And if we'd found weapons in those ruins|we wouldn't be having this conversation. {25476}{25550}But you didn't. And we are. {25601}{25739}If there had been weapons in those ruins,|they would be in the hands of the Goa'uld. {25741}{25838}The fact is, this mission was botched|from the beginning to the end. {25840}{25898}We don't just leave people behind. {25900}{26025}You can't ask airmen, soldiers, human|beings, to risk their lives without backup. {26027}{26077}Without knowing we would be there. {26079}{26192}You have been asked to go into combat|where you knew there was no backup. {26194}{26305}That is always a possibility|on any mission through the Stargate. {26307}{26385}And, please, Major.|None of us likes to admit it, {26387}{26545}but there are situations in which the life|of one human being is an acceptable loss. {26547}{26595}That wasn't the case here. {26597}{26722}No, in this case it was just dumb luck|that there weren't many more lives lost. {26724}{26802}I would say it was skill,|training and fortitude. {26804}{26861}Based on your expertise|in Goa'uld tactics, {26863}{26978}was it not reasonable to conclude|that this was an ambush? {27072}{27173}While you are not one of our military|and not eligible for court-martial, {27175}{27302}I shouldn't have to remind you|that you are expected to follow orders. {27304}{27375}As I was doing on the day in question. {27377}{27447}If you fail to testify here today, {27449}{27554}I will have you jailed|until such time that you do. {27596}{27705}You fire me, you throw me in jail.|You do what you want. {28106}{28191}{Y:i}- (Bregman) Dr Jackson.|- Yeah, it's not a good time right now. {28193}{28258}I've heard bits and pieces|of what happened. {28260}{28338}I was hoping you might|be able to confirm some of it. {28340}{28378}Sorry. {28616}{28666}Did you...? {28796}{28895}You're gonna be all right, Simon.|You'll be home before you know it. {28897}{28969}Over here!|Man down over here! {29009}{29085}There's a lot of blood|coming from underneath him. {29087}{29151}I'll cover you up on this ridge. {29153}{29234}- I'm Dr Janet Fraiser. Can you hear me?|- Yeah. {29236}{29346}I'm shot bad. I can't move. I can't feel|my leg. I think it went right through me. {29348}{29477}- What's your name?|- Senior Airman Wells. Am I gonna die? {29479}{29602}Not if I have anything to do with it. We|need to roll him over, stop the bleeding. {29604}{29703}Simon, you hang in there.|OK. Easy. {29718}{29803}All right, on three.|One, two, three. {29805}{29839}{Y:i}(screams) {30016}{30100}- I'm Daniel Jackson.|- I know. I know. SG-1. {30102}{30158}- You're gonna be fine.|- Son of a bitch. {30160}{30210}Came out of nowhere.|Shot me in the back. {30212}{30326}Let's talk about something else.|What's going on at home? {30328}{30442}- My wife is pregnant.|- Yeah? That your first? {30444}{30489}- Yeah.|- Congratulations. {30491}{30535}{Y:i}(screams) {30548}{30605}That's good. At least you felt that. {30607}{30737}{Y:i}(man) Our position's being compromised.|We're not gonna be able to hold the gate. {30739}{30807}{Y:i}(O'Neill) We're not gonna hold|this position for long. {30809}{30875}I need more time to stabilise this patient. {30877}{30947}- He can't be moved yet.|- Go without me. Leave me. {30949}{31070}- Nobody is going anywhere.|- I can't believe I'm not gonna see my son. {31072}{31158}Stay focused. You know this is a boy|you're gonna have, right? {31160}{31240}Tell me the truth.|I'm not gonna make it, right? {31242}{31308}- You're gonna be fine.|- Dr Jackson. {31310}{31422}Please, please just let me tell my wife,|let me tell my wife that... {31424}{31488}{Y:i}(screams) {31490}{31552}OK. OK. {31600}{31645}Got it. {31673}{31733}Just breathe, Simon. {31848}{31967}I said now's not a good time. What part|about that didn't you understand? {32001}{32132}- You got something on tape, didn't you?|- Get out. Get out. {32134}{32174}OK. {32196}{32247}I'm going. All right. {32495}{32542}You know, I, uh... {32544}{32663}I once did a piece on a war photographer.|His name is Martin Krystovski. {32665}{32747}For about six months|he was with a unit in Vietnam. {32749}{32821}The day before|he was scheduled to leave - {32823}{32904}{Y:i}the day before -|he's out with the unit. {32942}{33045}And it was just a routine patrol,|or so they thought. {33047}{33165}But suddenly,|the lieutenant pulled him down. {33220}{33294}And Krystovski hadn't intended|to take a picture, {33296}{33421}but his hands were on the camera|and he hit the ground so hard it went off. {33423}{33483}And the picture captured... {33506}{33559}the lieutenant... {33561}{33678}getting... shot... in the head. {33712}{33859}And Krystovski said to me "That bullet|would have - should have - hit me." {33861}{33987}And he never showed that picture|to anyone. Not for 25 years. {34024}{34187}But 25 years later, he got up one morning|and he looked at that picture. {34189}{34269}And he saw something... {34271}{34384}that... wasn't... horrific. {34386}{34517}And he decided to tell the story,|because he realised {34519}{34663}that he hadn't accidentally|taken a picture of a man dying. {34665}{34724}It was of a man... {34726}{34788}saving his life. {34817}{34913}The picture... I'm making, {34915}{34963}that I'm trying to make, {34965}{35053}is about what you people do|every single day, {35055}{35142}in extreme circumstances|that no one can even imagine. {35144}{35255}And I don't know what happened out|there. I'm sorry about it, whatever it was. {35257}{35414}And if you did tape something of it,|that's not gonna change what happened. {35416}{35506}What will change is how you feel about it. {36061}{36107}General. {36132}{36207}I've prepared a written testimony. {36284}{36434}- This is your mission report.|- I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. {36459}{36568}- Well, then. I guess I'm done.|- Then you'll be leaving. {36570}{36653}The president will have my report|by the end of the week. {36655}{36805}I'm sure it'll be every bit as interesting as|your memo on the economics of the SGC. {36860}{36910}I won't bother asking how you got that. {36912}{37022}What was the dollar value|you attributed to an SG team member? {37024}{37105}You know damn well I wasn't|pegging the value of a life. {37107}{37237}It is a cold, hard fact that it costs millions|of dollars to train these men and women. {37239}{37357}And that is a fraction of the funds|being subverted by the Pentagon for this. {37359}{37492}It is reprehensible that the taxpayers|of this country are paying enormous sums {37494}{37636}to wage a war they know nothing about,|and are getting little, if anything, in return. {37638}{37766}If the Stargate were public knowledge,|and your actions were judged in public... {37768}{37896}You're suggesting that sending a rescue|team worth $27 million to save one man {37898}{37945}is a bad business decision. {37947}{38031}- You're putting words in my mouth.|- You said it in black and white. {38033}{38144}And I don't think you would dare do that|if this wasn't a classified operation. {38146}{38299}The president has asked a documentary|team to get to the truth of what's going on. {38301}{38465}Why don't we just go down and give them|the whole truth, as you see it, right now? {38699}{38745}That memo is classified. {38747}{38890}This investigation is classified. If you|so much as utter even a hint of either, {38904}{39058}I'll see you are put away in a cold,|dark place for the rest of time. {39363}{39408}- General.|- What is it, Colonel? {39410}{39546}Security caught Mr Bregman trying to|access the infirmary. Claims he was lost. {39548}{39652}- Get rid of him.|- Sir? Have our orders changed, sir? {39654}{39729}Toss him out on his ass, Colonel. {39882}{39985}- What's this? What's going on?|- The general's ordered you off the base. {39987}{40043}- No, no, he can't do that.|- He is a general. {40045}{40132}- Would you stop packing?|- Keep packing. {40198}{40273}You got one hour to get off my base|and outta my sight. {40275}{40332}- Whose authority?|- My superiors. {40334}{40400}I just want to make a phone call. {40402}{40478}Call whoever you want.|There's a payphone at the surface. {40480}{40585}- Actually, l'd like to borrow your red one.|- You have some nerve. {40587}{40648}That's what my mother used to say. {41081}{41163}I've been ordered to turn over the tape. {41213}{41299}Look, I'm not happy about it either. {41301}{41353}I could fight it. {41355}{41455}The tape could get lost, or accidentally|erased. These things happen. {41457}{41530}But I'm not going to do that. {41532}{41611}I had that little weasel of a man|thrown out of here. {41613}{41666}But in light of the NlD investigation, {41668}{41782}I think there should be a record of what|goes on beyond the classified reports. {41784}{41849}And you trust Bregman to portray that? {41851}{41906}At the moment I have no other choice. {42329}{42368}Hey. Hey. {42370}{42434}I got the tape. Put it on. {42574}{42669}- Mission file's been declassified.|- Just a minute. {42671}{42720}{Y:i}(Daniel) You tell her yourself. {42722}{42801}I'm so sorry about this. {42816}{42876}{Y:i}I love you so much. {42906}{42945}{Y:i}I just wanted... {43010}{43137}{Y:i}God, shut it off! Shut it off!|I don't want her to see me die! {43139}{43198}{Y:i}(Fraiser) Simon! Simon! Look at me. {43200}{43260}{Y:i}You are not going to die, OK? {43262}{43323}{Y:i}I did not come all the way out here|for nothing. {43325}{43410}{Y:i}We've stemmed the bleeding.|We're gonna get you on a stretcher. {43412}{43477}{Y:i}We're gonna get you home|in no time, OK? {43479}{43562}{Y:i}- Now you hang in there, Airman.|- Yes, ma'am. {43564}{43637}{Y:i}(Wells) God! What happened? Is she hit? {43669}{43757}{Y:i}(Bosworth) I got him.|You're clear, Dr Jackson. {43759}{43826}{Y:i}(Daniel) I need a medic! {43828}{43905}{Y:i}- (Daniel) Fraiser's hit! I need a medic!|- (Bosworth) Is she OK? {43907}{44027}{Y:i}(Daniel) Sierra Golf niner.|Dr Fraiser's been hit. Position... {44029}{44084}{Y:i}I need a medic! {44135}{44212}O'Neill's alive. So is Airman Wells. {44244}{44309}Dr Fraiser didn't make it. {44784}{44830}Sir. {44832}{44898}We heard you were up and around. {44900}{44937}Yeah. {44959}{45058}Still a little tender,|but they said I could go home. {45082}{45220}You're lucky that staff blast hit you where|it did. That new vest insert works well. {45222}{45297}Didn't help Fraiser much. {45299}{45353}No. {45424}{45476}How's Cassie? {45478}{45559}She's a strong kid.|She survives, you know? {45561}{45601}Yeah. {45639}{45707}You speaking at the memorial? {45763}{45833}Sir, I just wanted to say... {45886}{45954}When you were lying there, I... {46147}{46205}I'm really glad you're OK. {46616}{46666}Come here. {47285}{47391}- Dr Jackson.|- Hey. Please, just call me Daniel. {47422}{47492}So I hear you're gonna|make a full recovery. {47494}{47539}So they say. {47541}{47594}- You talk to your wife?|- Yeah. {47596}{47667}- Everything's OK?|- Yeah. {47687}{47750}I never asked you when she was due. {47752}{47846}Couple of weeks.|They say I should be outta here by then. {47848}{47898}- That's great.|- Yeah. {47953}{48061}I just wanted|to see how you were doing, so... {48090}{48152}She's dead because of me. {48189}{48228}No. {48250}{48336}No, she's dead because a Jaffa shot her. {48338}{48491}She was doing her job. Same way you|were doing yours when a Jaffa shot you. {48493}{48559}- I can't make it feel right.|- It wasn't right. {48561}{48629}Nothing about it was right. {48663}{48742}But it also wasn't your fault. {49573}{49623}Hey, Teal'c. {49689}{49774}General Hammond asked me to speak|at the memorial service. {49776}{49826}I am aware. {49861}{49945}I don't know what to say.|Nothing seems good enough. {49947}{50047}I believe you should only speak|from your heart. {50120}{50180}I gotta go pick up Cassie. {50202}{50252}Major Carter. {50302}{50385}I have pondered what I would say|were I given the chance. {50387}{50432}Really? {50477}{50577}But I believe it would be best|if it came from you. {51288}{51364}{Y:i}- (Daniel) Over here.|- Oh. {51393}{51448}I was told you might be here, Dr Jackson. {51450}{51495}Yeah. {51529}{51587}I just, uh... {51608}{51685}came by to give this back to you. {51720}{51784}I'm not gonna use it. {51892}{51939}Wait. {52004}{52047}I want you to. {52216}{52294}You know, I died in this room. {52296}{52341}Ascended. {52381}{52438}Dr Fraiser did everything she could. {52440}{52527}She went three days without sleep. {52529}{52619}Even in the end,|she didn't want to let me go. {52747}{52869}I owed her...|a lot more than I ever gave back. {52936}{53046}I thought a lot about what you said|about Krystovski. {53095}{53201}I think this shows|what Janet Fraiser was all about. {53203}{53251}Me too. {53253}{53329}I want other people to know. {53990}{54040}{Y:i}(plays "taps") {55139}{55232}Janet Fraiser|was an extraordinary person. {55254}{55364}She was kind, and funny, and talented. {55387}{55457}Above all, she was courageous. {55492}{55597}Try as I might,|I could not find the words to honour her. {55599}{55659}To do justice to her life. {55684}{55746}Thankfully I got some help. {55842}{55979}While words alone may not be enough,|there are some names that might do. {56006}{56125}We often talk about those that give|their lives in the service of their country. {56127}{56272}And while Janet Fraiser did just that,|that's not what her life was about. {56292}{56423}The following are the names of the men|and women who did not die in service, {56425}{56535}but who are in fact alive today|because of Janet. {56594}{56644}Major Samantha Carter. {56664}{56724}Dr Daniel Jackson. {56726}{56783}Colonel Jack O'Neill. {56785}{56822}Teal'c. {56824}{56885}{Y:i}Sergeant Connie Smith. {56887}{56941}{Y:i}Major Ian Hules. {56943}{57010}{Y:i}Senior Airman Simon Wells. {57012}{57103}{Y:i}(Bregman) Our armed forces|have turned the tide of world wars. {57105}{57252}{Y:i}Young men and women from our country|have humbled history's worst tyrants. {57254}{57366}{Y:i}We carve our thanks in stone.|We stamp it into medals. {57368}{57541}{Y:i}We carefully tend vast fields where those|who gave their lives for our freedom lay. {57543}{57715}{Y:i}More than ever, we cannot fail to pass|stories of courage to the next generation. {57717}{57846}{Y:i}We must capture their imaginations, while|paying tribute to all those willing to die {57848}{57946}{Y:i}for the preservation of our way of life. {57996}{58090}It's a shame no one's ever going to see it. {58092}{58129}Really? {58131}{58200}You, uh... {58202}{58263}You don't think it's a little sentimental? {58265}{58325}No. It's good. {58327}{58381}Well, that's a relief. {58418}{58495}Hearing that from you, of all people. {58497}{58634}Especially given how you felt about what|I was doing. I understood how you felt... {58663}{58792}I'm a big enough man to admit when|I'm wrong. I'm glad you stuck with it. {58833}{58907}That means a lot to me, sir. {58941}{59044}I've written a lot of letters|to the next of kin. {59082}{59185}Nothing ever seems like it's enough.|They deserve more. {59208}{59278}This is something more. {59314}{59364}Thank you, sir. {59513}{59656}There is one thing, General, that's still|missing that could make a difference. {59691}{59749}I'll take care of it. {60110}{60150}Hey. {60173}{60226}Come in, come in. {60344}{60395}Daniel, this is my wife, Marci. {60397}{60481}Hi. I'd love to give you a hug, but... {60483}{60548}Please, don't get up. {60550}{60605}This is my daughter. {60607}{60679}- She is beautiful.|- Thanks. {60710}{60807}- I guess that ultrasound was wrong, huh?|- Yeah. {60809}{60879}What's her name? {60899}{60944}Janet. {61004}{61064}That's nice. {61454}{61506}OK, guys... Tom. {61508}{61562}Emmett. {61564}{61598}- You ready?|- Rolling. {61600}{61639}Sound? {61641}{61714}OK. First question. {61742}{61782}OK.